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Specification For Masonry Structures: TEK 1-2C

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An information series from the national authority on concrete masonry technology


MASONRY STRUCTURES Codes & Specs (2010)


Specification for Masonry Structures (MSJC Specifi- ing, as well as provisions for quality assurance, testing
cation) (ref. 1) is a national consensus standard intended to and inspection. Construction includes requirements for
be incorporated by reference into the contract documents masonry placement, bonding and anchorage, and the
of masonry construction projects. Compliance with this placement of grout, reinforcement and prestressing ten-
Specification is mandatory for structures designed in ac- dons. The document is formatted to allow the designer
cordance with Building Code Requirements for Masonry to modify those provisions which include a choice of
Structures (MSJC Code) (ref. 2). alternatives. Thus, the MSJC Specification may be tailored
The masonry design and construction provisions in to meet the specific needs of a project. Modifications
Chapter 21 of the International Building Code (IBC) (ref. are considered to be a supplemental specification to the
3) are based primarily on the MSJC Code and Specifica- MSJC Specification.
tion. When adopting the MSJC Code and Specification, The advantages of a standard specification include
the IBC typically amends or modifies some provisions. consistency, coordination and understanding among all
Because significant changes can be introduced into parties involved. A Commentary, which accompanies the
subsequent editions of both the MSJC and the IBC, the MSJC Specification, explains the mandatory requirements
edition referenced by the local building code can be an and further clarifies the Specification's intent.
important consideration when determining the specific The document is written in the three-part section
requirements to be met. Note that building officials will format of the Construction Specifications Institute. Each
often accept design and construction standards which are of the three parts (General, Products and Execution) is
more current than those referenced in the applicable code, described in the following sections.
as they represent more state-of-the art requirements for In addition to these three parts, checklists are included
the specific material or system. at the end of the MSJC Specification to help the designer
This TEK provides a broad overview of the MSJC prepare the contract documents. The checklists identify
Specification's content, references other NCMA TEK the decisions that must be made when preparing any
which describe the various provisions in greater detail, supplemental specifications. They are not a mandatory
outlines updates incorporated into the 2008 edition of part of the Specification.
the MSJC Specification, and notes differences between Several articles of the MSJC Specification are prefaced
the 2008 MSJC Specification and the 2009 IBC. with the phrase "when required..." These articles do not
become a part of the contract documents unless action is
THE MSJC SPECIFICATION taken by the designer to include a requirement in the supple-
mental specifications. Other articles are prefaced with the
The MSJC Specification covers material requirements, phrase "unless otherwise required..." These articles are a
storage and handling of materials, construction, and clean- part of the contract documents unless the designer takes

Related TEK: Keywords: building codes, construction, quality assurance,

1-3C specifications


specific action to modify the article in the supplemental that the minimum compressive strength of units could be
specifications. less than the 1,900 psi (13.1 MPa) required by ASTM C90,
Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry
PART 1—GENERAL Units (ref 8). To avoid potential confusion, Table 2 was
revised to reflect a minimum unit compressive strength
Part 1 of the MSJC Specification covers: of 1,900 psi (13.1 MPa).
• definitions,
• referenced standards, IBC Inspection Requirements
• system description, which includes: The International Building Code inspection require-
1. compressive strength requirements, ments are almost identical to the MSJC requirements but
2. compressive strength determination (choice of two are organized a little differently. MSJC Level A require-
methods). See TEK 18-1A, Compressive Strength Evalu- ments correspond to the basic inspection requirements
ation of Concrete Masonry (ref. 4), for more detailed performed by the building official as required in Section
information. 110.3 of the IBC. The special inspection requirements of
3. adhered veneer requirements (choice of two methods IBC for masonry are found in Section 1704.5 of that code.
to determine adhesion), MSJC Level B corresponds to IBC Level 1 and MSJC
• submittals, which includes a minimum list of required Level C corresponds to IBC Level 2.
submittals. If the designer wishes to specify a higher IBC Section 2105 addresses quality assurance of ma-
level of quality assurance, additional submittals may sonry. These provisions are essentially the same as those
be required. in the MSJC Specification, with the exception that the IBC
• quality assurance, which includes quality control mea- addresses testing prisms from constructed masonry. Such
sures as well as testing and inspection. The services prisms are addressed only to a minor extent within the
and duties of the testing agency, inspection agency and MSJC Specification, via one of the referenced standards,
contractor are included here (see TEK 18-3B, Concrete ASTM C1314-07, Standard Test Method for Compressive
Masonry Inspection (ref. 5), for more detailed informa- Strength of Masonry Prisms (ref.9).
• delivery, storage and handling requirements, and PART 2—PRODUCTS
• cold weather and hot weather construction require-
ments (see TEK 3-1C, All-Weather Concrete Masonry Part 2 of the MSJC Specification covers:
Construction (ref. 6)). • required material properties for masonry units, mor-
tar, grout, reinforcement, prestressing tendons, metal
Updates to 2008 MSJC Specification accessories and other accessories such as movement
From the 2005 edition of the MSJC Specification to joint materials. These material properties are primarily
the 2008 edition, Tables 3, 4 and 5 which define Level references to applicable ASTM standards. See TEKs
A Quality Assurance, Level B Quality Assurance and 1-1E, ASTM Specifications for Concrete Masonry Units
Level C Quality Assurance, respectively, were revised. (ref. 10), and 12-4D, Steel Reinforcement for Concrete
Columns were added to the tables to define the frequency Masonry (ref. 11), for further information.
of inspection for the various items. New inspection tasks • mortar and grout mixing requirements, found within
in the tables are: Article 2.1 A via ASTM C270, Standard Specifica-
• verification of the grade, type and size of anchor bolts tion for Mortar for Unit Masonry (ref. 12), and also
prior to grouting for Levels B and C quality assurance, within Article 2.6A (see TEK 3-8A, Concrete Masonry
and Construction (ref. 13), for more detailed information),
• verification of the grade and size of prestressing tendons and
and anchorages for Level B quality assurance. • reinforcement fabrication requirements.
Part 1 also includes new provisions addressing the
addition of self-consolidating grout to the MSJC speci- Updates to 2008 MSJC Specification
fication. See TEK 9-2B, Self-Consolidating Grout for The Part 2 provisions were not greatly modified be-
Concrete Masonry (ref. 7) for further information. tween the 2005 and 2008 editions of the MSJC Specifica-
The 2008 Specification includes minor modifications tion. The reinforcement used for stirrups and lateral ties
to the provisions for verifying compliance with the speci- that are terminated with a standard hook is now limited to
fied compressive strength of masonry, f'm, using the unit a maximum reinforcing bar size of No. 5 (M# 16), because
strength method. In prior editions of the MSJC Specifica- of the difficulty of bending, placing and developing larger
tion, the unit strength table for concrete masonry implied diameter bars in typical masonry construction.


As in Part 1, Part 2 also includes new provisions To help ensure structural continuity between subse-
addressing the addition of self-consolidating grout to the quent grout pours, Article 3.5F now requires a 11/2-in. (38-
MSJC Specification. See TEK 9-2B, Self-Consolidating mm) grout key (i.e., terminating the grout at least 11/2-in.
Grout for Concrete Masonry (ref. 7) for further infor- (38-mm) below a mortar joint) when the previous grout
mation. lift has set before the next lift is poured. Grout keys may
not be formed within masonry bond beams or lintels.
IBC Masonry Material Requirements
IBC Section 2103 addresses masonry construction IBC Construction Requirements
materials, and the requirements are essentially the same as IBC Section 2104 addresses masonry construction
in the corresponding MSJC Specification. The IBC does procedures, which essentially references the MSJC Speci-
include a provision for surface bonding mortar however, fication without modification.
which is not addressed in the MSJC Specification. In the 2006 IBC, many of the provisions of the 2005
MSJC requirements were reiterated in the IBC. In the
PART 3—EXECUTION 2009 IBC however, most of the text of these requirements
was removed from the IBC and a simple reference was
Part 3, Execution, covers: made to the 2008 MSJC.
• inspection prior to the start of masonry construction,
• preparation of reinforcement and masonry prior to FINISH AND APPEARANCE
grouting (see TEK 3-2A, Grouting Concrete Masonry
Walls (ref. 14)), The MSJC Specification addresses structural re-
• masonry erection, including site tolerances (see TEK quirements only and not finish or appearance, though
3-8A, Concrete Masonry Construction (ref. 13)), several Articles, such as 1.6 D Sample Panels and 3.3
• bracing, which simply requires bracing to be designed F Site Tolerances certainly may affect such. Addition-
and installed to assure stability (see TEK 3-4B, Brac- ally, several MSJC reference standards, such as ASTM
ing Masonry Walls During Construction (ref. 15) for C90, Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete
detailed guidance), Masonry Units, specifically address this topic. Further
• placement of reinforcement, ties and anchors (see TEK guidance may be found by including reference to state
12-1A, Anchors and Ties for Masonry (ref. 16)), standards such as Arizona Masonry Guild Standard 107,
• grout placement (see TEK 3-2A, Grouting Concrete Levels of Quality (ref. 19), as well as to NCMA TEK
Masonry Walls (ref. 14)), 1-1E ASTM Specifications for Concrete Masonry Units
• procedures for prestressing tendon installation and and TEK 8-4A Cleaning Concrete Masonry.
stressing (see TEK 3-14, Post-Tensioned Concrete
Masonry Wall Construction (ref. 17)),
• field quality control requirements, and
• cleaning (see TEK 8-4A, Cleaning Concrete Masonry
(ref. 18)).

Updates to 2008 MSJC Specification

In addition to changes addressing self-consolidating
grout, several changes have been incorporated into the
Part 3 provisions, dealing with foundation dowels and
with grouting procedures.
MSJC Specification Article 3.4 B.8(d) is a new pro-
vision, allowing foundation dowels that interfere with
masonry unit webs to be bent up to 1 in. (25 mm) hori-
zontally for each 6 in. (152 mm) of vertical height. This
provision is similar to that used in reinforced concrete
Article 3.5A of the MSJC Specification requires that
grout be placed within 11/2 hours from the introduction
of water into the mix. The 2008 edition exempts transit-
mixed grout from this requirement, as long as the grout
meets the specified slump.


1. Specification for Masonry Structures, TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6. Reported by the Masonry Standards Joint Com-
mittee, 2005 and 2008.
2. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures. TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5. Reported by the Masonry Standards
Joint Committee, 2005 and 2008.
3. International Building Code. International Code Council, 2006 and 2009.
4. Compressive Strength Evaluation of Concrete Masonry, TEK 18-1A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2004.
5. Concrete Masonry Inspection, TEK 18-3B. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2006.
6. All-Weather Concrete Masonry Construction, TEK 3-1C. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2002.
7. Self-Consolidating Grout for Concrete Masonry, TEK 9-2B. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2007.
8. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C90-09. ASTM International, 2009.
9. Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms, ASTM C1314-07. ASTM International, 2007.
10. ASTM Specifications for Concrete Masonry Units, TEK 1-1E. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2007.
11. Steel Reinforcement for Concrete Masonry, 12-4D. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2007.
12. Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry, ASTM C270-07a. ASTM International, 2007.
13. Concrete Masonry Construction, TEK 3-8A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2001.
14. Grouting Concrete Masonry Walls, TEK 3-2A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2005.
15. Bracing Masonry Walls During Construction, TEK 3-4B. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2005.
16. Anchors and Ties for Masonry, TEK 12-1A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2001.
17. Post-Tensioned Concrete Masonry Wall Construction, TEK 3-14. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2002.
18. Cleaning Concrete Masonry, TEK 8-4A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2005.
19. Levels of Quality, Standard AMG 107-98. Arizona Masonry Guild, 1998.

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accuracy and the application of the information contained in this publication.


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