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Islands 1 Grammar Booklet

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fly birthday
Mhat*s your nome?

О Read. Then com plete.



My bipthday 1
Is it purple? }
О Unscramble. Then w rite .

name Tim . My is Mt^ <лту.

red ? it Is

it What ? is colour

are old ? you How

О Read. Then match.

What colour isn’t.

Is it IS green.

No, it purple?

It is it?
Ny favourite colour

^ Read. Then w rite and colour the cakes.

I ’m eight. favourite

О W rite fo r you. Then draw and colour.

I ’m
A t school
What’s this?

О Read and match. Then draw and colour.

W hat’s this?



pencil case

I t ’s

yellow chair


What are these?

О Read and circle. Then draw and colour.

1 What are [this /(ihes^ ?

They (is / are) blue pencils.

2 What (/s / are) this?

It (is / are) a brown desl<c.

3 What are {this / these)?

(It / They) are red pens.

4 What (/s / ore) this?

It (is / are) a ruler.
What colour (is / are) it?
It (is / ore) green.
H o w m a n y ...?

Find the questions. Use the code. Then loolc and answer.

1 ▲ 'k ■ I •
^ 11
1 1—
1---------1 see 1 drums many How
2... i see can can fish
3 How you you many

A3 ■ 1 • 2 ★г B3 ▲ 1

1 НсУШ- ?

•1 • 3 ★ 1 ★ 3

в A t school
Ну family
This is my brother

О Unscramble. Then w rite .

ten He IS

IS This sister my

IS seven She

fly fam ily 7

Is he a doctor?

О Look and read. Then circle.

artist doctor cook farmer vet

Mum X X X X ✓
Dad X ✓ X X X

Granny ✓ X ✓ X X '

Grandad X X X ✓ X

1 Is Mum a vet? ^es, she /s)/ No, she isn’t.

2 Is Grandad a cook? Yes he is. / No, he isn’t.
3 Is Dad a doctor? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
4 Is Granny a farmer? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

О Draw a person in you r fam ily. Then w rite.

This is my
I s _______ an artist?

8 Ну family
What does she want to be?

О Look and w rite . Use the words from the box.

a wants What cook she does to doctor He

1 2 ~

W h a t______ Jane want to be? This is Sue. What does

She wants to be a _ .... want to be?
She ___to be a ......

Bill’s favourite colour is blue. This is my brother, William.

... .......does he want to be? .. - -..wants to b e ____ __
He w ants........ . be an artist. pilot.
My body
I’ve got tifo arms

О Read and match. Then w rite.

I ’ve got three legs. I ’ve got one head.

I ’ve got two heads. I ’ve got two eyes.
I ’ve got eight eyes. I ’ve got three legs.

О Read. Look a t A c tiv ity 1. Then w rite (✓’) o r (X).

1 I ’m monster 2.
I ’ve got two heads, eight eyes and three legs.
2 I ’m m o n s te r!
I ’ve got four eyes, three arms and four toes.
3 I ’m monster 3.
I ’ve got nine fingers, four legs and two wings.
He’s got ten fingers

О Unscramble and w rite . Then draw.

^ green j "^ H e ’s heads two got

,.got fingers eight ^ blue j He’s

^-------- ^ ^ ^
I three three He’s feet got legs and

My b o dy 11
ж, She's g o t ...
О Look and w rite . Then draw. Use the table
— T
I ’ve got (a) green ' jumper
She’s yellow^ trousers
He’s purple dress
red skirt
black shoes
pink socks

1 с^гиеель tocMJAe^/i/

OTui/ 0/ ijeJllcyuy fbot.

2 She’s

3 He’s.

11 Hyi DJS2? jf
My pets
What’s that / are those?

Q Look and read. Then circle.

1 What are {that /\those)? { I t ’s / They’re) frogs.

2 What {is / are) that? { I t ’s / They’re) a rabbit.

3 What are (that / those) ? { I t ’s / They’re) mice.

О W rite the question. Then draw.

1 W hat’s ____________________ ?
I t ’s a parrot.

They’re snakes.

Hy pets 13
Have you g o t ...?

О Read. Find the question and answer.

Have you ; haven’t

got No I I ’ve got

a cat “ Г "": ■ two parrots

О Unscrannble. Then answer.

you rabbit Hove a ? got tall

1 Нолэ-в- {jo w у И > О/ ЬаШ
✓ Yes____________________________

got small ? you Have tortoise a

Has three he hamsters ? got young

she snake got Has long a ?

She’s got a

О Look. Then w rite (✓ ) o r (X).

Martha Tom James and Liz Sue

1 Tom has got two dogs and a snake. ✓

2 Martha hasn’t got a tortoise. She’s got a hamster.
3 James and Liz have got three pets.
4 Sue’s got two kittens.

О Look a t A c tiv ity 5. Then answer.

1 Has Martha got a kitten? S lU
2 Has James got a hamster and a dog?____
3 Has Tom got two dogs? ___
4 Has Sue got a puppy? -------

My petsr 15
My house
Where’s ...?

О Look. Then w rite (✓ ) o r (X).

1 My brother is in his bedroom.

2 My sister is in the garden.
3 Granny and Grandad are in the living room.
4 Mum and Dad are in the bathroom.

О Look a t the answers. Then w rite the questions.

1 WRe/v& aa& fvlO/ тш гту o /ru i d a d ? in the garden.
2 ___________________________________ In the bathroom.
3 ----------------------------------------------------- In the living room.
4 ---------------------------------------------------- In the bedroom.
16 My house
о Read. Then draw.
There’s о ...

_______ r a
nn 0о
e> 1оо о

There’s a sofa in the living room. There’s a shower in the

There’s a cooker in the !<itchen. bathroom.

There are two lamps in the There are two kittens in

the living room.

О Match.

1 living room 2 bedroom 3 bathroom 4 kitchen

vW ё >' у

1- П !
Where do you live?
О Follow. Then w rite .

live? b cb -

18 N y house
I Itke / don’t like ...
О Read and w rite (✓ ) o r (X). Then w rite.
1 chicken bJke^ chicl<en.
2 yoghurt yoghurt.
3 fruit fruit.
4 mill< . milk,
5 cheese cheese.
6 salad . salad.
7 bread . bread.
8 lemonade . lemonade.

^ Lool< a t the table. Then w rite questions and answers.

fruit salad meat

Mike ✓ X ✓
Tracy X ✓ ✓

1 What do you want fruit.

2 _________ do you like? _ fruit and meat.

_ like salad.

3 What do want? salad.

4 What do you 7 I like salad and

I don’t _______ fruit.
) Do you like ... ?

О Complete the questions. Then circle yo u r answers.


Do ijo io like vegetables? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

О Unscramble. Then answer.

honey Do like 7 you

like Do you lemonade

chocolate Do you like

It’s g< me

О Read. Then w rite sentences.

milk juice chocolate sandwich

water salad ice cream

I like I t ’s good for me

I don’t like I t ’s bad for me

1 milk, good I bJke^ тл1к/. It'o (joo<j/ |ол/ me^.

2 juice, good______________________________
3 chocolate, bad
4 sandwich, good
5 water, good___
6 salad, good___
7 ice cream, bad _

О W h a t do these pets like? Match.

1 bird a cheese
2 cat b meat
3 dog с milk
4 mouse ^ d bread
I’m exctted
^ Are you hungry?
О Look. Then com plete.

ijOUy thirsty? sad?

____ Yes. I am .____
Is he happy?

О Follow. W rite the questions and answers.

Ye<^, hey

О Use the words from the box and w rite . Then draw.

hurt happy hot hungry

I ’m He’s

She’s . They’re
I’m scared!

О Read. Then match and draw.

1 There’s a spider G She’s excited!
under my bed.

2 This is my brother. b I ’m scared!

He likes chips.

3 This is my Mum. с I ’m happy!

I t ’s her birthday

4 I ’ve got a d He’s hungry!

beautiful puppy.

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