Lecture 8 SBD & Enterprenureship
Lecture 8 SBD & Enterprenureship
Lecture 8 SBD & Enterprenureship
An obvious source is data that already exists, or secondary data, found in trade magazines,
libraries, government agencies, and the Internet.
The Internet can provide information on competitors and the industry, plus can be used for
primary research.
Commercial data may also be available, but the cost may be prohibitive.
Free secondary information is available through:
The U.S. Bureau of Census and the Department of Commerce.
State departments of commerce, chambers of commerce, and local banks.
Private sources of data, such as Predicasts, the Business Index, and the SBA’s Directory of
Business Development Publications, can be found in a good business library.
A local business library can also provide access to reference sources and articles about
competitors and the industry.
The entrepreneur should exhaust all possible secondary data sources, observation, and
networking before beginning costly primary data research.
Gathering Information from
Primary Sources
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The entrepreneur can enter the results on a computer or hand-tabulate the results.
7. Be flexible.
The actual short-term marketing decisions in the marketing plan will consist of four
important marketing variables, called the marketing mix:
1. Product or service.
2. Pricing.
3. Distribution.
4. Promotion.
Steps in Preparing Marketing
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Step 1: Defining the Business Situation
Step 5: Defining Marketing Strategy and Action Programs Strategy (Marketing Mix)