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Zinc Effect On Growth Rate, Chlorophyll, Protein and Mineral Contents of Hydroponically Grown Mungbeans Plant (Vigna Radiata)

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Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2017) 10, S1802–S1807

King Saud University

Arabian Journal of Chemistry


Zinc effect on growth rate, chlorophyll, protein

and mineral contents of hydroponically grown
mungbeans plant (Vigna radiata)
Tayyeba Samreen a,*, Humaira a, Hamid Ullah Shah b, Saleem Ullah b,
Muhammad Javid c

Soil Science Department, Agricultural Research Institute Tarnab, Peshawar, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Faculty of Nutrition Sciences, Department of Agriculture Chemistry, University of Agriculture Peshawar, Khyber
Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Chemistry Division, PAEC PO Box # 1331, Islamabad, Pakistan

Received 7 February 2013; accepted 13 July 2013

Available online 20 July 2013

KEYWORDS Abstract Four varieties of mungbeans (Ramazan, Swat mungI, NM92 and KMI) from different
Mungbean; research stations of KPK (Khyber Pukhtunkhwa) in Pakistan were grown hydroponically in pots
Hydrophonic; containing sand giving nutrient solutions with and without Zn. Each variety was applied with Zn
Protein; solutions at three levels i.e. 0, 1 and 2 lM concentrations. Plant samples were taken 2 months after
Chlorophyll; transplant and the effect of Zn supply was observed on plant growth rate, protein, minerals and
Zn; chlorophyll contents of mungbean leaves. Plant growth, chlorophyll contents, crude proteins and
Micronutrients Zn contents were noted to be higher when greater supply of zinc doses was applied. Plant phospho-
rous contents declined with supply of Zn from 1 lM to 2 lM compared to the control signifying a
Zn/P complex foundation possibly in roots of plant, preventing the movement of P to plant. Plant
copper and Mg contents increased whereas Fe showed competitive behavior with Zinc while K, Na
and Mn plant contents were non-significantly depressive with Zn increase from control to 2 lM.
Zinc application at 2 lM concentrations in solution culture turned out to be the best treatment
for improving the growth and quality parameters of mungbean.
ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +92 91 2964031; fax: +92 91
E-mail address: (T. Samreen). Green revolution since the past few decades has increased the
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. production of daily used food crops. Foods that were rich in
protein and cheap in price were a demand for the poor living
in developing countries (Ali et al., 1997). In this regard, pulses
were found more versatile and appealing in providing protein
Production and hosting by Elsevier
rich diets, easy cultivation, long time storage and low price
1878-5352 ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Zinc effect on growth rate, chlorophyll, protein and mineral contents of hydroponically grown mungbeans plant S1803

(Thirumaran and Seralathan, 1988; Rachie and Robert, 1974). 2.3. Hydroponic system
Mungbean (Vigna radiata) also called green gram is an impor-
tant summer-growing, pulse crop in Pakistan (Ahmad et al., After two leaf stages of mungbean plants, culturing media
2003). The unique and common feature of mungbean is the were established which consisted of approximately 02 l of 12
root nodules that contain aerobic bacteria called rhizobia plastic pots (03 treatments of each variety) in which sand
which fix atmospheric nitrogen in the root and thus enhance was taken as the supporting material for small seedlings. The
soil fertility (Ashraf et al., 2003). As far as medical applications sand was washed properly with water in order to remove all
are concerned mungbeans are used in the prevention of cancer the clay particles. Four small holes were made at the bottom
and are also known to exhibit antimicrobial and insecticidal of plastic pots; linen cloth was used to cover the holes. All
activities (Pookpakdi and Pataradilok, 1993). the pots were then put in another plastic vessel. One tungsten
Among other essential parameters, appropriate supply of bulb of 200 W and 3 tube lights (50 W) were fitted over the sys-
micronutrients is also essential for proper growth and yield tem for the supply of light. The germinated seedlings were then
of crops. Their deficiency in soil is a large and growing prob- transplanted in these plastic pots in the hydroponic system.
lem in the developing world (Singh, 2009). When micro-nutri- The pots were divided into three groups where in each group
ents become limited, water, fertilizers and other high-energy 4 different cultivars were grown. To one group no ZnSO4 solu-
production inputs may be wasted. In Pakistan zinc scarcity tion was applied and to the second and third groups 1 lM and
in soil is the first most widespread problem. In the KPK (Khy- 2 lM ZnSO4 solution was applied respectively.
ber Pukhtunkhwa) province of Pakistan the extent of zinc defi-
cient soils ranges from 21% to 77%. 42% of agricultural fields 2.4. Nutrient solution
of Mansehra and Swat have zinc deficiency. On average 37%
of fields are deficient in zinc (Khattak et al., 1995).
Half strength Hoagland nutrient solution was used (Spomer
Zinc deficiency in plants affect photosynthesis due to altered
et al., 1997). Macronutrient contents of nutrient solution given
chloroplast pigments (Kosesakal and Unal, 2009). The most vis-
in Table 1 were prepared from the salts of KH2PO4, K2SO4,
ible zinc deficiency symptoms are short internodes and a de-
KCl, Ca(NO3)2, MgSO4 while micronutrients were prepared
crease in leaf size and delayed maturity (Brown et al., 1993).
from FeEDTA, ZnSO4, CuSO4, H3BO3, MnSO4 and (NH4)
Hydroponics is the growing of plants without soil in nutrient
6MoO24. Stock solutions were prepared and diluted to the re-
solutions (Resh, 2001). Although it is not adopted on a large
quired concentrations. Freshly prepared aqueous 0.666 M Fe
scale yet it is favored owing to its controlled conditions of nutri-
EDTA was added to each pot for accomplishment of the iron
ent availability for plant growth. Hydroponics technology can
requirement of the mungbean plants. The solution was chan-
be adopted extensively for studies including nutrient uptake
ged after every 3 days.
and their effect on interactions with other available nutrients
(Chaoui et al., 1997). In this regard a simple sand holding system
was developed and used for the study of zinc effect on physio- 2.5. Chlorophyll and protein determination
chemical parameters of mungbean plants which would help to
establish an effective dose of zinc for mungbean varieties culti- Plant samples were taken two months after transplant for
vated in various regions of KPK, Pakistan. growth measurement and analysis. The analysis of mungbean
leaves for the chlorophyll content was performed on High Per-
2. Materials and methods formance Liquid Chromatography, by the method of Heinon-
en (1990). Protein was determined by estimating the nitrogen
content by the Kjeldahl method (Association of Official Ana-
All the reagents used in this work were of analytical grade and
lytical Chemists et al., 1990). The procedure consists of three
were used as such. Double distilled water was used for solution
basic steps, digestion of the sample in sulfuric acid with a cat-
alyst which results in conversion of nitrogen to ammonia, dis-
tillation of the ammonia into a trapping solution; and
2.1. Sample collection
quantification of the ammonia by titration with a standard
solution. The percent of nitrogen contents and crude protein
Samples of four certified high yielding and disease resistant was calculated by using the relation:
varieties of mungbeans were obtained from various Agricul-
tural Research Stations situated in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa ðS  BÞ  N  0:014  D  100
%N¼ ð1Þ
Province of Pakistan. Among them NM-92 (V3) and KMI WV
(V4) were obtained from Karak research station, mung swat1
% Crude Protein ¼ %N  F ð2Þ
(V2) from Mingora and Ramazan (V1) was obtained from
NIFA (Nuclear institute for food and Agriculture) Peshawar. where S denotes sample reading, B is the blank reading, D is
Seeds of each variety were sifted from dirt and malformed ker- the dilution factor; W weight of sample, V is the volume of ti-
nels and were then subjected to further studies. trant consumed and F is equal to 6.25.

2.2. Seed disinfection and germination 2.6. Mineral analysis

Seeds were then surface sterilized with 1% bleach (NaHClO4) The samples were digested with nitric acid and perchloric acid
for 10 min. After bleaching the seeds were rinsed with distilled to release minerals for analysis. The inorganic phosphorous in
water thrice to remove excess of chlorine and then allowed to the digested solution was determined by ‘‘molybdenum blue
germinate on moist filter paper in dark at 25 C for 2 leaf stage. complex’’ reported by Murphy and Riley (1962). The blue
S1804 T. Samreen et al.

ments were statistically non-significant, but on the average

Table 1 Composition of nutrient solution.
were significantly 23.4% higher than that of control. Heights
Reagents Stock molarity Final molarity ml of S. solution attained by V1, V2 and V3 were similar, but were 8% higher
(C1) (C2) (V1) than V4. The plant height was positively correlated with zinc
Ca(NO3)2 2M 2.0 mM 0.500 treatments (r P 0.5). A similar effect was reported by Alam
KH2PO4 1M 0.5 mM 0.250 and Shereen (2002) who observed the effect of different levels
K2SO4 1M 0.7 mM 0.375 of zinc and phosphorous on wheat during water culture exper-
KCl 1M 0.01 mM 0.005 iment and found that wheat shoot length was increased in al-
MgSO4 1M 0.65 mM 0.325
most all treatments as compared to the control. However,
Mn SO4.2H20 9.67 mM 1.00 lM 0.052
the result observed in the present case is in contrast to those
ZnSO4 7.60 mM 1.00 lM 0.658
CuSO4 0.14 mM 0.20 lM 0.714 reported by Ashok et al. (2010) on mungbean growth in soil.
H3BO3 46.00 mM 2.00 lM 0.020 Comparing the literature observations of mungbean grown
(NH4)6MoO24 0.05 mM 0.02 lM 0.200 in soil with our system suggest an increase in tolerance limit
FeEDTA 666 mM 20.0 lM 0.015 of mungbean plant when grown hydroponically. Absorbed
Zn content translocation to different parts of plant fulfills
the plant requirement for proper plant growth.

color of the phosphorous complex was measured on a spectro-

photometer at 880 nm wavelength and the amount of un- 3.2. Effect of Zn on chlorophyll content
known phosphate was determined from a standard plot of
absorbance vs concentration (Fig. 1). Table 3 presents the data regarding chlorophyll contents of
Zinc, iron, copper, magnesium and manganese were ana- mungbean plants treated with different Zn doses. Mean chlo-
lyzed by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer model rophyll contents ranged from 45.69 to 184.4 mg kg1. The data
Perkin Elmer 3100 while sodium and potassium ions were mea- revealed that maximum chlorophyll content was found in all
sured using a flame photometer (Sherwood Flame Photometer varieties treated with 2 lM of Zn. The chlorophyll content
410, Sherwood Scientific Ltd. Cambridge, UK) according to with 1 lM of zinc was statistically similar to that with 2 lM
the standard methods of Association of Official Analytical of zinc application and on the average was 100% more than
Chemists et al. (1990). the control. As regards varietal effects it was found that chlo-
rophyll content of V4 was statistically at par with V3 but signif-
2.7. Statistical analysis
icantly 49 and 303% higher than that of V2 and V1
respectively. The correlation of chlorophyll content with exter-
A completely randomized block design was used for the statis- nal zinc treatments was however, negligible (r < 0.5). A simi-
tical analysis of the data. The analysis of variance of each var- lar behavior was also reported by Khalil et al. (1998) on beans
iable was computed by the standard procedure (M-Stat C). grown hydrophonically. His studies reflected that zinc deficient
Treatment means were compared by determining the least sig- leaves appeared light green due to the low concentration of
nificant difference (LSD) at 5% level of probability chlorophyll. Hisamitsu et al. (2001) investigated that zinc defi-
(P = 0.05). ciency disrupted the chlorophyll synthesis. Increased chloro-
phyll contents are due to zinc which acts as a structural and
3. Results and discussion catalytic component of proteins, enzymes and as co-factor
for normal development of pigment biosynthesis (Balashouri,
3.1. Effect of Zn on plant height 1995). Unlike the above findings, field studies in corn sug-
gested that Zn inhibited the chlorophyll production by inter-
Data pertaining to plant height of mungbeans treated with dif- fering with Fe metabolism, but not by lowering the Fe
ferent Zn concentrations is presented in Table 2 and Fig. 2. content of the leaves (Rosen et al., 1977). The results of soil
The data indicated that maximum height was noted in all vari- study are not compatible with solution culture which may be
eties of mung bean plants treated with 2 lM of Zn followed by due to the fact that in a hydroponics system delivery of a
1 lM and control. Plant heights with 1 lM and 2 lM Zn treat- perfectly balanced nutrient solution to the roots takes place

Table 2 Plant height (cm) on dry weight basis in mungbean varieties at different concentrations of Zn in solution culture.
Zn treatments V1 V2 V3 V4 Mean ± St. dv
Control 19.60b 19.93d 19.53bc 13.03e 18.02b 3.33
1 lM 22.94a 22.60a 22.70a 20.73 cd 22.24a 1.02
2 lM 23.18a 23.00a 23.20a 21.03bc 22.60a 1.05
Mean ± St.d v 21.91a 21.84a 21.81a 20.27b
2.00 1.67 1.99 4.53
V1 = Ramazan, V2 = Swat mungI, V3 = NM92, V4 = KMI.
St. dv = standard deviation.
The mean followed by similar letter (s) are not significantly different at P = 0.05.
Zinc effect on growth rate, chlorophyll, protein and mineral contents of hydroponically grown mungbeans plant S1805

0.7 crease to the extent of 28.2 to 72.3% was noted in crude pro-
tein contents in all the varieties compared to control with an
increase in the dose of Zn. Correlation between different zinc
0.5 treatments and crude protein was positive (r = 0.896). These
findings were in accordance with Hisamitsu et al. (2001). They

observed that zinc deficiency affects nitrogen metabolism in
0.3 corn plant. Krishna (1995) also reported a significant positive
effect of zinc treatment on crude protein content in the seeds of
0.2 mungbean. Zinc is required as structural and catalytic compo-
nents of protein and enzymes for normal growth and develop-
ment (Broadley et al., 2007). In contrast Sagardoy et al. (2009)
0 observed the antagonistic effect of Zn along with N in sugar
0 20 40 60 80 100 beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants grown in hydroponics.
Concentration (mg/L)
3.4. Effect of Zn on P and Fe contents
Figure 1 Standard curve for the determination of phosphate
concentration at 880 nm.
Fig. 3 shows that the mean phosphorous contents of Mung-
bean varieties ranged from 3.1 to 6.45 g/kg. All the varieties
showed a maximum of phosphorous contents in the control
25 which drops with external Zn application. Phosphorous con-
tent of V2 was maximum, followed by that of V3 and V4 statis-
20 tically at par in between and the least in V1. Tissue P of V2 was
higher by 57.7%, 52.4% and 108% than V3, V4 and V1. Zn
Plant height (cm)

treatment also affected tissue P significantly and got decreased
15 as the Zn concentration increased. P was maximum in the con-
trol and decreased by 29.9 and 41.7% with 1 lM and 2 lM Zn
10 V4
respectively. Correlation between tissue P and Zn treatments
was also negative (r = 0.676). Zn and P are observed to
interact and may interfere with the availability and utilization
5 of each other. High Zn uptake efficiency may depress root
phosphorous uptake and may also involve in a high rate of
Zn transport from roots to shoot via the xylem, and this
control 1µM 2µM
may hinder P translocation from roots to shoot. These conclu-
sions are supported in the literature (Zhu et al., 2001; Keram
Zn treatment
et al., 2012).
Figure 2 Plant height as a function of Zn treatments. It is also observed that like P, Zn application has an adverse
effect on Fe contents and Fe uptake in Mungbean plants (Ta-
ble 5). Plant Fe was reduced by 7 and 22% from control with
in a highly soluble form which enables the plant to absorb food supply of 1 to 2 lM Zn. The decrease of Fe may be due to
with very little effort in contrast to soil where the roots must competitive interactions with Zn which probably occur at the
look for the nutrients and extract them. absorption sites of plant roots. Similar conclusions were re-
ported by Loneragan and Webb (1993), Rajaie et al. (2009).
3.3. Effect of Zn on crude protein content Zn strongly influences the iron metabolic function in plants,
if one is present in excess the uptake of other may depress
The mean crude protein contents (Table 4) of mungbean vari- (Francois and Goodin, 1972). The same phenomenon is fol-
eties were non-significantly different from each other and lowed in the present system as the concentration of external
showed a range of 15.52–18.02%. On average a gradual in- Zn is increased.

Table 3 Chlorophyll contents (mg kg1) on dry weight basis in mungbean varieties at different concentrations of Zn in solution
Zn Treatments V1 V2 V3 V4 Mean ± St. dv
Control 35.7f 73.45de 93.12 cd 105.93c 78.55b 30.63
1 lM 36.81f 145.30b 210.82a 221.01a 153.5a 84.71
2 lM 64.54e 146.07b 210.57a 226.08a 161.9a 73.52
Mean ± St. dv 45.69c 123.6b 171.5a 184.4a
16.34 41.71 67.88 67.95
V1 = Ramazan, V2 = Swat mungI, V3 = NM92, V4 = KMI.
St. d = standard deviation.
The mean followed by similar letter (s) are not significantly different at P = 0.05.
S1806 T. Samreen et al.

Table 4 Percent crude protein (dry weight basis) in mungbean varieties at different concentrations of Zn in solution culture.
Zn Treatments V1 V2 V3 V4 Mean ± St. dv
Control 12.90f 11.76f 13.95ef 11.54f 12.54c 1.11
1 lM 13.12f 16.45de 17.62bcd 18.12 cd 16.08b 2.25
2 lM 20.54ab 22.86a 20.99a 22.05abc 21.61a 1.05
Mean ± St. dv 15.52a 17.02a 18.02a 17.24a
4.35 5.57 3.52 4.32
V1 = Ramazan, V2 = Swat mungI, V3 = NM92, V4 = KMI.
St. d = standard deviation.
The mean followed by similar letter (s) are not significantly different at P = 0.05.

9000 210

8000 180 Vi
7000 150
Phosphorous (mg/Kg)


Zn (mg/Kg)
6000 120
5000 V2 90

4000 V3 60
3000 30

2000 0
control 1 µM 2 µM
Zn Treatments
control 1 µM 2 µM Figure 4 Plant Zinc contents as a function of Zn treatments.
Zn Treatments
3.6. Effect of Zn on plant Na, K, Mg, Mn and Cu contents
Figure 3 Plant Phosphorous contents as a function of Zn
Table 5 presents the mean data regarding the effect of Zn on
Na, K, Mg, Mn and Cu contents of mungbean plant which
shows that Zn has a non-significant depressing effect on Na,
Table 5 Mean values (mg/kg) of nutrients contents for K and Mn while Cu contents increase with increasing Zn levels
Mungbean plant. to 2 lM. Whereas, the Mg effect is somewhat non-uniform, it
Zn (lM) Na K Mg Mn Fe Cu increases sharply with 1 uM Zn supply over control and then
declines with 2 lM Zn supply. The lower concentration of
Control 940 25537 3570 244.55 144.04 15.75
Mg might be due to the physiological response of the plant
1 870 23547 4070 206.02 133.8 22.55
2 880 21957 3610 219.77 11.46 44.86
to the highest Zn concentration in solution which may have af-
fected the uptake system and thus lowered the apparent con-
centration. Bonnet et al. (2000) also observed similar results
for Mg contents by Ryegrass grown in solution culture. In con-
trast the friendly behavior of Cu with Zn supply in our case is
3.5. Effect of Zn on plant Zn contents anomalous to those observed by Bowen et al. (1979) who sug-
gested on observation of data in their studies that both Cu and
The results presented in Fig. 4 show the mean Zn contents of Zn are absorbed through same mechanism and might suppress
mungbean varieties which range from 55.97 to 127.01 mg/kg. the other if one is present in excess.
The average Zn contents of V4 are significantly higher by
126.9%, 13.5% and 27.7% than V1, V2 and V3. Perusal of 4. Conclusions
the data demonstrated further that plant Zn contents increased
significantly with Zn application in the rooting media, giving a All mungbean varieties attained a greater plant height at 2 lM
maximum increase of 496.6% with 2 lM of Zn followed by Zn solution. Increase was the highest in Ramazan followed by
404.9% with 1 lM Zn. The zinc uptake was positively corre- Swat mung1 and the least in KM1. Zn application also in-
lated (r = 0.787) with zinc treatments. Similar data were also creased plant chlorophyll and protein contents in control.
reported by Zhao et al. (1998). They studied the relationship The chlorophyll content in NM92 and KM1 was higher than
between Zn and P in the Zn hyperaccumulator Thlaspi cae- that of Swat mung1 and Ramazan respectively. The plant pro-
rulescens using hydroponic culture and investigated that total tein content was maximum in swat mung1 and minimum in
Zn contents in the shoots increased with the increased applica- Ramazan. NM92, Swat mung1 and KM1 varieties showed a
tion of external zinc. higher percent protein than Ramazan. Plant P, K and Na
Zinc effect on growth rate, chlorophyll, protein and mineral contents of hydroponically grown mungbeans plant S1807

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