District Energy in Cities Paris Case Study: 2000 MW 250 MW 330 MW 5,500 GWH 412 GWH 475 KM 71 KM
District Energy in Cities Paris Case Study: 2000 MW 250 MW 330 MW 5,500 GWH 412 GWH 475 KM 71 KM
District Energy in Cities Paris Case Study: 2000 MW 250 MW 330 MW 5,500 GWH 412 GWH 475 KM 71 KM
Paris is a densely populated, energy intensive city that is making real progress and commitments to reduce its impact on the
environment. In 2004 the territory emitted 25 million tCO2eq and in 2009 a reduction by 2% has been noted. The city is now looking
to increase efforts post-financial crisis to bring emissions down to 18.8 million tCO2eq by 2020, a targeted reduction of 25% on 2004
levels. District energy has played an important role in Paris historically in reducing coal consumption and today is expanding to
connect social housing, improve energy efficiency and increase the renewables share. From now and into the future, district energy
will play an important role in carbon reduction commitments, through the reduction of primary energy use and as an enabler of
large scale renewable energy systems inputting into district energy networks.
MW thermal of MW Electric of electricity MW of Cool MWh of Heat MWh of Cool Kilometres of heat Kilometres of cool
heat production production from DES Production production per year production per year network network
connected to a DES connected CHP connected to a DES on DES on DES
> 2000 MWth 250 MWel 330 MW 5,500 GWh 412 GWh 475 km 71 km
*Values for CPCU district heating network and Climespace district cooling network only
Paris is a densely populated city with 21,900 inhabitants/km2 many of which are housed in multi-storey flats and apartments. Paris has a large
commercial sector with high energy demands that are often spatially integrated with residential housing. The density of Paris’ population does create
opportunities for district heating, cooling, gas and electricity: from the level of a block of flats having collective heating to a large district heating network
serving half a million people. Paris also has a relatively large amount of social housing with 1 in 5 people in social housing and a higher proportion in some
suburbs. Social housing is easier to connect to district heating networks as it is often controlled by the city, with investments in upgrading heating
systems made by the city as well.
Structure of energy market
The city of Paris currently produces only 3% Electricity, gas, heating and cooling distribution other district heating companies that operate
of its own energy requirements, while the networks are granted concessions by the city under concession in Paris but CPCU does
surrounding region of Ile de France produces of Paris and controlled through concession have many competitors heating buildings not
11%. The City of Paris is the granting authority contracts. The city is obligated to provide connected to CPCU’s network (e.g. gas boilers,
for the public distribution of energy in the concessions to ErDF (French Electricity electric heaters, heat pumps etc.). CPCU is
Paris area and grants concession contracts Distribution Networks) and GrDF (French Gas responsible for approximately one third of the
for electricity, gas, heating and cooling supply. Distribution Networks) for electricity and total heating supply in the city, making CPCU
Cities in France legally own all the underground gas network management and maintenance. the largest district heating network in France.
networks that run through them (including For heating and cooling networks no such Cooling supply and district cooling network
electricity, water, telecommunications, heat, obligation exists. The Paris Urban Heating maintenance is provided in a similar concession
cool). Cities can manage and maintain these Company (CPCU) is 33% owned by the City of model by Climespace, a subsidiary of GDF Suez
pipes, as the City of Paris does for the water Paris and under a concession contract both (see section on Climespace, page 7)
network, or instead they can grant concessions distributes hot water or steam and maintains
to public or private parties to manage and and manages the district heating pipes
maintain these networks. throughout the city (see page 5). There are no
Greenhouse gas 30% reduction compared to 2004 levels 25% reduction compared to 2004 levels 75% reduction compared to 2004 levels
Energy consumption 30% reduction compared to 2004 levels 25% reduction compared to 2004 levels Unspecified
Renewable or recovered 30% of energy mix 25% of energy mix Unspecified
energy use
Both Paris Climate Action Plans included measures and targets for the district heating sector that were adjusted over time, such as targets for the
proportion of heat from renewable or recovered energy sources. 2
The 2007 Paris Climate Action Plan accelerated district energy development in four key areas:
The 2007 Paris Climate Action Plan set out The 2007 Paris Climate Action Plan called for The 2007 Paris Climate Action Plan led to the direct
the targets for the city seen on page 2 and a detailed study on the potential of geother- development of:
also focused on district energy by request- mal energy to be completed and if necessary
ing that the CPCU move to 60% renewable or
• a geothermal well in the Claude Bernard urban
for boreholes to be drilled. If the potential development zone (also called Paris Nord Est –
recovered energy by 2012 in order to receive
was significant then a geothermal energy see Box 5, page 9);
the reduced VAT rate set out in the National
Housing Commitment Act of 5.5%. For 2020, development plan would be produced. In
• extension of 10km of district heating in the
CPCU’s target was to increase the share of addition to this geothermal development
north-east of the city; and
renewable or recovered energy to 75%. This is plan, wind and solar plans would also be
in the context of the Waste Prevention Plan of created. The 2007 Paris Climate Action Plan • significantly large arrays of solar PV (6300m2
Paris which is seeking to reduce the amount also announced the ongoing development across two large arrays).
of waste incineration in the city (which in of a study providing details of the 96,000
2013 provided 39% of the heat for the district residences in Paris, including wall thickness,
heating network). As such, higher shares of age, solar gains, building materials and an
other renewable or recovered energy sources expected analysis of each building’s thermal
will be required to meet the targets. performance. These studies were designed
to help identify the optimal areas for energy
REGULATIONS efficiency improvements, and could be used
The 2007 Paris Climate Action Plan called by CPCU to direct network development and
for revisions to regulations relating to the highlight inefficiencies in the CPCU network.
co-ownership of buildings to allow them to PARIS CLIMATE
have easier access to a local heating network. PROTECTION PLAN
Furthermore, while compulsory connection DENSITY BONUSES Plan to combat global warming
of buildings to the district heat network New constructions are able to have a 20%
was already possible in urban development higher ‘land-use coefficient’ if they meet high
zones (see page 4) the 2007 Paris Climate efficiency standards or are developed with
25% le
Action Plan indicated the willingness of
renewable energy production facilities. reenhous
Paris to apply stricter efficiency regulations
more generally that could make connection planclimat.paris.fr
CPCU also owns two gas combined heat and power (CHP) plants, each
with an electrical capacity of 125MWel that produce 1TWh of electricity
per year (approximately 160,000 households*) for the local distribution
network. Gas and coal boilers also provide significant amounts of heat
with a combined thermal capacity of 982 MWth. and five fuel oil boilers
provide peaking demand for the network. In total, a thermal capacity
of 4GWth is connecting to CPCU’s network. CPCU owned Heat Plant CPCU network
year (average for year 2010). Source: World Energy Council, 2014 SYCTOM owned Waste incinerator
The future energy mix of CPCU’s district heating construction begins. The Paris Nord Est urban FIGURE 2:
network is driven by the city’s energy strategy development zone (described in Box 5) will deliver CPCU’s current and future energy mix
through the city’s part ownership role in CPCU enough geothermal heat by 2016 to meet 1% of
and through the concession contract. By the end CPCU production. FUEL 1%
of 2015, CPCU will have reached a 50% renewable BIOFUEL 2%
energy share allowing it to reduce VAT from 20% to CPCU is looking to create large biomass plants %
5.5% under the National Housing Commitment Act S 10 WA
near the city with a thermal power of 200MWth
(2010) which is estimated to save approximately so that biomass can provide 10% of the fuel mix. O L 12
€35 million a year. By 2016, CPCU’s energy mix will
However challenges for CPCU include addressing
have increased to a 53% renewable or recovered
air quality issues and finding good quality biomass
energy share and by 2020 this will be 60%.
R AT I O N 4 0 %
for the plant. 2013
E R AT I O N 3 9 %
Paris also has a good geothermal resource which If the CPCU achieves the 2020 target of 60% 2016
is particularly useful for district heating purposes renewable or recovered energy then the net
although accessing this resource can be difficult reduction in greenhouse gas emissions could
in such a dense city. Paris is a growing city with OIL %
be around 350,000 tCO2eq. In addition, the CPCU ERS 25
new housing developments on the periphery will have lowered primary energy consumption, ER
SA %
taking over previously industrial land such as the insulated Paris from fossil fuel energy price AS CHP 30
19th arrondisement. Such new developments are increases, closed-the-loop on waste production
significantly easier to implement district energy in in the region and also helped reduce fuel poverty.
as pipes and networks can be considered before Source: CPCU, 2015
FIGURE 3. Business model of CPCU: A split asset concession model with public/private concessionaire
Lenders *The waste-to-energy plants are owned
33% City of Paris
by regional agency 6
64% Cofely
Climespace – The largest district cooling network
in Europe
Paris has a large cooling network that operates
under a concession model from the city of
District cooling has been operated by
Climespace in Paris under a concession since
Paris, called Climespace. This network is the 1991. The district cooling network is extremely Climespace uses the basement
largest district cooling network in Europe and innovative and was the first cooling network in
and roofs of existing buildings,
operates in the centre of Paris. Isolated other Europe and today it is the largest. The network
networks include two district cooling networks replaces air conditioning and chillers for many underground connections to the
in La Défense, a large business district in the offices, shops and hotels as well as some of the River Seine and runs 60% of the
west of Paris, operated by IDEX and Dalkia (see most famous buildings in Paris, such as the network through the city’s sewage
page 10 for more information on the cooling of Louvre, by pumping cold water around the city.
La Défense). system to minimise costs of network
development and impact on the city.
THE CLIMESPACE NETWORK FIGURE 4: Network map of Climespace showing extent of network and production sites
Climespace’s network has nine cold water production sites (from five use of this ‘free cooling’ and uses these three production sites as the
in 2007) with 330MW of cool capacity delivering 412 GWh per year of baseload supply of the network, meeting 75% of the network’s cooling
cooling. The district cooling network makes use of the city’s free cooling’ demand over a year enabling the district cooling network to use 35%
through three production sites that take cold water from the Seine less electricity than normal centralised cooling in buildings. The other
River to provide cool. These sites use this cold water to pre-cool water production sites on the network help meet peak periods of cool demand
before it enters electric chillers. In this way electricity consumption of and are highly-efficient electric chillers with cooling towers.
the electric chillers is much lower, improving costs, energy efficiency
and CO2 emissions. The three production sites connected to the Seine The supply temperature of the network is approximately 4°C and the
are the largest production sites on the network, totalling 148MW. The return temperature can be up to 14°C. The network also has three
control room of the district cooling network works to maximise the cold water storage sites that can instantly provide more power to the
network and also can shift the electricity demand of production sites.
• Climespace’s network and production sites are almost entirely example, the Philharmonie de Paris building was constructed in
underground. This is an economically efficient solution in such coordination with Climespace so that an electric chiller and cold
a dense city. The three production sites connected to the Seine storage was installed during building construction as well as a
are entirely underground and do not need require cooling towers cooling tower. The space is rented by Climespace and the network
as warmer water is pumped into the Seine. The other production developed will be interconnected in the future to the Paris Nord
plants on the network rent underground space from existing Est development (see Box 5).
buildings and have cooling towers on top of the building. For
• This new Bruneseau development in on the left bank as the district cooling pipe as demand increases. The first phase is
the east of Paris, on the left bank, was across the Seine would not be wide enough already in place and Climespace rents a
developed close to Climespace’s existing to serve the Bruneseau development 2000 square-metre underground space
and separate, Bercy network, which has and additional cooling capacity would be from the library.
a 44MW production facility cooled by required on the left bank in Summer.
the river Seine on the right bank (see • As such, the development of the
figure 4). The city of Paris approached • Climespace has approached the national Bruneseau Urban Development Zone was
Climespace to consider connecting to the public library (Bibliotheque National de the catalyst for Climespace to continue
new Bruneseau development in order to France) on the left bank, to develop a expanding the Bercy network on the
improve the environmental credentials of production facility based on electric left bank, which required a large new
the new development. This connection chillers and cooling towers in the library. development to justify creating a new left
with Climespace would require the This will be developed in three phases bank, production facility.
development of a new production facility with electric chillers added in parallel
Climespace is 100% owned by the GDF Suez Group through its affiliate Cofely. The In comparison with an equivalent pool of stand-alone
city does not financially support Climespace and investments are financed only by units, the district cooling network is better economically,
Climespace with the original equity for Climespace provided by the GDF Suez Group. environmentally and aesthetically as shown in Box 4.
Climespace allows users to save space as buildings no
Climespace operates under a 30-year concession contract from the city of Paris longer need individual air conditioning units or chillers and
which ends in 2021 and will be renegotiated then. This concession contract specifies the network benefits from reduced land costs by having
tariffs that Climespace can charge to its customers. These tariffs vary dependent many plants and, all the network’s pipes, underground.
on time-of-use and also the size of the energy transfer station that a building The use of highly efficient chillers and free cooling from
requires. Climespace has 124 employees and provides an annual revenue to the city of the Seine allows the dramatic reduction of electricity
approximately €1 million per year with an annual turnover of €74 million. consumption and CO 2 emissions.
• 50% improvement in energy efficiency • 65% less water consumed • In combination with other wet cooling
systems, Climespace, reduces the urban
• 50% less CO 2 emissions • 90% less refrigerant emissions heat island effect in a heatwave by 1-2°C.
Many clients connect to Climespace because this improves the building energy label making it easier to sell or rent offices and other commercial
buildings. These energy labels include LEED, HQE and BREEAM * and account for full system efficiency rather than just efficiency of the building
envelope, a key best practise for the development of district energy.
LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. HQE: Haute Qualité Environnementale. BREEAM: Building Research Establishment Environmental
Assessment Methodology
• The 2007 Paris Climate Action Plan called for a detailed study on • This project is estimated to cost €15 million and will have one-tenth
the potential of geothermal energy in Paris to be completed and if of the CO 2 emissions compared to normal gas heating. The heat
necessary for boreholes to be drilled. The 2007 Paris Climate Action production capacity of the plant will be 11MW. The estimated cost
Plan also specified the Urban Development Zone of Claude Bernard is €21 million for the construction of the geothermal plant and
to meet specific requirements in relation to energy including 20% €32 million for the geothermal wells and to the deployment of the
lower energy consumption levels than existing thermal regulations district heating network.
an effort to become energy self-sufficient, to use at least 25%
renewable energy and to aim for the BBC Effinergie Rénovation
Cooling the La Défense Business District
La Défense is a large business district to the west of Paris, located on indirectly cools the equivalent of 1 million square-metres of office and
the adjoining cities of Puteaux, Courbevoie and Nanterre, cities that have hotel space through interconnections to 2 adjacent networks (see Figure
formed with their Department Council a Joint Association - SICUDEF 7). SUC has a cooling capacity of 85MW providing 80,000MWh of cold
- responsible for their district cooling networks. Business districts water per year.
typically have extremely high and dense cooling demands making them
The SUC network uses the ‘free cool’ of the river Seine through a river
ideal for district cooling development, which is best achieved during
connection to provide a large proportion of the cold water. Electric
periods of construction in the business district. The SUC (Société Urbaine
chillers are able to provide cool during periods of peak demand. The SUC
de Climatisation) network in La Defense operates under concession from
network does not use cooling towers freeing space on roof tops in the
SICUDEF, this concession zone is shown in Figure 6. SUC is owned by
district for other uses.
Dalkia and serves 70 high rises through 6km of network and directly or
Source: Dalkia
FIGURE 7: SUC network in La Défense
Source: Dalkia
Building Efficiency and District Energy
Paris has large amount of older housing stock, which can present chal- Paris is a city that requires heating, cooling and hot water. The demand
lenges in renovating them or improving thermal efficiency or connect- for cooling and hot water varies significantly by building type, however,
ing then to district heating networks. Like many cities Paris will need to the demand for heat is more constant (see Figure 8). To put the energy
focus on both new and old build housing stock in order to meet carbon levels in perspective the BBC Effinergie Rénovation certificate (a national
targets. Development of district energy in new and existing buildings will building certificate for energy efficiency) requires that primary energy
enable Paris to lower its exposure to energy prices unilaterally and also consumption for new construction must be less than 104kWh/m2 /year
to improve its carbon emissions. in the Ile-de-France region while average buildings in Paris consume
275kWh/m2 /year.
250 Cooling
Specific uses of electricity
150 (lighting, IT, etc.)
Hot water, cooking and other
50 Heating
Cafés, Residential Health Education Sport, Offices Shops Transport
Hotels, facilities Culture, buildings
Restaurants Leisure
In 2010 the city of Paris launched a arrondisement (i.e. buildings built between programme, piloted in one area of the city,
government-subsidised housing programme 1940 and 1981). These buildings already has proved extremely successful and is now
(OPATB) to improve the thermal performance had a high proportion of collective heating being deployed throughout Paris.
of buildings. The first goal of this programme (56%) and the programme catalysed the
was to retrofit poorly insulated buildings by creation of co-owners’ associations to It is extremely important that as well as
installing new insulations (building façades, seek to reduce the energy demand on such assessing district heating, cities improve
roofs), removing oil boilers, and installing collective heating systems, which sometimes the efficiency of buildings. By improving
double glazed window. Where possible the involved connecting collective heating to efficiency through building design and
programme also sought to switch heat the district heat network. Within two and a district heating, cities can reduce energy
from electricity or natural gas to district half years of the programme, 151 co-owned consumption at least cost. The Pompidou
heating. The city of Paris paid 100% of the properties had carried out an energy audit, centre in Paris is a strong example of how
thermal diagnosis and provided double the 38 co-owned properties had undertaken a building efficiency and district energy can
national incentives for these renovations. works project and 28 (2,236 housing units) compliment each other.
Initially the programme focused on very had already voted to approve work for a 8
energy intensive buildings in the 13th GWh/year saving under the OPATB. This
The Pompidou Centre, Paris.
Photo: Dalkia
The Pompidou Centre is Europe’s largest modern Through the modernisation process, the Pompidou Centre needed to replace 13 roof
art gallery with close to 4 million visitors per year. mounted air units that ejected heat from the building. Rather than simply replacing these,
Built in 1977 the building has been undergoing a Dalkia developed an energy efficient alternative of 13 air-to-air roof mounted heat pump
modernisation process of its heating and cooling units that optimise the Pompidou Centre’s heat and cool consumption and reduce the
facilities of the Pompidou Centre’s 100,000 square- in house chillers’ operation and production. In winter, or when it is necessary to raise the
metres. Dalkia have been a partner from the early temperature to 21°C in the Pompidou Centre, the air-to-air heat pumps provide heat by
construction phase of the Pompidou Centre and removing heat from the outside air. In summer or when the temperature of the rooms should
have since been in charge of the operation and be lowered to 23°C, the heat pumps work in reverse to remove heat from inside the building.
maintenance of the whole building air conditioning The modernisation process was phased over a 41 month period to prevent damage risk to
systems (temperature and humidity controls) with the exhibitions’ artefacts and maintain full public access and work was completed in April
heat being provided by the CPCU district heating 2015. The full installation being now completed, monitoring of the delivered savings will be
network and cold being produced by the Pompidou conducted over the coming months.
Centre’s chillers.
New air-to-air
heat pumps on the roof of Centre Pompidou.
Photo: Dalkia
The operation of the new equipment is pro- This significant reduction in energy consumption as well
jected to reduce by 25% the energy demand as other environmental benefits during development,
for heating and cooling in the Pompidou such as the reduction of chemicals in water treatment and
Centre including a 28% reduction in heat legionella prevention and the reduction of water effluents.
demand from CPCU and a 34% reduction are contributing to the building achieving the required HEQ
in electricity consumption by the electric (Haute Qualité Environnementale) building standards.
chillers. 12
Climespace (2015). Available from: http://www.climespace.fr/
CPCU (2015). Available from: http://www.cpcu.fr/
DRIEA IF (2013) Situation de l’Îled eFrance au regard des principaux indicateurs de développement durable. Available from: http://www.driea.ile-de-
Mairie de Paris (2007) Paris Climate Protection Plan. Paris
Mairie de Paris (2012) Plan Climat Énergie de Paris. Paris
UNEP (2015). District Energy in Cities: Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Paris. Available from: unep.org/energy/des
World Energy Council (2014). Enerdata. Available from: www.worldenergy.org/data/
Author: Lily Riahi Research Assistant: Ben Hickman Contributors: Yann Francoise, Dalkia, Climespace,
For further information on authorship, contributors, interviewees, survey respondents and reviewers please see UNEP’s District Energy in Cities
publication. UNEP would like to thank the City of Paris, CPCU, Climespace and Dalkia for their assistance in the development of this case study.