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Signal Modules: Siga-Cc1, Siga-Mcc1, Siga-Cc2 & Siga-Mcc2

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EST Catalog u Intelligent Input/Output

Signal Modules

Application Notes



Overview Standard Features

SIGA-CC1/MCC1 Single Input Signal Modules and SIGA-CC2/ • Single and Dual input (riser) select
MCC2 Dual Input Signal Modules are part of EST's Signature Use for connecting supervised 24 Vdc Audible/Visible signal
Series system. They are intelligent analog addressable devices circuits, or 25 and 70 VRMS Audio Evacuation and Telephone
used for connecting, upon command from the loop controller, circuits to their power inputs.
supervised Class B signal or telephone circuits to their respective
• Ring-tone generator
power inputs. The power inputs may be polarized 24 Vdc to oper-
When configured for telephone circuits, the SIGA-CC1 gener-
ate audible and visible signal appliances or 25 and 70 VRMS to
ates its own ring-tone signal eliminating the need for a separate
operate audio evacuation speakers and firefighter’s telephones.
ring-tone circuit.
The actual operation of the SIGA-CC1/MCC1 and SIGA-CC2/ • Plug-in (UIO) or standard 2-gang mount
MCC2 is determined by the “personality code” selected by the UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules
installer. It is downloaded to the module from the Signature loop are required. The 2-gang mount version is ideal for remote
controller during system configuration. locations that require a single module.
The SIGA-CC1 and SIGA-CC2 mount to standard North Ameri- • Automatic device mapping
can two-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for locations Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller
where only one module is required. Separate I/O and data loop regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature
connections are made to each module. devices on the wire loop.
The SIGA-MCC1 and SIGA-MCC2 are part of the UIO family of • Electronic addressing
plug-in Signature Series modules. They function identically to the Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con-
SIGA-CC1 and SIGA-CC2, but take advantage of the modular troller, a PC, or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool;
flexibility and easy installation that characterize all UIO modules. there are no switches or dials to set.
Two- and six-module UIO motherboards are available. These can
accommodate individual risers for each on-board module, or risers • Intelligent device with microprocessor
that are shared by any combination of its UIO modules. All wiring All decisions are made at the module to allow lower com-
connections are made to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UIO munication speed with substantially improved control panel
assemblies may be mounted in Edwards enclosures. response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring
properties; twisted or shielded wire is not required.
• Ground fault detection by address
Detects ground faults right down to the device level.

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Installation Application
The SIGA-CC1 and SIGA-CC2: mount to North American The operation of the SIGA-CC1/MCC1 and SIGA-CC2/MCC2
2-1/2 inch (64 mm) deep two-gang boxes and 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) is determined by their sub-type code or “Personality Code”. The
deep 4-inch square boxes with two-gang covers and SIGA-MP code is selected by the installer depending upon the desired ap-
mounting plates. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 plication and is down-loaded from the loop controller. Codes 5 and
mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. 6 apply to the SIGA-CC1/MCC1 only. Code 7 is assigned to the
SIGA-CC2/MCC2 only and automatically applies to both circuits (A
and B).
Personality Code 5: SIGNAL POWER or AUDIO EVACU-
ATION (SINGLE RISER). Valid for the SIGA-CC1/MCC1 only.
Configures the module for use as a Class B Audible/Visible Signal
power (24 Vdc polarized) or Audio Evacuation (25 or 70 VRMS)
power selector. The ring-tone generator is disabled. The output
circuit is monitored for open or shorted wiring. If a short exists,
the control panel inhibits the activation of the audible/visible signal
circuit to prevent connection to the power circuit.
RISER). Valid for the SIGA-CC1/MCC1 only. Configures the
module for use as a Telephone power selector. When a telephone
handset is plugged into its jack or lifted from its hook, the module
generates its own Ring-Tone signal. A separate ring-tone circuit is
not needed. The module sends this signal to the control panel to
SIGA-MCC1 and SIGA-MCC2: mount the UIO motherboard indicate that an off-hook condition is present. When the system
inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and washers operator responds to the call, the ring-tone signal is disabled.
provided. Plug the SIGA-MCC1 or SIGA-MCC2 into any available
Personality Code 7: SIGNAL POWER or AUDIO EVACUA-
position on the motherboard and secure the module to the moth-
TION (DUAL RISER). Valid for the SIGA-CC2/MCC2 only. Con-
erboard with the captive screws. Wiring connections are made
figures the module for use as a two circuit Class B Audible/Visible
to the terminals on the motherboard (see wiring diagram). UIO
Signal power (24 Vdc polarized) or Audio Evacuation (25 or 70
motherboard terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to
VRMS) power selector. The single output circuit is monitored for
open or shorted wiring. If a short exists, the control panel inhibits
UIO Motherboard
the activation of the audible/visible signal circuit to prevent con-
6-32 nection to the power circuit.

Warnings & Cautions

Plug-in (UIO) Captive
Module screws This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre-
quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further
safeguards with your fire protection specialist.
#6 Flat washers

Cabinet or electrical enclosure

The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST's
0.75 mm2) wire size. Signature Loop Controller.
Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to
latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes.
Testing & Maintenance
Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad-
The module’s automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec-
dresses each module saving valuable time during system com-
tive and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance
missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required.
program shows the current state of each module and other perti-
Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on-
nent messages. Single modules may be turned off (de-activated)
board memory. The loop controller identifies each device on the
temporarily, from the control panel.
loop and assigns a “soft” address to each serial number. If desired,
the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper system
Program/Service Tool. operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and
Personality Codes 5 and 6 apply to the SIGA-CC1/MCC1 only and
ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards.
are assigned by the installer. Code 7 applies to the SIGA-CC2/
MCC2 only. It is factory assigned; no user configuration is required.

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Typical Wiring (SIGA-CC2/MCC2)
Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire sizes.
Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications.

Typical Speaker Circuit

Code 7 UL/ULC Listed

Personality Typical Notification Appliance Circuit

Bi-polar Transient Protector Code 7
(P/N 235196P) + + + + + +
UL/ULC Listed
_ _ _ _ _ _ 47K EOL

Personality Typical Speaker Circuit

Code 7
UL/ULC Listed

Personality Typical Notification Appliance Circuit

SIGA-CC2 Code 7
+ + + + + +
Bi-polar Transient Protector UL/ULC Listed
(P/N 235196P) _ _ _ _ _ _ 47K EOL

1 2
Notes 4 8 UIO(R) series motherboard

1 For maximum wire resistance and maximum wire distances, 1 23 4 MCC2

refer to IOMC Manual (P/N 270144).
7 3 8 9
Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm ) wire. Min. #18 (0.75mm ).
2 2
Riser 1 Out
Data In 3
3 Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for 4
1 Riser 1 In
wiring specifications. Data
Circuit 1

4 These modules will NOT support two-wire smoke detectors. TB7


8 9

Data Out
5 All wiring power limited and supervised. If the input source 4
3 Riser 2 Out
is non-power limited, then maintain spacing of 1/4 inch or 2
1 Riser 2 In
use FPL, FPLP, FPLR or equivalent in accordance with NEC. Green LED (Normal) TB15
Red LED (Active)

6 The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. UIOR series motherboard individual
Riser 1 connection. Install the
jumpers between adjacent modules
7 Supervised and power-limited. 1 23 4 that use the same riser.
Riser 1 In Riser 1 Out
8 Supervised and power-limited when connected to a power-
limited source. If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain
a space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL,
FPLP, FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the Na-
tional Electrical Code. Maximum Output Load
9 The input for this riser is common to all modules. 24Vdc 25V 70V
Signals Audio Audio
2A 50W 35W

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Typical Wiring (SIGA-CC1/MCC1)
Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.50mm2) and #12 (2.5mm2) wire sizes.
Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog
sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications.

Personality Typical Speaker Circuit

Code 5
UL/ULC Listed

Personality Typical Telephone Circuit

Code 6 Maximum Output Load
UL/ULC Listed 24Vdc 25V 70V
Signals Audio Audio
2A 50W 35W
Personality Typical Notification Appliance Circuit
Code 5
+ + + + + +
UL/ULC Listed
_ _ _ _ _ _ 47K EOL

Install the Bi-Polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) here.

4 5

Personality Typical Speaker Circuit

Code 5
UL/ULC Listed

Personality Typical Telephone Circuit

Code 6
UL/ULC Listed

SIGA-CC1 Personality Typical Notification Appliance Circuit

Code 5
+ + + + + +
Notes UL/ULC Listed
_ _ _ _ _ _ 47K EOL
Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm ) wire. Min. #18 (0.75mm ).
2 2

Install the Bi-Polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) here.

3 Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet 1 2 4 5
for wiring specifications. 1 23 4
UIO(R) series motherboard
4 These modules will NOT support two-wire smoke detec-
tors. Data In 7 3 4
3 Riser 1 Out

5 All wiring power limited and supervised. If the input Signature 4

1 Riser 1 In
source is non-power limited, then maintain spacing Data 3 TB14
2 5 8 9
of 1/4 inch or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR or equivalent in ac- Circuit
cordance with NEC.


Data Out
6 The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. 4 No connections required for
2 MCC1. Other modules may
7 Supervised and power-limited. 1 require connections.
Green LED (Normal) TB15
8 If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a space of Red LED (Active)
UIOR series motherboard individual
1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, 1 23 4 Riser 1 connection. Install the
FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the National 6 8 jumpers between adjacent
modules that use the same riser.
Electrical Code. Riser 1 In Riser 1 Out

9 The input for this riser is common to all modules. SIGA-MCC1

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Signature Series Overview
The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Automatic Device Mapping –The Signature Data Control-
Edwards is an entire family of multi-sensor detectors and mount- ler (SDC) learns where each device’s serial number address is
ing bases, multiple-function input and output modules, network installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The SDC keeps a
and non-network control panels, and user-friendly maintenance map of all Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature
and service tools. Analog information from equipment connected Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With
to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between
An onboard microprocessor in each Signature device measures each device can be examined. Layout or “as-built” drawing
and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an information showing branch wiring (T-taps), device types and their
alarm. The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the
additional benefits – Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as-built drawings
Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Com- is fast and efficient.
Device mapping allows the Signature Data Controller to discover:
Self-diagnostics and History Log – Each Signature Series • Unexpected additional device addresses
device constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte-
• Missing device addresses
nance information. The results of the self-check are automatically
updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This • Changes to the wiring in the circuit.
information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the
PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The installer to determine their actual function. Personality codes are
information stored in device memory includes: downloaded from the SDC during system configuration and are
• Device serial number, address, and type indicated during device mapping.
• Time and date of last alarm (EST3 V 2 only.)
• Most recent trouble code logged by the detector — 32 possible
trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults.

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Catalog Num-
Description Single Input (Riser) Signal Module Dual Input (Riser) Signal Module
Detection & alarm since 1872 51 (factory set) One sub-type
50 (factory set) Two sub-types
Type Code (personality code) is available (factory
(personality codes) are available
U.S. set)
T 888-378-2329 Address Require-
F 866-503-3996 Uses one module address Uses two module addresses
Canada Wiring Termina-
Suitable for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm² to 0.75mm²)
Chubb Edwards tions
T 519 376 2430 North American
F 519 376 7258 North American
2½ inch (64 mm)
2½ inch (64 mm)
deep two-gang
Southeast Asia deep two-gang
boxes and 1½
T : +65 6391 9300 boxes and 1½
F : +65 6391 9306 inch (38 mm) Plugs into UIO2R, Plugs into UIO2R,
inch (38 mm)
Mounting deep 4 inch UIO6R or UIO6 UIO6R or UIO6
deep 4 inch
India square boxes Motherboards Motherboards
square boxes
T : +91 80 4344 2000 with 2-gang cov-
F : +91 80 4344 2050 with 2-gang cov-
ers and SIGA-
  ers and SIGA-MP
MP mounting
Australia mounting plates
T +61 3 9239 1200
F +61 3 9239 1299 Operating Current Standby = 223µA Activated = 100µA
Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal)
Europe Output Rating 24 Vdc = 2 amps 25 V Audio = 50 watts 70 V Audio = 35 watts
T +32 2 725 11 20
F +32 2 721 86 13 Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer
Storage & Oper- Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Latin America ating Environment Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH
T 305 593 4301 On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-board Red LED - Flashes
F 305 593 4300 LED Operation
when in alarm/active Compatibility Use with: Signature Loop Controller
Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM, MEA
© 2010 UTC Fire & Security.
All rights reserved.
Ordering Information
Catalog Ship Wt.
Number lbs (kg)
SIGA-CC1 Single Input Signal Module (Standard Mount) - UL/ULC Listed 0.5 (0.23)
SIGA-MCC1 Single Input Signal Module (UIO Mount) - UL/ULC Listed 0.18 (0.08)
SIGA-CC2 Dual Input Signal Module (Standard Mount) - UL/ULC Listed 0.5 (0.23)
SIGA-MCC2 Dual Input Signal Module (UIO Mount) - UL/ULC Listed 0.18 (0.08)

Related Equipment
27193-21 Surface Mount Box - Red, 2-gang 2 (1.2)
27193-26 Surface Mount Box - White, 2-gang 2 (1.2)
Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Two Module
SIGA-UIO2R 0.32 (0.15)
Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Six Module
SIGA-UIO6R 0.62 (0.28)
SIGA-UIO6 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25)
235196P Bi-polar Transient Protector 0.01 (0.05)

Multifunction Fire Cabinet - Red, supports Signature
MFC-A 7.0 (3.1)
Module Mounting Plates
SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5 (0.70)
SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5 (0.23)
SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint 1.02 (0.46)

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