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Ogl 482 Discussion 1

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Prompt #1:

What gives me joy? (What kinds of things am I doing when I’m most naturally content and

When I think of something that gives me joy, there are many things that come to mind. My
family, my nieces, my fiancé, exploring, trying new things and list that goes on. But if you really
dig deep into what truly makes me happy and brings me joy, I would have to state that what
brings me the most joy is by helping others and feel that I am contributing to them and their
happiness. To me, there is always something that makes me so happy and joyful when I can
make others happy. I tend to always put others first before myself and my own happiness. I want
to always make other people happy and making them happy allows me to be happy and joyful.
One big example is with my nieces. They truly bring me so much joy to me when I see them
happy and I can make them happy. Even if it's by the littlest things that I can do for them. Now
they are 2 and 4, so it doesn’t take much for them to become happy. But even me being able to
do the simple things like taking them for a walk to the park or to the pool to swim, makes them
so happy. Seeing them so happy and have such a big smile on their faces, truly brings me so
much joy. That is why I feel that the biggest thing that gives me the most joy is by making others

What am I good at? (What are my strengths?)

I normally am a person that can tell you all the things I am not good at and I feel insecure about
myself. However, after really sitting down and taking the time to think what I am all good at, I
can think of quite a few big things right away. The first that I am very good at is listening and
being a supporter. When someone is talking to me, I put all my focus onto them and really listen
to them and what they are saying. Especially when it comes to being one on one with someone
face to face. I am the type of person that will give my all and full attention to listen to someone's
problems and concerns. I like to listen to others and hear their thoughts and opinions. I feel that it
really contributes to benefiting me because I am able to learn new things as well. I am also one
that is a very supportive person and am very good at being there for others when they need it the
most. I feel this is one of my biggest strengths because I tend to put others before myself,
especially when it comes to them needing support. I like to make sure people are happy and tend
to be a caregiver and want to help others. I feel that I am very good at it and many people can
trust me to help them and feel safe around me. My last thing I would have to say that I am good
at is being reliable and being counted on. This is something that I have always set a goal and
really strived at doing. I always wanted to set an example for myself that I want to be someone
that can be relied on and be counted on, so that is what I stick to! I am one that you can always
count on being there or done with my task when I say it is going to be done.

What does the world need me to do? (What can I contribute?)

I think what I contribute and what the world needs me to do is keep helping others and being
kind to others. I feel that in the world we live in today, there are not enough kind people in this
world that are willing to put others first. I feel like that is why I need to help and contribute this
kindness in the world and that I can contribute that in many ways. I do that by bringing joy to
others, listening, and being someone that people can come to for support.

Prompt #2: Values Checklist (Attachment): What were your top 5 values? What kinds of
defining characteristics did you associate with your values as you crossed them off the list
one at a time until you had only one value listed? What did you learn about your values
hierarchy through this activity?

When doing this checklist, it was very hard for me to just pick 10 of them at first. I struggled
because I felt a lot of these values were very important to me. But I was able to get it pinpointed
on 10 things. Then it was even more of a struggle to pick my top 5 of those 10 because I felt like
I could value so many of these. But finally, I picked my top 5. My top 5 values to me are
personal development, honesty, helping other people, close relationships, and meaningful work.

When it came to picking my values and what characteristics that I associate them with, I really
looked at what is important to me and really is what I want within my life. These values make
me feel fulfilled with life and being able to have these 5 values really shows and represents what
I mean. I feel that this really allowed me to learn more about what I value as a person throughout
this whole process of picking and choosing exactly what my top 5 values were. It was not easy,
but once I really started to think about what I value and want within my life, these are the 5
values I want to focu one.

Prompt #3: For this prompt, complete (and include) the identities exercise / table, and then
answer the following questions.

Areas of identity / How does this How does this role Which of your
Life role role define your influence your core values
self-concept or priorities and aligns with this
I am a… views? your actions? identity?

Financial Associate This role allows me This role influences Helping other
to help others by me because it allows People
making sure their me to be able to use
bills are being sent my values of Meaningful Work
and paid for by helping and serving
insurance. others and putting
them as a priority.

This role allows me This role influences Meaningful Work
to be part of a team me because it allows
that I am a part of me to contribute to
and contribute to something and be a
within an part of something I
organization. feel as being

Sister/ Daughter This role allows me This role influences Close

to be a part of a me because it shows Relationships
family that will a close relationship.
allow me to be It allows me to feel
there for me and be like I belong to
close to. someone and
important to those

Catholic This role allows me This role influences Honesty

to show my honesty me because it is all
to my faith and about how you
what I believe in. practice your faith
and being honest
with yourself and
what you believe in.

Swimmer This role allows This influences me Personal

me to maintain a by allowing myself Development
goal and make to grow and develop
myself a better into a stronger and
person. faster swimmer.

Volunteer This role allows me This role influences Helping other

to be able to use my me because it allows People
skills and ability to me to feel good and
give back to others valued as I help
that are in need. other people that are
needing my time
and efforts.

How do your various roles influence how you see yourself?

When it comes to the various roles that I play, I feel that they influence me by how I see myself
in a positive way. I feel that it allows me to see what type of person I want to be and what truly is
important to me. I also like to think about what makes me, me. I feel that everyone is different in
their own ways and has their own roles they play. But those roles make up what a person is. That
is how I look at it. I choose the roles and values that I value because those are what are important
to me within my life.

How do your various roles influence how you see the world?

I feel that my various roles in life are what I was meant to do and be within the world. I feel that
all the roles I play and do, contribute to the world in so many ways that we tend to not always see
and think about. It if wasn’t for the roles that we do play within our lives, we would not be where
we are today within the world.

How do you currently prioritize your roles? Which roles are most (and least) attended to?
Are you happy with this prioritization? What changes would you like to make?

When it comes to prioritizing my roles within my life, I like to choose what matters the most and
what makes me happiest. Also the roles that are the most important to me. My most attended role
that I attend to above would be to a sister/ daughter. I feel like this is very important to me
because I am a very close person when it comes to family and relationships. I feel that my least
role that I attend to above is volunteering. I feel that this kind of gets put at the end of the
prioritizing list because of my schedule and time. I feel that I don’t take the time to really make a
priority of volunteering. For the most part, I am happy with my prioritization because I feel that I
will always put family and relationships as my first priority. However, I would like to get better
at volunteering more frequently and not always putting it on the side because I do not have the
time. I would like to be able to make more time, so I can contribute more to volunteering.

How do you see your roles changing in the future – and how will that affect your identity?

I don’t see my roles changing a whole lot going forward in the future. I feel that they will only
get stronger in the direction they are going now. I feel that my family and close connection with
them will grow into a bigger connection. I feel that going forward I will continue to volunteer
less and less due to being focused on my family and career.
Look back at your Values Worksheet and your Identities Table, explore how your values
and identities align, explain inconsistencies and gaps.

When I look back at my values worksheet and identities table, I feel that my values and identities
line up pretty well for the most part. My top 5 values were helping other people, close
relationships, honesty, personal development, and meaningful work. I feel that all the roles I play
within my life really line up with my core values and what I want to do within my life. It allows
me to show what I value and identify myself as.

Prompt #4: Dreams and Desires Worksheet (attachment): What underlying meaning did
you discover through exploring your dreams and desires in this manner? Can you see a
connection between what you desire and your inner sense of purpose? Explain.

When doing the dreams and desires worksheet, I learned quickly that when it comes to my
dreams and desires, it shows that I want to be able to provide and contribute to things. I want to
be able to make a difference and be able to do all the things that I truly value within my life. I
want to help others, I want to have those close relationships, I want to have personal growth. My
dreams and desires connect with what I feel is the purpose of my life. I find this very important
and interesting because it allows me to see what I want out of my life and what I want to make of
it. It allows me to show my true meaning of purpose.

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