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High School Food Court

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The High School

Food Court

The High School Food Court

Table of Contents

PROBLEM STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
PLACEMENT IN CURRICULUM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
CONCEPTS TAUGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CONTENT STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
TIME REQUIRED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
LESSON DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
RESOURCE MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
THE SEQUENCE OF THE UNIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
entry point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
framing of the problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
knowledge inventory (know/need to know) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
the problem log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
research and resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
teachable moments, dialogues, and background information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
exit from the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
wrap-up and debriefing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
DO’S AND DON’TS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
APPENDIX I: ENTRY DOCUMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
APPENDIX II: BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR BENCHMARK LESSONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
APPENDIX III: CONCEPT DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
APPENDIX IV: RESOURCE MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
APPENDIX V: AUDIENCE QUESTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
APPENDIX VI: ASSESSMENT RUBRIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
APPENDIX VII: TEST BANK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59


The Buck Institute for Education

The Buck Institute for Education (BIE) is a not-for-profit (501c3) organization working
to make schools and classrooms more effective through the use of problem and project
based learning. Founded in 1987, BIE receives permanent funding from the Leonard
and Beryl Buck Trust. In addition, BIE receives grants and contracts from schools,
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conduct research and evaluation, curriculum and website development, and teacher
training and professional development activities. BIE’s programs are organized around
three objectives:
n Engaging Learners: BIE has developed problem based curriculum units for high
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focused projects that motivate students and deepen learning.
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John Mergendoller, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Copyright © 2006 by the Buck Institute for Education, 18 Commercial Blvd., Novato,
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All rights reserved. For permission to reproduce any part of this publication, please
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Graphic design: Pam Scrutton, San Francisco, CA


The High School Food Court

em How can we, as the Student Council, allocate the food
Probelment concessions in the new Food Court so that the Student
Stat Council gains revenue and serves the needs of the
competing constituencies?

X Introduction
Using the problem based learning approach, students will explore how the forces underlying
demand and costs (supply) result in the production of specific goods and services, which may not
satisfy the desires of all groups.

X Placement in Curriculum
This unit is designed to teach students about demand and costs. Prior to undertaking this problem,
students should be familiar with the concepts that were learned in Running in Place and The
Great Awakening. A complete listing of content standards and concepts associated with each unit
can be found in Appendix I of the Introduction. Please refer to this table to determine the concepts
that students should be familiar with before undertaking this problem.

X Concepts Taught
The curriculum was designed to teach the
following concepts: Teachers can also demonstrate the following
(see definitions, Appendix III) concepts using this lesson:
n Competing Needs n Demand Curve
n Costs (of Production) n Direct Costs
n Demand n Elasticity
n Demand Schedule n Fixed Costs
n Economic Profit n Indirect Costs
n Equilibrium Price n Law of Demand
n Equilibrium Quantity n Law of Supply
n Opportunity Costs n Supply
n Profit n Supply Curve
n Scarcity n Supply Schedule
n Total Cost n Variable Costs
n Total Revenue
n Tradeoff


X Objectives
Students will:
n Recognize that scarce resources dictate that n Identify the factors that underlie
not all goods and services that individuals demand
want will be produced in a market-driven Identify the factors that underlie the cost
economy of production (or supply)
Recognize that the costs of production Demonstrate an understanding of unit
sometimes exceed the price that concepts
individuals are willing and able to pay for
the good n Realize that the definition of what is fair
is normative and subject to much debate
n Recognize that economic profit is the key
to production of goods and services in a
market-oriented economy

X Content Standards
In a market-based economy the allocation of resources by profit maximization will generate the
most efficient use of resources but some groups or individuals will be unhappy with the goods
and services that are produced. This content, which is central to The High School Food Court
Problem, addresses the following Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics:

Standard Economic Concept

1 Scarcity 4
2 Opportunity Cost 4
3 Market Systems (allocation of goods & services) 4
4 Economic Incentives (prices, wages, profits, taxes, etc.) 4
5 Free Trade & Voluntary Exchange
6 Specialization & Free Trade
7 Market Economies 4
8 Supply & Demand 4
9 Effects of Competition Q
10 Economic Institutions
11 Money
12 Interest Rates
13 Income & Productivity
14 Entrepreneurship
15 Investment
16 Public Policy Alternatives Q
17 Public Policy Costs 4
18 Gross Domestic Product
19 Unemployment & Inflation
20 Fiscal & Monetary Policy

Note: Standards are based upon the Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics, which were developed by the National Council
on Economic Education in partnership with the National Association of Economic Educators, the Foundation for Teaching Economics,
and the American Economic Association’s Committee on Economic Education.

4 = a standard that is met with this curriculum

Q = a standard that could be met with this curriculum


X Time Required
1 week (5 days)

X Lesson Description
Students are instructed to select the five restaurants that will operate in the new Food Court at the
high school. Twelve restaurants have applied for the right to operate, but only seven of them are
able to earn a profit. Because more restaurants want space in the Food Court than can be
accommodated, students must understand the process of allocation and apply the principles of
demand and costs to determine which restaurants are suitable for operation. In the first stage of
the problem, students will identify the seven profit-generating restaurants by comparing demand
and cost schedules for each restaurant’s main product. Then the students will break up into
groups, each of which represents a segment of the Student Council. Each group must select five of
the restaurants they believe should operate in the Food Court. The Student Council is allowed to
receive 20 percent of each
restaurant’s profit but is subject
to interest group pressure for Resource Materials Include:
specific restaurants. The groups n Instructions from the Principal to the Student
will be forced to wrestle with Council
n A description of each of the restaurants (Restaurant
allocations that would arise from
both market and political Bidders)
pressures. A visual presentation
with posters and graphs will be n Demand and cost information
made to the School Board by – Table 1: Demand for Entrees at Oak Grove
each group and will serve as the High School
evaluation portion of the – Table 2: Cost Data

X Resource Materials
– Table 3: (Computed) Total Revenue
– Table 4: (Computed) Total Costs
Resources are distributed to the – Table 5: (Computed) Daily Profit
students at different points in n Audio phone messages and written transcripts of
the problem and are discussed in individuals lobbying the Student Council
the Research and Resources – from the Principal to the Student Council
portion of this manual. See the
Sequence of the Unit for one – from Rita Price, Executive Director of Grove
example. Area School-to-Work Program
– from Edith Cash, PTA President
– from the Galloping Gourmets Club
– from Vital Vegetarians
– from Ms. Loer, School Counselor
– from the Principal regarding Ms. Stravinsky
n Memo from Eric Wong, Secretary of the School Board
n Classroom economics textbook
n Questions for three individuals from the community
and the teacher who represent School
Board members (audience questions)
n Five minute timer


X The Sequence of the Unit

Because problem based learning is grounded in students’ constructing knowledge from real-world
applications, the sequence of learning will differ in each class. As a result, it is virtually impossible
to describe the exact unfolding of this problem even though it has been tested on several
occasions. What follows is an example of the sequence of the problem during one class. We have
used this particular sequence in our Procedures section. The phrases highlighted
below are cross-referenced in the boxes for easier detection.

n Discuss the memo from principal with the whole class

n Develop the initial problem statement with the whole class referencing
n Develop the initial list of know and need to know with the whole class
n Have students make initial problem log entry
n Discuss restaurant bidders list with the whole class
n Revise the list of know and need to know with the whole class
n Have students make second problem log entry
n Revise the problem statement with the whole class
n Discuss information from the tables (financial analyst in district office provided) with the
whole class
n Undertake benchmark lesson on demand and cost curves in class (optional)
n Optional: Assign homework on table computations (can do in class or integrate with spread
n Have students make third problem log entry
n Revise the problem statement with the whole class
n Revise the list of know and need to know with the whole class
n Listen to audio tape (stop after each caller and discuss what information is gained through
n Have students make final problem log entry
n Final know/problem statement
n Memo from Eric Wong
n Break students into groups of Student Council members to pick restaurants
n Undertake benchmark lesson on determinants of demand (optional)
n Students give presentations with questions from School Board
n Collect and give feedback on visuals and speech
n Use rubric (Appendix VI) to grade speeches
n Wrap-up and debrief with the whole class


X Procedure
Entry Point
Students are given a copy of a memo from the high school principal to the
Student Council. This memo explicitly tells students that they, as the Student
Council, are to select the restaurants that will serve food in the Food Court in the memo from
new student center. [Students are likely to ask what the students did for food principal
before the Food Court opened. One potential scenario is that temporary food
vendors (like lunch trucks) served food until the Food Court opened. The idea is
that the Food Court begins from ground zero].
Students are directed to select five of the twelve restaurants that have made an application to serve
food. They must first determine the profit that each restaurant will make and then make selections
based on the needs of the diverse student body.


Framing of the Problem

Once the entry document is discussed, students draft a tentative problem
statement. Students should be prompted to start this process by filling specific initial
information into the general problem statement form:
How can we, as ?, do ?, so that ?

The initial problem statement may be far from the problem statement that we presented at the
beginning of this lesson. This is expected. It is hoped that the problem statement will evolve as
students gain more insight and knowledge of the problem and its underlying issues. Remember,
the problem is intentionally ill-defined so students must grapple with economic issues and
concepts. It is this continual struggle from which knowledge is built. The initial statement may
look something like:

How can we, as the Student Council, choose five restaurants based on
an established criteria, so that the needs of the students are met, the
Student Council gets money, and restaurants maximize profits?

Note: Should we now try to integrate economics into this problem statement? It is not critical at
this point, but if the class can get there, go with it.
Remember, for now, it is fine to keep the problem statement ill-defined. The problem statement
will become more refined as the lesson unfolds.


Knowledge Inventory (Know/Need to Know)

After reading the memo from the high school principal and constructing the
problem statement, students must assess what they know in order to answer the
question. This can be done as a class by identifying all the information that the entry initial know/
document provides. The know/need to know inventory will differ for each class need to
because students are struggling with identifying the knowledge that they have and know
with defining the body of knowledge that they do not have.
As part of this process, students should also be coached to identify information that they need to
know in order to provide a solution to the problem statement. Without a doubt, students will
suggest things that they need to know that, in reality, they do not need to know. Now is not the
time to filter these questions out of the process. Rather, allow students to see their irrelevance once
additional information is discovered.
An example of the type of items that might appear on the initial know/need to know list follows.
Remember that every class will produce a different list and that every idea should be put on the board.
Sometimes seemingly strange ideas that come from a know/need to know discussion result in
some of the more creative approaches to the problem’s solution.

Examples of Initial Know/Need to Know

What do we know? What do we need to know?
n There are twelve restaurants n What are the interests of student
n There are five spaces available body?
n Dr. C is principal n Which restaurants make a profit and
n We are the Student Council how much?
n Food Court is in the new student center n What foods do restaurants have?
n We get 20% profits from restaurants n Can we afford/select a restaurant that
isn’t profitable if it meets needs?
School Board sets parameters
How much money does Student
Student Council must justify selection to
Council need?
School Board
What percentage of the total Student
Speech to School Board in one week
Council budget is this?
Can spend money from profit any way we
How big is the school?
want in accordance with by-laws
What are student demographics?
Must take into account interests of student
body n How big is the student body?
n School Board is supportive—voted n Can students work in the restaurants?
unanimously n Is the information on costs of
n Which restaurants are profitable is the first restaurants available?
thing to be determined n What is “oversight”?
n School Board must vote on the proposal
n No profit means no money for Student Council
n Rationale for picking restaurants must be
grounded in economic thinking
n More revenue means more events
n No set up fees for restaurants exist
n Campus is closed, students must eat on campus
n Selection of restaurants is for four years


The Problem Log

Throughout the problem, each student will keep a problem log that helps the student and teacher
follow the construction of the student’s knowledge. The log should be checked periodically by the
teacher to ensure that students stay focused on the economics underlying the discussion about
which restaurants come into the Food Court. This requires an understanding by the students of
what components determine a firm’s profit—demand, costs, and revenue.
The problem log can be introduced after initial problem statement has been
developed and after the class does the initial know/need to know series. At this
point the students should be asked to start their problem log by brainstorming initial
what they believe to be the major issues. problem log

ä Potential Question to Ask: What do you think are the most important

issues the Student Council must consider?

Research and Resources


The first resource that students are given is the Restaurant Bidders List. This list
can be discussed by the class as a whole to determine what information can be
gained from the restaurant descriptions. Remember that you want to eliminate as
much of the need to know list as soon as possible, so use the Restaurant Bidders restaurant
List to get some of this information. Students can quickly jot down pluses and bidders
minuses about each restaurant and thereby determine what they’ve learned and
what they still need to know (e.g. healthy, low cost, food looks good). For
they might list that they now know which restaurants are bidding but they still
need to know:
n prices and costs (menu vs. price)
n where open revise know/
n space concerns need to
ethnic background—demographics
n school lunch program participation
n how big is school
n food service style—serve in time constraints
n profit projections

The problem log should be used after the Restaurant Bidders List is discussed. second
Students can write down the perceived positives and negatives about each problem log
restaurant for future reference. entry

ä Potential Question to Ask: What are the positive and negative features
of each restaurant?

Students may or may not wish to revise their problem statement at this point. revise


Now, students should be given Table 1, the demand schedule of each of the
restaurants, and Table 2, a schedule of each restaurant’s costs, including both
fixed costs and the factor by which variable costs increase. This information
comes from the finance department of the district office. The teacher should tables
spend time with the students on these tables and show them how to interpret the
Table 1 is the demand schedule for each restaurant’s mainstay entree. Price is located in the first
column of the table and the amount that students will purchase at each restaurant at each price is
located in the remaining columns. Students should note that demand varies with students’ “taste”
for food. This is illustrated by selecting a price and comparing levels of demand. For example, at a
price of 5 cents (.05), we see that only 10 kids will eat borsch but 500 kids will eat chicken. You
should also note that the law of demand holds. For each restaurant, as price falls, more will be
purchased. Numbers in Table 1 will be used to compute total revenue in Table 3 and to determine
the quantity sold (at each price) in Table 4.
The Benchmark Lesson on Demand in Appendix II shows how Table 1 can be
used to teach about demand. This table (and others) can also be used to illustrate
how students can make and interpret graphs. This is shown in the Benchmark
Lesson on Graphs, which is located in Appendix II.
ä Potential Hurdle: Students sometimes do not see that “will be purchased”
and “quantity demanded” are equivalent phrases. That is, the demand curve, which tells how
much of a good will be purchased at each price, reflects the quantity demanded at each price.
Potential confusion may arise unless students fully understand that quantity demanded means
ability and willingness to purchase a good at a given price.

Table 2 shows the costs associated with making each entree for each restaurant. It illustrates the
concepts of fixed costs and variable costs. Numbers in this table will be used to compute total costs
(Table 4). Fixed costs are shown for each restaurant in the section labeled “stall and equipment
rental.” These costs do not vary with output. They are the same for all restaurants except the
Home Economics Kitchen, which receives a subsidy from the Department of Agriculture in the
form of free stall and equipment rental. Table 2 should be used to show how costs might differ
among firms.
Variable costs are shown for each restaurant in the section labeled “labor and ingredient costs.”
These costs vary with output. They also differ for each firm. Labor costs depend upon the quality
of the labor (e.g. the “nationally known chefs” at Fleur de Lys cost more than students in the
Wildcat’s Den) and the amount of time spent in preparation (e.g. preparing salads at Sally’s Salads
is more time intensive than opening canned potatoes at the Home Economics Kitchen). Ingredient
costs vary with quality.
Table 2 should be used to illustrate the relatively wide variation in costs. For example, the Home
Economics Kitchen can operate at very low costs (and hence prices) while Fleur de Lys has
extremely high costs and, as a result, will only operate if sufficient demand exists at relatively high
prices. The Benchmark Lesson on Costs and Supply in Appendix II illustrates how Tables 2 and 4
can be used to teach about production costs and quantity supplied.


ä Potential Hurdle: Students often want to make a supply schedule from the cost figures
provided in Table 2. It is imperative to distinguish between a firm’s cost curves and an industry’s
supply curve. Firms make production decisions based on their (marginal) cost curves. While
students are not asked specifically to compute marginal costs in this problem, they will, in Table 5,
be shown that firms establish (equilibrium) price and quantity sold at the point of profit
maximization. Industry supply is something different. Assuming constant cost industries, the
industry supply curve is simply a summation of the individual firm’s supply curves, as is the case
for industry demand. However, in this problem, we only have firm level data and we know that
the products sold are not identical. As a result, we cannot sum supply or demand information
across firms. For example, because Fleur de Lys and Taco Villa sell different products, we cannot
sum cost or demand information to get market supply or demand curves. It is but a short step to
illustrate this potential with the information provided.

Tables 3-5 are to be computed by the students. This can be done in one of several
ways. Computations for select restaurants can be done in class with the
remaining computations done as homework by groups or individual students. homework
Alternatively, several examples can be done in class with the remaining answers
given to the students, or students can be given the formulas and told to break up
into groups to complete the computations. Dividing the work among groups will assure that
figures for each restaurant will be computed.
Note: The tables in Appendix IV contain the computed answers. Tables without answers are
provided in Appendix II so that they can be given to students as worksheets.
Table 3 has students compute daily Total Revenue using the information in Table 1. Multiply price
times the number sold at each price for each restaurant. Students should compute the total revenue
brought in at each price for some restaurants using this formula:
Total Revenue = Price X Quantity (sold).

For example, the total revenue at Taco Villa for 35 tacos at a price of $3.00 is $105.
$105 = 35 X 3

Table 3 can be used to illustrate the nature of the total revenue function. Total revenue will always
rise, reach a maximum (at the point where price elasticity equals one—optional), and then fall.
Students often think that total revenue can be increased forever by selling more goods. This table
illustrates that this is not so.

Table 4 has students compute total costs. Students should compute the total costs borne at each
price for some of the restaurants using the formula below:
Total Cost = Stall Rental + Equipment Rental + (labor cost X amount sold) + (ingredient cost X amount sold)

The stall rental, equipment rental, labor cost, and ingredient costs are obtained from the Cost Data
table (Table 2). The amount sold at each price is obtained from the Demand for Entrees table (Table
1). For example, the total cost for tacos at a price of $3 is $44.
$44.00 = $25 + $5 + ($.2 X 35) + ($.2 x 35)

Once costs are computed at each price for each restaurant, students should recognize that fixed
costs ($30) occur for each restaurant (except the Home Economics Kitchen) even when nothing is
being made.


ä Potential Hurdle: It is important to note that fixed costs are borne even when the restaurant
is not selling any food. This is easily illustrated by the fact that restaurants (and people!) must pay
rent, even if nothing is sold, because they have a lease.

Table 5 shows how much daily profit each restaurant will make at each price. Students should
compute the daily profit obtained at each price for some of the restaurants using the formula
Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost

where Total Revenue is obtained from Table 3 and Total Cost is obtained from Table 4. For
example, the daily profit for tacos at a price of $3 is $61.
$61 = $105 - $44

Losses (negative profits) result when costs exceed revenue at a given price.
Once profits are computed at each price for each restaurant, students should recognize that the
profit function increases and then decreases. Price is set at the point at which profits are
maximized. The Benchmark Lesson on profit in Appendix II shows how this table can be used to
illustrate profit functions.
Perhaps the most important use of the log in this lesson is as a check for the
students’ understanding of the tables. After each table is presented or discussed,
students should be asked to note any difficulty that they have with the third
computations and concepts. It is important that teachers check logs at this stage problem log
to address problems. Students should note how they think the information entry
contained in the tables might be used to help determine which restaurants
should operate in the Food Court.

ä Potential Questions to Ask: What problems, if any, did you have with the computations
and concepts presented in the tables? How can you use the information contained in the tables to
help choose the restaurants that will operate in the Food Court?

Once students have computed each restaurant’s profit they should revise the
problem statement and know/need to know. At this point, students should
discuss factors other than profit that might be used to determine which revise
restaurants should operate in the Food Court. They might suggest that the problem
following factors are important: statement
n nutritional value n ability to pay
n options n speed of service
n variety n method of payment
n appearance n community involvement/social
n consciousness revise
n cleanliness chain versus local
to know
n complimentary items n quality


Once students have begun the discussion of potential restaurants operating in

the Food Court, they will be provided with the final set of resources—an audio
tape of individuals who are lobbying for specific types of restaurants. Each
person should be heard separately with the teacher stopping the tape to discuss
audio tape
what is learned from each “lobbyist.” Students could be prompted to listen for
information that answers the initial question, “What is each person’s motivation
for calling the principal?” Students should hear that:

n Rita is promoting the Wildcat’s Den so that students will be provided with career
opportunities (25% of the students will benefit).
n Edith is promoting healthy foods and does not like fast food franchises.
n The Galloping Gourmets are interested in taste and quality. Money is not an issue for these
students and their parents actively contribute to the Booster’s Club.
n The Vital Vegetarians are interested in the environment, animal rights, macrobiotics and
natural foods. They are boycotting Taco Villa and the Hunan Wok because of their
destruction of the environment.
n Ms. Loer is concerned about the price of food in the Food Court. Since the campus is closed,
about 25% of the students may have difficulty affording lunches.
n Ms. Stravinsky, who has donated a lot of money to the school, owns the Borsch Palace. She
suggests that she will consider donating money for the construction of the swimming pool
and tennis court.

These tapes should illustrate the idea of competing needs among different groups of students.
Issues raised on these tapes may divert focus away from economic and toward political concerns.
While it is important that students realize that non economic concerns often govern the
distribution outcome (i.e. who gets the food), they should not lose sight of the profit motive.
Should this happen, remind students that they get 20% of the profit earned from the restaurants
that operate successfully in the Food Court and nothing for restaurants operating
at a loss.
The problem log can be used after the students hear the audio tapes. Students
can record in their problem logs the requests of different constituents and how final
they think this information might influence their selection of restaurants. problem log
ä Potential Questions to Ask: What are the various constituency groups
asking for? How will this information influence your selection of restaurants? How does this
information alter your economic reasoning about restaurants that should operate in the Food

At this point, the know and problem statement should be revisited for the final
time. Students should be told that they will not receive any additional final know/
information on the “need to know” list. problem


By now all of the research resources have been distributed. Students will receive
one last memo from Eric Wong, Secretary of the Board, with instructions for their
presentation. This memo also gives students background information on the Eric Wong
Board members who will be asking questions during the presentations.
Students are now broken into groups to decide upon potential solutions to the
problem. Students should be divided into groups of 3 or 4. Each group
represents the Student Council. These are the groups that will examine the
resources to select and justify the restaurants that will operate in the Food Court. groups
This justification will serve as the basis for the oral presentation before the Board.

ä Potential Hurdle: Two remaining concerns may exist: 1) students don’t know the
demographics of the student body, or; 2) they don’t know last year’s Student Council budget. As a
coach, you should help students see that they do not need this information. The demand schedule
in Table 1 outlines the “tastes and preferences” of the student body. This information tells what
will be purchased. Students also do not need to know last year’s Student Council budget. Instead,
they should be coached to see that decision making should be grounded in the potential money
that they could bring in from the Food Court ($22,645.80) and that reductions from that figure,
without regard for last year’s budget, represent tradeoffs that must be made.

Teachable Moments, Dialogues, and Background Information

problem based learning is most effective with continual dialogue between the
teacher (as a coach) and students. When students are left to discover knowledge
or problem solutions on their own, without teacher coaching or use of problem
logs, students may flounder or stray off track. To prevent this, teachers must
actively direct students toward the curriculum goals with probing questions in benchmark
class discussions, by circulating and listening to discussions in group work, and lesson
by evaluating the problem log with meaningful, useful comments.
Because problem based learning is grounded in constructivist learning, several “teachable
moments” will arise when students readily see a need to know a particular economic concept or
theory. During these moments, teachers can use several techniques to teach concepts or theories.
For this purpose, we have included benchmark lessons so that more traditional lectures can be
used to provide information on more difficult subject matter. Alternatively, a more Socratic method
could be used where the teacher coaches and probes students toward knowledge of theories with
the aid of textbook reading.


In this lesson we have included information in the following areas for potential benchmark lessons
on demand, costs, profit, graphs, and homework tables.
n general overview
n changes in quantity demanded
n changes in demand

costs and supply

n general overview of costs
n supply

general overview of profit

graphs and their meanings
blank tables for homework computations
n total revenue
n daily costs
n daily profit



Exit From the Problem

Students, in their groups, are asked to prepare a presentation for the School
Board. In this presentation, students must indicate the restaurants that they have
chosen and justify their selection. They are required to have visuals (e.g. graphs,
charts) and adhere to a strict five minute time limit. Remember that part of the presentation
skill building in this lesson is to prepare a concise presentation within the strict
time limits and that School Boards often cut people off in mid sentence. Visuals
should be turned in to the teacher before the presentation so that errors can be
shown to students and corrected. Teachers should stress that all members of the
group must be prepared to make the presentation or to answer questions. One
way to ensure this is to randomly select, at the time of the presentations, the visuals
member of the group who will make the presentation.
After the presentation, community members who are playing assigned roles, and
the teacher as the School Board president, will question students regarding their decisions. While
community members will, no doubt, emphasize non economic criteria of selection, it is the
teacher’s role to stress the economic (i.e. highest profit) considerations. To keep the presentations
and questions focused, the Board members should be limited to three questions each.
A rubric is provided in Appendix VI to guide the teacher’s assessment of the
presentations. This rubric can also be used to guide students in meeting the
expectations of the assignment.
When assessing students, remember that problem based learning is most rubric
effective when the students are placed in real life situations. As a consequence, if


students begin to alter the authenticity of the situation, the learning environment can easily be
reduced to fun and games. This negates much of the validity of the technique and knowledge
gained from the unit. To prevent this digression, it must be stressed that data and theories used in
all work must be accurate and reflect knowledge gathered from available resources. In other
words, students cannot make up data and scenarios. They cannot give bogus answers to real
Students must be coached to see that “I don’t know” is a legitimate answer to a question. This
makes the classroom authentic. When presented with a problem outside of the classroom, there is
always more information available, but time to seek out resources is limited. This is one of the
lessons that problem based learning teaches. To enable students to gain this insight, they must
learn to say that they do not have the data to give an appropriate, accurate answer. In other words,
there are limited answers because data are limited. Students cannot make up answers. They must use
the information that is provided.

Wrap-up and Debriefing

It is critical that the wrap-up and debriefing section of the unit not be ignored.
This is the part of the unit in which students, as a class, are given feedback on
both process and content. It is imperative that incorrect knowledge or statements be wrap-up
corrected at this point in the problem. How the debriefing is conducted is less and debrief
important than the fact that it is conducted.

Process Debriefing
It is important that students have a chance to discuss how they felt about the process. This could
be done with a series of questions. For example:
n How do you think you did?
n Is there anything that you think you left out?
n Is it difficult when there is not one right answer to the problem?
n How does it feel to go through the problem without specific direction?

These questions could be used to help guide the students toward a discussion about how the
process helped them learn about economics.

Content Debriefing
Recognizing competing needs and tradeoffs is an integral part of this problem. As such, it is
important that students see that the economic (i.e. market based) solution is the one in which the
restaurants with the highest profit are selected. Students also need to see that this criteria may
leave some students with limited alternatives (e.g. vegetarians can only get salads, and students
cannot get trained without the Wildcat’s Den or Home Economics Kitchen). The competing needs
of students, which arise out of scarcity in resources, means balancing economic versus non
economic concerns. However, this balancing comes at a cost. The Student Council gets less money
if they select restaurants that are not the highest profit makers and, as a result, must trade off some
events for meeting student needs (opportunity costs).
Care should also be taken to ensure that students are comfortable with the economic determinants
of profit. For example, demand is based on ability and willingness to pay, costs vary across firms,
and profit levels could vary with changing student populations.


Do’s and Don’ts

In reading through this problem, changes come to mind. In this section, we highlight changes that
have worked and changes that have not worked. Please do not try the ideas that have failed, even
though the temptation is great!

Ideas to try
The presentation to the School Board, which is the evaluation portion of the unit, provides a good
opportunity to integrate this unit with a senior project.
The names of the restaurants may not appeal to your students. Feel free to change the restaurant
names, however, be advised that the listing of restaurant bidders must then be changed and the
audio tape may not reflect your new choice of restaurant titles.
If all of your students have a school e-mail account, you may choose to send the transcript of the
audio tape (Appendix IV) as e-mail, in which case, you could change restaurant names.

Ideas not to try

The data provided in the tables cannot be changed without a tremendous amount of work. The
demand schedule for each restaurant is carefully constructed to reflect revenue functions that are
well behaved. Similarly, the cost schedules are carefully constructed to reflect well-behaved cost
functions. Together the demand and cost tables reflect well-behaved profit functions and provide a
good mix of profitable and unprofitable restaurants. While it is tempting to have students collect
their own data on student preferences at their high school, this would produce numbers that might
not illustrate tradeoffs or numbers that would not show well-behaved functions. Consequently, it
might be difficult to illustrate economic concepts.



Appendix I:
Entry Document




Home of the Wildcats
Dr. Stanley Campbell, Principal
TO: Student Council, Oak Grove City High School via Bart Stravinsky, Student
Council President
FROM: Dr. Stanley Campbell, Principal, Oak Grove City High School
REGARDING: Food Court in the New Student Center

As you know, the School Board unanimously voted last night to allow the Student Council to select the
restaurants for the Food Court that will be housed in our new student center. We advertised widely
throughout the city inviting restaurants to apply for a space in the Food Court. Twelve restaurants have
applied for space. Unfortunately, we have space for only five restaurants. The School Board has set the
following parameters to help you make your decision as to which five restaurants should be allowed space in
the Food Court.

1) Restaurants will share a percentage of their profits from food sold at the Food Court with the Student
Council. The Student Council will be allowed to spend this money in any way they see fit subject to the
guidelines set by the Student Council by-laws. Since this revenue is the only money the Student Council
has in its budget, your first task might be to determine which restaurants will yield the most profit. The
more revenue you generate from the Food Court, the more clubs, student activities, and social events
you can afford to fund.

2) Each of the twelve restaurants has agreed to pay the Student Council 20% of its profits for space in the
Food Court. Should the restaurant not make a profit, no money will be paid to the Student Council. The
less money paid to the Student Council, the more you will have to cancel, or charge fees, for events you

3) There will be no set-up fees for the restaurants and each restaurant requires the same space allocation.

4) You are free to use whatever criteria you wish to select the five restaurants that will ultimately operate in
our Food Court. However, keep in mind that you are, as members of the Student Council,
representatives of all the interests in the school. You need to take into account the needs of all the
students when making your restaurant selections. This is particularly important since we have a closed
campus and students must buy their lunch at our Food Court.

5) The President of our Board is an economist. So, remember that regardless of your decision, the rationale
must be grounded in sound economic thinking.

6) Your selection will be in effect for four years as each restaurant you choose will be given a four year

7) You must justify your selections to the School Board at its meeting in one week.

8) The School Board will vote on whether to approve your recommendation. They must reach a consensus
on your recommendation, which means that the Board members must all agree that the plan is
acceptable. Their vote will be based upon how compelling your presentation is. You must be able to
justify your choice of restaurants based upon whether they meet the needs of students and are profitable.
If the School Board does not accept your proposal and its justification, they will ask you to return the
following week with a revised proposal. Your visual presentation, with posters and graphs, must be
given to the Board’s secretary two days before the meeting for its inclusion in the meeting agenda.



Appendix II:
Background Information
for Benchmark Lessons



Table 1, which shows and the comparison of the demand curves for different
restaurants, can be used to illustrate movement along the demand curve, shifts in
curves, and computations of elasticity. For example, you could:

• Draw a demand schedule for all (or selected) restaurants from Table 1. (See
discussion below). Discuss the relationship between price and quantity demanded
that occurs as one moves up and down an individual curve.

• Discuss changes in demand that might occur with differing student demographics.
(See description below). For example, if the student body is “rich,” the demand for
Fleur de Lys or the Roastery might be greater. The demand for Taco Villa might be
reduced should students discover that the cornmeal in taco shells is carcinogenic.

• Compute elasticities. This will show students how consumers respond to price
changes at each initial price. This should be done only for advanced students or
classes. Simply pick two prices and associated quantities for a particular restaurant
and plug into the following formula for an arc elasticity:

Q1 - Q2
(Q1 + Q2) /2
P1 - P2
(P1 + P2 ) /2

P1 = the first price selected

P2 = the second price selected
Q2 = the quantity associated with the second price
Q1 = the quantity associated with the first price

Changes in Quantity Demanded

A fundamental characteristic of demand is the law of demand: all else being equal, as
price falls, the quantity demanded increases. There is an inverse relationship between
price and quantity demanded, and this is shown for each restaurant in Table 1. Because
the total amount of money brought into the firm (i.e. total revenue) is the number sold
(quantity) times the price, the law of demand means that total revenue will change as
price changes. This is shown for any particular restaurant in the Total Revenue
computations on Table 3.


Changes in Demand

The basic determinants of demand are:

• tastes or preferences of consumers

• consumers’ income
• prices of related goods and services (complements and substitutes)
• expectations about future prices and income
• (for market demand) number of consumers

Each of these determinants can be illustrated using Table 1 and the audio tapes. The
demand for food in each restaurant (at any given price) varies. At a price of $.50, few
students demand borsch but 500 kids want chicken. This is because of taste and
preferences. Income as a determinant of demand can also be illustrated. For example,
few students will purchase food at any restaurant when meals are priced at $10. This is
due to the lack of “ability” to pay. The price and availability of other meals
(substitutes) can also be shown in this table. For example, the demand for Hunan Wok
might be greater if Taco Villa were not operating or if Taco Villa charged $5.00 for a
taco. Expectations also impact demand. For example, demand for Hunan Wok might
be greater today if students knew that the prices were going to double tomorrow.
Finally, demand will always increase as the number of students in the market increase.
For example, Bennie’s could sell many more hamburgers at a high school with 3,000
students than at one with 760 students.

On the audio tape, the school counselor tells of kids’ ability to afford food (income),
while other callers show the varying tastes for food among students.




The data on quantity sold at each price (Table 1) are combined with the per unit costs
of each firm’s production to derive a firm’s total cost curve. Just as a firm’s total
revenue is associated with the demand curve, the firm’s total cost is associated with the
supply curve.

In the short run, costs are either fixed or variable. Because fixed costs do not vary with
output, they are associated with the very existence of the firm and must be paid even
when the firm is not producing. In our example, the firm must pay the rental to the
Food Court and for the equipment (because of lease agreements) and these costs will
not vary with production. Other examples include interest on a firm’s bonded
indebtedness, insurance premiums, and the salaries of top management and key
personnel. Fixed costs cannot be avoided (in the short run) or controlled by the firm.

Variable costs, which change with production, increase with each one-unit increase in
production. Thus, such costs continue to rise as output increases. In our example,
variable costs include labor and ingredient costs. It is fairly clear that as one sells more
food one must buy more ingredients and hire more labor (to cook it and serve it). Other
examples of variable costs may include fuel, power, transportation, and other services.
Variable costs are those that can be controlled by the firm by controlling the amount

A firm’s total cost of producing is the summation of its fixed and variable costs.


Because the market, and not the firm, determines revenue in the competitive market,
the amount produced at each price (its supply) is determined by each firm’s cost of
production. This is an important relationship for students to recognize. Thus, the firm’s
“supply” curve is simply its (marginal) cost curve. Assuming factor costs do not vary
with the number of firms in an industry (constant cost industry), the market supply
curve is simply the summation of each firm’s supply curve. The cost factors that
determine a firm’s “supply” curve, also determine the industry supply curve.



Given how much will be sold at each price (i.e. demand for a firm’s product), the firm
is faced with three related questions: 1) Should it produce? 2) If so, how much of a
product should be produced (and at what price, unless the firm is in a perfectly
competitive market)? and, 3) What profit or loss will be realized?

1. A firm should produce if it makes a profit. This is obvious. However, if it is not

making a profit, it should still operate in the short run as long as its loss is less than
its fixed costs. In this case, it loses less money by operating because firms must pay
fixed costs even if they shut down. In our example, firms also might operate at a
loss because of noneconomic motives (e.g. Tanya Stravinsky). Alternatively, firms
might operate at a loss today because they expect to gain customers in the future
(i.e. long-run profit maximization). For example, Fleur de Lys might be willing to
operate at a loss in the Food Court because it expects to capture young customers,
who will develop a taste for Fleur de Lys’ food.

2. A firm will set price at the amount where profit is greatest. For example, Veggie
Vittles will price at $3.00, the Home Economics Kitchen will price at $1.00, and Taco
Villa will price at $1.50. [Note: the maximum profits (or minimum losses) that each
restaurant can make are in bold face on Table 5 in Appendix IV]. The quantity sold
at the profit maximizing price is determined from Table 1 in Appendix IV (Demand
for Entrees), which shows how much students will purchase at the profit
maximizing price. At $3.00, Veggie Vittles will sell 15 veggie sandwiches, the Home
Economics Kitchen will sell 25 meat and potato meals, and Taco Villa will sell 150

3. Profit or loss realized at each price is shown on Table 5 in Appendix IV, which can
be used to illustrate how profits or losses will vary with changes in price, total
revenue (Table 3, in Appendix IV), and total costs (Table 4, in Appendix IV).



A graph is a visual representation of the relationship between two variables. The table below illustrates
the relationship between price and quantity demanded for tacos at Taco Villa. Although this information
is obtained from Table 1 in Appendix IV (and hence is merely a different representation of the same
information), the graphic representation of price and quantity demanded illustrates the concept of a
demand curve. That is, it shows visually or graphically how consumption varies with price of the good.
In the graph below, we illustrate a linear (straight line) and nonlinear (changing slope) approximation of
the demand curve for tacos that is depicted in tabular form in Table 1 in Appendix IV.

In the graph below, price is presented on the vertical axis and is the determining factor or independent
variable. Consumption (quantity demanded) depends on price and is represented on the horizontal
axis. (Actually, the demand curve differs from the traditional graphic portrayal of relationships, which
typically show the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the
vertical axis.)

We first arrange the vertical and horizontal scales of the graph to reflect the range of values on price
and consumption, as well as mark the steps in convenient increments. We then locate the various points
that reflect the information on quantity demanded at a particular price that is provided in Table 1 in
Appendix IV. Each of the points illustrated in Table 1 can be used to plot a demand curve for a
particular restaurant. For example, at a price of $4.50, no tacos will be purchased; at $4.00, 10 tacos will
be purchased; at $3.50, 20 tacos will be purchased.

The downsloping demand curve illustrates the negative or inverse relationship between the two
variables (price and quantity demanded). These two variables move in opposite directions. As price
goes up, demand goes down. The supply or (marginal) cost curve illustrates a positive or direct
relationship between cost and quantity produced. Should cost information be plotted on a graph, an
upsloping curve would result because cost and production move in the same direction.

The simple two-variable graph ignores many other factors that might affect the amount of tacos
purchased. These other factors (e.g. income, tastes and preferences, price of other goods and services,
number of people in the market) are illustrated by shifting the curve. For example, should Oak Grove
High School double in size, the demand curve would shift to the right, demand would increase,
indicating that at every price more tacos would be purchased.

Demand Curve for Tacos from Taco Villa


4.50 D (linear approximation)

0.50 D (nonlinear)

10 20 35 50 100 150 200 300 Quantity Demanded



The following three pages contain worksheets that can be used by the students to
compute 1) the total revenue that each restaurant will receive (at each price), 2) the
total cost that each restaurant will bear (at each price), and 3) the total profit that each
restaurant will make (at each price). Tables that contain the completed computations
(i.e. the “answers”) are located in Appendix IV. Appendix IV also contains the tables
that have the information necessary to perform the computations in the worksheets. In
fact, students should be given the tables that are referenced at the bottom of the
worksheets (e.g. the Computed Total Revenue table references Table 1) at the same
time that they are given the worksheet since they must rely on the referenced table to
complete the worksheet.

These worksheets can be used as homework for individual students, as a project for a
group, or as part of a teacher-lead discussion in a benchmark lesson.

Total Revenue
Restaurant Taco Villa Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken
Price Total Revenue at Each Price:

Total Revenue = Price X Quantity Sold at that price (All information is contained in Table 1 in Appendix IV.)

Daily Costs
Restaurant Taco Villa Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken
Price Total Daily Costs at Each Price:

Daily Costs are computed by multiplying the amount sold at each price (for a given restaurant)—information located in Table 1 in
Appendix IV—by the variable costs (labor and ingredients costs) and adding it to the fixed cost (stall and equipment rental). The
cost information for each restaurant is located in Table 2 in Appendix IV.

Daily Profit
Restaurant Taco Villa Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken
Price Daily Profit at Each Price:

Profit is computed by subtracting total cost from total revenue at each price for each restaurant.


Appendix III:
Concept Definitions


The curriculum was designed to teach the following concepts:

Concepts in boldface are defined below. Concepts in italics are defined elsewhere in the
definition list.

Competing Needs: Because resources are scarce, the redistribution of goods often means that
one group (or individual) often gains only at another’s expense. That is, to make
someone better off, someone else must be made worse off because individuals are
competing for the same resources.

Costs: (of production): The measure of what has to be given up in order to achieve or produce
something. Total costs include both opportunity costs, or the cost of alternative uses of
resources, and direct costs, or total money outlays.

Demand: Purchases of a good or service that people are actually able and willing to make,
given price and choices available to them. The “law of demand” states that there is a
negative (or inverse) relationship between price and quantity demanded. That is, as
price increases (decreases) the amount of a good purchased decreases (increases).
Consumers’ demand is determined by their tastes, income, and price of other goods.
The demand schedule is a table showing the quantities of a good that will be purchased
at various prices. The demand curve is a curve that relates the price of a product and
the quantity of the product that individuals are able and willing to purchase. Aggregate
Demand is the total demand for goods and services in the economy by households (for
consumer goods), by firms and government (for investment goods), and by other
countries (exports).

Economic Profit: A firm’s total revenue (price times number of items sold) minus the total cost of
production, which includes both direct and opportunity costs. Negative economic profits
are called losses. Economic profits indicate that a firm is generating revenue above and
beyond the next best use of its productive resources.

Equilibrium Price: The price at which the quantity of the product that buyers are able and
willing to purchase exactly equals the quantity of the product that sellers will sell.

Equilibrium Quantity: The quantity at which the amount that buyers are able and willing to
purchase exactly equals the amount of the product that sellers will sell. This occurs at
the equilibrium price.

Opportunity Costs: The real sacrifice involved in achieving something. The value of the next
best opportunity that would have to be foregone in order to achieve a particular thing.

Profit: Total revenues minus total direct costs. This is distinguished from economic profit which
is the residual of total revenue minus total costs when a normal rate of return on
investment is included as a part of cost.

Scarcity: A condition where less of something exists than people would like if the good had no
cost. Scarcity arises because resources are limited and cannot accommodate all of our
unlimited wants.


Total Cost: The sum of fixed cost and variable cost.

Total Revenue: The total amount of money brought in by a firm. This is computed by
multiplying the unit price of the product times the number of units purchased.

Tradeoff: An exchange relationship denoting how much of one good (or resource) is needed to
get another good (or resource).

Teachers can also demonstrate the following concepts using this lesson:
Direct Costs: The accountant’s definition of cost. The total money expenditure or outlays
necessary to achieve a resource or good/service.

Elasticity: The measure of responsiveness of one variable to changes in another. For example,
the price elasticity of demand is the change in the quantity demanded of a good as a
result of a change in its price.

Fixed Costs: Costs to the firm that do not vary with output. These costs are borne even though
no output is produced and are often referred to as “overhead.”

Indirect Costs: See Opportunity Cost.

Supply: The amount of a good or service that firms are prepared to sell at a given price. The
firm determines how much to supply using its marginal cost curve. Industry supply is
the summation of an individual firm’s marginal cost curves (in a constant cost
industry). The supply schedule is a table showing the amount of a product that will be
produced at a given price. The supply curve relates the quantity of a good supplied by
a firm (or market) at each price. The law of supply dictates that the curve is upsloping,
indicating that more will be produced as the price of the good increases. Aggregate
Supply is the total amount of goods and services available for consumption and
consists of both domestically produced goods and services and imports.

Variable Costs: Costs that vary with the amount of production.



Appendix IV:
Resource Materials


Restaurant Bidders
1. Taco Villa: Taco Villa is a fast-food franchise that will serve meat-filled tacos at the Oak Grove
High School Food Court. Outlets are located in virtually every mall in the United States. High
school students always enjoy a quick, cheap meal at Taco Villa.

2. The Wildcat’s Den: Our student-run enterprise offers good food at reasonable prices. By
purchasing our processed meat and cheese submarine sandwiches, you will be helping your
fellow students learn about running a restaurant. Profits from the Wildcat’s Den will go back to
the School-to-Work program and will help support additional course offerings.

3. Veggie Vittles: Veggie Vittles bases its cooking in the philosophy of eating low on the food
chain. Its menu is limited to whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables, and no animal products.
Veggie Vittles will serve a veggie sandwich at the Oak Grove High School Food Court. Your
good eating habits are our major concern.

4. Home Economics Kitchen: The Home Economics Kitchen offers good food at low prices. To
keep our prices low we work closely with the Department of Agriculture’s County Extension
Office and purchase our cans of meat and bags of potatoes in bulk. Although our food may not
be as taste tempting as our fast-food competitors, our nutritionally balanced meals are cheap
and approved by the FDA. Profits from the meat and potatoes entree sold at the Food Court
will support students in the Home Economics program.

5. Fleur de Lys: Fleur de Lys’ nationally acclaimed chef, Pierre Gerard, serves traditional
Northern French cuisine. Enjoy Pierre’s famous crab crepe at the Food Court. Add a touch of
elegance to your high school experience.

6. Bubba’s Steak House: This popular steak house serves generous portions of prime rib, T-bone
and Porter House steaks. Our Montana raised, grass fed beef packs more protein per pound
than any other lunch around. When you’ve been to Bubba’s, you’ve been well fed.

7. Sally’s Soups and Salads: Healthy, low calorie soups and salads are Sally’s specialties. We will
offer a wide variety of vegetable, fruit, and pasta salads at the Food Court. Low fat does not
have to be low taste.

8. Bennie’s: Bennie’s has attracted customers all across the United States by offering great food at
great prices. Bennie’s is known as a popular high school hangout serving its signature
hamburgers in a friendly, informal setting. Bring Bennie’s hamburgers to the high school Food
Court for that “at home” feeling.

9. Hunan Wok: Hunan Wok has been serving fast food for over thirty years. Its lemon chicken
and pork chow mein are favorites among teenagers. Oak Grove students will love the low
prices and flavorful choices at the Hunan Wok.

10. The Borsch Palace: Beets, cabbage, and vinegar in a beef broth never tasted so good. Our
borsch won the Cleveland Founders Day Cook Off three years running. Eat like a czar at the
Borsch Palace.

11. The Pizza Place: The Pizza Place offers family-style, Italian fare, lots of food, and cheap prices.
Every teen will love the spaghetti in a meat sauce served at the Food Court by the Pizza Place.

12. The Roastery: Enjoy chicken that has been spit-roasted over a hickory and apple wood fire.
Because gourmet magazines are raving about our special cooking techniques, we know that
our half chicken on a bed of rice will be a tasty meal for the discerning palate.

Table 1: Demand for Entrees at Oak Grove High School
Restaurant Taco Villa Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken

Price Quantity Demanded Daily:

$10.00 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
$9.50 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
$9.00 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
$8.50 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
$8.00 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
$7.50 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 5
$7.00 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 6
$6.50 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 7
$6.00 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 8
$5.50 0 0 0 0 10 5 0 3 0 0 0 10
$5.00 0 0 0 0 11 10 0 10 5 0 3 12
$4.50 0 0 4 0 13 15 5 25 15 0 7 15
$4.00 10 0 7 0 15 20 10 40 25 0 25 20
$3.50 20 5 10 0 18 30 14 55 45 0 35 30
$3.00 35 10 15 0 25 45 18 70 55 0 50 60
$2.50 50 20 17 0 30 60 25 100 75 0 80 100
$2.00 100 37 20 10 55 100 35 150 150 0 100 150
$1.50 150 63 25 15 70 200 84 188 250 0 140 275
$1.00 200 75 30 25 80 250 150 225 300 5 200 425
$0.50 300 100 30 25 120 350 200 350 350 10 250 500

Table 2: Cost Data
Restaurant Taco Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Villa Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken
Cost Item Unit
labor per
serving $0.20 $0.05 $0.20 $0.10 $0.60 $0.30 $0.40 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.40
ingredients per
serving $0.20 $0.75 $0.50 $0.025 $2.80 $2.20 $0.75 $1.00 $0.20 $0.10 $0.75 $2.15
stall rental daily $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 0 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00
rental daily $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 0 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00

Table 3: Computed Total Revenue
Restaurant Taco Villa Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken

Price Total Revenue at Each Price:

$10.00 0 0 0 0 $10.00 $10.00 0 0 0 0 0 $30.00
$9.50 0 0 0 0 $19.00 $9.50 0 0 0 0 0 $28.50
$9.00 0 0 0 0 $27.00 $9.00 0 0 0 0 0 $27.00
$8.50 0 0 0 0 $34.00 $8.50 0 0 0 0 0 $25.50
$8.00 0 0 0 0 $40.00 $8.00 0 0 0 0 0 $32.00
$7.50 0 0 0 0 $45.00 $7.50 0 0 0 0 0 $37.50
$7.00 0 0 0 0 $49.00 $7.00 0 0 0 0 0 $42.00
$6.50 0 0 0 0 $52.00 $19.50 0 0 0 0 0 $45.50
$6.00 0 0 0 0 $54.00 $24.00 0 0 0 0 0 $48.00
$5.50 0 0 0 0 $55.00 $27.50 0 $16.50 0 0 0 $55.00
$5.00 0 0 0 0 $55.00 $50.00 0 $50.00 $25.00 0 $15.00 $60.00
$4.50 0 0 $18.00 0 $58.50 $67.50 $22.50 $112.50 $67.50 0 $31.50 $67.50
$4.00 $40.00 0 $28.00 0 $60.00 $80.00 $40.00 $160.00 $100.00 0 $100.00 $80.00
$3.50 $70.00 $17.50 $35.00 0 $63.00 $105.00 $49.00 $192.50 $157.50 0 $122.50 $105.00
$3.00 $105.00 $30.00 $45.00 0 $75.00 $135.00 $54.00 $210.00 $165.00 0 $150.00 $180.00
$2.50 $125.00 $50.00 $42.50 0 $75.00 $150.00 $62.50 $250.00 $187.50 0 $200.00 $250.00
$2.00 $200.00 $74.00 $40.00 $20.00 $110.00 $200.00 $70.00 $300.00 $300.00 0 $200.00 $300.00
$1.50 $225.00 $94.50 $37.50 $22.50 $105.00 $300.00 $126.00 $282.00 $375.00 0 $210.00 $412.50
$1.00 $200.00 $75.00 $30.00 $25.00 $80.00 $250.00 $150.00 $225.00 $300.00 $5.00 $200.00 $425.00
$0.50 $150.00 $50.00 $15.00 $12.50 $60.00 $175.00 $100.00 $175.00 $175.00 $5.00 $125.00 $250.00

Total Revenue = Price X Quantity Sold at that price (All information is contained in Table 1 in this Appendix).

Table 4: Computed Daily Costs
Restaurant Taco Villa Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken
Price Total Daily Costs at Each Price:
$10.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $33.40 $32.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $37.65
$9.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $36.80 $32.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $37.65
$9.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $40.20 $32.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $37.65
$8.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $43.60 $32.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $37.65
$8.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $47.00 $32.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $40.20
$7.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $50.40 $32.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $42.75
$7.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $53.80 $32.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $45.30
$6.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $57.20 $37.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $47.85
$6.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $60.60 $40.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $50.40
$5.50 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $64.00 $42.50 $30.00 $33.60 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $55.50
$5.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 0 $67.40 $55.00 $30.00 $42.00 $32.00 $30.00 $32.85 $60.60
$4.50 $30.00 $30.00 $32.80 0 $74.20 $67.50 $35.75 $60.00 $36.00 $30.00 $36.65 $68.25
$4.00 $34.00 $30.00 $34.90 0 $81.00 $80.00 $41.50 $78.00 $40.00 $30.00 $53.75 $81.00
$3.50 $38.00 $34.00 $37.00 0 $91.20 $105.00 $46.10 $96.00 $48.00 $30.00 $63.25 $106.50
$3.00 $44.00 $38.00 $40.50 0 $115.00 $142.50 $50.70 $114.00 $52.00 $30.00 $77.50 $183.00

$2.50 $50.00 $46.00 $41.90 0 $132.00 $180.00 $58.75 $150.00 $60.00 $30.00 $106.00 $285.00
$2.00 $70.00 $59.60 $44.00 $1.25 $217.00 $280.00 $70.25 $210.00 $90.00 $30.00 $125.00 $412.50
$1.50 $90.00 $80.40 $47.50 $1.875 $268.00 $530.00 $126.60 $255.60 $130.00 $30.00 $163.00 $731.25
$1.00 $110.00 $90.00 $51.00 $3.125 $302.00 $655.00 $202.50 $300.00 $150.00 $31.50 $220.00 $1113.75
$0.50 $150.00 $110.00 $51.00 $3.125 $438.00 $905.00 $260.00 $450.00 $170.00 $33.00 $267.50 $1305.00
Daily costs are computed by multiplying the amount sold at each price (for a given restaurant)—information located in Table 1 in
this Appendix—by the variable costs (labor and ingredients costs) and adding it to the fixed cost (stall and equipment rental). The
cost information for each restaurant is located in Table 2 in this Appendix.

Table 5: Computed Daily Profit
Restaurant Taco Villa Wildcat’s Veggie Home Ec Fleur de Bubba’s Sally’s Bennie’s Hunan Borsch Pizza Roastery
Den Vittles Kitchen Lys Wok Palace Place
Entree meat sub veggie meat and crab crepe steak salad hamburger lemon borsch spaghetti chicken
tacos sandwich sandwich potatoes chicken

Price Daily Profit at Each Price:

$10.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$23.40 -$22.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$7.65
$9.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$17.80 -$23.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$9.15
$9.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$13.20 -$23.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$10.65
$8.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$9.60 -$24.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$12.15
$8.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$7.00 -$24.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -8.20
$7.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$5.40 -$25.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$5.25
$7.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$4.80 -$25.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$3.30
$6.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$5.20 -$18.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$2.35
$6.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$6.60 -$16.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$2.40
$5.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$9.00 -$15.00 -$30.00 -$17.10 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -0.50
$5.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$30.00 0 -$12.40 -$5.00 -$30.00 $8.00 -$7.00 -$30.00 -$17.85 -0.60
$4.50 -$30.00 -$30.00 -$14.80 0 -$15.70 0 -$13.25 $52.50 $31.50 -$30.00 -$5.15 -0.75
$4.00 $6.00 -$30.00 -$6.90 0 -$21.00 0 -$1.50 $82.00 $60.00 -$30.00 $46.25 -$1.00
$3.50 $32.00 -$16.50 -$2.00 0 -$28.20 0 $2.90 $96.50 $109.50 -$30.00 $59.25 -$1.50
$3.00 $61.00 -$8.00 $4.50 0 -$40.00 -$7.50 $3.30 $96.00 $113.00 -$30.00 $72.50 -$3.00
$2.50 $75.00 $4.00 $0.60 0 -$57.00 -$30.00 $3.75 $100.00 $127.50 -$30.00 $94.00 -$35.00
$2.00 $130.00 $14.40 -$4.00 $18.75 -$107.00 -80.00 $-0.25 $90.00 $210.00 -$30.00 $75.00 -$112.50
$1.50 $135.00 $14.10 -$10.00 $20.625 -$163.00 -$230.00 $-0.60 $26.40 $245.00 -$30.00 $47.00 -$318.75
$1.00 $90.00 -$15.00 -$21.00 $21.875 -$222.00 -$405.00 -$52.50 -$75.00 $150.00 -$26.50 -$20.00 -$688.75
$0.50 $0 -$60.00 -$36.00 $9.375 -$378.00 -$730.00 -$160.00 -$275.00 $5.00 -$28.00 -$142.50 -$1055.00

Numbers in bold indicate maximum profit or minimum loss. It is at this price that the restaurant will sell its entree.
Profit is computed by subtracting total cost (Table 4 in this Appendix) from total revenue (Table 3 in this Appendix) at each price for
each restaurant.




Bart, I’ve received some voice mail messages about the new Food Court and I’d like
you to share them with the Student Council. They are from people who are concerned
about the restaurants you are considering for the Food Court. These are important
people in our community so I know you’ll pay close attention to them.



Dr. Campbell, this is Rita Price from the Grove Area School-to-Work Program. I’ve been
thinking about the Board’s decision to let the Student Council pick the restaurants for
our new Food Court. I think that is a big responsibility for students. That kind of
hands-on decision making is what we try to advance in our school-to-work classes. So,
I think that’s good. But I hope your Student Council knows that our own Wildcat’s Den
is one of the restaurants proposed for the new site. Wildcat’s Den, if it gets into the
Food Court, will be owned and operated by our students here at Oak Grove High
School. The restaurant will be operated through our school-to-work restaurant class.
Kids who take the restaurant class will get hands-on experience running Wildcat’s Den.
They’ll learn how to prepare food, order inventory, set prices and serve the public.
Currently, 25% of all Oak Grove students are involved in our career classes, so this
opportunity would help many of them. Many of these kids can move into jobs in hotels
and restaurants once they have experience, and the Wildcat’s Den will give them
excellent work-related experience. Please remind the Student Council for me that the
Wildcat’s Den will be a student operated restaurant, for the students and by the


At our last PTA meeting you mentioned that the Student Council was picking the
restaurants for the new Food Court. Wow! I just looked at the list of choices. The
quality of food served by some of these bidders is just awful. Meat-filled tacos? Fast
food hamburgers? Spaghetti with meat sauce? Where are the fresh ingredients? I really
don’t think these are healthy foods for growing young people. We’re parents and we’re
worried about the health of our children. And quite frankly, many of the PTA members
question the ability of teenagers to make wise decisions about what to eat for lunch. We
talked about this at length at the recent PTA meeting and we think that limiting the
options students have to only healthy food would encourage our kids to eat well when
we are not there to influence their choices. Please let the Student Council know that the
PTA parents don’t want to see any fast food or franchised restaurants in our student
Food Court.



Mr. Campbell, the Galloping Gourmets Club just wanted you to know that we were
extremely happy to see that two outstanding restaurants (Fleur de Lys and the
Roastery) were on the list of bidders for Food Court. We take eating seriously at the
Gourmets Club and we are tired of cardboard hamburgers and fat-filled tacos. Just
because we’re teenagers doesn’t mean we want tasteless garbage as the mainstay of
our diet. If money is an issue for bringing in decent restaurants, no problem. Our
parents will gladly give us more allowance so we can eat appetizing food. And please
remind the Student Council that our parents are very active members of the Booster
Club. They do a lot for this school. Students who play in the band, take drama, and
receive college financial aid - should know that funds are provided by the Boosters. As
a matter of fact, because of the good will and hard work of our parents, the Student
Council members will be attending the national leadership conference - a trip
sponsored by the Booster Club. Please remind the Student Council to keep the
Galloping Gourmets Club’s gastronomical interests in mind when making their


Hi Dr. Campbell. I am calling in regards to the new restaurants that will be going into
the school’s Food Court. Vital Vegetarians are members of this student body and we
are committed to preserving the planet and avoiding needless animal sacrifice. I don’t
want to preach to you, but if you have ever befriended a helpless animal and then
watched it be slaughtered, you will know where we are coming from. We want to see a
Food Court that respects animals, one with vegetarian meals that emphasize grains
and legumes. These foods are nutritious and they reduce the chance for animal
extinction. The Food Court needs a vegetarian alternative. Vegetarian students are
entitled, just like any other student, to a place on campus where they can eat lunch. We
want to encourage the Student Council to include Veggie Vittles as a restaurant in the
new Food Court.

As you may know, both Taco Villa and Hunan Wok are being boycotted by people
concerned about the environment. These restaurants are responsible for the destruction
of the rain forest. They are cutting down the rain forest at an alarming rate in order to
graze cattle and they are using the trees they cut to produce their throw-away food
containers. As Oak Grove High School students and members of the Vital Vegetarians,
we are concerned about having such environmentally irresponsible restaurants in our
Food Court. Please pass our concerns on to the Student Council.



Dr. Campbell this is Ms. Loer from the counseling office. It has been brought to my
attention by a number of parents and community folks, who want to remain nameless
at this time, that prices of food sold in our new Food Court may be out of reach for
many of our students. Twenty five percent of our students are considered low income.
These students aren’t likely to bring up the fact that they can’t afford the food but it is
true. It’s going to cause some of these kids to go hungry since they are not allowed to
go off campus during school hours. Students shouldn’t be forced to go hungry and
certainly students shouldn’t be singled out and stigmatized because they can’t afford
our food. I think that would be an unacceptable situation. I hope that our Student
Council understands that the Home Economics Kitchen is the only place these kids can
afford to eat. Student Council representatives took an oath to serve all students and
they have a responsibility to consider the needs of lower income kids.


This message is for Bart and the Student Council members from Dr. Campbell. As you
know the Borsch Palace, one of the restaurants bidding for space in our new Food
Court, is owned by Tanya Stravinsky. Ms. Stravinsky donated the money used by the
School District to build our new Student Center. Those wonderful facilities - the game
room, study hall, Food Court, the computer lab, and the theater - would not be yours
to enjoy had it not been for Ms. Stravinsky. Now, in the last conversation I had with
her, she said that she would love to stay in contact with this school by cooking food
from her native land. Money is not the issue. She doesn’t care if the restaurant makes
money. She would just like to be a part of the project she helped build. We are hoping
Ms. Stravinsky will contribute heavily to the construction of the swimming pool and
tennis courts that we have planned for the Student Center. So, I’m asking you to keep
that in mind when you are making your decisions.



Home of the Wildcats
Board of Directors
Dr. Leslie Tucker, Board President

TO: Student Council, Oak Grove City High School via Bart Stravinsky,
Student Council President
FROM: Mr. Eric Wong, Board Secretary
REGARDING: Food Court Restaurant Selections - Presentation to the Board

At the upcoming Board meeting you will be giving a presentation to the Board
discussing the restaurants you think should be included in the new Food Court. You
will be giving your presentation to the following Board members:

Dr. Leslie Tucker, an economist, is President of the Board of the Oak Grove City
Schools. As an economist, Dr. Tucker is concerned about maintaining profitable
restaurants in the Food Court so that the students are able to afford their clubs,
student activities, and social events.

Mr. John Cash, husband of our PTA president, Ms. Edith Cash. Like his wife, Mr.
Cash is concerned about the health and well-being of Oak Grove City High School
students. He wants to see healthy food served in the Food Court and he wants Oak
Grove students to have the opportunity to learn valuable job skills through running
and operating a restaurant in the Food Court. Mr. Cash is also concerned about low-
income students who cannot afford high priced lunches.

Mr. John Muir, is a staunch environmentalist. His concern is for the right of
vegetarian students to have a non-meat source of food on campus. He is also
boycotting Hunan Wok and Taco Villa because of their dismal environmental
record. As a no-growth advocate, Mr. Muir does not consider building the tennis
courts or the pool a high priority.

Ms. Tanya Stravinsky is a non-voting, honorary member of the School Board. As

one of the school’s major contributors, she is interested in the long term well-being
of the school, including the building of the tennis courts and pool. She has a special
interest in cooking from her homeland and in gourmet food from around the world.
She supports the Galloping Gourmet Club’s desire to have quality food on campus.

The three voting members of the Board, Dr. Tucker, Mr. Cash, and Mr. Muir must reach
a consensus on your plan. They must all agree that the plan is acceptable.

Please remember that your presentation is to be five minutes long. The Board will not
allow you to exceed your time limit. Make sure that your visual presentation, with
posters and graphs, is delivered to me two days before the meeting so that your
materials can be included in the meeting agenda.



Appendix V:
Audience Questions


Dr. Leslie Tucker, the School Board President (played by the teacher)

Background: The School Board President, as an economist, wants a market-based distribution of

restaurants in the Food Court. The president argues that to not select restaurants with the
highest profit would result in an inefficient use of resources.

Points to be made:

1. To bring restaurants into the Food Court on any basis other than “highest profit” is
inefficient. Why should the Student Council have less money to spend because they
don’t make economically efficient decisions? To select restaurants on any basis other
than highest profits means that the Student Council must give up revenue. Less
revenue will impact the school’s social events. How can this be explained to the
student body?

2. Why should we let restaurants come into the Food Court that don’t make the most
profit? The demand curve shows what students prefer in food and the costs say
what resources are used to make the food. If you do not select restaurants with the
highest profits it means that one of two things must be occurring: 1) Demand is not
sufficient to cover the costs of production (i.e. the value placed on a meal is less
than it costs to produce it) and clearly this is inefficient; or, 2) the goods valued
most, relative to their cost, will not get produced.


Ms. Tanya Stravinsky, Honorary Board Member

Background: Tanya Stravinsky has two concerns: opening her Borsch Palace restaurant, and
maintaining the quality of food in the Food Court. She is concerned that students will not be
exposed to foods from around the world (including the Eastern European mainstay, borsch) and
the finer foods in life without strong input from the Gourmets Club. She represents the interests
of the elite and those individuals who think that their wants should be fulfilled because they
have the money (and taste) to afford it. Tanya’s main economic argument is that the long run
well-being of the school rests with maintaining good relationships with the “elite” because
finishing the swimming pool and library depends upon their donations.

Points to be made:

1. There is a group of students who can afford the high price of better restaurants.
Why shouldn’t we provide these students with this option and expose other
students to the finer things in life?

2. Why should we subsidize the poor? This is providing the wrong message
because kids will think that they should get something for nothing.

3. Profit is the wrong motive. Quality is the appropriate standard by which

restaurants should be allowed to operate in the Food Court. The market-based
solution (most profit) always reduces products to the lowest common
denominator. In this case low quality food at cheap prices will be offered so that
everyone can afford to eat. Students will not be exposed to quality food from
around the world. Quality food will be driven out by quantities of bad, cheap

4. The long-term interests of the school are maintained through a steady stream of
interested, wealthy benefactors. Pursuing short-term profit motives may be
good for today’s Student Council and may satisfy today’s student body, but it
will harm the school in the long run by alienating the students and their parents
who can afford to donate money to the school. Public funding for education is
drying up and we must increasingly rely upon our benefactors for things like
libraries and swimming pools. Our Boosters Club wants quality food in the
Food Court and we must provide them with this alternative for the long-term
benefit of our school.


Mr. John Muir, School Board Member

Background: John Muir is concerned about the health of the students (natural foods) and the
environment. He responds most favorably to the lobbies of the PTA and Vital Vegetarians but
only Veggie Vittles is an acceptable restaurant because the remaining options are less natural.
John argues that students cannot make decisions for themselves but must have someone else
watch over them (the paternalistic role of government). Protecting the environment, nutrition
and health are the outcomes that he favors, not profit.

Points to be made:

1. Why should profit be the motive for operating a restaurant in the Food Court? The
restaurants that come into the Food Court with the highest profit motive serve food
that is not healthy and ruin the environment. Society should have loftier goals than
profit—like the health of our children and the world.

2. Why shouldn’t we support eating natural food? Equity concerns voiced by the
counselor for certain students are as valid as equity concerns for vegetarians. People
concerned about their health and the welfare of our planet have the right to eat at a
restaurant that prepares healthy meals without meat or meat products. To fail to
provide this alternative is discrimination.

3. Why should the rich (Tanya and the Boosters) always have their way? Living in a
healthy world is more important than supporting the distorted values that
accompany free market capitalism. Economic growth and material goods (like the
swimming pool) are evils that make for disharmony on our planet.


Mr. John Cash, School Board Member

Background: John Cash’s main concern is for the needs of students: the School-to-Work
program, the Home Economics students, and low-income students. In response to the argument
for selecting the restaurants that bring in the most profit, Mr. Cash, like the counselor, argues
for equity and “investing in our students.” Mr. Cash believes this can be done by keeping open
the Wildcat’s Den, which provides students with work skills, and the Home Economics
Kitchen, which provides relatively nutritious, low-cost meals for students. In addition, because
he is married to Edith Cash, he strongly supports the PTA’s concerns for health (although places
other than Veggie Vittles would suffice.)

Points to be made:

1. Why isn’t serving healthy food the primary goal of the Food Court? The Student
Council should focus on the needs of students and not on which restaurants make
the most money (i.e. the market-based solution). Money/profit is not everything
and should not be the Student Council’s major goal.

2. Why aren’t we supporting education for our students? Selecting restaurants that
make the most profit may be most efficient in the short run (i.e. bring in the most
money for the Student Council) but in the long run it is not a prudent strategy. We
need successful grads that return support to the school (like Tanya). This will not
happen unless we invest in our students today so that they support our school in
the future. This can be done by opening the Wildcat’s Den, which invests in student
skills, and the Home Economics Kitchen.

3. Why aren’t we concerned about the needs of our low-income students (25% of our
students)? The gourmet/health food people think only of themselves. Their
alternatives are not fair to our low-income students who cannot afford meals at the
restaurants that they support. If we are concerned for all of our students, we must
have low-cost alternatives.



Appendix VI:
Assessment Rubric


We have provided a rubric for each major product or performance required in this unit. All
rubrics may be used as written, or adapted by the teacher to fit particular needs. Rubrics serve
two major purposes. First, they provide guidance to students, describing the characteristics of
good quality work— and because of this rubrics should be shared with students while they are
preparing how to demonstrate what they have learned. Second, rubrics provide teachers and
others with a framework for assessment and feedback.
We have divided our rubrics into three levels of quality. If teachers wish to express these levels
on a numeric point scale, we suggest that “Exceeds Standards” equals a 4 or 5, “Meets
Standards” equals a 3, and “Does Not Meet Standards” equals a 1 or 2. We intentionally did
not include a scoring system based on percentages or letter grades, since evaluation and
reporting methods vary greatly among teachers. However, we have suggested what we believe
to be the proper weight given to each category, with the emphasis on the application of content
The rubrics for each unit do not include extensive detail about the qualities of a good oral
presentation, or of good writing and other products such as electronic media. A general rubric
for any oral presentation to a panel may be found at Rubrics for writing and
other media products may be found in various print resources and websites, or developed by
teachers, schools, and districts.

The High School Food Court: Rubric for Group Oral Presentation to School Board
Component and the Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Does Not Meet Standards
Recommended Value (score 4-5) (score 3) (score 1-2)
Overall Understanding Describes the problem clearly, accurately Describes the problem clearly and Does not describe the problem clearly
of the Problem (10%) and completely in terms of all key points accurately in terms of all key points and/or accurately in terms of some or
all key points
Key Points:
• Meeting the needs of the student Solution to the problem is completely Solution to the problem is generally Solution to the problem is generally
body consistent with the scenario as presented; consistent with the scenario as consistent with the scenario as
• Profit maximization the parameters of the problem have not presented; the parameters of the presented; the parameters of the
• The need for the Board to reach been altered and/or facts “made up” to problem have not been altered problem have not been altered
consensus avoid grappling with key aspects of significantly and/or facts “made up” significantly and/or facts “made up”
economics to avoid grappling with key aspects of to avoid grappling with key aspects of
economics economics

Understanding of Economics (50%) All of the key points are clearly, accurately All of the key points are clearly and Any or all of the key points may be
and completely discussed using sound accurately discussed while attempting missing and/or inaccurately
Key Points:
economic thinking and vocabulary to use economic thinking and discussed; does not use economic
• Criteria used in making
vocabulary thinking and vocabulary
• Means by which profit
maximization is met
• Opportunity costs if profit is
• Needs of student body are met

Defense of Presentation All members of the group are able to Most members of the group are able to Only one or no member of the group
(Q & A) (20%) directly answer questions and answer questions and justify their is able to correctly answer questions
persuasively justify their decisions in decisions in terms of economics or justify decisions in terms of
terms of economics economics
Answers to questions use correct, detailed Answers to questions use correct Answers to questions may use
economic thinking and make powerful, economic thinking and make clear incorrect economic thinking and
articulate points in defense of the group’s points in defense of the group’s include incorrect or confusing points
proposal proposal
Answers to questions may bring new, Answers to questions may bring new, Answers to questions do not bring
relevant information to light; answers do relevant information to light; some new information to light and answers
not simply repeat the same information answers may simply repeat the same simply repeat the same information
over again information over again over again


Page 1 of 2
The High School Food Court: Rubric for Group Oral Presentation to School Board continued

Component and the Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Does Not Meet Standards
Recommended Value (score 4-5) (score 3) (score 1-2)
Visual Aids for Presentation (10%) No information used in an answer is No significant information used in an Some significant information used in
assumed or fictionalized; if necessary an answer is assumed or fictionalized an answer may be assumed or
answer may be, “I don’t know” and the fictionalized
need for further study is acknowledged
Visual aids use accurate information and Visual aids use accurate information Visual aids have incorrect information
enhance the presentation by addressing and support the presentation by and/or distract from the presentation,
key economic concepts addressing key economic concepts and/or do not address key economic

Layout, color, design elements, Layout, color, graphic elements, Layout, color, graphic elements,
headings, and text are carefully done headings, and text show some care headings, and text show little evidence
and professional-looking; all was taken; significant information is that care was taken; significant
information is clearly readable and for the most part clearly readable and information is unclear or not
understandable understandable understandable

Oral Presentation Skills (10%) Stays within the 5 minute time limit and Stays within the 5 minute time limit; Does not fit within the 5 min. time
is not redundant, wordy, nor too brief in may be a bit too brief or too lengthy in limit
any aspect some aspects; may be somewhat
wordy or repetitive
All group members participate All group members participate Only one group member participates
substantively and roughly equally substantively substantively
Presentation is clearly organized and Presentation is organized; some parts Presentation lacks organization
flows well with effective transitions; it is may be somewhat unclear, too brief or
not rushed or drawn-out too lengthy
Presentation is professional in style; it Presentation features appropriate Presentation style is unprofessional
features appropriate dress, posture and dress, posture and gestures; a clear and/or immature; does not feature
gestures; a clear, strong, expressive voice; some eye contact; some appropriate dress, posture and
voice; frequent eye contact; awareness of awareness of the audience gestures; a clear, strong, expressive
the audience voice; frequent eye contact;
awareness of the audience

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Appendix VII:
Test Bank


Test Bank for the High School Food Court

The following questions are taken from Soper, John C. and William B. Walstad. 1987. Test of Economic Literacy (2nd
edition). NY: Joint Council on Economic Education.

* indicates the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the most essential for a market economy?

A. effective labor unions
B. good government regulation
C. responsible action by business leaders
D. active competition in the marketplace*

2. Profits are equal to:

A. sales minus taxes and depreciation
B. sales minus wages and salaries
C. assets minus liabilities
D. revenues minus costs*

3. In a market economy, the public interest is likely to be served even when individuals
pursue their own private economic goals because of:
A. the operation of competitive markets*
B. the social responsibility of business leaders
C. careful planning and coordination of market activity
D. individuals’ understanding of what is in the public interest

4. “Economic demand” for a product refers to how much of the product:

A. is available for purchase from business at each price
B. people are willing and able to buy at each price*
C. people want, whether they can buy it or not
D. consumers can afford it

5. The price of shoes is likely to be increased by:

A. new machines reducing the cost of shoe production
B. more capital investment by producers
C. a decrease in the demand for shoes
D. a decrease in the supply of shoes*

6. Business firms wish to sell their products at high prices. Households wish to buy products
at low prices. In a market economy, this conflict of interests is resolved by:
A. competition*
B. government
C. businesses
D. voters


7. In a market economy, the social purpose of profits is to:

A. get businesses to follow government regulations
B. get businesses to produce what consumers demand*
C. provide funds to pay workers better wages
D. transfer income from the poor to the rich

8. A Nebraska corn farmer sells his crop at the current market price. This farmer’s actions
A. raise the price of corn
B. lower the price of corn
C. raise the price of wheat
D. have no effect on the market price of corn*

The following questions are from Marlin, Matthew; Turley Mings and Diane Swanson. 1995. Teaching and Testing from
The Study of Economics: Principles, Concepts and Applications (5th edition). Guilford, Connecticut: Dushkin Publishing
Group/Brown and Benchmark Publishers.

9. The increased use of robots in manufacturing can lead to tradeoffs between the attainment
of which two economic goals?
A. equity and efficiency*
B. efficiency and economic growth
C. equity and full employment
D. efficiency and full employment

10. A market economy uses the price system to answer which of the basic economic questions?
A. For whom to produce?
B. What to produce?
C. How to produce?
D. all of the above*

11. Which of the following must exist in order for a market economy to work?
A. People must follow their self-interest.
B. People must be motivated to make a profit.
C. People must be free to buy and sell as they choose.
D. all of the above*

12. Which is a false statement about a market economy?

A. A decrease in price generally results in a decrease in production.
B. A rise in price is generally an incentive to produce more.
C. Goods and services in short supply are rationed on the equitable basis of “first come,
first served.”*
D. Different sellers must compete with one another to sell their goods to customers.


13. Why are goods and services produced in a market economy?

A. because people need goods and services
B. because people have unlimited wants for goods and services
C. because people want to make profits for themselves*
D. because of tradition and institutions

14. How does a market system resolve the problem of shortages?

A. Shortages will result in higher prices, which will provide an incentive for more
production. *
B. Shortages will result in lower prices, which will provide an incentive for consumers
to buy other goods not in short supply.
C. Shortages of one good will always be balanced by surplus supplies of other goods.
D. Goods are rationed equitably by “first come, first served.”

15. Demand schedules are models that describe whose behavior?

A. buyers and sellers
B. households and firms
C. sellers only
D. buyers only*

16. A demand curve shows the graphic relationship between which two variables?
A. the price of a good and consumers’ incomes
B. the price of a good and the quantity of it purchased*
C. consumers’ incomes and the quantity of a good purchased
D. the opportunity cost of a good and its price

17. Which concept describes the relationship between peanut butter and jelly?
A. They are substitutes.
B. They are interdependent.
C. They are interchangeable.
D. They are complements.*

18. The demand for bicycling equipment has increased tremendously during the early 1990s.
This is an example of which determinant of demand?
A. tastes and preferences*
B. the price of substitutes
C. the price of complements
D. income

19. Which of the following is not a determinant of demand for tennis balls?
A. consumers’ incomes
B. the price of tennis balls*
C. the price of tennis racquets
D. the number of people who play tennis


20. The single most important determinant of supply is:

A. cost of production*
B. government taxes
C. demand
D. income

21. Which of the following will cause the demand for compact discs to increase?
A. less costly methods of producing discs
B. a decrease in the price of compact disc players*
C. a decrease in consumer income
D. an increase in the price of compact disc players

22. Which of the following will result in more cassette tapes being bought and sold at a higher
A. a decrease in the cost of producing cassettes
B. a decrease in the price of record albums
C. a decrease in consumers’ incomes
D. a decrease in the price of cassette players*

23. Which of the following will lead to more output at lower prices?
A. a decrease in supply
B. a decrease in demand
C. an increase in supply*
D. an increase in demand

24. The price at which buyers are just willing to buy the same amount that sellers are willing to
sell is called:
A. the just price
B. the balanced price.
C. the equilibrium price*
D. the going price

25. Which of the following is a true statement?

A. A freely competitive market will result in either surpluses or shortages unless
government price controls are used.
B. In a freely competitive market, prices will adjust to remove surpluses and
C. When the price of a product is too high, shortages will result.
D. The only way to eliminate surpluses is to allow prices to increase to the equilibrium


26. A “change in the quantity demanded” implies what?

A. a shift of the demand curve
B. a change in the slope of the demand curve
C. a movement along an existing demand curve*
D. an upward sloping demand curve

27. A “change in demand” will result in which of the following?

A. a shift of the demand curve*
B. a change in the slope of the demand curve
C. a movement along an existing demand curve
D. an upward sloping demand curve

Price S



28. Which of the following has occurred in the above graph?

A. an increase in quantity demanded
B. a decrease in quantity demanded
C. an increase in quantity supply
D. a decease in quantity supplied*

29. If you were in business, which of the following would be true?

A. You would prefer to sell a good with a lot of close substitutes.
B. You would prefer to sell a good with an elastic demand.
C. You would prefer to sell a good with an inelastic demand.*
D. You would prefer to sell a good with lots of close complements.

30. If the price of insulin goes up 30% and a consumer does not change the amount of insulin
purchased, then this would indicate which of the following?
A. perfectly elastic demand
B. unitary elasticity
C. very elastic demand
D. perfectly inelastic demand*


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