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Father Saturnino Urios University

Community Extension Services Office

National Service Training Program
Butuan City


I. CES/NSTP Program: Civic Welfare Training Program (CWTS)

II. Project Activity: Waste Management / Green Day Project in Barangay Villa Kananga
III. Academic Program/ Office/ Organization/Department
: National Solid Waste Management Commission

IV. Person’s Involved (Students/ faculty/ staff/ admin/ alumni/ retirees/ others)
: Villa Kananga Community

V. Service Area/ Communities: Barangay Villa Kananga, Butuan City

VI. Rationale
In this program, we thought of many ways on how to achieve certain goals and we
aim to meet the needs of the community with our very best.
Based from the initial survey and interviews, Barangay Villa Kananga has been a very
neighborly oriented and striving community, that is very evident by just observing their
community place, despite of being a small and quaint community. The resident’s daily
income mainly depends on crops and vegetable farming. The community’s literacy is high,
with almost all children attending in schools, as expected since the community has its own
educational facility; the daycare center. Community health has never been a big problem. In
totality, the community can be described as satisfactory.
However, the Village needs lots of help also. We have talked with the leaders in the
community and they had shared with us the history of the place. The start of their journey in
the place went difficult. They did lots of actions and solutions in every problem they had. And
now, as their community continues to grow more in population, problems also arise.
The garbage in the village should be collected to achieve levelled up sanitation. When
done regularly, people would feel comfortable in the place breathing fresh air and walking
through their roads seeing the place clean. We aim to attain it through seeking help from the
head of the community. We believe that a clean environment leaves great hope for the future
In raising social awareness, concern and love for our brethren and our environment,
the group is united in this cause to share every blessing of love and extend a helping hand.
We aim to empower the members of the community for them to be able to be strong pillars
of goodness with the simple acts of love we are to offer.
VII. Objectives
General Objectives

• To provide enjoyable athletic and non-athletic physical activities not just for the
kids but also for all the residents of Barangay Villa Kananga.
• To provide a fun and enjoyable social environment.
Specific Objectives
• To provide platforms for the people within the community to come together to
identify and address the environmental concerns and issues in the waste
management and recycling industry.
• To promote waste reduction, recycling and reuses and recovery and create
public awareness on the waste management and recycling industry as well as
environmental concerns.
• To maintain an integrated solid waste management approach that addresses
disposals of solid wastes.

VIII. Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Framework will be used to monitor progress
towards achieving those goals and targets. It also serves as a management tool to drive
governance and accountability throughout the program. The KPI framework was developed
parallel to the Strategy. Each of the major groups is divided into several subsets of indicators.
The first subset Profile of the Managing Entity describes the managing entity in terms
of stakeholders, geographic area, number of employees, tariffs, among other relevant
information. The subset Profile of the Management System provides information about the
Waste Management Project regarding the number of integrating components, coverage
percentage of the service provided, area of coverage, waste quantities and composition and
the installed processing capacity of each infrastructure. The subset Profile the Village
describes the region’s population, demographic and climatic characteristics. The subset
Personnel Indicator’s assesses the efficiency of numerous tasks performed by the staff.
Administrative, operational and maintenance tasks are accounted for in this subset. Physical
Indicators contain information that describes the conditions of the infrastructures and
equipment allocated to each management component. The Operational Indicators subset
describes the operational performance of the system. Fuel, water and electricity
consumption, equipment breakdowns, liquid and gaseous emissions, collection rates and
recycling rates are an example of the information considered. The subset Quality of Service
describes the quality patterns of the deposition, collection, transfer, and elimination services.
It also assesses the environmental quality of these services.

Key Steps in The KPI Process

Identify Create Evaluate Change Assess

A set of relevant Measuring tools How well the Strategies and Whether the
KPI’s to track or that would progress of the processes as KPI’s still align
monitor the display KPI project is being needed to with the goals
progress of the results based on the improve and if
project KPI’s performance adjustments are
as needed.

IX. Preparatory activities/ Pre-work

Communicate with the members of the Effective communication in the workplace

team and ensure all the roles and provides clear instructions, workers know
responsibilities are distributed and exactly what is expected from each of them.
understood. This helps improve accountability, which in
turn increases productivity.

Divide members into small groups in order Dividing tasks between members is an
to disseminate tasks among them such as essential step in achieving a successful
event planner, food committee, cleanliness project. A clear duty assignment for each
committee, entertainment/program member ensures that all necessary tasks are
committee, and documentation committee. completed. Assigning specific duties also
allows members to specialize and perform
their tasks efficiently.

Coordinate with the barangay officials in The barangay being the basic political unit
asking permission to use the covered court has always been at the forefront of local
for Waste Management Project and in development undertakings in the country.
Raising Social Awareness. Collectively, the barangays are partners of
the national government to respond to
development challenges and effective and
efficient service delivery to the community.

Distribute and provide leaflets during waste As leaflets are not expensive to produce and
management campaign to the people with are easy to distribute. Also is a great way to
simple visual presentation of what we are catch the attention of people in the
discussing about. community.

XII. Date/ Venue and Duration

: March 6, 2021 – March 27, 2021 (4 Saturdays), Barangay Villa Kananga

XI. Activity Implementation Flow

Clarification of the activities and general Ensure that the listener's understanding of
purpose of the program. what the speaker has said is correct,
reducing misunderstanding. Also reassures
that the listener is genuinely interested in
them and is attempting to understand.

Efficiency and carefulness in implementing A clearer view on project efficiency and

of the projects. Specially in the clean-up effectiveness can also be a basis for
drive and in the implementation of Solid improvements in terms of time, cost and
Waste Management Project/Awareness. quality.

Provide an adequate and timely supply of This approach can reduce the perception of
food/drinks. Choose and ensure that the fatigue because the brain, which has very
food given is healthy to consume. few energy reserves of its own, needs a
steady supply of nutrients.

Take pictures or videos of the activities for Documentation helps assure that work
documentation. done is achieved. Also, proper
documentation can help the people in the
community to recall those moments.

XII. Documentation/ Report In-charge: Documentation Committee

XIII. Resources Needed (Materials/ supplies/ facilities)

All members in cleanliness committee needs to be fully equipped with broom,
dustpans, mask, garbage bags, umbrella and extra shirt for the cleaning. The planner and
entertainment committee would be needing the covered court and materials such as leaflets,
laptop and projector for clarification of the program. The food committee would be needing
foods from the local and foods that are healthy for the participants. The documentation
committee would be needing pen, paper, and a camera for documentation.
XIV. Community Beneficiary Counterpart/ Equity: Individuals residing in Barangay Villa
Kananga and neighboring barangays would benefit from the project.

Prepared by : Larr Sumalpong Reviewed by : Mr. Joel Dela Peña

Facilitator/Adviser CES Coordinator/ NSTP

Noted by : ___________________________ Approved by : _______________________

CES Staff/ Community Organizer CES/NSTP Director

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