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Physics FA Energy:Work

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20/01/2018 Physics-(Unit-Energy & its resources)

Physics-(Unit-Energy & its resources)

Formative assessment
Command terms:
Calculate- Obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working.
Justify- Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.
State- Give a speci c name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Instructions for students:

Task speci c clari cation-
Duration of formative assessment- 45 min.
Time to go through the task speci cation clari cation- 10 min, rest 35 min for solving the paper

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1. State whether the statements given below are true or false. (a)
Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object at rest. (b)
Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object in motion
(Level 1-2) *
Your answer

2. The mass of the aircraft is 140 000 kg. Calculate the value of
speed if the kinetic energy of the aircraft is 700000000 J. (Level
3-4) *
Your answer

3. If you use a 40 N force to lift a bag, and do 20 J of work,

Calculate how far do you lift it. (Level 3-4) *
Your answer

4 A f 1600 k l 4 d 1/4
20/01/2018 Physics-(Unit-Energy & its resources)

4. A car of mass 1600 kg accelerates at 4 meter per second

squared, from rest. Calculate how much work is done after it has
traveled 500 meters. (Level 5-6) *
Your answer

5. Part A: The diagram shows an object attached to a thread,

swinging between point X and point Y, passing through point P.
Which row from the table given as image below, best describes
the kinetic energy and the gravitational energy of the object when
it is passing through point P?Justify your answer. Part B: If X is
the point of release then state whether the object will reach point
Y or not. Justify your answer. Consider this as a real life situation.
(Level 5-6). *
Your answer

Image for question 5.

Image for question 5. 2/4
20/01/2018 Physics-(Unit-Energy & its resources)

6. A type of toy catapult consists of a movable plunger which has

a spring attached as shown in the image below. The handle was
pulled down to fully compress the spring and on release the
metal ball of mass 0.1 kg (weight 1 N) was projected 0.75 m
vertically. Part A. i. State the type of energy is stored in a
compressed spring. Part A.ii. State what happens to this stored
energy when the handle of the plunger is released. Part B.
Calculate the maximum potential energy acquired by the metal
ball from the catapult. (Level 7-8) *
Your answer

Image for question 6

Bibliography les/rw_ les/question_10_70.gif

Complete physics by Stephen Pople
Questions from past IGCSE papers


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20/01/2018 Physics-(Unit-Energy & its resources)
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