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The Development and Influence of Social Media

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The Development and Influence of social media

Social media is a phenomenon that has transformed the interaction and communication of
individuals throughout the world. However, social media is not a new concept - it has been evolving
since the dawn of human interaction. In recent times, social media has impacted many aspects of
human communication, thereby impacting business. Social networking has become daily practice in
some users' lives. In this article, the authors describe features and the evolution of social media,
including major social networking sites that came into existence during the 21" century. Some of the
sites discussed include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, MySpace, CyWorld, and LunarStorm. paper
examines the history of social media. The plan was to approach this work from it historical
development to its modern day perspective. The authors also looked at the definition of social
media, its concept and application in the 21st century. In the decade of information systems, social
media has played a vital role in transforming business and communications. We believe that the
fastest way to grow a business entity is through social media and networking. In 2000, many social
networking sites emerged to ease interaction with people that share common interest in music,
education, movies and so on. This also affected how businesses conducted their transactions and
advertisements, and also their products.

Social networks have evolved over the years to the modern-day variety which uses digital media.
However, the social media isn't that new. In addition, it didn't start with the computer but instead
the telephone. During the 1950s, phone phreaking, the term used for the searching of the telephone
network, began. This process was accomplished through the use of homemade electronic devices
that facilitated unauthorized access to the telephone system to make free calls. Phreaks were able
to find telephone company test lines and conference circuits to complete their task. Brett Borders
stated phreaks were able to hack into corporate unused voice mailboxes to host the first blogs and
podcasts (Borders, 2010).

Many social networking sites were created in the 1990s. Some examples include Six Degrees,
BlackPlanet, Asian Avenue, and MoveOn. These are, or have been, online niche social sites where
people can interact, including sites for public policy advocacy and a social network based on a web of
contacts model. In addition, blogging services such as Blogger and Epinions were created. Epinions is
a site where consumers can read or create reviews of products. ThirdVoice and Napster were two
software applications created in the 90s that have since been removed from the market. ThirdVoice
was a free plug-in that allowed users to post comments on webpages. Opponents of the software
argued that comments were often vulgar or slanderous. Napster was a software application that
allowed peer-to-peer file sharing. Users were allowed to share music files bypassing normal
distribution methods, which in the end was determined to be a violation of copyright laws (Ritholz,
2010). In 2000 social media received a great boost with the witnessing of many social networking
sites springing up. This highly boosted and transformed the interaction of individuals and
organizations who share common interest in music, education, movies, and friendship, based on
social networking. Among those that were launched included LunarStorm, six degrees, cyworld, ryze,
and Wikipedia. In 2001, fotolog, sky blog and Friendster were launched, and in 2003, MySpace,
LinkedIn, lastFM,, Hi5 etc. In 2004, popular names like Facebook Harvard, Dogster and Mixi
evolved. During 2005, big names like Yahoo!360, YouTube, cyword, and Black planet all emerged
(Junco, Heibergert, & Loken, 2011).

The importance of the media today is immense. Never before in mankind's history have the media
had such a significant impact on our lives and behavior. In the last 50 years the media influence has
grown exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio,
the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. We live in a society that depends on
information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like
work, entertainment, health care, education, personai relationships, traveling and anything eise that
we have to do. A common person in the city usually wakes up checks the TV news or newspaper,
goes to work, makes a few phone calls, eats with their family when possible and makes his decisions
based on the information that he has either from their co- workers, news, TV, friends, family,
financial reports, etc. What we need is to be aware that most of our decisions, beliefs and values are
based on what we know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience.

In our work we usually know what we have to do are based on our experience and studies, however
on our daily lives we rely on the media to get the current news and facts about what is important
and what we should be aware of. We have put our trust on the media as an authority to give us
news, entertainment and education. However, the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers
and society is so big that we should know how it really works. Of all the media distribution channels
the most influentia! has been the television, we are constantly exposed to thousands of images of
violence, advertising, sex, celebrities and much more, in fact a its known that a child is exposed to
about 40,000 ads a year.

The media makes billions of dollars with the advertising they sell and that we are exposed to. We
buy what we are told to be good, after seeing thousands of advertisings we make our buying
decisions based on what we saw on TV, newspapers or magazines to be a product we can trust and
also based on what everyone else that we know is buying and their decision are also based on the
media. Media play many different roles. For the audiences, it is a source of entertainment and
information while for media workers it is an industry that offers jobs and therefore income, prestige
and professional identity. For the owners, the media is a source of profit and a source of political
power. For society at larger, the media can be a way to transmit information and values. Nowadays
the majority of the journalists are involved with politics and their reports are in some way influenced
by it. In such a way every kind of newspapers and others media is running under a political control.
So where there is a political control there must be some of false and fabricated news will be
published. Even though a newspaper or a TV channel, for instance, positions itself as being
independent, a reader or viewer can feel that it belongs to a certain political spectrum. So it’s up to a
person to decide who to adhere to.

Twitter 2006 was the year for Twitter to exist while Facebook began to open its doors to everyone.
Twitter gained a lot of popularity first because it offered more different options such as micro
blogging and secondly because it was used by some celebrities (Jasra, 2010;, 2010).
Until 2010, there was several social media created, such as Friend feed in 2007 which was a feed to
consolidate the updates from social media and social networking websites and was acquired by
Facebook in 2009 (Jasra, 2010). Ping fm was created in 2008 and was defined as "the auto magic"
micro blogging and networking web service that enables users to post to multiple social networks
simultaneously (Hendrickson, 2008; Pirillo, 2010). In 2009, Net log formerly known as Facebox and
Bingbox, was launched and is a Belgian social networking website specifically targeted at the
European youth demographic (AppAppeal, 2010), and Google buzz was born in 2010. Google buzz is
a social networking and messaging tool that integrates a web-based email program which will work
through the popular Gmail service, will allow users to post status updates, photos and links to
members of their network, as well as pull in their activity on other sites like Twitter or Facebook
(Google, 2010; Gross, 2010).

Social Media Technology Social media helps conversations to reach a wider audience leveraging the
"long tail" concept, which means conversations that can be conveyed to different forums. There are
several communication channels in an organization that include meetings, phone calls, and emails.
These communication channels have their own limitations such as forgetting a message, missing to
take notes during a meeting, and searching for information in a huge list of emails which can be
challenging. Use of social media web sites has increased the channels of communication and its
effectiveness in the organization. Now people need not waste their time as it has become easy for a
person to send messages through an instant messenger or a tweet and get the response really quick.
Social media has also improved collaboration between team members in an organization, which has
resulted in a better outcome. When a team is encouraged to work as a team allowing them to share
their workload, the outcome will be tremendous compared to what an individual could have
created. At such situațions, the social media acts as a source to allow people to generate and share
their ideas.

Through communication and collaboration, one can increase the overall effectiveness of a team.
Companies must allow their employees to leverage their networks if they have a well-built social
profile. This will result in professional gains as these social media will enable collaborating without
leaders in their respective industries. Moreover, this will help the employees stay up to date with the
latest developments in the industry and also stay connected with the top leaders. Benefits of Social
Media "The elevator pitch about these "intangible" or long term benefits of social media is very
simple"(Hollier, 2009). Engaging in social media will help strengthen the brand experience which will
support brand building. A company becomes more attractive to the customers, and current and
potential employees, if it has a well-built brand name. As a result, social media will help in building a
good reputation for a business organization. A couple of words can describe brand whether in the
consumer or in the business space. By building a brand, it helps to reinforce the brand in the minds
of the consumers. Through social media, the company can repeatedly reinforce the brand name.
Customers experience a brand privilege while using a product or service and also when interacting
with a company (Carraher, Parnell, Carraher, Carraher, & Sullivan, 2006). Brand awareness starts
with the experiences of the employees of a company. If a company is approachable, people-friendly,
then the company must make itself visible by inclusion on the web (Carraher, Parnell, & Spillan,
2009). Social media forum acts as a powerful

way to communicate the brand value and brand attribute as they facilitate open forms of
communication. Social media is best for the following situations: Promote open communication
between employees and management. Enable employees to share project ideas and work in teams
effectively, which helps in sharing knowledge and experiences. Social media also promotes better
content, such as webcast and videos, than just simple text. • Helps to communicate collaboratively
between current and potential customers, in receiving feedback, product definition, product
development, or any forms of customer service and: Encourage members, or part of the company's
employees, to become members of a well- recognized community. Social media becomes a good
venue for discussions and becomes a classic goal of marketing and communications, but the
companies must ensure that the employees are adhering to the rules and etiquettes of social media.
uoddns Another way to create brand awareness for businesses is by becoming a part of an existing
forum and opening a new forum for stakeholders (Kukulska-Hulme, 2010). If this can be carried out
properly, it can result in good reputation and build advocacy which means that people are tended to
speak positively about the company in a practical and sensitive way (Carraher, 2011). The major
challenge for a social media is to be a reliable source for communication as it is not for damage
ɔntrol. Social media can be used to be realistic, transparent, and for being able to communicats
issues on time; thereby reducing rumors, negative talk, and motivating people to speak for the
company (Hollier, 2009). There are several paid services available for monitoring conversations on
the web. They carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of how discussions are carried out
and how much the information is spread over the internet. Social media such as Facebook, blogs,
YouTube have become major sources of hiring. LinkedIn is another similar source used by recruiters,
and about 80 percent of companies use it for the recruiting process.
Social media has also become one of the easiest ways to improve productivity and to generate a
natural interest in the work carried out by the employees. Using these media, companies can track
employee's creativity and enthusiasm. Conclusion The key factor for the success of social media is
conversation. When a social media site is used for a business, it enlarges the conversation through
buzzes that would call out the brand name. A company must be truly dedicated towards
conversation through social media, as much as the customers are. The companies must take time to
review the conversation and must dedicate time and effort to respond to customers' responses.
Social media is a cost-effective method for marketing activities (Paridon & Carraher, 2009). It was
used by businesses initially market products and services at a minimal cost. During the time when
companies do not have

The role of media in Bangladesh dates back to the war of independence in our country. In this war the
media, mainly the Radio, plays an important role in inspiring the freedom fighters to go forward with
brevity. Besides, in 1971, World Media also play a greater role in the war of independence of
Bangladesh publishing the reports on war in world level. After the independence, they play a vital role
in the development of politics at the time of political crisis in different Military regime in our country.
In 2013, Media mainly social media plays a crucial role in uniting the general people to raise their
voice against the verdict of the war criminal. Protest began right after the verdict was announced.
Student organisations started the protest immediately after the Judgement in the Shahbag square that
was the actual call for people to gather in the Shahbag square within half an hour of the Judgement. It
took half an hour to spread out the call for protest through different social media and later the satellite
TV channels. Thus, Media play an important role in this protest. Besides in the recent time Media also
reported on the killing of different bloggers and the different terrorist activities by different terrorist
groups. Moreover, Media are continuing their role. But at the most recent in some case of the rape of
Tanu, the Media cannot play their proper role. At first, Media avoiding the incidents as it was taken
place in Commilla Cantonment. But in the meantime, a countrywide protest was raised against the
incidents and Media also started to report on the issue. Through the incidents, a doubt is beginning to
arouse among the people. Besides, Media is decreasing the importance of one news by publishing it in
the last page gradually without the proper finishing of the issue. Thus, today media is starting to play
a negative role in our country. The Media are often referred to as the fourth branch of a government
plays an important role in different sectors of our country. The nature of the media is to report things
to the public and help to acquire knowledge on different matters. Media play a crucial role by
providing guidelines to students in education sectors, by providing information about social problems
to all sections of people in society, by providing political consciousness to the general people in
political sectors. Besides, it also helps the people to raise a protest against any type of injustice. But
this study mainly encompasses the role of media in the political and social problems solution. This
study also examines the public opinion and the present case to explore the role of media in our
country. Thus this study tries to explore both the positive and negative role of Media in Bangladesh.

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