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Modified Diet

Dietary modifications are changes made during food preparation, processing, and consumption to
increase the bioavailability of micronutrients—and reduce micronutrient deficiencies—in food at the
commercial or individual/household level (Beck and Heath 2013).

Definition of Modified Diet

A modified diet is any diet altered to include or exclude certain components, such as calories, fat,
vitamins and minerals, according to “Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice” by Susan G. Dudek. Diets
are typically modified for therapeutic reasons, including treatment of high blood pressure, low body
weight or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Talk to your physician about diet modifications that may
help your condition, and follow up with a nutritionist to help you make the best dietary choices


Dietary modifications are changes made during food preparation, processing, and consumption to
increase the bioavailability of micronutrients—and reduce micronutrient deficiencies—in food at the
commercial or individual/household level (Beck and Heath 2013).

Dietary Modifications

1.Standard diet: a diet that includes all foods and meets the nutrient needs of healthy people;
also called a regular diet.

2.Modified diet: a diet that is altered by changing food consistency or nutrient content or by
including or eliminating specific foods; also called a therapeutic diet.

Examples of Modified Diets

Type of Diet Description of Diet Appropriate Uses Example

Modified Texture and Consistency

Mechanically Contain foods
Pureed diets are used
altered diets that are
for people with
modified in
swallowing difficulty,
texture. Pureed
poor lip and tongue
diets include
control, or oral hyper-
only pureed
sensitivity. Mechanical
soft diets are
mechanical soft
appropriate for people
diets may
with limited chewing
include solid
ability or certain
foods that are
mashed, minced,
ground, or soft.

Blenderized Contains fluids

For people who cannot
Liquid Diet and foods that
chew, swallow easily, or
are blenderized
tolerate solid foods.
to liquid diet
liquid form .

Clear Liquid Contains clear For bowel surgery or

Diet fluids or foods that colonoscopy, for. acute
are liquid at room GI disturbances (such as
preparation for after GI surgeries), or as
temperature and a transition diet after
leave minimal intravenous feeding.
residue in the colon For short-term use only.

Therapeutic Modification of the Normal Diet –


A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the intake of certain foods. It’s a practice followed
in many hospitals as part of the treatment of a medical condition and are normally prescribed by
a physician and planned by a dietician. A therapeutic diet is usually a modification of a regular
diet. Diets are modified for consistency, nutrition and new methods of making regular dishes.

The normal diet may be modified:

 to provide a change in the constituents of the diet.

 to maintain, restore or correct nutritional status
 to include all nutrients in the diet
 to increase or decrease the energy value of the diet
 to provide foods bland in flavour.
 to modify the intervals of feeding.


A well planned diet providing all the specific nutrients to the body helps to achieve nutritional homeostasis
in a normal, healthy individual. However, in disease conditions, the body tissues either do not receive
proper nutrients in sufficient amounts or cannot utilize the available nutrients owing to faulty digestion,
absorption or transportation of food elements, thus affecting the nutritional homeostasis of the sick person.
The diet, therefore needs to be suitably modified. However, it is imperative that the basis for planning such
modified diets should be the normal diet.Therefore diet therapy is concerned with the modification of
normal diet to meet the requirements of the sick individual.

The general objectives of diet therapy are

1. To maintain a good nutritional status.

2. To correct nutrient deficiencies which may have occurred due to the disease.
3. To afford rest to the whole body or to the specific organ affected by the disease.

4. To adjust the food intake to the body's ability to metabolize the nutrients during the disease.

5. To bring about changes in body weight whenever necessary.

The advantages of using normal diet as the basis for therapeutic diets are

1. It emphasises the similarity of psychological and social needs of those who are well, even though there
is quantitative and qualitative differences in requirements, thus ensuring better acceptability.

2. Food preparation is simplified when the modified diet is based upon the family pattern and the number
of items requiring special preparation is reduced to a minimum.

3. The calculated values for the basic plan are useful in finding out the effects of addition or omission of
certain foods. e.g; if vegetables are restricted, vitamin A or Vitamin C deficiency can occur.

Factors to consider in planning therapeutic diets

1. The underlying diseased condition which requires a change in the diet.

2. The possible duration of the disease.
3. The factors in the diet which must be altered to overcome these conditions.
4. The patients tolerance for food by mouth.

In planning meals for a patient his economic status, his food preferences, his occupation and time of meals
should also be considered.

The four attributes of a therapeutic diet are;

1. Adequacy

2. Accuracy

3. Economy

4. Palatability


These diets are used in the treatment of gastro intestinal tract. These diets can range from a very
low residue diet to a very high fibre diet. Method of feeding is oral.


(i) Liquid Diets

Liquid diets consist of foods that are liquid at

room temperature and are used in:

 Febrile states (acute fever)

 Post operative conditions


(i) Soft and Low Fibre Diets Soft diet is between liquid diet and normal diet.
Soft diet includes both liquid and solid foods
which contain restricted amount of indigestible
carbohydrates and no tough connective tissue.
The diet can be made soft by cooking,
mashing, pureeing the foods used in a diet
under normal conditions. One could also use of
refined breads, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
This diet is soft in texture and bland to taste

(ii) Low Residue Diets The diet is made up of foods which can be
completely absorbed, leaving little or no
residue for faeces formation. This diet is low in
its mineral and vitamin content. Such diets
need to be supplemented and foods high in
fibre should be omitted. Two cups of milk may
be permitted on a daily basis. Fruits and
vegetables without skins are allowed. Meat
should be tender or ground to reduce
connective tissue. The diet is usually used in
severe diarrhoea, acute diverticulitis, post
operations etc.

(iii) High Fibre Diets Dietary fibre plays a significant role in colonic
function. A high-fiber diet includes foods that
have a high fiber content. Fiber is essentially
the outer crust of fruits, vegetables, and grains
that is not broken down by the body. It helps in
excretion of body wastes. Its also well known
that fiber regulates the cholesterol levels. Oats,
beans, peas, and certain fruits and vegetables
(oranges, pears, brussels sprouts, and carrots)
are rich sources of fiber. Recommended in case
of constipation, or high cholesterol. This is a
normal diet with fibre increased to 15–20 gms


Modification or change in the nutrient composition of the diet to increase or decrease the
availability of nutrients to suit the body requirements / limitations of a person.
This is a normal diet with an increase in the calorie
level to 3000 or more. If appetite is poor, small
a. High Calorie Diets servings of highly reinforced foods are given. The
diet may be modified in consistency and flavour,
according to specific needs. Excessive amounts of
foods that have a low calorific value and fried foods
which disturb the appetite should be avoided. These
diets are prescribed for

 Weight loss
 Fever
 Hyperthyroidism
 Burns

b. Low Calorie Diet These diets controls calories, carbohydrates,

proteins and fat intake in balanced amount to meet
the nutritional needs and control blood sugar and
weight. This is a normal diet with energy values
reduced to 1500, 1200 or 1000 calories. Protein
levels should be at 65 to 100 gms. Supplements of
Vitamin A and thiamine are usually required for
diets below 1000 calories.

These diets are prescribed for reducing body

weight in

 Diabetes Mellitus
 Cardiovascular diseases
 Hypertension
 Gout
 Gall bladder disease
 Preceding surgery.

These are diets high in plant and animal proteins;

used to treat malnutrition or to increase muscle
c. High Protein Diet mass. High protein diet of 100 – 125 g per day may
be prescribed for a variety of conditions like

 Fever
 Hyper thyroidism
 Burns
 After surgery
 Diarrhoea
 Elderly
 Alcoholics

d. Low Protein Diet A low-protein diet is a diet in which people reduce

their intake of proteins. Such a diet is often
prescribed to people with kidney or liver disorders.
Low protein diets are usually prescribed for
conditions like

 Hepatic encephalopathy
 Acute and chronic glomerulonephrites
 Nephroslerosis
 Acute and chronic renal failure
 In-born errors of metabolism.

In severe liver disorders, when protein cannot be

synthesized, excess ammonia cannot be converted
to urea for excretion and the patient develops
hepatic coma. In this situation protein levels must
be decreased or completely restricted for a few
days. Patients with Kidney require low protein diets
since the kidney cannot excrete nitrogenous wastes.
Diets containing 18 to 22 gms of high biological
value protein may be needed for the chronic uremic
patients who is not being dialysed. Low protein
diets are also prescribed for patients with in-born
errors of metabolism that result from lack of
enzymes of the urea cycle.
` Fat controlled diets regulate the amount and type of
fat allowed. The total calories from fats should give
d. Fat Controlled Diet about 30% and 35% of the total calories with 10%
from saturated fat and 12 – 14% from poly-
unsaturated fats. Even the intake of cholesterol also
is reduced from the average daily intake of 600 to
300 mg. Usually fat controlled diets are prescribed

 Gall bladder diseases

 Nontropical sprue
 Celiac disease
 Cystic fibrosis
 Atherosclerosis
 Myocardial infarction
 Hyperlipidemisa etc.

e. Low Sodium Diet

The mineral content of the diet may also be modified.

Four levels of sodium restriction are used — 250,
500, 1000 and 2400 mgs. The diet excludes excess
salty foods and salt in cooking and at the table. This
diet is used both to prevent and treat edema.
Therefore, it is prescribed for congestive heart
failure, hypertension, liver and renal diseases. Then
sodium must be added back by means of the diet

Manual of Clinical Nutrition ManagementiCopyright © 2013Compass Group, Inc.All

rights reserved-
Chapter II


Lipids constitute one of the four major classes of compounds that are found in living
systems. The lipids of metabolic significance include triacylglycerol, phospholipids and the
products of lipid metabolism such as free fatty acids and glycerol.


Triacylglycerols or triglycerides undergo hydrolysis by lipases to form glycerol and fatty

acids, which undergo further oxidation generating energy.

Lipases have been reported to be present in dry seeds of some species, e.g.castor bean,
Scots pine and Douglas fir but at a low level, or absent in others e.g. apple.

In most cases of seeds, following imbibitions, there appears to be a rise in lipaseactivity but
whether this increase is due to the de novo synthesis of the enzyme or activation of existing
lipases has not been determined.

A decline in lipase activity is always associated with decline in acylglycerol reserves. In

castor bean, as in many other fat-storing seeds, free fatty acids do not accumulate, but are rapidly
degraded and converted to carbohydrate within the endosperm. In other seeds such as
germinating seeds of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), a different pattern of fat mobilization can be

The products of lipid catabolism are transported via specialized structures called
haustorium through its vascular system.

Lipases are generally non-specific and can hydrolyse a wide variety of triacylglycerols.
They initiate digestion by hydrolyzing triacylglycerols to form free fatty acids and1,2-
diacylglycerols. Complete hydrolysis of triacylglycerols produces glycerol and fatty acids.
Lipase hydrolyses easily the terminal fatty acids to produce 2-monoacyl glycerol as major

Phospholipases are the hydrolytic enzymes acting on phospholipids and splitting into
different products. There are four types of phospholipases known as phospholipase A1,
phospholipase A2 or B1, phospholipase C and phospholipase D.
Phospholipase A:

Phospholipase A is present in large amounts in snake venom and human pancreas. It is

also designated as phospholipase A1. It catalyses the hydrolysis of the fatty acids in the 2 or -
position of the phospholipids. Though this enzyme attacks on glycerophosphatides, it is fairly
specific for phosphatidyl choline (lecithin). The enzyme is relatively stable to heat (below pH
7.0). The product of the hydrolysis, a lysolecithin, (monoacylphosphoryl choline) has a powerful
hemolytic activity.

Phospholipase B (A2):

It is otherwise termed as lysophospholipase and widely distributed in nature often in

association with phospholipase A. Phospholipase B is also designated as phospholipase A2 since
it acts on the lysolecithin (the product obtained from phospholipid by the action of phospholipase
A1). The action of this enzyme following that of phospholipase A1 yields glycerophosphoryl
choline as the final product.

Phospholipase C:

Phospholipase C is mostly found in the plant kingdom but it may also be present in some
animal tissues and venoms. It catalyses the liberation of a 1,2-diacylglycerol and
phosphorylcholine from phosphatidylcholine. Phosphorylcholine is also liberated from
sphingomyelin by this enzyme.
Phospholipase D:

Phospholipase D, an enzyme described mainly in plants catalyses the hydrolysis of

choline from phosphatidylcholine leaving phosphatidic acid.


Fatty acids obtained by hydrolysis of fats undergo different oxidative pathways such as
alpha (), beta () and omega () pathways.

Alpha Oxidation ():

Alpha Oxidation () of fatty acids has been found in certain tissues especially in brain
tissue of mammals and plant systems. It does not require CoA intermediates and no high-energy
phosphates are generated. This type of oxidation results in the removal of one carbon at a time
from the carboxyl end of the fatty acid as observed in many animal tissues.

The physiological role of alpha oxidation () oxidation in plants is not yet fully
established but it has been suggested that it may be involved in the degradation of long chain
fatty acids as observed in many animal tissues. Alpha Oxidation () is clearly the main source of
the odd-carbon fatty acids and their derivatives that occur in some plant lipids. In this process,
sequential removal of one carbon at a time from free fatty acids of chain length ranging from
C13 to C18 occur.

Omega Oxidation () :

Omega Oxidation () is normally a very minor pathway brought about by hydroxylase
enzymes involving cytochrome P- 450 in the endoplasmic reticulum. Fatty acids with oxygen
function (alcoholic or carboxyl) at the methyl terminal end omega () -oxidation and frequently
occur as constituents of cutin and suberin.

The requirements for the oxygenase-mediated conversion of a omega ()-methyl fatty

acyl CoA into a -hydroxymethyl fatty acyl CoA are molecular oxygen, reduced pyridine
nucleotide and a non-heme iron protein in higher plants.
Beta () Oxidation of Fatty Acids:

In 1904, Franz Knoop made a critical contribution to the elucidation of the mechanism of
fatty acid oxidation and demonstrated that most of the fatty acids degraded by oxidation at the -

Beta ()-Oxidation of fatty acids takes place in mitochondria. Fatty acids are activated
before they enter into mitochondria for oxidation. Activation of fatty acids. Fatty acids are
converted into active intermediate in a reaction with ATP and coenzyme A. A thioester linkage
between the carboxyl group of a fatty acid and the sulfhydryl group of coenzyme A is formed
with the hydrolysis of ATP. This activation reaction takes place on the outer mitochondrial
membrane catalysed by acyl CoA synthetase. Several acyl CoA synthetases, each specific for
fatty acids of different chain length are present in the membrane of mitochondria.

Penetration of Long Chain Fatty Acids into Mitochondria:

Long chain acyl-CoA molecules do not readily get into the inner mitochondrial
membrane and are carried across the inner membrane by conjugating with carnitine (-hydroxyl,
-trimethyl ammonium butyrate), a zwitterionic compound formed from lysine.

Activation of lower fatty acids and their oxidation within the mitochondria occur
independently of carnitine, but long-chain acyl CoA will become oxidized unless they form
acylcarnitines. The acyl CoA combines with carnitine in the presence of carnitine
acyltransferase 1, which is bound to the outer mitochondrial membrane.

Acylcarnitine is transported in, coupled with the transport out of one molecule of
carnitine. The acylcarnitine then reacts with coenzyme-A, catalyzed by carnitine palmitoyl
transferase II, located on the inside of the inner membrane. Acyl CoA is reformed in the
mitochondrial matrix and carnitine is liberated.


A saturated Acyl CoA is oxidized by a recurring sequence of four reactions i.e.

Oxidation in presence of FAD, Hydration, Oxidation in presence of NAD+, and Thiolysis by
CoASH. In  -oxidation, 2 carbons are cleaved at a time from Acyl CoA molecules, starting
from the carboxyl end. The chain is broken between the -and  carbon atoms. The two-carbon
units formed are acetyl CoA.

1. The first reaction in  -oxidation is the formation of trans 2- enoyl CoA or , unsaturated
acyl Co A in presence of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and the coenzyme FAD.
2. The next step is hydration of the double bond between C-2 and C-3 by enoyl CoA
hydratase with the formation of  hydroxyl acyl Co-A.
3. In the third step, the .-hydroxy acyl of CoA is dehydrogenated in presence of  -hydroxy
acyl CoA dehydrogenase and NAD+ forming .-ketoacyl CoA.
4. In the last step of -oxidation,  ketoacyl CoA reacts with coenzyme A in the presence of
the enzyme, thiolase. The products of this reaction are acetyl CoA and an acyl CoA
containing two carbons less than the original acyl CoA molecule that underwent oxidation.

By the above steps of -oxidation fatty acids are completely degraded to acetyl CoA
units. The acetyl CoA formed from fatty acids can be oxidised to carbon dioxide and water via
citric acid cycle.

Energetics of -Oxidation:

The energetics or the energy conserved in terms of ATP by oxidation of a molecule of

palmitic acid is given below:

Palmitic acid (16 carbons) undergoes -oxidation forming eight molecules of acetyl co-A
by undergoing seven  oxidation spirals. When one cycle of -oxidation takes place one
moleculeFADH2, one molecule of NADH and one molecule of acetyl CoA are produced.

Electrons from these reducing equivalents (FADH2 and NADH) are transported
through the respiratory chain in mitochondria with simultaneous regeneration of high-energy
phosphate bonds. Mitochondrial oxidation of FADH2 eventually results in the net formation of
about 1.5 ATP. Likewise, oxidation of electrons from NADH yields 2.5 molecules of ATP.
Hence, a total of four ATP molecules are formed per cycle and ten molecules of ATP are
formed through Krebs’s cycle from each molecule of acetyl CoA.
8 Acetyl CoA through TCA cycle yield (8x10) = 80 ATP

7 -oxidation spiral reactions yield (7x4) = 28 ATP

Total ATP = 108 ATP

ATP utilized in the initial step = 2 ATP

Number of ATP yielded by complete oxidation of palmitic = 106 ATP


Oxidation of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids :

Oxidation of monounsaturated fatty acids follows many of the reactions of saturated fatty
acids except the requirement of two additional enzymes, an isomerase and a novel reductase.
Reactions of monounsaturated fatty acid are explained by considering the oxidation of a C-16
unsaturated fatty acid, palmitoleic acid, having a single double bond between C-9 and C-10 .
Palmitoleic acid is activated and transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane in the
same way as saturated fatty acids.

Palmitoleoyl CoA undergoes three cycles of degradation as in -oxidation. But the cis 3
decenoyl CoA formed after the third cycle does not serve as a substrate for acyl CoA
dehydrogenase. The presence of a double bond between C-3 and C-4 prevents the formation of
another double bond between C-2 and C-3. An isomerase converts the cis double bond into a
trans double bond and shifts the position of double bond between C-2 and C-3. The
subsequent or follow up reactions are those of the -oxidation pathway in which the trans 2
decenoyl CoA is a regular substrate.

Oxidation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids:

The oxidation of a polyunsaturated fatty acid, linoleic acid, with cis -9 and cis-12-
double bonds, is considered.

The cis-3 double bond formed after three rounds of -oxidation is converted into a trans
double bond by the isomerase. This permits one more round of oxidation.
The acyl CoA produced by four rounds of -oxidation of linoleic acid contains a cis-4
double bond, which undergoes dehydrogenation by acyl CoA dehydrogenase yielding trans 2,
cis4 dienoyl intermediate. This intermediate is not a substrate for the next enzyme in the -
oxidation pathway. This intermediate is converted into a trans 3 enoyl CoA to the trans 2
form, an intermediate generally found in -oxidation pathway and results in complete oxidation
of the fatty acid.

Fatty Acid and Triacyl Glycerol Biosynthesis:

Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids :

It was thought that fatty acid biosynthesis occurred by reversal of the β-oxidation
pathway. On the contrary, it occurs by a separate pathway that differs from β-oxidation in
several ways.

 Synthesis takes place in the cytosol, in contrast with degradation or oxidation, which occurs
in the mitochondrial matrix.
 Intermediates in fatty acid synthesis are covalently linked to the sulfhydryl group of an acyl
carrier protein (ACP) whereas intermediates in fatty acid breakdown are bonded to
coenzyme A.
 The enzymes of fatty acid synthesis in animals are joined in a single polypeptide chain
called fatty acid synthase. In contrast, the degradative enzymes do not seem to be
associated. Plants employ separate enzymes to carry out the biosynthetic reactions.
 The reductant in fatty acid synthesis is NADPH, whereas the oxidants in fatty acid
oxidation are NAD+ and FAD. Pathway for the movement of acetyl-CoA units from within
the mitochondrion to the cytoplasm for use in lipid and cholesterol biosynthesis. The
following seven steps are involved in fatty acid biosynthesis.
Formation of Malonyl CoA:

The synthesis of malonyl CoA from acetyl CoA is catalyzed by acetyl CoA carboxylase
having biotin as prosthetic group. The production of malonyl CoA is the initial and controlling
step in fatty acid synthesis. In this reaction, bicarbonate serves as a source of CO2. The reaction
takes place in two steps, namely carboxylation of biotin involving ATP and transfer of the
carboxyl group to acetyl CoA resulting in malonyl CoA. Acetyl CoA carboxylase plays a key
role in regulating fatty acid metabolism and the same is inactivated by phosphorylation. 121
www.AgriMoon.Com Fundamentals of Biochemistry ii) Formation acetyl and malonyl ACP
Acetyl transacylase and malonyl transacylase catalyze the formation of acetyl ACP and malonyl
ACP respectively. Acetyl transacylase can transfer acetyl as well acyl groups whereas malonyl
transacylase is highly specific. Acetyl transacylase Acetyl CoA + ACP ----------------→ acetyl -
ACP + COASH Malonyl transacylase Malonyl CoA + ACP ---------------→ Malonyl - ACP +
COASH iii) Formation of acetoacetyl - ACP (β-ketoacyl ACP) Acetyl ACP condenses with
malonyl ACP to form acetoacetyl ACP. Carbondioxide is eliminated from malonyl ACP. iv)
Reduction of β-ketoacyl ACP to β-hydroxyl acyl ACP. The β- keto group in acetoacetyl ACP is
reduced by NADPH- dependent β-ketoacyl reductase. v) Formation of unsaturated acyl ACP.
The β-hydroxyl group combines with the hydrogen atom attached to the γ-carbon and a water
molecule is removed to form α, β-unsaturated acyl ACP. vi) Formation of Acyl ACP The
unsaturated acyl ACP is converted in the next step to a saturated acyl ACP by the enzyme α,β-
unsaturated acyl ACP reductase using NADPH as the coenzyme. The resultant product contains
two carbon atoms more than the starting material. Addition of subsequent acetyl units through
malonyl ACP leads to the formation of 16- carbon palmitate. Stoichiometry of fatty acid
synthesis The stoichiometry of the synthesis of palmitate is given below: Acetyl CoA + 7
malonyl CoA + 14 NADPH + 20 H+ --------------→ Palmitate + 7 CO2 + 14 NADP+ + 8 CoASH
+ 6 H2O 122 www.AgriMoon.Com Fundamentals of Biochemistry The equation for the
synthesis of the malonyl CoA used in the above reaction is 7 Acetyl CoA + 7 CO2 + 7 ATP ------
--→ 7 malonyl CoA + 7ADP + 7 Pi + 14 H+ The overall stoichiometry for the synthesis of
palmitate is 8 Acetyl CoA + 7 ATP + 14 NADPH + 6H+ -------→ Palmitate + 14 NADP + 8
CoASH + 6 H2O + 7 ADP + 7 Pi Fatty acid synthesis and degradation are reciprocally regulated
so that both are not simultaneously active. Elongation of fatty acids or synthesis of long chain
fatty acids Elongation by the fatty acid synthase complex stops upon formation of palmitate
(16 C). Further elongation and the formation of double bonds are carried out by other
enzyme systems. The major product of fatty acid biosynthesis is the 16-carbon fatty acid,
palmitate. Additional enzymes are required to synthesise longer chain fatty acids. Chain
elongation reactions occur both in mitochondria and in microsomes. Microsomes are small
membrane-enclosed vesicles derived from the endoplasmic reticulum of cells. Mitochondria and
microsomes carry out chain elongation by adding two-carbon units to fatty acids. The
microsomal system has great physiological significance in that it provides the long chain fatty
acids (18-24C) required for the myelination of nerve cells in animal system. Chain elongation
occurs by a cycle of condensation, reduction, dehydration followed by another reduction that
parallels cytosolic fatty acid biosynthesis. The more active elongation system adds two carbons
to palmitoyl-CoA to make it steroyl CoA. The mechanism of elongation is identical with that
known in the synthesis of palmitate except the enzyme systems and the acyl carrier protein.
Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids Palmitate and stearate serve as precursors of the two
most common monounsaturated fatty acids, palmitoleate, 16:1, (Δ9) and oleate, 18:1 (Δ9)
respectively. Each of these fatty acids has a single double bond between C-9 and C-10. The
double bond is introduced into the fatty acid chain by an oxidative reaction catalysed by fatty
acyl-CoA desaturase, which is NADPH-dependent enzyme. The unsaturated fatty acids,
linoleate, 18:2 (Δ9, 12) and α-linolenate, 18:3 (Δ9,12,15) cannot be synthesised by mammals;
but plants can synthesise both. The desaturases responsible for synthesis of both the above fatty
acids are present in endoplasmic reticulum of plants. The plant desaturases oxidise
phosphatidylcholine-bound oleate and produce polyunsaturated fatty acids and do not directly
add double bonds to the fatty acids. Once ingested, the linoleate are readily converted to other
polyunsaturated fatty acids like γ-linolenate, arachidonic acid etc. in animals and human
beings. Biosynthesis of triacylglycerols
Triacylglycerols are not synthesized by reversal of lipolysis. They are synthesized by a
different mechanism in which both glycerol and fatty acids are activated by ATP before they
are incorporated into acylglycerols.

1. Activation of Glycerol:
Glycerol kinase catalyses the activation of glycerol to glycerol 3-phosphate. If glycerol
kinase is found in low quantity or absent, glycerol 3-phosphate will be formed from
dihydroxyacetone phosphate obtained from glycolysis and this reaction is catalysed by
the enzyme glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
2. Activation of Fatty Acids:
Fatty acids are activated to acyl CoA by the enzyme acyl CoA synthetase, utilizing ATP
and CoASH. Two molecules of acyl CoA combine with glycerol 3-phosphate to form
1,2-diacylglycerol phosphate. Formation of 1,2-diacyl glycerol phosphate takes place in
two stages, catalysed by glycerol 3-phosphate acyl transferase and then by 1-acyl
glycerol 3- phosphate acyl transferase. The phosphate group is removed from 1,2-diacyl
glycerol phosphate by phosphatidate phosphatase to form 1,2-diacyl glycerol.
Triacylglycerols are finally formed by esterification of one or more molecule of acyl
CoA with the diacylglycerol.
Alternative Pathway for Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis:
In this pathway, dihydroxyacetone phosphate from glycolysis is reduced  by
NADPH, acylated and converted to lysophosphatidate. This pathway accounts for less than
10% of total triacylglycerol synthesis.
2. Text Book of Biochemistry: A.K.Berry
4. Food Science, Fifth Ediction, Norman N. Potter, Joseph H. Hotchkiss
Menu Planning

In recent times, food has emerged as a source of comfort and a potential threat
to health. It reflects cultural heritage and gives a feeling of security and pleasure.
Healthy food intake is an important part of life. Hence, it is very essential to gain
knowledge about food, its planning, preparation and service. Creative meal
management for people at different age groups can add pleasure and satisfaction
to their lives and ensure healthy living.

Principles of Menu Planning

Menu planning is the process of planning and Scheduling intake of meals for
general or specific individual requrments. The four food groups permits an
individual to plan a menu to achieve nutrient intake as specified by recommended
dietary allowances.There are certain Principles in planning menu .They are
Nutrient Density: Considering how to ingest enough nutrients without eating too many

Moderation: Ingesting enough, but not too much, of a food. Control intake of foods that are
rich in fat and sugar or do not promote good health

Variety: Eating a wide selection of foods within and among the major food groups. Obtain
necessary nutrients and trace minerals

Adequacy: Sufficient energy, nutrients, and fiber to be healthy

Balance: Achieving the proper combination of foods/food groups. Eating foods in proportion
to each other and your needs

Calorie Control: Eating the right amount of calories to control weight given your

What guidelines do you keep in mind while planning meals? What all doyou
consider to make your meal planning effective? Yes, there are many factors such

1. Nutritional Adequacy

This is the most important factor, which means that the nutritional requirements
of all the family members are fulfilled. For example, you know a growing child
needs more protein, a pregnant or lactating woman needs calcium, etc.While
planning meals you will include food items from various food groups, that is,
energy giving foods, body building foods and protective and regulating foods.

2. Age

People normally eat according to their age. You must have observed in your
family that the diet of various members of different age groups differs in quantity.
A new born baby drinks only milk, a small child’s meal is also of very small
quantity, an adolescent eats still more in amount and variety of foods. Similarly,
you must have seen your grandfather eating less food and also that they prefer
soft and easy to digest foods.

3. Sex

Sex is another factor which determines the dietary intake. Dietary requirement of
adolescent and adult males are more than their female counterparts.

4. Physical Activity

The kind of work a person does affects the kind and amount of food they need to
take. Do you remember that RDA is different for people engaged in different
activities? A labourer not only eats more quantity but needs more energy because
he is engaged in hard work. His body uses up more energy while performing hard
work. So, if you have to plan for such a person you will include more energy giving
foods in the diet.

5. Economic Considerations

Money available to the family to be spent on food is another major factor. Foods
like milk, cheese, meat, fruits, nuts etc. are expensive. However, alternative
sources like toned milk, seasonal fruits and vegetables are less costly and at the
same time nutritious. You can therefore plan a balanced diet to suit every budget.

6. Time, energy and skill considerations

While planning the meals, you should consider the resources like time,energy and
skill available to the family. Meals can be elaborate with different dishes but you
can simplify them by cooking a simple but nutritious dish. For example, a working
mother could prepare a paushtik pulao, instead of preparing three or four items
for dinner.

7. Seasonal availability

Some foods are available in summers while some in winters. The off season foods
are expensive and less nutritious, while those in season are fresh, nutritious, tasty
and cheap. Hence, while planning seasonal foods should be used.

8. Religion, region, cultural patterns, traditions and customs

Regional factors influence meal planning. For example, if you are a

North Indian, you will consume more of wheat, while those near the coastal
region, will consume more of coconut, fish, etc. Similarly your staple food would
be rice if you are a South Indian. Religious beliefs prevalent in the family also have
an influence. For example, if you are a vegetarian, your diet will not have any
meat or meat product, Hindus do not eat beef and Muslims do not eat pork etc.

9. Variety in colour and texture

10. Likes and dislikes of individuals

The food you serve should cater to the likes and dislikes of the individual family
members. It is often better to change the form of some particularly nutritious
food item, rather than omitting it completely. For example, if someone in your
family does not like milk, you can give it in the form of curd, paneer, etc. Similarly,
if one does not want to take green leafy vegetables in cooked form, what
alternative would you suggest, so that it can be taken in adequate amount? Yes, it
can be used in a variety of ways - mixed with flour and made into parant has or
poories; or as culets or pakodas. It can also be given in the form of koftas, idlis,
vadas, etc.

11. Satiety Value

While planning meals, take care that you select foods which provide satiety value.
Meals which produce inadequate satiety, will lead to onset of hunger pangs,
which in turn will affect the working capacity and efficiency of a person.
Food and Nutrition, Malnutrition (Over and under malnutrition),
Nutritional disorders
Sheela Pandey and Priti Jain

Food, which provides our body all the nutrients such as carbohydrates, fat, protein,
vitamins, minerals and water, does influence our health status. Food and nutrition are
essential for maintaining good health and to prevent disease. Nutrition is the science
that deals with digestion, absorption and metabolism of food, i.e. the utilization of food in
the body. It is the result of the kinds of foods supplied to the body and how the body
uses the food supplied. It interprets the relationship of food to the functioning of living
organism. It includes the uptake of food, liberation of energy, elimination of wastes and
all the processes of synthesis essential for maintenance, growth and reproduction.

In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism. Good
nutrition provides all essential nutrients in correct balance which are further utilized to
promote the highest level of physical and mental health. Such a state of nutrition can be
attained through balanced diets. Balanced diet not only meets our day to day nutrient
requirements but also provides for an extra allowance of the nutrients to be stored in our
body, which can be used in condition of stress.

Good nutrition is a function of both economics and education. The most serious form of
nutritional disorder is under-nutrition arising from inadequate purchasing power.
However, even when purchasing power is adequate to access balanced nutrition,
various forms of imbalance in dietary intake occur due to lack of knowledge.

Importance of nutrition

Adequate, optimum and good nutrition are expressions used to indicate that the supply
of the essential nutrients is correct in amount and proportion. It also implies that the
utilization of such nutrients in the body is such that the highest level of physical and
mental health is maintained throughout the life-cycle. Good nutrition can help:

 Reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke,
some cancers, and osteoporosis
 Reduce high blood pressure
 Lower high cholesterol
 Improve your well-being
 Improve your ability to fight off illness
 Improve your ability to recover from illness or injury
 Increase your energy level

Type of nutrients

There are two main types of nutrients, macronutrients and micronutrients. The main
categories of macronutrients include carbohydrate, protein, and fat. The two groups of
micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. These are extra molecules that cells need to
make energy.

Functions of nutrients

The nutrients found in foods are; carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and
water. Fibre is also an essential component of our diet. The functions of nutrients are
given below.

Carbohydrates: Starch found in cereals and sugar in sugarcane and fruits are
examples of carbohydrates in foods. The chief function of carbohydrates is to provide
energy needed by our body. Those not used immediately for this purpose are stored as
glycogen or converted to fat and stored, to be mobilized for energy supply when

Fats: Oils found in seeds, butter from milk, and lard from meat, are examples of fats
found in foods. Fats are concentrated sources of energy, carriers of fat soluble vitamins
and a source of essential fatty acids. If excess fats are taken in the diet, these are
stored as fat reserves in the body. Energy taken in excess of body needs, is stored as
fat in the body.

Proteins: Casein from milk, albumin in egg, globulins in legumes and gluten in wheat,
are examples of proteins occurring in foods. The main function of protein is the building
of new tissues and maintaining and repair of those already built. Synthesis of regulatory
and protective substances such as enzymes, hormones and antibodies is also a
function of food proteins. About 10 per cent of the total energy is supplied by proteins in
the diet. Protein, when taken in excess of the body’s need, is converted to
carbohydrates and fats and is stored in the body.

Minerals: The minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, sodium, potassium and
others are found in various foods in combination with organic and inorganic compounds.
Minerals are necessary for body-building, for building of bones, teeth and structural
parts of soft tissues. They also play a role in regulation of processes in the body, e.g.,
muscle contraction, clotting of blood, nerve stimuli, etc.

Vitamins: Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and also water-soluble vitamins C and B

group are found in foods. These are needed for growth, normal function of the body and
normal body processes.

Water: It is an essential part of our body structure and it accounts for about 60 per cent
of our body weight. Water is essential for the utilization of food material in the body and
also for elimination of food waste. It is a regulator of body processes such as
maintenance of body temperature.

Classification of foods based on their functions and major nutrient contributions

Selection of foods in our meal is important to provide all the essential nutrients for
various body functions and to make the diet well balanced. For meal planning, different
foods are grouped under three food groups based on their functions and major nutrient
contributions which include:

Energy giving food

These are rich in carbohydrates, like cereals and their products, starchy roots and
tubers and sugars, and those rich in fat like nuts, fats and oils. The energy in our diet is
mainly contributed by this group.

Body building food

These foods provide proteins that are important for tissue building and maintenance.
Foods like pulses, milk and milk products provide proteins of good quality. As these
proteins contain all the essential amino acids in right amounts and proportions needed
by the body, they have a higher biological utilization.

Protective food

This group includes foods that provide sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals for
protective and regulatory functions of the body. All vegetables (except starchy roots and
tubers included under energy giving foods) and fruits comprise this group. Amongst the
vegetables, most of the green leafy vegetables are a good source of iron, calcium, β-
carotene, vitamin C and dietary fibre. Deep yellow and orange coloured fruits and
vegetables are particularly rich in β-carotene, and citrus fruits in vitamin C.


Malnutrition means an undesirable kind of nutrition leading to ill-health. It results from a

lack, excess or imbalance of nutrients in the diet. It is a state of impaired functional
ability which may occur due to insufficient food intake or the lack of foods that supply
the nutrients. The body is unable to utilize the sufficient food material to provide for
proper growth, maintenance and repair. It includes under nutrition and over nutrition.
Under nutrition is a state of an insufficient supply of essential nutrients. Malnutrition can
be primarily be due to insufficient supply of one or more essential nutrients; or it can be
secondary, which means it results from an error in metabolism, interaction between

nutrients or nutrients and drugs used in treatment. Over nutrition refers to an excessive
intake of one or more nutrients, which creates a stress in the bodily function.

Disorders of Nutrition

Foods contain a number of nutrients. When sufficient quantities of the right type of foods
are not eaten, many essential nutrients are not available in adequate quantities to the
body. This leads to the development of several deficiency diseases. Some of the
common deficiency diseases found are Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM), vitamin A
deficiency, anaemia due to lack or poor absorption of iron, and vitamin B complex

Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)

Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) or Protein Calorie Malnutrition (PCM) is the name
given to various degrees of nutritional disorders caused by inadequate quantities of
protein and energy in the diet. This is one of the most widespread deficiency disease in
India and covers abroad spectrum ranging from marginal deficiency with loss of weight
and poor growth to a severe deficiency in which the body may have developed oedema
or may have wasted away. Such deficiency occurs mainly in children below five years of
age, when they are weaned from mother’s milk and the diet substituted does not supply
sufficient protein and energy or protein only. When such lack has been prevalent for a
long time in the community, the parents’ may fail to note the low weight and stunted
growth of the children.

Diseases associated with protein energy malnutrition

Diseases associated with protein energy malnutrition are ‘Kwashiorkor’ and ‘Marasmus’.
Some children eat enough food, but it is wrong kind of food. They get a disease called
Kwashiorkor. Other children eat so little food of any kind that they get a disease called
Marasmus. Both Kwashiorkor and Marasmus can be complicated with other infections
due to intestinal parasites and bacteria. The reasons for the prevalence of protein
calorie malnutrition are poverty i.e. the families do not have enough income to purchase
the necessary nutritious foods. Ignorance of the relation of foods to health and
nutritional well-being is another possible cause of protein calorie malnutrition.

Kwashiorkor occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet but calories or energy
in the form of carbohydrates is available in sufficient quantity. Kwashiorkor is
characterized by growth failure, swelling of legs and feet (oedema), wasted muscles, a
miserable expression and changes in the colour of the skin and hair. The hair changes
to a light colour and becomes so soft that it can be easily pulled out. The skin develops
rashes and also becomes lighter in colour. In this disease, a child is usually underweight
and has swollen feet.

When both protein and energy are insufficient, over prolonged periods, a condition
known as ‘marasmus’ occurs in children. In marasmus, there is also growth failure i.e.
there is stunted growth. In addition, because of their being not enough protein and
calories in the diet, the protein from the body tissues is used up for energy. Children
are always very underweight, and sometimes only weigh half as much as they should
do for their age. In other words, a child becomes very thin indeed.

Protein Deficiency (Kwashiorkor)

Protein Deficiency (Marasmus)

Vitamin A Deficiency

A direct result of vitamin A deficiency is impairment of vision ultimately leading to

blindness. Vitamin A is necessary for growth, and lack of it could result in stunted
growth and abnormalities of bones and teeth. Deficiency of the vitamin also leads to
dryness of the conjunctiva of the eye and cloudiness of the cornea. At this stage night
blindness may be observed. Severe deficiency of vitamin A results in the cornea

becoming dry and losing its transparency thus having a hazy appearance. The principal
causes of vitamin A deficiency is lack of adequate supply in the diet. Vitamin A is
present in green leaves, ripe mangoes and other fruits.

Vitamin A Deficiency

Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Iron deficiency anaemia is a major nutritional problem. The age groups affected are
women in of reproductive age, pregnant women and pre-school children especially from
low income groups. Deficiency of iron causes anaemia, a condition in which there is a
decrease in the haemoglobin content of the red blood cells (erythrocytes), and there is
an alteration in their size and shape. Hence haemoglobin content of blood has been
used to study the incidence of anaemia.

Determination of haemoglobin level in the blood of large numbers of people in different

age groups in many parts of the world, has helped to establish standards with which the
results of field studies can be compared. Haemoglobin studies of large numbers of
school children in India, have shown that more than 50 per cent of them have
haemoglobin levels less than 10.8 g per 100 ml. Similarly the haemoglobin levels of
more than 50 per cent pregnant women, attending rural health centres, was found to be
less than 10 g per 100 ml.

The major cause of anaemia is iron deficiency due to inadequate intake of dietary iron
and/or its poor absorption, from the cereal based diets consumed by people. Iron intake
in the diets of low socio-economic groups has been found to be around 20 mg per day
in adults and 6 mg per day for pre-school children. These amounts of iron intake are
considered to be marginal due to the high phytate content of the diets, which render part
of the iron unavailable to the body. However, it has been observed that if sufficient
amounts of vitamin C and calcium are provided, iron can be absorbed even in the
presence of phytates. The incidence of anaemia can be reduced by improvements of

dietary habits. These are inclusion of leafy vegetables, which provide iron; vitamin C
and calcium, and pulses, which provide protein, iron and B vitamins.

Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Vitamin B-complex Deficiency

Some of the common symptoms of vitamin B-complex deficiency are sore mouth, sore
tongue and erosion at the angles of the mouth. Low intake of these vitamins in the diet
is the primary cause of deficiency. This is compounded by gastro-intestinal infections,
such as diarrhoea and dysentery, in which even the little vitamins ingested, may be
flushed out before absorption. During pregnancy and lactation, the need for the B
vitamins is increased, if there is no extra intake of the vitamins in the diet, deficiency
symptoms may occur. It is observed that chronic alcoholics suffer from thiamin
deficiency, as the need for thiamin increases with ingestion of alcohol.

Food processing methods affect the vitamin content of the products. For example,
thiamin and niacin are partially lost in refining and polishing of cereals, such as rice and
wheat. Beri-beri, which is caused by deficiency of thiamin, can affect children as well as
adults. The deficiency of niacin occurs, when the staple cereals are highly refined and
intake of dals and legumes is meager. Niacin deficiency is called pellagra (rough skin)
and it affects the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.

Thus thiamin deficiency could be corrected by using of rice is either under milled or
parboiled. Inclusion of other foods rich in thiamin such as wheat and wheat products
could help remove thiamin deficiency. Use of milk and milk products and other foods,
which are rich sources of riboflavin could prevent riboflavin deficiency. Groundnuts are a
rich source of niacin and very much liked by most people. Use of a combination of
cereals, pulses and inclusion of groundnuts, would help prevent B-complex deficiency.

Vitamin B-complex Deficiency

Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD)

Iodine deficiency leads to a number of disorders, which include goitre, cretinism, mental
retardation, deaf-mutism, neuropsychic retardation and myxoedema in elderly. Goitre
results in enlargement of the thyroid gland, Girls and women are more susceptible to
goitre than boys and men. The simplest way of eradicating iodine deficiency is by
addition of iodine to the diet. Salt is a very convenient vehicle for addition of iodine.

Iodine Deficiency

Nutrient Contribution of five groups

Food Food Included Main Nutrients Size of Serving

1 Cereals and their products – Rice, Energy, protein, iron, 25 g
wheat, jowar, bajra, ragi, maize, thiamin, niacin, fibre
other millets and their products
2 Protein foods – Dals, legumes, Proteins, energy, 25 g
milk, eggs, fish, poultry, meat and calcium, iron,
their products Bcomplex vitamins,
invisible fat, fibre
3 Protective vegetables and fruits – Carotenoids, vitamin 50-75 g
(a) All green leafy vegetables, C, iron, calcium, folic
orangeyellow fruits and vegetables acid, fibre
(b) Vit. C-rich fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C, carotene,
4 Other vegetables and fruits- Supplementary 50-75 g
All gourds, beans, peas, potatoes, sources of minerals,
onions, etc., all other fruits — vitamins and fibre
banana, apple, melons, grapes,
5 Oils, fats, sugars and their Energy, fat, essential 5 g
products – Oils, ghee, butter, fatty acids Energy
vanaspati, sugar, jaggery, jams,

Principles and Methods of Food Processing and Preservation
Dr. Pratibha Parihar and Dr. Priti Jain

Food Processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw
ingredients into finished and semi-finished products. Food processing requires good
quality raw materials to be converted into attractive, marketable and often long shelf-life
food products. Food processing is aimed to prevent undesirable changes in nutritive
value or quality of food and reduce physical, chemical and physiological changes, while
the goal of it is to increase the shelf life of a food for safe storage.

Principles of Food Processing

Foods are affected to physical, chemical and biological deterioration. A number of

factors can lead to food deterioration e.g. pests, infestation by insects, inappropriate
temperatures used for processing and storage, excessive exposure to light and other
radiations, reaction with oxygen, either gain or loss of moisture content and activities of
food enzymes and other chemical reactions. Food is also contaminated by micro
organisms such as bacteria, fungus and moulds. Food can be spoiled due to
degradation by naturally present enzymes (a specific class of protein molecules that act
as biological catalysts to accelerate chemical reactions). Moreover, physical and
chemical changes in certain constituents of food from plant and animal sources occur
soon after harvesting, altering the food quality. Hence, food processing and
preservation required to preserve food in edible and safe form. Methods by which food
is preserved from contamination are drying, controlled fermentation, pickling, candying,
roasting, smoking, baking and using spices as preservatives.

The concepts associated with food processing are reducing microbial activity and other
factors that influence food spoilage. The principle of micro organisms that cause food
spoilage are bacteria, fungi, yeasts and moulds. Factors influencing microbial growth
are nutrient availability, moisture, pH, oxygen levels and the presence or absence of
inhibiting substances e.g. antibiotics. So the basic concepts in food processing methods
to prevent food spoilage are application of heat, removal of moisture, lowering of
temperature during storage, reduction of pH, controlling the availability of oxygen.

Methods of Food processing

The food processing utilizes a variety of technologies such as thermal processing,

dehydration, refrigeration, and freezing to preserve food materials. The goals of these
food preservation methods include eliminating harmful pathogens, spoilage
microorganisms and enzymes present in the food for shelf life extension. The general
concepts for processing of foods and preserve quality include asepsis, preservation by
heat temperature (pasteurization and sterilization), aseptic canning, low temperature
(cold storage, refrigeration and freezing), chemicals, drying, filtration, carbonation,
sugar, fermentation, salt, acids, antibiotics and irradiation etc.

Pasteurization of milk, fruit and vegetable juices, blanching and canning of plant and
animal food products are processed with heat addition. Blanching helps for enzyme
inactivation. Removal of moisture is another major processing method, is achieved by
reducing free moisture in food to limit or eliminate the growth of spoilage
microorganisms by drying of foods. Packaging also maintains the product quality by
processing of the food.


Asepsis or aseptic means the absence of germs such as bacteria, viruses, and other
microorganisms that can cause disease i.e. Asepsis is a process of removal of
microorganisms from food. Fruits and vegetables before processing should be washed
to eliminate the germs. An aseptic environment can be formed by proper packaging of
the product, which separates the internal environment from the surroundings. It provides
cleanliness and sanitary conditions during processing of the product from raw material
to finished stage. It can help in preventing the entry of microorganisms into the product.


Pasteurization is a mild heat treatment process, in which liquids, semi-liquids with

particulates are heated at a specific temperature (usually below 100 °C) for a stated
duration to destroy the pathogenic microorganisms and undesirable enzymes present in
the food. Pasteurization is achieved by different temperature-time combinations. In milk
pasteurization, heating temperatures – time changes, it uses such combination; low-
temperature, long-time heating (LTLT, 63 °C for a minimum of 30 min), high-
temperature, short-time heating (HTST, 72 °C for a minimum of 15 sec), ultra-
pasteurization (135 °C or higher for 2 sec to 2 min). The thermal treatment is also
influenced by product pH for a given product; fruit juices having pH <4.5 are generally
pasteurized at 65°C for 30 min, whereas other low-acid vegetables are pasteurized at
121°C for 20 –30 min. Mould spores are destroyed by heating at 79 °C for 5 to 10 min
whereas yeasts and acid bacteria are readily killed if the juice is heated for a few
minutes at about 66 °C.


Blanching is a unit operation prior to freezing, canning, or drying in which fruits or

vegetables are heated for the purpose of inactivating enzymes; modifying texture;
preserving color, flavor, and nutritional value; and removing trapped air. Processing
conditions are usually set up to inactivate enzymes, but other quality parameters also
such as color and texture, are commonly monitored.

Blanching is used as a pretreatment to fruit and vegetables by applying the thermal

treatment for inactivate enzymes that catalyze degradation reactions. It also destroys
some microorganisms. It is achieved by using boiling water or steam for a short period
of time, 5–15 min depending on the product for color improvement, removal of air from
food tissue and softening plant tissue to facilitate packaging.


Sterilization destructs all viable microorganisms at high temperature (>100°C) for a

specified duration. Fruits and tomato products should be heated at 100°C for 30
minutes so that the spore forming bacteria which are sensitive to high acidity may be
completely killed. Vegetables being non acidic and containing more starch than sugar,
require higher temperature to kill the spore- forming organisms. Continuous heating for
30 to 90 minutes at 116°C is essentials for their sterilization. Before using, empty cans
and bottles should also be sterilized for about 30 minutes by placing them in boiling
water. Temperature above 100°C can only be obtained by using steam pressure
sterilizers such as pressure cookers and autoclaves.

Aseptic canning

Aseptic canning is a process which fills presterilized containers with a sterilized and
cooled product and sealed in a sterile atmosphere with a sterile cover. The process
keep away from the slow heat penetration inherent in the traditional in-container heating
process, thus creating products of superior quality. In other words, Aseptic canning is a
technique in which food is sterilized outside the can and then aseptically placed in
previously sterilized cans which are subsequently sealed in an aseptic environment.
Aseptic processing technologies utilize heat exchangers, ohmic heating or microwave
heating. It is currently practiced to improve the flavour of some heat-sensitive products
sold in small cans and also to store certain ingredients in large containers. Under this
process, product is kept at the temperature of 125 to 140°C.

Microwave heating

Microwave heating is rapid heating process which reduce the time required to achieve
the desired temperature, thus reducing the cumulative thermal treatment time and better
preserving the food constituents. Heat is generated in dielectric materials by microwave
energy ranged from 300–300,000 MHz. A domestic microwave oven uses the 2450
MHz frequency for microwave whereas industrial application, a lower frequency of 915
MHz is selected for greater penetration depth. Microwave heating is used in both batch
and continuous (aseptic) operations.
Ohmic heating

Ohmic heating is achieved by electrical resistance heating of food to rapidly heat the
food material for improvement of extraction, expression, drying, fermentation, blanching,
and peeling. It is one of the novel food processing technologies. It uses an alternating
electric current is passed through food materials for heating where heat is internally
generated in the material due to electrical resistance when electric current is passed
through it. The rate of heating depend electric field strength and the electrical
conductivity. The electric field strength can be changed by adjusting the electrode gap
or the applied voltage. Moreover, the most important factor is the electrical conductivity
of the product and its temperature dependence. The electrical conductivity increases
with rising temperature i.e. ohmic heating becomes more effective as temperature
increases. Ohmic heating process provides quick and consonant heating, resulting in
less thermal damage to the food product.


Drying is one of the oldest methods of preserving food, which involve changing free
water present within the food to vapor form and removing it by passing hot air over the
product. In the process the heat is transferred from an external heating medium into the
food. Within the food, the moisture moves towards the surface of the material due to the
vapor pressure gradient between the surface and interior of the product. Then the
moisture is evaporated into the heat transfer medium by hot air. The heat is transferred
through conduction, convection or radiation within the food material. The moisture
movement utilizes a diffusion process. There are several drying methods used in food
processing such as hot air drying, spray drying, vacuum drying, freeze drying, osmotic
dehydration, etc. Under hot air drying, heat is transferred through the food either from
heated air or from heated surfaces. Vacuum drying is performed by evaporation of
water under vacuum or reduced pressures. Freeze drying is performed by removing the
water vapor through a process called sublimation which helps to maintain food

Refrigeration and freezing

Refrigeration and freezing receive heat energy from food systems and maintain the
lower temperatures throughout the storage period to slow down biochemical reactions.
For cold storage, food is cooled about 15°C. In refrigeration, temperature is maintained
between 0°C and 5°C by mechanical refrigeration whereas in freezing it is maintained
between −18°C and −40°C to slow the physical, microbiological, and chemical activities
that cause deterioration in foods. Appropriate temperature control is important in
refrigeration and freezing to minimize quality changes and microbial growth. Food
products can be frozen using either indirect contact or direct contact systems on the
basis of direct contact between the product and the freezing medium. Freezing media
may be cold air or liquid refrigerants. Indirect freezing equipment such as cabinet
freezing, plate freezing, scraped surface heat exchanger and direct contact freezing
systems such as air-blast, fluidized bed, immersion freezing, and spiral conveyor
systems are used in freezing industry.

Preservation by Chemicals

Microbial spoilage of food products is also controlled by using chemical preservatives

which do not include salt, sugar, acetic acid, oils, alcohols etc., but only microbial
antagonists. The important chemicals preservatives permitted in many industries are
sulphur dioxide and benzoic acid for the preservation of juice, pulp, nectar, squash,
crush and other products against bacteria and moulds and inhibit enzymes etc.
Potassium metabisulphite K2S2O5 is commonly used as stable source of sulphur
dioxide. The pH for growth of moulds ranges from 1.5 to 8.5, that of yeasts from 2.5 to
8.0 and of bacteria from 4.0 to 7.5.

Use of high sugar or salt content

By using of a strong sugar solution, water of food product is removed about 68 per cent
or more from the microbial cells and thus, inhibits the growth of microbes. Food like
murraba, jams, jellies, marmalades, candies etc., are preserved by high sugar

Microorganisms do not grow well in acidic solutions, therefore, fruits and vegetables are
preserved by adding of salt concentration. This process is known as pickling. Pickling
uses the salt combined with acetic acid (vinegar). Some of the fruits and vegetables,
which are generally pickled, are raw mangoes, limes, Indian gooseberry (aonla), ginger,
turmeric and green chillies.

Food concentration

Liquid foods are preserved by concentration which reduces water activity (aw) and
retard the microbial growth and enzymatic reactions. Food concentration is used for
many purposes like reduction in volume and weight; reduction in packaging, storage
and transport costs; better microbial stability; and convenience. Food like are tomato
paste, fruit juice concentrate, soup and condensed milk are preserved by concentration.
The rate of heating should be controlled to prevent burning of the product, particularly
when it has become thickened towards the end of boiling.

Use of organic acids

Organic acids are used to inhibit growth of many spoilage microorganisms. Bacteria are
generally pH sensitive. Organic acids enter the bacteria cell wall and disrupt its normal
physiology and thus preserve the food. For preservation acetic acid, lactic acid, citric
acid and malic acid are widely used in food products.


Food irradiation is the process of exposing food and food packaging a carefully
controlled amount of energy in the form of high-speed particles or electromagnetic
(ionizing) radiation. Food irradiation primarily extends the shelf-life of irradiated foods by
effectively destroying organisms responsible for spoilage and food borne illness and
inhibiting sprouting. Irradiation includes ionizing radiation such as γ-ray and electron
beam. Ionizing radiation penetrates a food and energy is absorbed. Absorbed dose of
radiation is presented in grays (Gy), where 1 Gy is equal to an absorbed energy of 1
J/kg. It is used for shelf life extension, control of ripening, and inhibition of sprouting.
Radiation is most effective in penetrating through various packaging materials.

The irradiation method depends on the material needing to be treated. Thus, to treat a
thin layer of surface or food, usually beta particles (i.e. electrons) will be selected. They
are easy to produce electronically but do not have deep penetrating power. To treat a
heavy product as a whole sack of spices, one would choose gamma rays or X-rays.
Cereals, grains and some fruits, such as papaya and mangoes as a quarantine remedy,
to kill insects. Doses of 1 kGy are recommended.

High-pressure processing

High Pressure Processing (HPP) is also known as cold pasteurization technique, high
hydrostatic pressure processing, ultra high pressure processing or pascalization. In this
process, sealed food into a vessel are subjected to a high level of
isostatic pressure (300–600MPa/43,500-87,000psi) transmitted by water. This
technology applies high pressure to solid or liquid foods to improve their safety and in
some cases, organoleptic properties and quality.

Foods must be first pre-packed in vacuum-packs or other flexible packaging such as

plastic bottles. Packaging materials such as ceramics, glass or metal cannot be used in
HPP. Food should be able to withstand high integrity, without losing seal integrity or
barrier properties and without undesirable packaging chemicals in the product.

After packaging, the foods are kept into a specially designed pressure chamber which is
sealed and completely filled with water. A pump connected to the pressure chamber
pressurises the water and this pressure is then transmitted to the food through its
packaging via the water. As the pressure acts instantaneously and is equally distributed,
there is no obvious crushing effect on the packaged food. Then the pressure is applied
for a set time period from a few seconds up to 20 minutes. On completion of the time
period, the chamber depressurizes and the food product can be removed.
Pulsed electric field processing

Pulsed electric field (PEF) processing performs a high voltage electrical field (20–70
kV/cm) across the food for a few microseconds. A number of process parameters
includes electric field strength, treatment temperature, flow rate or treatment time, pulse
shape, pulse width, frequency, pulse polarity,food composition, pH, and electrical
conductivity. The temperature of the treated foods increases due to a electrical
resistance heating effect and also contribute to the inactivation of microorganisms and
other food quality attributes. This process effectively kills a variety of bacteria, but
spores are not inactivated at ambient temperatures. PEF process has the potential to
pasteurize a variety of liquid foods including fruit juices, soups, milk, and other

Preservation by Membrane Filtration

A membrane process is a kinetics‐controlled separation of a fluid mixture using a semi-

permeable membrane. The process is rarely spontaneous and usually requires some
input of energy. The energy may be supplied in different ways: Mechanical potential
gradient, Electrical potential gradient, Chemical potential gradients (concentration or
osmotic pressure or vapor pressure) and Heat (T gradient). Membranes use differences
in transport rates to separate solutes and solvents (mainly water) or gases using various
physical mechanisms. Membrane separation processes are classified into two: physical
processes and chemical processes. Chemical processes are: hemodialysis, liquid
membranes, active transport, supported membranes and facilitated transport. The
physical membrane separation processes are: pressure driven process (microfiltration
MF, ultra filtration UF, Nano filtration NF, reverse osmosis RO, gas separation),
diffusion process (pervaporation, perstraction, dialysis, membrane extraction and
membrane absorption), heat process (membrane distillation, vacuum membrane
distillation) and electric processes (electro dialysis, electrostatic pseudo liquid
membrane). In this process, juices are clarified by ordinary filters and passed special
filters which are capable of retaining yeasts and bacteria. It is used for soft drinking, fruit
juices and wines.


Ultrasound technology is as an alternative processing technology over thermal

processing techniques. It can be used for pasteurization and preservation of food by
inactivation of enzymes and microorganisms at low temperatures. In the ultrasound food
processing industry, there are two divisions; low intensity ultra sound (less than 1 W cm-
2) and high intensity ultra sound (Between 10- 1000 W cm-2).
High-power ultrasound processing or sonication is another alternative technology that
has shown promise in the food industry, especially for liquid foods, in inactivating
spoilage microorganisms. Ultrasound is a form of energy generated by sound waves of
frequencies above16kHz; when these waves propagate through compressions and
depressions of the medium particles create micro bubbles, which collapse (cavitation)
and result in extreme shear forces that disintegrate biological materials. Applications of
ultrasound in food processing are cooking, freezing, drying, filtration, emulsification and
oxidation etc.


Fermentation is a metabolic conversion process of carbohydrate, such as starch or a

sugar, into an alcohol or an acid by an organism converts a. In the other words, the
process by which microorganisms or enzymes decompose of carbohydrates is known
as fermentation. Application for the process is; yeast performs fermentation to obtain
energy by converting sugar into alcohol. Bacteria perform fermentation, converting
carbohydrates into lactic acid.Fermentation causes desirable biochemical changes in
foods in terms of nutrition or digestion, or makes them safer or tastier through microbial
or enzyme manipulations. Examples of fermented foods are cheese, yogurt, most
alcoholic beverages, beer, and pickles. Representative vegetative bacteria in the
fermentations are Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Bacillus, Streptococcus, and
Pseudomonas spp. Yeast and fungi (e.g. Saccharomyces, Endomycopsis, and
Monascus) are also used for fermentation.


Extrusion converts raw material into a product with a desired shape and form, such as
pasta, snacks, textured vegetable protein, and ready-to-eat cereals, by forcing the
material through a small opening using pressure. Advantages of extrusion include high
productivity, adaptability, process scale-up, energy efficiency, low cost, and zero
effluents. It consists of a screw rotating within a stationary barrel. In this process,
thermal and shear energies are applied to a raw food material to transform it to the final
extruded product. Pre-ground and conditioned ingredients enter the barrel where they
are conveyed, mixed, and heated. Extrusion includes several unit operations such as
fluid flow, heat transfer, mixing, shearing, size reduction, and melting. The product
comes out from the extruder through a die, where it usually puffs (if extruded at >100 °C
and higher than atmospheric pressure) and changes texture from the release of steam
and normal forces. Extruded products is subjected to a number of structural, chemical,
and nutritional changes including starch gelatinization, protein denaturation, lipid
oxidation, degradation of vitamins, and formation of flavors.

Baking uses heat to cook prepared dough into a variety of baked products such as
bread, cake, pastries, pies, cookies, scones and crackers. The dough has to go through
various stages (mixing, fermentation, punching / sheeting, panning, proofing, among
others) before it is ready for baking. Carbon dioxide gas is created from yeast
fermentation of available sugars, which could either be added or obtained via amylase
breakdown of starch. In this process, heat from the source in an oven is transferred to
the dough by convection and conduction. As the heat is conducted through the food, it
transforms the dough into a baked food with a firm crust and softer. Heat causes the
water to vaporize into steam during baking and gelatinization of flour starch in the
presence of water. The gluten holds the structure, while carbon dioxide gas that gives
the dough its rise, collapses during baking (at ~450 ºC). The product make in greater
size and volume called leavening. Baking temperatures also cause a number of
biochemical changes in the dough, containing dissolving sugar crystals, gluten proteins,
gelatinizing starch, lose water, and breaks down sugars. Brown color and desired baked
flavor are obtained from the process.

Hurdle technology

Hurdle technology (combined method technology) requires a suitable combination of

different destructive agents to ensure microbial safety, quality, and stability of the
processed product. Hurdles such as heat, pressure, acidity, water activity,
chemical/natural preservatives, and packaging can be combined to improve the quality
of the final processed product. The hurdle approach is quite effective in controlling
microbial risk.

It is used for the different purposes such as to make a product shelf-stable, to improve
quality and to provide additional safety. The necessities for hurdle technology are for
fresh, natural and minimally processed food products and ready to eat foods.

Principle of hurdle technology is preservative factors present in the food product. These
factors prevent microorganisms from multiplying and causing them to remain inactive or
even die. The hurdle concept is introduced by Leistner in 1976; shows that complex
interactions of temperature, water activity, pH etc are significant to the microbial


Packaging plays a vital role in containment, preservation, handling/transportation and

marketing. Packaging maintains the quality and properties of foods attained via
processing during storage and protect the food material from microbiological and other
environmental factors. It also minimizes loss of moisture. Processing on the basis of
various treatments (heat, pressure, radiation dose) not only affects the food material
but also alters the barrier properties (moisture and oxygen) of packaging materials and
possibly induces migration of polymer material into the food. Hence, selection of food
packaging material is essential for successful food process operation.

Classification of processed foods on the basis of extent and type of processing

• These are processed as little as possible in order to

retain the quality of fresh foods. Generally the
processes used are cleaning, trimming, shelling, Minimally processed
cutting, slicing and storage at low i.e., refrigeration foods

• The methods of preservation used do not change the

character of the product substantially e.g., frozen
peas and frozen vegetables, dehydrated peas, Preserved
dehydrated vegetables, canned fruits and vegetables foods

• In such products, the original characteristics of the

raw products are lost and some basic methods of
preservation are used, often using various Manufactured
ingredients such as salt, sugar, oil or even chemical
preservatives. Examples are pickles, jams, foods
marmalades, squashes, papads, wadis.

• These are products prepared by mixing and

processing of individual ingredients to result in Formulated
relatively shelfstable food products such as bread,
biscuits, ice cream, cakes, kulfi. foods

• In industry, components of foods may be

obtained from the raw product through
purification, e.g., sugar from sugarcane or oil
from oil seeds. In some cases, the derivative or Derivative
the component may be processed further, e.g.,
conversion of oil to vanaspati (the process is
called hydrogenation).

• These are foods that can have a beneficial effect on

human health, e.g., probiotics, lycopene. Functional

• These are used in dietary management of diseases, for

example, low sodium salt, lactose–free milk for Medical
persons with lactose intolerance. foods
New Trends in Food Science and Nutrition
Dr. S.S. Shukla and Dr. Priti Jain

Food Science is the application of scientific principles to create and maintain a

wholesome food supply. It helps to apply a wide range of scientific knowledge to
maintain a high quality, abundant food supply. It allows us to make the best use of our
food resources and minimize waste. It is the study of the physical, biological, and
chemical makeup of food; the causes of food deterioration; and the concepts underlying
food processing.

Most food materials are of biological origin. Their behavior is a complex problem
in processing, distribution, storage and preparation. Full awareness of all important
aspects of the problem requires broad-based training. Its scope starts at overlap with
agricultural science and nutrition and leads through the scientific aspects of food
safety and food processing, informing the development of food technology. It brings
together multiple scientific disciplines. It incorporates concepts from fields such
as chemistry, physics, physiology, microbiology and biochemistry. The basis of the
discipline lies in an understanding of the chemistry of food components, such as
proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water and the reactions they undergo during
processing and storage. The microbiology and the safety aspects of food must also be
understood. This study includes food additives, the physico-chemical properties of food,
flavor chemistry, product development, food engineering and packaging. Food science
integrates this broad-based knowledge and focuses it on food. The science of food
encompasses; food science, food technologies, and their applications across the food

Therefore, new trends in food science and nutrients is essential because it

contributes to ensuring our food supply. The essential ways are; safe, nutritious, tastes
good, economical, abundant, easy to prepare and sustainable. It is used to study the
nature of foods and causes of their deterioration. It maintains safe and hygienic
conditions during processing, storage and packaging of food. It checks raw ingredients
and processed food for nutritional value, safety and quality. It includes research aspects
of food processing, food preservation, food quality, food deterioration, packaging,
storage and delivery in order to improve them.

Function of Nutrient

A nutrient is a substance used by an organism to survive, grow, and reproduce. The

requirement for dietary nutrient intake applies to animals, plants, fungi, and protists.
Nutrients can be incorporated into cells for metabolic purposes or excreted by cells to
create non-cellular structures, such as hair, scales, feathers etc. Some nutrients can be

metabolically converted to smaller molecules in the process of releasing energy, such
as for carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and fermentation products (ethanol or vinegar),
leading to end-products of water and carbon dioxide. All organisms require water. The
process of digestion and absorption of foods and the body’s use of it for growth and
replacement of cells is known as nutrition. It shows the interactions between living
organisms and the food they consume. Nutrients are compounds in foods essential to
life and health, providing us with energy, the building blocks for repair and growth and
substances necessary to regulate chemical processes. Good nutrition is
an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. .

Categories of Nutrients

Nutrients are divided into 2 categories: macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients are those nutrients that the body needs in large amounts. These provide
the body with energy (calories). Micronutrients are those nutrients that the body needs
in smaller amounts. There are six major nutrients: Carbohydrates (CHO), Lipids
(fats), Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water. Macronutrients include proteins, fats and
carbohydrates whereas micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. They may protect
against diseases.

Importance of enhancing nutritive value of food

 To meet the nutritional requirements of the body.

 To make proper selection and preparation of foods.
 To consume food in a balanced manner.
 To improve the flavour and texture of the food.
 To get variety in food.
 To assist in planning the daily menu, keeping in view the nutrient content of the food.
 To prevent deficiency diseases in the body.
 To develop good food habits.

Methods of Enrichment of Nutrients

There are following methods by which nutrients of food can be enhanced:

1. Combination

Combination is the process of combining cheaper and commonly available foods

from different food groups to improve the quality of nutrients. Combining of foods
from different food groups is the easiest way of eating all nutrients. Combination of
foods improves the quality of nutrients. The combination of a variety of foods
ensures better availability of nutrients.

Combination helps to : i) eat a diet that has good quality nutrients, ii) use cheaper
and easily available foods that enhance the nutrient content of food considerably, iii)
provide balanced diet to the family.

2. Fermentation

Fermentation is a process in which some micro-organisms are added to the food.

They change nutrients already present in the foods into simpler and better forms and
also make other new nutrients. Fermentation makes the dough rise and become
almost double in quantity. During fermentation the micro-organisms use up some of
the nutrients present in the atta and change them into other better quality nutrients.
They also make some new nutrients. Curd, bread, khaman, dhokla, idli, etc. are all
examples of fermented foods.

Advantages of fermentation are:

a) Fermentation improves the digestibility of foods. The micro-organisms which

cause fermentation break the proteins and carbohydrates into smaller parts,
which are easier to digest.
b) During fermentation of cereals and foods like peas, beans etc., the minerals,
calcium, phosphorus, and iron are changed into better quality ones. These are
then easily absorbed by the body.
c) Fermented foods become spongy and soft and are liked by children and adults.

3. Germination

Germination is a process in which small shoots come out of the pulses or cereal
when these are kept with small amount of water. The grains and pulses to be
sprouted need to be soaked in just enough water so that all of it is absorbed. If the
extra water in which they are soaked is thrown away, a lot of nutrients are lost.

Grains like wheat, bajra, jawar, etc. can also be sprouted. These grains can then be
dried in shade and roasted lightly on a heated surface. They can be ground and
used in many dishes. Pulses are also sprouted first and then steamed and
consumed. The time and water which each grain or pulse needs for soaking and
sprouting is different. Normally 8-16 hours are needed for soaking and 12-24 hours
for sprouting. The cloth in which the soaked pulse seeds are tied should be kept
moist all the time. When sprouting is followed by fermentation, the vitamin content
becomes much more.

Germination helps to

i) Increase the digestibility of foods

a) Some carbohydrates and proteins are broken down into smaller and easily
digestible forms.
b) Grains and pulses become soft after sprouting, so they take less time for
cooking and are easy for you to digest.

ii) Increase the nutritive value of food with no additional cost.

Some vitamins and minerals become more when foods are germinated. Vitamin
B becomes almost double in quantity while vitamin C increases almost 10 times.

Classification of Foods

• Minimally processed Foods: These are processed as little as possible in order

to retain the quality of fresh foods. Generally the processes used are cleaning,
trimming, shelling, cutting, slicing and storage at low i.e., refrigeration
• Preserved foods: The methods of preservation used do not change the
character of the product substantially e.g., frozen peas and frozen vegetables,
dehydrated peas, dehydrated vegetables, canned fruits and vegetables
• Manufactured foods: In such products, the original characteristics of the raw
products are lost and some basic methods of preservation are used, often using
various ingredients such as salt, sugar, oil or even chemical preservatives.
Examples are pickles, jams, marmalades, squashes, papads, wadis.
• Formulated foods: These are products prepared by mixing and processing of
individual ingredients to result in relatively shelfstable food products such as
bread, biscuits, ice cream, cakes, kulfi.
• Derivative Food : In industry, components of foods may be obtained from the
raw product through purification, e.g., sugar from sugarcane or oil from oil seeds.
In some cases, the derivative or the component may be processed further, e.g.,
conversion of oil to vanaspati (the process is called hydrogenation).
• Functional foods : These are foods that can have a beneficial effect on human
health, e.g., probiotics, lycopene.
• Medical foods: These are used in dietary management of diseases, for
example, low sodium salt, lactose–free milk for persons with lactose intolerance.
• Super foods: It offers maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories. They
are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Processes affecting food nutrient content

Processes that expose foods to high levels of many factors such as heat, pressure, time
etc. cause the greatest nutrient loss. A variety of food processing that affect its
nutritional content can be summarized as:

1. Milling
Cereals such as wheat can be ground to remove the fibrous husks. The husks
contain most of the plant’s dietary fiber, B-group vitamins, phytochemicals and some
minerals. Products such as white bread are less nutritious than whole meal varieties,
even if they have been artificially fortified with some of the nutrients that were lost
after milling. It is impossible to add back everything that is taken out, especially the
phytochemicals. The ‘fiber’ that is added back to some products is often in the form
of resistant starch, which may not be as beneficial as the fiber removed.
2. Blanching
Before a food is canned or frozen, it is usually heated very quickly with steam or
water. The water-soluble vitamins, including vitamin C and B-complex, are sensitive
and easily destroyed by blanching.
3. Canning
Food is heated inside the can to kill any dangerous micro-organisms and extend the
food’s shelf life. Some types of micro-organisms require severe heat treatment and
this may affect the taste and texture of the food, making it less appealing.
Preservatives are generally not needed in canned foods. Water-soluble vitamins are
particularly sensitive to high temperatures. Many people believe that canned foods
are not as nutritious as their fresh counterparts, but this is not always the case, as
fresh food often deteriorates more rapidly than canned foods.
4. Freezing
The nutrient value of a food is retained when it is frozen. Any nutrient losses are due
to the processing prior to freezing and the cooking once the frozen food is thawed.
5. Pasteurization
Pasteurization involves heating liquid foods such as milk and fruit juices to specific
temperatures to destroy micro-organisms. The nutrient value of milk is generally
unaffected. In the case of pasteurized fruit juices, some losses of vitamin C can
6. High pressure processing

This alternative preservation method subjects a food to elevated pressures, with or

without the use of heat to kill micro-organisms. This method has been used in foods
such as fruit juices. As heat is not required, this process impacts less on the vitamin
content, flavour and colour of foods.
7. Dehydrating

Drying out foods such as fruits can reduce the amount of vitamin C they retain, but it
can also concentrate other nutrients, particularly fiber in plant foods. Dehydrating
food also makes food products more energy dense, which may contribute to weight
gain. If a dehydrated food is reconstituted and cooked with water, further nutrients
are leached out of the food and lost in the cooking water.
Modern methods of nutritional science

The major difference between traditional and modern food processing is the use of
technology that has eased out the processes. Modern method use specific heat energy,
microwave energy, UV- light energy, ultra- sound energy, pulsed electric field, high
pressure processing, radio-frequency processing, pulsed light processing etc.

1. Microwave heating

Microwave heating is rapid heating process which reduces the time required to
achieve the desired temperature, thus reducing the cumulative thermal treatment
time and better preserving the food constituents.

2. Ohmic heating

Ohmic heating is achieved by electrical resistance heating of food to rapidly heat the
food material for improvement of extraction, expression, drying, fermentation,
blanching, and peeling.

3. Refrigeration

Refrigeration receives heat energy from food systems and maintains the lower
temperatures throughout the storage period to slow down biochemical reactions.

4. Food concentration

Liquid foods are preserved by concentration which reduces water activity (aw) and
retard the microbial growth and enzymatic reactions.

5. Irradiation

Food irradiation is the process of exposing food and food packaging a carefully
controlled amount of energy in the form of high-speed particles or electromagnetic
(ionizing) radiation.

6. Pulsed electric field processing

Pulsed electric field (PEF) processing performs a high voltage electrical field (20–70
kV/cm) across the food for a few microseconds.

7. Extrusion:

Extrusion is a process that converts raw material into a product with a desired shape
and form, suchas pasta, snacks, textured vegetable protein, and ready-to-eat
cereals, by forcing the material through a small opening using pressure.

8. Ultrasound

Ultrasonic method is rapidly emerging techniques that is used to minimize

processing, enhance quality, and safeguard the safety of food products. Ultrasound
is a form of energy generated by sound waves of frequencies above16kHz; when
these waves propagate through compressions and depressions of the medium
particles create micro bubbles, which collapse (cavitation) and result in extreme
shear forces that disintegrate biological materials. Applications of ultrasound in food
processing are cooking, freezing, drying, filtration, emulsification and oxidation etc.

9. UV Light for Processing Foods

It is an alternative to traditional thermal processing. Its applications include

pasteurization of juices, post lethality treatment for meats, treatment of food contact
surfaces and to extend the shelf-life of fresh produce.

10. Radio Frequency Processing of Food

RF processing uses dielectric heating to thermally process foods using

electromagnetic waves. Radio frequency (RF) heating is a commonly used food
processing technology that has been applied for drying and baking as well as
thawing of frozen foods.

Food Safety and Handling

Food Safety refers to handling, preparing and storing food in a way to best reduce the
risk of individuals becoming sick from food borne illnesses. The principles of food safety
aim to prevent food from becoming contaminated and causing food poisoning. This is
achieved through a variety of different avenues, some of which are:

 Properly cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, equipment and utensils

 Maintaining a high level of personal hygiene, especially hand-washing
 Storing, chilling and heating food correctly with regards to temperature,
environment and equipment

 Implementing effective pest control

 Comprehending food allergies, food poisoning and food intolerance




Carbohydrates are major sources of energy for living organisms. The chief source of
carbohydrate in human food is starch, which is the storage form of glucose in plants. Plants
may store relatively large amounts of starch within their own cells in time of abundant
supply, to be used later by the plant itself when there is a demand for energy production.
Glycogen is the glucose storage polysaccharide of animals. It accounts for up to 10% of the
mass of the liver and one percent of the mass of the muscle. Glycogen is larger and highly
branched than amylopectin.

By the action of several enzymes, such as -amylase, -amylase,  (1 6)

glucosidase and α (1 4) glucosidase, starch and glycogen from dietary intake are
degraded finally to glucose. Carbohydrate is utilized by cells mainly in the form of
glucose.The three principal monosaccharides resulting from the digestive processes are
glucose, fructose and galactose. Both fructose and galactose are readily converted to glucose
by the liver. Pentose sugars such as xylose, arabinose and ribose may be present in the diet,
but their fate after absorption is obscure. Since glucose is the compound formed from starch
and glycogen, the carbohydrate metabolism commences with this monosaccharide. The
major metabolic processes in carbohydrates are:

1. Glycolysis:

Glycolysis is the sequence of reactions that convert glucose into pyruvate with the
concomitant trapping of the energy as ATP.

2. The Citric Acid Cycle:

It is the final common oxidative pathway for carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is
also a source of precursors for biosynthesis of various bio-molecules. The acetyl CoA that
enters in this pathway is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water with concomitant
production of reducing equivalents, namely NADH and FADH2.

3. The Hexose Monophosphate Shunt:

It is an alternative pathway to the glycolytic pathway and the citric acid cycle for the
oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and water with the generation of reduced
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) molecules and ribose 5- phosphate.
iv. Gluconeogenesis: It is a biosynthetic pathway that generates glucose from non-
carbohydrate precursors.

4. Glycogenesis:

It is a pathway by which glycogen is synthesized from glucose.

5. Glycogenolysis:
Glycolysis, also called as Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway (EMP pathway),
consists of a series of reactions through which glucose is converted to pyruvate with the
concomitant production of relatively small amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It
is derived from the Greek stem 'glykys' meaning sweet and 'lysis' meaning splitting. It is
the primary pathway occurring in the cytoplasm of all the tissues of biological systems.
All the enzymes responsible for the catalysis are found in the extra-mitochondrial
soluble fraction of the cells (cytoplasm). In plants, glucose and fructose are the main
monosaccharides catabolised by glycolysis although others are also converted into these
sugars. Glucose entering the glycolysis is derived from starch or sucrose, and fructose is
derived from sucrose. The starch is either from seeds or chloroplasts of matured plants.
Glycolysis normally takes place in the presence of O2 in higher plant cells. The enzymes
in the cytoplasm catalyze the reactions involved in the conversion of glucose to
pyruvate. The series of reactions indicated take place in 3 stages.
Stage 1 - Conversion of glucose to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate:
The formation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate takes place in three steps catalyzed by
enzymes. The purpose of these reactions is to form a compound that can be readily
cleaved into phosphorylated three carbon units from which, through a series of reactions,
ATP is formed. After the first phosphorylation reaction to form glucose 6-phosphate,
isomerization of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate occurs which is
conversion of an aldose into a ketose. A second phosphorylation reaction follows the

isomerization, catalyzed by phosphofructokinase resulting in the formation of fructose

1,6-bisphosphate. Phosphofructokinase is the key enzyme in the control of glycolysis.
Stage 2 - Conversion of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to 3-phosphoglycerate:
The splitting of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate occurs in the second stage of glycolysis
resulting in the formation of a molecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and a molecule
of dihydroxyacetone phosphate catalyzed by aldolase. The dihydroxyacetone phosphate
is isomerized to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate by phosphotriose isomerase. The
isomerisation reaction is rapid and reversible. In the next step, glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate is oxidized to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate catalyzed by glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate dehydrogenase. The product is further converted into 3-phosphoglycerate
and a molecule of ATP is formed. The phosphorylation of ADP to ATP is called
substrate level phosphorylation since the phosphate group from a substrate molecule is
transferred to ADP.
Stage 3 -Formation of Pyruvate:
An intramolecular rearrangement of the phosphoryl group occurs resulting in the
formation of 2-phosphoglycerate from 3-phosphoglycerate catalyzed by
phosphoglycerate mutase. The 2-phosphoglycerate formed undergoes dehydration
forming phosphoenolpyruvate which gives rise to pyruvate and a molecule of ATP
(Substrate Level Phosphorylation). The reaction is irreversible and catalyzed by
pyruvate kinase. The net reaction in the transformation of glucose to pyruvate is:
Glucose + 2 Pi + 2ADP + 2 NAD+ 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H+ +
H2 O
Once pyruvate is formed, further degradation is determined by the presence or
absence of oxygen. Under anaerobic conditions, in one of the pathways, pyruvate
undergoes reduction yielding lactic acid. The formation of lactic acid is very rare in
plants with exception of potato tubers maintained under anaerobic condition and some
green algae. In the second pathway, pyruvate is converted to ethyl alcohol and carbon
dioxide. The alcoholic fermentation is the basis of the beer and wine-making industries.
Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate is oxidatively decarboxylated to acetyl CoA which is
then completely oxidized to CO2 and water through the citric acid cycle

Energetics of Glycolysis:
From glucose, two molecules of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate are formed in the second
stage of glycolysis from which two molecules of pyruvate are obtained as end products
of glycolysis. Hence energetic of glycolysis is calculated by taking into account two
molecules of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
Energetics of Glycolysis - Significance of Glycolysis:
Glycolysis is an almost universal central pathway of glucose catabolism occurring in
the cytoplasm of all the tissues of biological systems leading to generation of energy in
the form of ATP for vital activities. It is the pathway through which the largest flux of
carbon occurs in most cells. Some plant tissues which are modified for the storage of
starch such as potato tubers and some plants adapted to growth in inundated water such
as water cress derive most of their energy from glycolysis.

Significance of Glycolysis:

Glycolysis is an almost universal central pathway of glucose catabolism


in the cytoplasm of all the tissues of biological systems leading to generation of


in the form of ATP for vital activities. It is the pathway through which the largest flux
of carbon occurs in most cells. Some plant tissues which are modified for the storage
of starch such as potato tubers and some plants adapted to growth in inundated water
such as water cress derive

most of their energy from glycolysis.

In plants, glycolysis is the key metabolic component of the respiratory

process, which generates energy in the form of ATP in cells where photosynthesis is
not taking place. Many types of anaerobic microorganisms are entirely dependent on
glycolysis. Mammalian tissues such as renal medulla and brain solely dependent on
glycolysis for major sources of metabolic energy.
The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA Cycle):
In 1937, Sir Hans Krebs, an English biochemist proposed a pathway
consisting of a cycle of reactions through which acetyl CoA is converted to carbon
dioxide and water and hence the cycle was named as Kreb's cycle. All the enzymes
catalyzing the reactions of this cycle occur inside mitochondria (mitochondrial
matrix) in contrast with those of glycolysis, which occur in the cytosol. Before
pyruvate can enter the citric acid cycle, it must be oxidatively decarboxylated to
acetyl CoA (active acetate). Three different enzymes working sequentially in a
multienzyme complex catalyse this reaction. This formation of acetyl CoA from
pyruvate by alpha-oxidative decarboxylation occurs in the mitochondrion following
the formation of pyruvate in the cytosol during glycolysis. The reaction involves six
cofactors: coenzyme A, NAD+, lipoic acid, FAD, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) and

Reactions of the TCA Cycle:

Acetyl CoA, derived mainly from the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins,
combines with oxaloacetate to form citrate which is the first reaction of the citric acid cycle.
Subsequently, citrate is oxidized in a series of reactions liberating carbon dioxide and
reducing equivalents (NADH, FADH2). The oxaloacetate is regenerated and functions
therefore in a catalytic manner in the oxidation of acetyl CoA to two molecules of carbon
dioxide. The citric acid cycle has eight steps as described below:

1.Formation of Citrate

The first step is the reaction between the four-carbon unit, oxaloacetate and the two-
carbon unit, acetyl CoA resulting in the formation of citrate and coenzyme. A catalysed by
citrate synthase. The coenzyme A formed in this reaction is recycled.

2. Formation of Isocitrate via Cis-Aconitate:

The isomerization of citrate to isocitrate catalysed by aconitase occurs in two steps

with the formation of cis-aconitate as an intermediate. This formation of isocitrate involves
both dehydration and hydration. The result is an interchange of hydrogen and a hydroxyl
group. In this reaction, fluoroacetate acts as an inhibitor to the enzyme, aconitase. -

3. Oxidation of isocitrate to α –ketoglutarate:

The enzyme, isocitrate dehydrogenase oxidatively decarboxylates isocitrate to α –

ketoglutarate with simultaneous liberation of carbon dioxide. The intermediate in this  -
ketoacid. While bound to the enzyme, it loses  reaction is oxalosuccinate, an unstable -
ketoglutarate. There are two different forms of isocitrate  carbon dioxide to form
dehydrogenase (isozymes), one requiring NAD+ and other requiring NADP+. -ketoglutarate
to succinyl CoA.

4.Oxidation of -Ketoglutarate to Succinyl-CoA: -ketoglutarate undergoes oxidative

decarboxylation forming succinyl-CoA and carbon dioxide in the presence of -ketoglutarate
dehydrogenase complex, an assembly consisting of three kinds of enzymes. The mechanism
of this reaction is very similar to the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
This reaction is irreversible. Arsenite acts as an inhibitor of TCA cycle by inhibiting the
action of -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex.

5. Conversion of Succinyl CoA to Succinate: Succinate is formed in a reversible reaction

from succinyl CoA catalysed by the enzyme, succinyl CoA synthetase or succinate
thiokinase with the simultaneous formation of GTP and coenzyme-A. Succinate thiokinase
utilises GDP in animal tissues whereas it uses ADP predominantly in plants and bacteria. The
formation of GTP in this reaction is a substrate level phosphorylation reaction.

6. Formation of Fumarate by Oxidation of Succinate: The succinate formed from succinyl

CoA is oxidised to fumarate by succinate dehydrogenase with the participation of FAD.
Malonate, an analogue of succinate being a strong competitive inhibitor of succinate
dehydrogenase, blocks the citric acid cycle.

7. Formation of Malate by Hydration of Fumarate: The reversible hydration of fumarate

to L-malate is catalysed by fumarase.

8. Oxidation of malate to Oxaloacetate: This reaction forms the last reaction of the citric
acid cycle. NAD-linked malate dehydrogenase catalyses the oxidation of L-malate to

Energetics of Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA Cycle):

From one molecule of glucose, two molecules of pyruvate are formed which in turn
give rise to two molecules of acetyl CoA. When two molecules of acetyl-CoA undergo
oxidation through TCA cycle, the following number of high-energy bonds (ATPs) is

Significance of the TCA cycle

1. The major significance of the citric acid cycle is to act as the final common pathway for
the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, since glucose, fatty acids and many
amino acids are all metabolized to acetyl CoA.

2. This cycle serves as the mechanism by which much of the free energy liberated during
the oxidation of carbohydrate, lipids and amino acids is made available.
3. TCA cycle is of further significance since it has dual or amphibolic role thus providing
precursor compounds for biosynthesis of other bio-molecules (amino acids, fatty acids,
and glucose.

Glyoxylate cycle

Plants, especially seedlings, can use acetate as the only source of carbon for all carbon
compounds they produce. Acetyl CoA, which enters the TCA cycle, is completely oxidized
to two molecules of CO2. Thus it would not be possible for the cycle to produce the massive
amounts biosynthetic precursors needed for acetate based growth unless alternative reactions
were possible. Plants and bacteria employ a modification of the TCA cycle called the
Glyoxylate Cycle to produce four carbon dicarboxylic acids from acetyl CoA. The
Glyoxylate cycle bypasses the Decarboxylations of the TCA Cycle. The enzymes of the
Glyoxylate Cycle in plants are present in Glyoxysomes. Isocitrate lyase and malate synthase
are the additional enzymes required for this cycle in addition to TCA cycle enzymes.
Glyoxysomes do not contain all the enzymes needed for the glyoxylate cycle. The enzymes
succinate dehydrogenase, fumarase and malate dehydrogenase are absent. Hence
glyoxysomes, with the help of mitochondria run their cycle Succinate molecules formed in
glyoxysomes are transported to mitochondria where it is converted to oxaloacetate with the
help of TCA cycle enzymes. The oxaloacetate is then converted to asparate and transported
to glyoxysomes where it is transaminated to oxaloacetate. The oxaloacetate is converted to
malate through glyoxylate cycle. The malate then enters the cytosol and converted into
glucose via gluconeogenesis pathway. The existence of glyoxylate cycle is important for the
germinating seeds where photosynthesis is not possible. Triacylglycerols rich in oilseeds are
degraded to acetyl CoA. Glyoxysomes formed during germination convert the acetyl CoA to
oxaloacetate, which is then utilised for the conversion to glucose through gluconeogenesis.
Once the growing seedling begins their photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates, the
Glyoxysomes disappear.

Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation:

The mitochondrion is the aerobic organelle in which the final stage of the oxidation of
food occurs. It is the site of the citric acid cycle, fatty acid oxidation and oxidative
phosphorylation, processes that are responsible for the formation of ATP under aerobic
condition. The two most important energy transductions in the biological systems are the
oxidative phosphorylation (ATP synthesis driven by electron transfer to oxygen) and
photophosphorylation (ATP synthesis driven by light). Oxidative phosphorylation is the
process in which ATP molecules are formed as a result of the transfer of electrons from the
reducing equivalents, NADH or FADH2 (produced by glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and
fatty acid oxidation) to oxygen by a series of electron carriers in the form of a chain located
in the inner membrane of mitochondria. This is the final reaction sequence of respiration.
Since the electrons are transferred by a series of electron carriers in the form of a chain, it is
known as electron transport chain (ETC). In plants, ATP is mainly derived through
photosynthesis utilizing the energy derived from the sun. In non-photosynthetic tissues,
ATPs are derived through respiration. The electrons are transferred along a set of
cytochromes in the form of a chain in steps from the more electronegative components
(NADH/FADH2) to the more electropositive oxygen. The respiratory chain consists of a
number of protein complexes that are remarkably complicated in nature. They are known as
NADH- ubiquinone reductase, succinate-ubiquinone reductase, ubiquinone-cytochrome c
reductase and cytochrome c oxidase These complexes are also called as NADH
dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome b-c complex and cytochrome c
oxidase respectively or as complexes I - IV. All the three reductases are also known as iron-
sulphur proteins since they contain Fe-S centres as their critical components. Iron in these
enzyme complexes can exist in two forms as Fe2+ and Fe3+. Each cytochrome in its oxidised
form (Fe3+) accepts one electron and becomes reduced to Fe2+ form. Fe2+ donates electron to
the next carrier. Oxidation of one molecule of NADH results in generation of 2.5 molecules
of ATP whereas oxidation of one molecule of FADH2 generates 1.5 molecules of ATP.

Sites of ATP Formation

When electrons are transported along the respiratory chain, due to high amount of
energy released, ATP molecules are synthesised at the following three sites.

1. Transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone via flavoprotein (FMN).

2. Transfer of electrons from cyt b to cyt c.
3. Transfer of electrons from cyt a to cyt a3.

Mechanism of ATP Formation:

Two principal hypotheses have been proposed for the mechanism of oxidative

1. Chemical hypothesis
2. Chemiosmotic theory
Chemical Hypothesis:
Many attempts have been made since 1920 to identify an energy-rich metabolite
linking oxidation and phosphorylation. No such intermediates was isolated and in 1960,
Peter Mitchell suggested that no possibility of existence of such an intermediate compound.
So, the chemical hypothesis has become discredited.
Chemiosmotic Theory:
The chemiosmotic theory states that the coupling of oxidation to phosphorylation is
indirect. According to this, the hydrogen ions (protons) generated by the oxidation of
components in the respiratory chain are ejected to the outside (matrix) of the inner
membrane. The electrochemical potential difference resulting from the asymmetric
distribution of the hydrogen ions (protons or H+) is used to drive a membrane-located ATP
synthase which in the presence of Pi + ADP forms ATP. Inhibitors of respiratory chain
Inhibitors, which inhibit respiratory chain, may be grouped as follows:
1. Inhibitors of electron transfer
2. Inhibitors of ATP Synthase
3. Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation
Inhibitors that arrest respiration by blocking the respiratory chain act at three sites.
Compounds such as barbiturates, amytal, rotenone prevent the transfer of electron from FeS
centre to ubiquinone. Carboxin specifically inhibits transfer of reducing equivalents from
succinate dehydrogenase to ubiquinone. Antimycin A blocks electron transfer from
cytochrome b to cytochrome c1. Substances such as cyanide (CN-), azide (N3-) and carbon
monoxide inhibit cytochrome c oxidase by binding to heme group and are extremely

poisonous. Oligomycin inhibits ATP synthase. In the presence of the uncouplers such as
dicoumarol and 2,4-dinitrophenol, oxidation proceeds without phosphorylation (dissociation
of oxidation in the respiratory chain from phosphorylation) releasing energy in the form of
heat rather than in the form of ATP.
The Hexose Monophosphate Shunt:
The hexose monophosphate shunt (HMP shunt), also called as pentose phosphate
pathway (PPP) and phosphogluconate pathway is an alternate pathway for the oxidation of
glucose. In 1930, Otto Warburg discovered the first evidence for the existence of this
pathway, which was later, elucidated in 1950 by Frank Dickens group. The pathway is
important during the hours of darkness and in non-photosynthetic tissues such as
differentiating tissues and germinating seeds. In animal system, it occurs in certain tissues,
notably liver, lactating mammary gland and adipose tissue in addition to the Embden -
Meyerhof pathway. The enzymes of the shunt pathway are found in the extra mitochondrial
soluble portion of the cell. It is in effect, a multicyclic process whereby three molecules of
glucose 6-phosphate give rise to three molecules of CO2 and three 5-carbon residues. The
latter are rearranged to regenerate two molecules of glucose 6-phosphate and one molecule
of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. Since two molecules of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate can
regenerate a molecule of glucose 6-phosphate by reactions, which are essentially a reversal
of glycolysis, the pathway can account for the complete oxidation of glucose. Here
oxidation is achieved by dehydrogenation using NADP and not NAD as in Embden-
Meyerhof's glycolytic pathway. This pathway consists of a series of reactions taking place in
three stages Stage I. Formation of NADPH and ribulose 5-phosphate The first three
reactions of the pathway, catalysed by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,
phosphogluconolactonase and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ultimately result in the
formation of ribulose 5-phosphate and NADPH. Stage II. In this stage, the ribulose 5-
phosphate is converted to ribose 5-phosphate by ribulose 5-phosphate isomerase and then to
xylulose-5 phosphate by ribulose 5- phosphate epimerase. The ribose 5-phosphate is
essential precursor in the biosynthesis of nucleotides. Stage III. In the third stage, three
molecules of the 5-carbon sugars are converted to two molecules of 6-carbon sugars and one
molecule of 3-carbon sugar, glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate catalysed by two enzymes,
transaldolase and transketolase. Transketolase catalyses the transfer of a C2 unit from

xylulose 5-phosphate to ribose 5-phosphate yielding glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and

sedoheptulose 7- phosphate. Transaldolase catalyses the transfer of a three carbon unit from
sedoheptulose 7-phosphate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate yielding erythrose 4-phosphate
and fructose 6-phosphate. Control of the HMP shunt Ribose 5-phosphate and NADPH are
the principal products of the HMP shunt. In this pathway, excess amount of ribose 5-
phosphate is converted into glycolytic intermediates when the need for NADPH exceeds
that of ribose 5-phosphate in nucleotide biosynthesis. If ribose 5-phosphate is needed more
than NADPH, fructose 6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate are used for the
synthesis of ribose 5-phosphate by reversal of the transaldolase and transketolase reactions.
The rate of NADPH formation in the pathway is controlled by the rate of the glucose 6-
phosphate dehydrogenase reaction. Metabolic significance of the HMP Shunt
1. Major function of HMP shunt appears to be the production of reduced NADP
(NADPH) required by anabolic (synthetic) processes such as fatty acid synthesis
outside the mitochondria .
2. The pathway provides ribose for nucleotide and nucleic acid synthesis.
3. It also provides erythrose required for the synthesis of phenolics and other aromatic
compounds through shikimate pathway.
Glucose 6-phosphate can be used as a substrate either for glycolysis or for the pentose
phosphate pathway. On the basis of the cell's needs, it makes this choice for biosynthesis
and for energy from catabolism. If glucose 6-phosphate is channeled into glycolysis, ATP is
produced in abundance; but if it is channeled into pentose phosphate pathway. NADPH and
ribose 5-phosphate are produced. The fate of glucose 6- phosphate is determined to a large
extent of phosphofructokinase and glucose-6 P. There are four principal possibilities in
which, depending upon the cell's need, HMP shunt operates.
1. More ribose 5-phosphate than NADPH is required Most of the glucose 6-phosphate is
converted into fructose 6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate by the glycolytic
pathway. Two molecules of fructose 6- 110 phosphate and one molecule of
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate are converted into three molecules of ribose 5-phosphate by
a reversal of reactions catalysed by transaldolase and transketolase reactions.
2. Both ribose 5-phosphate and NADPH are needed by the cell In this, the first four
reactions of the pentose phosphate pathway predominate. Ribose 5-phosphate is the

principal product of the metabolism and NADPH is also produced. The net reaction for
these processes is
Glucose 6 P + 2 NADP+ + H2O Ribose 5-Phosphate + CO2 + 2 NADPH + H+
3. More NADPH than ribose 5-phosphate is needed by the cell Under this situation, glucose
6-phosphate is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide. Three reactions are active. First,
two NADPH and one ribose 5-phosphate are formed by the oxidative branch of the
pentose phosphate pathway. Then, ribose 5- phosphate is converted into fructose 6-
phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate by transketolase and transaldolase. In the
final reaction, glucose 6-phosphate is resynthesised from fructose 6-phosphate and
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate by the gluconeogenic pathway. The sum of these reactions is
Glucose 6-phosphate + 12 NADPH+ + 7H2O ------- 6 CO2 + 12 NADPH + 12H+ + Pi
4. Both NADPH and ATP are needed by the cell. In this, fructose 6-phosphate and
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate derived from ribose 5-phosphate enter the glycolytic
pathway and form pyruvate. ATP and NADPH are concomitantly generated and five of
the six carbons of glucose 6-phosphate emerge in pyruvate.

3 Glucose 6-phosphate + 6 NADP+ + 5NAD+ + 5 Pi + 10ADP 5 pyruvate +

3CO2 + 6NADPH + 5NADH + 10ATP + 2H2O + 10H+

Comparative Account of glycolysis and HMP Shunt :

These two major pathways are meant for the catabolism of glucose. They have little
in common, e.g. the presence of metabolites like glucose 6-phosphate. The major
differences are
1. ATP is not generated in the HMP pathway, whereas in glycolysis, ATP molecules are
2. Pentose phosphates are generated in the HMP pathway but not in glycolysis.
3. NADH is produced in glycolytic pathway whereas NADPH is produced in HMP shunt.
2. TNAU Notes
3. Text Book of Biochemistry by A.K. Berry

Chapter- 1

Metabolism of Protein
Amino acids are simpler forms of protein. Since proteins are necessary to for growth,
repair and maintenance of human body amino acid also participate in the these functions. Good
food source of protein are pulses, cereals, milk and red meat. Amino Acids are of two types
essential (Amino acids which are required by the body but body cannot synthesize them so body
depends for them on food sources.) and non essential (Amino acid which are required by the
body and at the same time body can synthesize them.).

Functions of Amino Acids:

1. Amino acids are fundamental units and are building blocks of proteins.
2. Amino acids also acts as precursors of important bio-molecules as well eg. hormones,
purines, pyrimidines, porphyrins and some vitamins.
3. When amino acids are used as fuel they undergo de-amination reactions.
4. Left over carbon get converted to glucose or oxidize to CO2 through TCA cycle.

Central dogma: It is a simple transfer of information from DNA to RNA to Protein. It is

summarized in the following figure. The replication process on the left consists of passing
information from a parent DNA molecule to daughter molecules. The middle transcription
process copies this information to a mRNA molecule. Finally, this information is used by the
chemical machinery of the ribosome to make polypeptides.

Central dogma consists of 3 major processes in the preservation and transmission of genetic

1. Replication: In this process each strand of parent DNA molecule forms 2 identical
daughter DNA molecules.
2. Transcription: In this process genetic message in DNA is transcribed (copied) into the
form of mRNA (Messenger RNA).
3. Translation: It is the process by which the information transcribed from DNA to mRNA
directs the specific amino acid sequence and protein synthesis occurs. This flow of genetic
information was proposed by Crick is the Central Dogma of molecular biology.

The machinery of protein biosynthesis consists of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, and a
large number of enzymes and cofactors. The whole machinery operates in cytoplasm and is
closely connected to endoplasmic reticulum.

Ribosomes: It is a kind of platform on which the protein synthetic machinery is formed. It has
two sites

1. Amino Acyl or A site

2. Peptidyl or P site.

The initiating codon AUG is at P site. When elongation occurs, all the incoming amino Acyl t
RNAs bind to A site. Ribosomes of prokaryotes (Old Cells) have sedimentation coefficient of 70
S. During translation, 70S ribosome continuously dissociates to form 50S and 30 S subunits.
mRNAs and tRNAs cannot bind directly to 70 S subunit, therefore first bind to 30 S subunit
which then combines with 50 S subnuits. Eukaryotes (New Cells) have 80 S sedimentation
coefficient (40S & 60 S).

mRNA: The key component of translation is mRNA. It carries the genetic information (message)
from DNA to the site of protein biosynthesis where protein systhesis occurs i.e ribosome.
mRNA contains codons. Codon is the unit that gives code for a given amino acid and consists of
3 nucleotides.

Genetic Code: Through DNA replication, complementary base pairs are formed. RNA with 4
specific bases (Each base is denoted by an alphabet. Together, the bases and its arrangements
form a code of RNA) is translated to the amino acids (Base with twenty alphabets). Clearly, there

could not be a direct one-to-one correlation of bases to amino acids, so the nucleotide letters
must form short words or codons that define specific amino acids. The features of genetic code
are as follows:

1. The code/codon is a triplet (as singles & doublets are insufficient to code 20 amino acids)
2. The genetic code is universal. The same code dictionary is used by all organisms (both
prokaryotes & eukaryotes)
3. Comma, space and punctuation is not used in the genetic code.
4. Overlapping is not permitted. The nucleotide sequence of two consecutive amino acids does
not overlap.
5. It is degenerate. With the exception of codes for Methionine & tryptophan, all the amino
acids are encoded by more than one codon.

tRNA: tRNA has a structure of clover leaf (Three leaf). The molecule is asymmetrically folded
to yield a compact structure with anticodon arm at one end and amino acid arm at the other end.
Anticodon is the nucleotide triplet in tRNA. It is present in the central petal of tRNA. Anticodon
is complimentary to the corresponding codon in mRNA. tRNAs are small in size and consist of
70-90 nucleotides.

Translation (Biosynthesis of Protein):

Though protein synthesis is a complex biosynthetic mechanism, proteins are made at a high
speed. A polypeptide chain of 100 amino acid residues is synthesized in few seconds. Protein
synthesis is tightly regulated. Translation consists of following 3 major steps.

1. Chain initiation
2. Chain elongation &
3. Chain termination.

In addition to these steps, activation of amino acids, prior to their incorporation into poly
peptides and post translational processing of completed polypeptide, constitute 2 additional

Activation of Amino Acids:

This process takes place in cytoplasm. Each amino acid is attached to a specific tRNA
and the reaction is catalyzed by amino acyl tRNA synthetase.

Amino Acid + tRNA + ATP Amino Acyl-tRNA + AMP + ppi

This reaction occurs in two steps.

ATP + Amino Acid Amino Acyl Adenylic Acid + Pyrophosphate.

Amino Acyl Adenylic Acid + t RNA Amino Acyl-t RNA + Adenylic Acid

Generally methionine is first attached to tRNA and then formyl group is transferred finally
forming fMet tRNA.


Polypeptide synthesis begins from the amino terminal end. This stage requires 1) 30S &
50S sub units 2) mRNA 3) fMet tRNA 4) a set of initiation factors IF1, 2 & 3 and 5) GTP, Mg++.
The formation of initiation complex is divided into three steps.

In the first step, 30S subunit binds to IF 3 which prevents the premature union of 30S &
50S. Then binding of mRNA to 30S sub-unit takes place in such a way that the initiation codon
AUG binds to a precise location on 30S.

In the second step, complex of 30S, IF3 & mRNA forms a still larger complex by binding
IF2 (which is already bound to GTP) & the fMet tRNA. The anticodon of this tRNA pairs
correctly with the initiation codon.

In the third step this large initiation complex of 30S subunit will combines with 50S
subunit. Simultaneously GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP +Pi. IF2 & IF3 depart from ribosomes. This
elaborate initiation process is required to ensure that the initiating aminoacyl- t-RNA is bound at
the peptidyl site and positioned at the initiation codon AUG, so that the ribosomes start
translation at the correct point on the mRNA. Translation of the codons of mRNA take place in
the 5’___3’ direction.


This stage requires the complex formed above, the next amino acyl tRNA, a set of
elongation factors EFTu, TS, G & GTP.

a) Binding of incoming amino acid: Elongation factor EF is made up of two subunits ie: Tu and
Ts. As along as Tu and Ts are associated the next amino acid cannot bind to this complex. Once
the two factors separate out then GTP will bind to Tu and forms a complex Tu-GTP and this

complex will bind with the next amino acyl tRNA. This entire complex is bound to A site of
ribosome and the energy released by GTP hydrolysis will facilitate the correct binding of the
amino acid. GDP & EF are released.

b) Formation of the peptide bond: A new peptide bond is formed between the amino acids at
A&P sites. This occurs by the transferring formyl methionyl group from its tRNA to the amino
group of second amino acid, which is at A site. The A site alpha amnio acid acts as a nucleophile

and formation of peptide bond takes place. The dipeptide thus formed is bound to A site leaving
P site with uncharged tRNA at P site. Peptidyl transferase enzyme will participate in this
reaction. For the formation of one peptide bond four ATP molecules are utilized.

c) Translocation: Finally the ribosome moves by a distance of one codon towards 3’ end of
mRNA, thus shifting dipeptidyl tRNA from A site to P site. Now A site is free for the incoming
amino acyl tRNA. The uncharged tRNA is released from P site back into cytoplasm. The
ribosome moves from codon to codon along mRNA towards 3’ end, adding one amino acid at a
time to the growing chain. Elongation continues until the ribosome adds the last amino acid,
completing the polypeptide coded by the mRNA.


This stage is signaled by one of the 3 termination codons in mRNA – UAA, UAG, and UGA.
The termination codon first occupies A site. Then the release factors 1, 2 & 3 contribute to the

1. Hydrolysis of terminal peptidyl tRNA bond.

2. Release of free polypeptide and last tRNA from P site.

3. Dissociation of 70S subunit into 30S & 50S which are ready to start a new cycle of protein

In bacteria RF1recognizes the termination codons UAG and UAA, and RF2 reconizes UGA
and UAA. RF1 or RF2 binds at a termination codon and induces peptidyl transferase to transfer
the growing peptide chain. The specific function of RF3 has not been firmly established. In
eukaryotes, a single release factor calledeRF recognizes all three termination codons.

Inhibitors of Protein Biosynthesis:

Protein synthesis being a long complex process is vulnerable to inhibition at many points. Some
inhibitors of protein synthesis are

1. Streptomycin – inhibits initiation & causes misreading(binds to 30Ssubunit)

2. Tetracycline –in bacteria it inhibits by binding to amino acyl tRNA
3. Chloramphenicol – in bacteria it inhibits peptidyl transferase activity.
4. Puromycin – causes premature release of peptide, as it has a structure
5. very similar to the 3’ end of an aminoacyl-tRNA.
6. Cycloheximide-n blocks the peptidyl transferase of 80S eukaryotic ribosome
7. Ricin : inactivates 60S subunit of eukaryotic ribosome
8. Diphtheria toxin: it inactivates eukaryotic elongation factor eEF2

Post Translational Modifications:

After synthesis, the nascent polypeptide chain is folded & processed into its biologically active
form. It assumes its native conformation i.e secondary, tertiary & quaternary structure. Some
newly made proteins do not attain their final biologically active conformation until they have
been altered by one or more processing reactions called posttranslational modifications. The post
translational changes can be grouped under following sub headings:

1. Amino terminal and Carboxyl terminal modification: Protein synthesis is initiated by

formyl-methonine or methionine which has to be removed enzymatically, the N terminal
amino acids is acetylated.
2. Loss of signal sequence: 15 to 30 residues at the amino-terminal end of some proteins play a
role in directing the protein to its ultimate destination in the cell. Such signal sequences are
ultimately removed by specificpeptidases.

3. Modification of individual amino acids: The hydroxyl groups of certain amino acids like
serine, threonine and tyrosine residues of some proteins are enzymatically phosphorylated
by ATP. Carboxyl groups of glutamic acid are methylated, lysine is methylated
Hydroxylation of Proline to hydroxy proline etc
4. Attachment of carbohydrate side chain: Carbohydrate side chain of glycoproteins is attached
covalently during or after the synthesis of the polypeptide chain.
5. Addition of isoprenyl groups: A number of eukaryotic proteins are isoprenylated, a thioether
bond is formed between the isoprenyl groups and a cysteine residue of the protein. In some
cases, the isoprenyl group serves to help anchor the protein in a membrane.
6. Addition of prosthetic groups: Many prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins require covalently
bound prosthetic groups for their activity. These are attached to the polypeptide chain after
it leaves the ribosome. Eg. The attachment of heme group to the cytochrome c
7. Proteolytic processing: Some viral proteins and proteases are initially synthesisied as larger
inactive precursor proteins called as zymogens which have to be trimmed to ptoduce finally
active forms Eg: trypsin is synthesized as trypsinogen
8. Formation of disulfide cross-links: Proteins to be exported from eukaryotic cells, after
undergoing spontaneous folding into their native, conformations, are often covalently cross-
linked by the formation of intrachain and interchain disulfide bridges between Cysteine
residues. The cross links formed in this way help to protect the native conformation of the
protein molecule from denaturation in an extracellular environment that can differ greatly
from that inside the cell.

Degradation of proteins into amino acids:

Proteins are hydrolyzed by proteases and the amino acids are released. These amino acids
under go catabolism in the following ways:

1. Transamination
2. Oxidarive deamination.
3. Non oxidative deamination
4. Decarboxylation

Transamination :

This reaction involves the transfer of an amino group from a donor amino acid to an
acceptor α-keto acid to yield the α-ketoacid of the donor amino acid and the amino acid of the
original α-keto acid. The reaction is catalyzed by an enzyme called aminotransferase or
transaminase that requires PLP as co-enzyme for its activity.

Types of Deanimation:

Oxidative Deamination:

Amino group from amino acid is oxidatively removed in this process. Glutamate
dehyrogenase enzyme catalyses the following reaction.

Non oxidative Deamination:

Non oxidative deamination takes place in absence of water and the corresponding unsaturated
dicarboxylic acid is formed

Aspartic acid + H2 ___________ Fumaric acid + NH3

Structural formulae for the above reactions need to be

written & explained in the class.



In decarboxylation reactions, the CO2 from the corresponding amino acids are removed
and biologically active amines are formed.

Amino Acid Carbon Skeletons:

The remainder of the amino acid is referred to as the "carbon skeleton". Depending on the
particular amino acid being catabolised, its carbon skeleton will be converted to acetyl coA, or
pyruvate and or a citric acid cycle intermediate. Those carbon skeletons which end up as acetyl
CoA are committed to energy production. They will be oxidised via the citric acid cycle.

Ammonia Assimilation:

The ammonia released during metabolism of amino acids is toxic to the cells if it is not
incorporated into synthetic processes. There are three reactions that can catalyze the
incorporation of the nitrogen atom as NH3 into organic compounds. These reactions are those
catalysed by glutamic dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase and carbamyl phosphate synthetase.

CO2 + 2ATP Carbomyl phosphate + 2ADP + H3PO4

Balanced/ Modified diets
Balanced diets

A balanced diet is one which provides all the nutrients in required amounts and proper proportions so that
the need for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients are adequately met. It can be easily
achieved through a blend of four basic food groups. The nutrient require-ments vary with age, gender,
physiologi-cal status and physical activity. A balanced diet provides (i) 50-60% of total calories from
carbohydrates, (ii) about 10-15% from proteins (iii) and 20-30% from both visible and invisible fat. In
addition, a balanced diet should provide other non-nutrients such as dietary fiber, antioxi-dants and phyto


A balanced diet is one which contains different types of foods in such quantities that the individual’s need
for the various nutrients is adequately met, and some amounts of nutrients are stored in the body to with
stand short periods of low dietary intake.

Importance of balanced diet

To help maintain a healthy weight and have the best chance to stay in good health, balance is key. The
WHO (the World Health Organization) has given recommendations in 5 points that summarize the basis
of nutrition:

 Eat roughly the same amount of calories that your body uses. Healthy body weight = “calories in”-
“calories out”.
 Eat a lot of plant foods: vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fruits and nuts.
 Limit your intake of fats, preferring the healthier unsaturated fats to saturated fats and trans fats.
 Limit your intake of granulated sugar, ideally less than 10g/day.
 Limit salt / sodium consumption from all sources
 A balanced diet is important because your organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work
effectively. Without good nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, and
poor performance.
 A balanced diet is vital for your body and all of its systems to function properly, by having good
nutrition it will help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat, provide your body with
energy, promote good sleep and generally make you feel better
 The Importance of Eating Healthy for Students. Research has shown that students are able to
learn better when they're well nourished, and eating healthy meals has been linked to higher
grades, better memory and alertness, and faster information processing
 A healthy diet can protect the human body against certain types of diseases, in particular non
communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some types of
cancer and skeletal conditions. Healthy diets can also contribute to an adequate body weight.
 A well-balanced diet provides important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep the body and
mind strong and healthy. Eating well can also help ward off numerous diseases and health
complications, as well as help maintain a healthy body weight, provide energy, allow better sleep,
and improve brain function.
 For being physically active and healthy-Nutrient -dense low fat foods
 For maintaining health, productivity and prevention of diet -related disease and to support
pregnancy /lactation-Nutritionally adequate diet with extra food for child bearing/rearing
 For growth spurt, maturation and bone development-Body building and protective food
 For growth development and to fight infections- energy rich, Body building and protective foods
(milk Vegetables and fruits ).
 For growth and appropriate milestones breast milk,energy rich foods(fat and sugar).

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

RDA for IndiansMost countries have derived their own set of dietary guidelines for requirements, which
are periodically revised. Improved tools and methodology, developments in understanding the role of
nutrients and updated data base of population intake, health status and food tables necessitate a
revision. The guidelines for India were first drawn by the Expert Committee of Indian Council of Medical
Research (ICMR) in 1944 and the latest revision was made in 2010.

Definition- recommended dietary allowance (RDA) the amount of nutrient and calorie intake per day
considered necessary for maintenance of good health, calculated for males and females of various ages
and recommended by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council.

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Indian Population

For the Indian population, the dietary standards have been computed by the Indian Council of
Medical Research (ICMR). These recommendations have been published as "Nutrient
Requirements and Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians" (ICMR 2010) The
recommendations are constantly revised whenever new data is available. The last
recommendations were revised in 2010, based on the new guidelines of the International Joint
FAO/WHO/UNU Consultative Group and based on the data on Indians that had accumulated
after 1989 recommendations. To help you understand these recommendation here are a few

 RDA for Indians are presented for the different age categories: 0-6 months, 7 to 12
months, 1 – 3 years, 4 – 6 years, 7 – 9 years, 10 – 12 years, 13 – 15 years,16 –
18 years, adult man and women..
 Recommendations are given for energy and all other nutrients including proteins, visible
fat, calcium, iron, retinol, Beta Carotene, thiamine, riboflavin etc.
 Recommended dietary allowances for adults are based on sex (male, female), body
weight and physical activity level (i.e. Sedentary, Moderate and Heavy work) .
 RDA for energy is expressed in kilocalories (Kcal), for proteins, fats in grams (g), and for
calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals in milligram (mg) or microgram.
 RDA for protein is based on body weight. The relationship can be expressed as 1g
protein per kg body weight in the case of adults. It varies for other age categories.
 RDA for energy and protein are given as additional intakes in pregnancy and
lactation, indicated by a ( " + " sign). This requirement is over and above the
normalrequirement of adult women. RDA for other nutrients are given as total intake
 In infancy RDA's for energy, protein, iron, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin are expressed as
per kg body weight (expected for a healthy, normal growing infant of a particular age)
 RDA for Vitamin A have been given in terms of retinol or alternatively in terms of Beta
Group Particulars Body Net Protein Visible Calcium Iron Vitamin µg/kg Thiamine mg/d Riboflavin Nicotinic Pyridoxine Ascorbic Free Vit
weight energy g/d fat mg/d mg/d Retinol ß carotene acid mg/d acid mg/d acid folic B12
kg Kcal/d g/day mg/d mg/d acid µg/d
Man Sedentary
2425 1.2 1.4 16
60 2875 60 20 400 28 600 2400 1.4 1.6 18 2 40 100 1
3800 1.6 1.9 21
Woman Sedentary
1875 0.9 1.1 12
50 2225 50 20 400 30 600 2400 1.1 1.3 14 2 40 100 1
2925 1.2 1.5 16
50 +300 +15 30 38 600 2400 +0.2 +0.2 +2 2.5 40 400 1
woman 1000
0-6 months +550 +25 45 30 950 3800 +0.3 +0.3 +4 2.5 80 150 1.5
6-12 50 1000
+400 +18 +0.2 +0.2 +3
Infants 0-6 months 5.4 108/kg 2.05/kg 55 µg/kg 65 µg/kg 710 µg/kg 0.1 25 25 0.2
6-12 500
8.6 98/kg 1.65/kg 350 1200 50 µg/kg 60 µg/kg 650 µg/kg 0.4
Children 1-3 years 12.2 1240 22 12 400 1600 0.6 0.7 8 0.9 30 0.2-1.0
4-6 years 19 1690 30 25 18 400 0.9 1 11 40
7-9 years 400
26.9 1950 41 26 600 2400 1 1.2 13 1.6 60
Boys 10-12
35.4 2190 54 22 34 600 2400 1.1 1.3 15 1.6 70
Girls 10-12
31.5 1970 57 19 1 1.2 13
Boys 13-15
4\7.8 2450 70 22 41 1.2 1.5 16 0.2-1.0
600 600 2400 2 100
Girls 13-15
46.7 2060 65 28 1 1.2 14
Boys 16-18
57.1 2640 78 22 50 1.3 1.6 17 0.2-1.0
years 500 600 2400 2 40 100
Girls 16-18 49.9 2060 63 30 1 1.2 14

Source : Gopalan. C, Rama S

astri B.V. and Balasubramanian, S.C., 2004, Nutritive Value of Indian Foods, National Institute of Nutrition, ICMR, Hyderabad.

The knowledge of recommended dietary allowances and composition of food is necessary for the
selection of an adequate diet. But if we start doing this, it will be a tedious process. Therefore, it
is necessary to translate the nutritional needs into kinds and amounts of food that we should eat.
Such an information can then be used in everyday meal planning exercise. This is achieved by
dividing/categorizing all food items into various groups called food groups.
Two ways of classifying food into groups-
A. Classification Based on Physiological Functions
.B. Classification Based on Nutrients

A. Classification Based on Physiological Functions -However, foods may also be classified

according to their functions .

Major nutrients Other nutrients

Energy Rich foods Carbohydrates and fat
Whole grain, Cereals Protein, Fibre, minerals, Calcium,Iron & B-
,millets complex,vitamins
Vegetables oils, Ghee, Fat soluble vitamins,essential,fatty acids
Nuts and oilseeds Protein ,Vitamins, minerals
Sugar Nil
Body building foods Proteins
Pulses ,nuts and B-complex,vitamins,invisible
oilseeds, milk and milk fat,fibre,calcium,vitamin
product ,meat A,Riboflavin,Vitamin B12,B-
,fish,poultry complex,Vutamins,iron,iodine,fat
Protective foods Vitamins and minerals
Green leafy vegetables Antioxidants,Fibre,and other carotenoids
Other vegetables and Fibre, sugar and antioxidants
Egg, milk and milk Protein and fat
products, Flesh foods

Classification of essential nutrients

Based on the amount of the nutrients that each person needs to consume on a daily basis, these
nutrients are categorised into two groups. These are macronutrients, which should be consumed
in fairly large amounts, and micronutrients, which are only required in small amounts.


‘Macro’ means large; as their name suggests these are nutrients which people need to eat
regularly and in a fairly large amount. They include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibre and
water. These substances are needed for the supply of energy and growth, for metabolism and
other body functions.

Metabolism means the process involved in the generation of energy and all the ‘building blocks’
required to maintain the body and its functions.

Macronutrients provide a lot of calories but the amount of calories provided varies, depending on
the food source. For example, each gram of carbohydrate or protein provides four calories, while
fat provides nine calories for each gram.


As their name indicates (‘micro’ means small) micronutrients are substances which people need
in their diet in only small amounts. These include minerals and vitamins. Although most foods
are mixtures of nutrients, many of them contain a lot of one nutrient and a little of the other

What are nutritional requirements?

The amount of each nutrient needed is called the nutritional requirement. These are different for each
nutrient and also vary between individuals and life stages, e.g. women of childbearing age need more
iron than men.

Food Group Percentage

Cereals and millets 60

Body –building foods 15
Other vegetables
and fruits 10

Protective foods 10

Energy group 05
Food exchange list

Food Exchange: Foods are classified into different groups for exchange. Each “exchange
list” includes a number of measured foods of similar nutritive value that can be substituted inter-
changeably in meal plans.
Food Exchange List

List 1 - Cereal Exchange

30 gm provide: Carbohydrate 20 gm, Protein 2 gm
Cereals Household Measures Wt/Vol. Calories
Rice 30 gms uncooked 100
Wheat flour 30 gms uncooked 100
Dalia 1/2 katori cooked 30 gms uncooked 100
Sago 30 gms uncooked 100
White flour 30 gms uncooked 100
Bread 2 slices 40 gms 100
Chapati 1.5 [approx. 5-6" diameter] 44 gms 100
Jowar roti 0.5 55 gms 100
Ragi 30 gms uncooked 100
Rice flakes 1 katori 30 gms uncooked 100
Oat meal 30 gms uncooked 100
Vermicelli 1/2 katori cooked 30 gms uncooked 100
Corn flakes 30 gms uncooked 100
Maize dry 30 gms uncooked 100
Marie biscuit 8 No. 100
Monaco biscuit 4 No. 100
Idlis 2 No. 100
Poha 1/2 katori 100
Upma 1/2 katori 100
Dosa ordinary 120
1 Katori-volume 150 ml.

List 2 - Fat Exchange

50 gm Calories; Fat 5.5 gm
Fats Household Measures Wt.[gm]. Calories
Butter 1 1/2 teaspoon 7.5 50
Ghee 1 teaspoon 5.5 50
Hydrogenated fat [Vanaspati] 1 teaspoon 5.5 50
Oil [Coconut, Mustard 1 teaspoon 5.5 50
Sunflower, Corn, Groundnut,
Cotton seed, Til, Palm]
Cashewnuts 10 50
Groundnuts, roasted 10 50
Walnuts 7.5 50
Pistachio 7.5 50
Almonds 7.5 50

List 3 - Milk & Milk Products

50 Calories; Protein 2.5 gm
Milk & Milk Products Household Measures Wt./Vol. Calories
Curd 2/3 glass 105 gm 50
Butter Milk 3 glasses 375 ml 50
Cheese 1 ice cube 15 gm 50
Milk [Buffalo] 1/3 glass 45 ml 50
Milk [Cow] 2/3 glass 90 ml 50
Milk, Skimmed* 1 glass 130 ml 50
Milk, Skimmed, powder* 15 gm 50
Coffee Nescafe+75 ml milk 50
[without sugar]
Tea + 75 ml milk 50
Khoya 15 gm 50
1 medium glass 150 ml
*provides 5 gm protein

List 4 - Vegetable Exchange

50 Calories; Carbohydrate 10 gm
Vegetables Household Measures Wt. (gm) Calories
Beetroot [Chukander] 75 50
Carrot 1-2 No. 105 50
Colocasia [arbi] 45 50
Onion [big] 1 No. 90 50
Onion [small] 2 No. 75 50
Potato 1/2 No. 45 50
Sweet potato 30 50
Tapioca 30 50
Yam [Zimikand] 45 50
Broad beans 90 50
Cluster beans 90 50
Double beans 50 50
Jack, Tender 105 50
Jackfruit seeds 30 50
Leeks 60 50
Peas 45 50
Singhara 45 50
Sambar 1/4 katori 35 ml 50
Cooked vegetable 1/2 katori 50
1 katori: volume 150 ml

List 5 - Fruit Exchange

50 Calories; Carbohydrate 10 gm
Fruits Size/No. Wt. (ml) Calories
Apple 1 small 75 50
Amla 20 medium 90 50
Banana 1/4 medium 30 50
Cashew fruit 2 medium 90 50
Custard apple 1/4 50 50
Dates 3 30 50
Figs 6 medium 135 50
Grapes 20 105 50
Grape fruit 1/2 big 150 50
Jack fruit 3 medium pieces 60 50
Mango 1 small 90 50
Melon 1/4 medium 270 50
Orange 1 small 90 50
Lemon 1 medium 90 50
Papaya 2 medium 120 50
Peach 1 medium 135 50
Pear 1 medium 90 50
Plums 4 medium 120 50
Pineapple 1 1/2 slices (round) 90 50
Strawberry 40 105 50
Sweetlime 1 medium 150 50
Tomato 4 medium 240 50
Water melon 1/4 small 175 50

List 6 - Legume and Pulse Exchange

30 gm provide: Carbohydrate 15 gm, Protein 6 gm
Pulse [uncooked] Household Measures Wt. (gm) Calories
Bengal gram 3/4 katori cooked 30 100
Bengal gram, roasted 30 100
Bengal gram-flour [Besan] 30 100
Cow gram 1 katori cooked 30 100
Horse gram 30 100
Kabuli Channa [white gram] 30 100
Lentils 3/4 katori cooked 30 100
Moth beans 30 100
Peas, dried 1 katori cooked 30 100
Rajmah [kidney beans] 3/4 katori cooked 60 100
Red gram 3/4 katori cooked 30 100
1 katori-volume 150 ml

List 7 - Flesh Food Exchange

70 Calories; Protein 10 gm
Flesh Foods Household Measures Wt. (gm) Calories
Egg Hen 2 No. 100
Fish 1 piece 60 70
Liver, sheep 60 70
Mutton, muscle 3 piece 60 100
Pork 1 slice 60 70
Prawn 5-7 pieces 60 70
Chicken 1 breast 60 70
Crab 120 gm 70
Beef 1 slice 60 70
List 8 - Vegetable Exchange
These vegetables may be used as desired. Carbohydrates
and calories are negligible
Leafy Vegetables Other Vegetables
Bitter gourd [Karela] Curry leaves Brinjal Onion stalks
Amaranth Fenugreek leaves Cauliflower Pumpkin
Brussels sprouts Mint Drumstic Tinda
Cabbage Spinach Frenchbeans Tomato, Green
Coriander leaves Mango, green

Household Measures Vol. Calories
Orange juice 1 big glass 200 ml. 30
Tomato juice 1 big glass 200 ml 30
Apple juice 1 big glass 200 ml 100
Grape juice 1 big glass 200 ml 80
Mango juice 1 big glass 200 ml 150

Fast Food*
Household Measures Vol. Calories
Soft drink 1 bottle 300 ml 120-135
Potato wafers 50 gm 430
Samosa 1 40 gm 130
Veg. cutlet 1 100 gm 140
Vada 1 150

Cakes & Pastries*

Wt/vol. Calories
Cake plain 50 gm 150
Chocolate cake 50 gm 250
Sponge cake 50 gm 150
Pastry 50 gm 250-400
Household Measures Wt/vol. Calories
Custard 150 gm 360
Fruit salad 150 gm 150
Fruit salad with cream 150 gm 300
Icecream 150 gm 380
Carrot halwa 1 medium katori 100 gm 600
Badami halwa 100 gm 570

Household Measures Wt/vol. Calories
Coconut burfi 25 gm 110
Gulabjamun 25 gm 200
Laddo 30 gm 160
Rasgulla 150 gm 140
Jam 2 tablespoon 80
Honey 2 tablespoon 48

Vol. Calories
Beer 150 ml 65
Wine dry 30 ml 30
Wine dessert 30 ml 40
Whisky, brnady, gin, rum 30 ml 65
Vodka 30 ml 65
Ginger ale 30 ml 9

Suggested Reading-Nutrient Requirements and Recommended Dietary Allowances for

Indians. A Report of the Indian Council of Medical Research, ICMR, 2010..Dietary

Guidelines for Indians-A Manual, 2ndEdition, National Institute of Nutrition, ICMR, Hyderabad,

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