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Health, Safety, Environment, Product Stewardship and Sustainability (HSEPS) Management Systems Manual

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Health, Safety, Environment, Product Stewardship and Sustainability

(HSEPS) Management Systems Manual

1 Context of the Organization

Honeywell International Inc. invents and manufactures technologies to address some of the world’s
toughest challenges initiated by revolutionary macro-trends in science, technology and society. A
Fortune 100 company, Honeywell creates solutions to improve the quality of life of people around the
globe by generating clean energy, using it more efficiently, and increasing our safety and security.
Honeywell enables people around the world to connect, communicate, and collaborate. Honeywell
equips customers to be more productive. Honeywell has an unrelenting commitment to quality and
delivering results in everything we make and do. The needs and expectations of our customers,
employees, neighbors, regulators and other internal and external interested parties are taken into
consideration as discussed in the Honeywell Sustainable Opportunity Policy endorsed by the Honeywell
CEO. Specially, “By integrating health, safety and environmental considerations into all aspects of our
business, we protect our employees, our communities and the environment, achieve sustainable
growth and accelerated productivity, drive compliance with all applicable regulations and develop
technologies that expand the sustainable capacity of our world”.
Honeywell is based in Charlotte, NC and is made of up four Strategic Business Groups (SBGs):

Aerospace (Aero)
• Honeywell Aerospace technology, products and services are found on virtually every commercial,
defense and space aircraft. Aerospace develops innovative solutions for more efficient airplanes,
more direct on-time flights, safer flying and runway traffic, along with aircraft engines, cockpit and
cabin electronics, wireless connectivity services, logistics and more.

Honeywell Building Technologies (HBT)

• Honeywell Building Technologies’ products, software, and technologies are in over 10 million
buildings worldwide helping customers control their comfort, security, and energy use, with
technologies ranging from environmental and building controls to security and fire alarm systems
and smart grid solutions.

Safety and Productivity Solutions

• Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions provides personal protective and monitoring
equipment to enhance workplace safety, scanning and mobile computers, warehouse automation
and printing and media solutions that improve enterprise and workflow performance, increase
worker productivity, and enrich operational intelligence with data-driven insights.
Performance Materials and Technologies (PMT)
• Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies develop advanced materials, process
technologies, automation solutions, and industrial software that are revolutionizing industries
around the world. Our products help lower global warming potential and reduce emissions while
enabling our customers to produce cleaner fuels, improve operational efficiency, and increase
throughput capacity.

The Honeywell Health, Safety, Environmental, Product Stewardship, and Sustainability (HSEPS)
Management System incorporates all applicable ISO 14001:2015, Responsible Care® 14001:2015, ISO
45001:2018 and Honeywell requirements. The HSEPS Management System is an integral part of the
overall Honeywell Operating Model (including the Honeywell Operating System (HOS)) and defines how
HSEPS is integrated with the manufacturing, service and business organization processes.
The Honeywell HSEPS Management System is designed to:
a) Provide the SBGs and global Honeywell facilities with a systematic framework for minimizing HSEPS
risks and associated liabilities;
b) Implement processes that monitor, identify, and control risks associated with the design,
production, and delivery of products and services including intended use through disposition;
c) Provide a framework for continual improvement of the management system and the fulfillment of
conformity to applicable statutory, regulatory and stakeholder requirements; and
d) Promote the integration of HSEPS Management System with business planning and performance
processes throughout the organization.
In addition to defining processes for managing health, safety, environmental, product stewardship and
sustainability, the HSEPS Management System includes the standardization of processes related to
security (physical and cyber), stakeholder outreach, distribution, and transportation.

2 Applicability / Scope of the HSEPS Management System

2.1 The HSEPS Management System is applicable to all Honeywell organizations, subsidiaries and joint
ventures (JV) worldwide where Honeywell has operational control, including all laboratories, offices,
facilities, cafeterias, dormitories, processes, services and products. Activities include, but are not
limited to product and project design and development, changes to products and processes,
manufacturing, field work (including Honeywell employees working at customer locations), supply,
distribution (including transportation), and use of raw materials, products and waste. All personnel
having access to the workplace, including all Honeywell employees and contractors are covered by
the HSEPS Management System requirements.
2.2 Joint venture operations not under the operational control of Honeywell are encouraged to
implement a management system consistent with the principles of the Honeywell HSEPS
Management System.
2.3 Entities and contractual arrangements not covered by the above applicability criteria will be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis to define applicability to the HSEPS Management System.
2.4 All Honeywell organizations globally will comply with all compliance obligations to which they
subscribe. This includes requirements established by Honeywell (HSEPS Management System and
Corporate and SBG policies, standards and procedures). The most stringent of these requirements
apply should a conflict arise, unless expressly prohibited by regulation.
2.5 Each Honeywell facility as well as Honeywell and SBG Headquarters shall establish a written scope for
their organization. Each organization shall consider external and internal issues; compliance
obligations; its units, functions and physical boundaries; its activities, products and services; and its
authority and ability to exercise control and influence.
2.6 Newly acquired operations and businesses shall conduct a baseline evaluation and develop an
implementation plan for conformance to the HSEPS Management System. All implementation plans
will include a timeline for implementation and must be approved by the Corporate HSEPS Vice
2.7 Newly formed operations and businesses shall incorporate the HSEPS Management System from
inception (e.g. during formation, development and ongoing activity).
2.8 In cases where Honeywell employees from one SBG are co-located with another Honeywell SBG(s)
location, personnel are either mapped to the location HSEPS Management System or an applicable
Field Work HSEPS Management System.

3 HSEPS Management System Structure and Content

The HSEPS Management System is structured:
• The Structure and Content (Level 0 Document): A single document that identifies the HSEPS
Management System structure, applicability, elements of the HSEPS Management System and
definitions for terms used within the management system.
• Elements of the HSEPS Management System (Level 1 Document): Specific requirements for each
element of the HSEPS Management System as it applies to different applicable organization levels
(Corporate, Strategic Business Group (SBG), Facility, Field Work). These documents provide
guidance for successful implementation of the management system elements and examples of
objective evidence.
• HSEPS Management System Operational Controls / Standards (Level 2 Document): Standards
which define specific requirements to address aspects, impacts, and compliance obligations
common to Honeywell’s global operations.
• HSEPS Management System Supporting Documents (Level 3 Document): Supporting documents
that assist in deploying the HSEPS Management System (i.e. procedures, guidance documents,
charts, descriptions, tools, templates).

4 Honeywell HSEPS Management System Elements

4.1.1 Policy and Leadership Commitment Honeywell establishes, implements and maintains the Sustainable Opportunity Policy which
defines commitments to the Health, Safety, Environmental, Product Stewardship and
Sustainability (HSEPS) Management System. All levels of leadership demonstrate their commitment to the HSEPS Management System
by implementing and promoting the Sustainable Opportunity Policy. Top Management supports other relevant management roles to demonstrate their
leadership and conformance to the Sustainable Opportunity Policy. The HSEPS Management System provides the framework for the implementation of the
Sustainable Opportunity Policy requirements across all Honeywell organizations. The Sustainable Opportunity Policy is available and communicated to all persons doing work
under Honeywell’s control, including contractors, with the intent that they are aware of
their individual responsibilities, actions/inactions and consequences to others. The Sustainable Opportunity Policy is available to relevant interested parties, including
suppliers, customers and the public via the Honeywell external website.
4.1.2 Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Authorities Top management ensures that the responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities for
relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the organization to facilitate effective
HSEPS management. Top management demonstrates commitment by ensuring the availability of resources to
implement and maintain the HSEPS Management System. Top management assigns the responsibility and authority for:
a) Ensuring that the HSEPS Management System conforms to applicable International
Standards outlined in Section 1 of this document.
b) Reporting on the performance of the HESPS Management System to top management.

4.2 Planning
4.2.1 Aspects and Impacts Honeywell establishes an approach to identify HSEPS aspects and the associated impacts of
its activities, products and services including product life cycle perspective of which the
organization can control and influence. Honeywell assesses risk (including opportunities) associated with aspects for:
a) Health
b) Safety
c) Environmental
d) Security (Responsible Care)
e) Product Stewardship
f) Product Safety
g) Transportation
h) Process Safety Management
i) Sustainability The assessment considers:
a) New and existing products
b) Changes to existing products, services, the organization and operations
c) Normal conditions
d) Abnormal and emergency conditions
e) Threats and opportunities Honeywell documents and ranks risk associated with aspects to determine those that have
significant impact on health, safety, environment, security, product stewardship,
transportation, sustainability and process safety using established processes and criteria. The risk assessment process includes opportunities for the participation of those doing work
under Honeywell’s control. Emerging HSEPS issues and changes are evaluated to identify significant HSEPS aspects and
impacts. (Section 4.2.3)
4.2.2 Compliance Obligations (Legal and Other Requirements) Honeywell establishes, implements and maintains a process to:
a) Determine mandatory requirements issued by governmental entities or other relevant
authorities (i.e. legal obligations)
b) Determine relevant requirements of interested parties’ through the aspects and impacts
assessment (Section 4.2.1) and determine which of those become other requirements.
c) Determine how compliance obligations comprised of legal and other requirements apply
to Honeywell and how they will be met.
d) Communicate relevant information on compliance obligations to persons working under
the control of the organization and other relevant interested parties.
4.2.3 Emerging Issues Honeywell maintains a process to monitor emerging external and internal issues that may
affect the ability to fulfill Honeywell’s Sustainable Opportunity Policy. External issues that are determined to have applicability to Honeywell will be addressed
through the Management of Change (Section 4.2.4) management system process. Organizational issues, both internal and external to the HSEPS function, will be assessed for
applicability and addressed through the Management of Change (Section 4.2.4)
management system process.
4.2.4 Management of Change (MOC) Honeywell plans for and manages HSEPS change, whether the change is temporary or
permanent, to ensure that the change does not create an adverse effect or deterioration in
performance and that benefit is realized. The responsibilities and authorities for managing and approving change are managed by the
MOC process. Associated aspects and impacts are identified through the MOC process and assessed by the
risk assessment process (Section 4.2.1). Results of the risk assessment are reviewed to determine if a risk has been affected
(increased or decreased), or if a new risk or impact has been introduced (beneficial or
consequential) so appropriate action can be taken. The MOC process is linked to the other management system elements such as Compliance
Obligations (Section 4.2.2) and Emerging Issues (Section 4.2.3) to manage the change
appropriately and maintain compliance. Changes are communicated to interested parties and to affected persons working under the
control of Honeywell.
4.2.5 HSEPS Objectives Honeywell establishes and maintains documented HSEPS objectives at all levels of the
organization to drive continuous improvement and performance. HSEPS objectives meet the following criteria:
a) Consistent with the Sustainable Opportunity Policy
b) Take into account applicable Compliance Obligations
c) Take into account Significant Aspects
d) Take into account Threats and Opportunities (Risk Assessment output)
e) Measurable (if practical)
f) Monitored
g) Communicated and documented
h) Updated as appropriate
i) Include time-frame for achievement Honeywell considers best practices, technological options, financial, operational and
business requirements when establishing HSEPS objectives. Persons doing work under the control of Honeywell have opportunities to participate in
setting HSEPS objectives.
4.2.6 HSEPS Management Plans Each level of the organization develops and documents management plans to achieve HSEPS
Objectives. HSEPS Management Plans include:
a) What will be done
b) What resources will be required
c) Who will be responsible
d) Completion targets
e) Monitoring and Measurement
f) How the results will be evaluated (including indicators)
g) Integration into the business processes Management Plans will be maintained and updated on defined intervals.
4.3 Support
4.3.1 Competence, Training and Awareness Honeywell has a process to determine and evaluate the necessary competence of person(s)
doing work under the control of the organization who affect HSEPS performance and the
ability of the organization to fulfill compliance obligations. Persons will be assessed against necessary competency and will be deemed competent on
the basis of appropriate education, training, qualification and/or experience. The assessment considers assigned responsibilities, abilities, language skills, literacy and
employee feedback. The assessment process ensures that necessary training or other actions are taken to
achieve the appropriate level of competence associated with relevant HSEPS aspects,
impacts, control measures and compliance obligations. Training content will be developed and delivered by a competent person or through a
competent process (i.e. a learning management system). Periodically the effectiveness of training and the overall training process will be evaluated. At a minimum all persons doing work under the control of Honeywell are made aware of:
a) Sustainable Opportunity Policy
b) Significant HSEPS Aspects/Impacts associated with their work
c) Their contribution to the effectiveness of the HSEPS Management System
d) Benefits of improved HSEPS performance
e) Implications of not conforming to the HSEPS requirements
f) Applicable compliance obligations associated with their work
g) Lessons learned from relevant incidents Evidence of competency is documented and retained.
4.3.2 Communication & Participation Honeywell determines the need for internal and external communications relevant to the
HSEPS Management System considering aspects and compliance obligations. Each level of the organization develops a written communication plan applicable to the
operations. When developing the communications plan, the organization considers:
a) What information to disseminate
b) What to communicate
c) When to communicate
d) How to communicate
e) Whom to communicate
f) Internal communications among various levels/functions of organization
g) Contractor and visitor communications
h) External communications / Interested Parties
i) Public availability of product safety, sustainability and product stewardship information
j) Communication of changes
k) Management of relevant communications from and to interested parties
l) Plan effectiveness evaluation in relation to Honeywell’s communication objectives and
needs of interested parties
m) Diversity aspects (e.g. language, culture, literacy) The communication plan includes HSEPS objectives (Section 4.2.5) and performance to the
4.3.3 Participation Honeywell maintains a process to ensure effective participation and consultation in the
HSEPS Management System by persons doing work under its direct control (and as
appropriate, representatives) at all organizational levels and functions by:
a) Providing the mechanism, time and resources necessary to participate in HSEPS
Management System activities such as: Leadership, Planning, Operations, Performance
Evaluation and Improvement.
b) Providing timely access to information relevant to the HSEPS Management System.
c) Identifying and removing obstacles or barriers to participation wherever possible.
d) Creating systems and expectations for timely reporting of work related aspects, risks,
threats, opportunities, incidents, and nonconformities. Honeywell consults with relevant interested parties about matters pertinent to the HSEPS
Management System and participates in mutual engagement programs and sharing
activities as appropriate. This includes making relevant product safety and product
stewardship information publicly available.
4.3.4 Document and Records Management Honeywell maintains documents and records to demonstrate the effective operation of the
HSEPS Management System. Honeywell maintains a cross-reference table indicating the interaction and how the
elements of the HSEPS Management System meet the requirements of the certifications
identified in Section 1 of this document. Each level of the organization is required to follow a process to demonstrate control of
documents and records. HSEPS Management System documents and records will be controlled to ensure they are:
a) Available and suitable for use (where and when needed)
b) Adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity)
c) Compliant with Honeywell’s Records and Information Management requirements The document and record control process includes:
a) Distribution
b) Access (persons doing work under the control of Honeywell)
c) Retrieval and use (e.g. version control)
d) Retention and disposition
e) Identification and description
f) Review and approval The document and record control process prevents the unintended use and distribution of
obsolete documents. The process identifies obsolete documents that must be retained for
regulatory or other purposes. Documents and information of external origin determined to be necessary by Honeywell for
planning and the operation of the HSEPS Management System will be identified and
controlled as appropriate.
4.4 Operations
4.4.1 Operational Planning and Control Honeywell plans, implements, controls and maintains the processes needed to meet HSEPS
Management System requirements and implement actions associated with applicable
aspects and impacts (Section 4.2.1) and compliance obligations (Section 4.2.2) by:
a) Establishing operating criteria for processes.
b) Implementing control of the processes in accordance with the operating criteria.
c) Maintaining documentation of the controls necessary to have confidence that the
processes have been carried out as planned.
d) Managing situations where the absence of documented information could lead to
deviations from the Sustainable Opportunity Policy and the HSEPS Objectives.
e) Assessing planned changes, review of consequences of unintended changes and taking
actions to mitigate any adverse effects.
f) Evaluating outsourced processes to ensure they are controlled or influenced as
g) Evaluating and controlling aspects and impacts arising from contractor activities and
h) Establishing requirements and controls for procurement (e.g. products, hazardous
materials or substances, raw materials, equipment, contractor or services) in order to
ensure Honeywell requirements are addressed in the design and development processes
and for product or service life cycle.
i) Establishing processes to verify the effective implementation of controls. A process is maintained to reduce risk and protect the environment, conserve resources,
protect worker health and create a safe and secure work environment based on the
following hierarchy:
a) Elimination of hazards
b) Substitution with less hazardous material, process, operation or equipment
c) Implementation of engineering controls
d) Use of administrative controls including supervision and training, safety sign, markings
and warning devices
e) Use of personal protective equipment Honeywell maintains:
a) Systems to facilitate the flow of hazard and safe handling information
b) Appropriate guidance and training along the value chain to support risk evaluation and
risk management of its products (including end-of-life treatment and final disposition).
c) Receipt of information from suppliers on equipment, goods and services purchased or
used. Honeywell maintains a process to review and assess the following entities to performance
criteria established by the organization regarding Responsible Care, health, safety, security,
sustainability and environmental performance:
a) Customers
b) Suppliers
c) Outsourced processes
d) Contract Manufacturers
e) Carriers/Distributors/Third Party Logistic providers
f) Contractors
4.4.2 Emergency Preparedness and Response Honeywell establishes, implements and maintains a process where HSEPS aspects and
impacts (Section 4.2.1) associated with emergency situations are evaluated to anticipate,
prevent and minimize risks from potential emergencies. The process includes:
a) Identifying and planning for potential emergency situations.
b) Preparation of a response to emergency situations.
c) Responding to such emergency situations.
d) Periodically testing and exercising response when practical.
e) Evaluating and revising emergency preparedness planning as necessary (in particular,
after testing and the occurrence of emergency situations).
f) Provide training for emergency prevention, preparedness and response.
g) Communicating with employees, contractors, visitors, relevant emergency response
services, government authorities and local community as appropriate.
h) Participating commensurate with risk in the deployment, implementation and
maintenance of community emergency preparedness and planning and recovery needs.
i) Evaluating an appropriate process of responding to raw materials, product, process, and
waste material transportation incidents.
j) Ensuring periodic review and alignment with business continuity plans. In all stages of the emergency preparedness process Honeywell shall take account of the
needs and capabilities of relevant interested parties and ensure their involvement, as
4.4.3 Behavior and Culture Honeywell maintains a behavior and a culture process to ensure that person(s) doing work
under the control of the organization work, act and lead in accordance with HSEPS
Management System requirements. The process shall incorporate the behaviors and culture
aspects of:
a) Leadership and commitment
b) Management behaviors
c) Responsibility and ownership
d) Engagement in improvements
e) Communications, education and resources
f) Continuous improvement
4.5 Performance Evaluation
4.5.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, and Evaluation Honeywell plans, implements and maintains a process to evaluate conformity with its
compliance obligations (Section 4.2.2). The process includes the frequency and methods used to evaluate compliance, the
requirement to take action if needed, and the requirement to communicate
nonconformities as required. The process includes self-assessments at planned intervals to provide information on:
a) If the HSEPS Management System conforms to its own requirements.
b) If the HSEPS Management System conforms to the certification requirements identified in
Section 1 of this document.
c) If the HSEPS Management System is effectively implemented and maintained. Honeywell maintains knowledge and understanding of compliance obligation status and
retains documented information as evidence of the compliance evaluation results.
4.5.2 Internal Audit Honeywell in consultation with workers (and, as applicable, their representatives) plans,
establishes, implements and maintains a governance process that includes the frequency,
methods, responsibilities, planning requirements and reporting of audit results. The governance process takes into consideration the HSEPS processes, performance
evaluation outcomes, significant aspects and impacts, compliance obligations, risks/threats
and opportunities and the results of previous audits (including self-assessments). Honeywell defines the audit type and criteria and scope of each audit. Competent auditors conduct audits to ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit
process. Audit results are reported to relevant leadership, relevant persons doing work under
Honeywell’s control and relevant interested parties. Documented information is retained as
evidence of the implementation of the audit program and the audit results.
4.5.3 Management Review Leadership at each level of the organization and scope of responsibility to the HSEPS
Management System reviews their organization HSEPS Management System at planned
intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Reviews from lower levels of the organization are incorporated as the reviews progress
higher through the organization. The management reviews include the following:
a) Status of actions from previous management reviews
b) Extent to which HSEPS objectives have been achieved
c) Changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the HSEPS Management
d) Needs and expectations of interested parties
e) Fulfillment of compliance obligations
f) Significant aspects and impacts
g) Threats/Risks and opportunities
h) HSEPS Performance including status and trends in incidents; nonconformities;
investigation outcomes; complaints and corrective actions; monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation; communication and participation, and self-assessment and
internal audit results.
4.6 Improvement
4.6.1 Incident, Nonconformity and Corrective Action Honeywell maintains a process to act in a timely manner to the incidents or
nonconformities, and as applicable takes action to control or correct the incident or
nonconformity and address the consequences. The process includes evaluating the need for correction action(s) with participation of
relevant persons working under the control of Honeywell to eliminate root causes of the
incident or nonconformity in order that the incident or nonconformity does not recur or
occur elsewhere. The incident or nonconformity is investigated determining the cause(s) of the incident or
nonconformity, and determining if similar incidents and nonconformities or causes exist, or
could potentially occur. As needed, corrective actions are implemented and the Management of Change process
(Section 4.2.4) is utilized as appropriate. Corrective actions are reviewed to ensure that they are effective to address the incident or
nonconformity. HSEPS Management System and MS Elements, such as aspects and impacts, are reviewed
and actions or changes made as necessary. Honeywell maintains documented information as evidence of the nature of the incidents or
nonconformities and any subsequent action(s)/corrective action(s) and the results of those
corrective action(s).
4.6.2 Continual Improvement Honeywell continually improves the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the HSEPS
Management System to prevent occurrence of potential incidents and nonconformities and
to promote improvements in HSEPS performance. Honeywell establishes, implements and maintains a continual improvement process which
take into account the outputs of the activities described in the following:
a) Policy and Leadership Commitment
b) Aspects and Impacts
c) Objectives
d) Communications and Participation
e) Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
f) Management Review Honeywell retains documented information as evidence of the results of continual

5 Definitions
Aspects Element of an organization’s activities, products, and/or services that
interact with the environment and/or humans. Aspects can present a
threat (hazard or risk) or can present an opportunity. The HSEPS
Management System includes hazard(s) as an aspect.
Competence Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results.
Competence can be demonstrated on the basis of appropriate education,
training, qualification and/or experience.
Compliance Requirements that an organization has to or chooses to comply with.
Obligations Includes: Mandatory requirements, legal and regulations; and other
requirements, organizational and industry standards, contractual
relationships, principles of good governance and community and ethical
Contingent Means an individual employed by an employment agency or other service
Subcontract firm who is performing work for Honeywell under the direction and control
Worker of Honeywell.
Contract Sometimes called Toll Manufacturers (Tollers), these are companies
Manufacturers employed to manufacture all or a portion of a company’s products and/or
process a finished product in some way. For example, a Toller may provide
full production assistance to address a short-term capacity issue or it may
provide bagging service for a finished product manufactured in bulk.
Contractor An independent company, partnership or sole proprietor that provides
services (performing work tasks) to Honeywell through a contract, sub-
contract, purchase order or other directive that meets Honeywell, country
and local requirements. Honeywell does not provide day-to-day supervision
over the means, methods and performance of the work performed by a
Contractor, but does monitor for compliance to contract requirements and
applicable law. When Contractor is identified in this procedure, it also
includes Subcontractors.
Control (Risk) Physical (engineering) or administrative method in place or needed to
mitigate risks/hazards/threats to a more acceptable level.
Controlled Documented information identifying requirements of the HSEPS
Documents Management System. (Example: HSEPS MS Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
Documents, and regulatory permits.)
Controlled Internal and external documented information that provides evidence of
Records conformity to the requirements of the HSEPS Management System.
Emergency Situation requiring immediate action.

Emerging Issue Internal or external threat or opportunity that may have implications to the
HSEPS Management System. These threats or opportunities are not
restricted to Health, Safety, Environmental, Product Stewardship or
Sustainability, but could be other threats or opportunities that impact
HSEPS such as financial market changes, political changes, personnel
changes, etc.
Exposure The frequency and duration of contact with a hazard.

Field Worker Any Honeywell employee or contingent subcontract worker working under
Honeywell supervision on a third party site (e.g., providing sales quotations
or proposals; designing, installing or servicing solutions and equipment on
behalf of a customer).
Hazard Source of, or situation that could result in harm in terms of human injury, ill
health, damage to environment, property, or the workplace or a
combination of these including business interruption or company
HSEPS Health, Safety, Environmental, Product Stewardship and Sustainability
Impact The potential outcome, whether adverse or beneficial.

Interested Person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to
Parties be affected by a decision or activity of the HSEPS Management System.
(includes stakeholder)
Joint Venture Manufacturing operations (JVs) where Honeywell does not have operational
(Minority control. Project/Services, distribution, Sales related minority JVs are
Owned) exempted from this requirement.
Learning A planning process that defines what training is needed and who needs
Needs training based on applicable HSEPS aspects, legal and other requirements
Assessment and the risk assessment.
Leader A person who guides or directs a group in the organization. This person
(Leadership) may or may not be part of Top Management.
Nonconformity Non-fulfillment of a requirement.
Non-Routine Variable part of job of process. (No standard process or procedure).
Organization The entity for which the HSEPS management system applies. Examples:
Strategic Business Group (SBG), Strategic Business Unit (SBU); Strategic
Business Enterprise (SBE), facility, field work, functions, etc.
Permanent Lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely.
Product Chemical substance, preparation and mixture, material, machinery,
equipment or parts, process license, items and services that are sold and/or
distributed in commerce or otherwise provided by Honeywell or under the
Honeywell brand
Product Life The entire cycle of a product from its conception through design and
Cycle manufacture; sale and delivery; maintenance and support; and disposal or
Resources Available means (example: money, people, authority, etc.)
Responsible Person having the power to control or manage
Risk Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified hazardous
(adverse) event occurring or a positive (beneficial) event not occurring.
Risk Ranking A qualitative or quantitative method of defining risk.
Routine Normal part of a job or process. (Standard or procedure)
Sustainability Voluntary efforts to minimize the HSEPS footprint of operations and to
promote and develop opportunities to protect the health and safety of
workers and interested parties and the environment by reducing harmful
pollutants, increasing energy efficiency, reducing waste, and reducing water
usage in stressed areas.
Significant Subset of Aspects that are identified through the risk assessment/risk
Aspect ranking process as having high potential for HSEPS Management System
impact with a risk ranking of high or extreme after controls.
Temporary Lasting for a limited period of time.
Third Party Site Any site where HON has (or is preparing) a contractual obligation to deliver
a scope of work.
Top Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the
Management highest level. Top management has the power to delegate authority and
provide resources within the organization.

6 References
6.1 American Chemistry Council (ACC) Responsible Care Codes of Management Practice including but not
limited to process safety, product safety, security, etc.
6.2 ISO 14001:2015
6.3 ISO 45001:2018
6.4 ACC Responsible Care 14001 Technical Specification (RC14001:2015)
6.5 Corporate HSEPS Management System Level 1 Documents
6.5.1 1-101-X Policy and Leadership Commitment
6.5.2 1-102-X Organization Roles, Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Authorities
6.5.3 1-103-X Aspects and Impacts
6.5.4 1-104-X Compliance Obligations
6.5.5 1-105-X Emerging Issues
6.5.6 1-106-X Management of Change
6.5.7 1-107-X HSEPS Objectives
6.5.8 1-108-X HSEPS Management Plans
6.5.9 1-109-X Competence, Training and Awareness
6.5.10 1-110-X Communication and Participation
6.5.11 1-111-X Documents and Records Management
6.5.12 1-112-X Operational Planning and Control
6.5.13 1-113-X Emergency Preparedness and Response
6.5.14 1-114-X Behavior and Culture
6.5.15 1-115-X Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
6.5.16 1-116-X Internal Audit
6.5.17 1-117-X Management Review
6.5.18 1-118-X Incident, Nonconformity and Corrective Action

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