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Lecture 3 - The Role of Enterprise Architecture Practice

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The key takeaways are that enterprise architecture brings numerous benefits to organizations and is a natural solution to problems of modern organizations.

Some benefits of enterprise architecture include improved effectiveness and efficiency of IT investments, reduced costs and risks, and increased agility.

Common misconceptions about enterprise architecture include that it is the same as enterprise engineering or implementing EA frameworks.


The Role of Enterprise Architecture Practice

Svyatoslav Kotusev, PhD

Copyright © 2019 by Svyatoslav Kotusev. All rights reserved.

The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev (

In This Lecture
▪ The need for enterprise architecture in modern
▪ Benefits of practicing enterprise architecture
▪ The applicability of enterprise architecture across various
industries and organizations
▪ The historical origin of enterprise architecture and
modern EA best practices
▪ Popular misconceptions related to enterprise
architecture and what an EA practice is not

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The Need for Enterprise Architecture

▪ Enterprise architecture is a natural solution to natural
problems of modern organizations
▪ The critical interdependence between business and IT
functions requires a disciplined approach to coordinating
business and IT plans
▪ However, business and IT are disparate areas and
establishing effective communication between them
have always been troublesome
▪ The emergence of enterprise architecture is a natural
reaction to the desperate need to improve collaboration
between business and IT stakeholders

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Significance of Enterprise Architecture

▪ Enterprise architecture is here to stay and its importance
seemingly is only going to increase in the future because
of three ongoing trends:
• IT systems are getting more sophisticated, comprehensive and
• The dependence of business on IT is constantly increasing
• The innovative potential of IT for business is growing
▪ Enterprise architecture seemingly represents one of the
most significant and widely applicable management
innovations of the last two decades

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Direct Benefits of Enterprise Architecture

▪ Direct benefits resulting from the proper usage of
particular types of EA artifacts include:
• Improved effectiveness of IT investments
• Improved efficiency of IT investments
• Reduced costs of IT operations
• Reduced technical and compliance risks
• Reduced complexity of the IT landscape
• Increased reuse of available IT assets
• Reduced numbers of duplicated and legacy systems
• Increased agility of IT planning
• Improved speed and quality of the project delivery
• Improved overall conceptual consistency

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Indirect Benefits of Enterprise Architecture

▪ The direct benefits of utilizing certain types of EA
artifacts eventually help organizations achieve overall
business and IT alignment
▪ The improved business and IT alignment leads to
numerous indirect organizational benefits including:
• Better operational excellence, customer intimacy and product
• Increased speed to enter new markets and overall organizational
• Improved managerial satisfaction

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Link Between Direct and Indirect Benefits

The use of enterprise architecture leads to a number of

direct benefits, which in turn lead to a number of indirect
benefits for organizations

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The Value of Enterprise Architecture

▪ An architecture function is a supporting function and its
business value cannot be easily calculated or measured
▪ Like an HRM function, an architecture function adds no
direct business value to the organizational value chain
▪ Since an EA practice is a continuous activity rather than
a one-time project, it is impossible to estimate the return
on investment (ROI) from EA efforts
▪ However, it is arguably impossible to manage thousands,
hundreds and even tens of information systems without
using enterprise architecture to drive their evolution
▪ An EA practice is simply not an option any longer

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What Organizations Practice EA?

▪ An EA practice can benefit all organizations employing
more than 30-50 IT specialists where IT is used to
support main business activities
▪ Enterprise architecture is practiced in commercial
companies and non-profit organizations from diverse
industry sectors including banking, agriculture, retail,
education, healthcare and public services
▪ Currently the vast majority of large organizations in
developed countries either already practice enterprise
architecture or plan to start practicing it in the near future

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Historical Origin of Enterprise Architecture

▪ The widespread commercial adoption of information
systems in business began in the late 1950s
▪ Since then the issue of organization-wide information
systems planning gained significant attention
▪ Since the 1960s consultancies and experts proposed
numerous step-by-step architecture-based planning
methodologies, and later EA frameworks, to translate
business strategies into architectural plans for IT, e.g.
BSP, Method/1, Information Engineering, EAP, FEAF and
▪ However, none of these formal architecture planning
methodologies actually worked successfully in practice

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Modern EA Best Practices

▪ Genuine EA best practices emerged and matured in
industry as numerous system planners tried to address
the problem of business and IT alignment
▪ The emergence of consistent EA best practices is a
natural reaction of industry, rather than a deliberate
product of some consultants, gurus or “fathers”
▪ EA methodologies and frameworks might have inspired
current EA best practices, but did not define them
▪ Although the concept of enterprise architecture is
associated with popular EA frameworks, e.g. TOGAF,
Zachman and FEAF, all these frameworks have nothing
to do with the actual EA best practices

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What an EA Practice Is Not

▪ Since the early 2000s enterprise architecture has been a
“hot”, widely discussed and overly hyped topic
▪ As a result, many descriptions of an EA practice
available today are unsubstantiated, misguiding,
unrealistic or even completely fictitious
▪ Therefore, it is important to understand what an EA
practice is not

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Not a Purely Technical Planning

▪ An EA practice should not be confused with a purely
technical planning accomplished inside IT departments
▪ The general purpose of an EA practice is to bridge the
gap between business planning and IT planning and
thereby improve business and IT alignment
▪ Successful EA practices require to be closely integrated
with business planning
▪ The separate planning of IT disconnected from business
planning can lead only to misalignment

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Not a One-Size-Fits-All Methodology

▪ There are no easily replicable one-size-fits-all
approaches or universal step-by-step methodologies for
organizing a successful EA practice
▪ Though EA practices follow the same high-level patterns
described in this course, they are always idiosyncratic in
many lower-level details, e.g. specific EA artifacts, roles
of architects or peculiarities of EA-related processes
▪ EA practices cannot be copied from other organizations,
but need to be established in-house and then
continuously adapted to specific organizational needs
▪ In this light, this course should be considered as purely
descriptive, rather than prescriptive in nature

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Not an Automated Planning

▪ An EA practice does not make the planning in
organizations happen automatically
▪ An EA practice itself is unable to translate the business
strategy into specific information systems in an
automated semi-mechanical manner
▪ EA artifacts are merely the tools that help different actors
make better planning decisions
▪ The planning work is carried out only by human actors,
not by EA artifacts
▪ EA artifacts only facilitate, but not automate information
systems planning

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Not a Substitute for Competence

▪ An EA practice is unable to transform incompetent
decisions and actions into competent ones
▪ An EA practice cannot help develop winning business
strategies to incompetent business executives
▪ An EA practice cannot help develop successful IT
strategies to incompetent IT leaders
▪ An EA practice cannot help implement IT solutions to
incompetent IT specialists
▪ An EA practice, though facilitates information systems
planning and delivery, is unable to compensate for the
incompetence of involved actors

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Not a Work of Dedicated Experts

▪ An EA practice requires involvement and participation of
multiple business and IT stakeholders in planning
▪ Architectural planning cannot be carried out by an
isolated group of architects on behalf of the whole
▪ Any plans are useless unless all their stakeholders
understand how they were developed, why and how they
should be modified when circumstances change
▪ Architectural plans produced by architects on behalf of
their real stakeholders typically end up laying on shelves

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Not a One-Time Planning Project

▪ An EA practice is a continuous organizational activity
requiring constant communication and collaboration
between various actors, not a one-time planning project
▪ The ongoing process of planning and communication
itself is more important than the actual plans represented
by EA artifacts produced as an outcome of this process
▪ An EA practice implies intensive organizational learning
and matures over time as its main stakeholders learn to
cooperate by means of using EA artifacts
▪ Heaps of EA artifacts describing the ideal future
produced as a one-shot planning effort usually end up
laying on shelves

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Not a Technology-Specific Practice

▪ An EA practice is a technology-agnostic and vendor-
neutral practice that is not related to any particular
technologies, technical approaches or paradigms
▪ An EA practice facilitates information systems planning
regardless of what specific systems, products or
technologies are used
▪ The primary focus of an EA practice is not technologies
but people
▪ The role of an EA practice is to help make optimal
decisions regarding the selection of appropriate systems,
products, technologies and approaches

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Not an Enterprise Modeling

▪ An EA practice should not be confused with enterprise
▪ EA practices include not only and not so much modeling
▪ An EA practice is a much more complex and broader
activity than just modeling
▪ All EA artifacts created as part of an EA practice are
developed in a pragmatic manner for specific aims
▪ Creating holistic models is not the goal of an EA practice
▪ Sophisticated diagrams are incomprehensible to
business stakeholders and have only a limited

SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #20
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev (

Not an Enterprise Engineering

▪ An EA practice should not be confused with enterprise
▪ An EA practice does not imply any rigid analysis-
synthesis procedures similar to traditional engineering
▪ Compared to “hard” engineering, an EA practice can be
considered as a “soft” organic planning approach
▪ Real organizations are complex living systems that
cannot be designed with traditional engineering methods
▪ Enterprise engineering can be considered only as a
utopian idea unfit for the real world

SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #21
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev (

Not an Implementation of EA Frameworks

▪ An EA practice should not be confused with
implementing popular EA frameworks, e.g. TOGAF,
Zachman, FEAF and DoDAF
▪ EA frameworks are only management fads unrelated to
successful EA practices
▪ All the attempts to follow the actual recommendations of
EA frameworks in practice result in failures
▪ Popular EA frameworks can be considered only as
proven anti-patterns
▪ Successful EA practices do not resemble EA frameworks
neither in specific details, nor even in general ideas

SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #22
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev (

Lecture Summary
▪ Enterprise architecture is a natural solution to natural
problems of modern organizations bringing numerous
benefits, e.g. increased effectiveness and reduced cost
▪ Enterprise architecture is widely applicable, industry-
agnostic and can benefit all organizations employing at
least 30-50 IT specialists
▪ Modern EA best practices emerged some time ago,
evolved over the years, matured to their current state in
industry and are not related to EA frameworks
▪ An EA practice should not be confused with enterprise
modeling, enterprise engineering, purely technical and
automated planning as well as one-shot planning efforts

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In the Next Lecture

▪ The next lecture will descend to the next level of detail
and explain the core mechanisms of an EA practice,
including its documents, actors and processes, based on
the close analogy between enterprise architecture and
city planning practices

SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #24
Svyatoslav Kotusev, PhD

Copyright © 2019 by Svyatoslav Kotusev. All rights reserved.

The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev (

The Full Teaching Pack on Request

The full teaching pack with
19 lectures, tests and other
materials based on the book
The Practice of Enterprise
Architecture: A Modern
Approach to Business and
IT Alignment, which can be
freely used for teaching
purposes, adapted or
translated with references to
the original, is available
on request to the author
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #26

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