Crystal Clear Meetings.: Logitech C925e Webcam
Crystal Clear Meetings.: Logitech C925e Webcam
Crystal Clear Meetings.: Logitech C925e Webcam
HD 1080p video at up to 30 frames per second Convenient privacy shutter Mutiple mounting options
Full HD 1080p 30 fps makes a vivid impression every Easy lens closure for added privacy and security. Freedom to mount the camera wherever it works best
time with true-to-life video calls. — LCD screen, notebook, or tabletop — by using the
attached clip or the tripod embedded thread.
78° field of view
Easy-to-use See more without having to reposition the camera or
Simple to set up and use, USB plug-and-play crop and zoom. Professional-grade certifications
connection makes video meetings easy. Leading business certifications (Certified for Skype for
Business, Optimized for Microsoft® Lync® 2013, Cisco
Logitech RightLightTM 2 technology and autofocus
Jabber® and WebEx® compatible2) and enhanced
UVC H.264 encoding technology Webcam intelligently adjusts to improve visual integration with Logitech Collaboration Program
Frees up PC bandwidth by putting video processing quality in low light and backlit situations at multiple (LCP) members1 ensure an integrated experience with
within the camera. distances. most business-grade video conferencing platforms.
Logitech C925e Webcam Without clip & cable: Including clip & cable: Camera
Part #: 960-001075 126 x 29 x 32 mm 126 x 73 x 45 mm
UPC Code: 097855120267 5.0 x 1.2 x 1.3” 5.0 x 2.9 x 1.8” Up to 1080p video calling at 30 frames-per-second
170g / 6.0 oz 170g / 6.0 oz (up to 1920 x 1080 pixels)
Logitech India 1
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Published July 2016
contained herein is subject to change without notice.