BRX PLC Software Features
BRX PLC Software Features
BRX PLC Software Features
FREE Software that actually does more The Do-more instruction set was
developed by listening to our customers’
needs and requests, with flexibility and
ease of use as our goals. Download
the free software today and take a
Download the free software today and look at these powerful and easy-to-use
check out all these great features! instructions.
The Do-more Designer software is a free download at
To test your program, use the built-in simulator or connect to
a Do-more PLC with your choice of a serial, USB or Ethernet
connection. Intuitive math
The spreadsheet style MATH instruction allows mixing of data types*
and it accepts formulas and variables. The MATH instruction also
allows nesting with parentheses up to 8 levels, plus:
If that’s not enough, how about absolute value, time, memory, and
Built-in simulator indirect addressing? You even get access to system-level bits such as
$IndexError, $OutOfRange, $Overflow, etc.
The built-in simulator creates a virtual PLC so you can test your logic
without a PLC present.
• Windows application uses the same code as the CPU firmware - for
the most accurate simulation.
• Simulates discrete and analog I/O with access to timers, counters, High-speed I/O and motion control:
control bits, etc.
Simulate PID - Use the Simulator coupled with the Trend View for
outstanding visibility into your PID processes. Dedicated instructions greatly simplify and improve the
motion functionality of Do-more PLCs.
• Native support allows fill-in-the-blank motion profiles and
high-speed counter configuration.
• Use the ‘Axis Mode’ instructions for dynamic positioning,
Local I/O is automatically configured jogging, and trapezoidal moves.
• Assign a logical name to each axis, and use that name
Connect to your PLC, and visit the I/O Configuration window throughout your code.
for full Auto-Discovery of your modules in the local base.
FREE Software!
Download as often
as you need.
No license or key
* Note about data types: integer and real types are really all you
need but Do-more does include a few BCD and octal conversion
instructions for legacy data types.
The software story just gets better and better Organize your code with outstanding
program management tools
Do-more supports straight ladder logic, tasks, subroutines, and stage
Insightful monitoring and troubleshooting tools structures for a best-of-all-worlds approach that simplifies code and
makes troubleshooting easier.
View Trend Data in its own view and within specific ladder instructions like PID,
RAMPSOAK, and High/Low Alarm. Code can be broken up into Programs, Tasks, Subroutines and
Interrupt Service Routines:
Tasks and Programs can be suspended to isolate code; stages can be
enabled or disabled. • Programs run based on events
The PID Monitoring window allows precise tuning of your PID loops. • Tasks run when called; once, continuously, or at user-defined intervals
• Subroutines are called from other code blocks
Use the Data View to monitor program elements
• Interrupt Service Routines (ISR) are called when an interrupt trigger is
and Program Status Bits for behind-the- activated
scenes visibility into PLC internal operations.
Code blocks can be suspended to isolate code; stages can
be enabled or disabled.
Get flexible, powerful control over your program code
Turn on the Do-more Logger and receive custom error
messages via the network message viewer (free • Assign code blocks to a fixed timeslice
Do-more Designer utility that runs on your PC). • Define “yield points” for logical pauses
• Define priorities and order of execution
Book 1 (14.4)
Find it, Fix it, Fast
Easy-to-use troubleshooting tools are built into the BRX programming software
to help you resolve unforeseen issues quickly. The Trend View allows you to see
exactly how the system is responding over time, the PID View displays the real-time
status and values of your control loops, and the Debug View gives you control
over program execution - suspending or isolating suspected code sections.
These features and others allow you to easily hunt down even the dreaded
With the included intermittent fault in no time and keep your operation running smoothly.
simulator you can test
your logic without the Email vital data instantly!
hardware present! “Temperature exceeds allowable range”... “Tank level approaching overfill”... Getting
Attach data logs to critical messages like these emailed directly to you from your PLC may not be a new
feature for you, but receiving these emails with data files attached probably is. The
outgoing emails and Do-more Designer software now has the ability to attach data log files to an outgoing
get the information email. That way you’ll know in an instant that the temperature has not only exceeded
you need when you its range, but by how much and for how long. Or, not only that the tank is overfilling,
but how fast and if a shutdown was initiated. Information like this can be invaluable
need it most. when failures occur and possible dangers arise.
Videos are also available 24/7 online. Click below and check out a few!