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9 - Pustular Psoriasis-Vijayashankar M

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Case Reports

DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20124.71



Metikurke Vijayashankar, Nithya Raghunath

Source of Support: MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital, Bangalore, India
Competing Interests:
None declared Corresponding author: Dr. Nithya Raghunath

Our Dermatol Online. 2012; 3(4): 326-328 Date of submission: 08.05.2012 / acceptance: 11.06.2012

Probiotics exhibit widespread effects on homeostasis and immunomodulation of both mucosal and systemic immunity. Probiotics counter
weight aggressive commensals in the body and reinforce the barrier function of the epithelium while also contributing to the regulation of
innate and adaptive immune responses of the host under healthy or pathogenic conditions. Probiotics could be used for prevention or treatment
of chronic allergic and inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and atopic dermatitis. We describe a case of pustular
psoriasis where probiotics were used for the treatment successfully.

Key words: psoriasis; pustular psoriasis; probiotics

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Metikurke Vijayashankar, Nithya Raghunath: Pustular psoriasis responding to Probiotics – a new insight. Our Dermatol Online. 2012; 3(4): 326-328

Introduction pitting with subungual hyperkeratosis. Palms and soles were

Probiotics exhibit widespread effects on homeostasis and normal. Systemic examination was within normal limits.
immunomodulation of both mucosal and systemic immunity. Her random blood sugar was 220mg/dl, triglycerides
Probiotics counter weight aggressive commensals in the body were 344mg/dl, C-Reactive Protein was positive, total
and reinforce the barrier function of the epithelium while protein was 5.6g/dl and albumin was 3g/dl. Ultrasonography
also contributing to the regulation of innate and adaptive of the abdomen did not show any significant abnormality.
immune responses of the host under healthy or pathogenic On the basis of history, clinical examination a diagnosis
conditions. Probiotics could be used for prevention or of pustular psoriasis was made. The patient was admitted
treatment of chronic allergic and inflammatory diseases, such and put on steroids, dapsone and as she was already on
as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and atopic dermatitis. methotrexate, it was continued with supplementation of
We describe a case of pustular psoriasis where probiotics analgesics and antipyretics. But even after two weeks she
were used for the treatment successfully. did not respond and her lesions kept increasing and her blood
sugar increased. She started developing signs of steroid
Case Report toxicity. We were forced to withdraw steroids. As she could
A 47yr old female, presented with crops of pustules all not afford biologics we had to look for alternative medicines.
over her body since 20 days. The rashes started over the leg With anecdotal reference [4] of probiotics helping
and rapidly progressed to the whole body. The rashes were palmoplantar pustular psoriasis and their usefulness in
associated with pain. Patient had fever and arthritis of both atopic dermatitis, we thought of trying the regimen after
knees. There was no photosensitivity. Patient was a known obtaining consent from the patient. The patient was put on
case of psoriasis since 15 years. She was on treatment with Lactobacillus, one sachet thrice daily with biotin 10mg once
different medications both topical and systemic. She was daily. All the other drugs were stopped forthwith. In fifteen
given Methotrexate 2yrs back for 6 months and since then days the fever subsided, lesions started involuting and no new
she was on irregular treatment. The patient was anxious, lesions appeared (Fig. 3, 4). The patient’s general condition
looked very ill and was febrile. General physical examination also showed improvement. Blood sugar level dropped. She
showed bilateral pedal edema. On cutaneous examination was continued with the same treatment and after six months
there was diffuse erythema with areas of pustules over follow up she is free of lesions and she is being followed up
extensor aspect of upper and lower limbs, abdomen and for possible recurrence. Her plaque psoriasis is also under
chest (Fig. 1, 2). Multiple scaly plaques were present over control with only salicylic acid and coal tar.
the scalp. Axilla and groins had no lesions. Nails showed

326 © Our Dermatol Online 4.2012

Figure 1 and 2. Pre-treatment: Pustular lesions over the back and leg prior to the treatment with probiotics

Figure 3 and 4. Post-treatment: Healed pustular lesions with few erythematous plaques over back and legs after 4
weeks of treatment

Discussion None have shown any adverse effects [6]. The rationale of
Administration of probiotic Lactobacillus strains (a mixture usage of such probiotics is furthered by its potential multi-
of Lactobacillus rhamnosus 19070-2 and Lactobacillus pronged action. Though unclear the proposed mechanisms
reuteri DSM 12246) to children with atopic dermatitis has of action include modulation of immune response in the gut
been shown to result in a moderate improvement in the which can directly affect the development of inflammatory
clinical severity [5]. disease mechanisms in systemic sites of disease, such as
It is being reported that most of the probiotics containing lactic- the skin [7]. However, the mechanisms by which intestinal
acid producing bacteria (LAB) strains are nonpathogenic immune responses translate to systemic anti-inflammatory
and nontoxigenic microorganisms. Over 70 clinical studies effects remain to be established. In our case Lactobacillus
have been conducted over food containing microbial Sporogenes was used as it was the only available lactobacilli
ingredients to investigate potential probiotic-side effects. in the market along with biotin.

© Our Dermatol Online 4.2012 327

However, to date, the overall clinical evidence on REFERENCES
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Copyright by Metikurke Vijayashankar, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

328 © Our Dermatol Online 4.2012

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