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Ec 120 Design: 25Th European Rotorcraft Forum

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by Jean-Claude BOUVIER

Head of Eurocopter Design

September 14-16, 1999

Rome, Italy

Cleared for public release




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Our new helicopter, the EC 120, is the first
EUROCOPTER · helicopter to have
incorporated an industrial design process
from the time the general specifications
were drawn up. .~ ..
As a discipline, industrial design helps
improve man/machine interfaces and is
dedicated to users' satisfaction.

At the end of the eighties, Eurocopter, then Aerospatiale Helicopter Division, initiated the
P120 study i.e. a four-blade helicopter with high engine power. The Pre Project unit of the
Engineering Department consulted two agencies in Paris, Volanis design and Picard
IDEl, to assist Aerospatiale with the shape and outfitting studies.
This first contact between company and industrial design helped sensitize the Engineering
Dept. to this field associated with human factors.
The projects were presented as 1/5'"·scale models and perspective drawings of the
helicopter fuselage and cockpit internal outfitting; they proved really helpful and were
highly appreciated by the Engineering Dept.

This design gave personality to the helicopter as it was being thought out. A designer's
drawing is both a synthesis of the engineering work and a projection for new proposals.
Marketing analyses are also facilitated by the designer's suggested changes.
Since he is not necessarily an aerospace specialist, the designer will naturally come up
with innovating ideas showing the helicopter in a different and unusual light. Innovation is
playing a significant role from the conceptual and commercial standpoint when
manufacturers may come up with the same type of product over a short period of time.
Originality is today increasingly based on the services helicopters do offer and it is those
novelties that underline the competition's obsolescence.
Twenty years after the Ecureuil, Eurocopter elected to integrate industrial design in the
Engineering Dept.and the work that was done on the P120 demonstrated that a specialist
in this field could become a full time member of the engineering team.

P120 is now, for strategic and commercial reasons, a simpler, lighter and cheaper EC120,
and EUROCOPTER DESIGN has been integrated as a company unit.

The EC 120 program was started in 1992 and our first job was to put this new helicopter
into shape.
Interior design is obviously the field in which the industrial designer must focus the most
attention and numerous elements connected to passenger comfort were studied. All
layout proposals must however match with the general shape of the aircraft and
correspond to the prevailing character of the helicopter. One consideration took
precedence with regard to the outline of the EC120: this aircraft had to be esthetically
pleasing for the next 30 years. The direct consequence of this requirement was to refuse
any concessions to fashion; nothing changes more quickly than fashion.

The shape of the EC120 seems to have been sculptured as it moves through the air and
at the same time, it conveys the traditional brand image of EUROCOPTER products.
The drawing below is the first rough sketch of the EC120.

Well before the interior drawings were started, the design work consisted in visiting
several small helicopter operators in the area.

About twenty operators, pilots, mechanics and passengers were met and we have had
very opened discussions. Dozens of photos were taken. The photos and the operators'
( comments were analyzed and this analysis became the database that the designer used
to make his suggestions for the EC 120.

Before analyzing the EC 120 in more detail, let's take a quick look at what had happened
in the past.

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When the BELL engineers decided to put in a proposal to the MOD invitation for bids, they
presented the OH4, which was not particularly adapted for a commercial market.
Convinced that they had a good helicopter, BELL called in an industrial design
consultancy to improve the helicopter in all the areas where it wasn't up to standard,
without modifying the very satisfactory technological aspects. The Jet Ranger took form
from this design study and went on to become the best selling turbine helicopter world-

The f1rst known experience in this field in France was the study conducted by Raymond
Loewy on the Alouette 11. Unfortunately this "Governor" Alouette was not a true industrial
design study in that Raymond Loewy proposed a simple styling, decorating study, which
had for first consequence to make the helicopter a lot heavier.

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Now to come back to our EC 120, EUROCOPTER wanted the design to be part of the
work covered by the Preliminary Design Department, which was tasked with drawing up
the general specifications and the initial dimensioning studies, before it was handed over
to the Design Office. This study should also be useful for other programs in any case.

Using the reports of findings on existing helicopters, the designer first concentrated on the
weak points which operators put up with, either consciously or unconsciously.

This is how the scope of the industrial design stage went much further than simply drawing
the general silhouette of the helicopter.

Creativity is offering users what they need, before they know they need it!. .. this means that
there is no chance that it will come out of clinical tests.

An enthusiastic acceptation comes from a good surprise, and a surprise will never
come out of a Gallup Poll, because the average of any opinions will always give an
average opinion. It is up to the designer to analyze human behavior and to draw from it
the lessons that will generate innovating proposals.

When a designer realizes that nothing has been provided to carry the mandatory
documents that are just as indispensable for each flight as the main rotor, i.e.: the Flight
ivlanual, the Aircraft Log Book, the insurance certificates, the weight sheet, the maps and,
for public passenger transport, the Operating ivlanual and the safety directives, and,
consequently, that the owners of new helicopters end up by making cases themselves out
of plywood with a hammer and nails, then he does not think of styling nor is his aim to
catch the eye; he does his job as a designer and proposes rational solutions, using all the
typical aeronautical parameters. His answer must be a certifiable product that takes into
account the ergonomic aspects as well as the weight, cost and industrialization·
requirements. Hence the first thing we did was to identify the largest possible number of

Observing, on the spot, the way in which human beings behave is far more effective than
anonymous answers to a questionnaire.

The designer applies behavioral ergonomics, semiology ; in other words, he tries to

identify problems by noting attitudes that he considers to be abnormal. When he
discovers that three out of ten passengers fall when embarking or disembarking, he tries
to find out why this happens. His findings will have immediate effects as regards to the
size and the position of the footsteps, as well as the number and locations of the hand

Let us anaiyze this siide together:

This gentleman is a business man, who is not used to traveling in a helicopter. As he

approaches the helicopter, he is eithe1· a little anxious or enthusiastic, in any case he is
inevitably already stressed when he arrives with his attache case. Now he must pass
under the rotor, which is spinning. A ilight line technician has placed some steps in front
of the door and he is ready to help our friend to board.

i'leve1·theless, if we take a closer look, his left foot misses the step and he desperately
gropes for a non-existent handgrip with his left hand. He hits his shim harshly, then as he
straightens up he lliis his head on the top of :he door opening. What a welcome on board!

'''e jesigner's aim is to produce 'he stimulus that makes people want to become owners.



Because the general outline of the helicopter had to remain ageless over decades, the
design department chose the following principles: natural balance of volumes, harmonious
interaction of shapes and extreme simplicity of lines. These considerations had an
immediate consequence: good aerodynamic integration. The first reduced scale model
tested in the wind tunnel gave excellent results and nothing has had to be modified

EC120 structure is a novelty for EUROCOPTER. Human factors imposed as much space
as possible for passenger's luggage and that lead to the split fuel tank concept.
The fuel tanks were divided into two units offering a large cargo space with a rear access
thus improving the helicopter's comfort and efficiency for the users.

The wide canopy surrounding the crew is an industrial design decision, which is
apparently running against recent developments favoring composite nose cones.
However, this choice was based on the need to enhance pilots and passengers visibility,
this requirement is particularly well adapted to the missions conducted by such a light
It is also with daily usage in mind that industrial design recommended two different cabin
openings, with a flap door on the right hand side and a sliding door on the left one to meet
every expectation.

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The seat is the interface through which the cockpit is adapted to the anthropometric and
physiological characteristics of the pilot.

Nowadays pilots count their flying time in thousands of hours and they are more sensitive
to the discomfort of their seat, which can cause backache, lumbago, stiff necks and other

The EC120 seat was also drawn to harmonise with the helicopter's soft shapes and
everything was done to integrate this seat secondary fonctions. The side bar, for example,
is an integral part of the back and its role is to facilitate passengers access to the rear
seats. The headrests are also part of the back and they contribute to the aesthetics of the
whole. The legs made of mass machined aluminum include attachment points for the
future optional items. Even highly technical concepts such as energy absorption with leg
deformation were integrated by the designer and these legs, a very novel concept in
themselves, were deliberately left as visible structural parts.
The seat bucket is designed to follow the body shapes as closely as possible, in order to
optimises crew comfort and preserves the aft passengers' visibility.
These minimal principles naturally helped reduce the seat's cost and weights.

The EC 120 seat must be considered from three essential aspects: immediate
environment (including accessibility), comfort of the cockpit and man-machine interface.

A helicopter must be a uniform whole. Skipping over areas that are not considered to be
particularly "noble" such as stowage space or handles could be detrimental to a helicopter
and cancel out considerable efforts that may have been made elsewhere.

All our actions and aspirations are directed towards finding the happy medium, harmeny,
and equilibrium. The helicopter is no exception.
The EC 120, and particularly its seat and its accessories must reflect the rigorous thought
whose aim is to satisfy all those whose lives are organized in, around, for or are
dependent on this helicopter.


The design work done on the EC120 is obviously a first step in this field, and the
proposals we made can be useful on any other machine.

When we met light-weight helicopter operators, we noted that they were really concerned
about the quality of the cabin appearance and that it was absolutely necessary to have a
multipurpose cabin.

Both these considerations lead us to the same answer: functional modules fitted into the
pilots' seats.

We owe it to our customers to offer them the guarantee that when they buy an helicopter,
they will have a pleasant, attractive and functional cabin, whatever types of missions the
helicopter will be carrying out.

The differences between the helicopters will only be created by the different FUNCTIONS,
hence MODULES that correspond to specific missions.

The interchangeability of functional modules will no doubt be one way of making the tool
even more suitable for the requirements.

Let us take as an example the optional intercom system.

At the present time, if a customer wants to fit an intercom system on his helicopter, he
must first refer to a specialist in this type of installation, take the helicopter to his facilities
and have it grounded for several days. When he collects his helicopter, he will, of course,
have paid for the intercom system, plus the installation, plus the transfer, plus the
grounding. He will have a costly installation permanently installed but he will only use it for
certain specific missions.

Now let's imagine that EUROCOPTER offers an "Intercom System Module", which is in
fact a compact component that can be installed in just a few seconds on the back of the
pilot's or copilot's seat and powered by plugging it in to the center console.

The customer would have the equipment he wanted without having the inconvenience of
transferring his helicopter for the installation and the grounding period and he would be
able to purchase this equipment directly from EUROCOPTER.

He would be able to install his module only when it was needed, so he would add extra
weight to the helicopter only when the FUNCTION was required. Moreover, an operator
with several helicopters would only need to buy one intercom system, which he could
install on any one of his helicopters at any time.

The same could be true for a large number of equipment items such as the Public
Transport kit, the radio-telephone or the mini bar, a whole host of optional equipment that
the operator could instantly install and remove, thus adapting his helo to the requirements
of the moment.

Nowadays we deliver a significant part of light helicopters "green", that is to say with very
little or no equipment. This is a problem that concerns the design department directly. It
would be very interesting to follow up some of these helicopters that are sold unequipped
to find out what happens to them afterwards and why we couldn't provide these aircrafts
with a complete equipment.

The interchangeable module could be the answer.

Example of proposals:

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Technology for technology's sake is not only tremendously expensive, it is also a self-
perpetuating quest that puts off what should be done today in the pursuit of what may be
possible tomorrow ... or the day after. We now have an opportunity to adapt our ways o(
working to the changes in our civilization, which, day after day, are redefined around a
production process that combines techniques, culture, usage value analysis and sociology
of life styles.

Designing a product implies making a multitude of choices and "micro decisions" which
give rise to an optimized industrial and commercial reality. The challenge consists in
designing helicopters with such choices of compromise that the resulting aircraft prove to
be the best solutions for the largest number of customers ... therefore operators and

The designer refuses all dogma and constantly fights against generally accepted ideas.

The EC 120, because of it size and the market it is aiming at, has been a great opportunity
to develop new industrial design concepts. This EUROCOPER light single carries some
specific thoughts that may open a new era for helicopters at the begining of the millennium
to come.

If we are not careful, very rapidly we could find ourselves with two types of helicopters: on
one hand, the best machines, those that fly fastest and highest; on the other, those that
sell because they are more functional, easier to live with and better suited to the
passengers' everyday interests.
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