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Crystals, Chakras & Divine Architecture: in This Workshop You Will Learn

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Laura Hamilton


In this workshop you will
 How crystals work
 How they align to the
 Crystal for each
Nature’s Energy Architects
 How they align with
the zodiac
 Crystals for each
 How to make
gemstone remedies

 6-8 PM

Laura Hamilton

Crystals as the foundation for life

When you look at a crystal under a microscope you will see geometric shapes as their
underlying structure. This is the foundation for life. All life. It mirrors the DNA helix in
our bodies, you will find spirals in stones, as well as other geometric patterns.

You do not need to know anything beyond this. The geometric patterns in crystals plug
into your geometric grid system and heal it. Over time, because all healing happens over
time, you will find yourself moving back towards health and wellbeing.

Mother Nature created these powerful beings of geometry and light. They can be used for
healing and manifesting/creating. Science uses crystal technology in medicine and fiber
optics. We can use crystal energy which contains many helpful minerals as well, for
healing ourselves on every level, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally & Spiritually (PEMS).

Healing with Gemstones

Powerful medicine can be experienced by choosing a specific gemstone to work with for
healing. Make a commitment to laying it on your body and letting it work on you for 30
minutes every day for 22 days. You can also use a lot of one gemstone in a line on your
body as you lie down. Or in a circle around your body as you lay in your bed or on the
floor. As with all energy healing try to be alone, no pets or people in our energy field.

But how do you know which crystal to pick?

First, take a moment to gather your crystals around you.

Now open your hands over your crystals and ask the angels to help you clear your crystals
with the white light. Imagine a circle of white light surrounding your crystals. Feel the
angels and you clearing the crystals. If you know reiki invoke the power symbol at the
same time to clear your crystals.
Laura Hamilton

Crystals frequently like a bath and a re-charge in nature. Let your crystals be out in the
rain, on the earth, in the sunshine. They, like you, need nature to stay charged and

Crystal Meditations

Items needed: Crystal Being, journal

Choose a crystal to work with. Which ever one speaks loudest to you or you select with
your pendulum.

Lie down or sit down. Close your eyes holding the crystal in your hand or laying it on your

Now listen to this crystal being and notice what it has to say to you.
Take time to do this with each of your crystal beings. What chakra or organ does it feel like
this being wants to be with? Where does it want to be placed?

Let us practice the pendulum method.

Now let us check our chakras to see which one would like a crystal healing session.

You can ask for a yes/no answer.

Or you can determine open/closed chakras by the direction the pendulum moves.
Clockwise is generally open, counterclockwise would be closed. If the chakra is closed,
you can be assured applying the right colored gemstone for that chakra will help balance
Laura Hamilton
Laura Hamilton
Laura Hamilton

Crystal Grids
Geometric Shapes

by Unknown
The Circle represents unity, wholeness, protection, commitment, focus,
renewal,is licensed

The Square represents solidity, ground, strength, foundations, safety,

security, endurance, the seasons, the physical world, your house

The Vesisca Pisces represents where two circles intersect. It is for creativity,
the Goddess energy, transformation, New opportunities, and the Spiritual World.
Laura Hamilton

The Spiral represents infinity, growth, the cosmic principle, spiritual

development, guidance, focus, wisdom and the kundalini energy.

The Triangle represents creativity, manifestation, harmony, inspiration, ease,

protection, intuition, psychic abilities, the trinity, fire and illumination. Reversed it is the
feminine receiver.

Protection, physical and spiritual union, the four directions, seasons

and elements, the earth the solar year, new opportunities, resurrection, rebirth,

Rebirth, renewal, protection, change, freedom, Goddess energy,

connection to the angelic realm, the planet Venus, the movement of feminine energy
Laura Hamilton

Harmony, protection, karmic balance, mastery, lightbody activation,

divine connection (as above, so below), union, partnerships, balance. The hexagon is found
in crystals, particularly quartz. It can also be found in the structure of a honeycomb.

Purification, spirituality, angelic connection, akashic records, wisdom,

knowledge of mysticism

There are many crystal grid templates available online.

Making Crystal Grids

Central Stone – This stone holds the imprint for your intensions. It magnifies your
intention and sends it out into the universe. It will hold the imprint for you until you have
manifested it and cleared the stone. It should always be the largest stone.

These stones can be standing pillars, pyramids, spheres, skulls, hearts or crystal Merkaba.

Support Stones- These stones will be smaller than the central stone and can be any sort.
They support the Central stone. They distribute energy throughout the grid.
Laura Hamilton

Tumbled stones. They can have their energy directed by being placed in one of the above,
or any geometric shape.

Crystal Points-they direct and focus energy through their points. They create channels of
energy and work well with geometric lines.

Activating the Grid

Everything going into the grid should be cleansed first either with the white light and
angels or with reiki energy.

Activation Wand – a clear (or as clear as you can find) quartz long spear

Reiki – invoking the reiki symbols to activate the grid

Angels- Call on the angels to help you impregnate the grid with your intention and activate

Placing a note under the central stone with your intention for the grid will help focus your
work. You can also place photographs in the grid or under the central stone.

Consecrate your new crystals for the highest good of all concerned.

I charge (or activate) this crystal grid with my intention to ….

Point the wand at the central stone, visualize your outcome, see it, feel it, be it, make your
statement. Now from the central stone draw connecting lines to each of the supporting
stone. Ask the crystal beings to help you manifest your intention. Amen, and so it is.

A good idea is to place the grid in the part of the home that energetically represents your

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