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Re-Tender Notice No. 84: Bihar Agricultural University SABOUR-813210, (BHAGALPUR), BIHAR

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Re-Tender Notice No. 84

No. 84/CS (HQ)/BAU, Sabour Dated: 03/02/2021

Sealed tenders are invited through registered post/speed post/courier services only
from Reputed/Registered, Supplier/Dealers/Firms/Company/Enterprises for the “Automated
Rainout Shelter for screening of drought stress tolerance under C.R.A. Programme”.
Sealed envelope containing full information along with supporting documents must reach in
the office of the undersigned on or before 05/03/2021 (Friday) upto 4.00 P.M. and the same
will be opened on 06/03/2021 (Saturday) at 3.00 P.M. Details are available on

O/I Central Store (H.Q.)


“Automated Rainout Shelter for screening of drought stress tolerance
under C.R.A. Programme”.

O.O. No. 84/CS (HQ)/BAU, Sabour Dated: 03/02/2021

PIN: 813210(BIHAR)
O.O. No. 84/CS (HQ)/BAU, Sabour Dated: 03/02/2021


Sealed tenders/quotations are invited in 2- Bid Systems (Technical Bid & Financial Bid) from
Manufacturer/Authorized Distributors or Dealers for the “Automated Rainout Shelter for
screening of drought stress tolerance under C.R.A. Programme”.
The bidders are requested to read the tender document carefully and ensure compliance with
all specifications/instructions herein. Non-compliance with specifications/instructions in this
document may disqualify the bidders from the tender exercise. BAU, Sabour reserves the
right to select the item (in single or multiple units) or to reject any quotation wholly or partly
without assigning any reason. Incomplete tenders, amendments and additions to tender after
opening or late tenders are liable to be ignored and rejected.

Terms and Conditions:

1. The technical and financial bids should be quoted separately and put in different
sealed envelopes marked “Technical bid” and “Financial bid” as applicable. These
separate bids envelopes are to be put in an outer envelope which should also be
sealed and marked as the “Automated Rainout Shelter for screening of
drought stress tolerance under C.R.A. Programme”.
2. The bidder must submit the OEM or their Authorized Distributor Certificate on
their letterhead in the name of tenderer duly mentioned tender reference number
along with the technical bid. If not found with technical bid the tender will be
summarily rejected.
3. The Vendors/OEM have executed same nature of work in the last 3 years. The
details of such institutions and work order with name of equipments may also be
enclosed with the bids.
4. The technical and financial bids should be submitted in original. The financial bid
should include the cost of main equipments/items and its accessories. If there is
any separate cost for installation etc. that should be quoted separately.
5. Each individual sealed envelope as well as the outer envelope should be marked
with the following reference on the top left hand corner: O.O. No. 84/CS
(HQ)/BAU, Sabour, Dated: 03/02/2021.
6. The printed literature and catalogue/brochure giving full technical details should
be included with the technical bid to verify the specifications quoted in the tender.
The bidders should submit copies of suitable documents in support of their
reputation, credential and past performance. All pages should be self attested with
Co. Seal.
7. The rates should be F.O.R. BAU, Sabour. The rates should be quoted in figures
(typed or printed) and cutting will not be accepted. The final amount should be in
figures as well as in words. If there are cuttings, they should be duly initialled,
failing which the bids are liable to be rejected.
8. Any bids received after 4:00 P.M. on 05/03/2021 shall not be considered. Offers
received within the stipulated period only will be considered. University shall not
be responsible for any postal delay. All tender documents should be sent through
courier, speed post or registered post only.
The postal address for submitting the tenders is:
Central Store (HQ)
Bihar Agricultural University
Sabour, Bhagalpur (Bihar), Pin-813210

9. The Technical Bids will be opened on 06/03/2021 at 03.00 P.M. in the presence of
representative of the firm duly authorized .The date & time for opening of Financial
Bids will be informed later on to the technically qualified bidders. In case the date
mentioned above is declared Government Holiday, the date shall automatically be
shifted to next working day.
10. While quoting rates, the firm shall give an undertaking to the effect that “the
terms/conditions mentioned in the Enquiry Letter/Tender Notice against which the
rates are being quoted are acceptable to the firm”. In case the firms do not give this
undertaking, their rates will not be considered.
11. The quantity shown against the item is approximate and may vary as per demand of
the University at the time of placing order.
12. All disputes shall be subject to Bhagalpur Jurisdiction only.
13. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or any
condition is put forth by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected.
14. BAU, Sabour reserves the right to cancel the tender at any point of time without
assigning any reason.
15. Price bids of only those bidders will be opened whose technical bids are found
suitable by the committee constituted for the purpose. Date and time of opening of
price bids will be decided after technical bids have been evaluated by the
committee. Information in this regard will be intimated to the technically qualified
bidders. In exceptional situation, an authorized committee may negotiate price with
the qualified bidder quoting the lowest price before awarding the contract.
16. Tender Cost & Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/Security Deposit:
Bidder needs to submit the non-refundable Tender Fee of Rs. 2000/- ( Rupees
Two thousand)) only in the form of a DD (Demand Draft) and EMD Rs. 1,00,000/-
(Rupees One Lakh) only issued in favour of Comptroller, Bihar Agricultural
University, Sabour, Payable at Sabour, from any Nationalized Bank, must be
enclosed in the envelope containing the technical bid. None submission of EMD
will lead to rejection of the tender. All the bidders are required to enclose self-
addressed Rs. 35.00 stamped envelope.
17. The bidders shall keep their bid valid for minimum 180 days from the date of
opening of the financial bid.
18. Manual and documentation: All the manuals necessary for operating and servicing
the equipment (including details of electronic circuits) will have to be provided
along with the instrument.
19. Bidders should go through the tender terms, conditions and specifications carefully
and fill in the attached compliance statement accurately and unambiguously. They
should ensure that all the required documents are furnished along with the bid.
20. Selected bidder will have to deposit 10% as the security deposit in the form of PBG
(Performance Bank Guarantee) valid till the guarantee period/ defect liability period.
21. Guaranty/warranty period for 3 years.
22. Supply should be made within 90 days from the receipt of the work order/supply
23. Foreign equipments shall be purchase through “Letter of Credit”.
24. Rate of all foreign equipments must be with comprehensive maintenance contract of
three years.
25. The Power Point Presentation may be taken and as when required.
26. Validity: Rate should be valid for 2 years.

Sd. /-
Central Store (HQ)
Bihar Agricultural University,
Sabour, Bhagalpur- 813 210
Detailed Specifications of Automated Rainout Shelter for screening
of drought stress tolerance


1. Product AUTOMATED RAINOUT SHELTER 1 No 1,00,000.00
2. Total Area Unit operative through motorized system with one
additional motor as backup
Total Area: 600 Sq. m. area (300sq m covered planted area
and 300 sq. m hanger area)
3. Structure Size Span Size:- 30 m x 10m x 3.5m : 2.5m (L x W x Central
Height: Side Height) Shape: Dome/skylight
Total Track length: 30m + 30m
4. Grown Area Length 30m. × Width 10m. × Side Height 2m: Center
Height 3.5m This area is grown area.
5. Rail This structure will race on parallel rail. Rail is made of GI Complete
iron channel 150 mm width wall thickness 5 mm, specially Set
designed to resist in wind load & the wall thickness of the
pipe is 2.5 mm ± 4% this rail will be raced on wall
6. Structure & GI pipe 72mm x 72mm (verticals) / 47mm x 47mm
Cladding (trusses and purlins) / 25mmx 25mm (square pipe IS
Structure standard IS 1239 class B anti-corrosive, humidity
resistance pipe with IS 47361968/ISO 65-1973 zinc coat
as approved with respective unit weights as per IS Codes
Structure shall be designed for maximum Indian wind load
conditions, Structural system shall be pro- vided for
absolute strength.
GI square pipe : IS standard, Anti-corrosive, Humidity
resistant pipe with zinc coat.
1. Trusses: 47mm x 47mm
2. Column: 70mm x 70mm
3. Cross bracing:47mm x 47mm
4. Purl in: 47mm x 47mm
5. Horizontal support distance: min 1500 mm.
7. Technical Data UV-aborting properties U-value 3.4 W/m2k
of PC Sheet: Coefficient of linear thermal expansion a 0.09 mm/m 0C
Possible expansion due to heat and moisture ca.6 mm/ m
Max. Permanent service temperature without load 700C
Weighted sound reduction index (estimated) 23 dB
Minimum permissible cold-curving radius 1,200mm
Warranty: - 10years
Thickness: - 10mm double walled
Sheet Structure: - 10/2 (10mm Double wall) Fixing
Fixing: - with Aluminum pressure plates with gasket Size:
50mm x 2 mm
Weight: 1.30kg/12 feet
8. Specifications of Light Transmission: Maximum transmission depending
Poly carbonate upon thickness of the polycarbonate sheet as per
Sheet: manufacturer’s specifications.
Multiwall: Impact resistant, Energy saving.
Impact resistance: during transportation, handling and
Hail resistance with a durability guaranteed energy value
of 1 joule.
Guarantee: Polycarbonate sheet should retain high level of
light transmission for maximum period of its life as per
manufacturer’s specifications.
UV stabilized from both sides: Certified to DIN EN ISO
9001 (quality) and DIN EN ISO 14001 (environment)
9. Civil Work 1. Wall height is 1.5ft from side & 3ft below the ground
level, width is 9” covered by plaster both sides, wall all
around the structure.
2. Foundation rail pillars 1.52 meter deep from surface and
pillar dimension is .304meter × .45 meter × 1.52 meters
inside the soil at every 3m distance
10. Driven Super structure will rest on pillars and can be moved by
Mechanism motor, electrically driven and controlled by attached micro
processor controller digital. Rain Sensor – this sensor will
sense rain/dew and then it will give signal to motor to
move the structure from one end to another end and then
motor will automatically stopped as soon as weather will
be normal it will go back in parking area. It will operate
always automatically there is no need of any person to be
there to switch on or off, Critical part of this is always
availability of electrical power without fail. When rain
took place normally there is no electric supply. So please
ensure the availability of power always.
Automatic Motorized Rolling Mechanism: Motorized
rolling mechanism on wheels on rails with arrangements
for easy movement, quick locking and unlocking, latches
and adequate safety features while operating. Housing of
the motor and other electrical components should be fixed
in a separate box with rain protection. The complete
motorized rolling mechanism including control panel,
motor drive etc. shall have a redundant backup system so
that moving facility shall keep working with standby
arrangement even during failure of primary drive
Safety system: Accidental backup in case of motor failure,
automatic timing control system for upward & downward
movement, changeover arrangement, cutoff device in case
of wrong movement, locking and un- locking with gear
system etc.
Rolling base: Mild steel T-section of suitable size. Rolling
wheels: Caster wheels with high stress bearing (Taper
roller bearing/Ball bearing with proper lubrication system
Rolling mechanism: Power operated geared motor
mechanism (with lock by that shade cannot move due to
wind force) to move the rainout shelter to and fro.
Light & Rain Sensor with data logger: Rain sensor with
advanced technology for control of the automatic
movement of rain-out shelter on rain and or receiving
different intensity of light with data logger.
11. Front & Back & With provision of Poly film role able
both Side
12. Micro Micro irrigation system: overhead sprinkler nozzles,
Irrigation motor, pipes, screen filter etc. with Auto on/off system for
System micro irrigation
13. Wind Load It can take wind load up to 120Km/hr
14. Power Back up: 10KVA DG set standard make, 3 phases connections with
IS standard electrical parts with two years warranty. The
DG Set system shall have the required environmental
clearance certificate, all weather acoustic enclosure, panel
board, etc complete housed in rain protected arrangement
with necessary UG Cables and change over switch.

Other requirements in rain-out shelters:

 Proper water supply system should be provided from the nearby source/boring.
 Rainwater runoff from the roof should be directed into gutters that divert rainwater into
downpipes. These should be plumbed underground at both ends of each shelter and resurface
20 m away from the shelters to ensure a water stress environment under the shelters.
 Proper drainage system should be provided inside the rainout shelter to prevent any
stagnation of water in the crop area.
 Minimum 10 years work experience
 Average Annual Turn over Rs. 5 crore for the last 03 year.
1. Officer-In-Charge
Central Store (HQ)
Bihar Agricultural University
Sabour, Bhagalpur (Bihar), Pin-813210
Subject: Tender Enquiry No. 84/CS (HQ)/BAU, Sabour Dated: 03/02/2021

I have gone through the terms and conditions laid down in the tender documents and accept the
I am hereby submitting the technical bid and enclosing the documents as per details given below:

S.No. Name of documents
1. Cost of Tender documents (It downloaded the tender …………….. (Document) from
University website within NIT schedule)
(DD No/Pay Order_____________________date__________Issuing Bank___________________

____________ for Rs. 2,000/- (Enclosed along with the technical bid).

2. Details of EMD as mentioned above ___________________ date of


Name & address of Bank issuing EMD________________________________ amounting to

Rs___________________ This EMD is being Encl (along with the technical bid).

3. List of procurement agencies of repute to whom the tendered____________ products have been
supplied during last twelve month with proof i.e. work order/supply order.

4. Authorized dealership/agency/distributor certificate issued by original manufacturer of the

equipment/item for preceding two years to show financial status of the tenderer.

5. Self attested copies of GST registration ____________________________________

6. Self attested copies to PAN (Permanent Account Number) _________________________

7. Self attested Registration certificate of the firm.

8. Self attested Audited balance sheet of the firm of the last three years

9. Self attested Income tax return copy of the last three years

10. Self attested Experience certificate of the last three years.

11. Enclosure of detail technical specification and other required documents

12. Tender Documents duly signed on all pages __________________________________

13. Warranty 3 years from the date of installation. (Documents must enclosed).

14. Non blacklisting certificate in non-judicial stamp paper.

Certified that each and every page of the tender documents are serially numbered and signed by me.

Yours faithfully,

Nature and Name of the authorized Signatory with seal


Name of the company (Tenderer)

(General & Financial)
1. (a) Name of the Tenderer: …………………………………………….
(b)Status of the Tenderer: …………………………………………….
(i)Manufacturer/Importer: …………………………………………….
(ii) Proprietorship: ..................................................................................
2. Partnership/Company
Full Postal Address .....................................................................




3. Telephone No.: .....................................................................

4. Mobile No.: .....................................................................

5. Fax No.: .....................................................................

6. E-mail Address: .....................................................................

7. Name of the persons who are responsible for conduct of business

8. (a) Names of procurement agencies with whom: ………………………..the tenderer

is registered.
(b) Names of procurement agencies to whom: ……………………….............
Items have been supplied during last 12 months:.………………….................
(Copies of supply order not to be enclosed)

9. Furnish the following information with documents:-

(i) Income Tax PAN: .……………..............................

(ii) GST Registration: ............……………...................

10. Name and address of the Billing Agency/Distributor/Dealer, if any

Total Rate
Tender items Name of the Offered Rate
S.N. Sl. No.
MRP Tax offered with
items & Brand per unit/each
(e + f)

Please Note: -
1. Price bids should be typed in the prescribed format only. Photo copy/Xerox Copy/
Duplicate Copy would not be accepted in any condition.

2. Authorized dealership/agency/distributor certificate issued by original manufacturer

of the equipment/item should be enclosed

3. Rates of CMC/ AMC should be quoted by the vendor in a separate format (if
applicable) after three years. (completion of warranty period)

I ____________________________________________________Prop/Partner/Director of

M/s______________________________hereby declare that the information given in this

Tender is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature and Name of the

Authorized Signatory


Seal of the Tenderer


WARNING: Subsequently, if information furnished in this tender found incorrect,

tenderer is liable to be penalized and the Blacklisting.
The following terms and conditions should be complied with during submitting tender:-

1. Sealed Quotation/Tenders are invited in two bid systems.

2. Tenders should be submitted to the O/I Central Store, Bihar Agricultural University,
Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, Pin- 813 210 under the sealed envelopes.
3. The tenderer should quote typed rates in figures as well as in words. The tender should
be signed by the tenderer himself/themselves or their authorized agent on his/her/their
behalf. In case the tender is signed by the agent the authority letter in favour shall be
enclosed with tender documents.
4. The tenderers should take care that the rate and amount are written in such a way that
interpolation is not possible. No blank space should be left, which would otherwise make
the tender liable for rejection.

5. Delivery schedule with definite date of delivery at destination (BAU, Sabour) taking into
cognizance of transit facility must be indicated. This contractual delivery date/ period
should be inclusive of all the lead time.
6. The tenderer submitting his tender would be deemed to be considered and accepted all
the terms and conditions. No enquiries, verbal or written shall be entertained in respect of
acceptance or rejection of the tender.
7. The quantity shown in the schedule may increased or decreased depending upon the
actual requirement.
8. This University reserves the right to cancel/ reject in or any part of the tender, which
generally do not fulfill the condition stipulated in the tender without assigning any
9. Any action on the part of tenderer to influence anybody of the University will make
his/their tender liable for rejection.
10. The tenderers shall submit the offer in original copy of the tender documents duly signed
on each page. Item wise rate indicating units can be offered on letter head of the firm, in
case, space printed on financial form is not sufficient.
11. In case of placement of purchase order, the vendor (the tenderer whose tender is
accepted) may comment on the purchase order within 10 days from the date of dispatch
of purchase order otherwise it will be deemed that offer is acceptable to the vendor.
Notwithstanding any other provision, the terms and conditions and any other provision
included, in the purchase order will be treated as binding with “Errors & Omissions
Expected”. However, if the vendor notices of the order, he must bring the same in to the
notice of tender/quotation and seek clarifications within the above stipulated time.
Vendor will have to bear the responsibility for failure to take this action.
12. In University may in writing make any revision or change in the purchase order,
including additions or deletions from the quantities originally ordered or in the
specifications or drawing. If any such revisions/changes affect the price or delivery, the
same shall be subject to the adjustment of price/delivery, wherever required on a
reasonable basis by mutual agreement in writing which should be communicated.
13. The University reserves the right to cancel the purchase order or any part thereof shall be
entitled to revise the contract wholly or in a part by written notice the vendor if:-
(a) The vendor fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the purchase order
including specifications and other technical requirement.
(b) The vendor becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation.
(c) The vendor fails to deliver the goods in time and or does not replace the rejected
goods promptly.
(d) A receiver is appointed for any of the property owned by the vendor.
14. Upon the receipt of the said cancellation notice, the University shall discontinue all
works of the purchase order and matters connected with it.
15. Supply order will be issued as per the requirement of the University. The supplier will
have to supply ordered materials within the delivery time mentioned in the supply order.
16. Unless otherwise specified in the order, the order price shall remain firm and will not be
subject to escalation of any description during the dependency of the order,
notwithstanding the change in the cost of material and components he/they may take
clearance while the order is under execution even if the execution of the order for any
reason whatsoever.
17. The offer of the tenderers shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of
opening of bid.
18. The University may its option, reject such defective materials at the vendor’s expense in
which event the vendor shall, without any cost to the University and as promptly as
possible, remove such materials and furnish and install proper and acceptable material.
19. In the event of delay delivery and/or unsatisfactory manufacturing progress and supply,
the University has the right to cancel the purchase order as whole or in part without
liability for cancellation charges.
20. Timely delivery as mentioned in purchase order shall be in the essence of the order and
no variation shall be permitted except with prior authorization in writing from the
21. In the event of delay in making delivery on the part of the vendor, it will be at University
discretion to receive delivery with a reduction in price of the article/or equipment.
22. Forced measure shall mean and be limited to the following: -
(a) Any war/hostilities
(b) Any riot or civil communication
(c) Any earthquake, flood, tempest, lighting or other natural physical disaster.
(d) Any strike or lock up (Only those exceeding ten continuous days duration) affecting
the performance of the vendor’s obligation.
The seller shall advise the University by Registered Letter duly certified by local
chamber of commerce of statuary authorities the beginning and end of the above caused
of delay within 7 days of occurrence and cessation of such forced measure concern. In
the event of delay lasting over one month, if arising our caused of force measure, the
University reserves the right to cancel the order.
23. No payment shall be made for rejected materials not the tenderer would be entitled to
claim for such items.
24. Rejected materials would be removed by the tenderer from the site within two weeks or
the date of rejection at their own cost. In case they are not removed they will be
auctioned at the risk and responsibility of the suppliers without any further notice.
25. In case of not honoring the supply order, the University will have the right to impose
penalty as deemed fit and to resort to make purchase at the suppliers cost and risk and his
security deposit may be forfeited in favour of the University cost and risk.
26. Rate should be qualified as basic rate plus tax applied.
27. In the case of non-supply order stores within stipulated time, it will be at the discretion of
the University to accept delivery with late delivery clause @ 1% per week maximum to
the extent of 10 % of the ordered value for delayed supply.
28. Tenderer hereby agree to all terms and conditions stipulated in tender and undertakes to
sign the rate contract or supply order within the given days from the date of order failing
which security shall be liable to be forfeited.
29. Disputes, if any, arising between the University and the bidder out of or in connection
with the terms and conditions contained herein shall be referred for arbitration to the
Bhagalpur jurisdiction. Disputes shall be decided keeping in view of the terms and
conditions of the tender and Bihar financial rules applicable to the University.
30. Warranty 3 years from the date of installation will be provided. 5 years AMC/CMC after
completion of warranty period (Rate of AMC/CMC should be mentioned in separate
31. PBG-The vendor shall furnish unconditional Performance Bank Guarantee issued by the
nationalized bank/TDR/FDR in favour of Comptroller, BAU, Sabour @10% of the order
value valid for 3 years and 2 months from the date of installation & commissioning.

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