RM Install Maunal Web
RM Install Maunal Web
RM Install Maunal Web
IN 29
Pre-Engineered Vol.
Steel Building Systems
Services.......................................................................................1 Recommended Tool Package.........................45-48
Building Components.................................................................3 Erection Cheklist.................................................49
General Conditions and Considerations.....................................4 Trim.....................................................................50
Section I, Pre-Erection Planning
Site Selection.................................................................5 Proper Galvanized & Pre-Painted Steel Parts.....51
Anchor Bolt Plan...........................................................6 Material Safety Data Sheet............................52-58
Building Components....................................................6
Section II, Foundation Notes / Contact Page...........................................59
General Information......................................................7
General Information Notes.......................................7&8
Foundation Layout.........................................................9
Foundation Forms........................................................10
Setting Anchor Bolts...............................................10,11
Pour Concrete..............................................................12
Final Inspection...........................................................12
Section III, Unloading Operations
General Information....................................................13
Storage Protection.......................................................14
Section IV, Frame Erection /
Primary & Secondary Structural
General Information....................................................15
Identification of Structural Components.....................15
Assembly and Erection Methods.................................15
Basic Framing Sequence........................................16,17
Structural Erection Procedure.................................18,19
Cable Bracing..............................................................20
Brace Grip Application..........................................20-21
Plumb and Square Bay.................................................22
End Frames..................................................................23
Endpost Connection to Rigid Frame Endwall.............23
Rake Angle..................................................................23
Sag Angle (Bridging)...................................................24
Eave Strut....................................................................24
Framed Openings.........................................................25
Base Angle...................................................................25
Section V, Sheeting Installation
Structural Inspection....................................................26
Bridging of Purlins......................................................26
Sidewall Sheeting........................................................27
Screw Alignment.........................................................28
Installation of Wall Sheets...........................................29
Paneling Oppostie Sidewall.........................................29
Wall Lights..................................................................30
Endwall Sheeting.........................................................30
Corner Trim.................................................................30
Eave and Gutter Flashing.......................................31-33
Roof Sheeting.........................................................34-36
Completing Roof Panel Installation............................36
Rake Trim....................................................................37
Walk Doors..................................................................38
Fastener Installation.....................................................39
Typical Tek Spacing for High Rib Panels....................40
Side Wall Insulation.....................................................42
Insulating the Roof.................................................43-44
Computer design
Certification by registered professional engineer
Simplified erection design
Self framing 3070 personnel doors
Overhead doors (optional)
Insulation (optional)
Commercial 26 ga. tensile steel panels
25 year paint guarantee on most sidewall applications
Elegant architectural shadow panels for wall applications
R&M steel building specifications upon request
It is the objective of R & M Steel to provide the highest quality, preengineered metal buildings possible.
Every building is designed and fabricated to offer the strength and durability of steel coupled with low cost
and ease of erection.
Every building leaves the factory with the highest quality of design and fabrication built in. However, these
buildings become complete structures only after their erection on the site. This final phase is one of the most
important of all in metal building construction.
This manual has been prepared to help guide the erection of our buildings. Although the procedures and
methods set forth are basic in nature, they may be modified or adapted for use under a variety of special
While numerous other erection practices may be employed, we believe those outlined in this manual will
result in better quality, greater efficiency and lower cost.
At any time during erection of your building, feel free to contact your local representative or R & M Steel
for advice or assistance.
Sealer Tape
Purlin Connection Bolts
Roof Overlap Bridging
Rigid Frame Beam
Strip Roofing Cross Bracing
Ridge Cap
Figure 1. Building Components
Bi-Fold Door
Rake Trim
Gable Angle
Brace Rod
c.Forming and pouring Forming lumber with saw, hammer, nails &
square (concrete reinforcing rods, mesh for
foundation etc.)
For a more extensive list of tools that may be useful see appendix I.
Site Selection
The first and most logical step in the erection process is to choose a suitable site. Site selection will
primarily depend on the buildings intended use. Certain elements in site selection should be considered.
1. Access to site— We will inform you of the arrival date of your building prior to shipment. Upon
delivery the vehicle transporting tons of building parts must gain access to the building site. Access
should be visualized and prepared for in advance. Unless a route of sufficient load bearing capacity
exists the building will be delivered to the nearest accessible point.
Permission should be obtained to travel over the owners property if no other access route is available.
Even though such permission is thought unnecessary, the goodwill of the owner should be solicited and
is generally assured when such permission is requested.
2. Obstructions & Hazards- Carefully inspect the building site and note overhead electric lines or other
utilities which might be hazardous during load lifts. Also take note of any possible underground
fixtures, conduit gas mains or underground cables which might prohibit foundation excavation.
3. Work Area— Insure sufficient room to physically perform the tasks necessary in erection. Application
of sheeting and trim can be difficult or hazardous if sufficient working space is not available due to
nearness of adjacent buildings or other obstructions.
4. Availability of Power— If the building site is not serviced with power, arrangements must be made for
portable generators.
5. Drainage— The site should be as level as possible and possess good drainage. Working in mud makes
erection difficult and water buildup after completion could result in damage to the building or the
buildings contents.
6. Site Maintenance- Daily inspection of the structure and site after each construction day will prevent
lost tools. Arrangements can be made to store and protect unused building parts.
Consideration of these basic site selection factors will simplify erection and insure a more satisfactory job.
Descriptions of standard erection drawings and tally sheets for our company are given below.
Typical Interior Section-The typical section shows the column and rafter arrangement, purlin, girt and
flange brace locations, also bolt sizes and quantities.
Wall Framing Elevation - The wall framing elevation shows column and rafter arrangements and the
location of girt clips. The wall sheeting elevation shows layout of wall panels, location and panel length, and
the location of corner flashing, cap flashing, rake flashing and rake cap. Identifying part numbers are shown
on all views.
Tally Sheets- In addition to drawings, tally sheets are furnished for each job. This is a bill of materials
which lists every piece included in the shipment. Broken down into sections: Main structural frames,
secondary framing, paneling or covering, accessories, etc.. this sheet will be a guide to unloading and
inventorying the building shipment.
Building Components
This section identifies the basic components used in metal building construction. It will help you familiarize
yourself with the various structural members and their location. Although the framing configurations may
differ, structural components and their locations shown here are typical for all buildings.
Individual components are designed to serve a specific function and must be erected or installed at the
locations shown and in the method specified in this manual.
For instruction purposes, drawings in this manual illustrate a 3-bay building. (See figure 1.)
General Information
Foundation design and construction is the single most important step in the building process. Whether the
erector chooses to design and build his own foundation or contract it out, it must be noted that improper or
inadequate foundation design will severely limit the building performance and could lead to costly repair or
It is essential that the building foundation meet certain design assumptions and load conditions. For this
reason, it is recommended that all building foundations be designed by a licensed professional engineer.
l. The foundation design should be done with due regard to the specific conditions present at the actual
2. Foundations must be designed for the applicable reactions and must be adequate to resist all of the
critical combinations for each of the various load conditions. Reactions are furnished by our company
and can be found on your computer print out (C.P.O.). Foundation and anchor bolt drawings show the
maximum reactions. (Figure 2 shows typical reaction drawings which represents the maximum
design loads to be resisted by the foundation.)
Figure 2. Frame Reactions
3. Reinforcing bars, wire mesh, anchor bolts, and/or hairpins (hook bars) should be incorporated as
required into the foundation design. Column base horizontal thrusts, acting in conjunction with
applicable vertical reactions, must be restrained by hairpins, tie rods, buttresses, or combinations of
these or other dependable means.
4. Footings should extend a minimum of 6 inches into undisturbed soil: or where fill is used, the fill
must be properly compacted and the footings shall extend down to undisturbed soil. In all cases, the
footings shall extend at least 6 inches below the local frost line.
5. Expansion or construction joints shall be located in foundation walls and slabs midway between
columns (never at columns).
6. The top of the foundations or floor shall be square, level, and smooth. Anchor bolts shall be
accurately set to a tolerance of +— 1/16 inch on dimensions within the group spacing for an individual
column. All other dimensions shall be within +—l/8 inch.
7. All anchor bolts shall be ASTM 307 or "better" in order to conform to our design assumptions.
8. Unless explicitly noted, all embedded structural steel (including anchor bolts), other materials, and
labor shall not be supplied by our company.
Foundation Layout
There are several basic foundation designs adaptable to metal building construction. The type and
configuration used will vary depending on the size and configuration of the building and the soil conditions
present at the jobsite. Regardless of the specific configuration, your foundation outline should be carefully
and accurately laid out before any excavation is made. Whenever possible, a transit or similar tool should be
used to layout the foundation perimeter: this will insure accurate placement of corner measures and in turn,
insure a square foundation.
However, the diagonal method of foundation layout is an easier and equally accurate method of
foundation layout when properly utilized.
Diagonal Method (See figure 3.)
90º C
must be equal
Step 1 Set up a stake for your first corner measure. (A)
Step 2 Measure off and set up second corner stake at dimension shown in your anchor bolt plan (B)
Step 3 The remaining corner stakes can then be placed at the dimensions specified (C & D).
Foundation forms
Lumber of sufficient weight and thickness should be used in the construction of the forms. It is
recommended that 1—1/2" form lumber be used whenever possible. Should a lighter grade of wood be used,
insure that it is adequately reinforced at the perimeter to resist the outward pressure of the concrete.
Care should be taken to prevent cave—ins when utilizing the walls of the excavation for concrete forms. All
areas within the formwork should be smooth and level. Where fill is used, insure that it is properly
Once excavation is complete, install rebars, vapor barrier and wire mesh as required.
Shear Angle
1. Anchor bolt diameter is found on computer print out (C.P.O.) and anchor bolt plan. Anchor bolt
length is found on anchor bolt plan.
2. All anchor bolts shall be ASTM A307 or equal. Regular "J" or U-bolts may be used. However, care
must be taken to insure proper anchor bolt spacing when fabricating U-bolts.
3. The threaded portion of the bolt should be a minimum of 2". Anchor bolts should project 2" minimum
above surface of the concrete.
R & M STEEL 10
Setting Anchor Bolts (cont.)
4. All anchor bolts should be held in place with a template or similar means so that they will remain
plumb during the pouring of the concrete. All templates should be prepared in advance so they can be
quickly nailed in place as shown in figure 5. Be sure to clean machine oil from bolts shank before
placing in template. C L Column
Figure 5. Anchor Bolt Template Plan
Anchor Bolt
Locating Template
wer S
5500 Form Lumber cho
r bo
Steel Tape
Center Line Edge of
of Column Concrete
5. Templates are located and spaced at the centerline of columns or posts. Mark the centerline on the
template and locate holes per foundation drawings.
Figure 6. Attach Template to Form
Anchor Bolts
Anchor Bolt
Locating Template
Form Lumber
6. Grease exposed thread to prevent concrete splatter from adhering to and fouling the threads
of the anchor bolts. Check that each anchor bolt projects 2" from foundation surface.
NOTE: Use 100’ tape to locate dimensions to avoid accumulated errors which may occur if
shorter tapes are used. Progressively add the distance between anchor bolts on form boards and
mark so each anchor bolt dimension can be read directly on the tape. See figure 5.
11 R & M STEEL
Pour Concrete
Proper planning of the foundation construction will insure that a sufficient amount of concrete will be
available at the specified time.
When pouring the concrete, make sure it is evenly distributed within the formwork. Level screeding of the
concrete will insure a level foundation and prevent air pockets.
Care should be taken to obtain smooth finish and to maintain the correct elevation throughout the slab.
In no case should building erection be started on "green" concrete. As seen in figure 7. anchor bolts
may pull loose, concrete may chip and equipment may crush or crack the slab.
Normal portland cement should cure at least 7 days and high-early—strength concrete at least 3 days before
attempting erection.
Do not pour concrete when temperatureis below 32 degrees fahrenheit unless provisions have been made to
prevent concrete from freezing.
Final Inspection
After slab is complete and all forms have been removed, inspect the slab and anchor bolts. Again, make a
final check to insure that all anchor bolts are placed correctly before attempting erection. After a reasonable
"curing time" erection can begin.
R & M STEEL 12
General Information
The components in every building have been carefully inspected and loaded to insure safe and accurate
delivery. However, it is important for you to check and inspect the shipment when it is delivered.
Check each item against the shipping manifest. If there is a shortage or damage, have the driver make a
notation on the bill of lading. If damage is not discovered until crating or packaging is removed, call your
local representative.
Wherever practical, your shipment should be unloaded so that the various components are spotted around
your foundation near the. locations where they will be assembled and erected. The spotting diagram in
figure 8 is typical and offers convenience and accessibility during erection.
Figure 8. Spot Unloading Layout
Base Angle
Column Column
Column Column
End Rafter
Column Column
Column Column
Base Angle
Roof Panels
Wall Panels
1. Hardware packages should be centrally located, usually along one side wall near the center of the
building, to minimize walking distance to other parts of the slab area.
2. Purlins and girts, depending on the number of bundles, are unloaded near the sidewalls clear of
other packages of parts.
3. Columns should be unloaded with their base plates near respective anchor bolts. Two men can
usually raise short eave height endwall columns without equipment.
4. Rafters are usually unloaded on blocking on the slab. In this position ridge connections can be
made easily.
5. Sheet packages should be unloaded along one or both sidewalls blocked and sloping to one end to
facilitate drainage in case of rain.
6. Accessories are usually located in a corner of the slab or off the slab near one end of the building.
Accessories will be the last step of installation and should be stored where they won’t interfere with
initial erection stages.
13 R & M STEEL
Blocking under the columns and rafters will protect the splice plates and the slab from damage during
unloading. It also facilitates the placing of slings or cables around the members for later lifting and allows
them to be bolted together into sub-assemblies while on the ground. Extra care should always be exercised
during unloading to prevent damage to materials or the concrete slab.
Storage Protection
As previously emphasized, a great amount of time and trouble can be saved if the building parts are
unloaded according to a pre-arranged plan. Proper location and handling will eliminate unnecessary
handling and damage.
If immediate erection is not possible, follow these precautions to protect components from damage and
1. Place beams, columns and bundled panels on wood planking so metal surfaces do not touch the
ground. To prevent rust spotting, position members and panels with one end approximately one foot
higher than the other to facilitate water runoff. Columns and beams should be laid on edge.
2. When stored for extended periods, metal sheets should be stored inside. When storing
outside, provide cover of polyethylene film or other waterproof material. Do not seal waterproof
material tightly as condensation may occur. Be sure to position one end of sheets higher than the
other for drainage.
3. If bundled panels should get wet, they must be separated to permit drying. Place sheets on edge and
space approximately one inch. To prevent the accumulation of "white rust" on galvanized sheets,
wipe the wet areas with a coarse cloth (such as a burlap) and then wipe on a coat of light oil or
When handling or uncrating the panels, lift, rather than slide, them apart. Burred edges may scratch the
coated surfaces when sheets are slid over one another. Never allow panels to be walked on while on the
R & M STEEL 14
General Information
Many methods and procedures are in use for erecting the structural portion of metal buildings. For example,
the techniques of raising frames vary all the way from erecting small spans and endwall frames in units, to
erecting the frames piece by piece. The erection methods used depend strictly on the type of building, the
available equipment, the experience level of the crew and individual job conditions.,
The variations in these factors preclude the establishment of a firm or specific set of erection rules and
procedures. Consequently, the erection operation must be tailored by the erector to fit individual conditions
and requirements.
Review of the considerations covered here will help you in planning for the fastest, most efficient job of
assembly. In some cases, alternative methods must be used and should be substituted at the erector’s
As stated before, we furnish a complete set of erection drawings with each building. Individual building
components are piece marked to coincide with the piece mark shown on these drawings. By carefully
following the details shown on your erection drawings and in this manual, each component can be easily
identified and properly assembled.
15 R & M STEEL
Basic Framing Sequence
A general sequence of frame erection is as follows:
1. Begin with the X—braced bay closest to an endwall. Refer to your erection drawings to find X-
braced bays.
Figure 9. Erecting First Bay
2. Roof and wall braces should be installed for strength and safety.
3. Plumb and square the X—braced bay.
Figure 10. Complete First Bay
4. The interior bay adjacent to the X-braced bay should be framed next.
5. Continue erecting adjacent frames working toward the nearest endwall.
6. Erect and support the end frame nearest to the erected interior framing.
R & M STEEL 16
Figure 11. Complete Endwall
7. Continue the erection sequence working toward the uncompleted endwall. Make sure roof and wall
braces are installed and each X-braced bay is plumb and square before erecting succeeding bays.
Continue until the primary and secondary framing is completed.
17 R & M STEEL
Structural Erection Procedure
Step 1 Locate the interior X—braced bay nearest an endwall.
Place interior frame columns at both ends of this bay at appropriate anchor bolt locations. Bolt
flange braces to columns and rafters before they are erected. Column and rafter flange braces
are to be attached to flange brace clips (which are welded to column or rafter) and the
corresponding purlin or girt by means of a 1/2" A325 bolt.
Note: Flange braces are used to provide lateral Support to the member and their
installation is CRITICAL for the structural integrity of the building.
Step 2 Clean any dirt from the top of the foundation so the base of the columns will rest flush on the
foundation. Stand columns on the anchor bolts and secure in place with nuts and washers.
Columns must rest flush on foundation and be level. Attach girts to the column at girt clip
locations with 1/2" bolts. Attach flange braces to girts. Check erection drawings for special
Purlin Clip
Flange Brace
Note: Temporary bracing may be required for loads the structure is subjected to while erection is
in progress. The amount of temporary bracing required shall be determined by the erector. This
bracing must remain in place as long as it is required for safety.
Step 3 Lay out rafters according to framing plan. Clear span rafters of two or more sections may be
bolted together before hoisting. If rafters are to be bolted prior to hoisting block up to facilitate
assembly and enable other parts to be attached. Butt rafter sections together, with a fork lift or
crane then raise end plates until they come together, align the holes then draw the bolts up
Note: All rigid frame and endwall frame, steel to steel connections are to be field bolted
connections using A325 bolts, the size of which is shown on the drawings provided with the
building. Bolts shall be tightened, in properly aligned holes, by the turn-of-nut method as follows.
R & M STEEL 18
Structural Erection Procedure (cont.)
Turn of Nut Method
To provide the proper bolt tension, there shall first be enough bolts brought to a "snug tight" condition to
insure that the parts of the joint are brought into good contact with each other. Snug tight is defined as the
tightness attained by a few impacts of an impact wrench or the full effort of a man using an ordinary spud
wrench. Following this initial operation, bolts shall be placed in any remaining holes in the connection and
brought to snug tightness. All bolts in the connection shall then be tightened additionally by the applicable
amount of nut rotation specified in table 1. Tighten progressing systematically from the most rigid part of
the joint to its free edges. During this operation there shall be no rotation of the part not turned by the
Step 4 Assemble your second rafter. Hoist rafter into place. Tie the two frames together by installing
purlins and flange braces.
Note: Initially Tighten purlin and girt bolts hand tight.
19 R & M STEEL
Cable Bracing
The first bay must be perfectly aligned (plumb and square) before proceeding with erection of other
bays or endwall structurals. Cable braces are provided with each building and serve two purposes. They are
useful in plumbing and aligning the frame work, and they provide structural support. Cable braces should
always be installed as shown on the erection drawings.
Our Company provides cable precut to the lengths required. Check the materials list and Erection
Drawings for proper locations. Attach Brace grips through the eyebolts and to the cable ends. Attach
eyebolts through the holes in the column webs to the rafter webs (forming a "X" shape) using a hillside
washer, washer and nut respectively. Plumb and square each braced bay before proceeding with the
remainder of the structure.
Figure 14. Cable Assembly
Crossover Mark
Pitch Length
One pitch length -
one complete wrap Extra high strength (EHS)
Galvanized Steel Strand
Step 2. Apply the first two pitch lengths (a pitch length is one
complete wrap around the strand—see figure 14) to the strand.
NOTE: From this point on, the leg may be rotated out and away from the
strand, making the application easier. Apply one more pitch length as shown.
Figure 16
R & M STEEL 20
Brace grip application (cont.)
Step 3. Match the crossover marks and apply other leg...
Figure 17
Step 8. Insert the shaft of the eyebolt through the hole in the web plate of the beam. Apply a hillside
washer to the protruding end of the bolt. Next apply a washer and a nut.
Figure 22
21 R & M STEEL
Plumb and Square Bay
Step 1. First attach Eyebolt to Brace grip then attach brace grip to cable. See figures 13-20.
Step 2. Insert shaft of eyebolt through the pre-cut hole in the columns. Apply the beveled hillside
washer to the protruding end of the bolt followed by a washer and a nut. See Figure 23.
Figure 23. Cable Assembly
Step 3. Install roof bracing cables in the same manner, but do not tighten the nuts.
Step 4. With all bracing installed plumb the columns using a carpenters spirit level. Make plumb
adjustments by loosening or tightening the nuts on the sidewall brace cables.
Step 5. Now measure the distance from the upper corner of the braced bay to the lower corner of the
opposite. When the distance is the same between both opposite corners, the columns will be
plumb and square.
Step 6. Alignment of the roof beams can be checked by attaching a string to the base of the columns
center on the width of the column base. A plumb bob is then dropped from the center of the
rafter at the ridge of the building and tied off a few inches from the floor.
Figure 24. Checking the Rafter for Plumb
Cable bracing
Plumb Bob
The roof bracing cables can then be adjusted to bring the plumb bob directly over the string line
indicating the roof rafters are aligned. See Figure 23.
Step 7. Proceed with the erection of intermediate Frames working toward the nearest endwall.
R & M STEEL 22
General Information
After the framing of interior bays has reached an endwall and the braced bay(s) plumbed, the building frame
should resemble figure 10.
After double—checking the bay alignment, erect endwalls as framing reaches them.
Endwall Configurations
There are many different endwall configurations. each designed for the specific conditions under which it
will perform. Again, become familiar with the erection drawings depicting your building. Each part will be
clearly marked to aid you in assembly.
End Frames
End frame components should first be laid out on blocking in their appropriate endwall position. End post,
corner post and end frame beams may be hot rolled or built up sections. In some cases the post may serve as
door jamb. Connect the rafter beam to the columns and attach flange braces, if required (see Erection
Drawings for specific details).
The end frame is now ready to be lifted into position. Large width buildings may require that additional
column and beam connections be made after an initial section of the end frame has been set in place and
Raise the pre—assembled end frame into place and secure columns to the anchor bolts. The end bay can be
stabilized by connecting all secondary framing from the braced bay to the end frame. Once the endwall
framing has been secured, the lifting equipment can then be released. Square and plumb endwall.
Endpost Connection to Rigid Frame Endwall
The customer may require a rigid frame end wall for future expansion. See the erection drawings for the
rigid frame to be placed in the endwall position and additional posts to be used in the completion of the
endwall framing.
Rake Angle
The rake angle attaches to the top of the purlins at the endwall frame and is used to attach the endwall
sheeting. If the building has an overhang, the rake angle must be field notched to fit over the purlins and
installed at the endwall steel line. (See Erection Drawings for details.) Attach the rake angle to each purlin
with an overlap of 1" at each splice. Screw together at purlins and splices using a #12x1" galvanized Tek
Tek at each purlin
Figure 25. Rake Angle Detail Rake Angle
Purlin Clip
Endwall Rafter
Flange Brace
as required
23 R & M STEEL
Sag angles are required to prevent rolling of the purlins. First Block Purlins at proper spacing. Then starting
at the ridge working your way towards the building eave place each sag angle at the lower flange of the
purlin. Attach the sag angle to each purlin using a #12x1" galvanized Tek screw. Sag angle is lapped 1" w/ 2
TEKS. Sag angle is continuous from eave to opposite eave. Use same procedure at wall girts.
Eave struts are Cee sections whose height matches the roof purlins with equal flanges and a stiffening lip.
Attach eave struts with 1/2" bolts.
Eave Strut
R & M STEEL 24
Lay out the required substructural members to be used to frame an opening. Check the anchor bolt
dimensions if they have already been set in place. Bolt a jamb clip to the base of the jamb. Bolt a jamb clip
to the jamb at each girt location. Bolt a jamb clip to jamb at header location. Bolt a jamb clip to top of jamb.
Fasten the jamb to the foundation. Plumb and square jamb. Field drill holes and bolt to eave purlin,
rakebeam or overhead girt. Attach header to bottom of jamb clips at correct height. Attach wall girts. After
all adjustments have been made field weld jamb clips at overhead door locations.
Door Jamb
Figure 28. Jamb Clip Detail (DJ-)
Friction Plate
Clamping Angle
Base angle is used to fasten wall sheeting to the foundation. It may be necessary to miter an edge at the
corner to start and at framed openings. Attach the base angle to the foundation at 2’ OC using a ramset or
1/2" expansion anchors.
Base Angle
Wall Sheeting (anchored to floor)
Closure strip
Tek & Stitch screws (see
sheeting fastener detail)
25 R & M STEEL
Structural Inspection
Before installing panels, check all structural bolts for tightness. Make sure that all flange braces, purlins,
girts and X-brace cables are properly installed, plumbed, braced, squared and tightened also sag angle
(bridging) should be installed before sheeting.
With all primary and secondary framing plumb and all the bolts properly torqued, begin sheeting with the
sidewalls. Color coated sheets should be handled carefully. When unpacking, pick up sheets, never slide one
sheet over another: never walk on sheets except when applying roof sheets. Never walk on the major
corrugations of sheets. When lifting, support long sheets to prevent buckling. When storing sheets elevate
one end so water will not stand on and between sheets. Condensation and moisture will cause damage.
Cover sheets with waterproof material, but do not seal, as this will add to condensation damage. All sheeting
must be kept dry. Galvanized sheets will develop white rust stains if moisture intrudes. Refer to the
unloading section for further information concerning storage of sheeting.
Bridging of Purlins
Purlins and girts will sag from their own weight when unsupported. To maintain alignment of girts and
purlins during sheeting installation, we recommend that 2" x 4" wood blocking be used as shown in figure
30. Blocking at the center of each bay less than 25’ should be sufficient for alignment. After one blocked
bay is paneled, the blocking can be moved to align the next bay. Use the same procedure for all purlins and
End wall Rafter
Rake Angle
Figure 30.
# 12x1" Tek
Rafter Purlin at 6" O.C.
at panel ends
Wall Sheet
# 12x1" Tek
at 12" O.C.
at girts
Eave strut
Exterior mount
Center Line of 1st
panel rib & steel line
Temporary wood
blocking #14x7/8" Tek
Exterior mount at each framing
girt member & midspan
Base Angle
R & M STEEL 26
Girts should never be walked on or used as a ladder This might bend and weaken the girt making
it difficult to align the outer flange and threatening the structural integrity of the building.
If your building has MBI insulation, refer to the insulation application section page 41 before beginning
panel installation.
Sidewall Sheeting
Before sheeting any wall, block the girts to a level position and do not remove until the panels have been
securely fastened to the sub-framing. Full sheets are used to cover jambs of each framed opening. Shorter
sheets will have been supplied above large framed openings. No allowance is taken for walk doors or
window framed openings as they are to be sheeted solid.
Wall sheeting may be applied in two ways. The way it is applied is to be determined by the customer or
erector. First, wind may be the primary consideration and the panels should be applied starting at the end of
the building which will allow the exposed edge of the lap to be away from the prevailing wind. This method
will lessen the air infiltration in the building. A second method that may be used is where the visual
appearance of the building is important. If this is the case, start sheeting at the rear of the building and the
laps will not be seen from the front (the side or end viewed by the most people).
Mastic Sealer
(Roof Only)
Roof Sheeting
27 R & M STEEL
Screw Alignment
Screw alignment especially on the wall sheets will give a professional appearance. This can be
accomplished by pre—drilling holes in the sheets at identical locations. The locations of the purlins and girts
should be carefully marked on sheet and then double checked against the building framing.
Pre—drilling of panels will insure accurate placement of fasteners, alleviating the problem of installing a
fastener through the panel and missing the framing member. Pre—drilling also provides a punch mark for
the screw and will prevent panel damage caused from "skating" screws.
Preparing the Drilling Template
Step 1 Layout a drill hole pattern on a wall panel as shown in figure 32. (See Figure 51 for fastener
Step 2 Drill holes in template panel. Use 1/8" bit for stitch TEK in the high rib and 3/16" bit for
sheeting TEK.
Step 3 After pilot holes are drilled, place template against sidewall and check hole alignment with
eave strut girts and base angle. If holes are properly aligned proceed with drilling stacks of
wall panels.
Step 4 Lay out a nested stack of panels on supports as shown in figure 32. From 6 to 15 sheets can
be drilled at one time: however, best results are with stacks of no more than 8 sheets.
Step 5 Make sure that panels are aligned at both ends of stacks and that side laps are supported.
With template panel in position clamp stack securely with "C" clamp as shown (figure 32).
Figure 32. Pre-drilling Panels
Step 6 Drill through the secured stack at each of the pilot holes. Be sure drill is held at 90° to the
stack. After each hole is drilled insure sheeting alignment has not been disturbed. Drill only
enough panels to cover one sidewall. A new template with reverse hole layout must be made
for opposite wall.
R & M STEEL 28
Installation of Wall Sheets
The accordion action of the panel allows gain or loss to be controlled as necessary to keep panels aligned.
Unless specified otherwise the panel will provide a full 36" of coverage.
Step 1 To assure alignment of panels the panel spacing should be laid out and marked on eave and
base angles. The first and last panel will cover 37-1/2" all others cover 36".
Step 2 Position foam inside closure at the bottom of the sheet where it will fit between the panel and
the base angle as shown (figure 33). The closure can be held in place with a small amount of
Figure 33. Base of Wall Sheet Detail
High Rib Panel
Base Angle
Step 3 Insure that blocking is in place. Raise first panel into position with 1/2 of major corrugation
overlapping the endwall steel line. Insure that the panel is vertical using a 4 foot carpenter
Step 4 With panel held securely in alignment, screw into place with self drilling TEK at base angle
and eave strut. Check alignment.
Step 5 When panel is aligned correctly install TEK’s at all base angle, girt and eave strut locations.
Step 6 Install second and remainder of panels by screwing to girt and then fastening to eave strut and
base angle before installing side-lap stitch screws. Insure closures are positioned properly
before attaching panel.
Step 7 Move blocking to next bay after paneling has reached its location. Each bay must be
completely blocked before starting sheeting of that bay.
Paneling Opposite Sidewall
Step 8 Prepare a new template with reverse layout of hole patterns. Lap should face the same end of
the building.
Step 9 Stack and drill panels using the same procedure. Be sure to check alignment of template holes
with wall structurals before drilling stacks of panels.
Step 10 To assure alignment of panels the panel spacing should be laid out and marked on cave and
base angles. The first and last panel will cover 37-1/2" all others cover 36". Start
measurement from same end of building as first sidewall.
Step 11 Install first and remaining panels as on opposite sidewall.
29 R & M STEEL
Wall lights may be used in place of steel panels for natural interior lighting. Laps must occur at a girt with 1"
below the girt level. The wall light panels should have sidelap sealant applied on the perimeter of the light
panel. Pre-drill and fasten carefully with Tek screws.
Endwall sheeting is applied exactly the same as the sidewall sheeting except the high rib and lap are
centered on ridge (peak). See figure 34. The roof pitch is taken into consideration for actual lengths, with
some field fitting (figure 34) required. Lay out sheets for position. Full sheets are supplied. Back laps (when
necessary) should be taken at corners. Endwall sheet started at center of building will need to be
back—lapped on right hand edge. Do not fasten until adjacent sheet is in place. Pre-drill and fasten carefully
with TEC screws. Attach corner trim with stitch TEK’s after side and endwalls are sheeted (figure 35). Align
with sheet. Use a 3" lap.
Figure 34. Endwall Sheeting Layout
Corner Trim
Once the walls have been sheeted, the corner trim may be applied. Starting at the bottom align the corner trim
with the sheet and attach it on both sides with TEK screws at 2’-0" center. When lapping is required use 3" lap
and fasten with stitch TEKs or pop rivets.
Figure 35. Outside Corner Trim
Base Angle
Closure strip
Field cut top
as required
3" Lap
Base Trim
(2) Pop Rivets
Self-Drilling Screw
Corner Flashing
Lap (If any)
to be near top
of corner
Corner Trim (CT-)
R & M STEEL 30
Eave and Gutter Flashing
Both eave fascia and gutter must be installed before roof is sheeted. Care must be taken that forward edge of
fascia remains at right angles to roof pitch.
Tape Mastic
Eave Trim
Eave Facia
Cut on dotted
31 R & M STEEL
Eave and Gutter Flashing (cont.)
Pop rivet gutter end caps to gutter, starting with base and then up the sides.
Figure 37. Eave Gutter End Cap Detail
Eave Gutter (EG -)
Down spout holes in gutter should align with high rib of wall sheet. For down spout location, position
down spout to the back of gutter base. Mark outline of down spout. "X" corners and cut. Bend downward
for later attachment of down spout.
Figure 38. Downspout to Gutter Detail
Eave Gutter
Blind Pop
Outside face of gutter
R & M STEEL 32
Eave and Gutter Flashing (cont.)
Align eave fascia with corner trim. Line up edge of fascia or gutter with corner of eave strut. Attach to
eave strut with TEK screw. (For eave trim, fasten at each major rib of sidewall sheet.) Pop rivet gutter and
calk at splices. Attach gutter strap to under side of outer leg of gutter at 3’ O.C. Attach to eave strut with
self drilling TEK.
Figure 39. Roof Sheet with Gutter Detail
Tape Mastic
Girt (G-)
Section A
3" x 4" Downspout Sheet (SW-)
A Base Angle
33 R & M STEEL
Step 1. Make a template by measuring the hole dimensions according to the erection drawings and
prepare a template as you did in sheeting the sidewalls.
Step 2. Place template panel in position over roof structurals and check hole alignment.
Step 3. After checking template alignment, place template on stack of roof panels and pre-drill holes.
Make sure that stacked panels are aligned, supported and clamped. See figure 32. Hold drill
in true vertical position when drilling. If your building requires insulation, it will be
necessary to prepare templates for both sides and pre-drill sheets before panel installation is
started. Note that 1/2 of the major corrugation overlaps the endwall steel line.
Installation of First Panel
Step 4. Install first panel as shown in figure 41. Apply tape mastic to outside of high rib to be lapped
and 4" from upper edge of sheet. (This will cover both sheet lap and ridge cap lap.) Inside
closure with tape mastic top and bottom should be placed at the eave at this time. Care must
be taken to insure roof sheet is aligned correctly before sheet is lowered and allowed to bond
with the mastic.
Figure 41. Installment of First Roof Panel
1st Roof Panel #12 Hex Head Tek Screw #14 Hex Head Stitch Screw
Eave Strut
Center Line of
Hi-Rib on Steel Line
Rake Angle
Steel Line 1st Wall Panel
R & M STEEL 34
Step 5. Align pre-drilled holes with structurals and fasten sheet to purlins and eave strut. It is
essential that the first row of panels be accurately aligned in order to insure overall accuracy.
We recommend installing the panels in the proper sequence. See figure 42.
Tape Mastic
Roof Sheet
By installing the panels as shown, each panel run can be checked for accuracy as paneling
progresses. Apply roof sheets to each slope as shown in figure 42. After sheets have
been properly aligned and secured to the structurals. Apply mastic to major
corrugations at sidelap. Then apply the next full length sheet to each slope.
After two panels have been applied to each slope, install the ridge cap to
the first run. After the first ridge cap is secured, the third panel run
can be installed. Then apply the ridge cap to the second run.
35 R & M STEEL
If panel alignment needs to be changed, the panel can easily be moved a fraction of an inch by kicking the
major corrugation with the heel of the foot in either direction. Care should be taken not to bend the major
corrugation. As paneling nears the intermediate frame, the dimension from the frame to the leading edge of
the roof panel should be checked, at several different positions to be sure that the panel placements are
square with the structural system (figure 45).
Figure 45. Check Panel Alignment
Measure distance from
panel to next frame
Eave Strut
Roof Sheet
R & M STEEL 36
The rake (gable) trim will finish the connection between the endwall sheeting and the roofing. Apply sidelap
sealant between the gable trim and the roof panel. Screw to roof sheet 3’ O,C. to rake. The standard minimum
lap of 1" at each splice should be used. Pop rivet the lapping connection. Fasten the gable trim to the wall sheet
at each high rib with a stitch Tek screw. Miter rake trim of gable building at ridge and attach peak box.
Rake Fascia
(5) Pop Rivets
at Splice
3" Lap
Tape Mastic
Rake Trim
Peak Box
S-188 Rake Trim
Caldwell Idaho
Name Plate
(1 at each end wall)
Caldwell Idaho
37 R & M STEEL
Walk Doors
Cutout must be centered between high ribs. Cut opening in wall sheet 3’l" wide x 7’0 3/8, high. Extend
horizontal cut 3" each side for header trim. Attach base clips to jambs. Jambs are reversible for right, left,
In—or outside swing. Attach header and 1 z—clip to 1 jamb (with hinges.) Place jamb and header into place.
Make sure wallsheet laps behind flange of door jamb. Square at base, cinch anchor. Square hinged jamb and
secure to girt. Place other jamb into position. Connect to header, and door, position loose jamb for snug fit with
door (twenty-five cent piece may be used). Square cinch anchor at base and bolt to girt. Attach door jambs and
secure to wall sheets with sheet metal screws through pre—drilled holes Slide header trim behind wall sheet
level and attach with self drilling screw (3). Caulk entire periphery of door. Attach lock sets and threshold.
Cut off excess wall sheet approximately 1/8" from inside edge of jamb.
Figure 49. Jamb Trim Detail.
Wall Panel
Wall Panel Wall Panel
Slot 3/8" beyond width of opening at each end of S—58 header. Position S-58 header trim into slot and between
sheet and header. Attach with self drilling screws at 3’ O.C.
R & M STEEL 38
Fastener Installation
When fastening sheeting screws to structurals, our company recommends using a high torque, depth
sensitive screw gun, used primarily with self—drilling fasteners. This screw gun should be equipped with
an adjustable clutch and a magnetic socket. The manufacturers of these self—drilling fasteners
recommend that high torque guns run at approximately 2,500 RPM’s for proper operation. When installing
screws, proper pressure on the neoprene seal is important. Figure 50 illustrates correct and incorrect
Figure 50. Fastener Application
Gard Dome
Even with the right equipment and the right setting of the tool no erection crew can install all the fasteners
on a building without stripping a few. It is important to know when stripping occurs. The stripped
fasteners must be removed and replaced by an oversized fastener.
Always keep the screw gun at 90° to the sheeting to insure a properly seated fastener.
1 Pre-drilling of fastener and stitch screw holes will greatly reduce application time, improve
appearance and provide better sidelap sealing. See screw alignment page 25 for details.
2 Fastening of panels to framing members is accomplished with #12 x 1" self drilling TEK screws.
Use colored head screws as required. See figure 51 for locations.
3 Butyl sealant is required between all roof panel side laps and end laps.
4 Stitching of panel sidelaps is accomplished with #14 x 7/8" self drilling STITCH TEK screws.
See figure 51 for locations.
5 Remove drill tailings from panels. Bare steel particles can cause rust stains overnight,
particularly on colored panels.
39 R & M STEEL
Typical Tek Spacing for High Rib Panels
Figure 51. Fastener Patterns
III. Typical side lap stitch tek spacing (Side lap only)
1 - Typical spacing at purlin or girt
2 - Typical spacing at midspan between purlin or girt.
R & M STEEL 40
If your building includes insulation it should be applied in conjunction with the wall and roof paneling.
Insulation should be stored indoors and should never be stored on end. Take every possible precaution to
insure insulation does not get wet.
Insulation is available in a variety of widths and configurations. However, our company recommends
utilizing a fiberglass blanket type insulation with a vinyl facing on one side, which serves as a vapor barrier.
It is also advisable to purchase insulation which has a 2" tab which will facilitate connection of successive
runs of insulation. See figure 52.
In order for the vapor barrier of the blanket type insulation to be effective the sidelaps must be well sealed
and there must not be any holes or tears in the vapor barrier facing.
At the seam where two rolls of insulation are joined, pull tabs upward and staple approximately every 8",
1/2" from the bottom of the faced side of the insulation. Next, fold the tab over and staple between each
original staple. CAUTION: Do not staple too close to the base of the tabs or the staples may pull out,
resulting in poor vapor seal. The tabs will now be stapled approximately every 4" assuring a tight vapor
seal. Tuck the completed sealed tab back into the joint. Be sure to use matching facing tape to repair any
rips or tears in the insulation to guarantee a tight vapor seal.
Fiberglass Batting
41 R & M STEEL
Sidewall Insulation
Step 1 After the template sheet has been prepared and the sidewall sheets have been pre-drilled, measure
and cut insulation to length of panel.
Step 2 Trim wool back slightly at each end of insulation. With vinyl facing in and tab facing opposite
end of building, position insulation against structure. Tape or glue insulation to eave strut. See
figure 53.
Figure 53. Side Wall Insulation
Step 3 With insulation secured at top, pull taut over base angle and secure with adhesive. Insure that insulation
fits snugly against foam closure strip but does not overlap. Insulation extending past foam closure will
wick water into the building.
Step 4 When first strip of insulation is secured, install your first sidewall panel over the insulation and secure it
as covered in Sidewall Paneling Section. Before securing panel, check vinyl side of insulation and
smooth out any wrinkles to maintain good interior appearance.
Step 5 Cut second strip of insulation same as first and apply with side butted snugly against edge of first.
Step 6 Install second panel as shown in Sidewall Paneling Section. Again, insure that vapor barrier is wrinkle
Step 7 Apply adhesive or tape at insulation sidelap and press tab into firm contact with adjacent insulation.
Step 8 Continue down the wall, applying strips of insulation and panels following the same procedures.
If the vapor barrier is punctured, it can be repaired by applying a small amount of epoxy resin or tape.
Insulation and panel installation should not be attempted during high winds
R & M STEEL 42
Insulating the Roof
If a 4’ strip of insulation has been provided, our company recommends using this for the first run of insulation.
Since our panels are 3’ wide, the 4’ run will allow an initial 1’ overhang which will facilitate connection of
successive insulation runs.
Pieces of wood should be cut to 4’ in length in 4’ (if a 4’ run has been provided) and. 6’ in length. See figure 54.
Figure 53. Roof insulation
The insulation can be clamped between the boards at each end of the insulation with a clamp and hung over the
eave. Weight will help pull wrinkles out of the insulation.
The pre-drilled roof panel can then be positioned and aligned over the insulation and screwed to the purlins.
Again, insure proper alignment of panel and ridge cap. (Refer to Roof Paneling Section for proper paneling
Once the first run of insulation and panels is in place, the second insulation run can be butted up against it.
Connect insulation strips utilizing sidelap tabs or tape. Continue insulating the building. Remember to check panel
alignment and to move bridging boards as work progresses.
43 R & M STEEL
Insulating the Roof (cont.)
S-17 Eave Trim Detail & Wall Stitch Tek Layout
Outside Closure
Stitch Tek
Inside Closure
Base Angle Fold Vinyl Facing
Over Insulation
Outside Closure
R & M STEEL 44
Recommended Basic Tool Package
for 5-7 Man Erection Work Crews
This recommended list was developed by the Metal Building Manufacturers Association, Inc., as a starting
point. Products manufactured by particular companies may require additional special tools. It is the erector's
responsibility to insure thatthe appropriate tool is used for a given job whether or not tht tool appears on his
I-Hand Tools
On Quantity
Hand Recommended Item
4 Assorted Metal Files
4-6 Belts w/ Bolt Bags
1 Wire
2-6 Paint, Miscellaneous
4-10 "C" Clamps, (6",9", and 12")
2 Caulking Guns
(Open Barrel)
1 Center Punch
Chalk Line
2 100'
2 Chalk
1 Cold Chisel
2-5 Drift Pins (Open Barrel Pin)
1 Carpenter's Straight Claw
2 Ball Peen
1-2 Sledge (10lb.)
1-3 Rubber
1 Welder's Chipping
5 Hand Tool Box
5-11 Hard Hats
1 Pocket
2 Putty
2 Side Cutters
2 Channel-Locks
3 Vice Grips, Standard
5 Vice Grips, Welding Clamp
1-2 Plump Bob
2-3 Pocket Rivet Guns (Manual or
45 R & M STEEL
Recommended Basic Tool Package
for 5-7 Man Erection Work Crews
I-Hand Tools
On Quantity
Hand Recommended Item
1 ea. Reamer, 9/16", 11/16", 13/16", 15/16"
1 Carpenter, Hand
1-2 Hack, w/Blades
2 Screwdriver Sets, one Flat and One
1 10pc. Set Nut Drivers
5 Aviation (2 right-hand, 2 left-hand,
and one straight cut)
1 Large, Bulldog
1 Spirit Level–4' Min.
1-2 Framing
1 Tri
4 Staple Guns and Staples
(Plier Type)
2 Steel Wedges
1-5 Measuring–25'
1 Measuring–100' Min.
1set Thread Chasers–Assorted Sizes
(1/2" Through 1-1/4")
1 Wrecking Bar
5 12" Adjustable
2 15" Adjustable
6-12 Spud With 3/4" Open End
1-2 Box End Combination, Set (Size
Determined by Bldg. Mfgr.) –
Common Sizes 15/16" through 1-7/8"
1 1/2" Drive Ratchet and Socket Set
w/Various Sizes from 1/2" to 1-1/4"
1 Hand Ratchet 3/4" Square Drive
w/18" or 24" "Cheater Bar" and
Sockets from 3/4" to 1-7/8"
R & M STEEL 46
Recommended Basic Tool Package
for 5-7 Man Erection Work Crews
III-Power Tools
On Quantity
Hand Recommended Item
1 Cutting Torch w/ 100' Hose,
Bottle cart, Accessories, w/Fire
1 Hammer w/Appropriate Size Bits
2-3 Drill, 3/8" Chuck
1 Drill, 1/2" Chuck
1-2 Impact Wrench, 1/2" Drive, and
Sockets From 3/4" through 1-7/8"
1 Grinder
1 Portable Generator– 2 to 5KW.,
w/110V DC and AC Service
1 Powder Accuated Tool Kit
1 Power Nibbler
1 Power Shears
4 Screw Guns and Sockets Sets–
Per Fastener Supplier's
1 7-1/2" Heavy Duty Circular Saw
w/Wood and Metal Abrasive Blade
1 Welding Unit w/50' Ground and
75' Leads
47 R & M STEEL
Recommended Basic Tool Package
for 5-7 Man Erection Work Crews
On Quantity
Hand Recommended Item
1-3 Push Type
2-4 Warehouse
* Buckets
1 Dolly
Extension Cords
1 #10-3, 2/4-Way Box, 100' Min.
2-3 #12-3, 50'
1 Ground Fault Interrupter
* Fire Extinguishers
* First Aid Kits
* 5 Gal. Water Cooler and Cups
1 Flashlight
10 prs. Work
2 prs. Welding
1-2 5 Gal. Gasonline can w/Safe spout
2 Extension, 20' to 40'
2-3 Step, 6' to 8'
1 Level Rod
1-2 Mops (Water)
2 Oil Can
3 Rolls #9 Wire
4 Safety Goggles
2 Saw Horses
Scaffolding-Rolling Towers
1 Shovel
* Sponges and Shop Rags
1 Transit
1 Welding Hood with Spare Lens
* – As required
R & M STEEL 48
Yes No Pre—Erection Considerations
Have you read and become familiar with the erection manual?
Have you checked and complied with all safety requirements applicable to your building and local
Are sufficient and adequate tools on hand to properly erect the building?
Is building site clear and free of overhead and underground obstructions?
Is the site accessible by heavy wheeled vehicles? Is electrical power available?
Have you received and become familiar with your erection drawings and tally sheets?
Yes No Foundation
Does your foundation conform to UBC load recommendation for foundation design?
Are anchor bolts of proper size?
Have anchor bolt locations been checked before and after pouring foundation? (Anchor bolts are
located 4" or 12" from length steel line and 3" or 4" from width steel line. Please call if doubt
Does your building have overhead doors: If so, have provisions been made for them in your
foundation design?
Has foundation been checked for level?
Has concrete had sufficient time to "cure"?
Yes No Unloading
Were materials checked against tally sheet as they were unloaded?
If there was damage or shortage of material, was a proper notation made to the shipping manifest?
Was blocking used to protect structurals and sheeting?
Were materials spot unloaded to minimize rehandling?
If building materials are stored, have proper storage provisions been met?
Rake Fascia Eave Fascia
S-58 S-580B
"L" Metal
R & M STEEL 50
The attractive appearance of metal roofing and siding may be dulled or marred if moisture is
trapped between the panels and is allowed to remain there. It is, therefore, necessary that a few
simple precautions be taken to prevent this from happening and insure that the panels retain their
attractive appearance.
If moisture is permitted to enter a bundle it should be broken open, drained and the panels
separated to allow for complete drying. To prevent this from happening, observe the following:
1. Inside storage is most desirable and should be used whenever practical. Jobsite storage time
should be minimized.
2. When stored outdoors, bundles should be placed high enough off the ground to allow
sufficient air circulation beneath each bundle and prevent rising water from making contact
with the panels.
3. Slightly elevate one end of the bundle to promote good drainage. Prevent moisture from
entering the bundle by covering it with a tarpaulin, making provision for good ventilation
between draped edges of tarpaulin and the ground. Do not store covered with plastic.
4. Prolonged storage of panels in a bundle is not recommended. If conditions do not immediately
permit panels to be erected, extra care must be taken to protect panels from white rust
or water stain.
Air Space
51 R & M STEEL
Please read specifications carefully. We cannot guarantee this product for installation in temperatures below
20ºF. The facing becomes brittle and may crack during installation. If you have any questions, please feel
free to call.
R & M STEEL 52
R&M Steel Company
Box 580
Caldwell, ID
53 R & M STEEL
R & M STEEL 54
Nonmetallic coatings may be applied (often at the customer’s request) to the surface of steel products. These
are usually classified as protective coatings. The typical nonmetallic coatings are as follows:
The possible presence of these coatings on steel products should be recognized and considered when
evaluating potential employee health hazards and exposures during welding or other dust/fume generating
This material safety data sheet contains confidential proprietary information. Its contents are not to be
disclosed to the general public or to competitive manufacturers. Information contained herein is provided in
good faith as authoritative and valid; however, no warranties, either expressed or implied, can be made
concerning the accuracy of completeness of the information with regard to all possible conditions of use or
55 R & M STEEL
R & M STEEL 56
None known
WILL not occur
None known
57 R & M STEEL
Not required with normal application. If needed, use an approved OSHA/NIOSH cartridge
GLOVES: Chemical resistant, Impervious EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses
Always wash hands after working with this material; Use good hygiene practices.
This document may be used to comply with OSHA’s Hazardous Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.
The opinions expressed herein are those of qualified experts within Schnee Morehead, Inc. We believe that the information
contained herein is current as of the date of this Material Safety Data Sheet. Since the use of this information and the use of this
product are not within the control of Schnee Morehead, Inc., it is the user’s obligation to determine the conditions of safe use of
this product.
N/A = Not AppLicable, N.A. = Not Available, N.D. = Not Determined, N/E = Not Established, UNK = Unknown
R & M STEEL 58
Dear Valued Customer,
Just this short note to let you know that we sincerely appreciate the business that you have
given us recently. It's always a pleasure to serve you. Valued customers like you deserve a
special "thank you." We are dedicated to meeting your needs. Please call if we can be of
help to you in the future. If you are satisfied, please tell others. If you are not satisfied,
please tell us - we want the chance to correct any mistakes. If you have any comments or
questions about your building, please contact us. If you have any comments or suggestions
for the improvement of this manual, call or write us. We want to provide you with the best
possible Installation Instruction Manual. Everyone at R&M Steel shares a common goal;
100% customer satisfaction. It is the "whatever it takes" commitment to every customer
that explains, sustains and drives our company's growth. We are proud to have a happy
Call R&M Steel Company for your next Pre-Engineered Metal Building Quote!
We look foward to working with you!
P.S. Please note our new facility address, phone and fax numbers.
Phone: (208) 454-1800
Fax: (208) 454-1801
Toll Free Phone: 1-866-454-1800
Toll Free Fax: 1-866-454-1801
Thank you,
R&M Steel Company
#1. Call R&M Steel for my
next Building Project:
59 R & M STEEL