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1) Identify the environmental factors described in the case study.

 The Societal Environment, particularly the Technological Forces,

is the variable of environmental scanning present in the case
study. As stated in the case, Kodak has risen rapidly on the back of
research and patents that have set the standards for decades.
However, the company failed to adapt to the new market
conditions brought by the innovation in technology and other
society related factors.
2) Explain the most appropriate environmental scanning tool which
could have been employed by Kodak to avoid the given
organizational problem.
 The most appropriate industry analysis tool which could have been
employed by Kodak to avoid the said organizational problem is the
SWOT analysis. This tool could have helped the company assess
their internal and external environment, which may result to
identification of possible strengths, weakness, opportunities and
threats for the company. Through this method, Kodak could have
formulated the needed plans and courses of action that may have
let the company adapt to market trends and retain its superior
competitive position in the market.
3) Perform a company assessment for Kodak based on the present
context, using your recommended method or tool in item #2.
 SWOT analysis for Kodak:
 High-speed printing  Conflicting corporate culture
 Remaining Intellectual Property  Decreasing sales revenue
 Digital Imaging  Kodak lacks technological
leadership as it mostly focuses
 The company has a strong
on competitor innovations
brand name and brand affinity.
especially in the digital
 Major player in the imaging and industry.
photography industry as it is the
 The company lacks detailed
top three provider of image and
and clear strategies that can be
photography products and
used to convince stakeholders
and investors to invest in
Eastman Kodak.

 New Alliances  Economic Conditions
 Online photo sharing and/ or  The photographic capabilities
storage of mobile devices
 Kodak has the opportunity to  The shifting tastes and
expand its product portfolio to preferences of consumers in
meet its customer’s needs. today’s constantly changing
 It has also expanded its market has made it difficult for
operations to include online the company to keep up with
sales as a result of an increased these trends.
demand in photo online  The weak economy and the
services. recent global recession affected
 The company has expanded its the operations and business
operations to cover the segments of the company
expensive digital market for  The company faces the threat
cameras and photo imaging of new competitors from
services. countries such as China and the
Middle East.

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