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Long-Term Risk of Atrial Fibrillation After The Death of A Partner

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Arrhythmias and sudden death

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367 on 5 April 2016. Downloaded from on November 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Long-term risk of atrial fibrillation after
the death of a partner
Simon Graff,1 Morten Fenger-Grøn,1 Bo Christensen,2
Henrik Søndergaard Pedersen,1 Jakob Christensen,3 Jiong Li,4
Mogens Vestergaard1,2

To cite: Graff S, Fenger- ABSTRACT

Grøn M, Christensen B, et al. KEY QUESTIONS
Objectives: Severe psychological stress is generally
Long-term risk of atrial
associated with an increased risk of acute What is already known about this subject?
fibrillation after the death of a
partner. Open Heart 2016;3:
cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, ▸ Previous studies have found that severely stress-
e000367. doi:10.1136/ but it remains unknown whether it also applies to atrial ful life events increase the risk of cardiovascular
openhrt-2015-000367 fibrillation. We conducted a population-based case– events and case reports indicate emotional
control study using nationwide Danish health registers stress may be a triggering factor for arrhyth-
to examine the risk of atrial fibrillation after the death mias. It remains unknown whether it also
Received 20 November 2015 of a partner. applies to risk of new onset of atrial fibrillation.
Revised 15 January 2016 Methods: From 1995 through 2014, we identified
Accepted 19 January 2016 88 612 cases with a hospital diagnosis of atrial What does this study add?
fibrillation and 886 120 age-matched and sex-matched ▸ This study found that the severely stressful life
controls based on risk-set sampling. The conditional event of losing a partner was followed by an
logistic regression model was used to calculate increased risk of atrial fibrillation lasting for
adjusted ORs of atrial fibrillation with 95% CIs. 1 year. The risk was highest shortly after the
Results: Partner bereavement was experienced by loss and for the least predicted losses.
17 478 cases and 168 940 controls and was How might this impact on clinical practice?
associated with a transiently higher risk of atrial ▸ These findings indicate that high levels of stress
fibrillation; the risk was highest 8–14 days after the may increase the risk of developing new onset
loss (1.90; 95% CI 1.34 to 2.69), after which it of atrial fibrillation. With a biologically plausible
gradually declined. One year after the loss, the risk was association early identification of this group
almost the same as in the non-bereaved population. should be encouraged and calls for further
Overall, the OR of atrial fibrillation within 30 days after studies.
bereavement was 1.41 (95% CI 1.17 to 1.70), but it
tended to be higher in persons below the age of
60 years (2.34; 95% CI 1.02 to 5.40) and in persons complications pose a major economic
whose partner had a low predicted mortality 1 month burden on the healthcare system.6
before the death, that is, ≤5 points on the age-adjusted
Mounting evidence indicates that severely
Charlson Comorbidity Index (1.57; 95% CI 1.13 to
stressful life events increase the risk of acute
Conclusions: The severely stressful life event of cardiovascular events like myocardial infarc-
losing a partner was followed by a transiently increased tion,7 but no large studies have examined
Department of Public Health, risk of atrial fibrillation lasting for 1 year, especially for whether the association also applies to AF or
Research Unit for General the least predicted losses. atrial flutter. A few studies suggest that emo-
Practice, Aarhus University, tional stress may be a triggering factor for
Aarhus C, Denmark arrhythmia in persons with paroxysmal AF,8
Section for General Practice,
Department of Public Health,
and case reports indicate that this may also
Aarhus University, Aarhus C, concern patients with no former history of
Denmark INTRODUCTION AF.9 Furthermore, studies suggest that high-
Department of Neurology, Atrial fibrillation (AF) represents the most impact stress may cause pathophysiological
Aarhus University Hospital, changes that make the heart more vulner-
Aarhus C, Denmark
common cardiac arrhythmia in the western
Section for Epidemiology, world. The estimated life-time risk varies able to arrhythmias by reduced parasympa-
Department of Public Health, between 22% and 26%, and AF is one of the thetic modulation,10 which may cause
Aarhus University, Aarhus C, few heart diseases with increasing incidence.1 excessive sympathetic activity11 and stimulate
Denmark AF is associated with increased risk of death,2 proinflammatory cytokines.12
Correspondence to
stroke3 and heart failure,4 but also with a The loss of a partner is considered one of
Dr Simon Graff; Simon. lower health-related quality of life.5 The treat- the most severely stressful life events13 and is ment and the potentially related likely to affect most people, independently of

Graff S, Fenger-Grøn M, Christensen B, et al. Open Heart 2016;3:e000367. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367 1

Open Heart

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367 on 5 April 2016. Downloaded from on November 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
coping mechanisms. Bereavement often causes mental of all persons alive and living in Denmark with no per-
illness symptoms such as depression, anxiety, guilt, anger sonal history of AF at the index date according to the
and hopelessness.14 Danish Civil Registration System.
In a large population-based case–control study, we
examined the association between partner bereavement
Partner bereavement
and the risk of new onset of AF while taking into
We used the Danish Civil Registration System to identify
account the time since bereavement, comorbidity and
cohabitant partner status, marital status, identification of
medication use.
corresponding spouse or partner, and all spousal/partner
deaths for cases and controls prior to the index date. We
METHODS used the Age-adjusted Charlson Comorbidity Index19
Study design (ACCI) to classify the likelihood of death for all partners
We conducted a population-based case–control study 1 month before his or her death, with allocated points for
from 1995 through 2014, using prospectively collected selected chronic diseases obtained from the Danish
information from four nationwide Danish registries on National Patient Register (1 point: myocardial infarct, con-
the Danish population of 5.6 million inhabitants. The gestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, dementia,
Danish national healthcare system provides free access cerebrovascular disease, chronic lung disease, connective
(tax-funded) to healthcare and partial reimbursement tissue disease, ulcer, chronic liver disease and/or diabetes;
for prescribed medications. The unique Danish civil 2 points: hemiplegia, moderate or severe kidney disease,
registration number (CRN), which is assigned to all diabetes with end organ damage, tumour, leukaemia and/
Danish residents at birth or immigration, allowed us to or lymphoma; 3 points: moderate or severe liver disease; 6
link data at the personal level across all registries. The points: malignant tumour, metastasis and/or AIDS) and
CRN has been used in the Danish Civil Registration for age (1 point: 50–59 years; 2 points: 60–69 years; 3
System15 since 1968 and contains information on resi- points: 70–79 years; 4 points: 80–89 years; 5 points: 90–
dence, cohabitant status, educational level, marital 99 years).
status, spouse, migration, vital status and date of death.
The Danish National Patient Register16 was established Covariates
in 1977 and holds information on discharge diagnoses Information on potential confounding factors was
from all Danish hospitals, and data from emergency obtained from the Danish National Patient Register, the
rooms and outpatient clinics has also been recorded Danish National Diabetes Register,20 and the Danish
since 1995. Diagnoses are coded in accordance with the National Prescription Register.21 Since 1990, the Danish
International Classification of Diseases; the eight revi- National Diabetes Register has provided information on
sion (ICD-8) was used from 1971 to 1993, while the 10th diabetes mellitus according to an algorithm developed
revision (ICD-10) has been used since 1993. on the basis of data from four nationwide Danish regis-
ters. Since 1995, complete computerised prescription
Cases with AF records have been available in the Danish National
Persons with a first-time inpatient diagnosis of AF (from Prescription Register; the database provides dispensing
1995 through 2014) were identified using information dates for all reimbursed drugs classified according to the
from the Danish National Patient Register (ICD-8: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification
427.93, 427.94 and ICD-10: I48; atrial fibrillation and System.
atrial flutter). Information on the combined diagnosis From the Danish National Patient Register and the
of AF and atrial flutter has proven to have a high validity Danish National Diabetes Register, we obtained previous
( positive predictive value: 92.6%; 95% CI 88.8% to hospitalisation diagnoses on hypertension, ischaemic
95.2%) in the Danish National Patient Register17 and heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction
has previously been used in epidemiological studies.18 and chronic ischaemic heart disease), cardiomyopathy,
We considered the date of the first admission diagnosis congestive heart failure, hyperthyroidism and diabetes
of AF between 1995 through 2014 to be the index date mellitus, which may increase the risk of AF (see table 1).
for included cases. The Danish National Patient Register From the Danish National Prescription Register, we
was used to exclude people diagnosed with a heart-valve obtained information on used cardiovascular drugs clas-
disease before the index date (ICD-8: 394–396 and sified according to ATC codes: vitamin K antagonists
ICD-10: I05, I06, I08, I34 and I35). (MB01AA), ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II antago-
nists (MC09), β-blocking agents (MC07), lipid-modifying
Control group agents (MC10), calcium antagonists (MC08D), diuretics
For each case, we randomly selected 10 controls (1:10) (MC03), nitrates (MC01DA), digoxin (MC01) and anti-
matched on age (±2 months) and sex. These controls platelet agents (MB01AC). Only prescriptions redeemed
were assigned an index date identical to that of the AF within 3 months before the index date were included.
diagnosis for the corresponding cases. All controls were Maximum educational level was classified according to
selected through risk-set sampling from the population the United Nation’s International Standard

2 Graff S, Fenger-Grøn M, Christensen B, et al. Open Heart 2016;3:e000367. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367

Arrhythmias and sudden death

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367 on 5 April 2016. Downloaded from on November 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
First, we calculated the ORs for AF according to the
Table 1 Characteristics of cases with atrial fibrillation and
controls from Denmark, 1995–2014 time since bereavement, and these were grouped accord-
ing to time period: 0–7 days, 8–14 days, 15–30 days, 31–
Cases, Controls,
number (%) number (%)
90 days, 91–365 days, 366–1095 days and >1095 days
(n=88 612) (n=886 120) before the index date.
Second, we calculated the ORs of developing AF
Partner bereavement
Yes 17 478 (19.72) 168 940 (19.07)
within 30 days after bereavement in subgroups of the
No 71 134 (80.28) 717 180 (80.93) population categorised according to sex, age, calendar
Sex time, cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus.
Female 41 764 (47.13) 417 649 (47.13) Third, we evaluated whether the effect of bereavement
Male 46 848 (52.87) 468 480 (52.87) on AF depended on the health status of the partner
Age (years) 1 month before death. This was measured by the ACCI
18–49 6678 (7.54) 66 780 (7.54)
scores divided into three categories: lowest risk of death
50–59 11 299 (12.75) 112 990 (12.75)
60–69 20 875 (23.56) 208 750 (23.56)
(0–5 points), intermediate risk (6–8 points) and highest
70–79 25 808 (29.12) 258 080 (29.12) risk (9–16 points). The division was made prior to the
80–100 23 952 (27.03) 239 520 (27.03) analysis to establish as much power in each category as
Civil status possible.
Cohabitant* 47 956 (54.12) 472 338 (53.30) Fourth, we examined the effect of being single on AF
Not cohabitant 40 656 (45.88) 413 782 (46.70) risk compared with cohabitating partners.
Education (years)
Finally, we performed a subanalysis after excluding
<10 32 834 (37.05) 313 635 (35.39)
10–15 28 334 (31.98) 280 719 (31.68)
cases and the corresponding controls who redeemed a
>15 10 278 (11.60) 103 633 (11.70) prescription of an antithrombotic agent (ATC:
Calendar time MB01AA) before the index date.
1995–2004 39 104 (44.13) 391 040 (44.13) Analyses were performed using STATA, V.13; StatCorp
2004–2014 49 508 (55.87) 495 080 (55.87) LP, College Station, Texas, USA.
Previous hospital diagnoses
Cardiovascular diseases 29 895 (33.73) 180 802 (20.40)
Hypertension 17 406 (19.64) 108 813 (12.28)
Ischaemic heart disease† 16 680 (18.82) 95 540 (10.78)
Cardiomyopathy 909 (1.03) 2115 (0.24) More cases than controls had a diagnosis of cardiovascu-
Congestive heart failure 6445 (7.27) 26 414 (2,98) lar disease, diabetes and/or hyperthyroidism and also
Hyperthyroidism 1787 (2.02) 11 527 (1.30) received more medications for these conditions
Diabetes mellitus 11 009 (12.42) 87 646 (9.89) (table 1).
Medicine‡ During the whole study period, partner bereavement
ACE or A2R inhibitors 21 514 (24.28) 151 337 (17.08)
was experienced by 17 478 (19.72%) cases and 168 940
β-blockers 19 176 (21.64) 90 784 (10.25)
Digoxin 8071 (9.11) 16 350 (1.85)
(19.07%) controls; 144 cases and 1036 controls were
Calcium channel blockers 4583 (5.17) 18 930 (2.14) bereaved within the past 30 days prior to AF.
Diuretics 28 414 (32.07) 181 005 (20.43) Bereavement was followed by a transiently higher risk of
Nitrates 6415 (7.24) 29 455 (3.32) AF (figure 1). The OR was highest 8–14 days after the
Thrombocyte function 23 441 (26.45) 158 623 (17.90) loss (1.90; 95% CI 1.34 to 2.69), after which it gradually
inhibitors declined. One year after the loss, it corresponded to a
Lipid modifying agents 12 718 (14.35) 102 710 (11.59)
level close to that of the non-bereaved population (1.04;
Vitamin K antagonists 7744 (8.74) 7801 (0.88)
95% CI 0.99 to 1.09).
*Married or living with a cohabitant partner.
†Angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, chronic ischaemic Overall, the OR of developing AF within 30 days after
heart disease. bereavement was 41% higher (1.41; 95% CI 1.17 to
‡Redeemed prescriptions 3 months before index date. 1.70) in the bereaved population compared with the
A2R, adenosine receptor.
non-bereaved population (figure 2). This risk was rela-
tively constant over subgroups characterised by sex, cal-
Classification of Education: low (<10 years), middle (10– endar time, pre-existing cardiovascular disease and
15 years) and high (>15 years).22 diabetes. The highest OR was found among persons
below the age of 60 years (2.34; 95% CI 1.02 to 5.40).
Statistical analysis The OR tended to increase with decreasing ACCI scores
We calculated ORs and 95% CIs of AF using conditional in the partner 1 month prior to the death; a high OR
logistic regression comparing the risk among bereaved was found for those who lost a partner with low ACCI
against the cohabitant group. As we used risk-set sam- scores (OR 1.57; 95% CI 1.13 to 2.17), whereas no risk
pling of controls, the ORs present unbiased estimates of increase was found for those who lost a partner with
the corresponding incidence rate ratios.23 In multiple high ACCI scores (OR 1.09; 95% CI 0.78 to 1.53).
conditional logistic regression models, we controlled for We found no difference in AF risk when we compared
the covariates listed in table 1. singles with cohabitating partners (OR 1.00; 95% CI

Graff S, Fenger-Grøn M, Christensen B, et al. Open Heart 2016;3:e000367. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367 3

Open Heart

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367 on 5 April 2016. Downloaded from on November 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Adjusted ORs of AF according to time since
Figure 2 Adjusted ORs of AF within 30 days after
bereavement versus non-bereaved in a population from
bereavement with specific characteristics versus
Denmark between 1995 and 2014. * *ORs are adjusted for
non-bereaved with the same characteristics. * *The vertical
age, sex and hospital diagnosis for hypertension, ischaemic
dashed line represents the overall OR for AF within 30 days
heart disease, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure,
after bereavement compared with non-bereaved. The ORs
hyperthyroidism, diabetes and cardiovascular medication
(except for CVD and diabetes mellitus (DM)) are adjusted for
(vitamin K antagonists MB01AA, ACE inhibitors and
age, sex and hospital diagnosis for hypertension, ischaemic
angiotensin II antagonists MC09, β-blocking agents MC07,
heart disease, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure,
lipid-modifying agents MC10, calcium antagonists MC08D,
hyperthyroidism, diabetes and cardiovascular medication
diuretics MC03, nitrates MC01DA, digoxin MC01, antiplatelet
(vitamin K antagonists MB01AA, ACE inhibitors and
agents MB01AC). †Point estimates are given with error bars
angiotensin II antagonists MC09, β-blocking agents MC07,
representing 95% CIs. AF, atrial fibrillation.
lipid-modifying agents MC10, calcium antagonists MC08D,
diuretics MC03, nitrates MC01DA, digoxin MC01, antiplatelet
agents MB01AC). †Point estimates are given with error bars
0.98 to 1.01), nor if we excluded cases and correspond- representing 95% CIs. §Cardiovascular disease:
ing controls who had redeemed a prescription for an hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy,
antithrombotic agent (data not shown). congestive heart failure. ¶DM: according to an algorithm
developed on the basis of the Danish National Diabetes
Register. ‡Risk of death in partner: corresponding ACCI
scores 1 month before index day divided into three categories
for statistical comparison. AF, atrial fibrillation; CVD,
In this large population-based study, the severely stressful
cardiovascular disease.
life event of losing a partner was associated with a transi-
ently increased risk of AF, which lasted for about 1 year.
The elevated risk was especially high for those who were to measure self-reported postoperative stress, depression,
young and those who lost a relatively healthy partner. and anxiety symptoms. Their findings showed that only
To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to anxiety was associated with higher risk of AF. The
examine the risk of AF after stressful life events, but an Australian study was, however, limited by small sample
association has been suggested by case reports.9 A few size. In addition, the results may not apply to the
studies have examined the relationship between psycho- general population as the study was based on a highly
logical distress and AF, but the association remains selected group of individuals who had just undergone
unclear. The Women’s Health Study from the US24 fol- cardiac surgery.
lowed 30 746 women for a median of 125 months and Our study indicated that one of the most severe types
identified 771 patients with AF. The study used the of stress is associated with an increased risk of AF. We
Mental Health Inventory-5 to measure global psycho- used the ACCI scores of the deceased partner 1 month
logical distress, but no association with AF was revealed. before the death as a proxy for the expectedness of the
As the American study included only few severely dis- death because we presume that the stress associated with
tressed study participants and did not take timing into bereavement is more severe if the loss is unexpected.26
account, an acute effect of severe stress may have been We found that the highest risk was associated with the
overlooked. In our study, the association between least predicted losses, while no association was found for
bereavement and AF was weak 1 year after the bereave- more expected losses (ie, the partners with the highest
ment if at all present. A cohort study from Australia25 ACCI scores). A long-lasting disease with great suffering
followed 226 patients for a median of 6 days after and considerable care may be stressful and place high
cardiac surgery and identified 56 patients who devel- demands on the partner, and death may sometimes even
oped AF. They used the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales be a relief. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and male

4 Graff S, Fenger-Grøn M, Christensen B, et al. Open Heart 2016;3:e000367. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367

Arrhythmias and sudden death

Open Heart: first published as 10.1136/openhrt-2015-000367 on 5 April 2016. Downloaded from on November 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
sex are well-known risk factors for AF.1 However, in our believe that the risk of residual confounding is likely to
study, the OR of AF after bereavement did not differ be small as we cannot think of any possible confounder
much in the investigated subgroups during the 30-day that could cause a transiently increased risk of AF
period. shortly after bereavement. Adverse lifestyle factors (such
Bereavement is a major life event, which is known to as increased alcohol consumption, decreased sleep
increase the risk of cardiovascular disease,7 mental quality, poor diet and less physical activity)31 caused by
illness27 and death.28 The underlying causal mechanisms the bereavement may be steps on the causal pathway
for the association between the loss of a partner and AF from bereavement to AF1 and, therefore, should not be
is unclear, but acute stress may possess direct arrhythmo- adjusted for.23
genic properties by alternating autonomic control, influ- In conclusion, we found a transiently increased risk of
encing heart rate variability and enhancing AF after partner bereavement, especially if the loss was
proinflammatory cytokines.10–12 Animal studies have sub- unpredicted according to the Charlson comorbidity
stantiated the importance of the neural component sur- index. Our results call for further studies aiming at
rounding AF when manipulation of the autonomic evaluating whether the association also applies to more
pathways either promotes or eliminates AF.29 In addition, common, but less severe, stressors and at identifying
patients with paroxysmal AF often claim that emotional causal mechanisms and treatment possibilities.
stress is a common triggering factor8 and increasing Contributors SG, BC, MF-G and MV designed the study. SG, HSP, MF-G and
levels of perceived stress are associated with prevalent MV acquired the data. SG, HSP, JC, MF-G, BC, JL and MV analysed and
AF.30 interpreted the data. SG drafted the report. All authors approved the final
The main strengths of our study include the draft.
population-based design and the large sample size, Funding The study is supported by an unrestricted grant from the Lundbeck
which allowed us to consider timing and study the asso- Foundation (grant number: R155-2012-11280).
ciation in high-risk populations. The case–control study Competing interests None declared.
was nested in a nationwide cohort and included all Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
persons treated for inpatient incident AF in any Danish
Data sharing statement No additional data are available.
hospital during the study period. Denmark provides free
access (tax-funded) to healthcare services for all resi- Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
dents, and the registration of AF is known to be valid
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-
( positive predictive value 92.6%).17 Controls were ran- commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided
domly selected from the underlying cohort using risk-set the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://
sampling. Thus, bias due to selection of study partici-
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