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7 Ways To Find Affluent Clients Report 6 Compressed 1

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TO Millionaires




Best-Selling Author, Speaker & TV Host

Kelly O’Neil is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur, profit strategist, and brand-marketing expert

specializing in Marketing to Millionaires™ for the next generation of innovative companies and thought
leaders. She is on a mission to disrupt the status quo and re-write the rules of entrepreneurship to help her
clients create high profit and high freedom businesses on their terms. Her genius is to help you strategically
design and build a business that makes and keeps more money, create a scalable infrastructure and
marketing automation plan that helps your company grow while providing you with more time off and
the opportunity to live a life from a place of choice using an innovative business process called The Profit-
ology™ Process.

Named by Seth Godin as “One of the Most Innovative Companies in America,” as an influencer, Kelly
reaches hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide through media, speaking, and social
networking each year. She has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Fortune,
Forbes, NBC, and ABC, among others. Kelly is a best-selling author and has shared the stage with industry
legends, including Tim Ferris, Jack Canfield, Brian Tracey, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Mark Victor Hansen,
Les Brown, Tony Hsieh, and Lisa Nichols among other brilliant influencers. Kelly hosts the “Marketing to
Millionaires Podcast” on iTunes and is the executive producer and co-host of the show Las Vegas Home
Makeover with her client and long-time friend, celebrity interior designer Kelli Ellis.

Kelly is a passionate advocate for reaching personal potential and living life from a place of choice. In
2015, Kelly sponsored the development of a village in Africa through The Unstoppable Foundation’s
“Every Child Has a Right to Learn Campaign,” providing education, clean water & sanitation, food &
nutrition, healthcare, and income training & empowerment to every child in the village and the community.
To learn more about Kelly and how she helps companies attract affluent clientele and become more
profitable, please check out

©2020 Kelly O’Neil | MARKETING TO Millionaires The 7 Most Effective Ways to Find and Connect With Affluent Clientele | 2
Ri g ht Now,

The middle class is disappearing. Technology is rapidly changing how the world lives and does business.
And for the first time in history, we have experienced not just the possibility but the reality of worldwide
economic shut-down.
Given what is going on in the world today, entrepreneurs need – more than ever before - solid advice on
how to THRIVE through hard economic times.

Even in the best economy, knowing how to successfully market your services to the
affluent is a very smart strategy. In THIS economy, it is VITAL.

For the last two decades, I’ve been teaching people how to market to affluent clients with my flagship
program Marketing to Millionaires™.
If you’re selling something people want and need, there’s no reason you can’t be running a profitable
business, even if businesses all around you are failing. In fact, fortunes are often made during down times.

Shifting to an affluent marketing model is the easiest and most effective way to ramp
up profits fast, and to stay solvent in a recession. In this report, I’ll share why – and more
importantly, I’ll answer the most pressing question most entrepreneurs have about how to start attracting
affluent clients: where to find them.

“I’ve worked with so many mentors and my business never got anywhere. I was so
tired of doing “all the things”. Kelly’s Marketing to Millionaires strategy is BRILLIANT.
In less than 6 months, I’ve nearly sold out my high-end private program – which
didn’t even exist before I met her – I’ve been in articles, I’ve spoken all over the US
and now I’m launching my podcast to scale to the next level and serve more amazing
women. I’m on track to have a multiple six figure year. Thanks Kelly!”


Ready to start? Let’s Go!

©2020 Kelly O’Neil | MARKETING TO Millionaires The 7 Most Effective Ways to Find and Connect With Affluent Clientele | 3
Should Be Part of Every Service Provider’s Strategic Plan

If you have a service-based business that solves a problem an affluent person would have, now is the time
to capitalize on it.

Millionaires are not going to be hit as hard in a recession. They have more disposable income,
and they also have a different mindset for when, why and how they buy. During a downturn, millionaires
look for opportunities. Your affluent clients will tend to invest more strategically during the recession period
because they know it’s going to help them leapfrog their competition in the long run.

Targeting affluent customers is also beneficial for the following reasons:

They are easier to sell your services to (when you know how).

Most are more than happy to pay premium prices for high-quality services.

Affluent clients tend to be easier to work with (they are usually very respectful of your time and present
almost no collections hassles).

They tend to be very loyal to businesses that provide services that provide value to them.

Affluent clients love to recommend high-quality businesses to their wealthy friends.

An affluent client base also provides “insurance” against economic volatility. One of the things that’s been
happening for some time is that the middle class is shrinking. And they’re not all getting poorer. The
number of millionaires worldwide has increased by 155% since the Great Recession of 2007-2009.
If you’re currently selling primarily to the middle class, you might want to consider shifting up. There are
plenty of wealthy clients to go around if you know where to look, and as the recession gets into full swing,
the bottom half of your client pool is very likely to drop off.

“When I met Kelly, my business was tanking. Now my revenue has tripled by market-
ing to high-end clients. I highly recommend any opportunity to study with her!”


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Contrary to what some people may have told you, the wealthy don’t “hide out” anywhere. They walk on
the same sidewalks, breathe the same air, and yes – use the same Internet! – as you, me, and everyone
else in this beautiful world.

Anyone who tells you that wealthy folks are “hiding out”
or are untouchable, quite frankly, just doesn’t know how to do it!

Sure, affluent clients are sometimes harder to reach – especially when it comes to reaching them with your
product or service – but they are reachable. You just have to know the best ways to get in contact with them
and bypass the gatekeeper.

And that’s exactly what this report is all about. In the following pages, you will discover seven of the best
ways to find the kind of clients who will support you in not just surviving these recessionary times but
THRIVING through them.

The 7 best ways to find wealthy clients are broken into the following categories:
1 Your Own Personal Database 5 Sponsorship Opportunities

2 Referrals Through Strategic Partners 6 Targeted Social Media Strategies

3 High Net Worth Networking 7 Online Advertising

4 Targeted Speaking Opportunities

Within each of these categories, there are a plethora of opportunities to connect with high-net-worth
individuals and land them as clients. We will explore many of these in the following sections.

“In just 48 hours, I generated $4800 in new business! More importantly, I broke the
hold my ego and limiting beliefs had on me. Now I know I have this capacity in my
toolbox whenever I need to put it into action. Thanks, Kelly!”


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How to Use

Finding affluent clients and having them find you are NOT opposites. These actions co-exist with one
another and produce the same result: you get in touch with them—which opens up the opportunity for
them to buy from you.

Don’t worry, though—you won’t need to try every one of these actions at the same time. You can pick and
choose which ones work for your lifestyle and business. Feel free to switch up your methods as time and
opportunity allows.

I would recommend trying as many as you can to see which ones work best for you. I’ve included a handy
checklist at the end of this report that you can use to keep track of which ones you’ve tried!

Profitably yours,


P.S. These tips, when you act on them, WILL create opportunities.
It is then up to you to seize the occasion, seal the deal, and retain your new, high-
paying clients. (Yes, we can support you in that, too. Keep reading for details!)

“My experience with Kelly has been business-changing. I wish I had met her a decade
ago! I’ve gotten the clarity I needed in terms of who I serve and how I serve them and it
has made all the difference… Kelly goes over and above to provide an amazing custom-
er experience and she delivers stellar information, consulting and service. Thank you!”


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Believe it or not, your best source of affluent clients and leads is already right at your
fingertips! I believe that personal contact is a strategy that every person should be using to get affluent
clients fast no matter what stage you are focused on and no matter whether you’ve been in business for
10 years or 10 minutes. People love to do business with and help people they know, like, and trust – and
this is especially true of wealthy people. If you’ve been in business for any length of time – or even if you
haven’t – you are sure to have an existing network of people. Some of these may make ideal clients for you!

Personal contact means that you are going to be directly reaching out to your own personal connections
via text, phone, email or direct message on social media with the intention of getting them to speak to you.

It doesn’t matter if they are your ideal client. What matters more
is do they have connections, introductions or opportunities to get you
one step closer to a pool of your ideal clients.

With referrals, you get a huge leg up on the trust factor – an essential element of marketing to affluent
individuals. When someone refers you, they’re essentially vouching for your ability to deliver quality
services. It can open doors of opportunity you cannot access in any other way.

Go through your database and reach out to:

CURRENT AND PAST CLIENTS. If you’ve helped them out, they’re usually happy to refer you to others.
These can be a powerful source of referrals for you. We teach our clients very strategic ways to get the
most out of this referral source, but even just asking your clients for referrals on a regular basis is a great
place to start. (Also, don’t forget that it’s much easier to sell to someone who has purchased from you
before than to someone new, so don’t hesitate to send follow up offers to people you’ve helped in the past,
and to offer upsells to your current clients.)

PAST EMPLOYERS AND CO-WORKERS. These people have seen you in action, and know the value you
are capable of delivering. You may even have saved their butt a time or two. Why wouldn’t they want to
refer you to someone who could benefit?

CURRENT AND PAST TEACHERS AND MENTORS. Your success reflects just as much on them as it does
on you. Plus, if they’re in a position to turn away business, they may jump on the chance to refer people to
someone they know will take care of them well.

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AFFLUENT BUSINESS ACQUAINTANCES. In the course of doing business you may come into contact
with a variety of affluent businesspeople: at business events, on forums, when ordering from vendors, etc.
Don’t be shy about striking up a conversation and asking what they do. When it’s your turn to explain your
business, include a short description of your affluent client and ask who they know who fits that profile.

FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Your friends and family want to see you succeed and are often more than happy
to talk you up to people they meet. Just be sure to let them know exactly who you serve and what problems
you solve for them, to prevent a steady stream of referrals that don’t match your ideal client profile.

YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA CONTACTS. Social media is not the place to aggressively sell your services, but
there’s nothing wrong with asking your followers on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or other platforms to share
your information with anyone they know who is looking for the kind of services you offer.

Remember, if you are still making the assumption that you don’t have affluent people in your database.
I have two things to say to that:

1. FIRST OF ALL, DON’T BE SO SURE. Wealthy people don’t all fly around in private jets flashing
Rolexes on their wrists. Many affluent people look just like everyone else much of the time, so you
may actually know quite a few without realizing it.

They don’t even have to have a direct connection with wealthy people, either – they might be able
to connect you with someone who does. It never hurts to ask.

The fact is, not everyone you meet or know is going to be in need of your product or service. Their friends
might though, so don’t be afraid to ask. People love helping people, and if they can help two people
at the same time – you and their friend, client, or partner – they will jump at the opportunity.

“Kelly’s Marketing to Millionaires program is beyond what words can adequately de-
scribe. After just one day of training, I feel refreshed and confident in my skills and
services. I was on a live hot seat with her and she created a new service for me in mere
minutes and it was 100% aligned with me and my goals! Now I have a new $30,000
client with a package that had never even crossed my mind before.”


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In addition to leveraging your own database, you should also always be on the looking for the potential
to create win-win partnerships with other businesspeople or organizations. These can range from casual
referrals to more complex arrangements in which two or more businesses become interdependent on each
other in some way.

Referral partners are an AMAZING way to help build your business. I have a handful of colleagues that I
have had very successful multi-year strategic partnership campaigns with.

There are 3 main types

of Referral Partners:

1. STRATEGIC PARTNER: This is the most effective way to generate referrals! A strategic partner
is an ongoing promotional relationship where you consistently refer business back and forth. For
instance, many chiropractors offer space to massage therapists and regularly refer customers to
them in return for a percentage of the fee or a monthly flat rate. Be creative and think of ways to
partner that will benefit both parties AND your clients! As the owner of a brand agency, I have a
strategic partnership with a copywriter and we refer business back and forth all the time.

2. JOINT VENTURE COLLABORATION: Someone you partner with on one specific campaign
or event where you co-market and split the proceeds. One way to do this is for your partner
to market your offer to their client or customer list, in return for a percentage of the revenue
generated. Recommend their offering to your own customers as well, and you’ll have a nice win-
win partnership.

3. AFFILIATES: These are people you give a percentage of sales to when they find leads and pass
them your way. If the lead converts to a sale, you pay em’. Of course, this costs you a percentage
of your revenue, but it’s revenue you wouldn’t have acquired if it weren’t for your affiliates. This is
less effective with affluent clientele as there is not as much of a relationship there.

Some of your best referral partners may be other service providers. Consider who else your ideal affluent
client might hire: Concierge providers, personal assistants, consultants, doctors, professional services
providers, etc. Get to know a few noncompeting business owners who serve a similar client base,
and you might even start to create a powerful referral ring that keeps you all swimming in business.

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Industry associations that target the affluent are another place to look.
Most industry associations are always looking for ways to help their
members. If you can solve a common problem in their industry, they
may be more than happy to refer you.
Pro Tip
Getting referrals and lining up partnerships isn’t as hard as you might
think. The only leg work you must do is ask a question. Something
like, “Hey Joe, I’m trying to improve my client portfolio with more high- If you have LinkedIn

quality clients who require my services. Know of any bigger businesses Premium, try this
or entrepreneurs who might need help with (the problem you solve)?”
underutilized but highly

Or, if you’re interested in approaching a potential strategic partner, “Hey effective way to reach out
Sally, it looks like we serve a similar client base. What do you think about
to potential clients and
getting together and explore how we might be able to work together for
mutual benefit?” referral partners:

Keep your initial inquiry short and sweet. If you’re looking for strategic Reach out to them

partnerships, don’t talk in depth about your creative ideas until you via InMail!

actually meet and have a chance to assess how you might actually be
able to help them as well as benefitting yourself. Respecting your potential Leveraging your premium

partners’ time will make it far more likely that they’ll be interested in account in this way
exploring a relationship with you. And don’t forget to send a thank you
sets you apart from the
note after you meet, no matter the outcome!
crowd as a higher-end

professional. You are

If finding affluent clients through referrals and partnerships
is that simple, why don’t more people do it? likely to get a much higher

response this way than by

sending cold emails. This

Fear of appearing desperate keeps everyday people from asking a
question like the ones above ... a question that can lead you to your first works best for business-
– or next – affluent client. But you’re not “everyday people.” You’re smart,
related services.
and you’re motivated, so conquer your fear and ask away.

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The other big reason people don’t ask for referrals is that they don’t know who to ask. But with this report
in hand, that’s not a problem you are going to have!

You will get No’s. It’s Ok. It doesn’t mean you aren’t good or valuable…it is completely normal. My team
has weeks where they speak to 75 people and only 5 people are ready and they have weeks where they
talk to 10 people and 5 are ready. That is why it is important that you are consistent.

“(Kelly’s training on) how to create an offer for the affluent is mind-blowing. I just
got a lead, and shared my service package. He was so excited! He wanted it as
soon as possible. So I sent my proposal a few minutes ago. He really appreciated
the on-demand access. Thanks a lot Kelly! His revenue is way higher than I
anticipated for my ideal client. Over a million dollars.” “He just responded again,
that he (would) like to proceed. He didn’t negotiate at all.”


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Networking is a BRILLIANT way to meet affluent clients. Any time you can get in front of someone live, you
are instantly better off. With the advent of social media and platforms like Zoom Video Conferencing, it is
also possible to strategically network online.

The keyword here is strategic. Joining online groups and attending “networking events” willy-nilly without
thought as to whether these are the right opportunities for you is likely to be a huge waste of time. While
it’s’ true that anyone (wealthy or not) can potentially refer you to an affluent client, we want to increase the
odds. Look for opportunities to mingle with high-net-worth individuals.

Business Networking is one of the most effective types of networking because you’re interacting with people
who are already in a business mindset. They are looking for ways – and people (that’s you!) – who can
help them grow and take a load off their shoulders. And because they’re already looking for someone like
you, you can bypass all the small talk and get right down to business.

There are so many opportunities to find people through business networking, such as attending
business events, joining a business networking group like BNI, or joining a private business club.
For more tips and suggestions on ones to look for, watch my free webinar,
MASTERCLASS: The 5 Keys to Enroll More Than $100K
in Affluent Clients In 90 Days or Less.


But your opportunities don’t end with the business day. If anyone tells you it’s a cardinal sin to talk business
with someone when they’re outside of work, they don’t know much about business… or people for that
matter. Because business is firmly attached to the ego, ideas of success, notions of power, and thoughts of
growth, people love talking business – almost all the time.

Lifestyle Networking while at sports events, exclusive clubs, entertainment venues, and anywhere else
casual is excellent because it gives you the opportunity to:

1. make a personal connection with someone and

2. use that personal connection to make affluent people favor your product or service as much
as they favor you.

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There are plenty of places you can hang out in your off hours to meet
some fantastic affluent people who are rich and ready to talk biz even
when they’re relaxing. These include sports events, arts and culture events,
travel, community events and organizations, and more. Check out the
checklist at the end of this report for specific ideas!
Pro Tip
Confidence Pays Off
Of course, your ability to find affluent clients in all these places depends
Make a habit of observing
on your willingness to get out of your comfort zone and actually talk
to them. For example, if you see a business¬person at the airport bar, people you know to be

drinking and eating by themself, go sit by them. Since they’re dressed affluent. After a while

for business, they’re definitely willing to speak business, especially over you will start to notice
drinks. And who knows, maybe they could use your special talent or patterns of appearance
unique offering. and behavior. While not
every person you meet
The trick is to be authentic. No one likes to be sold, and wealthy people will be affluent, soon your
can smell out someone who is trying to push a sales agenda on them “affluent radar” will get
a mile away. However, they do appreciate being offered services that stronger and you’ll be able
are genuinely useful to them. Be confident, friendly and interested, ask to target potential clients
questions, listen, and offer help when relevant – including mentioning
more easily.
your services. Don’t be afraid that mentioning your services will offend
them. One trait of wealthy people is that they know the value of hiring
an expert. Your affluent connections will appreciate your concern for their
welfare, and if what you’re offering is a good fit for their needs, they’re likely to jump on it.

Remember: You Get What You Pay For!

Where you network and the way you do it is make it or break it with affluent clients. One thing I highly
recommend is to pay to play. As a rule, paid networking opportunities will put you in touch with a much
higher end group of people. If VIP access is available at an event, get it! You’ll be rubbing shoulders with
the wealthier and more influential slice of the audience.

The good news is no more rubber chicken lunches. I know that a lot of people go to these luncheons and
meet sixty insurance people and twelve life coaches. When you ask them the “what are you looking for”
question, they go, “More clients.” That’s not where affluent clients are going to be hanging out.

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And let me tell you why they aren’t. Because at those events they will have fifteen different people walking
up and saying, “Hey do you want to buy my stuff?” Total turnoff. The affluent make buying decisions based
upon relationships. You wouldn’t walk up to someone you just met and ask them to marry you, so don’t
walk up to someone at a networking event and ask them to buy your stuff.

Networking the RIGHT Way

I want you to take the exact opposite approach. Concentrate on socializing and relationship building and
leave the sales pitches at the office. Rather than focusing on yourself and trying to pitch, focus on how you
can help them.

When attending events, ask people what they do – then actually listen. Ask them what brought them to the
event. If it is a charity, ask them if they are on the board. Talk about how much you love the charity and the
work they are doing in the community. Look for opportunities to help them out in any way you can (not just
by offering your services.) Who can you connect them with? Who you can introduce them to? How can you
support their interest in the event?

Have a polite, brief conversation. Eventually they will ask about you. Maybe your business sponsored the
event or you are simply there to support your favorite charity. Your helpful attitude will make an impression,
and even if they’re not interested in your services they very well may refer you to someone who is. Tell
them what you do and if they show even the slightest bit of interest, tell them you’ll follow up with them to
discuss your services and products further.

Law of Reciprocity baby. Be of service. You scratch their back and they will scratch yours. I find that the
more helpful you are, the more likely they are to help you back. It could be a referral or a sale or an
introduction to your ideal client. Focus on quality conversations, not quantity. You don’t need to connect
with everyone. Remember what I always say…it only takes one!

Your opportunity doesn’t end when the event does. After attending events, look your leads up online, or
follow up with the business cards you collected. Even that pile of business cards you picked up at an event
two years ago could turn out to be a rich source of leads!

“In this economy, it’s more important than ever that you know how

to market to people that can afford to pay for your services. It’s a
fact that premium buyers are the most loyal and tend to be the most
profitable customers. If you’re going to use this strategy in your
business, the best person to advise you is Kelly O’Neil.”


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Another great way to land your next wealthy client is by leveraging speaking events. Speaking is one of the
fastest ways I know of to get clients. If you know how to close from the stage and you pick an opportunity
that is filled with your ideal client, all it takes is one really good speaking opportunity to book your
calendar full. The last time that I spoke from stage, I left with 38 new clients in under 2 hours that to date
has generated multiple six figures in revenue.

Of course, it takes skill and practice to get to that level. But even if you are just getting started speaking
you can still leverage it to advantage.

The beauty of speaking is that it puts you in a position of authority. If you can prove your expertise at an
event in front of a crowd of people, your chances of getting a high-quality lead at that event soar. Same
goes for appearing on a highly-respected podcast or show. Since you’re now the sanctioned EXPERT at the
event, people will want to speak with you. They’ll even go out of their way to find you and ask you directly
if you can help them.

Where Do You Speak to Find Affluent Clients?

The answer is pretty simple: a lot of the same places you network with them. Business events such as trade
shows and conferences, networking groups, industry associations, nonprofits, churches, and many other
venues need speakers to educate and inform their members and attendees.

There are also plenty of opportunities to speak online. In addition to established venues such as podcasts
and popular social channels, you can also look for events such as virtual summits, or even host your own.
I am a huge fan of hosting intimate 5-20 person events at my country club for a few hours and inviting
people. These tiny events can have a huge six figure payday when done correctly.

The key is to choose venues where your ideal affluent clients hang out. Speaking to the wrong audience is
a huge waste of time and resources. It can also attract time-wasting tire-kickers to your business, so choose
your speaking venues carefully!

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You will need 3 things to succeed as a speaker (and by succeed I mean actually get clients as a result
of speaking):


2. AN OFFER (such as a free ticket to your next event, a complimentary consultation, or a

program/service), and


Once you have these in place, you’re ready to start identifying immediate speaking opportunities and
contacting the event coordinator to get in front of their audience!

“I took the Marketing to Millionaires™ program and signed up to work with Kelly. It
was the BEST decision I’ve ever made in my business. Before I met her, I was totally
overlooking my core genius and my extensive corporate background. Fast forward
a couple months and I have a new business that is totally aligned with me and 4
high end clients! All you have to do is follow the process. It really is that simple.”


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Many of the same places you would speak or network also offer opportunities for sponsorship:

• trade shows • community or nonprofit events

• special events such as concerts,
• expos
sporting events, or ceremonies, etc.
• fundraisers

Sponsorship marketing is where you support an event, activity, person, or organization either financially
or through the provision of products or services. In return you receive perks such as advertising, speaking
opportunities, and/or booth space.

Sponsorship marketing is typically done for promotional purposes, to generate publicity, or to obtain
access to a wider audience than your budget could otherwise afford. The objective is to generate visibility,
credibility, and capture and build relationships with ideal affluent prospects.

This is a BRILLIANT strategy for generating new leads. However, it is really important that you weigh your
sponsorship opportunities carefully. For example, if you are brand new and starting out, I would absolutely
NOT recommend putting yourself in the position to do a sponsorship at a venue that also has competing
bigger businesses who have well laid out brands and budgets to attract attention. You will not look good
in comparison. Instead, choose an event where you can shine. You need to have a brand that can be well
represented in signage, materials, and messaging. A confusing booth or experience is a lost opportunity.
Unless you are at a small event where everyone is getting started….now there is an opportunity – but only
if your ideal affluent clients are there, too!

The Key to Sponsorship Programs

The key to building successful sponsorship programs is to match the correct products or services with the
people who want to purchase them. This means you want to identify the BEST possible venue/opportunity
to sponsor (ones that attract your ideal affluent client and where you can position yourself to be attractive
to them.) Before you invest in a high potential ROI sponsorship, get to know the event and the audience
and make certain they are your ideal affluent clients and NEED (not want) what you have to offer.

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As with speaking, you will also need to develop a well thought out strategy and execution plan to generate
visibility, credibility and capture leads. You will also need a solid follow up plan. Remember, MOST of your
conversions will come in the follow up.

To learn more about the essentials of marketing to affluent audiences, be sure to watch my free webinar,
MASTERCLASS: The 5 Keys to Enroll More Than $100K in Affluent Clients In 90 Days or Less.


“Kelly’s ability to speak to the affluent market isn’t something she’s watched from the
outside in: She knows this market because she’s always been in this market! Knowing it’s
such an authentic fit, I gladly said yes to sharing her information with my audience.”


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Today, virtually everyone is online. They go on websites and forums specific to their industry to make new
business connections and look for products and services they need. Let me share some current statistics
with you:
According to market research company Global Web Index,

59% of affluent consumers were heavy users of social media in 2019.

While some studies show that many affluent individuals are purposely reducing time
spent on social media, the Internet plays a key role in their purchasing behavior.

33% use social media to research products to buy.

They’re also researching companies on search engines before purchasing.

In the wake of recent events, social media has become even more important in most people’s lives –
including the affluent. Being present on social media is a great way to have affluent clients find you – as
long as you have positioned your brand to be affluent-attractive and you have a social selling strategy
geared to affluent clients. (This is something I teach in my Marketing to Millionaires™ program.)

Both the beauty and the problem with social media from a marketer’s point of view is that it is just that –
social. On the plus side, this gives you tremendous opportunity to get in front of a lot of people. On the
other hand, there is a ton of noise and you can’t just go in there and start pitching right and left. People
don’t like to be sold, so you have to come up with a strategy to leverage social media successfully without
turning people off. It is also totally ineffective to just throw content online and hope someone contacts you.

Proper positioning is especially critical when you are targeting an affluent clientele; a good way to get a
basic primer on branding for affluent audiences is by watching my free webinar, MASTERCLASS: The 5
Keys to Enroll More Than $100K in Affluent Clients In 90 Days or Less.

Welcome to Social Selling

Social selling is about leveraging your social network to find the right affluent prospects, build trusted
relationships, and ultimately, achieve your sales goals. This sales technique enables better sales lead

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generation and sales prospecting process and eliminates the need for cold calling. Building and
maintaining relationships is easier within the network that you and your customer trust.

The strategy for social selling is fairly simple. You position your brand expertise by sharing relevant, affluent
attractive content online and conduct social media marketing campaigns with the intention of creating
conversations. In doing so, you build trust with prospects by sharing your perspectives and helping provide
relevant information to common pain points. You can then direct message the person with the goal of
ultimately qualifying them and getting on a phone call. Remember - have genuine conversations and focus
on the needs of the prospect first, then engage in a sales conversation second.

Other Ways to Use the Internet to Find Affluent Clients

In addition to being online where affluent clients can find you, you can also find them online – today.

One way you can do this is by using a tactic I use to find affluent clients of my own. I call
it the “research and chat” (R&C) tactic. This is where you target affluent people in a social
media group, gauge their affluence by researching their profile, and engage them directly
by reaching out and/or by responding to questions and comments posted by them.

Another tactic is to do a Google search for industries that could use your offering. You
can search job boards for big companies in need of your offering, search for relevant
hashtags, or search for mailing lists with affluent clients.

Having an online strategy is absolutely essential in this day and age (especially in the wake of the global
pandemic of 2020 that shut down most brick and mortar venues).

But let me offer a word of caution regarding online marketing.

It is a recent trend for business consultants to push for going to an “online business model.”
I don’t recommend an exclusively online model for businesses who want to work
with wealthy clients (at least, not the way it’s traditionally done, which requires a LOT
of legwork and can quickly exhaust the resources of the average service provider).

When it comes to your own online presence, it’s essential to do it strategically—otherwise you can end
up wasting a ton of time and resources with little to show for it. In my experience, a strategic, integrated

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(online and offline) marketing approach is the best way to ensure that you come into contact with a lot of
high-quality connections that will often turn into clients. Of course, you will always want to have a strong
online backup strategy that you can fall back on. I teach my clients a method that bypasses many of the
pitfalls of traditional online-only marketing and can be applied to offline as well.

“(Marketing to Millionaires was) a real game changer for me. Learned such effective
& valuable sales strategies that have already been implemented and produced results,
turning my business around 180. I’ve updated all my strategic plans based on the
new knowledge, tips & advice I learned from Kelly & from the comments shared by
fellow participants. Loved the topics covered & the no nonsense approach that has truly
inspired me to be more authentically me with my clients. Couldn’t have come at a better
time for my businesses. In deep appreciation and gratitude.”


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Social media marketing can be highly effective, and for most businesses in this day and age it’s an
essential way to market. But it has its downsides. It is easy to get lost in the chaos of social media. It can
be extremely time consuming. It’s not as targeted as many other types of marketing, which means that it’s
harder to ensure that you’re going to get in front of an affluent audience. And, social media marketing
typically has long sales cycles because it’s a more passive way to get in front of people that depends on
cultivating a relationship over time.

One way to get around these issues online is to invest in pay per click advertising. Pay Per Click (PPC) (also
called cost per click) is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, in which advertisers
pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked. It is defined simply as “the amount
spent to get an advertisement clicked.” The advantages of pay per click include:
• Fast returns. You can set up an ad campaign and have it driving traffic and
generating leads almost immediately (although it usually takes a few weeks
to fine tune it.)

• It’s scalable. If you need more leads, throw more money at your campaign. If you
hit a busy spell and don’t have time for more clients, no problem – just turn off the
ads for a while.

• It’s highly targeted. With pay per click, you can narrow your audience down by
demographics and interest. It’s easy to narrowly target an audience with a high
probability that you’ll be getting your ads in front of an affluent audience.

You can run pay per click ads on search engines such as Google or Bing, or on social media platforms.
The most popular of these and probably the best place to start for most businesses is Facebook. But you
can also run ads on LinkedIn, YouTube, and many other platforms, depending on where your ideal affluent
client hangs out.

One word of caution when it comes to pay per click ads: it’s not an easy learning curve. Unless it’s
something you have a lot of expertise in, I don’t recommend doing it yourself, because if it’s not done
right you can lose a lot of money at it. You’re much better off hiring someone who knows the ropes to
do it for you, and spending your time leveraging your networks as only you can do. Ask me for some

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Findin g Them


The tips above are the best ways to find affluent clients. But once you’ve located them, you still must get
them AND keep them. Because if you don’t, what was all that hard work for? Sure, you’ll have a lot of
new wealthy friends and valuable connections – but if you can’t seal the deal, you’re in the same place
as you were yesterday.

Believe it or not, getting the affluent clients you want is not only possible, it’s actually easier
than marketing and selling to the masses—once you know how. And once you have the clients
you want (affluent clients who see value in your offering), you can direct your business to extraordinary
levels of success.

“Kelly O’Neil is the worldwide leader in how to attract and enroll affluent clients.
I’ve referred hundreds of my clients to her and they rave about her and her
programs. Best yet, they get results.”


Want to Learn More About How You Can Start Booking Your Calendar Full of
Affluent Clients? Allow me to share with you two more excellent resources to help you find
affluent clients and referral partners:

MASTERCLASS: The 5 Keys to Enroll More Than $100K

in Affluent Clients In 90 Days or Less

Watch my complimentary webinar to learn the essential elements every service provider
must include in their marketing strategy to attract and sell to affluent clients this quarter.


©2020 Kelly O’Neil | MARKETING TO Millionaires The 7 Most Effective Ways to Find and Connect With Affluent Clientele | 23
This is my EXCLUSIVE free Facebook
community where we provide complimentary
trainings, resources, support and collaboration
opportunities for service-based entrepreneurs
and small business owners who are committed
to adding 6 or 7 figures of revenue to their
bottom line in the next 12 months.

We offer complimentary training every Thursday. Our members also enjoy special online intensive events
to help them land affluent clientele, including my popular Marketing to Millionaires training. And, The
Marketing to Millionaires™ Success Circle is a great place to network with like-minded business owners
and create lucrative referral partnerships.

This group is FOR SERIOUS ENTREPRENEURS ONLY who are committed to creating a high profit, high
freedom business.

It is for you if:

• You want to recession proof your business.

• You’re an epic go getter who is committed to succeeding in business

• You’re running a serious business (not a hobby for fun)

• You’re tired of doing “all the things” out there on the internet with little ROI

• You desire to master Marketing to Millionaires™ from the world’s leading expert

• You want to collaborate with other high-performance entrepreneurs

• You are a GO-GIVER and provide value to this group and engage on a regular basis

• You have a high vibe and positive abundance centered mindset

If that is you, please visit:

and answer the three questions to apply to join.

©2020 Kelly O’Neil | MARKETING TO Millionaires The 7 Most Effective Ways to Find and Connect With Affluent Clientele | 24
And finally...
if you are ready to make big changes in your
business and would like to know more about
working with me privately, check out my website at

“Kelly chatted with me and we realized that I was dipping into the wrong
circles, made a pivot and BAM! Got a client! Now I have a clear affluent
strategy and a 6-figure offer!”


Better clients. Greater Impact. More money. More freedom.

Let’s get you some affluent clients, shall we?

“When Kelly says she is there for you, you cannot even imagine the level of
what that means. She is phenomenal!!!!”


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How Man y Ways

Use this handy checklist to keep track of your affluent marketing activities. As you try different ways to
find affluent clients check them off below. Highlight the ones that have worked well for you! You can also
use the list to get ideas when you’re looking for new ways to find clients.

Leverage Your Personal Database

Reach out to the following to find direct and/or referral business:

Current clients Affluent business acquaintances

Past clients Industry associations that target the affluent

Past employers and co-workers Service providers that serve affluent people

Current and past teachers and mentors Your engaged social media contacts

Friends and family

Strategic Alliances

Create a joint venture offer

Create a strategic alliance with one or more noncompeting businesses

Find a handful of other service based businesses that target similar clients and create a referral ring

Create an affiliate program

Partner with an industry association

Networking for Referrals

See how many of the following business networking opportunities you can find!

Join a high-level Mastermind group Join a business society or association

Join a coaching or training program that Join a private business or alumni club
attracts the affluent
Create a niche entrepreneurs club
Research and join networking groups with your
ideal target market and your peers Attend a corporate meeting

Attend a conferences, seminars, expo, or Attend a corporate hospitality event

Attend a public meetings or events such
Attend a business journal event as an opening ceremony, unveiling ceremony,
or foreign trade visit
Join Business Networking International (BNI)
or a local breakfast networking group

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How many of these lifestyle opportunities to find affluent clients have you taken advantage of?

Attend a top sporting event as a spectator Fly first class

Join a sports club Use a private airport

Attend a festival or other arts or Hang out in an airport VIP lounge

entertainment event
Take a luxury cruise or tour
Join a local special interest club
Hang out in an upscale bar
Join a country club, upscale gym,
or yoga studio Give a local presentation

Enroll your kids in an affluent-attractive activity Be active in a local charitable organization


Make a list of podcasts that attract your ideal Participate on a panel at an industry event
clients and pitch yourself to them as a speaker
Get listed on a speaker directory
Pitch yourself as a speaker to an industry event
such as a trade show or conference Ask your clients or peers what groups they
belong to and pitch those that accept outside
Host a podcast and interview guests of interest speakers
to the affluent
Make a list of the top 10-20 competitors and
Speak at a local club, charity group, church, peers in your industry, then track down every
or other group that has affluent members single place that they have spoken in the last 3
years and pitch these venues
Offer a seminar or webinar

Join a National Speakers Association

(NSA) chapter

Sponsorships How many of the following have you tried?

Sponsor an event – and set up a booth. Donate an auction item for visibility

Sponsor an event – and speak at it.

Social Selling
Social media is an essential part of your marketing strategy in this day and age. Are you taking
full advantage of it?

Post in three high level online groups each day

Post high value content and engage privately with commenters

Offer a complimentary consultation to your social network: Direct message your followers to engage
in a meaning full conversation

Create an affluent attractive free offer (such as a report or a useful app) and offer it on social media

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Try these “Research and Chat” venues:

Do a Google search for industries that could use your offering

Do a Google search for mailing lists with affluent clients

Search job boards for big companies in need of your offering

Search for relevant hashtags

Browse and reach out to people on industry-related social media profiles

Join groups on LinkedIn

Pay Per Click Ads

Run a targeted Facebook ad campaign

Run a targetd pay per click campaign on another social platform such as YouTube or LinkedIn

Run a targeted PPC campaign on a search engine such as Google

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