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Understanding A Research Project

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Lesson Plan

Instruction: Hieng Sophon

Subject: Educational Research
Textbook: Research Method in Education 8th Introduction to Research Method a practical Guide for everyone
understanding a research project.
Chapter: 22 Action Research.
Grade: Lower Primary and Secondary school student teachers (12+4), Year III.
Theme: Identifying research topics
Page: 450
Duration: 2 hours
1-Aim: In this lesson, the students will identify the pedagogical problems they have experienced, and create mind
map and concept map to examine the problems and assumption. During the lesson, the students will share the
pedagogical problems they have faced with their teammates and share it to the whole class. The students will
develop their research topics via the mind map and concept map for the betterment of their teaching.
2-Objective: Learners will learn how to identify research topics from their experiences during teaching practicum,
and identify the problem in an everyday teaching practices and assumptions to solve the problem and improve
teaching practice.
3-Teaching materials:
Cohen, L, Manion, L., & Morrision, K (2017) Research Methods in Education (8th ed): Routledge
Dawson, D. (2019) Introduction to research methods: A practical guide for anyone undertaking a research project.
4-Point of instruction:
After completing work for this class, students will be able to:
 Identify the pedagogical problem and topic they faced during teaching practicum.
 Utilize mind map and concept map to examine the problems and assumption to improve their
teaching practice.
Teacher’s activities Content Students’ Activities
Step 1
Greeting and attendance. Teacher greets students, checks attendance Respond to the teacher
and hygiene.
Step 2
Review the old lesson
Ask the students to answer the -Tell the eight steps of doing educational Students will answer the
key points of the previous research. questions individually or
lesson. -Tell the important elements for making a students can review the point
research proposal. of the previous lesson in small
groups, answering the
questions asked by the
Step 3
Asks students to answer the Introducing new lesson and Learning
questions which are prepared activity
in advance by the students. Using two questions that students prepare in Students talk about the essence
1-What kind of pedagogical advance, this lesson firstly have students of finding pedagogical
problem did you find during think about the pedagogical problem the problems they have
your experience of teaching students found during teaching practicum experienced during teaching
practicum? such: methodology in teaching, learner practicum.
2-What is your learning styles, classroom management on
assumption/hypothesis to solve and on. Next, the students are asked to find
the problem and improve your hypothesis and assumption to solve the
teaching practice? problem and improve their teaching
Asks students to work in group
to discuss the questions. The students are divided into small groups The students are divided into
to share their experience they have small group to discuss about
encountered pedagogical problems. After
during teaching practicum. After they have the problems have been raised,
come up with a pile of pedagogical they have to identify
problem, they are asked to identify the assumption/ hypothesis to
assumption/ hypothesis to handle with the overcome the problems.
Teacher walks around and
facilitate their work. The students work in group

Asks students to share their

finding to the whole class The students share their finding
to the whole class

Students listen and take note.

-The research problem of a study sets the

stage for everything else and it accompanied
by the background of the problem and
rationale or justification for studying it.
Research problems usually are identified
from several sources: a-the research
literature, b-problems in practice work or
work related context, c-personal biography
or history.
The problem should
 be related to improving one’s own
 Enable explanations and hypotheses
to be developed.
 Be within the action researcher’s
own power control to change
 Be professionally and personally
Things to consider when identifying the
 Make sure your topic meets the
assignment requirements.
 Choose a topic that is interesting to
 Consider the scope of your topic.

-Hypothesis: is a prediction, a statement of

what specific results or outcomes are
expected to occur.

Step 4
Evaluation and wrap-up
Stress the point of identify This lesson is concluded by illustrating the Listen and note
topic and pedagogical important factors of identifying topic, some
problems. points to consider in the problem statements
and also illustrate the Five “Ws” before
conducting the research.

Step 5
As an assignment, the students are asked to
write about pedagogical problem they faced,
topic and assumption or hypothesis. They
are asked to answer the following questions
before they start the research.
When you are thinking about your research,
ask yourself the five “Ws” (Dawson, 2002
 What is my research?
 Why do I want to do the research?
 Who are my research participants?
 Where am I going to do the
 When am I going to do the research?
5-Blackboard layout
The main points of the lesson will be written on the board and slide display.
6-Lesson Evaluation
The students’ participation in a discussion, the presenters’ presentation.

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