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Limestone Mining RE Lanare

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R. E. Lamare and O. P. Singh*

Department of Environmental Studies, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong-793022, Meghalaya, India

*For Correspondence: *


Meghalaya, a small state in north eastern region of India is abundantly blessed with coal and limestone. About
9% of the country's total limestone reserves are distributed in the state. Mining is carried out by open cast
method of mining which is taking place at both large scale and small scale levels. The limestone mined is used
chiefly for the manufacturing of cement, lime and edible lime etc. Scientific studies revealed that loss of forest
cover, pollution of water, soil and air, depletion of natural flora and fauna, reduction in biodiversity, erosion of
soil, instability of soil and rock masses, changes in landscape and degradation of agriculture land are some of
the conspicuous environmental implications of limestone mining. In this paper we have reviewed the status of
limestone mining and its environmental implications in Meghalaya, India. Results on impact of limestone
mining on quality of water, soil and air, degradation of forest and availability of water are summarized and
discussed. Based on overall impact of limestone mining in the area it is suggested that all stakeholders
particularly the owners of mines and cement plants should give necessary attention to environmental issues
prevailing in the area. Initiatives for proper management of natural resources such as water, soil and forest
should be taken to halt further loss of forest cover and top soil and to prevent deterioration of water quality, soil
degradation, air and noise pollution.

Keywords: Limestone mining, Cement Plants, Environment Issues and Problems, Meghalaya.


India is a diverse country endowed with potentially million tonnes (92%) are under remaining resources
rich mineral resources. According to the Indian category. The state of Karnataka alone accounts for
Mineral Yearbook Report (2013), India produces about 28% of the total limestone resources in India
around 90 minerals. Of these, 4 are fuel minerals, 11 followed by Andhra Pradesh (20%), Rajasthan
metallic minerals, 52 non-metallic and 23 minor (12%), Gujarat (11%), Meghalaya (9%),
minerals (building and other materials). This Chhattisgarh (5%) and remaining 15% by other
indicates that the mining industry in India is a very states.
important industry essential for the economic
development of the country. Limestone is a non- However in terms of production, the state with
metallic mineral and is a raw ingredient required for maximum production is Andhra Pradesh accounting
the manufacturing of cement, an important about 21% of the total cement production, followed
construction material. The total estimated resources by Rajasthan (20%), Madhya Pradesh (13%), Tamil
of limestone of all categories and grades in India are Nadu (9%), Gujarat, Karnataka and Chhattisgarh
184,935 million tonnes. Of this, 14,926 million (8% each), Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra (4%
tonnes (8%) are under reserves category and 170,009 each) and the remaining 5% is contributed by Odisha,

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Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Bihar, Geologically, the state of Meghalaya comprises of
Assam and Jammu & Kashmir (Indian Mineral five different rock units namely: Pre-Cambrian
Yearbook Report, 2014). In India, cement industry gneissic complex with acid and basic intrusive,
alone consumed about 76% of the limestone Shillong Group of rocks, Lower Gondwana rocks,
produced, whereas 16% is used by iron and steel Sylhet Traps and Cretaceous– Tertiary sedimentary
industry, 4% by chemical industries and remaining 4 rocks.
% is used in sugar, paper, fertilizer and ferro-
manganese industries. India is the second largest Limestone is distributed predominantly in the
cement producing country in the world after China. southern fringe of Meghalaya plateau and falls under
There were 178 large cement plants having an the rocks formation units of Cretaceous–Tertiary
installed capacity of 318.94 million tonnes in 2012- sedimentary rock, which is divided into three groups
13 in addition to mini and white cement plants having i.e. the Khasi group, the Jaintia Group and the Garo
estimated capacity of around 6 million tonnes per group. The Jaintia Group is further sub divided into
annum (Indian Minerals Yearbook, 2014). three formations which include the Longpar (lower),
the Shella (middle) and the Kopili (upper) formations.
Meghalaya, one of the eight states of North-Eastern The Shella formation is further subdivided into six
Region (NER) of India lies between 25002'E - members: the upper Sylhet Limestone (Prang
26007'N latitude and 89049'E and 92050' E limestone), upper Sylhet sandstone (Narpuh
longitude. The geographical area of the state is Sandstone), middle Sylhet Limestone (Umlatdoh
22,429 sq. Km with a total population of 29, 64,007 limestone), middle Sylhet sandstone (Lakadong
(Census, 2011). It comprises of three hill regions sandstone), lower Sylhet Limestone (Lakadong
namely Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Garo Hills. limestone) and lower Sylhet sandstone. The limestone
Currently the state is divided into 11 districts i.e. Garo deposited in Jaintia Hills possesses all the above three
Hills (5 districts), Khasi Hills (4 districts) and Jaintia members of Sylhet limestone with alternating bands
Hills (2 districts). Undulating topography dissected of limestone and sandstone. However, the limestone
by numerous rivers and streams are the characteristic deposit in Cherrapunjee belongs to the lower Sylhet
features of the state. The state is blessed with rich and member (Lakadong limestone) of Shella formation
diverse natural resources, both renewable and non- consisting of limestone layers in the upper part of the
renewable. Major renewable resources include water, hill and dolomite in the lower portion. Thus, the
forest, a variety of flora and fauna etc. Important non- limestone rocks found in Meghalaya belong to the
renewable resources present in Meghalaya are coal, Shella formations of the Jaintia Group of Cretaceous
limestone, granite, uranium, kaolin, clay, glass sand –Tertiary sedimentary rocks of Eocene geological age
etc. Of these, mining of coal and limestone has been (Sarma, 2003; DMR Profile, 2016).
taking place at large scale. Mining and exploitation of
minerals have provided opportunity for a variety of Limestone Reserves in Meghalaya
employment and livelihood options to the local
people. Besides, it has also contributed towards Next to coal, limestone is the most abundantly found
industrial and economic development of the state. On and extracted mineral in Meghalaya. Various grades
the other hand, exploitation of rocks and minerals and extent of limestone rocks are found in the
including limestone has affected the local southern fringe of the state extending for about 200
environment at its various stages of mining, Km from Jaintia Hills in the east to Garo Hills in the
processing and utilisation. In this article an attempt west. According to Tripathi et al. (1996), the
has been made to review the available information on maximum limestone reserve in Meghalaya is reported
limestone mining and its environmental implications in Jaintia Hills (55%), followed by Khasi Hills (38%)
in Meghalaya. and Garo Hills (7%). Quality of limestone deposited
in Meghalaya varies from cement to chemical grade
Geology of Limestone in Meghalaya in nature. In the Indian Mineral Yearbook (2012), it is
reported that Meghalaya possesses about 9% of the
country's total limestone reserve. However, as per the

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present status of cement grade limestone reserve Chemical Composition of Limestone
report (2014), India possesses about 123,829.64
million tonnes of cement grade limestone. Out of Limestone rocks are sedimentary in origin and
which, about 14959 million tonnes (i.e. 12% of the classified as non-metallic mineral with inorganic
country reserve) of limestone is present in Meghalaya. origin in nature. The two most important constituents
The geographical distribution of limestone in of limestone are calcite (calcium carbonate, CaCO3)
Meghalaya is depicted in Figure 1. It is mainly and dolomite. Limestone often contain small amount
distributed in the districts of East Jaintia Hills, West of impurities such as magnesium, iron, manganese
Jaintia Hills, East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills and and lead. Dolomite is a carbonate of calcium and
South Garo Hills. magnesium [CaMg(CO3)2]. Limestone is used in a
wide range of industries. It has been utilised by man
for thousands of years. However, it is a primary
ingredient and raw material for cement
manufacturing industries. Besides, it has many uses
ranging from building material to white paints and
fillers. It is also used as a chemical feedstock for the
production of lime having numerous uses.

The limestone found in different parts of Meghalaya

varies in chemical composition to some extent and
thus differs in quality ranging from cement to
chemical grade in nature. Generally, the CaO content
of limestone found in Meghalaya is 53% (Kharkongor
and Dutta, 2014). The chemical composition of
Fig. 1. Map showing distribution of limestone
various types of limestone found in Meghalaya is
deposits in Meghalaya
presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Chemical composition of limestone rocks at different locations in Meghalaya

Major Jaintia Hills
compounds Lakadong Lumshnong Nongkhlieh Nongtalang Sutnga Syndai
in %
CaO 42.27-53.89 40.69-54.67 40.46-53.88 46.33 48.75-53.09 42.00-49.60
MgO 1.25-5.58 0.20-11.55 0.36-7.12 3.51 0.72 - 3.41 0.56 - 2.07
SiO2 0.14-3.12 0.04-17.20 0.16-10.00 - - -
Fe2O3 0.26-1.59 0.04---3.87 0.07-4.91 - - 1.73 - 2.31
Al2O3 0.22-2.61 0.05-5.71 0.16-6.37 - - -
R2O3 - - - - 0.48 - 5.40 -
Al - - - 9.07 1.08 - 3.78 6.11-13.90
East Khasi Hills
Cherrapunjee Komorrah Laitryngew Shella
CaO 44.33-53.53 51.97-54.95 52.02-54.41 51.91-53.04 48.15-53.98
MgO 0.33-4.21 0.76-2.98 0.15-2.25 0.43 - 4.76 0.72-6.85
SiO2 - 0.46-1.90 - 0.56 - 2.78 0.38-5.20
Fe2O3 - 0.28-1.11 - 0.38 - 0.48 0.28-1.72
Al2O3 - 0.16-0.56 - 0.26 - 1.06 0.48-2.18
R2O3 0.31-2.17 - - - -
Al 1.43-12.39 - 3.00 - -


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SO3 - - - - Trace
P2O5 - - - - Trace
Na2O - - - - Upto 0.25
K2O - - - - Upto 0.25
West Khasi Hills West Garo Hills
Borsora Darrang-Era-Aning Siju-Artheka
CaO 41.86-53.32 38.00-51.35 46.90
MgO 0.48-6.10 0.55-4.04 1.72
SiO2 0.36-4.52 0.66-6.61 -
Fe2O3 0.64-5.78 0.43-5.28 0.47
Al2O3 1.14-6.55 0.24-27.05 2.69

History of Limestone Mining and Cement Plants Cement started quite early. Later, the Lafarge Umiam
establishment in Meghalaya Mining Pvt. Ltd., (LUMPL) began extensive
limestone mining in Shella-Nongtrai area of East
The history of limestone mining in Khasi Hills of Khasi Hills of Meghalaya for its utilisation in
Meghalaya seems very old. As per the Assam District Chhatak, Bangladesh by Lafarge Surma Cement
Gazetteers published in 1906, limestone quarrying Ltd., (LSC). The limestone mined form Meghalaya is
and trading in Khasi Hills have existed as early as in transported to Bangladesh via a 17 Km long cross
eighteenth century and it was a lucrative business to border Conveyer belt. This activity has been
the people of Sylhet in Bangladesh and Khasi Hills of performed in the area since 2005. The LSC start
Meghalaya. From the earliest days of British rule, it is producing and selling cement from 2006. However,
described that the lime quarries were situated all along mining of limestone was halt in 2007 by the Supreme
the southern face of the Khasi Hills. Limestone was Court of India in this area due to the pending
mostly used to make lime by burning it all along the environmental clearance from the court. However,
banks of the Surma River. It was also reported that later in 2011 mining in the area was resumed.
lime transportation from Khasi Hills to Sylhet was
done during the rainy seasons by using the natural The origin of limestone mining in Jaintia Hills of
mode of transportation (i.e. through river) using a flat Meghalaya is not very well documented. The Jaintia
bottom canoe. This attracted a large number of Cement Limited was the first private cement
Europeans who largely controlled the limestone manufacturing plant established in Sutnga Village in
mining, production and trading of lime in this part of 1986. Extensive mining of limestone in Jaintia Hills,
India (Allen, 1906). Thus, limestone mining in Meghalaya started after 2004 after establishment of
Meghalaya is taking place for long time, however Cement Manufacturing Company Limited (Star
earlier it was small scale and for local uses only Cement) in Lumshnong and then followed by other
mainly for the production of edible lime. privately owned cement manufacturing units in the
area. However, utilisation of limestone in Garo Hills
Later, limestone was used for the production of for cement production started in 1991. Presently,
cement after establishment of cement manufacturing more than a dozen of cement manufacturing plants
industries in Meghalaya. The Mawmluh-Cherra are in operation in the state.
Cements Limited (MCCL) was the first cement
manufacturing unit in the state. It was originally METHOD OF MINING
established by some unknown industrialists in
Cherrapunjee in 1955 under the banner name of Limestone extraction in Meghalaya is carried out by
Assam Cements Limited. The company was later open cast method of mining. It is taking place at both
acquired by the Government of Assam in 1964 and large scale and small scale levels. The large scale
thereafter by the Government of Meghalaya in 1974 extraction of limestone is taking place in Jaintia Hills
(Dolloi, 1992). This indicates that large scale mining mainly for the manufacturing of cement. While both
of limestone in Cherrapunjee for the production of large scale and small scale mining are in practice in

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different types of open cast mining of limestone in

In Sohra (Cherrapunjee), limestone is being extracted

both at large and small scale levels. The small scale
extraction of limestone is done manually by
individuals using minimal machinery and thus
categorised as Artisanal and Small Scale mining
(ASM). The extraction of limestone from the hillocks
in Sohra (EKH) is carried out by several land owners
sharing the entire Mawmluh hills. The limestone beds
are drilled for blast holes using drilling machines,
after which the rocks undergo blasting. The limestone
rocks undergo manual sizing, so as to obtain a rock
pieces of suitable size for easy transportation and
processing in small vertical kilns. Mining is carried
out by the people who are directly involved in the
production of quicklime and edible lime. The
processed lime is exported to the paper industry in the
neighbouring states. The processed lime is also used
for whitewashing of houses and walls. Other by-
products (pulverised form of lime) obtained in the
process of production of lime at ASM levels are used
as soil conditioner in agricultural fields. Mining of
limestone in Meghalaya is also done for other minor
uses such as construction of temporary roadbed to the
quarrying sites, cement plants and adjacent locality;
Fig. 2. Photographs showing open cast mining of
house construction etc. Large scale mining is also
limestone done by (a, b) cement companies; (c, d)
locals in Jaintia Hills; (e, f) ASM limestone mining in done in Sohra, (EKH) by adopting mechanical
Sohra, Meghalaya. methods for production of cement but by MCCL.

Sohra, East Khasi Hills (EKH) for production of Cement Plants in Meghalaya
cement, quicklime and edible lime.
In last decade a number of cement plants were
The mining in Jaintia Hills is mostly done by cement established in Meghalaya with maximum numbers
industries. However, due to unique land holding found in Jaintia Hills alone. Presently, the cement
system in Meghalaya, mining of limestone is also plants are the main consumers of limestone rocks
carried out by individual land owners. The mining found in the state. The cement manufactured in
process carried out by the cement industries is Meghalaya is utilized in the state as well as
efficient being mechanical using heavy machinery for transported to other states of the country. A list of
excavation. On the other hand, extraction by cement plants operating in Meghalaya is given in
individual land owners is semi-mechanical and slow. Table 2.
Generally, extraction of limestone involves
mechanical removal of overburden (using Limestone Mining Leases in Meghalaya
bulldozers), manual drilling the blast holes, blasting
of rocks, manual shattering (sizing) of the limestone In recent years, Government of Meghalaya has also
rock and then finally loading and transportation of granted limestone mining leases to several companies
limestone to the cement plants. Figure 2 shows for mining of limestone, its utilisation and ultimately


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Table 2. List of Major Cement Plants operating in Meghalaya

for manufacturing of cement. A list of mining leases pollution of water, soil and air, depletion of natural
granted to different companies operating in flora and fauna, reduction in biodiversity, erosion of
Meghalaya is given in Table 3. In addition to leases soil, instability of soil and rock masses, changes in
granted by the government, mining of limestone is landscape and degradation of agriculture land are
rampant because of the unique land ownership in the some of the conspicuous environmental implications
state. Hence, mining in Meghalaya is predominantly of mining. The severity of environmental problems
in private hands. The extraction/mining of the rocks depends on the extent of mining and ecological
and minerals is carried out by the individual land sensitivity of the mining site. Both terrestrial and
owners in whatever way they deem fit and profitable. aquatic ecosystems are affected and the effects could
In most cases, the method of mining carried out was extend beyond the boundaries of the mining area and
found unscientific, disruptive and degrading to the be for a long term. Nartey et al. (2012) also reported
environment. Lack of reclamation responsibility and that limestone quarrying in the Manya Krobo District
stringent regulated mining procedure further magnify of Ghana do have some negative effects on the
the consequences of mining in Meghalaya. environment. Impacts includes lowering of water
tables, habitat destruction, encroachment of waste
Environmental Impact of Limestone Mining into agricultural land, destruction of buildings due to
cracks, pollution of rivers, loss of biodiversity,
Exploitation of rocks and minerals affect destruction of crops, unclean rain water harvested
environment at its various stages of mining, from roofs and health related problems include
processing and utilisation irrespective of its scale of inhalation of dust resulting in respiratory tract
mining. Denudation of forest, water depletion, infections.

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Scientific studies on impact of coal and limestone The vital ecological issues related to mining of
mining on different aspects of the environment have limestone rocks are discussed below and various
been done in both Khasi and Jaintia Hills regions of environmental problems observed as the results of
Meghalaya. Water quality deterioration (Swer and limestone mining in Meghalaya are shown in Figure
Singh, 2003); reduction in aquatic biodiversity (Swer 3.
and Singh, 2004; Mylliemngap and Ramanujam,
2011); diminishing plant diversity due to change in Changes in Land Use and Land Cover (LULC)
land use land cover (LULC) (Sarma and Kushwaha
2005; Sarma et al, 2010); forest cover changes (Lele Geographic information system (GIS) combined with
and Joshi, 2009; Somendro and Singh, 2015) and remote sensing (RS) has been widely used as a
degradation in agriculture field and its productivity powerful and cost-effective tool for detecting and
(Gupta et al, 2002) due to coal mining have been analyzing the spatio-temporal changes in LULC. In
extensively studied in Meghalaya. Recently, Meghalaya, Chakraborty and Sudhakar (2014)
Chabukdhara and Singh (2016) reviewed the analyzed LULC changes in Jaintia Hills to focus the
environmental issues of coal mining in northeast impact of limestone mining and cement
India. Similarly, impact of limestone mining and its manufacturing activities leading to the loss of forest
processing for cement manufacturing has been cover during 2005 and 2011.
investigated with reference to general environment
and LULC change (Chakraborty and Sudhakar, 2014; They observed striking changes in LULC which were
Somendro and Singh, 2015) and water and soil implicated with limestone mining and expansion of
quality (Lamare and Singh, 2014, 2015 and 2016a, b). the cement manufacturing units. The conversion of

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Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya during 1987 to 1999 and
1999 to 2013.

The study reported loss of forest cover and change in

forest categories caused by various human activities
such as mining of coal and limestone, industrial
expansion, infrastructural development and built up
area etc.

Further, a study covering north eastern region (NER)

using satellite data was carried out during 1972
to1999 by Lele and Joshi (2009) to analyse the
change in forest cover. They reported highest
changes in forest cover in Meghalaya, Nagaland and
Tripura. Reduction of forest cover in Meghalaya was
attributed to extensive mining and shifting
cultivation. Sarma and Kushwaha (2005)
investigated the impact of mining on land use/land
cover in Jaintia Hills during 1975–2007 and revealed
extensive loss of vegetation and forest cover due to

Similar studies have also been done in other parts of

the country. Rajwar (1982) reported that unscientific
and uncontrolled method of limestone mining in
Fig. 3. Photographs showing (a) – Loss of forest cover;
Mussoorie mountains have caused various adverse
(b) – Creation of waste land by siltation; (c) - environmental impacts on the surrounding area
Encroachment of overburden into the forest area; (d) – leaving the region appeared scarred with irregular
ASM waste disposal forming a hill of lime waste patches, loss of vegetation cover, emergence and
dumping area; (e) – removal of top soil and landscape growth of xerophytes, instability of the mountains
deterioration; (f) – encroachment of ASM waste into and aesthetic degradation of the area. Likewise,
the nearby local streams; (g) - intrusion of mine waste limestone mining in Dehradun district was also
such as rocks, pebbles and sand into the nearby reported to have consequences on forest cover.
streams; and (h) - local streams showing high turbidity Depletion in plant diversity due to the stripping off,
due to its location near the cement plants; (i, j) - Blue random digging and quarrying in the hills has also
colour of water of Lukha River during winter months. been reported (Sikka et al., 1984).

forest area into non-forest area was observed. The total Degradation of Soil
loss of forest in the area was found to be around
1265.36 ha from 2005 to 2011 within a radius of 5 km. Mining of rocks and mineral has an irreversible
They suggested for immediate necessary steps to impact on soil both in terms of its quantity and
control conversion of forest land into non-forest land. quality. Excavation of land leads to loss of top fertile
It is also known that forest depletion and land soil and alters the quality of soil in surrounding areas
degradation have inevitable associations with in terms of its physical, chemical and
extensive loss of habitat and biodiversity. Forest microbiological properties (Ghose, 2004). Removal
depletion is also intimately linked with loss of top of top soils is the basic operations involved in mining
layer of fertile soil and productivity. Recently, LULC processes resulting into elimination of seed bank and
was analyzed by Somendro and Singh (2015) in root stocks (Parrotta et al., 1997), depletion of

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organic matter and nutrient contents (Akala and Lal, (2012) reported no significant adverse impact was
2001; Panwar, 1999), modification of soil texture and observed on quality of soil in Nigeria, due to
structure (Grunwald et al., 1988; Norland, 1993) and limestone exploitation.
drastic deterioration in quality of soil (Adewole and
Adesina, 2011). Changes in Water Quality

Literature review revealed limited studies on impact Mining is known to affect water resources severely
of limestone mining on soil quality. Lamare and both in terms of its quantity and quality. Changes in
Singh (2015) reported land degradation and alteration water levels and flow, availability of potable and
of landscape topography by dumping of irrigation water, changes in sediment flow and
overburden/spoils and lime waste material due to deposition, degradation of water quality, reduction
artisanal and small scale limestone mining in and degradation of habitat of aquatic flora and fauna
Meghalaya. Further, excavation of limestone resulted and decrease in abundance and diversity of aquatic
in removal of fertile top soil and generation of spoil species are some of the adverse impacts of mining.
and overburden deteriorated the aesthetic beauty of Miller (1999) pointed out that water resources,
the proximate landscape. undoubtedly are being polluted, diverted and
disturbed from their natural conditions as a result of
Sharma et al. (2013) emphasised that continuous mining activity. As any other mining, the mining of
mining of limestone in Solan District of Himachal limestone rocks is also reported to cause alteration in
Pradesh has induced dilapidation of the land the quality of surface water and shallow groundwater
environment of the area and deterioration of soil (Naja et al. 2010). Iwanoff (2006) found high content
quality. This is chiefly due to the negative effects of of calcium, bicarbonates, sodium and chloride salts in
mining activities such as deforestation, mining, and the water of streams and rivers receiving a significant
dumping of mining waste etc. Intensive quarrying of volume of mine water generated from open cast
limestone in Mussoorie Mountains was reported to limestone mining areas in Northern Germany.
have led to loss of top soil and consequently
acceleration of soil erosion in the area resulting into Deterioration of water quality due to limestone
siltation of nearby rivers and streams and agricultural mining is also reported from India. Ravichandran et
fields (Rajwar, 1982). Similarly, the soil regime of al. (2009) reported deterioration of water quality in
Madukkarai Limestone mine was also reported to be Madukkarai limestone mine which was found
affected either directly or indirectly indicating low responsible for exceeding the standard limit for water
nutrient content compared to the soil in agricultural quality parameters like total dissolved solids, total
areas (Ravichandran et al., 2009). Hanief et al. 2007 hardness and chloride. However, no significant
reported alteration in soil texture due to limestone adverse impact of limestone mining on water quality
mining in Sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh. They was found in lower Himalayas (Prasad and Bose,
found high percentage of sand and drastically low 2001), Biramitrapur, Orissa (Mishra et al. 2004) and
percentage of silt and clay in the mining affected soil. Vijayraghovgarh village, Madhya Pradesh (Ahmed et
Sulphate content in the soil near limestone mines and al., 2007) and Chandrapur, Maharastra (Soni, 2007).
cement plants in Rajasthan was reported to be high
(GSI, 2009). Assessment of water quality in limestone mining
areas of Meghalaya was carried out in East Jaintia
Etim and Adie (2012) reported that mining of Hills (Lamare and Singh, 2014, 2016a, b) and East
limestone supported leaching of metals from the top Khasi Hills (Lamare and Singh, 2015). In East Jaintia
soil into the surrounding area. Soil samples were Hills, water samples of streams near limestone mining
found to range from uncontaminated to moderately and cement plants were analysed. It was found that
contaminated categories in terms of heavy metal both limestone mining and cement plants have
contamination coupled with low organic matter negative impact on the physicochemical
content. In contrast to these findings, Afeni et al. characteristic of water of the area. Study found

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elevated levels of pH, conductivity, dissolve solids, Relatively, less work has been done on air pollution in
hardness, calcium and sulphate in affected streams. It relation to limestone mining. Rajwar (1983) found
was also reported that Cement plants have that the limestone quarrying elevates dust
contributed more towards water quality degradation concentration and consequently affects physiology of
than the limestone mining in East Jaintia Hills, plants. In addition, health related problems were
Meghalaya. reported by Mishra et al. (2004) as a result of
limestone mining.
Further, seasonal variation in water quality of Lukha
River (Wah Lukha), a major river in East Jaintia Hills, Activities involved during limestone extraction like
Meghalaya was reported (Lamare and Singh, 2016b). drilling, blasting, loading and transportation generate
For last 7-8 years water of the river turns deep blue in dust into the surrounding area causing air pollution
appearance during winter months. Activities such as mainly suspended particulate matter (SPM). The
mining of limestone and coal, manufacturing of gaseous pollutant released into the air are attributed
cement, deforestation etc. occurring in the catchment by the motorized machine involved during the entire
were found responsible for seasonal changes in water processes i.e. bulldozer, drilling machines, dumper
quality of Lukha River. Acid mine drainage (AMD) and transportation vehicles. No data is available to on
from coal mining areas and powdery sediment, most air quality of the limestone mining areas of
likely originating from cement plants were suspected Meghalaya. But, wide spread limestone mining and
causing precipitation of aluminum and such other presence of large number of cement plants in
compounds which give deep blue appearance to water Meghalaya are likely to have significant impact on air
colour due to scattering of light. Physicochemical quality of the area.
analysis revealed that river water possesses low pH
and high electrical conductivity, turbidity, total solids Noise and Vibrations Problems
and high concentration of calcium and sulfate.
Extraction of limestone involves activities like
Impact of Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (ASM) of drilling of blast holes, blasting of rock beds using
limestone rocks in Sohra, Khasi Hills, Meghalaya explosives and transportation. These activities
was found to be localized near the limestone mining generate hefty and annoying noise pollution to the
area (Lamare and Singh, 2015). High pH, EC and inhabitants and likely to have an adverse health
sulfate values were found remarkably above the impacts. In addition, multiple undesirable effects
standard range of water quality and recognized as the such as geological displacement and destabilisation
factors responsible for deterioration of water quality. of the area, drying up of spring water, decrease of
Based on water quality index analysis, water at some water table, weakening of the rocks formation
locations was found not fit for drinking and other leading to slopes failures and increase probability of
domestic uses throughout the year. CGWB (2012) landslides. No information is available on noise
also reported that coal mining; limestone quarrying pollution in limestone mining areas of Meghalaya.
and cement factories are the main anthropogenic
activities causing problems to the environment of Water Scarcity
Meghalaya and in particular, chiefly the water bodies.
Region with Karst topography are reported to have
Impact on Air Quality problems of water scarcity due to absence or lack of
surface streams and availability of groundwater at a
The main issue with mining in relation to air quality is greater depth (Legard, 1973). In Meghalaya, only a
generation of dust particles (Ghose and Majee, 2000). few surface water bodies are present in limestone
In mining or quarrying, different activities taking deposit areas. Some water bodies are found above
place are known to have an impact on air quality. ground for certain distances and then they disappear
Long term exposures to various air pollutants have due to flowing underground and then again emerge at
significant health related problems (Sunyer, 2001). some point somewhere else. Such phenomena lead to

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water scarcity in the area. Mining of limestone and vegetation cover found here is no longer lush green
establishment of cement plants in the region have and shows reduced plants growth. Cement dust
further aggravated the water scarcity in the area. The falling on the soil are known to have effects such as
small natural streams near the mining vicinity are seen change in the soil pH making it more alkaline and
to have been deviated or covered with rocks, gravels, unfavourable for certain plants species and also
pebbles and sand. Excessive silting in all water bodies causing leaf injury or death in plants due to blocking
was also found in the area. Water bodies near the of light for photosynthesis (Darley, 1966; Lerman
cement plants were found contaminated and water is and Darley, 1975). Local inhabitants are also of the
not fit for human consumption (Lamare and Singh, opinion that caves in this area possess very less
2014, 2016a). number of fishes in recent years leading to drastic
decline of cave fishing by the local people.
Based on the field observation and feedback received
from the local inhabitants, it was found that area is CONCLUSION
facing the problem of water scarcity particularly in
winter months. The main causes are drying up of Based on above information it can be concluded that
water sources and their contamination. However, in limestone mining in Meghalaya has impacted
some villages due to limited access to portable various components of environment and the life and
drinking water, people have no choice but to use the livelihood of the local population. It is therefore
polluted water for drinking and other domestic attention of all concerned stakeholders; particularly
purposes. Many perennial streams and rivulets, in the owners of mines and cement plants are drawn for
recent years have turned seasonal. proper management and conservation of the
environment in order to halt further loss of forest
Other concomitant Problems cover and top soil and to prevent deterioration of
water quality, soil degradation, air and noise
In East Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya various other pollution for the healthy environment and
concomitant problems were viewed due to the sustainable development of the region.
limestone mining and cement plants operating in the
area. This area was formerly known for orange ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
cultivation and production. However, due to land use
land cover changes taking place in the area many The first author is thankful Ministry of Social Justice
orchards of oranges were found destroyed. Further, it & Empowerment and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs,
was found that due to unknown reasons the orange (GoI), New Delhi for awarding a Rajiv Gandhi
trees in this area no longer bear healthy flowers and National Fellowship. The authors are also grateful to
fruits and thus many farmers have stopped orange the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR),
cultivation. Government of India, New Delhi for providing
financial support.
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harvesting rain water for drinking purposes. REFERENCES
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