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Paint Specification No. 15: SSPC: The Society For Protective Coatings

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SSPC-Paint 15

May 1, 1999
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings

Steel Joist Shop Primer
1. Scope 3.3 If there is a conflict between the requirements of
any of the cited reference standards and this specification,
1.1 This specification covers a one coat shop primer the requirements of this specification shall prevail.
for open web and long span steel joist and joist girders and
for cold formed steel framing. This coating is intended to 3.4 SSPC STANDARDS AND JOINT STANDARDS:
provide temporary protection to the steel joist during deliv- PA 2 Measurement of Dry Coating
ery, storage on site, and erection in an atmosphere compa- Thickness with Magnetic Gauges
rable with SSPC Environmental Zone 1, normally dry. This SP 1 Solvent Cleaning
coating is intended to be used as a holding primer that may SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning
or may not be removed before or after erection or assembly SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning
in the field. VIS 1-89 Visual Standard for Abrasive
1.2 The specification does not address the formulation Blast Cleaned Steel
of the coating but covers the physical and performance VIS 2 Standard Method of Evaluating
characteristics of the coating. Degree of Rusting on Painted
Steel Surfaces
A 36 Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
2.1 . I Wide latitude is given for the composition of the
B 117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog)
coating. The formulation will be agreed upon between the
contracting parties, so that the coating is compatible with
D 562 Test Method for Consistency of Paints
the owner’s facility and processes, while meeting or ex-
Using the Stormer Viscometer
ceeding the performance requirements of this specifica-
D 714 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of
Blistering of Paints
2.1.2 This specification will cover all generic classes of D 1200 Test Method for Viscosity by Ford
coatings. viscosity c u p
D 1308 Test Method for Effect of Household
2.2 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (VOC) RE- Chemicals on Clear and Pigmented
QUIREMENTS: Organic Finishes
2.2.1 The VOC content of a merchantable coating D 1475 Test Method for Density of Paint, Vanish,
Lacquer, and Related Products
meeting the compositional and performance requirements
of this specification can vary from less than 60 g/L to over D 1654 Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or
Coated Specimens Subjected to Corro-
420 g/L.
sive Environments
2.2.2 The specifier should consult applicable govern- D 2243 Test for Freeze-Thaw Resistance of
ment regulations to determine the maximum allowable Water-Borne Coatings
VOC content and the proper VOC test method for their D 3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by
application. As a part of the purchase documents, the Tape Test
specifier should state the required VOC limit, test method, D 3363 Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil
and governing regulations. (See Note 11.1.) Test
D 3924 Specification for Standard Environment
3. Reference Standards for Conditioning and Testing Paint, Var-
nish, Lacquer, and Related Materials
3.1 The documents and standards referenced in this
D 3925 Practice for Sampling Liquid Paints and
specification are listed in Sections 3.3 through 3.7 and form
a part of this specification. Related Pigmented Coatings
D 3960 Practice for Determining Volatile Organic
3.2 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the Compound (VOC) Content of Paints and
reference standards in effect on the date of invitation to bid Related Coatings
shall govern unless otherwise specified.

COPYRIGHT The Society for Protective Coatings

Licensed by Information Handling Services
SSPC-Paint 15
May 1, 1999
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

D 4062 Test Method for Leveling of Paints by shall not be corroded. Multi-component material shall be
Draw-Down Method easily dispersed in the liquid portion by hand stirring to form
D 4585 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of a smooth, homogeneous primer.
Coatings Using Controlled Condensation
5.3 COLOR: There is no color requirement; however,
D 5894 Practice for Cyclic Corrosion/UV Expo-
colorwill be agreed upon between the contracting parties or
sure of Painted Metal, (Alternating Expo-
be the color of the sample submitted under Section 9.2.
sures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and UV/Con-
densation Cabinet) 5.4 VISCOSITY: The viscosity of the stirred primer
shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 562.
3.6 NATIONAL PAINT AND COATINGS ASSOCIA- Variance of viscosity measured in KU shall be within 12
TION (NPCA) STANDARD: percent of the viscosity of the previously qualified coating
and the value published by the manufacturer (e.g., techni-
Paint Industry Labeling Guide
cal data sheet or container label).
3.7 BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DIS- For viscosities lower than 55 KU, a number 4 Ford Cup
TRICT (BAAQMD) shall be used in accordance with ASTM D 1200. Variations
shall be within five seconds of the previously qualified
METHOD 41 Determination of Volatile Organic Com-
coating. The contracting parties may agree to different
pounds in Solvent Based Coatings and Related Materials
Containing Parachlorobenzotrifluoride
5.5 DENSITY: Density of the mixed primer shall be
4. Standard Testing Conditions determined in accordance with ASTM D 1475. Variance
shall be within I 4 8 g/L (0.4 Ib/gal) of the sample submitted
4.1 When testing the paint and its application, the under Section 9.2.
conditions underwhich it is applied and cured shall conform
COATINGS ONLY): The liquid (water base) coating shall
4.2 The hot rolled steel test panels shall conform to be tested in accordance with ASTM D 2243. At the end of
ASTM A 36 or equivalent. Prior to preparing the surface, three cycles there shall be no gelling or excessive thicken-
the amount of rust and mill scale on the surface shall ing, coagulation, lumps, or coarse particles. The maximum
conform to Rust Grade A or Rust Grade B as described in increase or decrease in viscosity shall not exceed 1O Krebs
SSPC-VIS 1-89. Panelsizeshall be 1 0 0 m m x 1 5 0 m m x 4 . 8 units.
mm (4 in x 6 in x 3/16 in) or greater.

4.3 Surface preparation shall consist of SSPC-SP 1 6. Performance Testing Requirements

and SSPC-SP 2.

4.4 The dry film thickness of the primer shall be as

6.1 . I Test Panel Preparation: Apply one coat of the
recommended by the manufacturer. If no recommendation
steel joist shop primer to the front of nine steel panels in
is given, the dry film thickness shall be a minimum of 20
accordance with the standard testing conditions specified
micrometers (0.8 mils) unless indicated otherwise. Mea-
in Section 4. Coat and seal all edges and the back side of
sure dry film thickness in accordance with SSPC-PA 2.
each panel with a coating or masking that will provide the
necessary protection to these surfaces.
4.5 All coated panels to be tested will be allowed to
Scribe a 5 cm (2 inch) vertical line through the lower
cure fora minimum ofseven days underambient laboratory
middle portion of the primed panels so as to expose the
conditions before physical testing is to begin.
underlying metal before testing. The conditions of making
the scribe are described in ASTM D 1654.
5. Physical Properties
5.1 TEST INFORMATION: The paint manufacturer 6.1.2 Salt Spray: Three replicate panels shall be
shall measure and record batch testing information that will exposed in a salt spray conducted in accordance with
allow certification that a batch meets the necessary stan- ASTM B 117. The duration ofthe test shall be 96 hours. The
dards established by the manufacturer for the primer as rust rating of each replicate panel shall be 8 or higher
tested per Section 5. according to SSPC-VIS 2. (See Note 11.2.) The blister
rating of each panel shall be no worse than No. 4"Few," No.
5.2 CONDITION IN CONTAINER: Each component 6 "Medium," or No. 8 "Medium Dense" using ASTM D 714.
as received shall show no evidence of livering, skinning, or (See Note 11.3.) The maximum undercutting or rusting
hard settling of the pigment. The inside of the container measured from the center of the scribe of each replicate

COPYRIGHT The Society for Protective Coatings
Licensed by Information Handling Services
SSPC-Paint 15
May 1, 1999
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

panel shall not exceed 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) at any point along 7. Application
the scribe. (See Note. 11.4.)
7.1 Coatings can be formulated for dip, flow coat,
6.1.3 Cyclic Salt FoglUV Exposure: Three replicate vacuum coat, airless, air atomized, brushed, or rolled
panels shall be exposed in a cyclic corrosion test conducted a pp Iicati on.
in accordance with ASTM D 5894. The duration of the test
shall be 336 hours that represent one week of UV/conden- 8. Labeling
sation followed by one week of cyclic salt fog. The rust
rating of each replicate panel shall be 8 or higher according 8.1 Referto the National Paint and Coatings Associa-
to SSPC-VIS 2. (See Note 11.2.) The blister rating of each tion (NPCA) "Paint Industry Labeling Guide" for labeling
panel shall be no worse than No. 4 "Few," No. 6 "Medium," guidelines and procedures.
or No. 8 "Medium Dense" using ASTM D 714. (See Note
11.3.) The maximum undercutting or rusting measured 8.2 MARKING OF CONTAINERS: Each container of
from the center of the scribe of each replicate panel shall each component shall be legibly marked with the following
not exceed 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) at any point along the scribe. information:

6.1.4 Condensation: Three replicate panels shall be Name: Steel Joist Shop Primer
exposed in a condensing cabinet according to ASTM D Specification: SSPC-Paint 15
4585 for a duration of 96 hours. The rust rating of each Manufacturer's Name and Address:
replicate panel shall be 8 or higher according to SSPC-VIS Product Number:
2. (See Note 11.2.) The blister rating of each panel shall be Generic Type of Coating:
no worse than No. 6 "Few" or No. 8 "Medium" using ASTM Color:
D 714. (See Note 11.3.) The maximum undercutting or Lot or Batch Number:
rusting measured from the center of the scribe of each Date of Manufacturer(not necessary if contained in lot
replicate panel shall not exceed 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) at any or batch number):
point along the scribe. Quantity of coating in container(s):
Information and Warnings as may be Required by
6.2 ADHESION: Apply one coat of the steel joist shop Federal and State Laws:
primer to the front of a steel panel in accordance with the Shelf Life Between Temperature Range: Do notfreeze
standard testing conditionsspecified in Sections4.1 through (if a waterborne primer)
4.4. After seven days, apply a second coat under similar VOC Content:
conditions. Allow the second coat to cure for a minimum of Mixing Ratios and Procedures:
seven days under ambient laboratory conditions before
physical testing is to begin. Evaluate adhesion to the base 8.3 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA: Technical data
metal as well as between coats using ASTM D 3359, shall be provided on a separate sheet containing, but not
Method B "Cross-Cut Tape Test," spacing the cuts 1 mm limited to the following information:
apart. A minimum rating of 4B is required. (See Note 115.)
Product Name:
6.3 WATER SENSITIVITY: Apply one coat of the steel Generic Type of Coating:
joist shop primer by the drawdown method (ASTM D 4062) Surface Preparation:
to a 100 mm x 200 mm (4 x 8 in) cold-rolled steel panel in Mixing Ratios and Procedures:
accordance with Sections 4.1 and 4.4. Allow to dry at 21 to Ap pl ¡cation Proced u re:
25°C (70 to 77°F) and 50% I 5 % relative humidity. After24 Recoatability:
hoursdrying time, subjectthe coating toawaterspottestfor Theoretical Volume Solids:
four hours in accordance with ASTM D 1308, using the open Theoretical Weight Solids:
spot test and 2 to 3 ml of potable water. No blistering shall VOC Content:
occur. The film may soften, but film integrity shall return Safety Data:
after a 24 hour recovery period. Film integrity is defined as Information and Warnings as may be required by
losing no more than one pencil hardness unit (ASTM D Federal and State Laws:
3363) compared to the unexposed film. Shelf Life Between Temperature Range:
Storage Information:
BORNE COATINGS ONLY): Coat a hot rolled steel panel 9. Inspection
blast cleaned to SSPC-SP 6 or better in accordance with
9.1 All materials (coatings) supplied under this speci-
Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.4. Allow to dry for 24 hours. The
fication are subject to timely inspection by the purchaser or
coatings shall show no signs of flash rusting or bleeding.

34 O
COPYRIGHT The Society for Protective Coatings
Licensed by Information Handling Services
SSPC-Paint 15
May 1, 1999
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

his authorized representative. The purchasershall have the all jurisdictions. The method of determining VOC content
right to reject any materials supplied which are found to be described in ASTM D 3960 does not address analysis of
defective under this specification. (See Note 11.6.) In case VOC exempt solvents such as PCBTF
of dispute, unless otherwise specified, the arbitration or (parachlorobenzotriflouride). Methods published by gov-
settlement procedure established in the procurement docu- ernment agencies include Bay Area Air Quality Manage-
ments shall be followed. If no arbitration procedure is ment District (BAAQMD) Method 41 and California Air
established, the procedure specified by the American Arbi- Resources Board (CARB) Method 310.
tration Association shall be used.
11.2 A rust grade rating of 8 or better implies that no
more than 0.1 % of the surface area shall be rusted.
9.2 Samples of paints may be requested by the pur-
chaser and shall be supplied upon request along with the 11.3 According to ASTM D 714, ratings that would be
manufacturer?s name and identification for the materials. considered better than No. 4 ?Few,?No. 6 ?Medium,?and
Samples may be requested at the time the purchase order No. 8 ?Medium Dense? would include No. 6 ?Few,?No. 8
is placed or may be taken from unopened containers at the ?Medium,?No. 8 ?Few,?and No. 10 (no blisters). Interpo-
job site. lated ratings not pictured in ASTM D 714 that would be
considered better than No. 4 ?Few,?No. 6 ?Medium,?and
9.3 Unless otherwise specified, the sampling shall be No. 8 ?Medium Dense? would include No. 5 ?Few,?No. 7
in accordance with ASTM D 3925. ?Medium,? No. 7 ?Few,? No. 9 ?Medium Dense,? No. 9
?Medium,?and No. 9 ?Few.? In general, a higher number
I O . Disclaimer (smaller size) blister is considered better that a lower
number blister of the same frequency. Similarly, for a given
10.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all
size. fewer blisters are better.
information furnished in SSPC standards and specifica-
tions is as accurate, complete, and useful as possible, 11.4 The salt fog test, ASTM B 117, has been widely
SSPC cannot assume responsibility nor incur any obliga- discredited as a method for evaluating paints. There have
tion resulting from the use of any materials, coatings, or been many comparative paint studies using widely different
methods specified herein, or of the specification or stan- formulations which showed no correlation and even nega-
dard itself. tive correlation between salt fog results and atmospheric
exposure results. There is a significant risk that a good
10.2 This specification does not attempt to address coating can be rejected based on salt fog performance.
problems concerning safety associated with its use. The Cyclic salt fog/UV exposure, ASTM D 5894, has been
user of this specification, as well as the user of all products shown to have much better correlation with atmospheric
or practices described herein, is responsible for instituting exposures.
appropriate health and safety practices and for insuring
compliance with all governmental regulations. 11.5 The adhesion test described in Section 6.2 is to
prevent coating manufacturers from adding wax or other
additives that would severely limit the adhesion of a subse-
11. Notes quent coating layer.

Notes are not requirements of this specification. 11.6 The procurement documents should establish the
responsibility for samples, testing, documentation of per-
11.1 ASTM D 3960 is a commonly used method to formance tests and results and any required affidavit certi-
determine VOC, but this method may not be acceptable to fying full compliance with the specification.

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COPYRIGHT The Society for Protective Coatings
Licensed by Information Handling Services

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