Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual: California Department of Transportation
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual: California Department of Transportation
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual: California Department of Transportation
This manual is intended for the use of Caltrans personnel. Engineers and agencies
outside of Caltrans may use this manual at their own discretion. Caltrans is not
responsible for any work performed by non-Caltrans personnel using this manual.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Chapter - Section
1 – 10 Background
1 – 20 Foreword
5 – 10 Guidelines for Involving Moisture and Temperature in Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation
5 – 20 Identifying and Recording Distress
5 – 30 Abbreviations
5 – 40 Definitions
5 – 50 Bibliography
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
simplified the procedure for determining of the roadway wheel path areas. (One
an AC overlay thickness (3). Revised wheel path with continuous alligator
deflection attenuation data and tolerable cracking was considered to be 50 percent
deflection levels of AC pavements were and continuous cracking in both wheel
also included. paths would be 100%.)
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Each design requires an evaluation based return the roadway to an acceptable level
on three components: providing of service.
structural adequacy, retarding reflective
cracking from the underlying layer and There are many variations in materials,
improving the ride quality. traffic loads and environment that affect
the performance of pavement structural
The project engineer should consult the sections. This makes it impossible to
regional or district materials engineer or develop hard and fast rules for the
the district pavement engineer early in rehabilitation of pavements. Therefore,
the project development process in order the project engineer should rely on the
to reduce the lag time between experience, judgment and guidance of
conception and construction of the engineers in pertinent functional
project. Pavement deflection studies and engineering areas who are familiar with
rehabilitation recommendations should design, construction, materials, and
be requested early in the process to maintenance of pavements in the
provide accurate information for geographical area of the project.
estimating project costs.
The use of the metric system is
Development of a recommendation to encouraged and prevalent in State
rehabilitate an existing AC pavement contracts. However, the English system
requires collecting background data as lends itself better to the use of this
well as collecting field data. Thorough manual since deflections in all previous
investigation of the pavement surface, research and current field studies are
deflection measurements of the existing measured in thousands of an inch
pavement and knowledge of the (0.001-inch) for the California
subsurface conditions are all necessary. Deflectometer as well as other devices.
Finally, all the assembled information All calculations in this manual are in the
previously acquired, along with the English system and final results are in
calculations, are used to determine the metric equivalent.
amount of rehabilitation necessary to
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Photo 5 – Dynaflect
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
As the need for additional lanes has Previous deflection studies for the
occurred, widening of the roadway has project found in the SSD&R files, where
sometimes created two different no maintenance or rehabilitation has
structural sections even within a single been done, can be used to determine a
lane. These can usually be noticed by a rate-of-change in deflections that may be
longitudinal crack at the joint. A test considered when designing new
section on each of the structural sections rehabilitation strategies. Normally,
should be selected for use in the deflections increase with age beginning
rehabilitation study. several months after construction if the
pavement is under traffic loads.
Occasionally, a return to a project may
be required for additional testing after A previous study may have been done
reviewing the initial deflection data in when moisture was in the structural
the office. section. Consequently, those deflections
may be higher than in the current study.
If this happens, the previous, higher
deflections should be used to design the
2 – 30 Pavement Background current rehabilitation.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
x =
∑D i
Di = an individual deflection
measurement in the test section
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
x =
∑D i
= 0.725/21 = 0.0345 inch
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Figure 1
Project Limits
Photo 6
Photo 5
Photo 4
Photo 7
Photo 3
Photo 2
Photo 1
24 30 30 13 14 15 14
80th percentile deflections (10-3 inches) for
0.02-mile test sections.
28 28 34 20 18 13
Photo 8
Photo 9
Photo 13
Photo 12
Photo 10
Photo 11
PM 62.0
PM 63.0
PM 64.0
PM 65.0
PM 66.0
PM 59.0
PM 61.0
PM 60.0
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Suggestion: Where:
AverageD80 − TDS
PRD = (100)
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Step 1:
When the volume of traffic increases to Obtain tolerable deflection at the
the level that new lanes should be added, surface (TDS).
the existing shoulder may be called upon Use Table 1 (Chapter 6):
to carry a wheel path. If the shoulder AC = 0.40 ft and TI = 11.0
pavement has not carried traffic loads TDS = 0.012 inch
and fatigue cracking is absent,
engineering judgment is required to Step 2:
analyze the measured deflections on the Compare average D80 to TDS.
shoulder. 0.025 > 0.012
Rehabilitation for structural
Oxidized asphalt pavement may be adequacy is indicated.
“bridging” rather than producing a
deflection basin. The deflections would Stem 3:
be lower than for a normal deflection Calculate Percent Reduction in
basin. To assist in making a Deflection (PRD) required.
determination on whether the pavement
is bridging, removed cores may be 0.025 − 0.012
brought to the lab for testing the in-place (100) = 52%
asphalt properties. This should be
emphasized especially when the lighter
Step 4:
deflection equipment is used.
Determine Gravel Equivalence
If the design TI is high, a new structural (GE) required for deflection
section designed using the R-value of the reduction.
underlying material may be appropriate Use Table 2; Column A)
for the shoulder turned into a lane. This GE = 0.68 ft
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Reflective crack retardation of the new (1) Type, sizes, and amounts of surface
overlay needs to be considered. cracks.
Retarding the propagation of cracks
from the existing pavement into the new (2) Extent of localized failures.
AC overlay will extend its service life.
(3) Existing structural section material
For AC pavements over untreated bases, and age.
the thickness of a new DGAC overlay
(4) Thickness and performance of
should be at least half the thickness of
previous rehabilitation.
the existing asphalt concrete up to a
maximum of 0.35 ft (105 mm). Or, if (5) Environmental factors.
the existing AC pavement is to be
milled, the thickness of the new AC (6) Anticipated future traffic loads
should be half the thickness of the (Traffic Index).
remaining pavement up to a maximum
of 0.35 ft.
Unfortunately, there are no set criteria
For AC pavements over a treated base or that will aid the engineer in the decision
PCC the general guideline (exceptions process in regards to designing to
will occur) for a ten-year design is a prevent reflective cracking. Experience
minimum overlay of 0.35 ft (105 mm) of with similar roadways repaired in the
new dense graded asphalt concrete general area; past overlays and their
(DGAC). This was developed by performance; and discussions with local
experience and is usually adequate for maintenance and construction personnel
retarding reflective cracks. An are all part of the data gathered to be
exception might be when the underlying considered in the final decision and
material is a thick PCC such as on an engineering judgment process.
overlaid PCC freeway that was not
cracked and seated. In this case a
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Solution 3-2:
Recommendations to be considered:
Structural Adequacy:
A 0.35-ft DGAC overlay. Refer
to Example 3-1. (Rubber AC
alternatives are discussed in
Section 4-20 of this manual.)
Reflective Cracking:
A 0.20-ft DGAC overlay. (One-
half existing AC thickness.)
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
s = standard deviation of all
deflections for a test section
REHABILITATION DESIGN Di = an individual deflection
GUIDE measurement in the test section
x =
∑D i
design Traffic Index (TI) and either the
thickness of the existing asphalt concrete
n (AC) pavement or the type of base data.
2. Calculate Standard Deviation** If D80 is at or below the TDS, then the
pavement is considered structurally
∑ Di − x )
adequate and any overlay thickness
n −1 should be based on reflective crack
retardation and/or ride score reduction.
If D80 is greater than the TDS, then the
overlay required for structural adequacy
is determined along with the need for
x = mean deflection for a test reflective crack retardation and/or ride
section score reduction.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
= 0.23 ft. Round up to 0.25 ft. 56.4% < 70%, the analytical depth.
This is not acceptable since the DGAC
thickness saved from the basic overlay is Therefore, use PRM = 56.4%
only (0.30 ft – 0.25 ft ) = 0.05 ft. This
should be at least 0.10 ft.
Try again. From Table 2, Column A, the total GE
required is 0.77 ft.
Trial 2: Increase the milling depth to
0.20 ft and find the deflection at the GE of CRAC = (0.25 ft)(1.5) = 0.38 ft
milled depth:
GE of DGAC = Total GE required – GE
DM = (0.030 inch) + [(1.2/ft)(0.20 ft) of CRAC = 0.77 ft – 0.38 ft = 0.39 ft
(0.030 inch)] = 0.037 inch
Thickness of DGAC = 0.39 ft/1.9 = 0.21
PRM = [(0.037 inch – 0.017 inch)/0.037 ft. Round up to 0.25 ft.
inch ](100) = 54%
Again the results did not change for the
54% < 70%, the analytical depth. DGAC thickness saved from the basic
overlay. This should be at least 0.10 ft.
Therefore, use PRM = 54% Try again.
From Table 2, Column A, the total GE Trial 4: Increase the milling depth to
required is 0.72 ft. 0.30 ft and find the deflection at the
milled depth:
GE of CRAC = (0.20 ft)(1.5) = 0.30 ft
DM = (0.030 inch) + [(1.2/ft)(0.30 ft )
GE of DGAC = Total GE required – GE (0.030 inch)] = 0.041 inch
PRM = [(0.041 inch – 0.017 inch)/0.041
= 0.72 ft – 0.30 ft = 0.42 ft inch](100) = 58.5%
Thickness of DGAC = 0.42 ft/1.9 = 0.22 58.5 < 70%, the analytical depth.
ft. Round up to 0.25 ft.
Therefore, use PRM = 58.5%
The results did not change for the
DGAC thickness saved from the basic From Table 2, Column A, the total GE
overlay. This should be at least 0.10 ft. required is 0.82 ft.
Try again.
GE of CRAC = (0.30 ft )(1.5) = 0.45 ft
Trial 3: Increase the milling depth to
0.25 ft and find the deflection at the GE of DGAC = Total GE required – GE
milled depth: of CRAC = 0.82 ft – 0.45 ft = 0.37 ft
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
3. Add the RAP and oil or rejuvenating allowed on the pavement prior too the
agent to the new DGAC mix to HRAC material being placed and
obtain the recycled mix. compacted. The thin remaining surface,
4. Haul the HRAC mix back to the if opened to traffic, would cause
project to be spread with a paving degradation of the pavement and affect
machine and then compacted. the design life of the new HRAC
5. To prevent damage, traffic should be material.
minimized or not allowed on the
milled surface of the lane being When designing the HRAC for structural
recycled depending on the thickness adequacy, the tolerable deflection (TDS)
of AC pavement remaining after is always determined using the thickness
milling (must be at least 0.25 ft left of the existing pavement. In a hot
before allowing any traffic on the recycling design, the additional GE
lane). required to reduce the measured
deflection to the tolerable level is a
Pavements that are candidates for hot combination of:
recycling are those with uniform asphalt
content. The existence of heavy crack- • The GE required from the basic
sealant, numerous patches, open-graded overlay calculations, and
asphalt concrete, and heavy seal coats • The GE required to replace the
make the new Hot Recycled Asphalt material removed by the milling
Concrete (HRAC) mix design machine.
inconsistent and therefore more difficult
to control the mix properties. To avoid The percent reduction in deflection at the
this problem when it occurs and still use milled depth is based on a research study
this recycle option on projects, a that determined that deflections increase
minimum of 0.08 ft (25 mm) should be 12% for each additional 0.10 ft (30 mm)
milled off and stockpiled for other uses of milled depth (7).
(e.g., shoulder backing) prior to the hot
recycling operation. Light crack sealing Since it not known at what milled depth
(less than 5 % of the pavement) or a the 70 % PRM level or the “analytical
uniform single seal coat will not depth*” will be reached, this is a trial and
influence the design sufficiently to error or iterative type of calculation.
require removal.
Use the following definitions for HRAC
Caltrans has established a minimum mill analysis:
depth of 0.10 ft (30 mm) for hot
recycling. Since existing pavement Mill Depth = The depth of the milling in
thicknesses will have slight variations feet.
the hot recycling design should leave at
least the bottom 0.15 ft (45 mm) of the
existing AC pavement in-place. This is
to insure the milling machine does not The analytical depth, as defined by Caltrans, is
loosen base material and possibly the depth the required Percent Reduction in
Deflection at the milled depth reaches 70%, or
contaminate the HRAC mix design.
the milled depth reaches 0.50 ft (150 mm),
Milling down to a depth that leaves only whichever comes first. For discussion of deeper
0.15 ft works only when traffic is not milling depths see Remove and Replace.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
D80 = 80th Percentile of the deflections at the Gf of 1.4. The additional GE that is
the surface in inches, for a test section. required to replace the portion below
analytical depth is calculated by
DM = The calculated Deflection at the multiplying the Gf of 1.4 by the milled
Milled depth in inches. depth below the analytical depth. This is
added to the required GE to be placed on
MillDepth top of the milled surface at the analytical
DM = D80 + (12% ) (D80 )
0.10 ft depth. The total HRAC thickness
required is found by dividing the sum of
the two GE’s by the Gf of 1.9.
TDS = Tolerable Deflection at the
Surface in inches. Finally, a determination is made to see if
the designed thickness of the HRAC is
PRM = Percent Reduction in deflection
suitable. For HRAC to be considered, it
required at the Milled depth.
must be cost effective. Items to consider
PRM = (100)
DM • The increase in the profile grade
should be at least 0.10 ft (30 mm)
Using the thickness of the existing AC less than the increase from the basic
pavement and the design TI, determine overlay design; otherwise a basic
the TDS from Table 1. Calculate the overlay would be less costly; and
deflection at the milled depth from the
equation: • The amount of RAP should be about
10,000 tons (9070 tonnes) or more to
MillDepth be cost effective.
DM = D80 + (12% ) (D80 )
0.10 ft Unlike cold recycled material, HRAC
pavement can be used as a surface
The PRM is then found: course without a DGAC cap. The Gf of
HRAC is the same as DGAC (i.e., Gf =
PRM = (100) 1.9 ). Therefore, this analysis can also
DM be used for DGAC on milled pavement
and the reclaimed asphalt pavement
could be stockpiled for future use.
Utilizing the calculated PRM value go to
Table 2, Column A, to get the total GE
required to be placed on top of the Example 4-3: Determine the milling
milled pavement surface. The HRAC depth and the hot-recycled thickness for
thickness is found by dividing the GE by rehabilitation.
the Gf of 1.9.
Ten-Year 80th Percentile Existing Structural
If the milling goes below the analytical TI Deflection Section
depth, the analysis changes. The 11.0 0.031 inch 0.75 foot AC
existing material below the analytical 0.50 foot AB
depth is considered to be of questionable 1.00 foot AS
structural integrity and hence assigned
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
The percent of RAP is (0.25 ft/0.65 study has shown that deflections will
ft)(100) = 38 %. increase an average of 12% for each
0.10-ft of pavement milled off (based on
Trial 3: Increase the milled depth to milling depths down to about 0.50 ft).(7)
0.30 ft (0.15 ft below the analytical The greater the depth of milling the less
depth) to save more material. accurate the determination may be of the
calculated deflections.
HRAC = [(1.06 ft) + (0.15 ft)(1.4)]/1.9
= 0.67 ft. Round to 0.65 ft. R&R design from deflections is also less
reliable if a bulldozer or a scraper is used
The percent of RAP is (0.30 ft/0.65 to remove the material under the
ft)(100) = 46 %. pavement instead of a milling machine.
This method of removing material
Discussion 4-3: disturbs the integrity of the in-place
At this milling depth the RAP content is material from which the deflections were
46% and the increase in grade is 0.35 ft. measured.
This will save 0.15 ft of new material
compared with the 0.50 ft DGAC The alternative to the use of this design
overlay needed by the basic overlay and is the R-value design method (see HDM
would also decrease the final grade of Chapter 600).
the shoulder thus saving shoulder-
backing material. When using the R&R method in
designing for structural adequacy, the
Recommendation 4-3: Mill 0.30 ft (90 tolerable deflection (TDS) is always
mm) of the existing pavement and then determined using the thickness of the
replace it with a total thickness of 0.65 ft existing pavement.
(195 mm) of HRAC.
The analysis used for R&R is similar to
the HRAC analysis (Section 4-50). First
4 – 60 Remove and Replace consider milling down to what is called
the analytical depth. This is the depth
When it is not possible to maintain the where the required Percent Reduction in
existing profile grade using the hot Deflection at the Milled depth (PRM)
recycled hot mix (HRAC) design, the reaches 70% or to 0.50 ft (150 mm), or
remove-and-replace strategy can be to the bottom of the pavement,
used. The Remove-and-Replace (R&R), whichever comes first. As discussed
sometimes called Mill and Fill, operation above, the 70% PRM is based on an
consists of milling the entire AC increase in deflection of 12% for each
pavement and possibly into the base 0.10-ft (30 mm) of milled pavement.
material. (When using several milling This is an iterative type of calculation
passes, part of the AC may be used to since it not known at what milling depth
reclaim asphalt pavement for HRAC.) the 70% level will be reached. Use the
The entire milled depth is then replaced following definitions for the R&R
with DGAC or HRAC. analysis:
This design method may be less reliable Mill Depth = The depth of milling in
the deeper the milling is performed. A feet.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
R&R design method, use the Gf for the DGAC overlay thickness = (1.06
new DGAC commensurate with the TI ft)/(1.9) = 0.56 ft. Round to 0.55 ft.
and AC thickness found in Table 608.4
of the Highway Design Manual Reflective Cracking:
(HDM).*(8) The total DGAC thickness A 0.35-ft DGAC overlay. (One-half
can be solved for each 0.05 ft (15 mm) existing AC thickness with a
of material milled until the desired maximum of 0.35 ft.)
profile is reached. Round the
replacement thickness to the nearest 0.05 Ride Quality:
ft. A 0.25-ft DGAC overlay placed in
two layers. (Section 3-30).
Example 4-4: Determine the milling
depth and the DGAC thickness for Calculation 4-4: Now provide a
rehabilitation to maintain the existing rehabilitation strategy by the R&R
profile grade. method that maintains the existing
profile grade.
Ten-Year 80th Percentile Existing Structural
TI Deflection Section In this example, the analytical depth of
12.0 0.030 inch 0.75 foot AC 70% was reached at the surface, so to
0.50 foot AB obtain the GE below the surface, all the
0.83 foot AS
calculations will be multiplying the Gf
times the thickness of the layer milled.
These values will then be added to the
Solution 4-4:
GE required at the surface.
Recommendations to be considered:
Find the GE removed when milling from
the analytical depth (the surface in this
Structural Adequacy:
example) down to the bottom of the
pavement: GE = (0.75 ft)(1.4) = 1.05 ft.
Solve for a basic DGAC overlay.
Use Table 1 to find that the TDS is This is added to the GE at the surface
0.009 inches. and divided by the Gf of the new DGAC
to get the thickness required: (1.06 ft) +
PRD = [(0.030 inches – 0.009 (1.05 ft) = 2.11 ft GE.
inches)/0.030 inches](100) = 70.0 %
This is a trial and error problem since the
Gf that matches the new DGAC
Use Table 2, Column A, to thickness is unknown at this time.
determine that 1.06 ft is the increase Assume a Gf of 1.9. (This is usually a
in GE required to reduce the D80 to good starting point since it is about the
the tolerable deflection level. middle of Table 608.4).
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
GE/Gf = (2.11 ft)/(2.09) = 1.01 ft. [(1.9)/(1.1)](0.30 ft) = 0.52 ft. Round
Round to 1.00 ft of DGAC. to 0.50 ft.
To match the thickness for which the Gf This would be a total depth of 1.25 ft
is used, the answer appears to be (0.75 ft + 0.50 ft).
between 1.00 ft and 1.10 ft. Assuming a
thickness of 1.05, the Gf is equal to 2.05 Find the GE value of the AB removed to
(HDM, Table 608.4) and thus the DGAC the estimated depth (0.50 ft):
thickness needed is:
GE = (0.50 ft)(1.1) = 0.55 ft.
GE/Gf = (2.11 ft)/(2.05) = 1.03 ft.
This is added to the GE’s at the
Round to 1.05 ft of DGAC. (This analytical depth and bottom of the
matches the thickness for which the Gf pavement, and then divided by the Gf of
was used.) the DGAC to yield the required
When the milling extends to the bottom
of the pavement (0.75 ft ), the removed GE = (1.06 ft) + (1.05 ft) + (0.55 ft) =
material is replaced with 1.05 ft of 2.66 ft.
DGAC for an increase in the profile
grade of 0.30 ft. This is 0.25 ft lower in For the estimated 1.25 ft depth, the Gf is
profile grade than the basic overlay 2.18 (HDM, Table 608.4).
design method provided. This would be
an acceptable solution except the GE/Gf = (2.66 ft)/2.18 = 1.22 ft of
problem was to match the existing grade. DGAC. Round to 1.20 ft.
Therefore, find to what depth the milling This is less than the 1.25-ft thickness
has to go to have no increase in profile that was estimated; the depth of the AB
grade. Below the pavement the Gf for to be removed was too much. Therefore,
the existing 0.50 ft of AB material is 1.1. reduce the estimate for the milled depth
The additional GE to be replaced is 1.1 of the AB below the pavement. Try 0.45
times the thickness of the AB layer ft into the AB, for a total thickness of
milled. This will be added to the GE at 1.20 ft (0.75-ft pavement and 0.45 ft
the analytical depth (at the surface in this base).
example) and the GE at the bottom of
GE = (0.45 ft)(1.1) = 0.50 ft. This is
the pavement; then the total is divided by
added to the GE’s at the analytical depth
the Gf of the new DGAC.
and bottom of the pavement, then
Instead of trying each 0.05-ft of milling, divided by the Gf of the 1.20 ft of DGAC
estimate to what depth the milling might obtained from Table 608.4 of the HDM
have to go. A quick calculation of the Gf (Gf = 2.15 ):
ratio times the increase in grade, when
GE/Gf = (1.06 ft + 1.05 ft + 0.50 ft)/2.15
milling stopped at the bottom of the
= 1.21 ft
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Round to 1.20 ft. (This matches the GE/Gf = (2.02 ft)/(2.02) = 1.00 ft.
thickness for which the Gf was used).
The R-value design method determined
Discussion 4-4: Since this is quite deep that the existing structural section should
for the milling analysis the R&R method be removed to a depth of 1.00 ft and
may not be reliable*, check the R-value replaced with new DGAC. The Remove
design to see if it is close to the 1.20-ft and Replace design method produced a
thickness. Only 0.05 ft of AB remains thickness of 1.20 ft of new material.
above the aggregate subbase (AS), Engineering judgment is needed as to
therefore use the R-value of the AS with which depth to use. In this case the
the TI10 of 12. (The R-value is 50 for deflection measurements gives the more
Class 1 and 2, and 40 for Class 3 as per conservative answer and the engineer
HDM, Table 608.4). Assume an R- working on the project may have other
value of 50. The equation to determine data to support the use of the R&R
the GE using the R-value is as follows: method.
GE required=(0.0032)(TI)(100–R-value)
Recommendation 4-4: Mill 0.75 ft (225
GE = (0.0032)(12)(100-50) = 1.92 mm) of the existing pavement and 0.45 ft
(135 mm) of the AB material. Then
For a full depth design, add a safety replace those layers with 1.20 ft (360
factor to the GE of 0.10 ft to allow for mm) of DGAC. This will maintain the
construction tolerances as per the HDM. profile grade.
The GE required is then 2.02 ft.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
As a review, the basic overlay design placed less than 0.35 ft (105 mm) thick
method is based on reducing the 80th and the DGAC surface should never be
percentile deflection (D80) at the surface placed less than 0.20 ft (60 mm) thick on
back to a tolerable level (TDS). the AB.
Knowing the TI, 80th percentile
deflection, and the existing AC
pavement thickness, the gravel Example 4-5: Determine the AC and
equivalence (GE) can be determined. AB thicknesses for a Cushion Course
Using a gravel factor ( Gf ) of 1.9, the design.
thickness of the new AC overlay can be
calculated. Ten-Year 80th Percentile Existing Structural
TI Deflection Section
Please note that when determining the 8.0 0.056 inch 0.55 foot AC
0.50 foot AB
mean and standard deviation of a test
0.83 foot AS
section, do not omit the individual
measurements on isolated failed areas,
since patching failed areas will not be Solution 4-5:
recommended when designing an asphalt
concrete overlay placed on a cushion Recommendations to be considered:
Reflective cracking and ride quality are
For this option, the design is based on inherently provided for in this type of
the same principle as the basic overlay design.
with two exceptions:
Structural Adequacy:
• the GE required, much like new
construction, is obtained with Since this design is much like new
combinations of AB and AC construction design, the thickness of the
pavement to reduce the D80 for the existing AC pavement does not enter
new AC pavement, and into the calculations for the aggregate
• the Gf varies with the TI and base and new AC thicknesses. To find
thickness, again like new the minimum DGAC thickness required
construction.* over the AB, use the standard design
equation from the HDM:
The DGAC gravel factor (Gf )
commensurate with the TI and new AC GE = (0.0032)(TI)(100-R)
thickness found in Table 608.4 of the
HDM is used. However, no safety factor Gf for AB is 1.1. The R-value for AB is
of additional thickness for new 78. The GE required over the AB is:
construction as described in the HDM
for the R-value design is to be applied. GE = (0.0032)(8)(100-78) = 0.56 ft.
As in new construction of highway
pavement, an AB layer should never be AC = GE/Gf. Use the Gf obtained from
Table 608.4 of the HDM (Estimate what
For an AC thickness greater than 0.50 ft (150 the thickness will be and use that Gf ; or
mm), the Gf increases as the thickness increases; as in this example, start with a Gf of
see HDM Index 608.4 (8).
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
2.01; this Gf is good for all values of AC Subtract the GE of the actual DGAC
thickness up to 0.50 ft and a TI of 8.0). thickness from the total GE required to
Therefore, this is an iterative calculation obtain the GE of the AB:
process to get the solution. Round the
thickness to the nearest 0.05 ft. GE of AB = 1.10 ft – 0.60 ft = 0.50 ft.
AC = GE/Gf = 0.56 ft/2.01 = 0.28 ft. Finally, divide by the Gf of the AB and
Round to 0.30 ft. round to the nearest 0.05 ft:
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Finally, divide the GE of AB by its Gf thickness of the DGAC over the ATPB
and round to the nearest 0.05-ft to is based on the equation below. The GE
calculate the AB thickness required: of the AC is 0.4 of the total GE required
over a 50 R-value material [see HDM
GE/Gf = 0.29 ft/1.1 = 0.26 ft. Round to 608.4 (4) (b)]. The minimum thickness
0.25 ft. of DGAC cover over the ATPB should
never be less than 0.20 ft (60 mm).
Use the minimum thickness, 0.35 ft for
GE over ATPB = [(0.4)(GE required
Recommendation 4-6: Use 0.55 ft (165 over a 50 R-value material)]
mm) of DGAC over 0.35 ft ( 105 mm) of
GE = [(0.4)(0.0032)(TI)(100-R)]
4 – 80 Cushion Course Design with Example 4-7: Use the same data from
Drainage Layer the example problem solved in the
“Asphalt Concrete Overlay Placed on A
In this option, an AB layer (cushion Cushion Course” design, Section 4-70.
course) is placed prior to placing a Determine the AC, ATPB and AB
drainage layer and DGAC pavement. It thicknesses for a Cushion Course design
is similar in design to an “Asphalt with drainage layer.
Concrete Overlay Placed on a Cushion
Course” described in Section 4-70. The Ten-Year 80th Percentile Existing Structural
Gravel Equivalence (GE) for the added TI Deflection Section
layer of the Asphalt Treated Permeable 8.0 0.056 inch 0.55 foot AC
Base (ATPB) is subtracted from the total 0.50 foot AB
GE required. [Note that a drainage layer 0.83 foot AS
requires positive outflow and is
discussed in Highway Design Manual
(HDM), Chapter 600, Topic 606]. The Solution 4-7:
thickness of the ATPB is 0.25 ft (75mm)
unless a unique combination of Recommendations to be considered:
conditions exists. See HDM, Section
606.2. Reflective cracking and ride quality are
inherently provided for in this type of
The Gf for ATPB is 1.4 as obtained from
the HDM, Table 608.4. The GE that the Structural Adequacy:
0.25-ft (75-m) ATPB layer contributes to
the total required thickness is: Find the minimum DGAC thickness
over the ATPB:
GE = (Gf )(AB thickness) = (1.4)(0.25 ft)
GE = 0.35 ft.
The GE over the ATPB is
Since an ATPB drainage layer has an [(0.4)(0.0032)(8)(100-50)] = 0.51 ft.
indeterminate R-value, the minimum
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
From the HDM, Table 608.4, the Gf for GE of AB = (0.98 ft)–(0.50 ft) – (0.35 ft)
any thickness of DGAC 0.50 ft or less is GE = 0.13 ft.
2.01. The minimum thickness of cover
for the ATPB is: AB Thickness = GE/Gf = 0.13 ft/1.1
GE/Gf = (0.51 ft)/(2.01) = 0.25 ft. AB = 0.11 ft. Round to 0.10 ft.
Use 0.25 ft.
Use the minimum thickness, 0.35 ft for
Calculate the actual GE provided by the AB.
0.25-ft of DGAC:
Recommendation 4-7 Use 0.25 ft (75
mm ) of DGAC, over 0.25 ft (75 mm ) of
GE = (2.01)(0.25 ft) = 0.50 ft.
ATPB, over 0.35 ft (105 mm ) of AB.
Use the thickness of the new AC
pavement and the design Traffic Index
4 – 90 Asphalt Concrete Overlay with
(TI) in Table 1 to determine that the
Drainage Layer
Tolerable Deflection at the Surface
(TDS) is 0.024 inch.
Determination and discussion of the
need for a drainage layer can be found in
Calculate the percent reduction in
the California Highway Design Manual
deflection required at the surface (PRD)
(HDM), in Chapter 600, Topic 606.
of the existing pavement (D80 = 0.056
Placement and design considerations
inch), to reduce the TDS for the new
such as a positive outflow requirement
pavement to 0.024 inch:
for a drainage layer are also found in the
HDM. This strategy can also be used to
AverageD80 − TDS
PRD = (100) smooth rough pavement as well as
AverageD80 provide the needed drainage since it
utilizes multiple layers.
PRD = [(0.056 inch – 0.024 inch)/0.056 The AC overlay thickness portion of this
inch]100 = 57.1 % strategy is determined using the design
method for a basic overlay, with the
Utilizing the calculated PRD value, go to Gravel Equivalence (GE) of the Asphalt
Table 2, Column B to determine the Treated Permeable Base (ATPB) layer
increase in GE required to reduce the subtracted from the total GE required.
D80 to the TDS for the new pavement: The thickness of the ATPB is 0.25 ft (75
mm) unless unique combinations of
GE (Total Required) = 0.98 ft. conditions were to exist. [See Highway
Design Manual (HDM), Chapter 600,
Subtract the GE of the actual DGAC
Topic 606]. The standard layer of 0.25
thickness (0.50 ft) and the GE of the
ft (75 mm) will generally provide greater
ATPB (0.35 ft) from the total GE
drainage capacity than is needed under
required to get the GE of the AB.
AC pavements. Therefore, the standard
GE (Total Required) = (GE of DGAC) + thickness generally provides sufficient
(GE of ATPB) + (GE of AB) drainage and provides an allowance to
compensate for construction tolerances.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
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overlay = = 0.275 Round
to 0.30 ft.
Discussion 4-8:
• Reflective cracking requirement is
less than the 0.35-ft DGAC thickness
plus the 0.25-ft layer of ATPB.
• The ride quality is going to be
improved due to the two layers being
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none or minimal – (0% to 5%); or from the pavement cores where the
isolated – (5% to 10%); layers separate easily. The cause may be
occasional – (10% to 15%); insufficient tack coat at construction.
intermittent – (15% to 50%); Record the number and locations. To
nearly continuous – (50% to 85%); repair, mill deep enough to remove the
continuous -- (85% to 100%). delaminating layers.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
include limiting water intrusion into the Rutting. Longitudinal depressions in the
base. wheel path usually caused by an unstable
AC mix or inadequate strength of the
Light – Water pumping is observed but underlying material. Since this could be
no fines (or only a very small amount) progressive, removal of the offending
can be seen on the surface of the material may be necessary. If
pavement. progression has stopped, rutting greater
Medium – Some material can be than ½ inch (25 mm) should be milled
observed. off to form an even surface, or an AC
High – A significant amount of pumped leveling course placed, prior to placing
material exists on the surface near the the AC overlay. Rutting may also be
cracks. caused by surface attrition, the abrasive
wear of the pavement from the action of
tire chains.
Raveling. This is a progressive Light – Mean depths range from ¼ inch
disintegration of the asphalt concrete (6 mm) to ½ inch (13 mm);
surface downward by the dislodgment of Medium – Mean depths range from ½
aggregate particles and binder. This inch (13 mm) to 1 inch (25 mm);
could be due to significant hardening of High – Mean depths are greater than 1
the asphalt binder (weathering) and inch (25 mm).
would occur across the entire pavement.
Or it could occur just in the middle of Shoving (slippage). Localized
the lane where the oil that drips from the displacement or bulging of pavement in
vehicles strips the asphalt from the the direction of loading pressure
aggregate. produced by stopping, starting or turning
movements. The pavement may have
Fine – Fine aggregate and/or asphalt low tensile strength and delamination or
binder has worn away and the surface may have bleeding from too much
texture is moderately rough and pitted; asphalt in the mix. Shoving the
Coarse – Coarse aggregate and asphalt pavement forward often produces
binder has worn away, and the surface corrugations ahead of the shoving and
texture is severely rough and pitted. crescent-shaped cracks behind. Note the
size of the area. No degree of severity is
Record whether the location of the defined. Removal of the offending
raveling is in the drip path, wheel path, material is usually necessary.
or across the entire lane.
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5-30 Abbreviations
AB Aggregate Base
AC Asphalt Concrete
AS Aggregate Subbase
ATPB Asphalt Treated Permeable Base
CRAC Cold Recycled Asphalt Concrete
CTB Cement Treated Base
D80 80th Percentile of the Deflections at the Surface, in inches, for a test section
DGAC Dense Graded Asphalt Concrete
DM The calculated Deflection at the Milled depth in inches
ESAL Equivalent Single 18,000-lb Axle Load
GE Gravel Equivalence
Gf Gravel Factor
HDM Highway Design Manual
HRAC Hot Recycled Asphalt Concrete
IRI International Roughness Index
LCB Lean Concrete Base
OGAC Open Graded Asphalt Concrete
OWP Outside Outer Wheel Path
PCC Portland Cement Concrete
PMS Pavement Management System
PRD Percent Reduction in Deflection Required at the Surface
PRM Percent Reduction in deflection required at the Milled depth
R&R Remove and Replace also known as Mill and Fill
RAC (Type G) Asphalt Rubberized – Asphalt Concrete (Type G)
RAP Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
SAMI-F Fabric Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer
SAMI-R Rubberized Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer
SSD&R Office of Structural Section Design and Rehabilitation
TDS Tolerable Deflection at the Surface, in inches
TI Traffic Index
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
structural support before placing the new cleanouts, designed to drain the
asphalt concrete pavement. structural section of both rigid and
flexible pavements.
Delamination. A separation (debonding)
of two layers of asphalt concrete Embankment. A prism of earth that is
generally due to insufficient paint binder constructed from excavated or borrowed
during construction. It causes the two natural soil and/or rock, extending from
layers to act independently from each original ground to the grading plane, and
other. designed to provide a stable support for
the pavement structural section.
Dense Graded Asphalt Concrete
(DGAC). A uniformly graded asphalt Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESAL’s).
concrete mixture (aggregate and paving Summation of equivalent 18000-lb (80-
asphalt) containing a small percentage of kN) single axle loads used to convert
voids, used primarily as a surface layer mixed traffic to design traffic for the
to provide the structural strength needed design period.
to distribute loads to underlying layers of
the structural section. Flexible Pavement. A traffic load
carrying system that is made up of one
Design Period. The period of time that or more layers that are designed to
an initially constructed or rehabilitated transmit and distribute that loading to the
pavement structural section is designed underlying roadbed material. The
to perform before reaching its terminal highest quality layer is the surface
serviceability or a condition that requires course, (generally asphalt concrete)
major rehabilitation or reconstruction; which is usually underlain by a lesser
this is also referred to as the quality base, and in turn a subbase. It is
performance period. Because of the called flexible because it can tolerate
many independent variables involved, deflection bending under heavy loads.
the service life before major
maintenance or rehabilitation is required Fog Seal. A combination of mixing-type
may actually be considerably longer or asphaltic emulsion and water which is
shorter. applied to the surface of asphalt concrete
pavement to seal the surface, primarily
Drip Path Ravel. Progressive used for pavement maintenance.
disintegration of the surface between
wheel paths on asphalt concrete Grading Plane. The surface of the
pavement, caused by oil and fuel basement material upon which the
dripping from vehicles. This is most lowest layer of subbase, base, pavement
prevalent adjacent to intersections where surfacing, or other specified layer, is
vehicles slow and stop. placed.
Edge Drain System. A drainage system, Hot Recycling. The use of reclaimed
consisting of a slotted plastic collector asphalt concrete pavement which is
pipe encapsulated in treated permeable combined with virgin aggregates,
material and a filter fabric barrier, with asphalt, and sometimes rejuvenating
unslotted plastic pipe vents, outlets, and agents at a central hot-mix plant and
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Structural Section. The planned, Surface Polish. The loss of the original
engineering-designed layers of specified pavement surface texture due to traffic.
materials (normally consisting of
subbase, base, and pavement surface) Surface Recycling. In-place heating of
placed over the basement soil to support the surface of asphalt concrete pavement
the traffic loads anticipated to be followed by scarification, remixing, and
accumulated and applied during the compaction, generally to a depth of
design period. The structural section is about 20 mm. This is considered to be a
also commonly called the pavement maintenance procedure.
structural section.
Tack Coat (Paint Binder). The
Structural Section Drainage System. A application of bituminous material to an
drainage system used for both asphalt existing surface to provide bond between
and portland cement concrete pavements the superimposed construction and the
consisting of a treated permeable base existing surface.
layer and a collector system which
includes a slotted plastic pipe Tandem Axle Load. The total load
encapsulated in treated permeable transmitted to the pavement by two
material and a filter fabric barrier with consecutive axles whose centers may be
unslotted plastic pipe as vents, outlets included between parallel vertical planes
and cleanouts to rapidly drain the spaced more than 1.016 m (40 inches)
pavement structural section. and not more than 2.438 m (96 inches)
apart, extending across the full width of
Subbase. A layer of aggregate of the vehicle.
designed thickness and specified quality
placed on the basement soils as the Transverse Cracking. Cracks in asphalt
foundation for a base. concrete pavement approximately at
right angles to the centerline most often
Subgrade. That portion of the roadbed created by thermal forces exceeding the
on which pavement surfacing, base, tensile strength of the asphalt concrete.
subbase, or a layer of any other material
is placed. Weathering. Gradual degradation of the
pavement surface. Oxidation and
Surface Attrition (“Abrasion”). hardening of the asphalt cause separation
Abnormal surface abrasion wear of from the aggregates, along with action of
pavement, resulting from either a poor the tires, result in surface raveling.
quality surface or exposure to abnormal
abrasive action (such as tire chains and Wearing Course. See Surface Course.
sanding materials) or both.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
5-50 Bibliography
3. Bushey, Roy W.; Baumeister,K. L.; Matthews, James A.; Sherman, George B.;
“Structural Overlays for Pavement Rehabilitation,” Interim Report, California
Department of Transportation, July 1974.
6. Mann, Gary W.; Matthews, J. A.; Webster J. T.; “An Evaluation of the Current
California Method To Determine Asphalt Concrete Overlay Thickness,” California
Department of Transportation, June 1980.
7. Hannon, J.B.; Mason, P. E.; Boerger, E.; “Determine Gravel Equivalent Factor For
Cold Recycled Asphalt Pavement,” Final Report of Minor Research Study, California
Department of Transportation, Office of Transportation, August 1988.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
( x 0.001 inches )
DGAC TraffIc Indexes ( T I ' s )
( foot ) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
0.00 66 51 41 34 29 25 22 19 17 15 14 13
0.05 61 47 38 31 27 23 20 18 16 14 13 12
0.10 57 44 35 29 25 21 19 16 15 13 12 11
0.15 53 41 33 27 23 20 17 15 14 12 11 10
0.20 49 38 31 25 21 18 16 14 13 12 10 10
0.25 46 35 28 24 20 17 15 13 12 11 10 9
0.30 43 33 27 22 19 16 14 12 11 10 9 8
0.35 40 31 25 20 17 15 13 12 10 9 8 8
0.40 37 29 23 19 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 7
0.45 35 27 21 18 15 13 11 10 9 8 7 7
0.50 ** 32 25 20 17 14 12 11 9 8 8 7 6
CTB *** 27 21 17 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 6 5
5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5
0.00 58 45 37 31 27 23 20 18 16 15 13 12
0.05 53 42 34 29 25 21 19 17 15 14 12 11
0.10 50 39 32 27 23 20 18 16 14 13 11 11
0.15 46 36 30 25 21 19 16 14 13 12 11 10
0.20 43 34 28 23 20 17 15 14 12 11 10 9
0.25 40 32 26 22 19 16 14 13 11 10 9 8
0.30 37 29 24 20 17 15 13 12 11 9 9 8
0.35 35 27 22 19 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 7
0.40 32 26 21 18 15 13 11 10 9 8 8 7
0.45 30 24 20 16 14 12 11 9 9 8 7 6
0.50 ** 28 22 18 15 13 11 10 9 8 7 7 6
CTB *** 24 19 15 13 11 10 8 7 7 6 5 5
Based on the following equation: Tol. Defl. = 10 [ A – (1.41 )( Log TI ) ] where the intercept, A, for each depth is
as follows:
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Percent GE in Feet GE in Feet Percent GE in Feet GE in Feet
Reduction For AC Overlay For AC Over Reduction For AC Overlay For AC Over
In Deflection Design cushion course In Deflection Design cushion
----------------- --------------------- -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- --------------------
5 0.02 0.02 46 0.55 0.62
6 0.02 0.02 47 0.57 0.65
7 0.02 0.02 48 0.59 0.68
8 0.02 0.02 49 0.61 0.71
9 0.03 0.03 50 0.63 0.74
10 0.03 0.03 51 0.66 0.77
11 0.04 0.04 52 0.68 0.81
12 0.05 0.05 53 0.70 0.84
13 0.05 0.05 54 0.72 0.88
14 0.06 0.06 55 0.74 0.91
15 0.07 0.07 56 0.76 0.94
16 0.08 0.08 57 0.79 0.98
17 0.09 0.09 58 0.81 1.01
18 0.09 0.09 59 0.83 1.05
19 0.10 0.10 60 0.85 1.08
20 0.11 0.11 61 0.87 1.11
21 0.12 0.12 62 0.89 1.15
22 0.14 0.14 63 0.91 1.18
23 0.15 0.15 64 0.94 1.22
24 0.16 0.16 65 0.96 1.25
25 0.18 0.18 66 0.98 1.28
26 0.19 0.19 67 1.00 1.32
27 0.20 0.20 68 1.02 1.35
28 0.21 0.21 69 1.04 1.39
29 0.23 0.23 70 1.06 1.42
30 0.24 0.24 71 1.09 1.45
31 0.26 0.26 72 1.11 1.49
32 0.28 0.28 73 1.13 1.52
33 0.29 0.30 74 1.15 1.56
34 0.31 0.32 75 1.17 1.59
35 0.33 0.33 76 1.19 1.62
36 0.35 0.35 77 1.22 1.66
37 0.37 0.37 78 1.24 1.69
38 0.38 0.39 79 1.26 1.73
39 0.40 0.41 80 1.28 1.76
40 0.42 0.43 81 1.30 1.79
41 0.44 0.46 82 1.32 1.83
42 0.46 0.49 83 1.34 1.86
43 0.48 0.52 84 1.37 1.90
44 0.51 0.55 85 1.39 1.93
45 0.53 0.58 86 1.41 1.96
* This column is derived from modifications to Figure 18 in the 1978 California Test 356 that established a
GE for AC over a cushion course design.
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
10 ≤ y < 20 10 ≤ y < 20
x = (y-6.25) / 125.00000 x = (y-6.25) / 125.00000
20 ≤ y < 30 20 ≤ y < 30
x = (y-11.53846) / 76.92308 x = (y-11.53846) / 76.92308
30 ≤ y < 40 30 ≤ y < 40
x = (y-16.66667) / 55.55556 x = (y-17.36843) / 52.63158
40 ≤ y 40 ≤ y < 50
x = (y-20.46512) / 46.51163 x = (y-26.12904) / 32.25807
50 ≤ y
x = (y-28.2353) / 29.41177
x in feet
y in percent
*This data was derived from the curve in the 1979 Asphalt Concrete Overlay Design
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
Table 3
Structural Equivalencies for RAC Type G
Thickness in feet
0.15 0.10 -
0.20 0.10 -
0.25 0.15 0.10
0.30 0.15 0.10
0.35 0.20 0.15
0.40 0.20 0.15
0.45 0.15 (1) 0.20
0.50 0.15 0.20
0.55 0.20 (1) 0.15 (3) (5)
0.60 0.20 (2) 0.15 (4) (5)
(1) Place 0.15 ft (45 mm) of new DGAC then place the RAC Type G. (See Note 5.)
(2) Place 0.20 ft (60 mm) of new DGAC then place the RAC Type G. (See Note 5.)
(3) Place 0.15 ft (45 mm) of new DGAC; a SAMI-R; then 0.15 ft (45 mm) of RAC Type G.
(4) Place 0.20 ft (60 mm) of new DGAC; a SAMI-R; then 0.15 ft (45 mm) of RAC Type G.
(5) If the existing surface is open graded asphalt concrete, it has to be milled off prior to placing the new
DGAC. Therefore, a new calculation should be completed to determine the correct thickness to be placed
after the reduction of the structural section by the milling procedure.
Table 4
Reflective Crack Retardation Equivalencies
Thickness in feet
0.15 0.10 -
0.20 0.10 -
0.25 0.15 -
0.30 0.15 -
(6) (7)
0.35 0.15 or 0.20 0.10 or 0.15 (8)
(6) A DGAC thickness of 0.35 ft (105 mm) is usually the maximum thickness recommended by Caltrans
for reflection crack retardation on AC pavements. (See discussions on Page 29.)
(7) Use 0.15 ft (45 mm) only if the crack width is < 1/8 inch (3 mm). Use 0.20 ft (60 mm) if the crack
width is ≥ 1/8 inch (3 mm) or if the underlying material is a CTB, LCB, or PCC.
(8) Use 0.10 ft (30 mm) if the crack width is ≥ 1/8 inch (3 mm) and the underlying base is an untreated
material. Use 0.15 ft (45 mm) if the crack width is ≥ 1/8 inch (3 mm) and the underlying base is a
CTB, LCB, or PCC. Do not use a SAMI-R if the crack width is < 1/8 inch (3 mm).
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Manual June 2001
0.05 15
0.06 18
0.08 25
0.10 30
0.15 45
0.20 60 *To be uniform statewide for AC structural section
0.25 75 designs, the layer thickness found in the Highway
0.30 90 Design Manual Table 608.4 and shown in this
0.35 105 appendix should be followed whenever possible.
0.40 120
0.45 135 The conversion to metric values used by Caltrans
0.50 150 is based on 0.05 ft equals 15 mm. This is not an
0.55 165 exact calculated or soft conversion, but rather
0.60 180 a hard conversion
0.65 195
0.70 210
0.75 225
0.80 240
0.85 255
0.90 270
0.95 285
1.00 300
1.05 315
1.10 330
1.15 345
1.20 360
1.25 375
1.30 390
1.35 405
1.40 420
1.45 435
1.50 450
1.55 465
1.60 480
1.65 495
1.70 510
1.75 525
1.80 540
1.85 555
1.90 570
1.95 585
2.00 600
2.05 615
2.10 630
2.15 645
2.20 660
2.25 675
2.30 690
2.35 705
2.40 720
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End of Manual