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LESSON 1: Brief History of the Computer

Generations of Computers:
1. Generation Zero: Mechanical Calculating Machines (1654-1945)
2. The First Generation: Vacuum Tube Computers (1945–1953)
3. The Second Generation: Transistorized Computers (1954–1965)
4. The Third Generation: Integrated Circuit Computers (1965–1980)
5. The Fourth Generation: VLSI Computers (1980-present)
6. Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence (Present and Beyond)

Generation Zero: Mechanical Calculating Machines (1654-1945)

 Abacus (prior to 1500s) by a European Businessman - A typical European businessperson used an
abacus for calculations.
 Calculating Clock (1623) by Wilhelm Schickard (1592–1635) - The first mechanical calculator that
was able to add and subtract numbers containing as many as six digits.
 Pascaline (1642) by Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) - could do addition with carry and subtraction. “the
first mechanical adding device”
 Stepped Reckoner (1672) by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646–1716) - could add, subtract,
multiply, and divide. The name comes from the translation of the German term for its operating
mechanism, Staffelwalze meaning stepped drum.
 Jacquard Loom (1801) by Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752–1834) - a programmable weaving loom that
could produce intricate patterns in cloth using more than 10,000 punched cards.
 Difference Engine (1822) by Charles Babbage (1791–1871) “Father of Computing” - got its name
because it used a calculating technique called the method of differences. The machine was
designed to mechanize the solution of polynomial functions and was actually a calculator, not a
 Analytical Engine (1822) by Charles Babbage (1791–1871) - would have been capable of performing
any mathematical operation.
Analytical Engine components:
Mill - an arithmetic processing unit to perform calculations
Store - a memory
input and output devices.
Babbage also included a conditional branching operation. He also included a Plan (program)
for how the machine would calculate numbers as suggested by Ada, Countess of Lovelace.
 Hollerith Tabulating Machine (1884) by Herman Hollerith (1860–1929) - founded the company that
would become IBM. Was used for encoding and compiling 1890 census data. Uses 80-column
punched card.

First Generation: Vacuum Tubes Computers (1945-1953)

It is an electronic device that control the electric current flow.
Thomas Alva Edison developed the incandescent electronic bulb.
Edison effect – electrons flow from heated elements to a cooler metal plate
 Thermionic valve - first vacuum tube developed by Ambrose Fleming based on the concept of
edison effect.
 Z1,Z2,Z3 (1930’s) by Konrad Zuse (1910–1995) - Z1 used electromechanical relays instead of
Babbage’s hand-cranked gears. Z1 was programmable and had a memory, an arithmetic unit, and a
control unit. Z1 is designed to use vaccum tubes but uses movie films. “evolutionary dead end”
 Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) (1937-1942) by John Atanasoff (1904–1995) and Clifford Edward
Berry (1918 -1963) - was a binary machine built from vacuum tubes. Built specifically to solve
systems of linear equations. “first completely electronic computer”
 ENIAC (1946) by John Mauchly (1907–1980) and J. Presper Eckert (1929–1995) - Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer. This machine used 17,468 vacuum tubes, occupied 1,800
square feet of floor space, weighed 30 tons, and consumed 174 kilowatts of power. The ENIAC had
a memory capacity of about 1,000 information bits (about 20 10-digit decimal numbers) and used
punched cards to store data. Billed as “Automatic Calculator”. Used base 10 number system.
Founded by US Army. ENIAC did indeed shorten the time to calculate firing tables from 20 hours to
30 seconds. “the first all-electronic, general-purpose digital compute”
 EDVAC (1947) by John Mauchly (1907–1980) and J. Presper Eckert (1929–1995) - Electronic
Discrete Variable Automatic Computer. EDVAC was designed to receive its instructions
electronically. Used binary number system.
 UNIVAC (1951) by John Mauchly (1907–1980) and J. Presper Eckert (1929–1995) - Universal
Automatic Compute. The UNIVAC handled both numbers and alphabetic characters equally
well. The first UNIVAC I was delivered on June 14, 1951.“the world's first commercially available
computer”. The first commercial customer to purchase a UNIVAC was the Prudential Insurance
Company. In 1952, the UNIVAC I successfully predicted the outcome of the 1952 presidential
election. General Electric's Appliance Division created the first successful industrial payroll
application for the UNIVAC I in 1954. In 1956, Westinghouse Electric Company installed a UNIVAC
computer in its East Pittsburgh plant performing 90,000 transactions per month. UNIVAC was used
to predict the presidential elections of the United States in nationwide broadcast television. The
machine was 25 feet by 50 feet in length, contained 5,600 tubes, 18,000 crystal diodes, and 300
relays. It utilized serial circuitry, 2.25 MHz bit rate, and had an internal storage capacity 1,000
words or 12,000 characters.
 IBM 701 Defense Calculator (1952) by IBM Company - The first production-line electronic digital
computer from IBM and is intended for scientific use. It includes 1 Kb RAM. The 701 is the first
machine to use a Tape Drive.

Second Generation: Transistorized Computer (1954-1965)

Transistor – transfer resistor. It is an electronic device that regulates the current and act as switch.
Invented by John Bardeen, William B. Shockley, Walter H. Brattain
 IBM 7094 (1959) by IBM Company - The transistorized version of the earlier IBM 709 vacuum tube
mainframe computer. These computers used various type of operating systems such as SOS, IBSYS,
IBJOB, FMS, etc.
 IBM 1620(1959) by IBM Company - The IBM 1620 computer was developed by IBM on October 21,
1959. The magnetic core memory of this computer can hold 20,000 decimal digits.
 PDP-1 (1959) by Digital Equipment Corporation - Programmed Data Processor-1. It was the first
commercial computer that focused on interaction with the human user rather than the efficient
use of computer cycles.
 CDC 1604 (1960’s) by Control Data Corporation - The CDC 1604 computer was manufactured by
“Seymour Cray” and his team at Control Data Corporation. These computers can execute about
100,000 operations per second. “the first commercially successful transistorized computer”.
 UNIVAC 1107 (1962) by Sperry Rand - The new UNIVAC series began with UNIVAC 1107 made my
Sperry Rand in 1962. Its central processor was 36-bit architecture, which was able to perform
arithmetic equations in one 4- microsecond cycle time.
Third Generation: Integrated Circuit Computers (1965-1980)
IC – Integrated Circuit; Dozens of transistors are put together in a small chip or microchip.
Jack Kilby – developed IC using germanium
Robert Noyce – developed IC using silicon
 CDC 6600 (1965) by Control Data Corporation - The CDC 6600 was a large-scale, solid-state, general-
purpose computing system. CDC 6600, could perform 10 million instructions per second, and had
128 kilobytes of main memory. “the world’s first supercomputer”
 IBM System/360 (1965) by IBM Company - It contained custom hybrid integrated circuits, worked
with 32-bit words. It was this computer that processed data concerning lunar landings at NASA.
“first commercially available systems built in IC”
 UNIVAC 1108 (1964) - They contained smaller and faster cores for main memory of the UNIVAC
1107. In the end, 296 were produced.
 Honeywell Series 6000 (1971) by Honeywell Information Systems, Inc - The Series 6000, introduced
on February 17, 1971. Introduced a Bulk Store Subsystem that provides up to 33 million bytes of
high-speed "swapping" memory.

Fourth Generation: VLSI Computers (1980-present)

levels of integration of transistors in IC:
» SSI (small scale integration - 10 to 100 components per chip
» MSI (medium scale integration) - 100 to 1,000 components per chip
» LSI (large scale integration) - 1,000 to 10,000 components per chip
» VLSI (very large-scale integration) -more than 10,000 components per chip
ENIAC-on-a-chip project (1997) - The 1,800 square-foot, 30-ton beast that devoured 174 kilowatts of
power the minute it was turned on had been reproduced on a chip the size of a thumbnail. This chip
contained approximately 174,569 transistors—an order of magnitude fewer than the number of
components typically placed on the same amount of silicon in the late 1990s.
VLSI allowed Intel, in 1971, to create the world’s first microprocessor, the 4004, which was a fully
functional, 4-bit system that ran at 108KHz. Intel also introduced the random-access memory (RAM) chip,
accommodating four kilobits of memory on a single chip. VLSI technology, and its incredible shrinking
circuits, spawned the development of microcomputers.
The premiere microcomputer was the Altair 8800, released in 1975 by the Micro Instrumentation and
Telemetry (MITS) corporation. Soon followed by the Apple I and Apple II, and Commodore’s PET and Vic
20. Finally, in 1981, IBM introduced its PC (Personal Computer).

Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence (present - beyond)

Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence are still in development, though there
are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use of parallel
processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality. The goal of fifth-
generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of
learning and self-organization.
LESSON 1.2: Mobile Devices
Mobile Services (Duga, N., & Getachew, H.,2009)
1. Mobile Banking and Mobile Payment
Mobile banking involves performing balance checks, account transactions, payments etc. via a mobile
device such as a mobile phone.
Mobile payment allows consumer uses a mobile phone to pay for different services as well as soft or hard
goods instead of paying with cash, check or credit cards.

2. Mobile Commerce
Mobile Commerce is defined as ‘any transaction, involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods
and services, which is initiated and/or completed by using mobile access to computer-mediated networks
with the help of an electronic device.

3. Mobiles in Health
Also called m-Health and defined as the use of mobile communications and network technologies for
This might include education and awareness, data collection, remote monitoring, communication and
training for healthcare workers, disease surveillance and epidemic outbreak tracking as well as diagnostics
and treatment support.

4. Mobile Search
Mobile search is an evolving branch of information retrieval services that is centered around the
convergence of mobile platforms and mobile devices.
It allows users to find mobile content interactively from internet websites as well as enterprise databases.

5. Mobile Entertainment
Mobile entertainment comprises a range of activities including but not limited to downloading ring tones,
logos, music and movies; playing games, instant messaging, accessing location-based entertainment
services, and Internet browsing.

6. Other Vertical Applications

Vertical applications include those that address functions and business-specific requirements typically
associated with a particular industry or a specific company.
These include market segments such as field service, mobile professionals, transportation, point-of-sale,
telemetry, governance, and so on.
Mobile Services (Various Sources)

5 Mega trends of Mobile Service

1. Consumers and Mobile
2. Networks

3. Internet of Things

4. Media and Content

5. Financial Performances

Mobile Device Market Share

Smart Phones

Global Positioning System

Wireless Technology
LESSON 2: The Internet and the World Wide Web
The Origin of Internet
 Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider - He envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through
which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site. In spirit, the concept was
very much like the Internet of today. Worked in DARPA (Defense Advance Research Project Agency)
 Lawrence Roberts - In late 1966 Roberts went to DARPA to develop the computer network concept
and quickly put together his plan for the “ARPANET”, and published it in 1967.
 Robert Elliot Kahn and Vinton Cerf - The term “Internet” was originally coined as a result of a
project by Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn who investigated ways to solve the problem of
incompatible networks – networks being computers linked together for communication purposes.
Proposed the use of TCP/IP. In 1970 internet is already up and performing but it is only in 1991 the
public gained access.
 Ray Tomlinson - Implemented the first email program on the ARPANET System. The first email
was sent by him in 1971 using the DEC-10 computers.
 Tim Berners-Lee - Invented the world wide web (www). The first website came online on December
20, 1990 that introduced what world wide web is and how to use it.

WebCrawler was the first search engine launched in 1994.

 Justin Hall - He is one of the founding fathers of a personal blog. He created his web-based diary
called Justin’s link in 1994. Three years later, the term web blog or blog is introduced.
 Nokia 9000 - The first mobile phone with internet was launched on August 5, 1996.
 Mahir Cagri - The first internet celebrity. He became famous in 1999 when his humbly hilarious
home page "invitating" women to visit him was picked up by a computer hacker and e-mailed
around the world.

Internet VS. World Wide Web

 World Wide Web - It is a collection of web pages and other web resources hosted on web servers
that are identified by Uniform Resource Locators, which may be interlinked by hypertext, and are
accessible over the Internet.
 URL – colloquially termed a web address, refers to the specific address or location of the web
 Hypertext – a text with reference to other web pages that the user can immediately access.

Necessary Tools to Connect in the Internet

 Modem - This device serves as a bridge between the Internet and your local network or the devices
you’ve linked for communication or file sharing. The name is a shorthand for modulator-
demodulator because they were used in the past to modulate the signals on telephone lines so that
digital information could be encoded and transmitted over them and then demodulated—and
decoded—on the other end.
 Switch - A switch is an important device when you have several other devices (e.g. computers) that
needs to be connected through a cabled connection (in some cases connection can be wireless). In
the case on an Ethernet switch, the more common type of switch, you’ll need Ethernet cables to
establish the needed connections.
 Router - A router, as the name suggest, is a device that routes or passes information to its
designated destination. It inspects a given data packet's destination IP address (just like the address
we have for our homes), calculates the best way for it to reach its destination and then forwards it
accordingly. You can think of a router as a traffic aid which facilitates traffic in an intersection.
 Ethernet Cable - This is necessary if you want to establish cabled connections in your local network.
It can be connected from the modem directly to a single device (e.g. computer), it can be used to
link the modem and the router, and it can especially be used to connect several devices in the
network through an Ethernet switch.
 Internet Service Provider (ISP) - Without an Internet Service Provider, you won’t still be able to
connect to the Internet. They are companies which provide individuals, organizations and other
companies access to the Internet. Their service is necessary because not everyone has direct access
to the Internet. Known ISPs in the Philippines include Globe, PLDT, and Skycable.

Search Engines
Search Engines are tools which allow Internet users to search for information over the Web. These
tools index millions of sites on the Web, so that any person who wishes to surf the Web can easily find
Web sites with the information we want.
Search Engine Results Page (SERP) - listing of all the most relevant sources of information related to the
search key.

Filtering search engine results : Using the filtering mechanism in the settings

Filtering search engine results : Modifying search key/phrases

» Put @ in front of a word to search social media. For example: @twitter.
» Put $ in front of a number to search for price. For example: camera $400.
» Put “define:” before any word to search for its definition. For example: define: plagiarism
» Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. For example, jaguar speed –car
» Put a word or phrase inside quotes to search for an exact match. For example, "tallest building".
» Put “site:” in front of a site or domain. For example,
» You can also change your search key a bit more to make it more specific.
For example instead of searching for Toyota car, you can have Toyota Corolla 2012 to look for Toyota
Corolla cars which were built in 2012.

Filtering search engine results : Using of wildcards

Using an asterisk or * (wildcard character), you can consider this as place holders which is replaced by any
possible term related to the given parts of the search key.
For example, you wanted to search for a song using its title. Unfortunately, you forgot the beginning word,
but you are certain that it ends with “that I used to know”. You then can search for it using a wildcard as in
* that I used to know.
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It describes a series of techniques which
improve the visibility of a website in search engine result pages. The goal of such optimization is to rank as
highly as possible for a certain search query. 
It’s the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure to
your brand, through non-paid (also known as "organic") search engine results.
Optimization techniques can be divided into two categories:
» White-hat SEO – uses technique that search engines recommend as part of good design. 
» Black-hat SEO - uses techniques that are disapproved of by the search engines. Websites that
employ these techniques can suffer a ranking penalty; worst case scenario being complete removal
from the index. 

Steps in generating google results from web pages: CRAWLING

Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the
Google index.
How does Google find a page?
» Following links from other sites or pages
» Reading sitemaps
How does Google know which pages not to crawl?
» Pages blocked in robots.txt won't be crawled
» Google can't crawl any pages not accessible by an anonymous user
» Pages that have already been crawled and are considered duplicates of another page, are crawled
less frequently

Steps in generating google results from web pages: INDEXING

Indexing is the process of understanding what the crawled page is about by analyzing the content
of the page, catalog images, and video files embedded on it and store these information in the Google
To improve your page indexing:
» Create short, meaningful page titles.
» Use page headings that convey the subject of the page.
» Use text rather than images to convey content. 

Steps in generating google results from web pages: SERVING

When a user types a query, Google tries to find the most relevant answer from its index based on
many factors. Google also tries to determine the highest quality answers, and factor in other
considerations that will provide the best user experience and most appropriate answer, by considering
things such as the user's location, language, and device (desktop or phone). 
To improve your serving and ranking:
» Make your page fast to load, and mobile-friendly.
» Put useful content on your page and keep it up to date.
» Follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines, which help ensure a good user experience.
Reliability of Internet Contents
Evaluating Contents Criteria: AUTHORITY
This factor refers to the reliability and credibility of the source or the one who created the contents.
Here are some questions you can ask as you evaluate authority:
» Who is the author?
» What are the author’s qualifications?
» Is the author or source affiliated with a reputable organization?
» Are contact details of the author provided?

Evaluating Contents Criteria: CURRENCY

This factor has something to do with timeliness or how recent is the content. It is important that
contents are not outdated or is loses its relevance. For example, if you search for a way to build a house
and read content written over 20 years ago, the process might not be as relevant as with those written in
recent years.
Try to look for the date of information, the date of publication, or the date or last revision. All these
will help determine recency of the content.

Evaluating Contents Criteria: ACCURACY

This factor has something to do with the veracity or the conformity to facts of the content. Here are
some questions you can ask as you evaluate accuracy:
» Does it come from reliable sources (people in authority, organization, government)?
» Are sources properly cited?
» Is it based on science or statistics?
» Does it conform to any prior knowledge?
» Is it dependable?
» Is it free from error?
» Is the information comprehensive?

Evaluating Contents Criteria: OBJECTIVITY

This factor has something to do with how objective is the content. You have to remember that authors
have biases and prejudices, and this might affect the contents. Here are some questions you can ask as you
evaluate objectivity: 
» Is the information presented with a particular bias?
» Does the information try to sway the audience?
» Does site advertising conflict with the content?
» Is the site trying to explain, inform, persuade, or sell something?
» Is any information purposely omitted?
Evaluating Contents Criteria: USABILITY
This factor refers to user friendliness and how easily the site allows you to retrieve information. Here
are some questions you can ask as you evaluate usability:
» Is it easy to find, read, and use the information?
» Is the information logically and clearly organized?
» Are there labels to distinguish various parts?
» Are navigation buttons consistent?
» Is the overall structure of the site clean, clear and uncluttered?

Evaluating Contents Criteria: APPROPRIATENESS

This factor has something to do with the content being coherent to the overall purpose the site
serves. For example, a well written content about combating COVID19 which ticks all the check boxes of
the above-mentioned factors may still be considered inappropriate if it is publish in a website which is
known to sell cars and trucks. Therefore, you must realize that the content should be in sync with the
theme of the site where it is published.

LESSON 3: Technology and the Society
Information Technology - refers to the technology involving the development, maintenance, and use of
computer systems, software, and networks for the processing and distribution of data.

IT in Health Care Sector

 Electronic Medical Records (EMR) - Also known as Electronic Health Records (EHR), provides a
clinician with real-time access to patient information, such as patients medical condition, visits to
health providers, images and reports of diagnostic procedures, schedule of services, allergies and
contact information to caregivers and a complete longitudinal record of care evidence based on
decision support tools that can be used to aid clinicians in decision making.
 Clinical Decision Support (CDS) - CDS encompasses computerized alerts and reminders to care
providers and patients, clinical guidelines, condition-focused order sets, patient data reports and
summaries, diagnostic support, and other tools that enhance decision making in clinical workflow.
CDS requires computable biomedical knowledge, person-specific data, and a reasoning or
inferencing mechanism that combines knowledge and data to generate “advice” to clinicians.
 Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) - CPOE is used by physicians for ordering medications,
orders for x-rays and other diagnostic procedures, referrals, discharges, and transfers. One
important higher-level application in CPOE is that providers write orders including prescriptions
using computers.
 Electronic Prescribing (E-prescribing) - E-prescribing is the transmission, using electronic media of
prescription between a prescriber, dispenser, pharmacy manager, either directly or through an
intermediary, including an e-prescribing network. E-prescribing includes, two-way transmissions
between the point of care and the dispenser.
 Health Information Exchange (HIE) - It is the electronic connectivity via internet and other
networks that enables health care providers to exchange patient health information. It is necessary
that the networks that permit electronic communication among providers must be secure in order
to safeguard the information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure.
 Personal Health Record (PHR) - PHR is an electronic application through which individuals can
maintain and manage their health information in a private, secure, and confidential environment.
The most salient feature of PHR that differs from EMR is that the information it contains is under
the control of individual. The individual is distinctively the guardian of information stored who can
decide what volume of information to include, how it is maintained and ordered, and who to read
them or “check them out.”
 Remote Monitoring - Remote monitoring is the electronic transmission of health care data either
entered directly by a patient (or his/her caregiver) or through a medical device to a clinician’s
Electronic Health Record (EHR) or a Patient’s Personal Health Record (PHR).
 Telehealth/Telemedicine - Telehealth is the use of telecommunication technologies to deliver
health-related services and information that support patient care, administrative activities, health
education, health services and information over distances. Tele-homecare, video-conferencing and
electronic health records are all components of telehealth and use information technology in
delivering their service.
 Health Surveillance Systems - Health Surveillance Systems as defined by the World Health
Organization (WHO) is an ongoing, systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of health-
related data essential to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice . In
simpler terms, these are means of understanding a disease better which helps in creating or
forming the correct solution.
 Wearables - Wearable technologies are just like the usual things we wear like watches, arm bands,
glasses, and shoes but with a twist. The twist being it is able to capture data (physiological in
nature) from the people who wears them. The data can then be analyzed further for various
purposed like health monitoring.

IT in Agriculture Sector
 Smart Greenhouse - Smart Greenhouse is a self-regulating, microclimate-controlled environment
for optimal plant growth. The controllers are the heart behind your system where your different
sensors (soil, outdoor and indoor temperature and humidity) and actuators (like your shade screens
and LED lights) are connected to and link to the automation software.
 Smart Farming - Use devices similar to smart house. Smart farming also involves activities during
post-production including harvesting, classifying the quality, and packaging. Using sensors and
robots, all these are made possible with minimal to no human supervision. A moisture sensor
planted in an actual farm setting; A robot used to examine strawberries before picking them during
 Computer Vision for Disease Identification - A symptom of plant disease is a visible effect
of disease on the plant. Symptoms may include a detectable change in color, shape or function of
the plant as it responds to the pathogen. Computer vision is use to identify diseases of the plants
based on the images input of the plants.
 Computer Vision for Pest Management - By examining images of plants taken by drones or CCTV
cameras in designated areas of the farm, farmers could determine whether plants are being
infected by pests or not.
 Aquaponics - The term aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture which is basically raising
animals such as small fish and snails in tanks and hydroponics which refers to the cultivation of
plants in water. Aquaponics uses these two in a symbiotic combination in which plants are fed the
aquatic animals’ discharge or waste. In return, the vegetables clean the water that goes back to the
 Smart Poultry - Smart poultry enhances poultry production by optimization of the poultry house
environment, precision feeding systems, and improving bird welfare. It includes sensor
technologies that detect and diagnose poultry disease.
 Precision Livestock Farming - The aim of PLF is to manage individual animals by continuous
realtime monitoring of health, welfare, production/reproduction, and environmental impact. The
word “continuous” means in this case that PLF technology is measuring and analyzing every
second, 24 h a day, and 7 d a week. Farmers get a warning when something goes wrong in such a
way that the PLF system brings them to the animal(s) that need their attention at that moment. The
monitoring can be done by camera and real-time image analyses, by microphone and real-time
sound analyses, or by sensors around or on the animal

IT in Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Response

 Geographical Information System (GIS) - GIS is computer system that allows the collection, storage
and display of geo-spatial data related to positions on Earth’s surface. GIS can show many kinds of
data on one map, such as streets, buildings, and vegetation. Incorporating GIS into the disaster
response framework has improved planning, response times, collaboration, and communication.
 Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) - In the Philippines, the Department of Science and Technology
started a project in 2012 called Project NOAH where NOAH stands for Nationwide Operational
Assessment of Hazards which resulted to the development of the country’s primary risk reduction
and management program. One of the functionalities of the said system is to make people
understand data about hazardous areas in the Philippines through a GIS. Unmanned air vehicles
(UAVs) were initially developed for military use but made their way into other uses, such as aerial
photography and package delivery. They can fly at low altitudes, overcoming lack of visibility when
there is cloud cover, and thus images from drones are higher resolution than satellite.
Examples of how these technologies are used include:
» In disaster preparedness wherein UAVs are used in filming volcanic activity in order
to determine when warnings should be issued
» In response such as delivering equipment to locations where networks have been
affected by a disaster
» In assessment of damage after an emergency
» In search for survivors.
The first documented use of drones was after Hurricane Katrina in the United States of America in
2005. Because roads were blocked by trees, small drones were deployed to search for survivors and
assess river levels.
 Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) - measure storm intensity and direction. Six-foot long
underwater drones are an example of UUV, carry sensors to measure ocean heat, salinity and
density. They were used during Hurricane Florence in the United States of America in 2018.
 Mobile Applications for Emergency – ex. PHIVOLCS Fault Finder, First Aid and Emergency
Techniques. Facebook has included a feature wherein you can mark yourself safe when a natural
disaster hits your area. In this way, concerned individuals would be informed of your whereabouts
and be assured of your safety. Social media is also used to start various campaigns and fund raising
aimed at helping people who are affected by emergency situations.

IT in Business Sector
Business Functions Receiving Greatest Benefits from IT:
» Customer Service
» Finance
» Sales and Marketing
» IT Operations
» HR
» Security

IT Project Goals:
» Reduced Cost
» Improve Productivity
» Improve Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
» Create Competitive Advantage
» Streamline the Supply Chain
» Global Expansion
 Hotel Booking and Reservation Systems
 Cashless Payments
 E-commerce
 Transportation Booking App
 Delivery

IT in Education Sector
 LMS - stands for learning management system. It is a system (often web-based) use to plan for,
manage and assess learning process of students
 Collaborative tools - It supports collaborations of two or more students working to accomplish
common goals or objectives.
 MOOCs - stands for Massive Open Online Courses. MOOCs allows people to acquire formal
education online. This is commonly known as distance learning.
 Simulator apps - It allows students to solve real world problems or develop skills safely and
efficiently without any risk.

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