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Looking Beyond Depression: A Meta-Analysis of The Effect of Behavioral Activation On Depression, Anxiety, and Activation

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Psychological Medicine Looking beyond depression: a meta-analysis of
the effect of behavioral activation on
depression, anxiety, and activation
Aliza T. Stein1 , Emily Carl1, Pim Cuijpers2, Eirini Karyotaki2,3 and
Original Article
Jasper A. J. Smits1
Cite this article: Stein AT, Carl E, Cuijpers P,
Karyotaki E, Smits JAJ (2020). Looking beyond 1
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA; 2Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and
depression: a meta-analysis of the effect of 3
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
behavioral activation on depression, anxiety,
and activation. Psychological Medicine 1–14. Abstract
Received: 28 October 2019 Background. Depression is a prevalent and impairing condition. Behavioral activation (BA) is
Revised: 12 January 2020 a parsimonious, cost-effective, and easily disseminated psychological intervention for depres-
Accepted: 23 January 2020 sion. The current meta-analysis expands on the existing literature supporting the efficacy of
BA for depression by examining the effects of BA on additional relevant outcomes for patients
Key words:
Behavioral activation; Depression; Meta- with depression, namely the reduction in anxiety symptoms and increase in activation.
analysis Methods. Randomized controlled trials of BA for depression compared to active and inactive
control were identified via a systematic review. Effect sizes using Hedges’s g were calculated for
Author for correspondence: each outcome compared to both active and inactive control using random effects models.
Aliza T. Stein,
E-mail: Subgroup analyses were used to examine the inclusion of a discussion of values as a moderator
of depression symptom outcome in BA.
Results. Twenty-eight studies were included. Meta-analyses of symptom change between
groups from baseline-to-post intervention indicated that BA outperformed inactive control
conditions for improvements in depression (g = 0.83), anxiety (g = 0.37), and activation
(g = 0.64). The difference between BA and active control conditions was not significant for
improvements in depression (g = 0.15), anxiety (g = 0.03), and activation (g = 0.04). There
was no evidence for a discussion of values augmenting BA efficacy. Study quality was gener-
ally low, and there was evidence of publication bias.
Conclusions. In addition to improving depression, BA shows efficacy for reducing symptoms
of anxiety and increasing activation. BA may not offer better outcomes relative to other active
interventions. There is room for improvement in the quality of research in this area.

Major depressive disorder (depression) is the most prevalent mental health disorder, with a
lifetime prevalence rate of approximately 17% (Kessler et al., 2005). According to the World
Health Organization, depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting more
than 300 million people across the lifespan (World Health Organization, 2017). Although
there are a variety of empirically supported treatments for depression, behavioral activation
(BA) is a parsimonious, cost-effective, and easily disseminated psychotherapy for depression
(Richards et al., 2016).
According to behavioral models of depression, depressive symptoms develop as a result of a
reduction in experiences with positive outcomes (response-contingent positive reinforcement,
RCPR) coupled with an increase in negative or aversive events (Ferster, 1973). This reduction
in RCPR is exacerbated by diminished reinforcement of positive outcomes, a consequence of
depressed mood (Lewinsohn, Sullivan, & Grosscup, 1980; MacPhillamy & Lewinsohn, 1974),
thereby creating a vicious cycle of decreased activity and low mood. BA treatments have been
developed as a means of breaking this negative feedback loop by increasing participation in
rewarding activities (Martell, Dimidjian, & Herman-Dunn, 2013). Through the process of
increasing activity, the patient has more opportunities to come into contact with rewarding
experiences, which is thought to decrease depression over time. BA primarily involves self-
monitoring and activity scheduling aimed at increasing overt behaviors that are intended to
bring the individual into contact with positive reinforcers in the environment.
Previous meta-analyses have supported the efficacy of BA for reducing depressive symp-
© The Author(s), 2020. Published by toms in adults (Cuijpers, Reijnders, & Huibers, 2019b; Cuijpers, van Straten, &
Cambridge University Press Warmerdam, 2007; Ekers et al., 2014; Mazzucchelli, Kane, & Rees, 2009; Sturmey, 2009).
For example, Ekers et al. (2014) showed that BA had large antidepressant effects relative to
control conditions and Barth et al. (2013) reported that changes in depression severity are
not different in BA from those observed with other established interventions (e.g. interper-
sonal psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and problem-solving therapy).

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2 Aliza T. Stein et al.

Indeed, most individuals with depression experience co-occur- abstract were excluded. Full text of the remaining studies was
ring anxiety. In a large cohort study conducted in the reviewed by two independent reviewers (AS and EC) and assessed
Netherlands, an estimated 75% of individuals with depression for eligibility criteria. The two reviewers discussed any discrepan-
had a lifetime comorbid anxiety disorder (Lamers et al., 2011). cies and final determinations were made through consensus. If
Accordingly, estimating the effects of BA on anxiety symptom consensus could not be reached, a third author assisted in deter-
severity has potential to guide clinicians in their treatment plan- minations (JS). Data were then extracted by two independent
ning. Currently, there is limited information available to guide researchers (AS and EC) into Covidence. The independent
clinicians in selection of psychotherapies for depression and reviewers then compared the data extracted and resolved discrep-
co-occurring disorders. We included activation as an outcome ancies as discussed above.
in this meta-analysis because it is a core mechanistic target of We employed the following inclusion criteria: (1) Studies were
BA and an estimate of target engagement has the potential to published in English in peer-reviewed, scholarly journals before
guide future efforts to optimize BA efficacy. We also tested February 2019. (2) Studies aimed to evaluate the effect of BA
whether the effect sizes on depression symptoms varied depend- on depression. For the purpose of this study, BA was defined as
ing on the nature of the BA protocol. Specifically, more recent BA a time-limited treatment delivered individually (as opposed to
interventions have expanded the focus on incorporating a value group) by a trained clinician (as opposed to electronically), in
assessment (Lejuez, Hopko, Acierno, Daughters, & Pagoto, which the primary treatment components were activity schedul-
2011; Lejuez, Hopko, & Hopko, 2001) in activity scheduling as ing and self-monitoring for the purpose of reducing symptoms
a means to maximize activation and improve outcomes. Hence, of depression. (3) Additional treatment components (e.g. cogni-
we tested whether including a discussion of values in treatment tive restructuring, social skills training, and problem solving)
resulted in better depression outcomes. were acceptable as long as they were not a primary aim of the
The current meta-analysis sought to expand on this literature treatment (e.g. did not comprise entire treatment sessions). (4)
by examining the effects of BA on additional relevant outcomes Studies included a sample of adults (⩾18 years of age) receiving
for patients with depression, namely the reduction in anxiety treatment for depressed mood. We included studies that involved
symptoms and the increase in activation. Specifically, the object- participants with medical and/or psychiatric comorbidity as long
ive of this meta-analysis was to evaluate and summarize the cur- as the primary aim of the intervention was reduction in depres-
rent scientific knowledge regarding the effects of BA on (1) sion symptom severity. Hence, studies that tested the efficacy of
depression symptoms, (2) activation, and (3) anxiety symptoms combination interventions (e.g. targeting both depression and
compared to both inactive and active control conditions. We fur- another co-occurring symptom or condition) were not included.
ther aimed to examine the moderating effect of incorporating a (5) Employed a randomized controlled trial design (randomiza-
discussion of values into treatment of depression symptoms. tion must occur at the individual level), involving any type of con-
trol comparison condition. We did not include studies in which
the control arm was another version of the same intervention
Method (e.g. BA-delivered individual v. group, internet v. in-person). (6)
Protocol and registration Administered psychometrically-sound measures of depression
symptoms before and after the intervention.
The PRISMA statement guidelines for systematic review were fol-
lowed for this review (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & Group,
2009). In accordance with these guidelines, the protocol for this Data extraction
review was pre-registered on PROSPERO (CRD42019124300).
All data were extracted by two independent authors (AS and EC)
and entered in Covidence (Covidence systematic review software,
Search strategy 2019). The data were then exported into a spreadsheet and
The Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, and PubMed databases were checked independently by both authors prior to analyses. For
searched for relevant articles using the following search terms: all outcomes, sample sizes, means, and standard deviations were
(‘behavioral activation’ OR ‘behavioural activation’ OR ‘activity extracted. When those data were not reported, authors were con-
scheduling’ OR ‘pleasant events’ OR ‘pleasant activities’) AND tacted with requests for additional information. If authors did
depress*. Results were limited to studies published in English not respond to two requests for the data, effect size data were
before 1 February 2019 in peer-reviewed articles examining extracted from either the original study report or a prior
human subjects. We also used references extracted from previ- meta-analysis, when possible.
ously published meta-analyses and systematic reviews and an
existing database of psychotherapy studies of depression (for fur-
ther details about this database refer to Cuijpers, Karyotaki, de Quality assessment
Wit, and Ebert, 2019a). Two authors (AS and EC) independently rated risk of bias of all
included studies using the Cochrane Collaboration’s Risk of Bias
tool (Higgins et al., 2011). Disagreements were resolved by discus-
Study selection
sion until consensus was reached. The following elements were
Results from the search were uploaded into Covidence (Covidence rated: (1) random sequence generation (selection bias), (2) alloca-
systematic review software, 2019), which was used to manage data tion concealment (selection bias), (3) blinding of outcome assess-
throughout the review process. Study titles and abstracts were first ment (detection bias), (4) incomplete outcome data (attrition
screened by two independent reviewers (AS and EC) for possible bias), and (5) selective reporting (reporting bias). Each element
relevance to topic and eligibility criteria. Studies that were clearly was rated to have a high, low, or unclear risk of bias. Because stud-
not relevant or not meeting eligibility criteria based on title and ies of psychological interventions are typically not able to blind

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Psychological Medicine 3

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of study inclusion.

participants and personnel to condition, blinding of participants offer therapeutic benefits. This included other psychotherapies
and personnel was not rated for this review. (e.g. CBT, psychodynamic, and problem-solving therapy), anti-
depressant medication, or treatment as usual that did include psy-
chiatric care. In order to avoid including multiple comparison
Data synthesis and analysis
conditions from the same study in the effect size analyses (this
CMA version 3 (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2013) violates the independence assumption), we selected one control
was used to estimate controlled effect sizes using Hedges’s g condition per analysis. If there were multiple inactive conditions,
(Hedges & Olkin, 2014). Hedges’s g was used because it corrects we opted to include the most stringent control condition (e.g. pla-
for small sample sizes, providing a more accurate estimate cebo/supportive counseling over waitlist). If there were multiple
(Hedges & Olkin, 2014). Hedges’s g was calculated from extracted active control conditions, we favored interventions that were of
means and standard deviations and significance tests when appro- the same treatment modality as BA (e.g. psychotherapy over
priate. Hedges’s g was interpreted using the same conventions as pharmacotherapy). If there were multiple active conditions that
Cohen’s d, with 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 representing small, medium, and were similar modalities to BA (e.g. multiple psychotherapy condi-
large effect sizes, respectively. Pooled effect sizes were calculated tions), we chose the psychotherapy that was conceptually furthest
for each outcome (depression, anxiety, and activation) by control from BA (e.g. psychodynamic over CBT). If there were multiple
type (inactive or active) using random effects models. Random outcome measures for a single outcome, these measures were
effects models were used due to the heterogeneity of included pooled for analyses.
studies. A control condition was deemed ‘inactive’ if it was Heterogeneity was assessed using the Q and I 2 statistics.
selected by the researcher(s) as a comparison condition to BA Cochran’s Q-test was used to test whether the observed variability
and expected to offer none to minimal therapeutic benefits. between effect sizes is greater than what would be expected due to
This included waitlist, pill placebo, psychological placebo (e.g. sampling error (Higgins, Thompson, Deeks, & Altman, 2003). The
supportive counseling), and treatment as usual that did not I 2 statistic (Higgins et al., 2003) is the percent of total variance
include psychiatric care (e.g. primary care, referrals). A control explained by heterogeneity. Values can range from 0% (zero het-
condition was deemed ‘active’ if it was selected by the erogeneity) to 100% (the difference in effect sizes is explained by
researcher(s) as a comparison condition to BA and expected to sampling error), with 25, 50, and 75% indicating low, moderate,

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Table 1. Properties of included studies

Study first Control N by No. of Race/ Outcome

author Year Control type group Values sessionsa Sample population Clinical characteristics ethnicity Country measure(s)

Armento 2012 SC Inactive SC = 25 BA 1 University BDI-II ⩾15 88% C USA D = BDI-II

BA = 25 8% AA Ax = BAI
2% L A = EROS
2% AI/AN
Bolton 2014 WL Inactive WL = 66 BA 12 Survivors of systematic HSCL-D ⩾20 100% Iraqi Iraq D = HSCL-D
BA = 114 violence Ax = HSCL-A
Collado 2016 SC Inactive SC = 12 BA 10 Community Diagnosed 100% L USA D = BDI-II
BA = 15 A = BADS/RPI
Cullen 2006 WL Inactive WL = 12 Neither 6 Community Diagnosed and BDI-II ⩾20 88% C USA D = HRSD/BDI-II
BA = 13 4% AA
4% L
44% AS
Delgadillo 2015 GSH Active GSH = 20 Neither 12 Alcohol or drug PHQ-9 ⩾12 72% C UK D = PHQ-9
BA = 19 dependence 28% Other
Dimidjian 2006 PL Inactive PL = 41 Neither 24 Community Diagnosed and BDI-II ⩾20 82% C USA D = BDI-II/HRSD
CT Active CT = 35
BA = 29
Dimidjian 2017 TAU Inactive TAU = 68 Neither 10 Pregnant women PHQ-9 ⩾10 58% C USA D = PHQ-9
BA = 70 28% AA Ax = GAD-7
4% AS A = EROS
15% H
Ekers 2011 TAU Inactive TAU = 22 Neither 12 Primary care Diagnosed Not UK D = BDI-II
BA = 16 reported
Gawrysiak 2009 WL Inactive WL = 16 BA 1 University BDI-II ⩾14 70% C USA D = BDI-II
BA = 14 13% AA Ax = BAI
7% L A = EROS
7% AS
3% Other
Hopko 2003 SC Inactive SC = 15 BA 6 Inpatient Diagnosed 96% C USA D = BDI-II
BA = 10 4% AA
Hopko 2011 PST Active PST = 38 BA 8 Breast cancer patients Diagnosed 93% C USA D = BDI-II/HRSD
BA = 42 7% AA Ax = BAI
Jacobson 1996 CT Active CT = 43 Neither 20 Community Diagnosed and BDI ⩾20 and HRSD ⩾14 89% C USA D = BDI-II/HRSD
BA = 56 4% AA
2% L
2% AS
4% AI/AN
Jahoda 2018 GSH Active GSH = 75 BA 12 Intellectual Disabilities Diagnosed 97% C UK D = GDS-LD
BA = 74 Ax = GAS-ID
Kanter 2015 TAU Active TAU = 22 BA 12 Latinx Diagnosed 100% L USA D = BDI-II/HRSD

Aliza T. Stein et al.

BA = 21
McIndoo 2016 MF Active M = 18 BA 4 University Diagnosed and/or BDI-II ⩾14 76% C USA D = BDI-II/HRSD
WL = 13 4% AA Ax = BAI
BA = 15 2% L
4% AS
4% I/ME
10% Mixed
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McNamara 1986 CT Active CT = 10 Neither 8 University BDI ⩾18 at intake and BDI ⩾16 at pretest and Not USA D = BDI

Psychological Medicine
SC = 10 modified HRSD ⩾ 20 reported A = PES
BA = 10
Meeks 2008 TAU Inactive TAU = 4 Neither 10 Nursing home Diagnosed and GDS ⩾11 93% C USA D = GDS/HRSD
BA = 10
Moradveisi 2013 ADM Active ADM = 35 Neither 16 Community Diagnosed and BDI-II ⩾19 and HRSD ⩾14 Not Iran D = BDI-II/HRSD
BA = 45 reported
Myhre 2018 TAU Active TAU = 10 Both M = 4.8 Clinical Diagnosed and BDI-II ⩾19 Not Norway D = BDI-II
BA = 9 reported
Nasrin 2017 WL Inactive WL = 17 BA 1 Clinical Diagnosed and PHQ-9 > 10 64% C UK D = PHQ-9
BA = 19 22% AA A = BADS
22% Other
Padfield 1976 SC Inactive SC = 12 Neither 12 Low SES Diagnosed Not USA D = Zung
BA = 12 reported
Richards 2016 CBT Active CBT = Neither M = 11.5 Primary care Diagnosed 91% C UK D = PHQ-9
189 Ax = GAD-7
BA = 175
Snarski 2011 TAU Active TAU = 19 Neither 8 Inpatient geriatric GDS-S ⩾3 60% C USA D = GDS-S
BA = 21 32% AA
2% AI/AN
6% Other
Taylor 1977 CT Active CT = 7 Neither 6 University BDI ⩾ 13 Not Canada D = BDI
WL Inactive WL = 7 reported
BA = 7
Thompson 1987 PDN Active PDN = 20 Neither 18 Community older adults Diagnosis & BDI ⩾27 and HRSD ⩾14 Not USA D = BDI/HRSD/
WL Inactive WL = 19 reported GDS
BA = 21 A = PES
Travers 2017 WAT Inactive WAT = 6 Neither 8 Nursing home GDS-12R ⩾4 Not Australia D = GDS-12
BA = 10 reported
Wilson 1983 CT Active CT = 8 Neither 8 Community BDI ⩾27 Not Australia D = BDI/HRSD
WL Inactive WL = 9 reported A = PES
BA = 8
Yokoyama 2018 No TX Inactive No TX = Neither 5 University Subthreshold depression and BDI-II ⩾10 Not Japan D = BDI-II
21 reported A = BADS-AC/
BA = 19 EROS
A, activation; AA, African American or Black; AI/AN, American Indian or Alaskan Native; AS, Asian; Ax, anxiety; ADM, antidepressant medication; BA, behavioral activation; BADS, Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI,
Beck Depression Inventory; C, Caucasian or White; CT, cognitive therapy; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; D, depression; EROS, Environmental Reward Observation Scale; GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; GAS-ID, Glasgow Anxiety Scale for people
with an Intellectual Disability; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; GDS-LD, Glasgow Depression Scale for people with a learning disability; GSH, guided self-help; HRSD, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; HSCL, Hopkins Symptom Checklist; I/ME, Indian
or Middle Eastern; L, Hispanic or Latinx; M, mean number of completed sessions; MDD, major depressive disorder; MF, mindfulness; PES, pleasant events schedule; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9; PDN, psychodynamic; PL, placebo; PST,
problem-solving therapy; RPI, Reward Probability Index; SC, supportive counseling; TAU, treatment as usual; USA, United States of American; UK, United Kingdom; Zung, Zung self-rating depression scale; WAT, walking and talking intervention; WL,
Numbers of sessions represent the number of planned sessions, except for two studies which reported the mean number of completed sessions, denoted by ‘M = ’.

6 Aliza T. Stein et al.

and high heterogeneity, respectively. I 2 was calculated using CMA

and 95% confidence intervals were computed in Excel using formu-
las provided by Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein (2011).
For each effect size analysis, a funnel plot was visually
inspected for publication bias (Egger, Smith, Schneider, &
Minder, 1997). Duval and Tweedie’s trim and fill procedure was
used to test for missing studies (Duval & Tweedie, 2000).
Egger’s test, which quantifies bias in the funnel plot, was also
used to assess publication bias (Hedges & Olkin, 1985). It is
important to note that these methods for testing heterogeneity
and publication bias may be biased when there is a small number
of studies and therefore should be interpreted cautiously. In an
effort to mitigate this bias, multiple methods were used and con-
fidence intervals were reported.

Moderation analysis
Subgroup analyses were conducted to investigate the moderating
effect of a discussion of values on depression symptom outcomes
in BA v. inactive control. A mixed effect model was used, in which
subgroups were pooled based on the presence or absence of a dis-
cussion on values for the random effects model. Differences
between subgroups were tested using the fixed effects model.

Search results and trial characteristics
A flow chart of study inclusion is presented in Fig. 1. Database
searches and review of prior meta-analyses yielded 2117 studies,
which were considered for inclusion in the meta-analysis.
As depicted in the PRISMA diagram, 28 studies (n = 1853)
were identified for inclusion in the meta-analyses (Fig. 1).
Characteristics of included studies are described in Table 1.

Bias risk assessment/study quality ratings

A visual summary of study quality ratings generated using
RevMan (Review Manager, 2014) is displayed in Fig. 2. Overall,
4/28 (14%) studies had low risk of bias on all five outcomes, 4/
28 (14%) had low risk of bias on 4/5 outcomes, 2/28 (7%) had
low risk of bias on 3/5 outcomes, 11/28 (39%) had low risk of
bias on 2/5 outcomes, 5/28 (18%) had low risk of bias on 1/5 out-
comes, and 2/28 (7%) did not have low risk of bias any of the five
outcomes. Among included studies, random sequence generation
yielded a low risk of bias in 11/28 (39%) of studies and was Fig. 2. Study quality assessment.
unclear in 17/28 (61%) of studies. Allocation concealment yielded
a low risk of bias in 7/28 (25%) of studies, was unclear in 19/28

Table 2. Summary of primary outcomes

Effect size Heterogeneity

Outcome Control NStudies NParticipants g 95% CI p q I2 95% CI p

Depression Inactive 19 844 0.83 0.58–1.08 <0.01 48.88 63 40–99 <0.01

Depression Active 15 1098 0.15 −0.02 to 0.33 0.08 23.73 41 0–98 0.05
Anxiety Inactive 5 426 0.37 0.18–0.57 <0.01 1.58 0 0–73 0.81
Anxiety Active 4 599 0.03 −0.13 to 0.19 0.74 0.92 0 0–66 0.92
Activation Inactive 8 358 0.64 0.39–0.88 <0.01 8.58 18 0–96 0.29
Activation Active 4 157 0.04 −0.27 to 0.35 0.08 0.31 0 0–52 0.96

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Fig. 3. (a) Forrest plot of BA v. inactive control for depression symptoms. (b) Funnel plot of BA v. inactive control for depression symptoms.

(68%) of studies, and was high in 2/28 (7%) studies. Blinding of Effect of behavioral activation and publication bias
outcome assessment yielded a low risk of bias in 22/28 (79%)
A summary table of the primary outcome analyses is displayed in
of studies, was unclear in 5/28 (18%) of studies, and was high
Table 2.
in one (4%) study. Incomplete outcome data yielded a low risk
of bias in 21/28 (75%) of studies, was unclear in 6/28 (21%) of Effect of behavioral activation on depression compared to
studies, and was high in one (4%) study. Selective reporting inactive control
yielded a low risk of bias in 8/28 (29%) of studies, was unclear BA for depression was compared to inactive controls using data
in 19/28 (68%) of studies, and was high in one (4%) study. from 19 studies and 844 participants.

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8 Aliza T. Stein et al.

Fig. 4. (a) Forrest plot of BA v. active control for depression symptoms. (b) Funnel plot of BA v. active control for depression symptoms.

The effect of BA v. inactive control was g = 0.83 (95% CI 0.58– and Tweedie trim and fill procedure imputed seven studies
1.08, p < 0.001), representing a large effect size (Fig. 3a). There [Duval and Tweedie adjusted g = 0.47 (95% CI 0.19–0.75)].
was significant and moderate to high heterogeneity (Q = 48.88, Results of the Egger’s test also indicated a high likelihood
I 2 = 63 (95% CI 40–99), p < 0.001), which is greater than what of publication bias (Egger test intercept = 2.66, S.E. = 0.74, p = 0.002).
would be expected due to sampling error.
The funnel plot was visually inspected and revealed asym- Moderation analysis
metry, suggesting publication bias (Fig. 3b). Tests of publication A subgroup analysis using a mixed-effects model was used to
bias revealed a high likelihood of publication bias. The Duval evaluate the moderating effect of the inclusion of a discussion

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Fig. 5. (a) BA v. inactive control for anxiety symptoms. (b) Funnel plot for BA v. inactive control for anxiety symptoms.

on values in BA compared to inactive control using data from 19 bias. The Duval and Tweedie trim and fill procedure did not
studies and 844 participants. The effect size for the subgroup with impute any studies or adjust the effect size. The results of the
a discussion of values was g = 0.86, whereas the effect size for the Egger’s test also indicated a low likelihood of publication bias
subgroup without values was g = 0.82. Using this model, the pres- (Egger test intercept = 0.20, S.E. = 0.79, p = 0.80).
ence of a discussion on values did not predict a significantly dif-
ferent depression effect size [Q(1) = 0.07, p = 0.79]. Effect of behavioral activation on anxiety compared to inactive
Effect of behavioral activation on depression compared to active BA for anxiety was compared to inactive controls using data from
control five studies and 426 participants. The effect of BA v. inactive con-
BA for depression was compared to active controls using data trol was g = 0.37 (95% CI 0.18–0.57, p < 0.001), representing a
from 15 studies and 1098 participants. The effect of BA v. active small effect size (Fig. 5a). There was not significant heterogeneity
control was g = 0.15 [(95% CI −0.02 to 0.33), p = 0.084], repre- (Q = 1.58, I 2 = 0 (95% CI 0–73), p = 0.81), which is consistent
senting a negligible effect size (Fig. 4a). There was significant with what would be expected due to sampling error. However,
and moderate heterogeneity (Q = 23.73, I 2 = 41 (95% CI 0–98), this metric should be interpreted with caution due to the small
p = 0.049), which is greater than what would be expected due to number of studies included in this analysis.
sampling error. The funnel plot was visually inspected and did not reveal sub-
The funnel plot was visually inspected and did not reveal sub- stantial asymmetry, suggesting minimal publication bias (Fig. 5b).
stantial asymmetry, suggesting minimal publication bias (Fig. 4b). Tests of publication bias revealed a low likelihood of publication
Tests of publication bias revealed a low likelihood of publication bias. The Duval and Tweedie trim and fill procedure did not

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10 Aliza T. Stein et al.

Fig. 6. (a) Forrest plot of BA v. active control for anxiety symptoms. (b) Funnel plot of BA v. active control for anxiety symptoms.

impute any studies or adjust the effect size. The results of the The funnel plot was visually inspected and did not reveal sub-
Egger’s test also indicated a low likelihood of publication bias stantial asymmetry, suggesting minimal publication bias (Fig. 6b).
(Egger test intercept = −0.12, S.E. = 0.96, p = 0.91). Tests of publication bias revealed a low likelihood of publication
bias. The Duval and Tweedie trim and fill procedure did not
impute any studies or adjust the effect size. The results of the
Effect of behavioral activation on anxiety compared to active
Egger’s test also indicated a low likelihood of publication bias
(Egger test intercept = −0.11, S.E. = 0.90, p = 0.92).
BA for anxiety was compared to active controls using data from
four studies and 599 participants. The effect of BA v. active con-
trol was g = 0.03 (95% CI −0.13 to 0.19, p = 0.74), representing a Effect of behavioral activation on activation compared to
negligible effect (Fig. 6a). There was no significant heterogeneity inactive control
[Q = 0.92, I 2 = 0 (95% CI 0–66, p = 0.92)], which is consistent with BA for activation was compared to inactive controls using data
what would be expected due to sampling error. However, this from eight studies and 358 participants. The effect of BA v.
metric should be interpreted with caution due to the small num- inactive control was g = 0.64 (95% CI 0.39–0.88, p < 0.001), repre-
ber of studies included in this analysis. senting a medium effect size (Fig. 7a). There was no significant

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Fig. 7. (a) Forrest plot of BA v. active control for activation. (b) Funnel plot of BA v. active control for activation.

heterogeneity [Q = 8.58, I 2 = 18 (95% CI 0–96, p = 0.29)], which is Effect of behavioral activation on activation compared to active
consistent with what would be expected due to sampling error. control
However, this metric should be interpreted with caution due to BA for activation was compared to active controls using data
the small number of studies included in this analysis. from four studies and 157 participants. The effect of BA v. active
The funnel plot was visually inspected and revealed slight control was g = 0.04 (95% CI −0.27 to 0.35, p = 0.80) (Fig. 8a),
asymmetry, suggesting potential publication bias (Fig. 7b). Tests representing a negligible effect. There was no significant
of publication bias revealed a moderate likelihood of publication heterogeneity [Q = 0.31, I 2 < 0.01 (95% CI 0–52, p = 0.96)],
bias. The Duval and Tweedie trim and fill procedure imputed one which is consistent with what would be expected due to
study [Duval and Tweedie adjusted g = 0.60 (95% CI 0.34–0.85)]. sampling error. However, this metric should be interpreted with
However, the Egger’s test did not find a high likelihood of publica- caution due to the small number of studies included in this
tion bias (Egger test intercept = 0.73, S.E. = 1.22, p = 0.57). analysis.

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12 Aliza T. Stein et al.

Fig. 8. (a) Forrest plot of BA v. active control for activation. (b) Funnel plot of BA v. active control for activation.

The funnel plot was visually inspected and did not reveal sub- Discussion
stantial asymmetry, suggesting minimal publication bias (Fig. 8b).
In addition to depressive symptoms, changes in anxiety symp-
Tests of publication bias revealed a low likelihood of publication
toms and activation are important outcomes in BA.
bias. The Duval and Tweedie trim and fill procedure did not
Accordingly, we aimed to update and build on the extant litera-
impute any studies or adjust the effect size. The results of the
ture documenting the antidepressant effects of BA by analyzing
Egger’s test also indicated a low likelihood of publication bias
the efficacy of BA for depression, anxiety, and activation. We
(Egger test intercept = 0.31, S.E. = 0.63, p = 0.67).

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Psychological Medicine 13

also examined the moderating effect of a discussion of values on medication, suggesting that it may be an important treatment tar-
depression symptoms. get (Wichers et al., 2009).
Results from studies comparing BA to inactive control yielded More recent versions of BA have included a discussion of values,
a large effect size (g = 0.83) for reducing depression symptoms. assuming that such emphasis would help ensure that new and tar-
Results from studies comparing BA to active control conditions geted activities would be guided by the patients’ values, which in
yielded a small, non-significant effect size (g = 0.15). These find- turn may facilitate depression symptom reduction. Our findings
ings are consistent with prior research examining the effect of BA cannot speak to whether such discussion indeed leads to a different
on depressive symptoms relative to inactive control conditions set of new activities and that the increase in activities is qualitatively
(g = 0.74 in Ekers et al., 2014). However, the current study exam- different from protocols that do not include a discussion of values.
ined a larger body of literature. Our analysis did fail to support the hypothesis that this added strat-
Results from studies comparing BA to inactive control yielded egy would offer better depression outcomes. We should note that
a small effect size (g = 0.37) for reducing anxiety symptoms. there were only six studies that included a values discussion
Results from studies comparing BA to active control conditions included in our analyses and three of them were only single session
yielded a negligible, nonsignificant effect size (g = 0.03). To our interventions. We were underpowered to include additional covari-
knowledge, these results provide the first pooled estimates of con- ates in this model, but future research with a larger number of stud-
trolled effect sizes of BA for improving anxiety symptoms. This ies, should control for the number of sessions. Nonetheless,
small effect size of BA relative to inactive control is somewhat additional research in the field is needed directly comparing BA
smaller than what has been observed in a prior meta-analysis of with and without a values discussion in a well-powered randomized
psychotherapy for depression trials (g = 0.52; Weitz, Kleiboer, controlled trial to better address this question.
van Straten, and Cuijpers, 2018). This smaller than expected effect These results must be considered in light of several limitations.
of BA on anxiety could be partially explained by overlapping First, it is important to note that the confidence intervals around
symptoms between anxiety and depression (Zbozinek et al., these effect sizes were large and many studies were of low quality
2012) or by the fact that anxiety symptoms are often secondary and/or had small sample sizes, especially the analyses of anxiety,
to depression (Fava et al., 2000). These findings suggest that, activation, and values. Although it is possible to examine this
when anxiety is secondary to depression, BA may be an appropri- empirically by conducting sensitivity analyses using studies with
ate treatment as it appears to help alleviate anxiety symptoms, low risk of bias, we did not have a sufficient number of low risk
albeit minimally. studies to perform meaningful sensitivity analyses (i.e. fewer
In terms of engaging its core putative therapeutic mechanism, than five low risk studies per comparison). Second, there was con-
BA appeared effective at increasing activation (g = 0.64 for BA v. siderable variability in the ‘dosing’ of the intervention, with the
inactive control), although not more so than active control condi- number of sessions ranging from 1 to 24; however, previous
tions (g = 0.04). The latter finding may point to the bi-directional meta-analyses have found that the number of sessions was not
nature of activation and depressed mood. According to the behav- a significant moderator of treatment effect (Ekers et al., 2014).
ioral model of depression, one would expect an increase in activa- There was also substantial heterogeneity between the studies
tion to precede improvement in depressed mood, but would also (e.g. difference between treatment protocols, depression severity,
expect that an improvement in mood would result in increased and co-occurring conditions) which needs to be considered
activation. Thus, it is possible that any treatment that is effective when interpreting the findings. Third, several studies included
at improving depressed mood will also increase activation. Indeed, multiple active comparison conditions, which resulted in the
a meta-analysis of dysfunctional thinking in CBT (i.e. an alterna- exclusion of some data from the analysis. As is the case with
tive therapeutic target for treatments of depression) did not yield any meta-analysis, decisions were made by the researchers with
a significant difference between CBT and other psychotherapies respect to the selection of outcome measure and comparison con-
or pharmacotherapies for reducing dysfunctional thinking ditions, which impacts the results. Fourth, there was evidence of
(Cristea et al., 2015). It is important to note, however, that the publication bias in the included studies, which suggests that
active control conditions, such as CBT, also include elements of there may have been negative trials of BA that were not published.
BA. Accordingly, it is possible that the between-group effect This implies that the true effect size of BA relative to control may
would be stronger had these control conditions been excluded. be smaller than the observed effect size. Finally, there were too few
Collectively, these findings highlight the need for further research studies measuring the long-term effects of BA, so we were only
understanding the working mechanism of psychological interven- able to examine the acute effects of the intervention. In addition
tions for depression. to more studies with larger samples, many of the included studies
Despite evidence for target engagement, the magnitude of the are older and were published before reporting guidelines, such as
effect size suggests that there is room for improvement in increas- PRISMA, existed. Thus, the risk of bias in many studies is high.
ing activation in BA. Among other strategies, those that facilitate There is a need for well-powered, low risk of bias (i.e. high qual-
homework completion may boost the effects of BA (Burns & ity) studies of BA.
Spangler, 2000; Busch, Uebelacker, Kalibatseva, & Miller, 2010; In summary, our meta-analysis provides updated evidence
Kazantzis, Deane, & Ronan, 2000; Mausbach, Moore, Roesch, supporting the efficacy of BA for depression, and preliminary evi-
Cardenas, & Patterson, 2010; Ryba & Hopko, 2012). Initial evi- dence supporting its efficacy for anxiety and activation. These
dence from our group points to brief-guided practice as a potential findings support BA as at least as effective as other active treat-
viable augmentation strategy (Stein, Shumake, Beevers, & Smits, ments for depression and substantially more effective than
2019). Another approach to increasing activation is positive affect inactive control conditions for all outcomes. We did not find an
training, which incorporates a number of strategies for increasing effect of including a discussion on values on depression symptom
reward sensitivity to increase positive affect (Craske et al., 2019). outcome. Additional well-powered studies of BA are needed, par-
Indeed, reward sensitivity has been shown to discriminate between ticularly comparing different versions of the intervention.
treatment responders and non-responders to antidepressant Clinically, these results may support the use of BA for depression

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14 Aliza T. Stein et al.

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