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Inquiry Based Learning (Guide Questions) : Angelica Pangilinan (Bs Psych 2A) Contemporay World

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1) How is war depicted in the eyes of a child as shown in Aleppo, Syria?
 In 2016 the city of Aleppo was under siege and the town were
blocked, the food supplies are cutting off and according to Bana, she
was afraid that she might get killed during the ceasefire when the
bomb started to drop around them her bestfriend was killed.

2) How are the interplay of Globalization through technology and the horrors
of war depicted in the case? How was this correlation?
 Through the story that was stated by Bana, the effect of globalization
increases the interactions between different regions and populations
around the globe.
 It will help other countries that are in the same situation

3) How did Globalization through social media awakened and moved people
from around the world to the harsh conditions of the people in Syria?
 With the help of social media, it will serve as a transmitter that will
leads to global cultural, political and economic integration. The high-
tech industry around the world, universe rather, business and industry
have potential for huge profits working globally.

4) If the same technology brought by Globalization was available during the

height of WW1 and WW2, come up with at least 3 assertions/situations of
what could happen during that time.
Unfortunately, the role of women
in the history of war is largely Chemical weapons used in
ignored, set behind the scenes to world war 1, wherein 1 million The bodies of hundreds
support their men on the casualties and 90,000 were Italian soldiers are strewn
battlefield. During the Baikan killed. Once an individual is across the battlefield, victims
War of 1912, in a scene straight exposed to the vapour, may be of gas and flames attack
out Disney’s Mulan, one Serbian immediate or can take up to during WW1.
women took it upon herself to three hours.
head straight for the frontlines,
risking her life for her family and
country. Her name was Milunka
Savic, and she is known as the
most decorated women in the
history of warfare – that unfairly
fails to match her tragic end.
A view taken from Dresden’s town A large stack of corpses is
hall of the destroyed old town after cremated in Dresdan’s, Germany
the allied bombings between after the british-American air With a torn picture of his
February 13 and 15, 1945. Some attack between February 13 and “Führer” beside his
3,600 aircraft dropped more than 15, 1945. The bombing of clenched fist, a general
3,900 tons of high -explosive bombs Dresden has been questioned in of the Voikssturm,
and incendiary devices on the post-war years, with critics Hitler’s last stand home
German city. The resulting firestorm claiming the area bombing of the defense forces, lies dead
destroyed 15 square miles of the city historic city center (as opposed to on the floor of city hall in
center, and killed more than 22,000. the industrial suburbs) was not Leipzig, April 19, 1945.
justified militarily. He committed suicide
rather than face the U.S
troops capturing the city.
5) Consider the war in Marawi, if you were there trapped in the midst of the
war and armed with mobile phone with a battery almost dying out, give at
least 3 tweets or FB posts that you would like to tell the world at that
moment and explain your reasons for each.


My mom and I just planned to visit our relatives in Marawi, when

suddenly all the people were panicking and running. At some point I
thought it was caused by a celebrity who came by, but it was not, I started
hearing some gunshot all around the places and I start crying and panicked
too. We were trembled, mixed of emotions were filled under in one room
where we stayed, filled with paranoids.

Bombs, gunshots and even the sounds of their cry is only what we hear, I
look at the window they are taking hostages outside where we are staying,
I feel the guilt because I was too scared and I did not try to save them.
While the others attempt to escape, they shot innocent lives and harassed
them, I wanted to scream but my body stiff and won’t respond because of
what I saw.
My mom is praying while she is crying, the room is full of people that are
still hoping that this war will stop, my full body is still shaking while
listening the bombs that they throw everywhere.

After an hour the scent of bomb is everywhere and it’s stinky like
pheromones that are spreading, we are hoping that the bombs will not
direct towards us. Thinking the situation, I can’t still believe that they are
still people who makes this crime, I can’t think why would they do this
kind of tragic, they are killing an innocent human. But why? What is the
root of all this?
What would be the reason that they have to be like this, they have no
heart. My mind is full of thoughts, I just can’t breathe – I think my heart
will explode, I wanted to get out of here, I wonder if God is really
listening and why this happened all of a sudden.
I am posting this because I may not know what will happen to me and all
of us here, if this will be the last time, will somebody help us? If I may be
killed later on, I will tell God everything.

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