Limit of A Function
Limit of A Function
Limit of A Function
Lecture Notes
1 Learning Competencies 1
2 Introduction 1
3 Limit of a function 1
3.1 Table of Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3.2 Looking at the graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2.1 Test your knowledge! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Page 1
1 Learning Competencies
1. Illustrate the limit of a function using a table of values and the graph of the function;
4. Apply the limit theorems in evaluating the limit of algebraic functions (polynomial, rational, and radical).
2 Introduction
Limits are the backbone of calculus, and calculus is called the Mathematics of Change. The study of limits is
necessary in studying change in great detail. The evaluation of a particular limit is what underlies the formulation
of the derivative and the integral of a function.
For starters, imagine that you are going to watch a basketball game. When you choose seats, you would
want to be as close to the action as possible. You would want to be as close to the players as possible and have
the best view of the game, as if you were in the basketball court yourself. Take note that you cannot actually
be in the court and join the players, but you will be close enough to describe clearly what is happening in the game.
This is how it is with limits of functions. We will consider functions of a single variable and study the behavior
of the function as its variable approaches a particular value (a constant). The variable can only take values very,
very close to the constant, but it cannot equal the constant itself. However, the limit will be able to describe
clearly what is happening to the function near that constant.
3 Limit of a function
Definition 3.1. Consider a function f of a single variable x. Consider a constant c which the variable x
will approach (c may or may not be in the domain of f ). The limit, to be denoted by L, is the unique real
value that f (x) will approach as x approaches c. In symbols, we write this process as
lim f (x) = L.
Here, f (x) = 1 + 3x, and the constant c, which x will approach, is 2. To evaluate the given limit, we will make
use of a table to help us keep track of the effect that the approach of x toward 2 will have on f (x). Of course, on
the number line, x may approach 2 in two ways: through values on its left and through values on its right. First
consider approaching 2 from its left or through values less than 2. Remember that the values to be chosen should
be close to 2.
x f (x)
1 4
1.4 5.2
1.7 6.1
1.9 6.7
1.95 6.85
1.997 6.991
1.9999 6.9997
1.9999999 6.9999997
Now we consider approaching 2 from its right or through values greater than but close to 2.
x f (x)
3 10
2.5 8.5
2.2 7.6
2.1 7.3
2.03 7.09
2.009 7.027
2.0005 7.0015
2.0000001 7.0000003
Observe that as the values of x get closer and closer to 2, the values of f (x) get closer and closer to 7. This
behavior can be shown no matter what set of values, or what direction, is taken in approaching 2. In symbols,
lim (1 + 3x) = 7.
x f (x)
-1.5 3.25
-1.2 2.44
-1.01 2.0201
-1.0001 2.00020001
x f (x)
-0.5 1.25
-0.8 1.64
-0.99 1.9801
-0.9999 1.99980001
lim (x2 + 1) = 2.
Approaching 0 from the left and from the right, we get the following tables:
x |x|
-0.3 0.3
-0.01 0.01
-0.00009 0.00009
-0.00000001 0.00000001
x |x|
0.3 0.3
0.01 0.01
0.00009 0.00009
0.00000001 0.00000001
x f (x)
1.5 -2.5
1.17 -2.83
1.003 -2.997
1.0001 -2.9999
x f (x)
0.5 -3.5
0.88 -3.12
0.996 -3.004
0.9999 -3.0001
x2 − 5x + 4
lim = −3.
x→1 x−1
lim f (x)
if (
x+1 if x < 4
f (x) =
(x − 4)2 + 3 if x ≥ 4.
This looks a bit different, but the logic and procedure are exactly the same. We still approach the constant 4 from
the left and from the right, but note that we should evaluate the appropriate corresponding functional expression.
In this case, when x approaches 4 from the left, the values taken should be substituted in f (x) = x + 1. Indeed,
this is the part of the function which accepts values less than 4. So,
x f (x)
3.7 4.7
3.85 4.85
3.995 4.995
3.99999 4.99999
On the other hand, when x approaches 4 from the right, the values taken should be substituted in f (x) =
(x − 4)2 + 3. So,
x f (x)
4.3 3.09
4.1 3.01
4.001 3.000001
4.00001 3.0000000001
Observe that the values that f (x) approaches are not equal, namely, f (x) approaches 5 from the left while it
approaches 3 from the right. In such a case, we say that the limit of the given function does not exist (DNE). In
lim f (x) DNE.
Remark 1. We need to emphasize an important fact. We do not say that lim f (x) “equals DNE”, nor do
we write lim f (x) = DNE, because “DNE” is not a value. In the previous example, “DNE” indicated that
the function moves in different directions as its variable approaches c from the left and from the right. In
other cases, the limit fails to exist because it is undefined, such as for lim which leads to division of 1 by
x→0 x
Remark 2. Have you noticed a pattern in the way we have been investigating a limit? We have been
specifying whether x will approach a value c from the left, through values less than c, or from the right,
through values greater than c. This direction may be specified in the limit notation, lim f (x) by adding
certain symbols.
• If x approaches c from the left, or through values less than c, then we write lim f (x).
• If x approaches c from the right, or through values greater than c, then we write lim f (x).
Furthermore, we say
lim f (x) = L
if and only if
lim f (x) = L and lim f (x) = L.
x→c− x→c+
In other words, for a limit L to exist, the limits from the left and from the right must both exist and be equal
to L. Therefore,
lim f (x) = DNE whenever lim f (x) 6= lim f (x).
x→c x→c− x→c+
These limits, lim f (x) and lim f (x) are referred to as one-sided limits.
x→c− x→c+
It can be seen from the graph that as values of x approach 1, the values of f (x) approach 2.
It is clear that lim |x|, that is, the two sides of the graph both move downward to the origin (0,0) as x approaches
So, in general, if we have the graph of a function, such as below, determining limits can be done much faster
and easier by inspection.
2. Complete the table of values to investigate lim .
x→0 x+1
(a) at c = 1 , 2, 3, and 4?
(b) at integer values of c?
(c) at c = 0.4, 2.3,4.7, and 5.5?
(d) at non-integer values of c?
Remark 3. It is hoped that by now you have observed that for polynomial and rational functions f ,
if c is in the domain of f , then to evaluate lim f (x) you just need to substitute the value of c for
every x in f (x).
However, this is not true for general functions. Can you give an example or point out an earlier
example of a case where c is in the domain of f , but lim 6= f (c)?
6. Without a table of values and without graphing f (x), give the values of the following limits and explain how
you arrived at your evaluation.
x2 − 9
(b) lim where c = 0, 1, 2
x→c x2 − 4x + 3
x2 − 9
(c) lim 2
x→3 x − 4x + 3
7. Consider the function f (x) = whose graph is shown below.
What can be said about lim f (x)? Does it exist or not? Why?
Answer: The limit does not exist. From the graph itself, as x-values approach 0, the arrows move in
opposite directions. If tables of values are constructed, one for x-values approaching 0 through negative
values and another through positive values, it is easy to observe that the closer the x-values are to 0, the
more negatively and positively large the corresponding f (x)-values become.
8. Sketch one possible graph of a function f (x) defined on R that satisfies all the listed conditions.
lim f (x)
may be distinct from the value of the function at x = c, that is,f (c). As seen in previous examples, the limit may
be evaluated at values not included in the domain of f . Thus, it must be clear to a student of calculus that the
exclusion of a value from the domain of a function does not prohibit the evaluation of the limit of that function
at that excluded value, provided of course that f is defined at the points near c. In fact, these cases are actually
the more interesting ones to investigate and evaluate.
Furthermore, the awareness of this distinction will help the student understand the concept of continuity.
x f (x)
1 4
1.4 5.2
1.7 6.1
1.9 6.7
1.95 6.85
1.997 6.991
1.9999 6.9997
1.9999999 6.9999997
x f (x)
3 10
2.5 8.5
2.2 7.6
2.1 7.3
2.03 7.09
2.009 7.027
2.0005 7.0015
2.0000001 7.0000003
This, however, is not always the case. Let us consider the function
|x| if x 6= 0
f (x) = .
2 if x = 0
In contrast to the second example above, the entries are now unequal:
Does this in any way affect the existence of the limit? Not at all. This example shows that lim f (x) and f (c)
may be distinct.
Based on the graph, fill in the table with the appropriate values.
Evaluate lim f (x) and f (c) and state whether they are equal or not.
(a) c = −3 (f) c = 2
(b) c = −2 (g) c = 2.3
(c) c = 0 (h) c = 3
(d) c = 0.5 (i) c = 4
(e) c = 1 (j) c = 6
In this section, we will learn how to compute the limit of a function using Limit Theorems.
We are now ready to list down the basic theorems on limits. We will state eight(8) theorems. These will enable
us to directly evaluate limits, without need for a table or a graph. In the following statements, c is a constant,
and f and g are functions which may or may not have c in their domains.
lim k = k.
Example 5.1.
1. lim 2 = 2
2. lim π = π
Definition 5.2. The limit of x as x approaches c is equal to c. This may be thought of as the substitution
law, because x is simply substituted by c.
lim x = c
Example 5.2.
1. lim x = 9
2. lim x = 0.0005
3. lim x = −10
For the remaining theorems, we will assume that the limits of f and g both exist as x approaches c and that
they are L and M , respectively. In other words,
Definition 5.3. The limit of a multiple of a function is simply that multiple of the limit of the function.
3 3 3
3. lim [ · f (x)] = · lim f (x) = · 4 = 6
x→c 2 2 x→c 2
Definition 5.4. The limit of a sum of functions is the sum of the limits of the individual functions.
Subtraction is also included in this law, that is, the limit of a difference of functions is the difference of their
lim [f (x) + g(x)] = lim f (x) + lim g(x) = L + M
x→c x→c x→c
Example 5.4. For example, if lim f (x) = 4 and lim g(x) = −5, then
x→c x→c
Definition 5.5. This is similar to the Addition Theorem, with multiplication replacing addition as the
operation involved. Thus, the limit of a product of functions is equal to the product of their limits.
Example 5.5. For example, if lim f (x) = 8 and lim g(x) = −1, then
x→c x→c
Remark 4. The Addition and Multiplication Theorems may be applied to sums, differences, and products
of more than two functions.
Remark 5. The Constant Multiple Theorem is a special case of the Multiplication Theorem. Indeed, in the
Multiplication Theorem, if the first function f (x) is replaced by a constant k, the result is the Constant
Multiple Theorem.
Definition 5.6. This says that the limit of a quotient of functions is equal to the quotient of the limits of
the individual functions, provided the denominator limit is not equal to 0.
Example 5.6.
Definition 5.7. This theorem states that the limit of an integer power p of a function is just that power
of the limit of the function.
lim [f (x)]p = [lim f (x)]p = Lp
x→c x→c
Example 5.7.
Definition 5.8. This theorem states that if n is a positive integer, the limit of the nth root of a function
is just the nth root of the limit of the function, provided the nth root of the limit is a real number. Thus,
it is important to keep in mind that if n is even, the limit of the function must be positive.
p q √
lim n f (x) = n lim f (x) = L
x→c x→c
Example 5.8.
But this is not a real number, thus it is impossible to evaluate this limit.
lim f (x) = , lim g(x) = 12, lim h(x) = −3
x→c 4 x→c x→c
1 p
(b) lim (d) lim − f (x)
x→−1 f (x) x→3
(e) lim 9 · f (x) (g) lim [(f (x))3 + (f (x)) + 2 · f (x)]
x→0.5 x→12
(f (x))2 − f (x)
(f) lim [(f (x))2 − f (x)] (h) lim
x→9 x→−1 5 · f (x)
Solution 6.3.1. First, note that lim x = 1. Since the limit of the denominator is non-zero, we can apply the
Division Rule. Thus,
1 lim 1
lim = x→1
x→1 x lim x
= 1.
Example 6.4. Evaluate lim .
x→2 x+1
Solution 6.4.1. We start by checking the limit of the polynomial function in the denominator.
x lim x 2
lim = = .
x→2 x + 1 lim (x + 1) 3
(x − 3)(x2 − 2)
Example 6.5. Evaluate lim .
x→1 x2 + 1
Solution 6.5.1. First note that
Solution 6.7.1. Since the index of the radical sign is odd, we do not have to worry that the limit of the radicand
is negative. Therefore, the Radical/Root Rule implies that
q √ √
lim x2 + 3x − 6 = 3 lim (x2 + 3x − 6) = 3 4 − 6 − 6 = 3 −8 = −2.
x→−2 x→−2
lim f (x) = +∞
if the value of f (x) increases without bound whenever the values of x gets closer and closer to c.
lim f (x) = −∞
if the value of f (x) decreases without bound whenever the values of x gets closer and closer to c.
Remark 6. Remember that ∞ is not a number. It holds no specific value. So, lim f (x) = +∞ or lim f (x) =
x→c x→c
−∞ describes the behavior of the function near x = c, but it does not exist as a real number.
2. Recall the graph of y = csc x. From the behavior of the graph of the cosecant function, evaluate following