Planful Problem Solving
Planful Problem Solving
Planful Problem Solving
Ex.: I knew what had to be done, so I doubled my efforts to make things work; I made a plan of action
and followed it
Active coping
Try other solutions to your problems if your first solutions don’t work.
2 Rather than acting impulsively, I usually think of various ways to solve a problem.
different outcomes.
4 I tackle a problem by thinking about realistic alternatives.
8 I imagine myself solving a difficult problem before I actually have to face it.
9 I address a problem from various angles until I find the appropriate action.
I often find ways to break down difficult problems into manageable components.
3 I break down a problem into smaller parts and do one part at a time.
4 I make lists and try to focus on the most important things first.
Greenglass, E. R., Schwarzer, R., & Taubert, S. (1999). Proactive coping inventory. PsycTESTS Dataset.
Sinclair, V. G., & Wallston, K. A. (2004). The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief
Resilient Coping Scale. Assessment, 11(1), 94–101. doi:10.1177/1073191103258144
Chesney, M. A., Neilands, T. B., Chambers, D. B., Taylor, J. M., & Folkman, S. (2006). A validity and
reliability study of the coping self-efficacy scale. British Journal of Health Psychology, 11(3), 421-437.