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Soa - Draft - MPR

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Principle (GP)

GP #1
Teacher knows the subject(s) that
he/she teaches

GP #2
Teacher knows how to teach the
subject(s) for which he or she is

GP #3
Teacher is committed to the children
and managing the learning process
through addressing diversity and
promoting practical application.

GP #4
Teacher sharpens his or her professional

5 GP #5
Teacher interact with parents and
GP #6
Teacher conducts himself
or herself in a manner that uplifts the

Guiding Principles credits


GP 1 - Teacher knows the

Subject that he/ she teaches.

GP 2 - Teacher knows how to

teach the subject(s) for which he
or she is responsible.

GP 3 - Teacher is committed to
the children in his or her care-
managing the learning process
through addressing diversity and
promoting character

GP 4 - Teacher sharpens his or

her professional skills.

GP 5 - Teacher interacts with

parents and community.

GP 6 - Teacher conducts himself

or herself in a manner that
uplifts the profession.

Total professional credits obtained/overall

Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. credit
Demonstrated knowledge of
subject content:

Knows the content of the subject Quality of the Teacher resource

being taught, how the content is prepared by the teacher.
constructed from simple to complex
and kept up-to-date through A test based on the teacher
professional development resource prepared by them.
(teachers) 8

Understands the chapter that The teacher is able to identify

embodies the objectives to be the correct/specific objectives of
inculcated and taught and sees its the chapter to be taught to the
relationship to the attainment of the students. 5
The teacher is able to correlate
the objectives with the exercises
Knows how to integrate teaching The teacher is able to identify
subjects to reinforce knowledge. and correlate with the topics
taught last year. (Mentions the
- Is able to identify related concepts in same in the Teacher resource.)
other subjects/correlation with the
topics taught last year and uses such The teacher is able to identify
concepts to strengthen the teaching related/similar topics taught in
of the subject. others subjects and discusses the 3
methodology of teaching with
the concerned subject teacher.

Demonstrates up-to- date

Accesses and keeps abreast of subject content, – logical
knowledge and developments in the sequence and strategic practice
subject area, using technology and interpreting subject content in
other sources of information various Situations.

(Source – TLM’s used by the 7

teacher, class observation made
by the authority, feedback of the
students, strategies used by the
teacher, )
5. Identified and utilized
supplementary content or
resources – research,
reflection, collaboration. 7
(Source – reference list of the
sources used)

Demonstrated through
knowledge and application of

Knows and is able to apply theories of . Interpreted, adapted and paced

learning, in particular, differentiated the curriculum to meet students’
instructions and incorporate such learning needs.
understanding in the practice of 4

Develops in the learners, critical Identified strategies used in the

thinking (Inquiry based- I wonder, I development of critical thinking
investigate, I record, I discover, I in students
analyze, I try and I reflect) and ways to 5
identify and solve their own

Engages in reflective teaching and Undertook investigative

Classroom Investigative Action (Action approaches (e.g. Action research,
research) to evaluate the impact of reflection, evaluation) to
his or her instructional choices, advance students’ achievement.
actions and interactions on the
achievements of the learners 6

  Use effective verbal and non-verbal Used a variety of instructional

communication techniques as well as technologies and class
a variety of instructional media and organization to improve student
technology to ensure that learners participation and learning
receive the intended message. outcomes.
Foster competence, self-confidence
and a desire for knowledge through a 5
collaborative, supportive and an
interactive teaching and learning
Interpret school’s vision of holistic Implemented assessment plans
development into class so as to (diagnostic) to enable students
inculcate values and attitudes for to establish and meet
social, cultural and economic performance 10
development. Targets

Demonstrated capabilities of
managing the learning process
with students of diverse
learning needs and
exceptionalities: 30

Identifies learning differences and the Prepared and administered

barriers that impede learning and Individual Instructional Plan (IIP)
demonstrates competency in and corresponding lesson plans
adapting instructions to meet the for students with 5
diverse learning needs of students exceptionalities.
with exceptionalities.

Holds high expectations for all Encourages independent

students and performs his/her role as learning and implemented a
a facilitator of learning process. performance incentive and 3
rewards programme.

Stays on track with individual Demonstrated competency in

student’s progress, assessing the adapting instructions to meet the
various learning outcomes of the diverse learning needs of
subject areas, and utilizing such students with exceptionalities.
Outcomes to diagnose and address
learning needs in a holistic manner. 4

Knows the background knowledge Provided differentiated tasks in

that learners from various groups Assessment Plan to enable
bring to their education and adjust meaningful assessment for students
learning methods to take advantage with exceptionalities .
of early positive learning experiences 5
of all learners.
Sets the foundation for lifelong learning Used project /STEM/multiple
in building student capabilities for intelligence approach and research
problem-solving, self-assessment, to build students’ capacity to
research and self- learning. investigate, self- assess and to
successfully manage
Independent learning.

Encourages social interaction and Promoted self- discipline and

character development through a variety leadership qualities in students
of group structures.

Managed/monitored student
behaviour effectively – 4

Demonstrated continuous
professional development 16

Continuously assesses ones’ performance Undertook self- assessment and on

in the teaching and learning process and the basis of outcomes undertook
creates an individual development plan research relevant to identified
for improvement. needs. 5

Seeks out and pursues opportunities for Improved learning outcomes using
attaining improvement of their skills to information technology – shows
improve student learning and improvement of content and
management - use of information practice acquired through various
technology and other creative means.
approaches to advance student learning 6
and management.

Collaborates with peers to critically Shared with peers, experiences

examine ones’ performance and create a obtained from professional
framework for improvement – share development sessions and personal
successful strategies with peers practice. 5

Engagement of parents and

community members to 10
advance student outcomes.
Communicates with parents/caregivers Communicated with
to stimulate their interest in their parents/guardians on students’
children’s performance.
progress and reinforce learning, always
giving priority interest to the learner. 4

Engages community members to build Involved community in activities

trust, to foster open communication and that promoted student
to work collaboratively with parents to development e.g. community
benefit students’ achievement member assisted student learning

Engages parents and community in Participated in/organized parent

promoting values and attitudes that are teachers association meetings,
consistent school goals celebratory
Community events linked to holistic 3

Demonstrated high level of

professional conduct

Has a professional sense of conduct, Respected time - being on time for

respects punctuality, meets all the classes, for school, school events
given deadlines of work and meetings, and meeting deadlines
is present at all important 5
meets/events of the school.

Commits to the success of learners as Worked effectively in teams/ or

individuals and of the institution as a with colleagues – contributed to
whole team work, cooperated with peers,
accepted and gave constructive
in order to improve learning 5

Accepts that teachers have a moral Acted as a leader and a role model
responsibility to themselves and those for students and community. Took
whom they serve, demonstrating pride in achieving excellence.
leadership and a commitment to 4
Exemplar y Profici ent

92%+ 75%+ 50%+

No. of No. of No. of
credits credits credits
Assed. Credit Sources Of evidence.

Source: lesson plans/ action plan,

teaching portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject taught,
Reference list of sources

Source: lesson plans/ action plan,

teaching portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject taught,
Reference list of sources

Source: lesson plans/ action plan,

teaching portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject taught,
Reference list of sources

Source: lesson plans/ action plan,

teaching portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject taught,
Reference list of sources

Source: lesson plans/ action plan,

teaching portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject taught,
Reference list of sources
Source: lesson plans/ action plan,
teaching portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject taught,
Reference list of sources

Source – lesson plans, activities

conducted (multiple intelligence),
photographs, observation of the
authority, sample of student’s work))

Sources- student assessments, videos,

photographs, observations, sample of
student’s work, project to parents)

Sources- student assessments,

student participation in classroom,
videos, photographs, observations,
sample of student’s work, Prepared a
compendium of successful
instructional approaches used in the
delivery of lessons.)

Sources- Teacher’s resource, videos,

activities conducted, TLM’s used, class
participation, peer learning, student
assessments based on observations
and tests by authority)
(sources – management test,
department test, class management,
student records( academic and
behavioural) , positive approach
towards self and others

Sources – Remedial lesson plan, MLL

(Minimum learning level) Test of the

Sources – Learning assessment

tracker (CCA), class incentive chart,
observation of class by authority)

(Sources- Continuous assessment

records, learning and assessment
strategies, anecdotal records)

Sources- variety of assessment

strategies (written, oral, experiment,
activity based) to show growth and
progress of individual students.
Sources –Periodic concept based test,
student activities, remedial lesson
plans, inquiry based approach(Inquiry
based- I wonder, I investigate, I
record, I discover, I analyze, I try and I
reflect), balance and correlation
between the concept taught and
activities conducted, class
participation of the student, videos,

Sources - Internal audit by the

authority, videos, Student’s
progression report, feedback by other
teachers and supervisors, activities
conducted in classrooms/activity

Sources – class incentive chart,

anecdotes record of the students,
feedback of other teachers)

Sources - Self- assessment instruments

/checklists, observation
instruments/checklists completed by
Supervisors/ other observers.

Sources – Teacher’s resource prepared,

video lessons prepared, G meet, class
observation by authority, peer
collaboration and feedback, TLM and
other teaching aids prepared,
appropriate usage of aids and activities
conducted, photographs and videos,
student assessments)

Sources – Employee feedback,

supervisor’s feedback, peer assessment,
report of knowledge sharing
Source – teacher – parent record, project
to parent, homework and home
assignments, PTM RECORDS, School diary

Sources: Records of communication with

parent/guardians, photographs, videos,
evidence of community involvement-
Of projects, students work signed by

Sources – parent approval records of

activity fiesta, home away from home,
school celebrations, records of parent
teacher meet, POP(Parent orientation
programmes, parents feedback)

Sources – attendance register/biometric

report, mobile submission, no. of leaves
taken, no. of observations (positive and
negative), no. of memos, task planning
report on time

Sources – observation by authority,

peer feedback, feedback of principal,
observation by management, CCTV

Sources – Internal audit, supervisor

record, event records, videos
Unacceptable % of Credits professi
Below 50%
No. of

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