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Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2017, PharmaTutor, Paper-2

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PharmaTutor PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881 23

Quality Risk Management (QRM) of active pharmaceutical

ingredients during transportation by using FMEA tools and
Upendra Kumar Singh*, Sammer Rastogi, Manish Kumar Yadav
School of Pharmacy,
Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Quality Risk Management (QRM) is a key component for access the product quality. For any pharmaceutical
product, Quality Risk Management shall be applied to aim that raising the level of protection for the patient by
the reduction of the risk to which that patient is exposed at the time he /she receives a drug product. This
general objective can only be achieved by implemented policy of Quality Risk Management (QRM) on the
product and process design and its lifecycle.
The concept of risk management was first applied in the financial and insurance sectors. This concept was
systematically transferred and applied in the pharmaceutical industries in 2005 with the International
Conference on Harmonization (ICH) and its publication of the ICH guideline Q9 on “Quality Risk Management”.
The European Commission added this guideline as Annex 20 to the EU GMP guide in March 2008. This research
was explored the risk identification, risk assessment and development scientific risk control measures during
transportation of API from API manufacturing site to user site (formulation plant).

Key words: Quality risk management (QRM), International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), Failure Modes
and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Good Distribution Practices (GDP), Worst potential Effect, Contributory Factors,
Rate of severity, Consequences of failure, Probability of occurrence, Rate the effectiveness, Detection Control,
Degree of Risk Ranking

INTRODUCTION Quality risk management should ensure that the

Risk is defined as a combination of the probability evaluation of risk to quality is based on scientific
that damage will occurs and the extent of that knowledge and experience with the process. Failure
damage. These researches are describing that to lay Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is proactive
down a procedure to identify failure modes and method for evaluating a drug product to identify
analyze, assess & control the risk associated with where and how it might impact and to assess the
transportation of API from API manufacturing site to relative impact of different failures, in order to
user site (formulation plant). Risk Management is identify the parts of the process that are most in
done through scientific approach in order to achieve need of change. FMEA includes review of the
quality of product and to prevent of the entry of following:
falsified drug in drug product & control measures  Failure modes (What could go wrong?)
and monitoring during transportation of Active  Failure causes (Why would the failure happen?)
Pharmaceutical Ingredients.  Failure effects (What would be the
consequences of each failure?)
RISK ASSESSMENT APPROACH Risk analysis is performed into the following process
The risk based approach is a basic element of the steps:
revised EU GMP guidelines on “Principle of Good  Risk Assessment: Risk analysis
Distribution Practice of active substances for  Risk Control: Risk acceptance
medicinal products for human use”.  Risk Review: Processes and procedure
How to cite this article: Singh UK, Rastogi S, Yadav MK; Quality Risk Management (QRM) of active pharmaceutical ingredients
during transportation by using FMEA tools and methodology; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(10);
Vol. 5, Issue23-29
10 |
PharmaTutor PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881 24

Figure 1: Overview of a typical quality risk management process

Methodology for risk Analysis and evaluation of risk in the supply chain transport:
By applying the FMEA tool and methodology the following aspects are evaluated to assess the risk and
evaluation of risk during transportation of API from API manufacturing site to user site (formulation plant site).
 Determine which functions represent potential “Failure Modes” or points of potential failure.
 Determine the worst potential “Effect” or consequences of each of the failure modes.
 Determine the “Contributory Factors” for each failure mode
 Identify any “Controls” in the transportation method / process. Controls are components of the process
which (a) reduce the likelihood of a contributory factor or a failure mode, (b) reduce the severity of an
effect, or (c) detect the occurrence of a Failure Mode or Contributory Factor before it leads to the
adverse outcome (Effect). Example of control measure is: Good Distribution Practices (GDP), validated
transport, Assign transportation controls and alarm systems for temperature excursion.
 Rate of severity (consequences of failure) (S), Probability of occurrence (likelihood) (O) and rate the
effectiveness of each “Detection Control” (D) details is given in term of degree in the below table 1 “
Degree of Risk Ranking”.
 Calculate the Risk Priority Number (RPN) as per below;
RPN = S x O x D
 The product of three rating is the Risk Priority Number (RPN) for that Contributory Factor e.g. If severity
rating is 3, occurrence rating is 2 and detection level is 1, then RPN=3×2×1=6
 Calculate the overall Risk Priority Number (RPN) by addition of each failure mode Risk Priority Number.
 Calculate the Risk Assessment rating by assigning Risk Level (RL) as follows:

Sum of RPN for each failure mode
RL = ----------------------------------------------------------------- x 100
Sum of highest RPN for each failure mode (920)#
calculated as per highest RPN for each failure mode in table 1 degree of risk ranking
(5x5x5+5x5x5+5x5x5+5x5x5+5x5x5+5x5x5+5x5x5+3x5x3) = 920
 API shall be chosen as per Risk Level Rating for consequences-

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PharmaTutor PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881 25

a) RL ≥ 70 %: Severe – API shall not be used for drug product manufacturing and supply is hold &
intimate to vendor for CAPA implemented
b) 50 % <RL <70 % : Major – Risk reduction shall be done additional control implementation during
c) 25 % <RL < 50 %: Moderate – Manage by routine monitoring process
d) Less than 25 %: Minor – No action required, risk is adequate and acceptable.

Table 1: Degree of Risk Ranking

Risk Aspects Description Risk Score
Failure Mode: Product stability profiles
Material has a shelf life longer than 18 months and no
environmental controls are required for transport.
Severity; S (Consequences of Material has a shelf life less than 18 months and no
failure) environmental controls are required for transport.
Material has a shelf life less than 18 months and
environmental controls are required for transport.
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5
Accelerated and stress (mimicking transportation
condition) stability is performed and product storage is in 1
temperature controlled.
Probability of Detectability ; D Only accelerated stability is performed and product
(ability to control measures) storage is in temperature controlled.
Accelerated and stress (mimicking transportation
condition) stability is not performed and product storage 5
is not in temperature controlled.
Failure Mode: Product (API) Physicochemical properties
Product is not sensitive to light, temperature and
Product is sensitive to light but not temperature and
Severity; S (Consequences of humidity.
failure) Product is sensitive to light and moisture but not
Product is sensitive to temperature, humidity and light
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5
Control measures are not required. 1
Material is packed in air tight closed container and
temperature controlled vehicle is used for material 2
Probability of Detectability ; D
Material is packed in air tight closed container and
(ability to control measures)
temperature controlled vehicle is not used for material 3
Material is not packed in air tight closed container and
temperature controlled vehicle is not used for material

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PharmaTutor PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881 26

Risk Aspects Description Risk Score

Failure Mode: Material Warehousing site
Environment controlled storage facility is not required for
Severity ; S (Consequences of storage of product (API).
failure) Environment controlled storage facility is required for
storage of product (API).
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5
Environment controlled qualified facility with free from
accumulation of dust, dirt, waste and site is audited by
International regulatory authority i.e. USFDA, EUGMP or
alternative equivalent standard approved facility.
Environment controlled qualified facility with free from
Probability of Detectability ; D accumulation of dust, dirt, waste and site is not audited
(ability to control measures) by International regulatory authority i.e. USFDA, EUGMP
or alternative equivalent standard approved facility.
Warehousing facility is not qualified for environment
condition and site is not audited by International
regulatory authority i.e. USFDA, EUGMP or alternative
equivalent standard approved facility.
Failure Mode: Repacking activity performed by supplier
Material is directly supplied from manufacturing site
Severity ; S (Consequences of Material is supplied by the supplier / wholesaler without
failure) repacking activities.
Material is supplied by the supplier / wholesaler with
repacking activities.
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5
Supplier / agent have not repacks the material and the
environment monitoring is conducted for storage of 1
Supplier / agent have repacks the material and the
Probability of Detectability ; D
environment monitoring are conducted for storage of 3
(ability to control measures)
Supplier / agent have repacks the material and the
environment monitoring are not conducted for storage of 5
Failure Mode: Transportation route profile
Road freight 1
Severity ; S (Consequences of
Air Freight 3
Sea Travel 5
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5

Vol. 5, Issue 10 |

PharmaTutor PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881 27

Risk Aspects Description Risk Score

Transportation route / methods are suitable for
protective against ambient temperature & humidity 1
Probability of Detectability ; D condition.
(ability to control measures) Transportation route / methods are not suitable for
protective against ambient temperature & humidity 5
Failure Mode: Transportation mode & Transportation time
Temperature controlled container / vehicle with less than
one week transportation time.
Severity ; S (Consequences of Temperature uncontrolled container / vehicle with less
failure) than one week transportation time.
Temperature uncontrolled container / vehicle with more
than one week transportation time.
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5
No additional control measures required 1
Temperature controlled vehicle with temperature control
Probability of Detectability ; D 3
(ability to control measures)
Temperature controlled vehicle without temperature
control monitoring.
Failure Mode: Handling of product at port
Product / API are not imported. 1
Imported material is not time and temperature sensitive
Severity ; S (Consequences of 3
product /API.
Imported material is time and temperature sensitive
product /API.
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5
Suitable temperature controlled storage facility available
and avoid & monitoring to exposure of product in 1
adverse condition during stuffing.
Suitable temperature controlled storage facility available
Probability of Detectability ; D
but monitoring is not done to exposure of product in 3
(ability to control measures)
adverse condition during stuffing.
Suitable temperature controlled storage facility is not
available and monitoring is not done to exposure of 5
product in adverse condition during stuffing.
Failure Mode: Temperature monitoring during transportation
Temperature monitoring is done during transportation 1
Severity ; S (Consequences of
Temperature monitoring is not done during
failure) 3
Failure unlikely 1
Probability of occurrence ; O
Occasional failure 3
(Potential failure Cause)
High failure 5

Vol. 5, Issue 10 |

PharmaTutor PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881 28

Risk Aspects Description Risk Score

Temperature monitoring device i.e. data logger is
Probability of Detectability ; D calibrated.
(ability to control measures) Temperature monitoring device i.e. data logger is not

Risk assessment was carried out for API during transportation as per below table 2.
A case study, Aceclofenac BP is manufactured by the ABC Ltd. Gujrat and API supplied to directly XYZ Ltd.
Himachal Pradesh. The material has been transported through road permit with temperature controlled
container. As per BP monograph the storage condition of Aceclofenac is “Store in air tight container, protect
from light”. The accelerated and long term stability study was performed by the API manufacturer and shelf life
assigned for 4 yrs. Stress stability (mimicking transportation condition) study was not performed by the API

TABLE 2: Supply Chain Risk Assessment for API at Transport

Advatage of Risk Management in Transport:

A risk based approach of the individual segment of supply chain i.e. transport can be performed to assure the
drug (API) is supplied to user i.e. manufacturing plant site with quality and efficacy. On the basis of risk level the
different action plan will be developed to control the risk and their effectiveness within the scope of risk
monitoring must be reviewed.
Under the aspect of drug quality, a risk based approach can be used to determine the scope and depth of the
necessary qualification of API supplier, transport packing and transport mode. On this basis, additional action for
validation and monitoring of transport process can be determined.

From the above evaluation of risk assessment based on FMEA it was summarized that the various critical steps
were expected to occur at each stage of supply chain, were adequate to reduce the associated risk. Methods of

Vol. 5, Issue 10 |

PharmaTutor PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881 29

risk management can be beneficially employed to identify, assess and control risk. It becomes clear that
potential risks change from one transport to the other. The result of a risk analysis can serve as the basis of
qualification of transport vehicles, transport packaging and supplier; they can supply important starting points
for the qualification of transport service providers or they can from the foundation of a monitoring concept.

1. World Health Organization WHO Technical Report series, no. 957, 2010 annex 5 WHO Good Distribution
Practices for Pharmaceutical Products
2. Information from European Union Institutions, Bodies, Offices And Agencies European Commission
Guidelines, 5 november 2013, On Good Distribution Practice of Medicinal Products for Human Use (text with
EEA relevance) (2013/C 343/01)
3. International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for
Human Use ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline Quality Risk Management Q9 Current Step 4 version dated 9
November 2005.
4. International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for
Human Use ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline Pharmaceutical Development Q8(R2) Current Step 4 version
dated August 2009.
5. EU GMP Guidelines on 19 march 2015 Principle of Good Distribution Practice of active substances for
medicinal products for human use.
6. A guide to supply chain risk management for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries and their
suppliers v.1.0 2010 the chartered quality institute pharmaceutical quality group website at

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