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Talent Level 3 Revision Unit 0

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Starter NAME _________________________

CLASS _________________________
REVISION DATE _________________________

Adverbs of frequency 3 My parents worked / were working abroad when

they met / were meeting each other.
1 Use the prompts to write questions.
4 The climber fell / was falling while he climbed /
0 you / often / play football? was climbing the mountain.
Do you often play football?
5 While my brother played / was playing rugby,
1 your dad / sometimes / cook dinner? he broke / was breaking his leg.
2 your parents / usually / be in a good mood?
3 your teacher / always / give you a test? Past simple: Regular and irregular verbs
4 your friends / often / have parties?
4 Complete the gaps with the past simple
5 you / ever / walk to school? of the verbs in brackets.
Present simple v present continuous A Last Saturday afternoon I 0 stayed (stay) at
2 Complete the gaps with the correct form home all day and I 1 .................. (get) really bored.
of the verbs in the box. B Why 2 .......................................... (you / not / go) out?
A Well, I 3 .................. (ring) Sue and 4 ..................
do ■ drive ■ go ■ leave ■ not do ■ (invite) her here, but she 5 ...................... (be) busy,
not have ■ not like ■ not look forward ■ so I 6 .................................. (not / know) what to do.
revise ■ spend ■ study ■ travel ■ work What 7 .............................. (you / do)?
B I 8 .......................... (take) my little sister to the pool.
After that we 9 .......................... (make) some
Hi Marisa,
biscuits which we then 10........................... (eat).
How are you? 0 Are you studying hard?
................... you ......................... for your exams just Past simple, present perfect
now? I hope so! I 2................... any exams this year, and present perfect continuous
so I 3...................... much work at the moment.
5 Choose the correct option.
I 4........................ a lot of time online though. J
What 5..................... you .......................... in the summer 0 Sorry, .......... here for ages?
after your exams? 6................... you .......................... in A did you wait B have you been waiting
the museum café again? My parents and I C wait you
......................... to Spain this summer, so I hope 1 I think I .......... this film before.
you’re around! We usually 8....................... on a beach A didn’t see B have seen
holiday, but this year we 9.................. through France C saw
all the way to Spain. I 10..................... travelling by car 2 They .......... photos all afternoon.
so I 11.................................. to 24 hours on the road. A taken B has been taking
Never mind! We 12....................... the UK on 28th July, C have been taking
so hopefully we’ll be in Spain by the beginning of 3 The taxi .......... now, so let’s go.
August! Email me back soon and let me know your A has arrived B hasn’t arrived
plans. See you in the summer – I hope! C arrived
Love, Emma 4 My room looks good because I .......... it up
Past simple v past continuous A tidyed B have been tidying
C tidied
3 Choose the correct option.
5 We really .......... for long.
0 Olivia cut / was cutting her finger when she A hasn’t chatted B haven’t been chatting
chopped / was chopping vegetables. C chatted
1 I talked / was talking to my best friend yesterday 6 I .......... to ask you if you’d like to join us for dinner.
when I dropped / was dropping my phone. A have forgotten B forgetting
2 While we booked / were booking our summer C forgot
holiday, the computer crashed / was crashing.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

TALENT 3 ■ Test book
NAME _________________________ Starter
CLASS _________________________
DATE _________________________ REVISION
Past participles: Regular and irregular forms B I 8 .................................... (not / go) to university, I’m
sure of that. I want to get a job so I can earn
6 Write the past participles of these verbs.
some money, but it 9 .................................... (not /
0 do done
be) easy to find a job if I 10....................................
1 meet .................................... (not / have) good qualifications. Time to start my
2 drive .................................... homework!
3 ride .................................... A OK, I 11.................................... (do) my own
4 take .................................... homework and then I 12.................................... (go)
5 sleep .................................... and buy some ice creams.
6 teach .................................... B Great idea. I 13.................................... (give) you
7 sell .................................... some money when you 14....................................
8 study .................................... (get) back from the shops.
9 win ....................................
10 forget .................................... Subject and object questions
11 see .................................... 9 Read the answers and complete the questions.
12 fly ....................................
0 Who rang at midnight last night ?
been v gone My grandpa rang at midnight last night.
1 What ............................................................................. ?
7 Choose the correct option.
We had fish and chips for tea yesterday.
0 Phil’s been / gone to the shops but he’ll be back 2 Which ........................................................................... ?
soon. Green Park is the best park to go to.
1 Have you ever been / gone to Singapore? 3 Who .............................................................................. ?
2 Where has the cat been / gone? It looks terrible! My parents both do the cooking in my family.
3 Has Paul been / gone yet? Yes, he’s just left. 4 What ............................................................................. ?
4 She has been / gone to Paris but she found it too I’m not sure what’s happened.
expensive. 5 Which ........................................................................... ?
5 Jacky was here a minute ago. Where’s she been / We’d like the little chocolate cakes over there,
gone now? please.
6 Your train’s been / gone, I’m afraid you missed it. 6 Who .............................................................................. ?
My best friend usually comes top in English tests.
Future simple and first conditional
8 Complete the gaps with the correct form of will Direct and indirect questions
and the verbs in brackets. 10 Write direct questions.
A What are you doing, Lenny? 0 Can you tell us when the concert ends?
B I’m thinking about doing my homework. ‘When does the concert end?’
A I 0 ’ll help (help) you if you want. 1 Would you mind telling me how much you spent?
B No thanks, I 1 .............................. (not / learn) ..........................................................................................
anything if I 2 .............................. (not / do) it myself. 2 Can you explain why you are so sad?
That’s what my teacher says. ..........................................................................................
A Are you sure? It 3 .............................. (take) half the 3 Could you tell me where the swimming pool is?
time if we do it together. ..........................................................................................
B I know, thanks for the offer, but my teacher 4 Have you any idea when you’ll finish that project?

.............................. (know) I didn’t do it because all ..........................................................................................
the answers 5 .............................. (be) right. 5 Do you know what day your visitors will arrive?
A That’s true. If you 6 ............................. (want) to go ..........................................................................................
to university you 7 .............................. (have to) learn 6 Can you tell me how these gears work?
all these things sooner or later. ..........................................................................................

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3

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