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Sample Abutment Diagram

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* ASTRA Pro Release 15.0 *
* TechSOFT Engineering Services *
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THIS RESULT CREATED ON 05.12.2020 AT 11:33:26



Depth of Girder Seat [d1] = 0.675 m. Marked as d1 in the Drawing
Thickness of wall [t] = 0.9 m
Height of Retained Earth [H] = 5.6 m Marked as H in the Drawing
Width of wall [B] = 7.3 m
Equivalent height of Earth for Live Load Surcharge [d2] = 1 m
Thickness of Approach Slab [d3] = 0.15 m Marked as d3 in the Drawing
Length of base in back of wall [L1] = 1.95 m Marked as L1 in the Drawing
Length of base in wall location [L2] = 0.9 m Marked as L2 in the Drawing
Length of base at front of wall [L3] = 0.75 m Marked as L3 in the Drawing
Total Length of Base [D]= L1 + L2 + L3 = 3.6 m Marked as D in the Drawing
Thickness of wall at the Top [L4] = 0.3 m Marked as L4 in the Drawing
Thickness of Base [d4] = 1.00 m Marked as d4 in the Drawing
Angle between wall and Horizontal base on Earth side [θ] = 90°

Inclination of Earth fill side with the Horizontal [δ] = 0°

Angle of friction between Earth and Wall [z] = 0°
Coefficient of friction between Earth and wall [µ] = 0.6

Unit weight of Back fill Earth [γ_b] = 18 kN/cu.m

Unit weight of Concrete [γ_c] = 24 kN/cu.m
Angle of Internal friction of backfill [φ] = 30°
Bearing Capacity [p] = 150 kN/sq.m
Concrete Grade [f_ck] = M 25 = 25
Steel Grade [f_y] = Fe 415 = 415

Live Load from vehicles [w6] = 130.00 kN/m

Permanent Load from Super Structure [w5] = 0.00 kN/m
Vehicle Braking Force [F] = 50.00 kN

Bending Moment and Shear Force Factor [Fact] = 1.50

Reinf. Clear Cover [cover] = 50.00 mm
Seismic Coefficient [sc] = 0.18 mm


STEP 1 : Approximate Sizing (dimensions)

Using Rankine's formula for the depth of foundation base

hd = (p/γ_b) * ((1 - Sin φ)/(1 + Sin φ))^2
= (150/18) * ((1 - Sin 30)/(1 + Sin 30))^2
= 0.926 m < a = 1.000 m , OK

Assuming Thickness of base to be 10% of total height 5.6 m

Let us Provide thickness of base = d = 100 cm = 1 m
Length of base = l = H √((Ca * Cos δ)/((1 - m) * (1 + 3 * m)))
Angle of Back fill is horizontal, δ = 0, m = 1 - (4/(9*q))
where q = γ*h/p = 18/150 * (H - d) = 18/150 * (5.6 - 1) = 0.552
Ca = (1 - Sin φ)/(1 + Sin φ))
= (1 - Sin 30)/(1 + Sin 30)
= 0.333
m = 1 - (4/(9*0.552))
= 0.195
l = 5.600 √((0.333 * Cos 0)/(1 - 0.195) * (1 + 3 * 0.195))
= 2.86
Provided l = L1 + L2 + L3 = 1.95 + 0.9 + 0.75 = 3.6 m

ml = 0.19 * 3.60 = 0.70

Adopting average thickness of wall = 90.00 cm = 0.90 m

STEP 2 : Stability Check Weight of wall

Weight of Right part of Stem Wall

w1 = (H - d1 - d4) * (L2 - L4) * γ_c
= (5.6 - 0.675 - 1) * (0.9 - 0.3) * 24
= 56.520 kN

Distance of its centroid from Toe

D1 = (L2-L4)/2 + L3
= (0.9-0.3)/2 + 0.75 = 1.050 m
Weight of Left part of Stem Wall
w2 = (H - d4) * L4 * γ_c
= (5.6 - 1) * 0.3 * 24
= 33.12 kN
Distance of its centroid from Toe
D2 = L4 / 2 + (L2 - L4) + L3
= 0.3 / 2 + (0.9 - 0.3) + 0.75
= 1.5 m

Weight of Base
w3 = (L1 + L2 + L3) * d3 * γ_c
= (1.95 + 0.9 + 0.75) * 1 * 24
= 86.40 kN
Distance of its centroid from Toe
D3 = (L1+L2+L3)/2 = 1.8 m
Weight of Earth on Heel Slab
w4 = (H - d4) * L1 * γ_b
= (5.6 - 1) * 1.95 * 18
= 161.46 kN

Distance of its centroid from Toe

D4 = (L1 / 2) + L2 + L3
= (1.95 / 2) + 0.9 + 0.75
= 2.63 m

Permanent Load from Super Structure = w5 = 0 kN

Distance of its centroid from Toe

D5 = L3 + ((L2 - L4) / 2)
= 0.75 + ((0.9 - 0.3) / 2)
= 1.05 m

Vertical Live Load from Vehicle = w6 = 130 kN

Distance of its centroid from Toe
D6 = L3 + (L2 - L4) / 2
= 0.75 + (0.9 - 0.3) / 2
= 1.05 m
Force due to braking
Braking Force = F = 50 kN
Force on one Abutment wall = 50/2 = 25.0 kN
Transverse Width of Abutment wall = B = 7.3 m
Horizontal Force per m. of wall = P2 = 25.00/7.30 = 3.425 kN/m
Height of the Force above Toe Level
D7 = H - d1 = 5.6 - 0.675 = 4.925 m

Break is applied at height = h1 = 1.2 m

Span of Longitudinal Girder = 10 m = L
Vertical break force reaction on one abutment
W7 = (F * (h1 + d1 + d3)) / (L * B)
= (50 * (1.2 + 0.675 + 0.15)) / (10 * 7.3)
= 1.39 kN/m

Distance of its centroid from Toe

D8 = L3 + (L2 - L4) / 2
= 0.75 + (0.9 - 0.3) / 2
= 1.05 m

Active Earth Pressure
P1 = 0.5 * H * H * γ_b * ka
[ θ = 90° , φ = 30°, z = 0°, δ = 0

ka = (Sin(θ - φ) / Sin(θ)) / ((√(Sin(θ + z)) + (√(Sin(φ + z) * Sin(φ - δ)/Sin(θ - δ)))

= 0.577
P1 = 0.5 * 5.6 * 5.6 * 18 * 0.577 = 162.95 kN/m
Height of the Force above Toe Level
D9 = 0.42 * H = 0.42 * 5.6 = 2.352 m

Load from Vehicle and Approach Slab
Equivalent height of earth for Vehicle Load Surcharge = d2 = 1.00 m

Horizontal force for Vehicle Load Surcharge = d2 * γ_b * Ka * H

= 1.00 * 18 * 0.5774 * 5.60
= 58.20
Horizontal force for Approach slab = d3 * γ_c * ka * H
= 0.15 * 24 * 0.577 * 5.6
= 11.64
Total Horizontal Force = 58.197 + 11.639 = 69.836 kN/m.
Height of the Force above Toe Level
D10 = H / 2.0 = 5.6 / 2.0 = 2.8 m
Verticle Force for Vehicle Load Surcharge

w8 = (h2 * γ_b + d3 * γ_c) * L1;

= (1.00 * 18 + 0.15 * 24) * 1.95
= 42.12 kN/m
Distance of its centroid from Toe

D11 = (L1 / 2) + L2 + L3
= (1.95 / 2) + 0.90 + 0.75
= 2.63 m.

V H:Long H:Trans Distance Mv Mh:Long Mh:Trans
(kN) (kN) (kN) /Height (m) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m)
1.Self Weight (w1) 56.520 D1=1.05 59.346
2.Self Weight (w2) 33.120 D2=1.50 49.680
3.Self Weight (w3) 86.400 D3=1.80 155.520
4.Weight of
Earth on Heel Slab (w4) 161.460 D4=2.63 423.833
5.Permanent Load from
Super Structure (w5) 0.000 D5=1.05 0.000
6.Active Earth Pressure (P1) 162.951 D9=2.35 383.262
7.Vertical Load for
Vehicle Load Surcharge (w8) 42.120 D11=2.63 110.565
8.Horizontal Force for
Vehicle Load Surcharge (P3) 69.836 D10=2.80 195.542
9.Seismic Force in
Longitudinal Direction
=(337.500*0.18)/2.0 = PSL 30.38 D12=H-d1 30.38*4.925
=5.60-0.68 =149.60
10.Seismic Force in
Transverse Direction
=(379.620*0.18)/2.0 = PST1 34.17D13=B 34.17*7.3
=7.3 =249.41
Sum of Items in V1= H1:Long H1:Trans MV1= MH1:Long MH1:Trans
Span Unloaded Condition 379.62 263.16 34.17 798.94 728.40 249.410
Design Values V1= H1= MV1= MH1
379.62 263.16 798.94 728.40
Break Force (P2) 3.425 D7=4.93 16.866
Braking Force (w7) 1.387 D8=1.05 1.456
13.Vehicle Load from
Super Structure (w6) 130.000 D6=1.05 136.500
14.Additional Seismic Force D14
Transverse Direction = PST2 =H+d3
=((w6+w7)*sc)/2.0 =5.60 + 0.15
=((130.00+1.39)*0.18)/2.0 =5.75 11.82*5.75
=11.82 67.99
Sum of Items in V2= H2:Long H2:Trans MV2= MH2:Long MH2:Trans
Span Loaded Condition 511.01 266.59 45.99 936.90 745.27 317.403
Design Values V2= H2= MV2= MH2
511.01 266.59 936.90 745.27

STEP 3 : Check for Stability against Overturning
CASE I : Span Unloaded Condition
Overturning Moment about toe = MH1 = 728.400
Restoring Moment about toe = MV1 = 798.944
Factor of Safety against overturning = 798.94 / 728.40 = 1.097 < 2.0, NOT OK
Location of Resultant for toe = Xo = (MV1 - MH1)/V1
= (798.944 - 728.400)/379.620
= 0.186
Maximum permissible Eccentricity = emax = (L1 + L2 + L3)/6.0
= (1.95 + 0.9 + 0.75)/6.0
= 0.6000
Eccentricity of Resultant = e2 = (L1 + L2 + L3)/2 - Xo
= (1.95 + 0.9 + 0.75)/2 - 0.19
= 1.614 > 0.600(emax), NOT OK
Increase the length of base of wall on Earth Retaining Side,
more than present length of 1.95 m (L1)
CASE II : Span Loaded Condition
Overturning Moment about toe = MH2 = 745.266 kN-m.
Restoring Moment about toe = MV2 = 936.900 kN-m.

Factor of Safety against overturning = MV2/MH2

= 936.900/745.266 = 1.257 < 2.0, NOT OK
Increase the Length of base wall on Earth Retaining Side,
more than present length of 1.95 m (L1)
Location of Resultant from toe = Xo = (MV2 - MH2)/V2
= (936.900 - 745.266)/511.007 = 0.375 m
Maximum permissible Eccentricity = emax = (L1 + L2 + L3)/6.0
= (1.95 + 0.9 + 0.75)/6.0
= 0.600
Eccentricity of Resultant = e1 = (L1 + L2 + L3)/2 - Xo
= (1.95 + 0.9 + 0.75)/2 - 0.38
= 1.42 > 0.600(emax), NOT OK
Increase the length of base of wall on Earth Retaining Side,
more than present length of 1.95 m (L1)

STEP 4 : Check for Stresses at Base For Span Loaded Condition

Total downward forces = V2 = 511.007 kN

Bearing Capacity = p = 150.000 kN/sq.m.
Stress at base = V2/[(L1+L2+L3)*1.0]
= 511.007/3.6
= 141.946 kN/sq.m < 150.000 kN/sq.m, OK

Extreme Stresses at Base = (V2 / ((L1+L2+L3)*1.0)) *( 1.0 ± ((6 * e1)/(L1+L2+L3)))

= (511.007 / 3.6*1.0) *( 1.0 ± ((6 * 1.425)/3.6))
= 141.946 * (1 ± 2.375)

= 479.066 and -195.174

from the above equation,
p1 = 479.066 kN/sq.m > 150.000 kN/sq.m

p2 = -195.174 kN/sq.m < 150.000 kN/sq.m, OK

STEP 5 : Check for Sliding
Longitudinal Sliding Force = H2:Long = 266.587 kN
Force resisting Sliding = µ * V2 = 0.60 * 511.01 = 306.604 = FF

Factor of Safety against Sliding = FF/H2:Long = 306.604/266.587 = 1.150 < 1.5 , NOT OK
Shear key will be required.
Transverse Sliding Force = H2:Trans = 45.991 kN
Force resisting Sliding = µ * V2 = 0.60 * 511.01 = 306.604 = FF
Factor of Safety against Sliding = FF/H2:Trans = 306.604/45.991 = 6.667 > 1.5 , OK

STEP 6 : Reinforcement Steel Bars
Design of Base Slab at Front Toe for Steel requirements.

Thickness of Base Slab = d4 = 1.000 m

Deff = d4 - cover = 1.000 - 0.050 = 0.950 m


Pr1 = Upward pressure at Toe = 479.066 kN/sq.m.

Pr2 = Upward Pressure at a distance of effective depth from Front of wall = 711.698 kN/sq.m.
Pr3 = Upward Pressure at The Front Face of wall = 533.773 kN/sq.m.
Pr4 = Upward Pressure at The Backfill Face of wall = 365.213 kN/sq.m.
Pr5 = Upward Pressure at Heel = -195.174 kN/sq.m.
Dpr = downward Pressure by Self weight of Base = 1.00 * 24 = 24.000 kN/sq.m.
Design Shear Force
= Vu = Shear Force Factor * [((Pr1 + Pr2) / 2) - Dpr) * (L3 - deff)
= 1.50 * [((479.066 + 711.698) / 2) - 24.000) * (0.750 - 0.95)
= 171.415 kN
Design Bending Moment
= Mu = Bending Moment Factor * [(L3-deff) * Pr1 * L3 * L3 * 0.67 +
(L3-deff) * Pr2 * L3 * L3 * (L3-deff) - Dpr * L3 * L3 * (L3 - deff)]
= 1.50 * [(0.75-0.95) * 479.066 * 0.750 * 0.750 * 0.67 +
(0.75-0.95) * 711.70 * 0.75 * 0.75 * (0.75-0.95) - 24.00 * 0.75 * 0.75 * (0.75 - 0.95)]

= 26.095 kN-m. (taking Absolute value)

Effective Depth of Base Slab

= √((Mu * 10^6)/(0.138*σ_c*b))
= √((26.09 * 10^6)/(0.138*25*1000))
= 86.969 <= 950.000 , Provided Deff , OK.
Provide Base Thick 1000.00 mm

Area of Steel required at bottom Base slab at Toe
Mu = 0.87 * f_y * Ast * [d - (f_y * Ast)/(f_ck * b)]
26.09 * 10^6 = 0.87 * 415.000 * Ast * [950.00 - (415.00 * Ast)/(25.00 * 1000.00)]
Ast * Ast - 57228.92 * Ast + 4.35*10^6 = 0
Ast = (57228.92 ± √(57228.92*57228.92 - 4*4.354*10^6))/2
= (57228.92 ± 57076.56)/2
= 57152.74, 76.18
Provided T12 bars @ 200 mm c/c at bottom of Base Slab at Toe Marked as (4) in the Drawing

Provided Provided Ast = 678.58

Percent of Tension Steel = Pst = Ast_provided * 100 / (b * deff * 1000) = 0.07%,

Allowable Shear Stress of M25 Concrete = τ_c = 0.340 Refer to TABLE 1 (given at the end of this report)

Applied Shear Stress τ_v = Vu/b*d = 171.415 * 1000/(1000.00*950.00) = 0.180 <= 0.340 , OK
Distribution Steel = 0.12/100 * 1000 * 0.95 = 1140.00
Provide T10 @ 90 mm c/c Marked as (5) in the Drawing
Steel Area Provided = 942.478

STEP 7 : Design of Base Slab at Backfill Heel Side for Steel Reinforcement
Upward Pressure varies from Pr3 = 533.77 to Pr5 = -195.17
downward Pressure is Earth Load + Surcharge + Self Weight
Pr6 = (H-d4)*γ_b + h2 * γ_b + d3*γ_c + d4*γ_c
= (5.600-1.00)*18.00 + 1.00 * 18.00 + 0.15*24.00 + 1.000*24.000
= 128.40

Here downward pressure Pr6 = 128.40 is more than Pr4 = 365.21 and Pr5 = -195.17
So, tension reinforcement steel will be required at the top
Design Shear Force
Vu = Shear Force Factor * (Pr6 * L1 - 0.5 * Pr4 * L1 - 0.5 * Pr5 * L1)
= 1.50 * (128.40 * 1.95 - 0.5 * 365.213 * 1.950 - 0.5 * -195.174 * 1.950)
= 126.89 kN
Design Bending Moment = Mu
Mu = Bending Moment Factor * ((Pr6 * L1 * L1 * 0.5)
- (0.5 * Pr4 * L1 * L1 * 0.33) - 0.5 * Pr5 * L1 * L1 * 0.67))
= 1.50 * ((128.40 * 1.950 * 1.950 * 0.5)
- (0.5 * 365.213 * 1.950 * 1.950 * 0.33)
- (0.5 * 128.400 * 1.950 * 1.950 * 0.67))
= 395.40 kN-m
Effective Depth of Base Slab at Heel = √((Mu * 10^6)/(0.138*f_ck*b))
= √((395.40 * 10^6)/(0.138*25.00*1000.00))
= 338.54 mm < 950.00
Area of Steel required at top of base slab at Heel
Mu = 0.87 * σ_st * Ast * (d-((f_y*Ast)/(f_ck*b))
395.40*10^6 = 0.87 * 415.00 * Ast * (950.00-((415.00*Ast)/(25*1000))
Ast*Ast - 57228.92*Ast + 342997.50*10^6 = 0
Ast = 56051.93 and 1176.99
Provide T16 bars @200 mm c/c at Top of bar slab at Heel. Marked as (6) in the Drawing

Provide Ast = 1206.37

Percentage = Ast_provided * 100 / (1000 * deff * 1000)
= 1206.372 * 100 / (1000 * 0.950 * 1000)
= 0.127%

Allowable Shear Stress of M25 Concrete = τ_c = 0.34 (Refer to TABLE 1)

Applied Shear Stress τ_v = Vu * 1000 / (b * deff * 1000)
= (126.89 * 1000)/(1000*950.0) = 0.13 N/ < 0.34 (τ_c) , OK
Distribution Steel = 0.12/100 * 1000 * 0.95 = 1140.00

Provide T10 @ 90 mm c/c Marked as (7) in the Drawing

Ast Provided = 863.94

STEP 8 : Design of Wall Reinforcement

At the bottom of the front face of the wall

Design Bending Moment
= (1/6) * Ka * γ_b * H * H * H + F * (H + h1)
= (1/6) * 0.577 * 18 * 5.60 * 5.60 * 5.60 + 50.000 * (5.600+1.200)
= 644.18 kN-m
Design Shear
= Ka * γ_b * h1 * H + 0.5 * Ka * γ_b * H * H
= 0.58 * 18 * 1.20 * 5.60 + 0.5 * 0.58 * 18 * 5.60 * 5.60
= 232.79 kN

Mu = Factored Bending Moment = 1.50 * 644.18 = 966.26 kN-m

Vu = Factored Shear Force = 1.50 * 232.79 = 349.18 kN

Effective Thickness of wall at the base

d = √((Mu * 10^6)/(0.138*f_ck*b))
= √((395.40 * 10^6)/(0.138*25.00*1000))
= 338.54 mm <= 1000 mm , OK

Area of steel required = Ast = (0.36 * f_ck * b * 0.48 * d)/(0.87 * f_y)

= (0.36 * 25 * 1000 * 0.48 * d)/(0.87 * 415)
= 4050.66
Provide T32 bars @190 mm c/c at Top of bar slab at Heel. Marked as (6) in the Drawing
Provided Ast = 4825.49
Percentage of Steel provided = p = 4825.49*100/(1000*850) = 0.51%

Allowable Shear Stress of M25 Concrete = τ_c = 0.50 N/ Refer to TABLE 1
Applied Shear Stress = τ_v = Vu * 1000 / (b * (t * 1000 - cover))
= 126.887*1000 / (1000.000 * (0.900 * 1000 - 50.000))
= 0.134 <= τ_c , OK

Distribution Steel for Temperature Reinforcements:

Total Sectional Area of the wall

= (H - d4) * d3 + (H - d4 - h1) * deff
= (5.60 - 1.00) * 0.15 + (5.60 - 1.00 - 1.20) * 0.95
= 4.42 sq.m
= 4418750.00
Area of Temperature Steel = 0.12% = 5302.50
Use 10 mm bars, Number of bars = 5302.50/78.54 = 67 nos

Provide 44 bars horizontally on the Front face

= (H - d1 - d4) * 1000 / 44
= (5.60 - 1.20 - 1.00) * 1000 / 44
= 89.20 mm
≈ 90.00 mm Marked as (3) in the Drawing

Provide 22 bars horizontally on the Backfill side face

= (H - d4) * 1000 / 22
= (5.60 - 1.00) * 1000 / 22.00
= 209.09 mm
≈ 210.00 mm c/c Marked as (2) in the Drawing


Refer to Table 8 of BSi 5400 Part 4

Table 8 : BS5400 Part 4

Design Shear Strength of Concrete
((100*As)/bd) __________________Concrete Grade______________________
M 20 M 25 M 30 M 40 and above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
<=0.15 0.31 0.34 0.36 0.39
0.25 0.37 0.40 0.42 0.47
0.50 0.47 0.50 0.53 0.59
1.00 0.59 0.63 0.67 0.74
2.00 0.74 0.80 0.85 0.93
3.00 0.85 0.91 0.97 1.06
--------------------- END OF REPORT --------------------------

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