Technical Procedures: General Maintenance Practices (Level 1 and 2 Maintenance)
Technical Procedures: General Maintenance Practices (Level 1 and 2 Maintenance)
Technical Procedures: General Maintenance Practices (Level 1 and 2 Maintenance)
Volume II
WP 002 00
Subject Page
General Maintenance Practices.................................................................................................... 4
Inspection Definitions.................................................................................................................. 4
Maintenance in Enclosure............................................................................................................ 3
Change 2 1
GEK 97310
Volume II
WP 002 00
1. INTRODUCTION. This work package contains instructions for working in enclosure. It also
addresses general maintenance practices that should be complied with during maintenance.
The S.I. units shown in this work package are direct mathematical con-
versions and may be rounded off in most instances at the user’s discre-
tion. Examples of units that may be rounded off are those utilized for
temperatures, torque values, pressures, etc. Examples where S.I. units
may not be rounded off are those utilized for drop checks, rigging adjust-
ments, runouts, etc.
Title Number
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Volume I GEK 97310
Introduction Chapter 1
General Maintenance Practices Chapter 5
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Volume II GEK 97310
Illustrated Parts Breakdown GEK 50336
2 Change 2
GEK 97310
Volume II
WP 002 00
a. Comply with safety summary items listed in GEK 93710, Chapter 1, while in enclosure.
(1) Turn off and tag out fire extinguishing system per packager’s manual.
(2) Turn off and tag out fuel supply per packager’s manual.
(3) Turn off and tag out electrical service per packager’s manual.
(4) If disconnecting lubricating oil lines, turn off and tag out lubricating oil supply per pack-
ager’s manual.
(5) Ensure enclosure is free of fuel or natural gas. Refer to packager’s manual.
(7) If applicable, open enclosure door. Ensure door cannot accidentally close.
(9) Visually inspect enclosure floor and horizontal surfaces for evidence of fluid leakage. If
evidence of fluid leakage is seen, do the following:
(a) Consult appropriate work package for area that could be source of fluid.
(b) Consult packager’s manual if source of leakage is not covered by maintenance proce-
dures in GEK 97310, Volume II.
(10) Comply with all packager provided work and safety instructions.
(1) Inspect enclosure for flammable materials, tools, or removed components. Remove mate-
rials from enclosure prior to beginning engine operation.
(2) Inspect enclosure floor and horizontal surfaces for spilled fluids. Using shop rags, clean
any spilled fluid.
(4) Remove tag and turn on fire extinguishing system per packager’s manual.
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GEK 97310
Volume II
WP 002 00
(5) Remove tag and turn on fuel supply per packager’s manual.
(6) Remove tag and turn on electrical service per packager’s manual.
(7) Remove tag and turn on lubricating oil supply per packager’s manual if lubricating oil
supply was turned off.
(8) Comply with all packager provided instructions for returning engine to service.
(1) Inspect.
(a) Maximum departure from manufacturer’s established new equipment standards that
will not materially reduce usability of component.
(b) Maximum departure from manufacturer’s established new equipment standards that
has no significant bearing upon effective use or operation of equipment between stan-
dard maintenance intervals.
(a) Defines extent of repair that can be performed on component to return it to service-
able condition.
(b) No entry or dash in this column does not mean that component cannot be repaired,
but, that to date, no repair procedure has been established.
(c) Not repairable in this column means no feasible repair exists, and that no attempt
should be made to repair component, under any circumstances, at current level of
maintenance being accomplished.
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Volume II
WP 002 00
(a) Defines if component should be replaced, and what applicable work package applies.