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[REDACTED], also known as Rational

Opinions, is a Writer and Self-
Proclaimed “Modern Stoic.”

Placing an emphasis on Self-Reflection,

while promoting notions of Liberty, National
Sovereignty, Tribalism, and Natural Law.

The content found in this book was written

by [REDACTED] and uploaded to Rational
Opinions between 2019 and 2020.

This book highlights “The First 300”

uploads, revisited, and expanded upon,
in the exact order they were originally
written and uploaded.








“These are my notes... my observations.

A reflection of the world as I see it.

In no particular order... organic, unorganized,

unfiltered, and from the heart.

Here, you will find some contradictions,

repetition, and arbitrary statements.

This book is not a call to action.

It is a call for sovereignty.

The sovereignty of both the individual,

and of their associated collective.

What you get out of this book, is

entirely up to you, and you alone.”

- Rational Opinions by [REDACTED]



Rational Opinions


















Article 7 of a 1994 draft of the United

Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indgenous Peoples uses both the word
“Ethnocide” and the phrase “Cultural
Genocide” but does not define
what they mean.

The complete article reads as follows:

“Indigenous Peoples have the collective and

individual right to not be subjected to ethnocide
and cultural genocide, including prevention and
redress for:

> Any Action which has the aim or effect

of depriving them or their integrity as a
distinct people, or of their cultural
values or ethnic identities;

> Any action which has the aim of effect

of dispossessing them of their lands,
territories, or resources;

> Any form of population transfer which

has the aim or effect of violating or
undermining any of their rights;

> Any form of assimilation or integration

by other cultures, or ways of life
imposed on them by legislative,
administrative or other measures;

> Any form of propaganda directed

against them.”



The Marxist will tell you that Heritage is
reactionary, that history is imperialism, and that
all cultures must be destroyed and made one.
The Capitalist will tell you that Heritage makes
no profit, that history pays no dividends, and
that culture should be plasticized and


The Marxist will tell you to hand over your
property to the commons, everyone equally
uninvested and unaccountable. The Capitalist
will tell you to build nothing, and rent
everything. They believe that money must be
made from modern serfs, and useless lorders.


The Marxist will convince you to give up your
natural priority over your nation. They will tell
you that even your family is racist. Social
bonds are bourgeois. The Capitalist will
prioritize individual profit over national unity.
The Decay of your society means nothing so
long as they are making their profits.



Parasites care nothing for the petty details of

ideology. Bleeding the world dry is their only
concern. It does not matter to them what form
it comes in. Left, Right, it’s all the same.

Reciprocity is simply the rejection of parasitic

actions and transactions, intervention and
subversion. Is what you’re doing reciprocal,
or does it favor one side? Will it result
in even more harm?


1. If “Do Nothing” is your political

stance, we will most likely not get
along. Political indifference reflects
a subtle lack of self-awareness.

To “do nothing” is to forfeit freedom.

Political Indifference can be the result

of opulence, born of financial privilege.
It can be a byproduct of social
distraction, material obsession,
or simply the result of useless
information in the abundance.

“The only thing necessary for the

triumph of evil, is for good
men to do nothing.”

2. A good anarchist wants to tear down

the state. A great anarchist knows
that he must establish his own.

A wise anarchist knows that attempting

either can be a death sentence
for him and his people.

In the absence of order, tyranny is born.

Those who call for the absence of order,

are often those who don’t survive it.

Nature always wins.

Survival of the fittest.

3. If you are “against the state,” why

do you support state driven mass
migration? You are still asleep…

It’s funny how those who talk about the

“corrupt system,” often fail to see the
corruption of the system they almost
constantly condemn.

These people are “Political Prostitutes,”

sleeping, blissfully unaware, and
unknowingly contributing to the
agenda of a Nationless Ruling Class.

The very same “Corrupt System”

they think they hate.

4. Good people carry the burden


of having to do bad things

in order to maintain peace.

Bad people don’t care.

“Good, Bad…” these words mean

nothing to the morally broken.

Only the good take the time to

determine right from wrong...

...only the morally just.

We must Maintain order.

We must Maintain unity.

Before you act, ask yourself;

are your intentions pure?

5. Understanding subversion will teach

you how to protect your people from
falling victim to the subversion process.

“They’’ (the Ruling Class, along with

their faceless gray suited bureaucratic
mercenaries) do not “make”
things happen.

Rather, they “let” things happen.

Like the marital art of Aikido, they take

advantage of the natural flow of their
opponent. They exploit human nature,
and in the midst of chaos, they take
advantage of situations that will
inevitably develop on their own
accord, or often as a result of
fabricated social tensions.

“They” aren’t “pulling the strings.”

They are simply taking advantage

of the strings we tie to ourselves.

They hide behind the curtain,

while we do all the work.

While we willfully, and mindlessly

destroy ourselves.

6. When Modern Fascists are eventually

oppressed by the very same state
they create, and they will be, they
will resort back to a call for the
absence of state intervention,
a call for Liberty.

Therefore, it is necessary to put in place

measures that prevent the abuse of
the new developing power.

“Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.”

We must understand what we are

fighting for. We must understand the
necessity for limiting the power of
any new leadership through our
supreme law, the law of our land.

Chaos doesn’t take sides.

Nature doesn’t care.

We are all at risk of being

consumed by our own nature.

7. Without a Government; specifically the

enforcement of a common foundation of
principles, society itself would

Survival of the fittest would

become the “New Normal.”

To believe that people would live in

peace and harmony, and voluntarily
conform to principles of non-
aggression, is a fantasy.

You would need to defend

yourself almost constantly.

The strongest regime will take over.

In short, Liberty can not be preserved

without Law and Order, for without it,
the pursuit of Liberty is a fight
for survival.

8. Our principles must be engraved

in stone, or they will turn to ash
along with the fire that follows
in their absence.

There is a reason our ancestors

preserved the legacies of great men
through art, literature, song and statue.

9. Anarchy is the absence of authority.

Liberty is freedom (liberation) from the

oppression of a corrupt authority.

It’s good to know the difference.

Authority is necessary.

Power is necessary.

This does not necessarily mean

you must sacrifice your freedom.

The only way to preserve your freedom

is through morally just authority.

10. Notions of Sacrifice are found within

every religion, and for a good reason.
The significance is profound, as we
must all make sacrifices throughout
our lives. From dust to dust.

Absolute freedom results

in absolute chaos.

Degeneracy thrives in moral decay.


Therefore, we must sacrifice a bit of

that which “feels good,” to establish
a society that thrives collectively.

Just because you have the “freedom”

to do something, doesn’t mean
you SHOULD do it.

Freedom doesn’t justify degeneracy.

We must sacrifice part of

ourselves for the greater good.

We must sacrifice that which is born

of our nature, in pursuit of something
greater than ourselves.

The 7 deadly sins make way for

the birth of parasitic behavior.

11. “It’s not an advertisement,

it’s activism!

It’s not a privilege,

it's a Right!

It’s not degenerate,

it’s worthy of celebration!

Don’t keep it a secret,

tell all of your friends!

Don’t call it a blessing,

it’s a burden!

One less child for you,

one more dollar for us!”

- Planned Parenthood

12. If your own people will suffer,

then you must rethink your
political aspirations.

Sacrificing your own kind would

be counter-productive.

Some of us may be ready for war,

but I can think of a few hundred
million who aren’t.

As a civilized man, you must

always consider the most
peaceful course of action.

If you strike, do not miss your target.

Have a plan, and strike hard.

Put the fear of God into the

hearts of your opposition.

13. Doing nothing is still a course of

action, as it bears consequences
of its own. A reaction will occur in
response to your lack thereof,
and therefore, to do nothing,
makes you part of the problem.

Standing still has a great impact.

An impact on both yourself, and the

people of your surroundings.

Short term, and long term. Your lack of

action, is an action...


14. Notions of Liberty and Nationalism,

can be described in one very
simple statement:

“Maximum Freedom For My People”

LIBERTY: The absence of subjection

to foreign domination, including cultural
subversion, demographic replacement,
or a despotic tyrannical government
(in whatever form it takes.)

NATIONALISM: Advocacy of, or support

for the political independence of a
particular nation or people.

15. “Order” is not to be confused with

“Power.” For absolute power
corrupts, absolutely...

...and only order can limit power.

16. The one thing we all have in

common, is our enemy.

We are all victims of

the same machine.

If only we stayed focused on that.

We are not equal.

We will never be equal.

The inequality between us is

exploited, and used against us.

So long as individuals fight amongst

each other, they will never unite their
people against the true problem.

17. Mandatory Firearm Buybacks:

When the government puts a gun
to your head, and forces you to sell
your firearm “back” to them for your
own safety. A firearm that never
belonged to them.

18. False cries of tolerance and equality

are tools used to convince us to vote
against our own best interests.

Instead, we vote for the interests of

a corrupt and parasitic system.

A system that thrives on chaos

and disorder. This system creates a
problem, just to sell us a solution.

A solution that never comes.

Ever expanding it’s unwelcome

occupation, and sustaining long-
term power over the people.

The state is in the business of

solving problems. If there are no
problems left to solve, they go out
of business. Therefore, they are not
concerned with solving any issues.

Rather, they seek to maintain these

issues for as long as possible, milking
the general public and native population
of the land they occupy.

19. The inability to understand the

politics of your opponent is the
weakest point of your own
political position.

To know your enemy, is

to think like your enemy.

To think like your enemy, you

must learn from your enemy.

To learn from your enemy,

you must listen.

If you know your opponents politics

better than they do, they will be left
defenseless during any debate.

20. Understanding Parasitism

in Capitalism:

Persuasion - You should invest in this,

for these reasons. (Reciprocity)

Manipulation - If you don’t invest in

this, you will lose social value.

21. Nothing in this world is more

profitable than degeneracy.

Your nature is exploited

for someone else’s gain.

Your self-destruction is
someone else’s profit.

22. Convince the people that their

purpose is to pursue pleasure, and
they will spend their lives chasing
stimulation over salvation. We
enslave ourselves through our vices.

23. Young women are rapidly losing

interest in reproduction.

The modern woman fears

commitment, as if by doing so,
they might miss out on another
opportunity, an opportunity that
has yet to reveal itself.

An opportunity that may never come.

When the modern woman finds

a man worth her time, she is already
thinking about the next man in line...

Doubt. Subconscious doubt.

“I really like this guy, but what if

I meet someone better in 5 years?”

This kind of thinking will never

result in fulfillment or satisfaction.

24. Tolerance is a key ingredient in the

collapse of any society. Therefore,
it is the duty of every man to remain
intolerant in the face of degeneracy.

Those who would believe

otherwise are a liability.

25. I will fight for my people. Americans,

those of European Blood, the White
Race. They (the ruling class) consider
us the primary threat in their pursuit
of establishing globalism, which
is why they target us.

We are the only people on the planet

who will resist false promises of
provision and security.

When it comes to the people of the

world, we are best at providing
for our own kind.

26. The only thing worse than a

degenerate, are those who learned
how to weaponize degeneracy.

They will turn you against yourself,

and eventually, you will turn against
your own kind…

27. Bring in the 3rd World

Become the 3rd World

Anyone who would try to convince you

otherwise is actively contributing to the
national subversion of your homeland.

28. Freedom is defined as; the absence

of subjection to a foreign occupation
or despotic government.

Freedom is not justification

for degenerate behavior.

The ability to do something,

does not mean you should do it.

I have the freedom to drown, but

drowning myself in the name of
“freedom” is ridiculous. Do not use
“freedom” to justify poor decisions.

Individuals who think this way, will

end up on a fast track to moral,
spiritual and physical decay.

29. You can scream “Liberty or Death!”

all you want. Until you realize that
you must establish Authority to
secure your Liberty, screaming
is all that you will achieve.

Establish your order, before

someone else establishes it for you.

30. I find it hard to believe that people

who can’t establish functioning
communities in their home country,
will somehow become a “productive
member” of mine.

31. Americans don’t flee their homes.

They dust off their guns,

and solve their problems.

Those who would flee their nation in

pursuit of a better life betray their own
people in doing so. There is no excuse.

In the eyes of a Patriot, running away

makes you a coward. We would rather
die, than accept defeat.

Therefore, a true American Patriot will

never trust or respect an immigrant, for
they have already demonstrated the
abandonment of their own people.

32. Modern American “Facism,” more

appropriately described as Authoritarian
Nationalism under the Supreme Law of
the Constitution, came from
Libertarians and Conservatives who
realized “Live and Let Live” is just
a fast track to a dying nation.

We will never have Liberty, so

long as the subversion of our nation
continues amongst a sea of individuals
who use their “freedom” as justification
for self-destructive behavior.

Behavior that trickles down

and hurts society as a whole.

33. Throughout all of human history, the

woman (fertility) has been celebrated.

From Art and Scripture, to Monuments

and Statues, all created by men,
emphasizing the sanctity of
the female essence.

All throughout human history,

women have been worshipped.

For what is the purpose of life?

If not to live and die for your family…

To die protecting your kin, and the

woman responsible for securing
your bloodline; your immortality.

A man finds purpose through his

woman. Through our blood,
we live forever.

It wasn’t until the 1960s that the

use of the word “Patriarchy” began
to defile the fabric of our society
and western civilization, along
with the ideologies born
from the idea.

The woman’s Fight for Equality

did not lift them up, but rather,
it brought them down.

Women are no longer worshipped

and celebrated as the creators of
life, natural beauty and purity.

Women have begun to objectify

themselves, and men have
started to take advantage.

34. Any given collective is only as

strong and as wise as the individuals
within it. Therefore, it is the individual
that is responsible for the security
of their collective.

Strength through unity.

To disregard the individual is to

bear cracks in the foundation
of the collective.

To disregard the collective is to

bear cracks in the foundation
of the individual.

United we stand, divided we fall.

35. We’ve seen a rise of interest in

White Tribalism, Paganism and
various earth-centered religions
amongst people of European
blood in these recent years.

White people have become so

sick of the modern world, that
they are retreating back to
the position of...

“Leave me alone in the woods

with other white people.”

People are rejecting the parasitism

of institutionalized falsehoods, and
turning back towards their roots.

As if true progress can only be found,

lost within the depths of nature itself.

36. Accusations of Racism and Blind Hatred

can be found in abundance here in the
modern age. I’ve often been asked;

“How can someone from New York be

so racist? I was under the impression
that NY was a progressive state?”

My response is often the same...

“Unlike your gated white paradise, I

actually had to live alongside people
of various cultures and races.

There is no greater “Red Pill” than

stumbling across the body of an
MS13 victim in your local park.”

This is a true story, not some fabricated

comment designed to provoke fear or
hatred of the low-born. When the bodies
of children are found in your local nature
preserve, it’s time to wake the fuck up.

37. If a Non-White calls you a “Racist”

for defending your own people, turn
the accusation against them. “I’ve
spent a lifetime fighting for your people.
Why aren’t you fighting for mine?”

Make your opponent question

their own position. Expose them
for what they really are...


Many of these people might not realize

that what they’re preaching is inherently
anti-white. Don’t hold it against them.
Instead, try to wake them up. Only
those who are knowingly promoting
your destruction should earn the title
of “enemy.” These people are pawns.

38. “Live and Let Live” sounds moral. We

have learned over the last 30 years,
that it only results in moral decay.

The moral decay of the sovereign

individual bleeds out, and directly
impacts the individuals of their

Your actions will always

have consequences.

39. Just because it “feels good” doesn’t

always mean it’s right, to those who
use “freedom” as justification
for poor decisions.

It's a poor excuse for inexcusable

behavior. Your parents have failed
you, and you have failed yourself.

40. If and when the people of

European Blood (the White Race)
faces their extinction, people of color
will be reenslaved by the ruling class.

White people did not invent slavery,

but they did abolish it...

Nobody will be left to stand between

People of Color and the corrupt
Globalist Corpocracy when
Whites go extinct.

The poor devils of the 3rd world will be

exploited for their labor, and stripped of
their culture by the ruling class. White
Nationalists, in a subtle sense of irony,
are the only people who can foresee
this, and the only people making an
effort to stop it from happening.

Our very existence is the only security

the people of the 3rd world have.

41. Globalism doesn’t just result in the

destruction of the white race.
It is the destruction of ALL races.
The eradication of ALL cultures.
The abandonment of ALL traditions,
and the death of natural diversity
in its entirety.

I for one, admire many cultures that

are not my own, as beauty can be
discovered all over this world.

It drives me to both take pride in,

and preserve my own culture.

This, of course, does not mean we are

equal. It does not mean we should
tolerate the forced assimilation of
inherently incompatible peoples.

Admiration, from a distance.

Selling ourselves to a parasitic

globalist corpocracy will either
destroy us all, or enslave us all.

Nobody is safe. Many still do not fully

understand the magnitude of
the Ruling Class’s agenda.

42. “More diversity” is just another way

of saying “less white” which is what
these people actually want. They see
no problem with what they are doing,
many don’t know it’s happening.

Demographic replacement is literally

genocide. The White Race has no
home to go back to, because we’ve
never fled our homes to begin with.
When our nations collapse,
we are finished.

Unlike the people of the 3rd world we

don’t run away from our homes and
abandon our nations when things get
heavy. It is our duty to protect our
homes from foreign hordes.

43. I preach words of peace. Words of

salvation. Words of preservation.

I want to end wars, end the

exploitation, and eradicate
parasitism from society entirely.

My intentions are pure.

I have love for my people, and if that

makes me the bad guy? So-fucking-
be it. I will become the “enemy”
you crave.

Never apologize for standing up for the

sovereignty and Salvation of your
people. No white guilt, ever.

“No greater motivating force exists than

the certain conviction that one is right.”

44. People are naturally attracted to

people of the same ethnicity.

The idea that miscegenation will occur

in record numbers, can only happen
through an external influence, via the
propagation and indoctrination of a
corrupt establishment. (Media, Porn,
Education, etc… parasitism and
subversive propaganda.)

If this form of parasitism didn't exist,

people of all races would voluntarily
“stick to their own” for generations
to come; not to say that this is absolute.

This is the same natural instinct that

drives people to live in towns and
communities surrounded by their
own kin, at least by default.

Ethnic Integration is absolutely

artificial. It would not happen in a tribe.

A result of Propaganda, Immigration,

Temptation, or Financial Incentive.

45. I would stand with my people

against hordes of foreigners and the
subversion of my culture in the same
way that I would support foreigners
in their own pursuit of national and
cultural independence.

This isn’t just about my race.

This isn’t about preaching senseless

hatred for incompatible cultures.

My principles remain consistent,

through and through...

Close the gate.

The demographic replacement of

any race, is genocidal in nature.

46. If you found out that people within

the CIA and Mossad let the 9/11
attacks happen, or if you found
out that our leaders were hiding
the cures for cancers and illnesses
to maximize profit off treatments,
would that be enough to
get you off your ass?

Would that be enough to wake you

the fuck up? Or will you continue to
blindly follow the state by allowing
yourself to be milked dry through
taxation and desperation?

Our suffering is their gain.

Our dependency is their power.

Through chaos they thrive,

while our people are left to suffer.

47. Why is it wrong to define myself

by the struggles and achievements
of my ancestors? but it’s okay for
everyone else to proclaim victimhood
based on the struggles of theirs?

Your identity alone should not provide

you with protection or special
treatment of any kind.

That would be unjust.

In fact, it would be anti-justice.

We are all responsible for our

actions. Personal accountability.

Eventually, the only protection

some people have; their identities,
will crumble... and they will finally have
to be responsible for their own actions,
just like the rest of us.

We will return Justice to this land,

to our great nation.

48. For thousands of years, false cries

of egalitarianism, from warmongering
despotic bureaucrats looking for
money and power, have intentionally
caused the collapse of the world’s
greatest empires.

You’d think that, by now, we would

know how to close a gate behind us.

We should know to say “no.”

49. YOU might not believe in God,

but that doesn’t mean THEY
won’t worship the Devil.

Your disbelief is their protection.

“I didn’t believe in God, until i

saw the Devil looking at me.”

50. Our enemy will not bomb us, or

invade our land with a military force,
so long as they need only fly over,
become a citizen, and run for
positions of power within our state.

51. Modern “Conversative” Speakers

are under the false impression that
the people of the Right Wing will
uncritically accept everything they
say, so long as they continue to

offer the superior product in

opposition to the “Liberal.”

Their product isn’t superior.

We found out it’s exactly the same.

Our people are smarter than they

think. Critical Thinking is what has
driven us to them, and critical thinking
is exactly what’s leading us away
from them.

52. They don’t make cars indestructible

because people would buy one car,
and that’d be it...

The industry would sink.

Giving cars a lifespan keeps the

wheel turning. Profits end when sales
end. Now apply that same idea to
Cures and Treatments for illnesses.

I believe there is a cure for cancer.


I believe we have a cure for

everything, however, keeping
people alive means less
money for “them.”

Less money, means less power.

A new problem arises; Overpopulation.

Although, I believe even that is just

a myth. Nature has a fine way of
regulating itself when left untouched.

“They” don’t want to solve these

problems. They just want to maintain
them for as long as possible,
for their own security.

53. Blind hatred and senseless

animosity is for subhumans.

A gentleman doesn’t “hate”

that which is beneath him.

Instead he holds contempt.


The Rational Man does not waste

energy or emotion focusing on those
who would choose self-destruction
and degeneracy over a path of
honor and nobility.

In the eyes of the superior man,

those who live without honor
aren’t worthy of their hatred.

A rational man remains calm

in the midst of any storm.

54. The fall of this great nation began

when We The People started to
prioritize Pleasure over Principle.

55. You should not lay with someone

you’re not willing to die for.

You should not lay with someone

unworthy of parenthood.

You should not lay with someone who

has been passed around amongst
your brothers.

A life without loyalty, is a life without

direction. A life without self-respect,
is a life without wholeness.

Objectify the opposite sex,

and a lonely life you will lead.

We draw lines in sand, not

to divide, but to preserve.

56. Self-Control separates

Man from Animal.

57. The more you desire, the

less satisfied you will become.
Satisfaction is the death of desire.

Gratitude is a proven cure for misery.

Success is the absence of misery,

and not necessarily the abundance
of money and material.

58. What means nothing to you, might

mean everything to a loved one.

Relationships flourish upon mutual

respect and common understanding.


Relationships crumble through

ignorance and expectation.

Be cautious of those who demand that

you see the world the same way they
do, for they will always prioritize
their own interests and their own
understanding of the world,
far above your well-being.

The Gentlemen places

loyalty over pleasure.

Become the better person.

Reject the modern disease.

59. When ‘survival of the fittest’

becomes obsolete... is the inferior who will flourish.


60. The actions you don’t take often

bear greater consequences
than the actions you take.

Nothing is more self-destructive

than standing still.

When you do nothing, your destiny

is chosen for you.

61. A few dozen unarmed men getting

killed by the police each year does
not represent “a problem with
law enforcement.”

I’m not saying that each one of

those killings wasn’t a tragedy.

We live in a free society, at least, as

“free” as it can be without collapsing.

The fact that we aren’t constantly

tearing eachother apart is nothing
short of a miracle. Although, I'm not
entirely sure it will last much longer
along with rising social tensions.

The overwhelming majority

just wants to be left alone.

The only reason this “problem” of

“police brutality” exists is because,
once again, the ruling class thrives on
chaos. If it wasn’t for the force-fed
propaganda, most people wouldn’t
even know... and if they did know?
they wouldn’t really care.

Police brutality of any kind is

overwhelmingly uncommon.

Do not let the ruling class

to exploit you with lies.

Not all cops are bastards.

For law abiding citizens, their presence

is a luxury some nations don’t have.

62. Those who do not face

consequences for their actions,
will inevitably repeat the very same
actions when the opportunity arises.
A “slap on the wrist” is not enough
to save your city from the fire.

63. Living for something greater

than yourself doesn’t provide
an individual with immediate

The ungrateful and unsatisfied will act

irrational, and therefore degeneracy
will continue to thrive, deep
within moral decay.

64. Providing the black community

with absolute provision is not a
solution to their “oppression” and
disproportionately violent nature.

The best course of action, in

accordance with both Western
Morality and Natural Law, is letting
the weak suffer the consequences of
their own actions, or lack thereof.

Provide those in need with the help

they deserve, provide nothing for
those who would continue to see
themselves destroyed, regardless
of your generosity.

Let Natural Selection flourish

so that we can evolve.

65. When you enable the weak,

and provide them with the means
of self-destruction, on top of the
promotion of self-destructive behavior,
degeneracy thrives.

You dumb down the masses,

and our nation (as a whole) will
decent into irreversible chaos.

In defiance of morality, we will see

ourselves destroyed by nature.

66. If God doesn’t exist, specifically

the idea of “God,” and all that it
encombasses, then our constitutional
rights are subject to change.

They are no longer “God Given” and

therefore, they become privileges. Do
not let them destroy the foundations
of Western Civilization by removing
the significance of divine symbolism.

67. The people of European Blood are

a global minority. In 50 years or less,
they will become the minorities of
their own nations. Understand this;
no special treatment will be granted
to the white minority after this
happens, in their own lands.

The children of their children will

then ask “why did our ancestors
tolerate our own extinction?”
under the assumption that having
children is still an aspiration
amongst future generations.

68. Notions of Equality will always

be met with resistance by
those who choose Liberty.

This happens because nature has

already determined that nothing is
equal, and that nothing is perfect.

“Equality” and “Perfection” are

synthetic ideas and aspirations
of the dreamers.

Absolute freedom will forever

result in absolute inequality.

The pursuit of equality stands in

defiance of natural law, and
nature always wins.

69. Law and Order is the only thing

preserving your freedom.

Without law and order, your freedom

is at risk of being stripped and taken
away by those who can overpower
you, as an individual, or a collective.

The only way this works is if Law is

determined by, and order enforced
by, representatives of the people.

Law and Order is the only thing

protecting you from both the
Anarchists and the Tyrants.

70. Every Anarchist wishes to sit upon

the throne, and every Tyrant is an
Anarchist who got their wish.

71. I’m not going to invest in Black

Businesses just because they
are owned by Black people.

Every educated consumer knows

to invest in the best products and
services on the market, regardless
of who owns the business.

Anything otherwise would

be counter-productive.

If you want to promote Black

Entrepreneurship, you need to
first promote Black Innovation.

“Owned by (insert color here)” isn’t

a very good marketing strategy.

72. A great lie told to the modern world,

is that Globalism is somehow a
“celebration of diversity.”

The truth, however,

is the exact opposite.

Nationalism is the preservation

of diversity.

Globalism is it’s destruction.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep

repeating it, people will eventually come
to believe it. The lie can be maintained
only for such time as the State can
shield the people from the political,
economic and/or military consequences
of the lie. It thus becomes vitally
important for the State to use all
of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth is the mortal enemy
of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy
of the State.”

We mindlessly celebrate the

convergence of multicultural people,
blinding ourselves to the inevitable
consequences and predispositions
of natural incompatibility.

Behind this is a far more malevolent

agenda, as the end goal of this
convergence is the absolute
destruction of all things “diverse.”

To survive multiculturalism,
assimilation must occur.

One or both cultures must abandon

the beliefs they abide by, in pursuit
of “peace” and conformity.

We will have no cultures to celebrate,

we will have no nations to call our
own, races will blend, and your
people will be brought to extinction.

The ruling class will then have

created the perfect global consumer.
Ideal for the perfect global market.

Your only purpose left, will be to

indulge. Forever seeking pleasure,
yet never finding fulfillment and

“They want to turn the people of the

world as grey as their own hearts.”

The perfect slave.


So as far as i can tell, to fight for the

preservation and sovereignty of your
own nation and people, is to fight for
the preservation and sovereignty of
the world’s nations and peoples.

Two independent nations, living side

by side, with a mutual respect for one
another’s differences, can achieve
more good for the world, than those
who would exploit the weak, and see
our people destroyed to fulfill
their own self-interests.

The security of my race,

culture, nation, and traditions.

The fight for my people, is a

fight for humanity as a whole.

73. Remember that exposing the crimes

of the ruling class is what we want to do.

The moment we target their religious

or racial identity, is the moment we
lose. These are nationless people.

They aren’t concerned with race or

culture. The only God they pray
to is the God of financial power.

Therefore, identity means nothing

to them. It’s only a defense mechanism
they place before themselves.

Identity is the shield they use to

protect themselves from being
brought down and tried for their
crimes against humanity.

The crimes are the problem,

and justice is what we seek.


We must stay focused on the crimes.

We must expose them to the world, for

their crimes, and for their actions, or we
will not win this fight for our salvation.

To break the defenses of our enemy,

we must first understand what those
defenses are. We should not target
these individuals based on their identity,
whatever it may be…

...calling them out for their “identity” is

exactly what they want, because people
will be less inclined to join us in the
fight for our freedom.

If, however, we maintain focus on

exposing their crimes, in the pursuit
of justice, race and religion no longer
becomes a factor; Identity is no
longer their means of defense.

A crime is a crime.

Criminals must be punished.

74. Banning abortion is a means of

taking away a woman’s right to
choose, but promoting abortion is
a means of corrupting a woman’s
natural right to fertility, and
instinct of self-preservation.

Only the weak, self-indulgent and

moronic can be convinced to
celebrate the death of their own
children, and the genocide
of their own people.

Preservation and Reproduction

are the ULTIMATE woman’s right,
and a right worth fighting for.

The right to fertility.

Women have a purpose that goes

far beyond material consumption
and mindless self-indulgence.

They’re sacrificing that purpose,

a divine purpose, for someone
else’s profit.

If you are a woman, don’t get pissed

at the people trying to ban abortion.
Get pissed at the people trying to
prevent you from reproducing.

For they are the true destroyers

of divine femininity.

You have the right to have children.

You have the right to build a home.
You have the right to build a family.
You have the right to find love, purpose.

Do not let them take

that away from you.

75. Only the blind would believe that

love for my own people is somehow
equivalent to hatred for someone
else. Hatred for any given collective is
not a result of loving your own kind.

Hatred is a natural response to an

action, or series of actions, which
provoke an overwhelming
emotional response.

Hatred is a byproduct of natural

incompatibility left ignored.

It is not in the nature of man

to hate for no reason at all.

Hatred is a reaction.

76. The people of European Blood

are the only people on the planet
expected to vote in the interests of
other cultures and races, in their
own native lands no less...

...and the only people criticized for

not doing so with absolute senseless

Doesn’t it seem a little strange?

How white people are the only people

in the world expected to throw
themselves under the bus?

As if voting in our own self-interests

is an act of aggression...

Why does the term “Black

Power” provoke inspiration?

While the term “White Power” is

somehow a proclamation of hatred?

Who made this decision?

Why is this a standard in our nations?

When it comes to the entire world,

blacks outnumber whites 3 to 1.

White people (the people of European

blood) have a right to exist as well.

Make no mistake; our modern social

norms, at this point in time, are
inherently anti-white.

White people are the only people

standing between the slaves,
and the slavers.

They want the white race

out of the way.

77. Ending suffering became a lost

aspiration the moment the ruling
class discovered that suffering
resulted in an everlasting
sustainable source of power.

The system thrives on your decay.

78. You must establish order amongst

your kin, or an outsider will establish
it for you. Law and Order is the only
thing protecting you from both the
Anarchists and the Tyrants.

79. To take the offensive position and

expect no resistance is ignorant. It’s
mastabatory. To challenge the natural
order is to see yourself destroyed. To
live without consequence is a fantasy.

80. The same women who “hate

capitalism” are the same women
who would rather dedicate their lives
to serving a corporation than having
children, and starting a family.

Nothing says “fuck the system”

like securing your bloodline.

Reproduction is the ultimate act

of defiance against the corrupt
globalist corpocracy.

They don’t want you to find

a higher purpose, they want
you to become the perfect,
mindlessly self-indulgent,
uneducated consumer.

Start a family.

Have children.

Pursue something greater

than yourself.

To rebel against the system,

pursue something greater than
what they’re offering.

81. “Developing Nations” will never

develop if they keep “sending
their best” to the first world.

Globalization and immigration will

destroy all potential for true progress,
diversity, and Natural development.

If the people of the 3rd world are

anything like Europeans, they would
have developed already. This is the first
warning sign of natural incompatibility.

82. If a white man kills a white man,

it’s a statistic. No questions asked.

If a black man kills a black man,

it’s often ignored. No media
coverage given.

If a white man kills a black man,

it’s a “hate crime” broadcasted
across every television.

If a black man kills a white man,

it’s because of “economic factors,”
and to suggest anything else
is “racist.”

There is injustice in this nation.

We are all subjected to it,

and it’s anti-white.

83. Conservatives who want to “let the

good one’s in” are promoting the
very same destructive demographic
changes as the modern “Left.”

Not only are you taking the brightest

and most useful individuals away from
their own native developing nations,
but you are also actively contributing
to the extinction of the white race and
the European bloodline as a whole.

White people continue to prioritize

casual sex and promiscuous behavior
over reproduction, they begin to
lose interest in romance entirely.

While this is happening, foreign

hordes will continue to outbreed
us in our own homelands, until we
become the national minority.

Whites of both the “Left” and

“Right” have been manipulated
into voluntarily ending their own
bloodlines in exchange for
temporary pleasure.

Tolerance for the minority.

The tolerance of peoples, races and

cultures who will not fight for us
when the tables have turned.

Life, Liberty, Family, and Property.

They are taking everything from you.

84. Being harmless does not mean

you are a “good” person.

The inability to embrace violence

does not make you virtuous.

We can understand compassion

only after we understand violence.

Violence is natural, security is a luxury.

“I have often laughed at the weaklings

who thought themselves good, simply
because they had no claws.”

85. To cast away your natural self

for the falsehood of “equality,”
is to destroy all that you are,
in pursuit of all that you
will never achieve.

Equality is nothing but a synthetic

dream, and an aspiration of
the overly emotional.

86. The white race is the global

minority and the only race expected
to voluntarily forfeit their culture,
land, and bloodlines...

They are also the only race

criticized for refusing to.

87. Intelligence. Physical Health.

Spiritual Awareness. Emotional
Strength. Provision, and creation.

These are the qualities of

a well-rounded man.

Each of us must strive to

become the best man we can be.

We must strive to become

“a more complete beast.”

Live a life of nobility.

Live a life of honor.

Make Masculinity Noble Again.


88. If your man supports abortion,

you’re not dating a man...

You’re dating a coward.

Men are born to be the protectors

of life and all things sacred.

If your man supports abortion,

he is abandoning his natural
instinct and divine purpose.

89. The media and big business

influences (and essentially)
determines the social (cultural)
fabric of a given society.

Who elected them?

90. There is no need to blow up

your enemies bridges when you
can simply manipulate your
enemy into doing it for you.

This is part of the process of subversion.


Tearing down your own community

will not raise your people up.

You only subject yourself and

the people of your community
to further suffering, until you
find yourself begging your
masters for provision, at
which point, you’re asking
for your own enslavement.

91. Emotion is the driving force behind

the politics of a “Progressive.”

Therefore, it is also a weakness.

If you target the emotions of a

Progressive, if you can get them to
question their own position, you can
then easily influence and mold what
they believe to be true, placing them
upon a more enlightened path.

They are the sheep, and you need

only become the shepherd.

92. They place black faces in positions of

fame, to manipulate the black youth
into believing that life is nothing
but a game.

Instead of encouraging a career as a

doctor, or lawyer, or engineer, they
convince the youth to pursue a
falsehood. It’s a shame.

When they grow older and realize

they will never get a chance to dunk
on that golden hoop, with no skills or
aspirations, they hit the streets, they
riot, they loot, and they shoot. They
blame the White Race for their failure
and demand that we stay home and
cower, but it wasn’t the White Race
that put these filthy rich Blacks into
positions of false power.

Influence is everything, by now you

should know, these children are fed
lies, and it’s no wonder they
struggle to grow.

93. If everyone has a college degree,

a degree becomes worthless.

If people can't bring themselves to

take highschool seriously, they’re not
going to take “free college” seriously
either. “Free College” will quickly
become an excuse to avoid
responsibility, and keep the
party going for just a little longer.

Giving “Free College” to people who

do not deserve it, will undermine
the hard work of those who do.

“Free College” isn’t free.

It’s taxpayer funded.

You’re forcefully taking money away

from families who need to feed their
children, and giving that money to
corrupt establishments, so they can
cater and pander to undeserving
cunts who contribute nothing to society.

They will not go to a “free college” to

become a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer,
or for any other productive
skill or trade.

“Free College” is taxpayer funded

indoctrination. It has nothing to do
with getting a good education, It’s
political, just a reason to vote.

It will result in more poverty, not less.

It takes money from the honest and

the hard working, and fills up the
pockets of the corrupt.

94. Some call it “Racism.”

Others call it “Realism.”

What we are really

discussing is “Racialism.”

95. Fighting for people who would

refuse to fight for you when they are
called upon is counter-productive.

It’s non-reciprocal, and

therefore it is parasitic.

96. Strong men get offended by

weak actions, not weak words.

97. Respect is earned.

Decency is a courtesy.

98. I don’t “fear evil” because

I'm speaking out against it.

I’m simply acknowledging it.

We are not cowards,

we are protectors.

99. A strong body is worthless

if you carry a weak spirit.

A strong spirit can’t flourish

without a strong body.



Become a well-rounded individual.

Become a more complete man.

100. The greatest threat to Black

People are other Black People.

101. “In God’s absence,

everything is permitted.”

It’s no surprise they want

God out of the equation…

If a Nation is devoid of
spiritual health and moral
character, then Governments,
Corporations, Outsiders,
and Unprincipled Men
will fill the vacancy.

Freedom prospers in moral values.

Tyranny thrives in moral decay.


102. You can’t be “somewhat”

pro-white “some of the time.”
Either you are, or you aren’t.

103. If only families taught their

children to cooperate instead
of inciting fear into them.

Perhaps children will grow to

be more productive later in
life, and less anxious.

Less worried about failure, less

willing to indulge in degenerate
behavior, and more willing to
preserve the beauty of the world.

Willing to aspire for greatness.

Discipline saves lives.

104. There are two types of women

in this world. The Broken,
and the unbroken.

The broken woman will forever

struggle to establish a meaningful
interpersonal relationship.

She is a byproduct of men who

prioritized degradation over devotion.

Pleasure over principle.

Spiritual decay.

The unbroken woman is the exact

opposite. The unbroken woman
refuses degradation and
seeks only devotion.

The unbroken woman understands

that promiscuous behavior is soul
crushing. The unbroken woman
understands that sex is sacred,
and not to be handed out freely.

They understand sex as an

expression of true love and passion,
spiritual growth, and not just
something to be handed out freely.

Men who break women in their own

selfish pursuit of pleasure, with no
concern for the mental, physical, or
spiritual health of their woman, and
with no intention of commitment,
are not men at all.

They are predators.

As a male, you have a duty

to preserve the sanctity
of your woman.

Treat your woman well.

105. Empowerment is born of

self-control, not self-indulgence.

106. Sacrificing long-term happiness

for temporary pleasure is a terrible
thing to subject yourself to.

107. I’m sure the White Anti-Gun

Liberals are super comfortable
protesting alongside hundreds
of armed black men.

They aren’t being very honest

with themselves...

108. The Modern Woman wants

to have fun now, and maybe
settle down later in life.

When this becomes the standard,

both men and women alike will
begin to lose interest in marriage.

When the Modern Woman decides

it’s time to settle, there won’t be
a man of value around to settle
down with.

Either they’ve already found

a partner, or they’ve dropped
out of the game entirely.

The clock is always ticking.

The modern Woman has a

responsibility to fight for tradition.

109. When a group of White Liberals

call you a “racist,” ask this one very
simple and straightforward question…

“How many of you are looking to

build or buy your dream home in a
black neighborhood? Anybody?”

Watch as they choke on their own

words. Either we are all “racist,”
or we aren’t being honest.

110. Anyone who gets offended by

truth is either insecure, a coward,
a traitor, or all of the above.

111. Men establish dominance by

fighting for something they believe
in. Ever grounded in principles of
preservation, honor, and nobility.

Children however,
will rebel to anything.

A natural part of
adolescent development.

Beware of men who will rebel to

anything, for they have yet to grow up.

Beware of men who believe

in nothing, for they can’t be trusted.

112. My people are not “non-violent,”

that is a lie told to the emotionally
inferior, in an attempt to proclaim
one’s innocence against the
accusation of violence that
has yet to even take place.

My people are very violent.

My people simply choose a course

of non-violence voluntarily.

That is what makes my

people “good.”

The harmless can not be inherently

good, because “goodness” is a
choice. If you are harmless,
then you have no choice.

Glorifying the weak, and condemning

the strong, is cultural suicide.

113. The greatest woman’s right

is the right to have children.

To me, that’s something worth

fighting for. Beware of anyone who
would promote anything overwise,
or encourage the opposite.

114. “The wages of sin, is death.”

To live a life of nobility and spiritual

wholeness, one must place:

Generosity over Greed.

Gratitude over Envy.

Love over Lust.

Humility over Pride.

Perseverance over Sloth.

Contempt over Wrath.

Discipline over Gluttony.


115. TRUTH isn’t racist, but how

you present the truth can be.

TRUTH doesn’t fear investigation,

but a lie most certainly does.

The truth is still the truth, even if

you don’t like the way it sounds.

When someone says “That’s a bad

look” what they’re really saying is;
“Yes, i know, but society told me
it’s inappropriate to acknowledge.”

The TRUTH is never inappropriate.

Honesty is a virtue.

If we ignore truth, and focus only on

what “Looks” and “Feels” good,
we will march ourselves into
our own enslavement.

We as moral individuals and civilized

men have a duty to be honest with
ourselves, and with each other.

116. Science and Technology is God’s

greatest gift to mankind. Without God,
it becomes mankind’s greatest weapon.

117. The best way to help the

impoverished people of the
developing world is in
their own nation.

Civic Nationalism, “taking in their

best,” is counter productive.

It hurts both the nation the migrant

flees to, as well as the nation
they run away from.

Demographic replacement
is a crime against humanity.

118. This is the best time and place

to be a person of color, in all
of human history.

With modern medicine, government

provision, corporate pandering,
and social dominance...

...people of color still resort

to violence and destruction,
while insisting that the “entire
world is against them all.”

When does this end?

I don’t believe it will.

The easily impressionable

are tools of the ruling class.

They will not stop until

we are ALL in chains.

Profit ensues as chaos reigns.

119. Movies and TV are dominated

by colored faces.

The Music Industry is dominated

by colored artists.

The Sports Entertainment industry

is dominated by colored athletes.

Public education focuses heavily on

ethnic history and class struggle.

Colleges and Corporations

enforce “diversity quotas.”

People of Color are not

“oppressed” in America.

They are undeservingly worshiped

from every corner of our society.

120. Liberals often claim to be

“Free, Spiritual, Natural and Woke,”
yet their politics often seem to
promote the exact opposite.

The same people who scream

“free our people!” are fighting
for financial slavery.

The same people that scream

“Defund the police!” Are fighting
for more laws and regulations.

The same people who believe

that “capitalists are corrupt!”
are obsessed with material

The same people who say “we

hate our corrupt government!”
are demanding more “socialist”
government intervention.

The same people who claim

that “the system is against us!”
are backed with the full support
of the neo-liberal establishment.

The same people who talk about

“Enlightenment and spirituality” are
the first to refute the existence of God.

These people are not “woke,”

they are mindlessly hedonistic,
asleep, and blissfully unaware.

They are lost deep within

the modern illusion.

121. You’re not a “rebel” if your

politics are backed up by the
entire establishment.

You’re just another product by

the establishment’s design.

You’re not a “freedom fighter” if

you’re fighting for free handouts
and provision. You’re just an
uneducated consumer.

You’re not an “anarchist” if you want

hate speech laws and a welfare state.
You’re a political prostitute.

Don’t claim to be a part of the

“counterculture” if your
opinions stem directly
from the establishment itself.

122. The supreme law of our land was

designed to limit the power of both
the rich, and the degenerate.

Anarchists and Tyrants.

123. Most rioters and protestors

don’t realize that, the police they
are fighting with, are there to protect
them. Law enforcement is the only
thing standing between them. and
the Radical Patriots.

The only thing preventing the

development of a “RWDS.”

If law enforcement didn’t exist,

massive revolts would be over
In a few short bloody hours.

124. Laws written around subjectivity

often become a tool of tyranny.

This is why our supreme law is

grounded within moral objectivity.

125. Fascists, to my understanding,

are Extreme Nationalists who believe
in the wellbeing of their own people.

Anyone who rejects subversion,

and promotes radical patriotism

“If you love your country,

you are a Fascist.”

This seems to be the basic framework.


126. Authoritarian Nationalists are

not necessarily “Tyrants.”

“Power” is not the same

thing as “Tyranny.”

They are freedom fighters, who are

smart enough to establish their own
order, before the real tyrants
proclaim theirs.

Nationalism is the preservation of

culture, and resistance against all
foreign influence and domination.


127. A race is not judged superior or

inferior by its appearance or merely
it’s accomplishments, but by it’s
will and ability to survive against
anything and everything that
seeks to destroy it.

128. We do not hate. Blind hatred

is for the feeble minded.

Instead we hold contempt for all

that is degenerate, and give
praise to all that is pure.

Loose morality is suicidal, so

we engrave our morals in stone.

If you want my hatred,

you have to earn it.

129. Enslave yourself to a higher

purpose, before you see yourself
enslaved for someone else’s profit.

130. Those who pray to the God of

self-indulgence will wage a holy war
in the absence of stimulation.

Those who believe in nothing will

believe in anything that feels good.

What “feels good”

is often self-destructive.

The weak will fight for nothing,

and rebel against anything.

131. It’s easy for those who believe in

nothing to rebel against anything.
Loose morals and hedonism will
lead to spiritual decay.

Empowerment is born of self-

control, not self-indulgence.

Enlightenment is placing
discipline over temptation.

132. Any Libertarian worth their salt

turned their attention to Authoritarianism
the moment their precious
corporations started
promoting Marxism.

An unexpected result of reckless

financial power left unregulated
by the free-market… irony.

They turned their attention to

Authoritarianism the moment
their precious corporations
started promoting Race Riots
and “Child Sexuality.”

If there is anything we’ve learned

from the past 4 years, the past 80
years… It’s that “Live and
Let Live” can’t happen.

People simply can’t handle absolute

freedom, and they most certainly
can’t handle absolute power.

They will use both against

you, every chance they get.

If “Live and Let Live” is

the foundation of your solution,
you’re siding with the enemy.

You’re handing them

victory on a silver platter.

Libertarians have given marxists the

“green light” on National Subversion.

They fight for the freedom of their

enemy, a courtesy that will not
be returned back to them.
It’s a losing game.

133. We were taught to “remember

our history, or we will be doomed to
repeat it…” then we were bombarded
with Anti-Nationalist propaganda.

The Nationalists of the past aren’t the

part of history we should be focusing
on. Instead, we should be focusing on
what led up to the demand for
Authoritarian Nationalism.

That is the real issue...

“How did we get here?”

We’ve been focusing on the wrong

parts of history, and now, the parts
of history we should have been
worried about, are repeating.

The Commmunist Subversion of

America will result in a new age
“final solution” if pushed too far.

Fascism is the antidote

to the issues we face.

134. Positions of power are necessary.

Tyranny is a choice. The people
need strong leaders.

135. Many people would consider me

“Far Right” when I speak.

Others might consider me “Fascist,”

and some consider me “Dissonant.”

But I don't concern myself

with such labels...

They are far-too limiting.

“Left vs Right, Conservative

vs Liberal, Up vs Down...”

These words mean little to me...

They are simply reference points,

and not very good ones at that.

My fight is against the forces of Evil.

My Western Roots have made the
line between “Good” and “Evil”
very clear to me.

136. “This country was founded by

dangerous men, and the moment men
in this country cease to be dangerous, is
the moment we stop having a country.”

The Ruling Class wants to teach the

world that your only purpose in
life is to seek as much pleasure
as possible. They want you
to believe that when you die,
there is “nothing else.”

You will be more inclined to worship

the “Gods” of hedonism.

Hedonism leads to consumption,

and an Uneducated Consumer
is a well-dressed slave.

This is why they don’t speak

out against things like sexual
promiscuity, but instead,
promote perversion.

This is one of the many reasons why

they don’t want you to start a
family, and have children.

This is why they ENCOURAGE

homosexuality, and why porn is free,
yet books cost $25 a piece...

“There is a method to the madness of

the Globalist, but there isn’t much
of a method to yours.”

137. You get called a “Nazi” if you’re

anti-communist, anti-pedophilia,
anti-perversion, anti-globalism.

You get called a “Nazi” if

you’re pro-white, pro-christian,
pro-nationalism, and pro-patriotism.

No matter what you do,

you get called a “Nazi.”

Eventually, this word will

not mean anything.

We (of the Right) are

becoming immune to it.

The German Communists of the 20th

century terrorized the general public
under the false flag of “Antifa,” which
resulted in a “Fascist” response.
(Authoritarian Nationalism)

The very same Communists, under

the very same banner, terrorize our
streets today, with the same tactics,
and they are not going to stop.

They are going to push the American

people to a breaking point. We will
inevitably come to the same
conclusion the Germans
stumbled upon in the 1930’s.

“Fascism” will save our Nation.

138. “Antifa” terrorizes the general

public into submission. To the
point that even the police
refused to do their jobs.

Letting chaos reign.


A small collective of radical Leftists,

caused enough trouble to convince
an entire nation that Authoritarian
Nationalism was the only solution.

The police were defunded, and a

Far-Right paramilitary wing of heroic
civilians who took a stand against
the communist filth.

The entire nation stood behind these

patriots in their fight to reclaim
the sovereignty of their
national sovereignty.

This was the development of the 3rd

Reich (The New German Empire) It
took a small group of degenerate
insurgents to unite an entire nation.

Nazism, at the time, was the greatest

attempt at reversing and defending
the nation against said insurgents.

The same exact thing is happening

here in America today...

It is happening all throughout Europe.


The same radicals who promoted

perversion and violence in Germany
in the 1930s, are doing the same
thing today in 2020.

Americans, along with their European

brothers, will eventually respond in
the same way, and “Fascsim” will no
longer be an insult. Instead it will
become a title worn proudly by the
patriotic and morally consistent.

These people, the Radical Leftists,

are creating the very same “enemy”
they think they’re fighting against.

139. Ancestral Mathematics:

In order to be born, you need two

parents. Each one of your parents,
also has two parents... and each
one of their parents, ALSO
has two parents.

This grows exponentially,

stretching back to the dawn of man.

For you to be born today, from 12

previous generations, you would
need a total of 4,094 ancestors over
the last 400 years alone. Even
more over the last 800 years.

4,094 Ancestors is equal

to 4,094 lifetimes.

4,094 lifetimes of struggle.

4,094 lifetimes of war.

4,094 lifetimes of sadness.

4,094 lifetimes of joy.

4,094 lifetimes of love.

4,094 lifetimes of irrefutable pain.

4,094 stories of defiance, and glory.

4,094 lifetimes, just so you, as an

individual, can be standing here
today. You exist today, solely
because of thousands of years
of struggle and perseverance.

Thousands of YOUR ancestors.

Do not spend your life focusing on

mindless consumption until you’re
rotting 6 feet deep in a hole...

You have a purpose far-greater

than just self-indulgence.

Do not end your bloodline just

because you prefer temporary
pleasure over commitment.

You owe your ancestors a

debt that can never be repaid.

The souls of thousands of your

ancestors look down upon you.

You have a duty to honor them.

140. My people are Loyal.

My people are Noble.

My people are Honorable.

My people are Survivors.


My people are Warriors.

My people are Intellectuals.

My people are Creators.

My people believe in Family.

My people believe in Kinship.

My people believe in Freedom.

My people believe in Love.

My people believe in Divinity.

My people believe in Law and Order.

My people are not Victims.

My people are not Cowards.

My people are Wolves

Wolves who never concern

themselves with the cries of sheep.

My people strive for Glory.


My people strive for Purpose.

My people do not ask for forgiveness.

My people do not bow down to

foreign domination, influence,
or subversive temptations.

My people are pure.

My people are good.

“No greater motivating force exists than

the certain conviction that one is right.”

141. If you’re a woman who believes

that “Kids just aren't for me.”

You must understand that feeling

is entirely UNNATURAL.

You have been programmed and

conditioned to think that way, against
your own will, against your own natural
instincts, and you should be very,
very pissed off...

The corrupt establishment and

ruling class doesn’t want to see
motherhood. They want the perfect
consumer, the perfect worker.

142. When the state is promoting the

abortion of your ethnic group, while
also using your taxdollars to fund
the maternity of a different ethnic
group, you need to take a step
back and realize that a war has
been waged upon your people.

Traditional men need traditional

women, now more than ever.

The men of the Right are fighting for

your Right to fertility and maternity.
Without the divine spark of true
femininity, our men have nothing
to live for, nothing to fight for,
and nothing to die for.

Men may hold power in this world,

but we do so for the womb.

Women, in a strange way,

have always been in control.

Women are the driving force

behind the actions of great men.

143. When women stop having

children, men stop having a
purpose. In turn, women lose
their purpose as well.

144. There is what you WANT to

do, and there is what you NEED
to do. I’ve often found that focusing
on what you NEED to be doing,
brings more satisfaction and
fulfillment than focusing on
what you WANT to be doing.

Success is not measured by the

abundance of wealth or material
possession. Success is measured
by the absence of misery.

Focus on what’s necessary,

and you will avoid misery.

Avoid misery, and you will

find the success you seek.

Count your blessings, this world

lacks gratitude and grace.

145. America can not, and will

never be invaded by an army.

This does not mean our enemies

will not try to destroy us...

Instead, without ever having to step

foot upon our soil, the enemy will
turn the people against one another,
so that we will destroy ourselves.

Those who understand and embrace

the Western Identity will defend our
nation. Those who struggle with their
own identity, will be weaponized
against the United States of America.

Those who believe in nothing can

easily be manipulated into
fighting for anything.

146. If i come from a place of privilege,

then i’m going to do everything i
can to preserve said privilege for
generations to come. I fail to
see why the preservation of my
“privilege” and the perseverance
of my kin is something that i
need to be ashamed of?

The weak would rather hate all

that is great, than aspire to achieve
greatness for themselves. Envy and
a false sense of entitlement is
a sign of cowardice.

I have no pity for a coward.

147. The divinity of women has always

been the driving force behind the
actions of great men. The womb is
the source of life itself, providing
our people with immortality.

Men build empires for the security

of their women. Women have
always been in control.

Empires crumble when great men

start to feel like they no longer have
something worth fighting for.

148. They scream about Victimhood,

while we train for Glory.

They blame failure on others,

while we celebrate our perseverance.

Nobility is standing superior

to your former-self.

With no concern for the obstacles in

our way, we strive for more than
just bread and circuses.

149. Doesn’t it seem a little

suspicious how major corporations
are promoting perversion and

Why aren’t they promoting

decent behavior instead?

Why not promote starting a family?


Why are they always promoting

self-indulgence? Why are they always
so obsessed with glorifying degenerate

Why would a corporation choose

to promote self-indulgence, over
self-control? I think it’s obvious...

What if everything you think is right,

is actually wrong? What if your
choices are not your own?

Your self-destruction is their gain.

“...and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil: For thine is
the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, forever.”

150. Ask yourself why every

major corporation and industry
in the world promotes mindless
self-indulgence over self-control?

Then ask yourself if all of your

thoughts and desires are truly
your own? Or have they been
pressed upon you? Designed
with malevolent intentions?

Have you been programmed?

Are you truly in control of your life?

Or are you leading a life

by someone else’s design?

151. An uneducated consumer is

nothing but a well-dressed slave.

152. “I was born this way.”

said the boy who was touched
inappropriately as a child.

“No shame in being a slut.” said

the girl who was raised without
a father in the home.

“Promiscuous behavior is natural.”

Said the young adult who was exposed
to pornography while hitting puberty.

“I’m spiritual.” said the college

student who rejects religion.

“I got a Buddhist tattoo!”

said the person who practices
self-indulgence over self-control.

“I hate the corrupt establishment.”

said the individual educated
by that very same corrupt

“Money doesn’t buy happiness”

said the woman who would rather work
50 hours a week until death, instead of
having children and starting a family.

Everything you think is right,

is fucked...

The Modern Liberal is full of shit.

They have nothing to live for, and
so they lead a life of hypocrisy
and blind hedonism.

They are tools.

Stepping stones for the ruling class.

Once their leaders take power,

they will be enslaved or executed.

153. Individuals who struggle with

their identity will be exploited
and weaponized by the
corrupt establishment.

“Political Prostitutes.”

Our ancestors were not defined

by their consumer habits and
social status, but instead,
by their ability to survive.

They were defined by their

achievements, and their strength.

Those who believe in nothing

can’t be trusted. They will always
place pleasure over principle.

154. Music, Prose, and Visual

Aesthetics. Together, this is
the “Divine Language.”

The combination of the three provokes

an emotional response in the observer.

This is why almost all religions contain

a combination of audible harmonies,
scripture, art and architecture.

The “Divine Language” was a means

of bringing ourselves closer to the
Gods, in whatever form they might

(God, Gods, Divine Energy from

a Higher Dimension, etc…)

This is seen in every culture, and

every religion, amongst every race,
and in every time period, throughout
all of recorded human history...

This is not just some coincidence.

To manipulate emotion through the

“Divine Language” is to drive the
observer in the direction you

want them to go. In the case of religion

the “Divine Language” is designed to
drive you towards “God.”

To understand the “Divine Language”

is to understand that you can also
drive the masses away from God,
and all that is divine...

The “Divine Language” can be used

as a means of entering a higher state
of consciousness, or it can become a
utensil that sews absolute chaos,
leading the people astray.

The “Divine Language” is the

language of the propagandist.

155. Freedom can be defined as the

ability to do what you wish. This
does not mean that you ‘should’
do what you wish. There is no
escaping the consequences
of the natural world.

Your actions ripple outward and

impact the world around you.
This is chaos.

When fighting for “freedom,”

don’t fight for the ability to be a
degenerate without consequence.

There will always be consequences.

For every action, there is a reaction.

Instead, you should strive to fight

for liberation from foreign influence.
The subversion of your people. Fight
for freedom from those who would
promote degeneracy amongst
your people.

“Adam and Eve were given maximum

freedom, including the freedom to “eat
the fruit,” but were warned that the
choice to do so would be destructive,
and result in spiritual decay.”

Similar notions of Sacrifice and

Temptation can be found in almost
all religious teachings.

156. Freedom doesn’t justify

degeneracy. “Land of the free”
was a proclamation of
national sovereignty.

It was not an excuse to act like

an animal, and “get lit 24/7.”

157. Both Enlightenment and

Empowerment are products of
self-control and self-discipline.

Giving into temptation is a

fast track to spiritual decay.

158. Empires are not forged from the

hands of men who believe in nothing.

159. Think before you speak.

Think before you act. Only a fool
uses the actions of another to
justify their own poor decisions.

160. Instead of just sitting at your

computer, start going to the gym.

Instead of just playing video games,

start reading some books. Instead of
just sharing memes, start writing
some poetry. Instead of obsessing
over everything you hate, start
holding contempt, and realize, that
which you hold contempt for, isn’t
worth the energy. Instead of drinking
and smoking weed, start trying new
hobbies. Instead of watching porn
and jerking off, practice some self
control, seek romance. Instead of
seeking easy (broken) women for a
quick lay, find and commit yourself
to a good wife. Instead of always
stressing about money, develop
a skill, or start a business.

Instead of telling yourself that

you’re superior, start acting like it.

161. A white woman who has been

convinced that murdering her own
child is somehow worth celebrating,
is a broken woman. The acceptance
of abortion is the rejection of all that
is natural and divine.

Oftentimes, those who promote

aborition would never get
one themselves.

Mentally and spiritually sound

individuals celebrate fertility.

Once again, the greatest woman’s

right of all, is the right to have
children. You are entitled to
reproduction, you are not
entitled to child prevention.

162. How does one convince a large

amount of people to buy into a
product or idea they don’t really
need? How do you sell something?

Once you’ve answered that,

ask yourself this…

“Who profits from my beliefs? Who

profits from what I'm Fighting for?
Are my thoughts really my own?
Or do they serve someone else?”

It’s not indoctrination if

you know it’s happening.

Indoctrination is the propagation

of ideas on a subconscious level.

It’s not propaganda if the creator’s

intentions are made clear from the
start. If you’re being propagated
successfully, you’re not going
to know that it’s happening…

163. The official poverty rate in 2018

was 11.8%, down 0.5 percentage
points from 12.3% in 2017.

When less than 12% of the

population exists in a state
of abject poverty, it’s hard to
make the claim that “the system
is inherently oppressive.”

The reality of the situation is that

some people are inherently inferior.

Some people simply can not provide

for themselves, and so they blame
“the system” for their own

I’m not saying that “poverty isn’t an

issue.” What I’m saying, is that some
people are literally hopeless.

“The System” is not perfect.

Corrupt people use it to actively
exploit us. What separates the
strong from the weak, is the ability
to persevere against all odds.

It’s time we stop playing pretend,

and start taking responsibility
for our own actions. Personal
responsibility is paramount.

YOU ALONE are the source of your

suffering. Some people genuinely
need help. Others simply refuse
to help themselves.

They prefer pointing fingers.

Their false sense of entitlement
is born of envy, a lack of self-control,
and a total lack of self-discipline.

164. You’ll learn to appreciate things

more when you indulge less. Be
thankful for what you have, and
don’t go searching for more than
you need. The more you desire,
the less satisfied you’ll be.



166. Labels, slurs and accusations

mean nothing when you carry the
certain conviction that you are right.

This is what i know to be true:

Good and Evil exist.

Self-control, sacrifice, and personal

responsibility will lead you to
your salvation.

Multiculturalism breeds social tension.

Freedom isn’t an excuse to do whatever

you want, with no concern for how your
actions will impact those around you.

Nationalism is the preservation of

natural diversity, and Globalism is the
rejection of diversity and naturalism.

Nature has already determined the rules

of the game. You can act accordingly,
or see yourself destroyed.

Individuals who aren’t honest with

themselves believe in nothing,
and individuals who believe
in nothing can’t be trusted.

The forces of good demand

dangerous men protect the realm.

167. Warriors of Light fear no

persecution, for within them
burns an inextinguishable fire.

168. Harmless men are not “good,”

they are harmless. What makes a
man “Good” is his ability to use violence
when necessary, and not arbitrarily.

169. The Nationalist takes pride in,

fights for, and celebrates their people
and their culture. They expect the
same thing from every other nation,
culture, and race around the world.
We do not respect those who would
throw their own kind under the bus.

Nationalists understand the value

of pride and tradition, and promote
notions of both among all people,
not just their own.

Love, above all else, is the

driving force of the Nationalist.

The Globalist fights for nothing.

With no concern for preserving the
sanctity of the world’s cultures,
or the beauty of natural diversity,
they open the gate for corrupt
“capitalists” to exploit the labor
of impoverished nations
and desperate people.

“We can live in peace and harmony,

in seperate nations and separate
developments, but we can not have the
universal mix-up of races and cultures

that are widely divergent and

incompatible. It will lead to
nothing but trouble.”

170. I don’t concern myself with

Atheists and Nihilists, for they too
are subject to natural law and
the will of the divine, regardless.

171. If you do not believe that other

cultures have the right to their own
national sovereignty and natural
development, how can you argue that
your people have the right to theirs?
Understand the difference between
a call for Nationalism, and a
call for Imperialism.

172. Your “Greatest Ally” is not some

foreign state on the other side of the
planet. Your greatest ally is your
neighbor, and your greatest
weapon is your kin.

Start a tribe and build a castle.


173. Planned parenthood wouldn’t be

spending millions on advertisements
if they weren’t profiting off their
services (such as abortion)

Talk about “Corrupt Capitalism.”

They’re funded with taxpayer money,

so it costs them little to nothing to
provide their services, and then they
sell your aborted children to the
highest bidder. It's literally a
Capitalist's wet dream…

People often say to me “but it’s

keeping non-whites from outbreeding
us.” I’m aware of that partial truth.
Abortion is still murder, regardless.

The morally superior position will

always be Separation over Genocide.

174. The “Hero Archetype” has

been deeply embedded within,
and glorified throughout all of
recorded human history.

There is something profound

about the image of the hero, that
resonates within all sane
and rational men.

In recent history, we’ve seen

a shift away from the hero, into
the glorification of the victim.

The intentional disposing of nobility

is a fast track to degeneracy,
as well as desperation.

Men who reject the image

of the hero are broken.

Encourage a more noble path

amongst your fellow men.

Do not let the image of the

hero fade or turn sour.



176. Conservatives are concerned with

conserving their money. Nationalists
are concerned with conserving their
people and their traditions. Liberals
are concerned with, like...

...whatever feels good, man…

177. I dare you to travel to any

foreign nation in the entire world.

I dare you to tell them to abort their

children and burn their flags.

Tell them to open their borders,

and take in foreign refugees.

Tell their women to start race mixing,

and tell their men to celebrate

Demand provisions from their

government, and commit crimes…

...then watch how quickly you get

your ass beat into a bloody pulp.

178. I can not express this enough.

Love for my people does not equal
hatred or animosity for anyone else.

My admiration for the natural diversity

of this world is what drives me to
fight for the preservation of my
own people.

Have children, be merry.

Recognize the divinity

within yourself.

Blind hatred is counter productive.

There is nothing positive about

sitting in your room and hating
all that brings you down, carrying
animosity for that which you can
not change or control.

Instead, hold contempt for

all that is beneath you.

Strive to better yourself, and

overcome the obstacles in your
way. Reject parasitism, and
embrace reciprocity.

Fight for liberation of your people

from all foreign influence, but above
all else, fight for yourself.

179. You can’t save your people if you

can’t save yourself. Supremacy of self
is born of action, not proclamation.

180. Globalism and Open Borders is an

economically Right-Wing position.
Corrupt Corporatists would love to
take advantage of a world without
borders, but they need “The Left,”
Liberals and Progressives in
order to make that happen.

Conservatives, Traditionalists, Nativists

and Nationalists, usually know better
than to vote in the interests of foreign
hordes. Men of principle can not be
manipulated. Liberals on the other hand,
have no principles to begin with, and so
they can be easily manipulated.

These “Corrupt Corporatists” and

“Foreign Subverters” know this all too
well… and so they will use the
Liberal to do their bidding.

Your everyday hard-working

Conservative, Traditionalist, and
Nationalist wants nothing to do
with the exploitation of labor and
foreign affairs. Above all else,
they want to be left alone.

At the top of every Left-Wing agenda,

is a corrupt Right-Winger who is loyal
to nothing. Throw away the divisive
labels, and embrace a new position.

Reject the false dichotomy.

Embrace the position of reciprocity.

181. The “Monarch” of the United

States, is the Constitution. The
Supreme Law of the land. A law
developed around both Individual
and National sovereignty.

This is the “American Experiment.”

This experiment began to decline the

moment collectives were manipulated
into placing their identities over the
individual, undermining the integrity
of our Supreme Law...

A natural instinct, Tribalism, was

exploited by the ruling class, and
now it has become nearly impossible
to maintain focus on the “Sovereign
individual” in the United States.

Everything we do is now based on race,

the opposite of individualism...

A natural response to identity

politics, is identity politics.

We have been thrown into the world

of identity politics, whether we like it
or not. Refusing to acknowledge this
truth is to accept defeat, and to allow
your people to suffer under the
ambitions of the loud minority.

Those who struggle with their identity

will be weaponized. Subject any given
race to rhetoric, and that race will unite
against said weapon.

People who want to be left alone have

no choice, they will be forced to face
the consequences of the actions of the
loud minority. Diversity doesn't work.

182. Of all the conversations i’ve had

with individuals of the “Far / Alt
Right,” the word “supremacy”
was hardly ever mentioned.

On the very rare occasion that it

was mentioned, it was usually
to denounce its improper use.

The Intellectual Right is more

focused on the salvation of their
own people, than the degradation
of people they don't (and
shouldn’t) care about.

What do you mean by “superior?”

Superior in what way?


The overwhelming achievements

of the European people throughout
all of human history is objective.

It’s irrefutable...

“Supremacy” is nothing more than a

blind accusation taken out of context
by Liberals and the establishment
they worship...

It’s an attack on the very discussion

of historical White Achievement.

An attack on European history.

I’ve learned that saying anything

more than the truth, is masurbatory.

Don’t be an easy target

for your opposition.

183. When everything is “Racist,”

“Racism” means nothing. Wolves
are multiplying, while the sheep feed on
the same patch of dead grass, day after
day, week after week, year after year.

184. Abortion and Homosexuality

is a self-cleansing issue.

Only the inferior will abort their

children, and only the inferior
will voluntarily end their
bloodline for pleasure.

The issue is not those who indulge

in such behavior… why would I
waste my energy on someone
who is already dead?

The issue is the promotion

of such behavior to the public.

Those who would force it upon

our people, exploiting the
natural temptations of man
and woman, and subverting
all that we consider to be sacred.

I hold contempt for those

who are beneath me...

...and I maintain focus on the

machine that created them.

185. Those who focus solely on

Life and Love are blind to
nature’s true balance.

- Duality -

We must also be intimate

with Death and Loathing if
we want to understand the
true nature of the world.

186. Once the White Race is extinct,

there will be nothing standing in
between the ruling class and the
enslavement of the low-born.

Those of European Blood; men with

principle, are the greatest threat
to the corrupt establishment.

They want us out of the way.

187. Fascism and Racism are two

different things. Lumping them
together is the ambition
of the subverter.

I’ve come to understand that

“Fascism” is the only true antidote
to the virus of Globalism and
the “Modern Disease.”

An Authoritarian Nationalist, Militant,

Totalitarian system of some sort...

The absolute rejection of subversion.

The false association of Fascism

with Racism is intentional.

The ruling class fears

a “Fascist” uprising.

“Fascism’s” false association with

Racism is the main reason Civic
Nationalists and Neo Conservatives
reject this fundamental truth.

The alternative is a life of consumer

slavery, hedonism, cultural tension,
social tension, parasitism, usury,
absue, and exploitation...

...absolute chaos.

When it comes to my friends, family,

and kin, quality of life is paramount.

If “Fascism” is an effective course of

action, then I will not wipe it off the table,
simply because the establishment has
desperately tried to convince
me that I should avoid it.

The American Government is the

best government ever to exist in human
history. That’s not to say that it is by
any means “perfect,” after all,
nothing is perfect.

Nothing is equal. A “Fascist” uprising in

America would look very different
from an uprising in Europe.

188. Indulging in promiscuous

behavior at an early age (specifically
16 to 26) will make it harder for
you to settle down later in life.

If you’re promiscuous before you’re

married, you will most likely be
promiscuous after you’re married.

You can still find someone and settle

down, but chances are, you will
never be satisfied...

You will struggle to find fulfilment with

your partner, and you will most
likely end up cheating...

Less and less people are getting

married in the United states.

Specifically Whites… Minorities seem

to have no problem having multiple
children on a low income.

Almost 50% of all marriages in

the United States will end in
divorce or separation.

The promotion of perversion

and over-sexualized propaganda
in our music and movies is
designed to break you.

It’s designed to make you more

inclined to pursue promiscuity, and
as a direct result, make it as hard
as possible for you to establish and
maintain a true intimate relationship.

The separation of sex and love,

replaced with lust and indulgence.
Your mind has been polluted, and
your soul is in decay. You’ve been
exploited, and now you are broken.

189. Although I'd much rather

live beside Europeans over
Africans and South Americans,
my principles are consistent.

I’m a Nationalist, and to let European

Migrants vote in my nation, would
contradict my call for National

The ideal amount immigration

is absolute ZERO.

...of course, I'm talking about

citizenship, not travel and leisure.

I love my European Brothers and

Sisters, but I'm bound by Blood and
Soil to the United States of America.

I would travel far and wide to fight

beside my kin, but I have no intention
of occupying their land, and
undermining their sovereignty.

I expect that very same

respect in return.

We are brothers in arms,

but our lands are our own.

You don’t walk into your neighbors

home, and demand they change the
wallpaper. You respect their territory.

190. The Left calls the Right “Fascist”

because they are Patriots.

Because they are “Conservative,”

and for being Nationalistic.

The Mainstream Right calls the

Left “Fascist,” because they dress
in uniform, and use violence
to achieve political gain.

Any real Fascist will tell you, that

neither of these sides, along with
all of their political prostitutes, are
by any means “Fascist.”

Both sides are actively working to

condemn the idea of “Fascism.”

They want to make the word

as ugly as possible.

With the seemingly never-ending

accusations of “Facism” coming from
all sides, many people struggle to
accurately define the term.

So what really makes

someone a “Fascist?”

The Desire to place their own people

before the interests of foreigners?
The liberation of their nation from
foreign influence and subversion?
The respect and recognition of
Natural Law and Divine Design?
Pride in their historical achievements
and traditions? the desire to
preserve them?

Does it make you a “Fascist” to

understand that Freedom can only be
preserved through Law and Order?

Do tight morals make you a “Fascist?”

Or perhaps it’s the ambition to

establish a responsible market,
where families can easily provide for
themselves, while also contributing
to the welfare of the people via a
reciprocal tax…

… a Mixed Economy of sorts?

Does wanting the Hyper-

Development of advanced
technology through that very
same market make someone
a “Fascist?”

Or is it how they want to provide

for their own people instead of
babysitting and exploiting
the 3rd world?

If these aspirations are what

makes someone a “Fascist,”
then understand that I am,
without a doubt, a Fascist...

...I find the title “Reactionary”

a little more accurate, as broad as it
is, it’s more appropriate. It’s clear,
and straight to the point.

It says everything it needs to say,

and It has yet to be tainted by the
establishment... yet to be mindlessly
condemned by the masses. (Optics)

The new age requires a new solution,

inspired by ancient ideas.

191. Since we are in the game of

arbitrarily throwing out labels
and titles, let’s try this one...

Anarcho-Fascist; Someone who

understands that nothing is true,
and that everything is permitted.

Someone who understands that life is

a free-for-all, and that we must be the
shepherds of our own civilizations.

Someone who recognizes the

animal deep within them...

...and with this knowledge, instead of

falling into nihilism and degeneracy,
they make an active effort to
overcome the chaos of
the natural world…

...and they do so with absolute fury.


I say, fuck the labels...

Throw them away, and enter a

higher-state of consciousness.

So long as our morals are engraved in

stone, what they call us? and what we
call each other? will never really matter.

We know that what we’re fighting

for is moral, noble, and that’s all
the justification we need.

We are Reactionaries.

We align ourselves with the

forces of good, and we react.

192. We speak for the dead so

that the living may prosper.

193. Stay clear of broken men.

194. Savages who can neither develop,

nor maintain their own societies, are
being imported to White Nations
as “assets.”

In the name of “Tolerance” and

“Progression,” we are allowing
ourselves to be invaded,
conquered, and exterminated.

With no concern for anything,

aside from the mindless pursuit
of pleasure, our ancestors
frown down upon us.

We must enter a higher state of

consciousness, or everything our
ancestors fought to preserve, will
be lost in the ashes of history.

We have a duty to secure

the existence of our people,
our cultures, our lands, and
a future for our children.

195. Ethno-Masochism is
a mental disorder.

196. Don’t just talk about living a more

wholesome life. Instead, get out there
and live it. Get in the gym, twice a
day. Stop drinking alcohol every
night. Wake up early, and finish
your work by sundown.

Make your living working hard,

and work for yourself if you can.
Read a new book every month.

Quit the drugs, quit the porn, quit

the video games, quit the bullshit.

Stop telling yourself that you’re

superior, and start acting like it.

Standing still makes you

superior to nothing.

Tough love saves lives.

Become the best man you can be.

Become the man you were meant to be.

You’re either an asset,

or you’re a liability.

197. Thought without action is

dreaming. Dreaming without
action achieves nothing.

198. Maybe it’s just my “White

Privilege” but “Economic Factors”
never prevented me from speaking
proper english, getting a job, or
following the law. Carrying
personal responsibility…


199. “Pro-White” doesn’t

mean “Anti-Anything.”

It means Pro-White.
We have a right to exist.
We have a right to our
native homelands.

If you disagree with that sentiment,

you are the only “anti-” here.

We have an opportunity to rise above

our enemies. Bringing other people
down doesn’t lift your own people up.

Separatism over Supremacy.

Sovereignty over Subversion.


Love for your own people, over hatred

for your opposition. Contempt for all
that is degenerate. We know what will
eventually happen if we continue
down this path of degeneration...

No Quarter.

200. Love for your people is a greater

motivating force than hatred for your
enemy, and hatred for the enemy is
born from the love of your people.

Make sure your enemy

is worth your hatred.

201. Wise enough to know right

from wrong, bold enough to
speak our truth regardless
of the consequences.

We are the harbingers of divine

intentions. “They’ve always hated
the beauty of the world.”

202. If you think I'd spend a fraction

of my energy obsessing over
individuals who are beneath me,
you haven’t been listening.

The driving force behind my word

is love. I will see word forged into
action before I stand still and
hand my enemy victory.

Stay focused, and become

an asset for your people.

Veni Vidi Vici

203. Real subversive propaganda

doesn’t come from a single
source, or single stream.

Propagation is the result of

combining multiple streams of
information that collectively
influence the individual on
a subconscious level…

For example:

A disney movie will tell you to

express yourself to the fullest,
without shame or regret.
This is one stream of propaganda.

A rap song will then mention

(directly or indirectly promote)
promiscuous behavior, as if it
was noble or worthy of celebration.
This is a second stream of propaganda.

A teacher will tell their students

about the oppression of women,
subconsciously promoting rebellion
against established social norms.
This is a third stream of propaganda.

Any one of these can be contested

individually, but it is the combination
of all 3 which results in the
subconscious propagation of
the individual, and thus, the
subversion of the masses.

In this case, the combination ultimately

promotes a loose moral foundation.
The message is clear...

“Express yourself, no regrets, be

promiscuous, rebellion is duty.”

This is imprinted into the minds of

the easily impressionable individuals
that are exposed to it.

There is no limit to how much

propaganda you’re fed, or
the methods they use...

To defeat your enemy, you must

learn how to think like your enemy.

Recognize Subversion,
it’s all around you.

204. Only those born on this soil

should be protected under the
supreme law of our land, and
granted the right to vote.

“Coming here the right way”

doesn’t mean much of anything
to me. They shouldn’t be
coming here to live, at all.

Not just for the sake of our

people, but also for theirs.

If you’re coming here because you think

you’re an asset, that means you’re an
even greater asset for your own people.
Step up, and fight for your homeland.

Imagine “taking the best” people

out of a foreign nation, and then
wondering why that nation
can’t develop?

Civ. Nationalists aren’t helping anyone,

it’s just prolonged Globalism.

205. The Entertainment Industry,

Mainstream Media, and Board of
Education all hold the most power
and influence over the social
opinions of this nation.

Not a single person within these

fields of subversion had been elected
into power by We the People.

206. Hate Speech is Free Speech.

Limited Rights are just privileges.

207. Jesus is White, Glocks

are Black. Morals are Tight,
Commies get Stacked.

208. Anyone who recognizes,

understands, and rejects the
intentional demographic replacement
and occupation of Native European
Lands, is falsely labeled as a
“White Supremacist.”

Declaring your independence,

and claiming control over the future
of your native land, is not an act of
supremacy. It should not be promoted
as such, nor should any false
accusation of such be tolerated.

It is an act of sovereignty, survival,

and salvation. Nothing more.

209. I do not believe the claim that

“economic factors” are the reason
low income houses are falling apart.

It costs virtually nothing to clean up

after yourself. Personal Responsibility.

Sweep your porch. Park the car in

the driveway instead of on the lawn.
Throw out your trash. Dig some holes
and fix the fence. Repaint the door.
Pick up after the dog...

My family didn’t come from much,

and yet we still made sure our
home was always clean and
maintained properly.

Make Taking Pride in

your Lawn Great Again

“Every single apartment and

home we’ve built for the low-born,
was brand new at one time or another.”

210. Tired of the degenerates?

Tired of the corruption?

Tired of the subversion?

Tired of the fake news?

Tired of the guilt trips?

Do you want to secure the

existence of your people and
a future for your children?

Start with setting an alarm.

Make your bed.

Eat a healthy breakfast.

Go to the gym.

Start a business.
Find a wife.

Turn off the phone and

pick up a good book.

You can’t save your people

if you can’t save yourself.

211. You can weaponize any mass

of people by exploiting their natural
desires (temptation) and by turning
self-destructive behaviors into

212. 97% of scientists agree with

the people that are funding them.
“Believing” in science suggests
there is room for doubt.

213. Thousands of my ancestors

stand behind my existence.

They didn't fight, suffer, and die,

just so that i can decide that
“nothing matters,” and then
voluntarily end my bloodline,
while my native homelands get
conquered by foreign hordes.

214. You have a duty to preserve what

your dead had lived for, you have a
duty to preserve what your
dead had died for.

215. All this talk about “the human

race” means nothing if you are anti-
white. Those of European Blood
are part of the “human race,” and
we have a right to exist as well.

We have the right to have

concerns about our future.

We have a right to our homelands.

We have a right to our traditions.
We have a right to our pride.


We are not sorry for our existence.

We are not sorry for the mistakes

and achievements of our ancestors.

Funny how the same people who say

“celebrate diversity” are often the
same people who say “Whites
are the problem.”

The “celebration of diversity” is the

condemnation of the white race.

I reject everything they stand for.

They stand for nothing.


They are beneath me.

These people were not “celebrating

diversity” when our European ancestors
conquered their lands.

216. When fighting to solve black

issues is “Noble” but fighting to
solve white issues is “an act of white
supremacy” then “racial equality”
is no longer a virtue.

This is an act of seeking and

promoting anti-white racial

You can not make the claim that “We

are one race” and then follow it up
with “the white race is the problem.”



217. I owe my ancestors a debt that

can’t be repaid, and so I choose
to live a life of virtue and nobility in
honor of their strength and sacrifice.

We speak for the dead.

218. Romance and Intimacy is

Pro-Bonding, and Pro-Bonding
is Pro-Family.

Promiscuity destroys romance.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that the

promiscuous struggle to develop and
maintain a meaningful relationship.

It is no surprise as to why
promiscuity is promoted.

Separate emotion from intercourse,

and your soul will begin to decay.

Men should have to earn their women.

Promiscuity is neither feminine,

nor masculine.

219. The preservation of tradition

is paramount, but that does
not mean we should not aspire
for the hyper-development
of advanced technology.

Our traditions provide us with

an order and with a purpose.

Technology will keep us alive.

220. We march forward with

aspirations of salvation.

221. It’s a common theme amongst

agents of subversion (those who are not
fully aware of where they are headed)
to present pre-written opinions,
mindlessly regurgitated. To use blind
accusations, such as smears of “racism”
in an attempt to silence their opposition.

I’ve been told, to my face, that “white

people are oppressors” and that
they “do not have the right to
their own native lands.”

Make no mistake, if you believe your

people have the right to exist, and
then claim that mine don’t,
you are my enemy.

222. Why settle for a Rattlesnake,

when you can be an Eagle?

“Don’t tread on me...

...or we’ll tread where we please.”

223. You can not trust an

Ethno-Masochist. They are driven
by self-loathing, and will gladly
throw you under the bus, just to
“look good” in front of people
who believe in virtually nothing.

224. “Far-Right, Alt-RIght, Neo-Right,

Auth-Right, Am-Nat, Wig-Nat,
Auth-Nat, Neo-Trad, Paleo-
Con, Comic-Con…”

The only “Right” i concern myself

with is “Right vs. Wrong”

When your morality is engraved in

stone, the labels don’t matter.

Don’t get lost within linguistic

manipulation. Maintain focus.

Aligning yourself with a “title” often

results in uncritically accepting all that
it encombasses, without fully
knowing what that is... not give your enemy

an easy target.

225. Believe in nothing =

Live for nothing =
Die for nothing

“Do nothing, it’s whatever,

we aren’t in control anyway...”

… to those who would speak

these words; we are not equals.

Standing still is to ask for

death, and wait for it’s arrival.

226. Keep Perversion out of Politics.

227. Once you understand the value of

an uneducated consumer, ask yourself
how do you exploit an uneducated

Subversion isn’t all that complicated.

Once you know how to think like the

enemy, there is no turning back.

What is seen can not be unseen.

228. The Free Market isn’t inherently

corrupt. People corrupt the free

What we need is a responsible

market, with measures taken to
prevent exploitation, usury,
and debt slavery.

A positive incentive to give back

to the people, while also promoting
the hyper-development of
advanced technology.

Embrace Reciprocity

Reject Parasitism.

229. The Reich’s “Socialism” was not

necessarily a derivative of Marxism,
although the “Fascists” of the 20th
century were partially inspired by
observations of Marxism and
it’s critique of Capitalism.

Rather, it was a call for a regulated

market, and protection of natural
exchange, with an emphasis
on national welfare.

The Nazi had a mixed-economy.

A Mixed Economy is not to be

confused with “Democratic Socialism.”

Modern American “Democratic

Socialism,” from what we can tell,
is just a predecessor for Communism,
and nothing more.

National Socialism worked for

the Germans for 3 reasons:

- Nation United by Race

and Culture

- Liberation from Banks and

Foreign Subversion

- A Small Manageable

These are things that America,

at this point in time, does not have.

Any attempt at establishing a Socialist

System in American will inevitably
turn into Communism.

We are not Ultra-Nationalists.

We are not united by race and culture.

We have not been liberated from foreign

subversion, and Socialism will not work
in these conditions.

So long as America is a diverse nation,

Socialism can never function efficiently.

People will inevitably abuse the system.

Our Supreme Law will prevent Socialism

from developing, and it is undesirable
that it would develop to begin with... least not here in the United States.

Other predominantly White Nations in

Europe have had some success
embracing aspects of “Socialism,”
but it’s not up to me to decide what
economic system is best for them.

As far as economics go, I speak only

on the behalf of my own nation. A Mixed
Economy (responsible market) under
Supreme Law seems to be
a superior product.

230. “Live and Let Live” is opening the

gate for subversion, and handing
your enemy victory on a silver platter.
We need to figure out where to draw the
line, and put our foot down.

Do not stand up for individuals who

are actively fighting against your

Do not fight for the freedom of

individuals who will not fight for yours.

231. If you don’t understand WHY

it’s a problem that Nations with White
Majorities are being subverted and
conquered by foreign parasites,
individuals who would abuse our way of
life, and see us enslaved, then you are
directly contributing to the problem.

232. Freedom is defined as “the

absence of subjection to foreign
domination,” in whatever form
it may take.

We do not fight for “supremacy,”

we fight for our freedom.

Only through the freedom of our

people, we will find our salvation.

Any attempt to prevent that from

happening, is subversive.

“All throughout human history, slavery

was seen as a fate worse than death.
It strips the man of his manhood, and
reduces his children to that of property.
This is the true goal of compassion;
to refuse suffering at any cost.

Only in Germanic and Celtic languages,

does the word “Freedom” originate in
the word for “Love.” Only in the Ancient
North, does love set you free. Only in
the Ancient North, is Freedom seen
as the ultimate expression of love.

Thus, a man who claims to love his folk

and family, can never see slavery
for his people, as an option.”

233. Absolute Integration and

Assimilation requires the
abandonment of principles
amongst either one
or both parties.

When two cultures face a conflict of

interests, there is no common
ground to be uncovered.

Someone must sacrifice part of

themselves for the other.

I will not conform to people who

believe it’s okay to marry children, to
rape women, to eat dogs or cats, and
they will not want to conform to me.

I will not break bread with savages.

To conform is to be destroyed.

Intolerance is survival.

234. We have all the diversity we need.

Diversity has never been a “strength.”

235. “Enemy” is a title that should

only be given to a worthy opponent.
Endlessly obsessing over individuals
who are beneath you, does not make
you virtuous. It’s unhealthy.

Hatred is counter-productive when

wasted upon those who are nothing
more than pawns. Instead hold
contempt for all that is degenerate,
and maintain focus.

Keep your eyes on the prize, save

your energy for the real fight.

Save your hatred for those

who are worthy of it.

Save your hatred for those

who have earned it.

236. If there is anything I want

to be remembered for amongst
Reactionaries, it would be my ability
to shine light upon the issues we
face, without ever having to preach
hatred for that which is beneath me.

My ability to speak my truth,

unapologetically, without degrading
anyone who hasn’t earned it.

My focus remains steadfast

towards salvation.

Nothing more, nothing less.

That is how we save our people.

That is how we save our race.

That is how we save our homeland.

That is how we win this fight.

Our numbers will grow

through love for our people.

We must do everything we can

to make an impact.

237. When I die, many things will be

said about me...

“He never fought for his people”

will not be one of them.

I know where I stand, like a stone.


238. Most of the people around the

world just want to be left alone.

There is a political ideology that

focuses on sovereignty, where people
could develop peacefully, and naturally,
around individuals who share the same
values, free from the influence and
exploitation of outsiders and tyrants…

...and that ideology is Nationalism.

239. As a white male, simply talking

about the existence of my people will
get me labeled as “a Racist, a Nazi,
or White Supremacist,” regardless of
whether or not I identify with these titles.

If you fall victim to this senseless

slandering, understand that the
problem is them, not you.

It never was you.

Never apologize for fighting

for your people.

240. “Do not give what is holy

to the dogs.”

241. Imagine saying “Celebrate

Diversity,” and in the same breath,
“we are all the same,” without
realizing it’s a contradiction.

242. The fight for freedom (defined as

the absence of subjection to foreign
domination) is the ultimate expression
of love, and therefore, someone who
loves his kin, his culture, and his
nation, will never see enslavement
of any kind as a course of action.

“Death Before Dishonor.”

243. I don’t want to hear “I can't afford

to have children” amongst the men of
our generation, while native Africans
are having as many as 15 children
living on less than a dollar a day.

There is no good excuse for the civilized

men of the first world to voluntarily
abandon their bloodlines.

Get a job. Start a business.

Stop spending money on cheap
women, video games and alcohol.

Abandon your vices, and rise

beyond the mindset of a defeatist.

Find a wife, and become

the best man you can be.

Excuses are for the weak.

You’re either an asset for your

people, or you’re a liability.

Knowledge isn't enough to save

your people. Forge words into
actions. Those who stand still
will fall to the back of the line.

244. Ideas can be killed and


...the death of your people is eternal.


245. A Legion is made up of

individuals working together
as a single impenetrable unit.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Each and every single one of us,

must work to become an asset for
our people. When we stand together,
we are unstoppable.

246. Loyal men forge friendships.

Loyal men forge families.
Loyal men forge empires.

247. “Letting the good ones in” to

work and vote isn’t Nationalism.
It’s just limited Globalism;
Globalism on a delay.

It’s unmanageable and undesirable.

The nations they flee from never

develop, while our native populations
grow frail and vastly outnumbered.

248. People sometimes assume

I'm a “National Socialist.”

Where i find common ground with

many National Socialists, i do not
identify with that title, nor have
i ever claimed to be one.

There are aspects of National Socialism

that I admire, that I have no doubt…

...but to associate myself with this title,

is to suggest that I uncritically accept
all that they encompass.

I’d like to think that I'm above

mindless conformity.

To uncritically accept anything,

is to simply hand myself over.

I’m an American, and that

is not the American way.

Socialism is not the American way.

Your words reflect the title you associate

myself with, and so I will not paint
someone else with my comments.

What I am, is a White Tribalist,

an advocate and practitioner
of strong loyalty to those
with European blood.

What I am is a Nationalist.
I fight for absolute National Sovereignty.

National Isolation and Independence.

What I am is a Western Chauvinist,

and I believe my culture is worth
preserving by any means necessary.

American Facism will not appear

the same as European Fascism.

249. We might actually have a “chicken

in every pot” if we didn’t have a
migrant in every welfare center,
and a welfare center in every
state and foreign nation.

Money contributed to the state should

remain within it, not sent to foreign
nations, or given to our invaders.

250. We are not going to get very far

pushing labels and symbols the
majority of our people have already
condemned (via the propagation of a
parasitic ruling class of nationless
thieves and cultural deceivers)...

They use our own identity

and symbology against us.

They use their own identity

and symbology as a shield.

We must rebrand, and promote love

for our people if we want to enlighten
our kin and bring them into
our realm of politics.

If we want to achieve anything,

we can not scare away our own
people. This new age calls for a
new movement, inspired by ancient
ideals, in pursuit of racial, cultural,
and national salvation...

Truth doesn’t fear investigation.


I’ve enlightened dozens of

individuals through truth, and
an undying love for my people.

Our people are victims of the modern

machine, so we must build a machine
that breaks the illusion...

Truth, however, is not enough to save

our people, when the enemy thrives
on lies. Truth will only wake them up,
but truth along with a display of power,
will change the course of our future

251. “What happens after i die won’t

matter because i won’t be here”
said the man who would rather
have meaningless sex with a
total stranger, than find a good
wife and have children…

...nobody wants a brighter future

more than a mother or father.

252. First, they convinced women

that it was “okay” for men to be
promiscuous, but not women.

Men fulfilled this claim through their

increasingly promiscuous behavior.

Women then became promiscuous in

spite of this false notion of what it
means to be “a man.”

This was easy to do after the invention

of birth control. For the first time in
human history, women dodn’t have to
worry about getting pregnant, and men
don’t have to worry about raising a child.

Historically, this wasn’t the case.

Humans are still learning how

to live with this technology.

As a result of these lies, both men

and women are more promiscuous
than ever before. Men and Women
are having more sex, but also having
less children… The reason our society
went down this path is because it was
all part of a larger plan.

The result of promoting this kind

of behavior directly contributed
to the destruction of both positive
masculinity and true femininity,
and in doing so, contributed to
the eradication of the traditional
nuclear family.

You’ve been stripped of your purpose,

and turned into an uneducated

You exist now, only to serve

those behind the curtain.

253. Your pursuit of pleasure

is easily exploitable.

254. Many of us came from struggle,

and did not have the luxury of
attending a community college
or prestigious university...

Do not let someone use their

academic credentials as
justification for silencing you,
and undermining your integrity.

The ability to obtain and

regurgitate information does
not reflect someone’s ability
to process information.

The parrot doesn’t “speak,” it just

imitates. You can not let anyone
bring you down with talk of a
formal education. Stand tall,
with certain conviction, when
your integrity is questioned,
and your intelligence insulted.

255. The supremacy of any given race

is not determined by the color of the
skin, the land from which they came,
or the achievements of their
ancestors, but instead, by
the race’s ability to survive.

We should not be promoting

“White Supremacy” while we are still
walking upon the path of extinction.

Instead, we should be promoting

White Salvation. We should be
promoting White Pride. We should
be promoting White Unity.

We will not save our people by further

provoking the division of our people.

256. I swore an oath to my constitution

before God, and I swore an oath to
my bloodline upon birth.

Neither of which will be taken

from me without a fight.

257. I’ve spent most of my younger

life standing up for the rights of
minorities, and now I can't help but
wonder… when Whites become the
minority in their own nations, will
these people stand up for us? in the
same way that we stood up for them?

...or will they make the claim that “white

issues don’t exist,” and that we are
“racist” for even suggesting such?

We have the right to speak out

about issues pertaining to our race,
in the same way people of color do.

To deny that, is irrefutably Anti-White.

Will we see people of color, gays,

and immigrants marching in
the streets, fighting for the
rights of the White Minority?

You already know the answer.

Nobody is coming. It’s up to us.

258. Modern American Liberalism can

be described as “Progression”
without a destination.

So long as these sheep believe they

are “moving forward,” they don’t care
too much about where they end up.

They’re going to end up with


A mindless act of defiance against

traditional enlightenment, and the
wisdom of our ancestors.

It’s easy to propagate and weaponize

individuals who believe in nothing.

Progression, without a destination.

259. European Soil is for

European Blood.

260. Learn to formulate your

observations in such a way, that
your statements are indisputable,
and irrefutable. Resorting to ad-
hominem or degradation in the
same way that Communists do, is a
surefire way to achieve nothing.

Your inability to articulate your ideas

in a formal and conventional manner
makes the rest of us look irrational,
especially when you carry a title
or label over your head.

...just another reason why

I don’t like titles and labels...

You’re only as strong as the

weakest man on your team.

Optics are relevant.

Become an asset, not a liability.

261. I will never apologize for

trying to lift my people up.

Send me the lost, send me the weak,

and I will forge them into men.

Lead by example.

Live a life of honor and nobility.

262. “If you’re a male, you’re a

problem. If you’re Western,
you’re a problem. If you’re white,
you’re a problem. If you want
to start a family…”

They’re not fighting for equality.

They’re fighting for domination.
They’re fighting for eradication.

You are not the problem. You never

have been, and you shouldn’t have
to feel like you are.

You’re not in this alone.

Say no to your destruction.

Beware of foreign influence.

Reject your replacement.

263. I’ve been told that “politics

don’t matter” because “we’re not in
control” on numerous occasions…

These people don’t realize that it takes

only a fraction of the population to
radically change the fabric of a society.

Politicians catering to radical

minorities is the perfect example of
this. We all fall under the rules and
regulations they set into place,
regardless of who is pushing them,
or how many people are behind it.

To not use your voice is to forfeit

freewill, and hand your life over
to some else’s agenda.

264. Know when to speak,

and know when to stay silent.

Politics is a game for the patient.

265. When waking up from

your Neoliberal / Postmodern
nightmare, it’s easy to realize that
your opinions all stem from the
same system you think you hate.

Breaking the illusion, however,

is to realize why that is...

266. You only get one shot,

so don’t miss your target.

When a crisis comes,

and it will, maintain focus.

Our moral foundation

justifies our defense.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Give me Liberty,
or we will take it by force.

267. The United States of America has

been thrown far beyond the point of
demoralization in the subversion
process. The next stop is “crisis.”
America is ripe for a “Democratic
Liberal Socialist” takeover, which is
a nice way of saying “Communism.”

America will fall if we are not fully

prepared to hold the line.

Now is not the time for infighting over

petty bullshit. Anyone on the side of
righteousness, anyone on the side of
patriotism, who isn’t calling for absolute
unity at this point in time, is a liability.

268. We can’t all be right, all of the

time. Find something greater than
yourself to abide by, and stay
the course.

Wiser men have walked down this very

same road, long before us.

269. The road between the Libertarian

Right, and the Authoritarian Right,
will pave itself when our people are
brought to the edge of extinction.

In the eyes of our enemy,

our contrast means nothing.

As far as they’re concerned, it’s one

more thing preventing us from reaching
salvation. Strength through unity.
Strength through suffering.

270. Church is meant to guide us

toward the ultimate truth of God.

It’s not supposed to change,

or keep up with the times.

A progressive church is not centered

around divinity, it is centered around
humanity, and so it is comparable to
the false teachings of Satanism.

If your church is flying a rainbow flag,

you should stop attending, for modernity
has stripped it of pure intentions.

271. Living in a big city, and having the

audacity to tell a country boy that he
needs to “take better care of the
environment” is as pointless as
telling a fish to hold their breath.

The mindless regurgitation

of institutionalized thought
projected upon individuals
who have done nothing
to contribute to environmental

These trendy yuppies preach from the

ivory towers of wealthy cities, and
they practice absolutely nothing.

We speak for the trees, because

we were raised among them.

272. Among our kin, there is some

division between Pagans and
Christians, in the same way there is
division between American Fascists
and European Fascists, yet there is
very little infighting.

This is because the difference in

what they believe is little, but what
they believe in stems from two
different schools of thought.

Both of which have been born of

European Blood, and derived from
attempts at becoming closer
to the divine.

To live in harmony with natural law.

“Religious systems can be destroyed

and resurrected, but the death
of your race is eternal.”

273. Kids can’t afford to buy book

at $25 a title, yet pornography
is absolutely free, and readily

Local artists and musicians who

speak on real issues, can’t afford
to play at local music venues, but
tasteless music promoting violence
and promiscuous behavior or
is playing on every radio and
media platform in the nation.

Music, Literature, and Entertainment are

tools used to shape our society. When
you promote degeneracy amongst the
easily impressionable youth, the youth
will indulge in degenerate behavior.

274. The hardest part of waking up

to the truth as we know it, is not
realizing that you were asleep,
but learning to accept that
you were never in control.

Wake your people up.

Break the illusion.


Take back your life.

Secure your future.

275. The Ruling Class does not identify

with Marxism or Capitalism...

They are parasites.

Capitalism is used as a tool of

subversion, to create problems,
and communism is offered as the
solution to the very same problems
they’ve created.

These are two fangs of the same

serpent. Convincing the masses
to enslave themselves isn’t
something that happens overnight.

276. In my final analysis of the

ambitions and aspirations
openly promoted by “progressive”
movements, i’ve come to
the conclusion:

These people aren’t seeking

“equality,” they are seeking a
form of domination. They are
seeking revenge for crimes that
our generation never committed.

To say that “we will not be equal

until your people experience the same
suffering of ours” is a threat
not to be taken lightly.

This isn't something that ends

with social or financial “equality.”

277. Threatening innocent people

isn't a good way of getting your point
across, and shining a light upon the
issues you think you’re facing.

Subhumans have no control

over their violent impulses.

The civilized man knows when to use

his words, and when to use his fists.

278. We do what we do because we

believe there is a more wholesome
way of living...

Free from a life of debt slavery.

Free from foreign influence

and outside intervention.

Free from a life of hedonism.

Free from self-destruction.

Free from endless wars.

Free from exploitation.

Free from domination.

Free from parasitism.

We fight for liberation.

We fight for salvation.

We fight for freedom.


279. Life isn’t easy.

It’s not easy to keep a marriage

together, but it’s also not easy
to get a divorce...

It’s not easy to deal with obesity,

but it’s also not easy to keep
yourself in shape...

It’s not easy to deal with debt,

but it’s also not easy to be
financially disciplined...

It’s not easy to speak your mind,

but it’s also not easy to stay silent.

Life will always be difficult, but

sometimes, we can choose which
difficulties we have to deal with.

280. When a dog bites an intruder’s

leg, the dog gets put down
almost immediately...

...but when a Sub-Saharan, or Muslim

grooming gang rapes and defiles an
innocent white woman, they are
released the next day, and go back
to living on government provisions
while they discuss their last victim.

The difference between the dog and

the Muslim is that, the dog doesn’t
know what it did wrong.

Dogs get put down.

281. Migrants will almost always

have a homeland to go back to.

When our nations fall,

we will have nothing.

Unlike them, we don’t have a home

we can return to when things get
heavy, so hold the line.

This is our last stand.


282. I wouldn’t be a Nationalist if I

wasn't proud of the American way.

The foundations of my homeland

are rooted deep within that of
defiance against tyranny.

I consider the Communist occupation

and subversion of my nation and
culture exactly that, and as an
American, it is my duty to stand
in defiance of such tyranny.

283. In the event of a collapse, America

will most likely fall back into a state
of Tribalism. The defiant nature of our
people and the Supreme Law of our
land, will prevent the development of
a new totalitarian system...

...our Constitution will always be our


We will be divided by race, religion,

land, and ideology, because that is
the natural response of humans in
extreme distress.

The war is escalating, like it or not.

Nature sets the rules.

284. Claims are disputable,

words can be redefined.

Symbols hold true power.

They can build an empire up from

the ashes, or they can bring an
empire down to its knees.

Symbolism will be the

downfall of our enemy.

285. Self-Destruction is a crime that

need not face external punishment,
so long as the self-destructive
actions of the individual are
neither directly or indirectly
impacting anyone else.

It’s a self-cleansing cycle.


To punish an individual for

engaging in self-destructive
behavior is counter productive.

An act in defiance of
Natural Selection.

The preservation of the weak

will directly impact the evolution
of the strong and self-reliant.

We have the right to

radical self-preservation.

We have the right to

radical self-destruction.

“If he dies, he dies.”

Help those who deserve help,

let those who don’t suffer the
consequences of their own
self-destructive actions.

Keeping those who are self-destructive

alive, quickly becomes a burden for the
strong. It’s not our responsibility to
babysit the inferior.

286. The only examples we have of

functioning socialised nations, are
nations with small populations, and
an overwhelming white majority.

This is because diverse and

incompatible people can not
function as a single unit.

This is because Men of European Blood

are masters of developing functioning
civilizations, when left free from the
parasitic influence of foreign subverters.

287. A lifetime of complaining about

the seemingly endless decay of your
society can be avoided with a single
well-planned attempt to put an
end to it, once and for all.

Do nothing, and nothing will change.

288. I would rather face the

pain of today’s discipline over
the suffering of tomorrow’s regret.

289. When the White Majority is

replaced here in America, the
United States will fall into
the hands of communism.

Immigrants and non-whites

vote left, overwhelmingly.

The Left knows this, and wants

to import foreigners for votes.

This is the main reason they are

so adamant about promoting it.

America will collapse when left alone

in the hands of the loud minority.

Reject your replacement.

290. Learning from the mistakes of

our ancestors is just as important as
learning from their achievements.

If we did things right the first

time, we wouldn’t be in this
mess to begin with.

Reversing the subversion process

requires far-more than simply
understanding and exposing
the problem.

It requires more than just a reaction.

It requires an enlightenment.

Subversion targets the

subconscious, therefore,
we must learn to execute
our own methods of
subconscious warfare.

291. The United States will

not collapse into a RAHOWA.

It will collapse into an

ideological conflict.

A byproduct of this conflict will

be the radical division of race,
as these ideologies attract
different racial demographics.

“Race War”

Between 80% and 90% of the

American population, including
all races and religions, will sit
on the sidelines, and side
with the winning team when
all is said and done.

“Revolution is a spectator sport. “

292. They would rather see us equal in

chains, than unequal in our liberty.

My people will not be enslaved

over the emotions of the inferior.

293. The Supreme Law of my land

should only protect those born
upon it, bound by blood and soil.

294. Truth is nothing without a voice.

A voice is nothing without it’s pride.

Pride is nothing without power.

Power is nothing without unity.


Unity is nothing without order.

Order is nothing without law.

The constitutional Republic of

the United State of America is the
greatest form of government in
human history, and it will not be
subverted by the likes of unelected
officials, foreign hordes,
and unprincipled men.

“Enemies Foreign and Domestic.”

295. What makes these people think

they have the “right” to be here? The
“Right” to tell me how to live my life?

Why should I have to abide

by the will of a foreigner?

...and on my own soil?

Why should they have a voice, and get

to determine the rules and regulations
that we are all subjected to?

I never asked for their “contribution”

to my society.

I never asked for their “assistance”

here in my home land.

WE are the one’s assisting THEM.

They have the right to NOTHING.


We are being told to hand over the

lands our forefathers died to protect,
and the civilizations they created.

Natives Only.

296. The “Non-Aggression Principle” is

a made up principle, with no basis in
reality. Notions of Liberty written by
our founding fathers were taken out
of context, and twisted to justify
the act of doing nothing until
something is done to you.

This is the principle of a coward.


Understand this:
The Sons of Liberty
abided by no such principle.

This kind of thinking stems from the

Liberal school of thought, and has given
our enemies the keys to our subversion.

Our enemy discovered long ago

that they do not need violence to
eradicate a nation and its people.

This is subversion.

Subversion can only be

reversed through force.

Refusing to acknowledge violence

as a response and productive course
of action, is willingly neutering yourself,
out of respect for an enemy that does
not respect you.

A display of power.

An act of defiance.

297. “NAP” should stand for

“Nationless And Poor”

...because that’s where you’ll

end up if you abide by it.

No tolerance for the tolerant.

298. If and When the enforcement

of Racial, Cultural, or Ideological
Separation takes place, we must
acknowledge those who comply,
and provide them with safe passage.

We can not become that

which we swore to destroy.

Those who resist, however,

will risk their lives in doing so.

A show of force can only be

suppressed with an even
greater show of force.

“Separation” implies safe passage.

A violent resistance on the other

hand, requires a violent resolution.

299. God has no mercy for those who

bathe in the blood of the innocent,
and neither do we.

Far too many have died, just

so the nationless few can thrive.

300. To carry the title of

REACTIONARY is to reject the
subversion and eradication of
your race, nation and culture.

The title of REACTIONARY is a

declaration of your existence.

The REACTIONARY will lead the

way to the New Enlightenment.

This world is sick,

and we have the cure...

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