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Captura de SO2 Con Caliza en LFP

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Tadaaki SHIMIZU, Mirko PEGLOW, Kazuaki YAMAGIWA,

Masato TANAKA, Shinichi SAKUNO, Nobuhiro MISAWA,
Nobuyuki SUZUKI, Hachiro UEDA, Hiroshi SASATSU, and
Hideki GOTOU
Original scientific paper
UDC: 662.613/.62-912
BIBLID: 0354–9836, 7 (2003), 1, 17-31

A 71 MWe pressurized fluidized bed coal combustor was operated. A

wide variety of coals were burnt under fly ash recycle conditions.
Limestone was fed to the combustor as bed material as well as sorbent.
The emission of SO2 and limestone attrition rate were measured. A
simple mathematical model of SO2 capture by limestone with
intermittent solid attrition was applied to the analysis of the present
experimental results. Except for high sulfur fuel, the results of the
present model agreed with the experimental results.
Key words: pressurized fluidized bed combustor, limestone, sulfur
dioxide, attrition, coal


Pressurized fluidized bed combustors (PFBCs) have been developed as a high

efficiency power generation technology. One of the features of PFBCs is in-situ SO2
capture by uncalcined limestone (CaCO3). In PFBCs, the partial pressure of CO2
exceeds the equilibrium partial pressure for calcination (thermal decomposition) of
CaCO3. Thus the direct reaction between SO2 and CaCO3 takes place as follows:

CaCO3 + SO2 + ½O2 ® CaSO4 + CO2 (1)

Since the uncalcined limestone is non-porous, the reaction takes place at the
external surface of the particle to form a product (CaSO4) layer. The rate of reaction has
been investigated mainly by use of thermogravimetric analysis •1-7•. The reaction rate
was observed to be governed by both chemical kinetics and diffusion of SO2 through the
product layer. The reaction rate constant, order of reaction, and effective diffusivity
through the product layer have been evaluated for different types of limestone.

THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 7 (2003), No. 1, pp. 17-31

One difference between actual PFBC system and thermogravimetric analysis is

attrition of particle. In PFBCs, limestone surface is removed by attrition. Sakuno et al.
•8• and Shimizu et al. •9• evaluated the attrition rate of limestone in a large-scale (71MW
electricity output) PFBC and reported that the average attrition rate (reduction rate of
radius) was approximately 1-2 mm/h. The present authors have developed a model of
SO2 capture by a limestone particle under solid attrition conditions assuming shrinking
unreacted core model for reaction •9•; SO2 reacts with CaCO3 only at unreacted core
surface and the product layer (CaSO4) of solid conversion of unity is formed at the
surface. If continuous attrition of limestone was assumed, the fine particles removed
from the limestone surface consisted of only CaSO4 as far as the product layer existed at
the surface and SO2 capture rate was nearly the same as the solid attrition rate. However,
their model was found to overestimate the overall SO2 capture rate in the 71 MWe PFBC
•9•; the rate of SO2 capture was only 1/3 of the solid attrition rate. Then intermittent
attrition model was proposed •10•; the external surface layer was removed by attrition
intermittently. The overall SO2 capture rate under intermittent attrition conditions was
found to be lower than the rate under continuous attrition conditions. Thus the
overestimation of SO2 capture rate could be avoided. A distributed reaction model was
also employed instead of shrinking core model •11•; the reaction was assumed to take
place in a reaction zone near the surface and the conversion of solid at the surface was
less than unity. However, such reaction model still overestimated SO2 capture when
continuous attrition was assumed. When intermittent attrition was assumed, the results
of the distributed reaction model were nearly identical to those of the shrinking
unreacted core model. Therefore, intermittent nature of attrition was considered to be
quite significant. From another viewpoint, the continuous attrition model is not realistic;
the fine particles formed by the continuous attrition are infinitely small. The actual fine
particles from the combustors must have finite size, thus the attrition is considered to
occur intermittently.
Based on the intermittent attrition model assuming the shrinking core model, a
simplified PFBC model was proposed •10•. The interval of attrition was given as a fitting
parameter. By comparing the model results and SO2 emission from the 71 MWe PFBC
during combustion of one kind of coal, the interval of attrition was estimated to be 5
In the previous study •10•, however, the experimental results obtained during
combustion of only one kind of coal without fly ash recycle was analyzed by the model.
The applicability of the model to different type of coals and different operation
conditions has not yet been clarified. In the present work, the intermittent attrition
model was applied to the analysis of the experimental results obtained using wide variety
of coals under fly ash recycle conditions.

PFBC experiments

Experiments were conducted using a 71 MWe pressurized fluidized bed

combustor (fig. 1). The fluidized bed reactor was installed in a pressure vessel. The

Shimizu, T., et al.: Capture of SO2 by Limestone in a 71 MWe Pressurized Fluidized ...

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of 71 MWe PFBC

(a) Phase-1 configuration without ash recycle, (b) Phase-2 configuration with ash recycle

cross section of the reactor was 7 ´ 4 m and the total height was 8 m. Bed height was
varied with load change to control the number of boiler tubes immersed in the dense
bed, thus to control the heat recovery rate; the bed height was 3.5 and 2 m at the full
load and 50% load, respectively. Total pressure was also varied with load and it was 1.1
and 0.7 MPa at the full load and 50% load, respectively. Temperature in the bed was
fixed at 1100-1135 K. The gas velocity was kept constant at 0.9 m/s. The carry-over size
of limestone was estimated to be 0.25 mm. The gas residence time in the freeboard was
approximately 5-7 s. In the previous study •10•, the results obtained without fly ash
recycle (Phase-1 configuration in fig. 1) was analyzed during combustion of one kind of
coal (BA coal). In the present study the results obtained with fly ash recycle was
analyzed (Phase-2 configuration in fig. 1). The fine particles greater than 0.075 mm
were captured by cyclones and recycled to the bed. The fly ash smaller than 0.075 mm
was captured by ceramic filters after the cyclones and drained from the system. The ex-
perimental conditions and SO2 concentration in the flue gas are summarized in tab.1.
In the present work, four kinds of coal were employed as fuel (tab. 2). The fuel
was mixed with water and limestone to form paste and fed to the bottom of the reactor.
One kind of limestone was employed as sorbent (tab. 3). The size distribution of lime-
stone is shown in fig. 2. Ca/S molar ratios of 2.5-7.7 were adopted for the present study.
Such high Ca/S ratio was necessary not to achieve SO2 capture but to maintain the bed
height during combustion of low-sulfur coal since the bed material, which mainly con-
sisted of limestone, was lost by attrition; certain bed height is required for heat transfer
to the boiler tubes, thus excess limestone feed was required to compensate the loss of
limestone. The excess limestone feed resulted in quite low emission of SO2 (<30 ppm)
as shown in tab. 1.

THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 7 (2003), No. 1, pp. 17-31

Table 1. Operation conditions, SO2 emission and bed material surface area
Coal feed Limestone O2 SO2 material
Power Ca/S material
Run ID Coala rate (dry) feed rate conc.b conc.b surface
•MWe• •–• weight
•kg/s• •kg/s• •%• •ppm• area
•103 kg•
•105 m2•
1998/11/20 BA 66.0 3.6 6.37 0.218 56.1 6.2 13 2.72
1988/12/16 BA 66.0 3.6 6.06 0.210 54.8 6.6 7 2.19
1999/3/18 BA 35.0 4.8 3.68 0.170 38.2 9.5 3 1.37
1999/4/21 NT 37.0 3 3.56 0.209 37.8 7.5 30 1.35
1999/9/17 BA(7) + AD(3) 57.0 7.7 5.73 0.400 49.6 6.8 16 1.71
1999/10/5 DT 32.5 2.5 3.61 0.294 33.0 9.1 29 1.21
1999/10/11 BA 50.8 4.8 5.03 0.232 44.9 7.2 3 1.71
1999/10/18 BA(5) + DR(5) 36.8 2.5 3.83 0.204 35.3 7.1 21 1.79
1999/10/27 BA(5) + DR(5) 36.5 2.5 0.00 0.207 32.9 7.9 13 1.69

a – Coal1(p) + Coal2(q): coal1 and coal2 were mixed with a weight ratio of Coal1:Coal2 = p:q
b – Measured at the outlet of gas turbine

Table 2. Analyses of fuels


F.C.a •wt.%• 58.5 54.0 43.2 51.1

V.M.b •wt.%• 27.0 33.6 44.5 34.1
Ash •wt.%• 7.8 9.4 1.0 14.1
Moisture •wt.%• 11.7 7.6 12.8 9.0
Total S •wt.%• 0.31 0.52 0.10 0.86
HHV •kcal/kg• 6730 7000 6150 6680

a – Fixed carbon, b – Volatile matter

Table 3. Analysis of limestone

Limestone CaCO3 CaSO4 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO

Tsukumi 93.80 0.07 0.10 0.01 0.03 0.49 0.49

Results of PFBC experiments

In tab. 4, the average attrition rate of limestone, a, is shown. Attrition rate of

limestone within the bed was evaluated from the calcium flux in the fly ash. The drain
rate of fly ash and calcium content in the fly ash were measured experimentally. There
are three sources of calcium in the fly ash as follows:
(1) calcium from the fine limestone particles (smaller than the cut size of
cyclone) in the fed limestone, FCa,LF ,
(2) calcium in coal ash which is assumed to be broken into fine particle, FCa,CA,
(3) calcium in the fine limestone particles formed by attrition, FCa,AT.

Shimizu, T., et al.: Capture of SO2 by Limestone in a 71 MWe Pressurized Fluidized ...

Table 4. Evaluation of the formation rate of fine limestone particles due to attrition
Feed rate Fine Ca
Feed rate Ca flow out
Feed rate of Ca in formation
Fly ash Ca in Ca in coal of Ca in rate in fly
of ash in fine rate by
Run ID drain rate fly ash ash coal ash, ash,
coal limestone, attrition,
•kg/s• •%• •%• FCa,CA FCa, FA
•kg/s• FCa,LF FCa, AT
•mol/s• •mol/s•
•mol/s• •mol/s•

1998/11/20 0.573 10.6 0.592 0.4 0.07 0.06 1.52 1.39

1988/12/16 0.625 13.0 0.548 0.3 0.12 0.04 2.02 1.87
1999/3/18 0.406 12.7 0.345 0.2 0.03 0.02 1.29 1.24
1999/4/21 0.398 13.6 0.383 4.0 0.14 0.39 1.35 0.82
1999/9/17 0.490 13.8 0.669 1.9 0.21 0.32 1.69 1.17
1999/10/5 0.552 11.5 0.498 3.2 0.18 0.40 1.59 1.01
1999/10/11 0.563 11.5 0.392 1.2 0.14 0.12 1.62 1.36
1999/10/18 0.535 14.0 0.335 5.8 0.25 0.49 1.87 1.13
1999/10/27 0.550 15.9 0.335 5.8 0.28 0.49 2.18 1.41

The feed rate of fine limestone particles was calculated from the feed rate of
limestone (tab. 1) and size distribution of limestone (fig. 2). Feed rate of calcium in coal
ash was calculated from the coal feed rate, ash content in the coal and calcium content in
the ash, assuming that all of the ash was broken into small particles and carried over by
the flue gas since the ash was fragile. As shown in tab. 4, the contribution of calcium in
coal ash to total flux of Ca in the fly ash was only minor, thus the assumption of the
behavior of coal ash was not so important. By subtracting FCa,LF and FCa,CA from total flux
of Ca in fly ash (FCa,FA), Ca in the fine particles formed by attrition was obtained as shown in
tab. 4 as follows:

FCa,AT = FCa,FA - FCa,CA - FCa,LF (2)

From the formation of fine Ca-containing particles due to attrition, average

limestone attrition rate (rate of change in radius with time), a, was obtained as follows:

Figure 2. Size distribution of

limestone fed to the bed
´ 1999/10/27BA +DR

THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 7 (2003), No. 1, pp. 17-31

a= (3)
External surface area of the bed material (A) was calculated from the total mass
of the bed material (WBM) and size distribution of the bed material (fig. 3) as follows:
6WBM w
A= å i (4)
r D pi
where r, Dpi, and wi are density of limestone, particle size of bed material of i-th fraction,
and mass fraction of bed material that has size of Dpi, respectively. The mass of the bed
material was estimated from the pressure drop across the bed. The amount of the bed
material and external surface area of limestone are shown in tab. 1.

Figure 3. Size distribution of

bed material drained from the
´ 1999/10/27BA +DR

Figure 4 shows the relationship between plant power output and attrition rate
for various coals. The average attrition rate was approximately 1 mm/h and the influence
of plant power output on the attrition rate was only minor. This is attributable to the
constant gas velocity throughout the operating conditions; the gas velocity was kept
constant by changing both air feed rate and total pressure in the vessel. Also the fuel type
had little influence on the attrition rate. This indicates that the interaction between the
fuel and the limestone was not important.
Concentration of SO2 in the flue gas was between 3 and 30 ppm (tab. 1). Figure
5 shows the relationship between Ca/S molar ratio and SO2 removal efficiency. Ca/S
ratio was calculated from the feed rate of limestone, feed rate of coal and sulfur content
in the coal. SO2 removal efficiency was calculated from the sulfur content of the fuel,
coal feed rate, air feed rate and the concentration of SO2 in the flue gas. Though it is
usual that the SO2 emission is discussed in relation to Ca/S ratio, Ca/S ratio was not a
good index to describe the sulfur capture behavior in the present PFBC.

Shimizu, T., et al.: Capture of SO2 by Limestone in a 71 MWe Pressurized Fluidized ...

Figure 4. Effect of plant power output and Figure 5. Effect of Ca/S ratio on SO2 removal
fuel type on attrition rate efficiency

A simplified model of SO2 capture by limestone in PFBC

Simple model of SO2 capture by limestone surface

A modification of shrinking unreacted core model was employed in the present

model. At the external surface of a limestone particle, product (CaSO4) layer is formed.
Reactants (SO2 and O2) diffuse through the product layer and they react with CaCO3 at
the unreacted core surface. Since the concentration of O2 is far higher than that of SO2,
only the diffusion of SO2 is taken into consideration.
In the previous study, the product layer thickness was calculated to be less than
10 mm and this was far smaller than the particle size in the bed, thus flat surface
approximation was employed •10•. The reaction system for a flat surface is described
schematically in fig. 6. X is the distance from the initial surface (surface at time = 0) into

Figure 6. Schematic diagram

of SO2 capture by limestone
particle assuming flat surface
and “diffusion controlling”

THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 7 (2003), No. 1, pp. 17-31

the direction to the particle’s center. The position of the center of particle is fixed. Xe
and Xc denote the positions of external surface and unreacted core surface at time = t,
respectively. Product layer thickness d is:

d = Xc - Xe (5)

In the previous study, the overall reaction rate was found to be mainly governed
by the diffusion of SO2 through the product layer. Thus the assumption of “diffusion
controlling” was employed. The specific reaction rate (SO2 capture rate per unit external
surface area), qS, under diffusion controlling condition is given as follows:
De C
qS = (6)
where De and C are the effective diffusivity through the product layer and concentration
of SO2 at the external surface, respectively. A value of De = 1.5×10-9 m2/s was adopted;
this value was based on the results of the TGA study by Qui and Lindqvist •7• and
modified by Shimizu et al. •9• for the application to thin product layer.
The change in the distance between the unreacted core surface and the initial
particle surface is given as follows:

dX c D e CM
= (7)
dt rd
where M and r are molecular weight of CaCO3 and density of limestone, respectively.
The external surface is removed by attrition. Figure 7 illustrates the change in
the particle radius with time under intermittent solid attrition conditions. To make the
model simple, periodical attrition was assumed. The external surface was removed with
an interval of t, thus the change in Xe was given as follows:

Figure 7. Change in particle

radius with time under inter-
mittent (periodical) solid
attrition of average attrition
rate of a and period of
attrition of t

Shimizu, T., et al.: Capture of SO2 by Limestone in a 71 MWe Pressurized Fluidized ...

Xe(t) = Xe(0) + (at)int(t/t) (8)

where the function int(t/t) yields the integer part of t/t.
By assuming intermittent attrition, the change in the product layer thickness,
with the exception of the moment of attrition, is given as follows:

dd = D e CM (9)
( jt < t < ( j + 1)t, j = 0, 1, 2,... )
dt rd

If the fresh CaCO3 surface appears when attrition occurs, the thickness of the
product layer at the moment of attrition t = jt (j = 0, 1, 2, …) is zero. By solving eq. 9, the
product layer thickness is given as a function of time as follows:
é 2D CM (t - jt) ù
d(t) = ê e ú ( jt < t < ( j + 1)t, j = 0, 1, 2,... ) (10)
ë r û
The average rate of increase in the product layer thickness during one period of
attrition, from t = 0 to t = t, is given as follows:
dd æ 2D e CM
= d(t) = ç
÷÷ (11)
dt average t ç rt
è ø
Thus the average SO2 capture rate per unit surface area, rS, is given as follows:
2D e r ö
rS = d(t) r = æç ÷ C1 2 (12)
t M è Mt ø

The criteria if the fresh CaCO3 surface appears when intermittent attrition
occurs is given as follows:
æ 2D e CMt ö
at > d(t) = ç ÷÷ (13)
ç r
è ø
The conversion of CaCO3 to CaSO4 in the fragment is given as the ratio of
thickness of the product layer to the removed thickness by attrition:
æ 2D e CMt ö
çç ÷÷
h= d(t ) = è r ø (14)
at at

In the present work, the fresh CaCO3 surface was assumed to appear when
intermittent attrition occurs since the overall attrition rate was far higher than that of
overall SO2 capture rate. The fragment formed by attrition contained unreacted CaCO3,
i. e. h < 1. Thus at is considered to be greater than d(t) and fresh CaCO3 appears.

THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 7 (2003), No. 1, pp. 17-31

Model of SO2 capture by limestone surface in PFBC

Formation of SO2 from fuel occurs during volatile matter combustion as well as
char combustion. Volatile matter combustion is assumed to take place at the bottom of
the bed; Suzuki conducted bench-scale PFBC experiments using a transparent quartz
reactor installed in a pressure vessel and found that combustion of volatile matter took
place only at the bottom of the reactor •12•. Thus SO2 concentration at the bottom of the
combustor, C(0), is given by the rate of SO2 formation from volatile matter and gas flow
rate, VG:
G s VM coal
C(0) = coal coal (15)

where Gcoal and scoal are coal feed rate and sulfur content in fuel, respectively. VMcoal is
the portion of sulfur released as volatile matter. In the present study, VMcoal is assumed
to be the same as volatile matter content of fuel.
SO2 formation from char is assumed to occur uniformly throughout the bed
since the solids are considered to be completely mixed in the fluidized bed. The SO2
evolution rate per unit mass of bed material, RF, is given as follows:

Gcoal s coal FCcoal

RF = (16)

where FCcoal is fixed carbon content of coal.

The bed material is assumed to consist of only limestone since the coal ash is so
fragile that it is broken into fine particle and carried by the flue gas stream. Indeed, we
obtained coal ash sample by burning coal in air at 1088 K and found that the ash was so
fragile that it could be easily crushed by finger. In contrast, uncalcined limestone was
hard even after treating at 1123 K in pure CO2 stream. Thus it is very unlikely that the
ash resided in the bed for long time.
The rate of SO2 capture per unit mass of bed material, RS, is given from the SO2
capture rate per unit surface area of limestone, total surface area of limestone in the bed
and total mass of bed material as follows:
rs A 2D e r ö
RS = = A æç ÷ C1 2 (17)
WBM WBM è Mt ø

In the 71MWe PFBC, the particle size in the bed was mainly 0.25-5 mm (fig. 3).
For fluidized beds consists of such coarse particles, in which gas velocity is higher than
bubble rising velocity, mass transfer resistance between bubble and emulsion is not so
important, thus the bed can be treated as a plug-flow reactor •13•. In such reactor, the
change in SO2 concentration with contact with solids is given as follows:

= RF - RS (18)
Shimizu, T., et al.: Capture of SO2 by Limestone in a 71 MWe Pressurized Fluidized ...

By solving this equation numerically with initial value C(0) from eq. 15, the
concentration profile along the bed height as well as flue gas SO2 concentration were

Comparison of SO2 emission between model and experiments

Figure 8 shows the comparison between experimental value of SO2 emission

and results of model calculation giving t as a parameter. In the previous study •10•, the
experimental value agreed fairly well with the experimental value when t was assumed to
be 5 hours (=18000 s) for BA coal combustion without fly ash recycle. In the present
study, the same value of t was assumed. For most of the results of the present study,
with fly ash recycle and for different type of coals, the data fall within an area of error of
14 ppm. This error is considered to be sufficiently small for the practical use. Though the
present model was developed based on PFBC results without fly ash recycle, the present
model is applicable to PFBC with fly ash recycle.

Figure 8. Comparison between

experimentally obtained SO2
emission and calculated SO2
emission assuming t of 5 hours
(results of BA coal combustion
without fly ash recycle •10• are
denoted with +)

For only DR coal, the deviation between the model and the experimental result
was remarkable. This deviation is attributable to the limitation of the present simple
reaction model. The present model assumes that the fresh CaCO3 is exposed when
attrition occurs (eq. 13). This condition is rewritten in terms of solid utilization as
h = d(t) < 1 (19)
Due to the high sulfur content, the condition in the reactor for DR coal is close
to the limit. As shown in fig. 9, the total SO2 capture rate per total attrition rate for DR

THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 7 (2003), No. 1, pp. 17-31

coal was the highest among fuels tested. Total SO2 capture rate within the reactor (Y)
was given from the feed rate of S in the coal and the flux of SO2 in the flue gas as follows:

Y = Gcoalscoal - VG Cexit (20)

where Cexit is the concentration of SO2 at the exit of the reactor.

hexp er = Y (21)

For DR coal, the value of hexper was nearly 0.8 and those for others were less than 0.6.
Though in the present model only single value of t was assumed, it is conceivable that t
has distribution. When the experimental condition is close to the limit given as eq. 13 or
eq. 19, some limestone particles may exceed the limit if t has distribution. When the utili-
zation is sufficiently smaller than unity, all
the particles fall in the limit even if t has dis-
Figure 10 shows the relation between
sulfur content of fuel and limestone utiliza-
tion efficiency calculated theoretically ac-
cording to eq. 14. Similar relationship be-
tween sulfur content and limestone utiliza-
tion efficiency to fig. 9 was obtained. The
present model was effective not only estima-
tion of SO2 emission but also limestone utili-
zation efficiency.
As discussed above, the attrition interval
Figure 9. Effect of sulfur content of fuel on (t) plays an important role in determining
the ratio of total SO2 capture rate in PFBC desulfurization behavior of limestone. How-
and overall limestone attrition rate ever, the period of attrition in PFBCs has
not yet been evaluated. The attrition inter-
val can be evaluated if the size distribution
of limestone fines formed by attrition is
obtaiend; the size of limestone fragment is
considered to be approximately at. How-
ever, the fly ash includes both limestone
fines and coal ash, thus only the Carich par-
ticles should be picked up and the size of
such particles should be measured. For such
purpose, CC-SEM (Computer-Controlled-
-SEM) may give useful information. How-
ever, the size distribution data is not yet
Figure 10. Effect of sulfur content of fuel on available at this moment. This is a subject of
the utilization of limestone (theoretical future works.

Shimizu, T., et al.: Capture of SO2 by Limestone in a 71 MWe Pressurized Fluidized ...


A wide variety of coals were burnt in a 71 MWe pressurized fluidized bed com-
bustor under fly ash recycle conditions. The emission of SO2 was between 3 to 30 ppm.
SO2 removal efficiency was not correlated with Ca/S ratio. Attrition rate of limestone
was evaluated from the drain rate of calcium in fly ash. Limestone attrition rate was ap-
proximately 1 mm/h and it was not affected by the coal type and plant power output. The
ratio of total sulfur capture rate to limestone attrition rate was nearly proportional to the
sulfur content of fuel.
A simplified model of SO2 capture by limestone under pressurized fluidized
bed combustion conditions was applied to the analysis of the present PFBC. In this
model, intermittent attrition of limestone was assumed. By giving a value of the period of
attrition of 5 hours, which was obtained in the previous work without fly ash recycle, the
experimental results agreed well with the model for most of the coal, except for high sul-
fur content coal.


T. Shimizu thanks The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and

Technology for Grant-in-Aids (No.11218204). The authors express their thanks to The
Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Agency of Natural Resources and Energy,
and Center for Coal Utilization, Japan, for the financial aid for 71 MWe PFBC test


A – external surface area of bed material, •m2•

C – SO2 concentration in gas, •kmol/m3•
Cexit – SO2 concentration at the exit of reactor, •kmol/m3•
Dpi – particle diameter of i-th fraction, •m•
De – effective diffusivity of SO2 through product layer, •m2/s•
FCa,CA – flux of Ca in fed coal ash, •kmol/s•
FCa,FA – flux of Ca in fly ash, •kmol/s•
FCa,LF – flux of Ca in fine limestone particles contained in fed limestone, •kmol/s•
FCa,AT – flux of Ca in fine limestone particles formed by attrition, •kmol/s•
FCcoal – fixed carbon content of coal, • kgfixed carbon/kgcoal•, dry basis
Gcoal – coal feed rate, •kg-dry coal/s•
M – molecular weight of CaCO3, •kg/kmol•
qS – specific reaction rate SO2 capture rate per unit surface area, •kmol/m2s•
rS – SO2 capture rate per unit surface area for the simplified model, •kmol/m2s•
RF – SO2 formation rate from char particles per unit mass of bed material, •kmol/kg·s•
RS – SO2 capture rate per unit mass of bed material, •kmol/kg·s•
scoal – sulfur content of coal, •kmolsulfur/kgdry coal•
t – time, •s•
VG – volumetric gas flow rate, •m3/s•

THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 7 (2003), No. 1, pp. 17-31

VMcoal – volatile matter content of coal, •kgvolatile matter/kgcoal•, dry basis

wi – weight fraction of bed material that has the size of Dpi
WBM – mass of bed material, •kg•
Xc – distance from the initial particle surface to unreacted core surface defined in fig. 6,
Xe – distance from the initial particle surface to the particle surface after attrition defined fig. 6, •m•
Y – total SO2 capture rate within the reactor, •kmol/s•

Greek letters

a – attrition rate (rate of decrease in radius) of limestone, •m/s•

d – product layer thickness, •m•
h – molar fraction of CaSO4 in fine limestone formed by attrition
hexper – experimentally obtained (total SO2 capture rate)/(formation rate of Ca fine by
r – density of limestone, •kg/m3•
t – period of attrition, •s•


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Authors’ addresses:

T. Shimizu, K. Yamagiwa, M. Tanaka,

Department of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Niigata University
2-8050 Ikarashi, Niigata, Niigata Prefecture, 950-2181, Japan
Tel&Fax: International+81-25-262-6783

M. Peglow
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Universitätplatz 2,
D-39016 Magdeburg, Germany

S. Sakuno, N. Misawa, N. Suzuki, H. Ueda, H. Sasatsu, H. Gotou

Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
1-9-88 Chigasaki,
Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture, 253-0041, Japan

Corresponding author (T. Shimizu):


Paper submited: February 12, 2003

Paper revised: March 5, 2003
Paper accepted: March 6, 2003


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