Simulation-Based Interprofessional Education Guided by Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory
Simulation-Based Interprofessional Education Guided by Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory
Simulation-Based Interprofessional Education Guided by Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory
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KEYWORDS Abstract: Communication and collaboration skill mastery is as essential to nursing practice as exper-
prelicensure nursing; tise in clinical skills. Health profession graduates often lack the necessary communication skills to
nurse education; practice in a collaborative environment because they have been educated in silos with little or no inter-
interprofessional action with other health profession students. Prelicensure interprofessional education has been sug-
education; gested as a strategy for improving communication and collaboration among health profession
simulation; students. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory can be used to guide simulation-based interprofessional
communication; education, offering both a foundation and process for knowledge acquisition based on the needs of each
collaboration; individual learner.
health professional
team training; Cite this article:
KOLB; Poore, J. A., Cullen, D. L., & Schaar, G. L. (2014, May). Simulation-based interprofessional education
experiential learning guided by kolb’s experiential learning theory. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 10(5), e241-e247. http://
Ó 2014 International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. Published by Elsevier
Inc. All rights reserved.
Proficiency in communication and collaboration skills is communication between patients and health professionals
as essential to nursing practice as expertise in clinical skills (United States Department of Health & Human Services
(American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, 2005). The (HHS), n.d.). Consequently, it is critical to optimize
Joint Commission (2012) identified ineffective communica- communication and collaboration among health profes-
tion among health care professionals as a root cause of sionals to improve safety and patient outcomes.
sentinel events in hospitals from 2004 to 2012. In addition, On graduation, nursing students are expected to practice
Denham et al. (2008) asserted that lack of communication collaboratively with physicians and other health care pro-
is a leading cause of preventable errors, which can lead fessionals using effective communication skills to provide
to patient injury or death. Delays in medical treatment safe quality patient care (Robinson, Gorman, Slimmer, and
and inaccurate diagnosis can result from poor Yudkowsky, 2010). Yet, not all nursing students experience
collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, prelicensure
No funding sources or granting agencies supported this work. This education may be the opportune time to begin building
article discusses how Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory can be used
the foundation for the development of collaborative rela-
to guide simulation-based interprofessional education.
* Corresponding author: (J. A. Poore). tionships among health professionals.
1876-1399/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Simulation-Based Interprofessional Education e242
Health profession graduates often lack the necessary affordable (AHA, 2010). As health care changes, health
communication skills to practice in a collaborative envi- profession education must change to meet practice de-
ronment because they have been educated in silos with little mands. Modifying the current health profession education
or no interaction with other members of the health care from the historic ‘‘silo’’ method to IPE will not only
team. Educating students in silos often results in confusion enhance communication and collaboration but also can
related to the roles and the eventually result in improved patient outcomes (Heuer
contributions each health et al., 2010; Olenick et al., 2010; Wilcock et al, 2009).
Key Points professional offers in the Support for IPE is growing among health profession
Effective communica- practice setting (Dumont, organizations, government departments, and international
tion and collaboration Briere, Morin, Houle, & groups prompting increased interest in IPE (American
are essential compo- Iioko-Fundi, 2010; Thomp- Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2008;
nents of nursing son & Tilden, 2009). Con- Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative [CIHC],
practice. trasting the silo effect, the 2007; IOM, 2001, 2003, 2010; NLN, 2012). The IOM
Simulation based IPE literature identifies interpro- (2010) report asserts that integrating IPE in prelicensure
can be an effective fessional education (IPE) as health care programs is necessary to better prepare health
teaching strategy for a strategy to enhance profession graduates for practice. In addition, the Essentials
improving communi- collaboration and communi- of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing
cation and collabora- cation (Heuer, Geisler, Practice clearly states that interprofessional communica-
tion among health Kamienski, Langevin, & tion and collaboration are critical for improving patient out-
profession students. O’Sullivan-Maillet, 2010; comes (AACN, 2012). Therefore, IPE should be included in
The greater number Institute of Medicine all baccalaureate nursing curricula (AACN, 2008).
of IPE activities stu- [IOM], 2001, 2003, 2010; The purpose of this article is to present the integration
dents participate in, National League for of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) with
the greater progress Nursing [NLN], 2012; simulation-based IPE to improve communication and collab-
they make in skill Schmitt, Blue, oration among health profession students. First, authors pre-
development related Aschenbrener & Viggiano, sent a critical appraisal of the literature on IPE defining gaps of
to communication 2011; Wilcock, Janes, & knowledge. Second, the article explains the theoretical
and collaboration. Chambers 2009). IPE offers foundation for Kolb’s ELT. Third, a discussion on how Kolb’s
an opportunity for students ELT will provide the theoretical framework for simulation-
to actively engage in deliberate activities that heighten un- based IPE is presented. Last, the implications simulation-
derstanding of professional roles, increase experience of based IPE will have on nursing practice are discussed.
working in teams, and facilitate learning with, from, and
about each other (Heuer et al., 2010). ‘‘IPE occurs when
two or more members of a health team (who participate Literature Review
in either patient assessment and/or management) learn
with, from, and about each other as they collaboratively Table 1 identifies the databases and search terms used in the
focus on patient-centered care and achieving optimal health literature review of IPE. To ensure the literature reflected
outcomes’’(Olenick, Allen, & Smego, 2010, p. 80). current knowledge, publication dates were limited from
Although the literature has suggested and recommended 2007 to present; the only exception was literature that
IPE for many years, few universities have included IPE in focused on the historical development and use of Kolb’s
their curriculums (NLN, 2012). Barriers include low faculty ELT. Additional articles included in this review reflect the
buy-in, schedule limitations, and professional autonomy. application of IPE, the theoretical underpinnings of IPE,
As health care environments evolve, socioeconomic and the outcomes of IPE as related to health care.
pressures, patient outcomes, and well-documented work- Although the literature discusses IPE out of health care, for
force shortages are shifting health care priorities. Prelicen- the purpose of this article, all IPE definitions are within the
sure health care programs must produce graduates capable context of health care. The most widely accepted definition of
of meeting the needs of an evolving health care market. The IPE is from the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofes-
2010 environmental scan performed by the American sional Education (CAIPE, 2002). Table 2 illustrates definitions
Hospital Association (AHA, 2010) identified key issues of IPE found within the literature search. The Centre for the
and emerging trends that will affect the future of health Advancement of Interprofessional Education definition is the
care. Common themes noted in the American Hospital As- foundation from which most other definitions were derived.
sociation report included the need for new delivery models Several studies support the use of IPE to improve
that require collaborative teams which can improve patient communication and collaboration among health profes-
outcomes, increased communication skills among providers sionals and health profession students. Messmer (2008)
to offer more safe and effective care, and increased produc- found that collaboration was best achieved when residents
tivity to meet consumer demands and keep health care costs and nurses jointly participated in multiple simulations.
and adapting their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The session. Each learner brings life experience to the simula-
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students develop tion that will affect how this individual processes and
through the ELT can guide change within their individual employs the knowledge they gain through the experiential
practice. The second assumption is that learning is a learning cycle (Kolb, 1984).
continually recurring cycle; each time a learner completes Using Kolb’s model, simulation represents the concrete
Kolb’s learning cycle, learning occurs at a higher more experience of learners. Reflective observation occurs during
complex level (Davies & Gidman, 2011). Completion of and after the simulation debriefing phase. Kolb’s phase of
one cycle of Kolb’s ELT leads to another set of experiences, abstract conceptualization allows learners to consider the
thus another cycle of learning. relevance of the IPE experience, stimulates new ideas, and
offers learners an opportunity to consider if anything should
have been done differently during the simulation (Morse,
Operationalizing Kolb’s Experiential Learning 2012). During the active experimentation phase, learners
Theory for Simulation-Based Interprofes- test what was learned by applying knowledge to new situ-
ations such as additional simulations, clinical experiences,
sional Education
or work experiences (Morse, 2012). Kolb’s ELT also ex-
plains how individualized learning is achieved through
Kolb asserted that learning is a process. Simulation
four learning styles within the phases of the learning cycle.
represents an IPE instructional design that can be employed
Regardless of the preferred learning style of each individual
to improve communication and collaboration among health
student, Kolb’s model offers a process to facilitate learning
profession students. During the simulation and debriefing,
through application of the preferred style. The more oppor-
students have the opportunity to interact with one another
tunities nursing, medical, and respiratory therapy students
and the environment while examining their beliefs and
have to engage in IPE activities the better their communi-
ideas. Learning not only takes place during the simulation
cation and collaboration skills once they begin professional
activity, but it also occurs during reflection in a debriefing
practice (AACN, 2008; CIHC, 2007; IOM, 2001, 2003,
2010; NLN, 2012).
IPE is a key strategy for improving communication and
collaboration among health professionals (Heuer et al., 2010;
IOM, 2001, 2003, 2010; NLN, 2012; Schmitt et al., 2011;
Wilcock et al., 2009). Simulation is one method that can be
employed to guide IPE among students from varying health
professions, ultimately leading to improved communication
and collaboration skills. Notably, the HHS (n.d.) asserted
that effective communication among health professionals
enhanced their ability to provide safe and effective care.
These ideas foster a synergy among IPE, communication,
collaboration, and simulation, which should be explored.
The conceptual relationship of IPE to the improvement of
Figure 1 Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory. Adapted from:
KOLB, DAVID A., EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING: EXPERI- communication and collaboration by using simulation-based
ENCE AS A SOURCE OF LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT, IPE among health professionals can be viewed as a cyclical
1st,Ó1984. Printed and Electronically reproduced by permission process. Figure 2 depicts a theoretical model of how Kolb’s
of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. ELT can be used to guide simulation-based IPE. Kolb’s ELT
explains the process of knowledge creation through the Implications for Nursing
transformation of experience (Kolb, 1984) using
simulation-based IPE. The greater number of IPE activities IPE can play an integral role in shaping nursing education.
students participate in, the greater progress they make in skill Future health care delivery will require coordinated efforts
development related to communication and collaboration. among all professions to efficiently and effectively manage
Evaluative structures aid in supporting Kolb’s ELT as a patient populations (Heller, Oros, & Durney-Crowley,
theoretical framework to guide simulation-based IPE. The 2011; IOM, 2001, 2003, 2010; NLN, 2012). IPE facilitates
concept of IPE focuses on ‘‘health care professionals learning teamwork and collaboration among health care profes-
collaboratively within and across their disciplines to gain the sionals, which can ultimately lead to increased patient
knowledge, skills, and values required to work with other safety, better quality of care, and improved patient out-
health care professionals’’ (CIHC, 2007, p. 6). The internal comes (Olenick et al., 2010; Suter, Arndt, Arthur,
consistency among the concepts of concrete experience, Parboosingh, & Deutschlander, 2009). Barriers to IPE
reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active continue to challenge all. Entrenchment, dismissive atti-
experimentation within Kolb’s ELT is clear. The concepts tudes, poor role models, and lack of incentives will need
are consistently used and clearly defined within Kolb’s ELT; to be addressed to promote collaboration.
thus, they exhibit internal consistency. There is a logical Several studies revealed the success of IPE; yet, few
congruence within Kolb’s model which is demonstrated by focused on utilizing simulation among health profession
the way learners move through the phases: concrete experi- students. Furthermore, most studies utilizing students focused
ence, to reflective observation, to abstract conceptualization, primarily on nursing and medicine (Baker et al., 2008; Dillon
and finally to the active experimentation phase. et al., 2009; Meffe et al., 2012; Titzer et al., 2012), which con-
Kolb’s ELT was assessed for operational adequacy and firms a gap in the literature. Adding respiratory therapy and
pragmatic utility in relation to IPE. Kolb’s ELT is testable, other health profession students to simulation-based IPE will
is one of the most widely used learning theories, and has add to the complement of nursing and medical students,
been operationalized at the individual, group, organiza- increasing the body of knowledge of IPE.
tional, societal, and global level (Kolb & Kolb, 2009). Case Experiential learning is fundamental to preparing
Western Reserve University (2010) has integrated Kolb’s nursing students for professional practice. Although the
ELT, with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Model majority of nursing education has occurred in silos, Kolb’s
and the Framework for Action on Collaborative Practice as ELT offers both a process for delivering IPE and a
a foundation for their IPE center. The ELT has wide- mechanism to maximize the learning of each individual
ranging applicability and has been used in management, ed- student. Success for carrying out simulation-based IPE has
ucation, information science, psychology, medicine, significant implications for large-scale incorporation of IPE
nursing, accounting, and law (Kolb & Kolb, 2009). being implemented within a large Midwestern university’s
baccalaureate curriculum. Operationalization of IPE using
Kolb’s ELT can provide strategies for effective design,
development, and implementation of future IPE simulation
experiences. IPE will change the way nurses teach, learn,
and practice with the goal of facilitating enhanced commu-
nication and collaboration, ultimately leading to improved
patient outcomes (Heller et al., 2011).
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