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A (Odd Numbers in The Universal Set), B (Numbers Which Are 6 or More in The

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1. A particular set A has 5 elements. The number 7.

Which of the following graphs represents the

of subsets of A is function f(x) = x2 – 2x – 3?
A) 5 A) B)
B) 10
C) 32
D) 50

2. The Universal set is the set of whole numbers C) D)

from 1 to 10.
A = {odd numbers in the universal set},
B = {numbers which are 6 or more in the
universal set},
Determine n (A  B).
A) 2 2 1 5
 
B) 3 8. Simplify: 3 4 6
C) 4
2 1
D) 5
A) 1 B) 2
3. In a group of 60 students, 45 speak Spanish and 1 2
30 speak Garifuna. 10 students speak neither Spanish C) 12 D) 12
nor Garifuna. Some students speak Spanish and
Garifuna. How many students speak Garifuna only? 9. Express 0.00531 in scientific notation.
A) 5 A) 531 x 10-5
B) 10 B) 53.1 x 10-4
C) 20 C) 5.31 x 10-3
D) 30 D) 0.531 x 10-2

4. The y-intercept of the line y = 3x + 2 is 1

A) -2 12 %
10. Express 2 as a fraction.
B) 1
C) 2 2 1
D) 3 A) 25 B) 8
1 25
5. Which of the following is the correct line graph
C) 4 D) 2
of x  3 or x  -2?
A) 11. In a primary school class, the ratio of boys to
girls is 3: 4. If there are 12 girls in the class, what is the
B) total number of students in the class?
A) 21
C) B) 28
D) C) 36
D) 48
6. Which of the following linear equations has a
slope of ½ and passes through the point (1, -2)? 12. A truck can travel 180 miles on 15 gallons of
1 5 1 3 gasoline. How many gallons of gasoline would be
y  x y  x
A) 2 2 B) 2 2 needed for this truck to travel 240 miles?
1 3 1 A) 12
y  x y  x2 B) 16
C) 2 2 D) 2
C) 20
D) 27 19. Simplify the algebraic expression:
1 3 5 1 3 5 2x(x – 3) – 6(1 – x)
(  )  (  ) A) 2x2 – 6
13. The statement 2 4 6 2 4 6 is an
B) 2x2 + 12x – 6
example of what mathematical law?
C) 2x – 6
A) The Associative Law
D) 2x2 -12x -6
B) The Distributive Law
C) The Commutative Law
D) The Identity Law 20. The following operation, a b c , is defined as
“the remainder when you divide a times b by c”. What
is the result of 4 5 3 ?
14. Which of the following statements are correct?
I. 0.125 is an element of the set of Natural numbers.
A) 1
II. 0.125 is an element of the set of Whole numbers.
B) 2
III. 0.125 is an element of the set of Integers.
C) 3
IV. 0.125 is an element of the set of Irrational numbers.
D) 6
V. 0.125 is an element of the set of Rational numbers.
VI. 0.125 is an element of the set of Real numbers.
21. Simplify the inequality: 10(1 – x)  20.
A) I and II
A) x  1
B) III and IV
B) x  1
C) V and VI
D) IV and VI C) x  -1
D) x  -1
15. In which one of the numbers 32310, 4528, 3216
and 2013 does the digit 2 have the greatest value? 2
( ) 3
A) 32310 22. Find the value of 3 .
B) 4528 8 27
C) 3216
A) 27 B) 8
D) 2013
6 9
16. The prime factors of the number 600 are C) 9 D) 6
A) 2, 3, 7
B) 2, 3, 5 5 3

C) 3, 5, 11
23. If x  1 x  2 , then the value of x is
D) 2, 5, 7
1 3
17. I am thinking of a number x. What algebraic A) 2 B) 2
expression represents “eight less than three times this 7 13
number”? C) 2 D) 8
A) 3x + 8
B) 3x – 8 24. Laura has $16 and spent x dollars. Sheranny has
C) 8 – 3x $6 and collected x dollars. The two girls then had the
D) 3(x – 8) same amount of money. The value of x is
A) $5
18. Evaluate the algebraic expression “2a (a – 2b)” B) $8
when a = 2 and b = -5. C) $11
A) 80 D) $17
B) -120
C) -30
D) 50
25. Six burritos and four meat patties cost $9.00. A 31. Each of the letters of the word “LOTTO” is
burrito costs 50 cents more than a meat patty. What is written on cards. The cards are then placed in a bag. If
the cost of a meat patty? one card is drawn at random from the bag, what is the
A) $0.50 probability of drawing the letter “T”?
B) $0.60 1 1
C) $1.00
A) 3 B) 5
D) $1.10
26. The owner of a shoe store wishes to replenish C) 5 D) 1
his stock of his most popular shoe size. Which of the
following would be the best measure to use? 32. There are 40 students in a class. The probability

that a student passes a Mathematics test is 3 5 . How

A) mean
B) mode many students are likely to pass the Mathematics test?
C) median A) 3
D) range B) 5
C) 16
27. The median of the set of numbers:
D) 24
1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 is
A) 5 33. The
B) 5.5 table above shows the heights of 25 children. What is
C) 6.5 the probability that a child picked at random is at least
D) 7 153 cm in height?
4 11
28. The heights, in centimetres, of five students in a
school’s class team are: 165, 175, 176, 159, and 170. A) 25 B) 25
What is the mean of the heights of the five students? 21 14
A) 165 C) 25 D) 15
B) 169
C) 170 34. The simple interest on $600 invested for 5 years
D) 175 at 8% per annum is
600 x5 600 x8 x5
29. The semi-interquartile range of the scores:
A) 8 B) 100
5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18 is
A) 3.5 100 x5 100 x8 x5
B) 7 C) 600 x8 D) 600
C) 8.5
D) 15 35. A businesswoman sold a watch to make a profit
of 10% on the cost price of $80. What was the selling
30. The pie chart shows the proportion a student price of the watch?
spent on food from a total expenditure of $450. How A) $72
much was spent on food? B) $88
A) $132 C) $90
B) $165 D) $800
C) $297
D) $318 36. A high school student buys a bicycle for $80 and
sells it for $100. What is his percentage profit?
A) 20%
B) 25%
C) 80%
D) 125% D) (-10, 3)
37. The compound interest on $3, 000 invested for
2 years at 10% per annum is 44. In triangle ABC, AB = BC and angle C = 65.
A) $300 B) $330 What is the size of angle B?
C) $600 D) $630 A) 40
B) 50
38. The marked price of a laptop computer was C) 60
$2 800. When bought on hire purchase, a deposit of D) 65
$1, 120 was required, followed by 12 monthly
installments of $168 each. How much more is the hire 45. Which equation can be used to find the length of
purchase price than the cash price? side x in the right triangle below?
A) $336 B) $1 680 A) 7 = x + 4
C) $2 016 D) $3 136 B) 72 = x2 – 42
C) x2 = 72 + 42
39. Which type of transformation is represented by
D) x  7  4
2 2
the diagram below?
A) enlargement
B) reflection 46. Convert 56, 000 milligrams to grams.
C) rotation A) 5.6 grams B) 56 grams
D) translation C) 5, 600 grams D) 5, 600, 000 grams

40. From the diagram below, which pair of angles 47. Calculate the area of a semi-circle of radius 7
are “alternate interior angles”? inches. Use  as 22/7.
A) 3 and 7 A) 11 sq. inches B) 77 sq. inches
B) 1 and 4 C) 154 sq. inches D) 1 078 sq. inches
C) 3 and 4
D) 4 and 8 48. If the perimeter of a rectangular house is 44
yards and the length is 12 yards, what is the width?
41. In the figure below, cos B = A) 10 yard B) 18 yards
3 4 C) 20 yards D) 36 yards
A) 5 B) 5
49. You need exactly a 1 680 ft3 aquarium for your
4 5
fish. At the pet store you see four choices of aquariums,
C) 3 D) 3 but the volume is not listed. The length, width, and
height are listed on the box. Which of the following
42. Two cars meet at an intersection. Car A goes aquariums would fit your needs?
east and Car B goes south, both at the same speed. After A) 12 ft x 12 ft x 12 ft
one hour, the bearing of Car A from Car B is between B) 13 ft x 15 ft x 16 ft
A) 0 and 90 degrees C) 14 ft x 20 ft x 6 ft
B) 90 and 180 degrees D) 15 ft x 12 ft x 12 ft
C) 180 and 270 degrees
D) 270 and 360 degrees 50. Michelle wants to expand her flowerbed by
increasing the length and width each by 2 ft. What will
43. In the graph below, no axes or origin is shown. the new area of the flowerbed be, if L and W represent
If point B’s coordinates are (10, 3), which of the the original dimensions of the flowerbed’s length and
following coordinates would most likely be A’s? width?
A) (17, -2) A) 2LW
B) (10, 6) B) 2(L + W)
C) (6, 8) C) 2L + 2w
D) (L +2)(W + 2)

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