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Core Assignment Eeu 325

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The Water Cycle

S4.A.3.2.1 Use models to make observations to explain how systems work

Learning Objectives
The students will accurately draw, identify and describe the parts of the water cycle.

Task Description
This project will be given to fourth grade students who are learning about the water cycle. Each
student will be instructed to illustrate the water cycle using pictures, colors and labels to
accurately describe each part of the water cycle and its function. They will be given a large piece
of paper and have access to their textbooks and other books about the water cycle. The students
will draw the water cycle, label each part of the water cycle and accurately describe the job at
least 2 of the cycle’s parts, precipitation, evaporation, condensation and run off. The students
will receive3 bonus points if they can describe what transpiration is. The Water Cycle Poster
should be neat and colorful.

The students will need…
 White poster paper
 Crayons, markers, colored pencils and a pencil
 Reference materials

Teacher’s Role
The teacher will introduce the water cycle to the students and teach the content for a week. The
teacher will break apart the cycle and explain each part of the cycle in detail, noting its role in the
cycle and the correct spelling for the cycle. The students will receive a work sheet from the
teacher with the water cycle and the definitions and roles of each part of the cycle. The teacher
will provide time during science class for 2 to 3 class periods during science class to create their
poster. The teacher will provide books for reference and utilize the library for books for the
children to use to reference.
 Water Cycle- is the process of water moving around between the air and land. Or in more
scientific terms: the water cycle is the process of water evaporating and condensing on
planet Earth in a continuous process.
 Precipitation-When water droplets get heavy enough, they fall back down to Earth as rain
 Condensation-the process of water turning from a gas into a liquid
 Evaporation- The process of water turning from a liquid into a gas
 Run off-occurs when the water that has fallen down in the stage of precipitation stays on
the surface of the earth.

Administration/Time Allowed
The students will have about 2 to three class periods during science to complete to project.
This project will be assessed using an analytic rubric. The project will be worth 12 points, with
the chance to earn 3 extra credit points if the term Transpiration can be defined.
Name_______________________ Date____________________

The Water Cycle Poster

We have learned about the water cycle in detail for the last few days looking into each part
of the water cycle and that part’s job. Now it’s your turn! We are going to be creating
posters that demonstrate what the water cycle is, and what each part of the water cycles
job is. Begin by sketching the water cycle on this paper! You can use your textbooks and
books I have in the classroom to label all the parts of the water cycle and describe at least
two of the jobs in the water cycle. There will be bonus points if anyone can tell me what
Transpiration is on their poster. I will provide markers, colored pencils and crayons for
this project. We will have 2 science class periods to finish the poster.

Use this space below to draw the water cycle! You will be moving this drawing onto your poster
so take your time and have fun!
Water Cycle Poster Rubric
Advanced Proficient Basic (0)
(3) (2) (1)

Correctly labels Correctly labels Labels at least 2 identifies the
Labeling the the water cycle the water cycle parts of the water parts of the water
water cycle and labels even cycle accurately cycle does not
more parts identify any parts
of the water
Drawing is neat, Drawing is neat. Drawing is Drawing is
colorful and mostly neat unreadable or
Drawing outlined with isn’t done at all
black marker

List and explain List and explain List and explain Does not explain
Functions of all functions of 2 functions of the all 1 function of any functions of
the water cycle the water cycle water cycle the water cycle the water cycle,
accurately accurately accurately or explains them
The labels are The labels are The labels are The labels are all
Spelling written with no written with one written with spelled
spelling errors or two spelling three or more incorrectly.
errors spelling errors.


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