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At the end of the lesson the learner’s will be able to:

a. Classify the different tools and equipment for baking in their different category.

b. Differentiate the tools and equipment in baking pastry products.

c. Create different task like demo on how to use some tools, jingle, role playing and

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Tools and Equipment for Baking Pastry Products, Grade 11

Reference: Grace R. Nieves, TVL-TLE Bread and Pastry Production Grade 11, pp. 86-91

Materials: Instructional Materials, Reward card, Pictures of Different Tools and Equipment,
Manila paper, and Marker

Values Integration: The students will value the proper used of different tools and equipment
in baking pastry product to make a presentable outcome.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Initiatory Phase
1. Opening Prayer
Let us start our day with our opening prayer.
Kindly all stand, student A lead the prayer.
Lord, first of all I would like to thank for this
wonderful day that you give for us. For another
life, food that we eat every day, and also for
the good health. I hope this day we learn new
things from every discussion we had. In Jesus
name. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good morning Class!
Good morning Ma’am!
Before you take your sit, kindly pick out all
the mess if there are some.

3. Checking of Attendance
Monitor, is there any absent for today?
None Ma’am
Very good! Keep it up class because our
examination is next week.

4. Drill/Energizer/Trivia
Who among you are familiar in wooden
But, how about spatula? Are you familiar
with spatula?
Yes Ma’am.
And who among you have spatula in their
Me, Ma’am!
Very good. Did you know that in 1964, the
spatula man was the first kitchen utensils/
human hybrid that leaves the earth orbit, but
sadly never made it back. However in 2007,
NASA received a message from one of their
older satellites with this message” Thank
you for gift. We had a great barbeque.”
Did you get it?
Yes Ma’am.
This is the picture of first spatula man.

Did you learn something?

Yes Ma’am.
5. Review
Before we start our lesson. Let us have a
recap on our previous topic. What is our
previous topic all about?
Ma’am our topic last meeting is all about the
characteristics of various pastry products.
Very good. Good to know that you still
remember our last topic.
Again, can you enumerate those
characteristics of pastry products?
Ma’am that is the appearance, color, moisture,
mouth feel and last is the texture.
Exactly! What can you say about the
appearance of pastry products, it should be?
It should be look smooth Ma’am.
Correct. Aside of being smooth what else
can you say?
The shape must be balance Ma’am and the
edges must have even thickness from the edges
to the center.
Very good! And each type of pastry
products must have uniform appearance.
Did you understand it class about the
characteristics of different pastry products?
Yes Ma’am.
Is everything clear?
Yes Ma’am.
6. Motivation
Now, I have here different pictures and I
will going to show these pictures to you.
What I want you to do is to identify and
give the name of each picture.
Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am.
(The teacher will show the pictures.)

Ma’am that is tong

Strainer Ma’am!

Bowl Ma’am!
It seems that you all know the picture that I
showed to you. The next one is?

Rolling pin Ma’am

Spatula Ma’am!
Is this spatula?
No! Ma’am.
Then what is it? Anyone?
Ma’am, I think it is wooden spoon.
Exactly! Next is?

That is grater, Ma’am.

Very good. But, how about this one?

Egg beater Ma’am!

Is this egg beater?
No, Ma’am!
Then what is it?
I knew it Ma’am that is wire whisk.
Very good. How about this one?

Spatula Ma’am
Now, I know some of you are already
know or familiar to these picture that I will
show you. Am I right?
Yes Ma’am.
And, who among you are having it in their
Me, Ma’am.
Good to know that you are familiar to those
baking tools because it is connected and it
can help you to easily understand our topic
for today. Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am.
A. Developmental phase
1. Activity
After knowing the names of the different
pictures that I showed you earlier. Now I
will group you into 4 groups. On my right
side the 1st and 2nd row will be the group
group1. While the 3rd and 4th row will be
the group2. On my left side the 1st and 2nd
row will be the group3 while the two last
rows will be the group4. Here are you’re
task. I will going to give you the materials
all you need to do is to categorize the
different pictures whether it is bake wares,
cutting tools, mixing tools, and
miscellaneous tools through the use of
graphic organizer. I will give you 3
minutes preparation and 1 minute
presentation. Each group will pick 1
representative to explain why you put those
in that category. Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am.
You may now start.
Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4
Let us see if your works are correct.

Your work is almost correct but there is

one picture that is incorrect. Which tool do
you think is incorrect?
Ma’am I think the rubber scraper.
Where do you think should it belong?
Ma’am in the Miscellaneous tools.
Why do you say it should be there?
Ma’am, because based on the picture I think it
somewhat used to remove some dirt on the
Based on what we had, what did you
noticed about those pictures?
Ma’am, I noticed that those pictures are used in
Good answer. Any answer from the class?
Ma’am those pictures are the tools or materials
that we can use in doing pastry products like
for example bread.
Exactly! As they said, these different
pictures are the materials that we can use in
baking different products like cake, biscuit,
bread and etc. Aside for measuring tools
we have so many materials that can be used
to make our products more presentable and
good in taste.

2. Analysis
Based on the activity that we had, what do
you think is our topic all about?
Ma’am I think it’s all about baking tools.
Almost there. Another, who want to
It is all about the Tools and Equipment for
Baking Pastry Products.
Precisely! Our topic for today is all about
Tools and Equipment for baking pastry
products. Baking can be a lot of fun and
convenient especially when the right tools
and equipment are used properly. Those
tools and equipment are categorized into
Those are:

The first category is the bake wares. What

do you mean by bake wares, they are used
Baking wares are used for baking pastries and
other bakery products that place in the oven.
Excellent! Bake wares are used also to
form what we want to be the outcome or
the shape of it. And bake wares have
different kinds. It includes the following:

The first kind of bake ware is tube center

pan. What do you think it is?
Ma’am tube center pan and it has hallowed
removable center. It can use in baked product
like chiffon cakes.
When do we use the tube center pan?
It can use when we need to baked product like
chiffon cakes.
Excellent. It is correct; it is used to make a
chiffon cake. Its shape is circle. How about
the next one?
Ma’am the next one is the muffin pan and it is
used in baking muffins and cupcakes.
Good answer. Muffin pan is used to baked
muffin or cupcakes to make the muffin
evenly and easily.
What did you notice about the structure of
muffin pan?
Ma’am it has 12 formed holes and it is made of
The next is the jelly roll. Did you
experienced to use it?
Yes Ma’am.
Can you tell us about your experienced?
Ma’am I experienced to used it when we baked
a swiss roll.
Awesome. Can you describe the structure
of it?
It has a flat rectangle surface and made of
Wonderful! Next we have loaf pan. Can
you read the meaning?
Loaf pan is intended for baking loaf breads.
Can you give me an example of a product
that used a loaf pan?
Ma’am example is Gardenia which is tasty
What a very good example.
The second to the last classification of bake
wares is the cookie sheet and what do you
mean by cookie sheet?
Cookie sheet is a thin pan use to baked variety
of baked products.
Very good. Can you give me an example of
Ma’am such as biscuit, cookies, broas.
The last one is Pie plate. What can you say
about it?
Pie plate is used to make pie. Example, is the
egg pie, pine-apple pie etc. and for easily
remove filled-fruit pastry products.
Very well said! Can you describe the
structure of pie plate?
Ma’am pie plate is made of metal or glass with
different sizes.
We are done in different bake wares.
Again, what are those?
The different bake ware is tube center pan,
muffin pan, jelly roll pan, loaf pan, and cookie
sheet and last is the pie plate.
What did you observed to all kinds of bake
wares they are made of?
I observed that those bake ware are made of
How do you say so?
It is because of heat from the oven and if it is
plastic there is a possibility that it will cause
from burn.
Now, let us proceed to the next category
which is cutting tools. First, what do you
mean by cutting tools? Kindly read.
Cutting tools are used to cut and shape
ingredients and bake products.
Like bake wares we also have 3 kinds of
cutting tools, those are the following:

The first one is biscuit and doughnut cutter

and it is used to what?
Ma’am it is used to cut or shape biscuit or
doughnut like the mister doughnut.
Very good. The second is Grater. Who
want to experience to shred a cheese and
What did you observe when you shred the
cheese and carrot?
I moved my hands slowly but surely when I
shred the cheese because it is soft enough to
shred unlike the carrot I move my hands fast as
I can because it is hard to shred.
Precisely! The last cutting tool is pastry
wheel. What is your perception about it?
It is used to cut pastry product.
Good answer. Kindly read the meaning.
Pastry wheel is a round blade knife used to cut
dough and seal edges of pastry products.
Can you give me an example when we
need to use to it?
Ma’am for example in cutting the pizza.
Excellent! We are done in different cutting
tools Now let us proceed to the next
category which is mixing tools. What do
you mean by mixing tools? Kindly read.
Mixing tools are used to evenly combined and
disperse two or more ingredients.
It includes the following:

What are those? Kindly read.

The different mixing tools are bowl, pastry
blender, wire whisk, wooden spoon, rotary egg
The first one is bowl. What is the purpose
of this bowl in baking pastry products?
The purpose of it is to gradually mix the
ingredients like the flour, butter, salt, vanilla
and etc.
Excellent! For additional information,
bowl is made of stainless steel or glass
that comes in graduated sizes with sloping
sides used for mixing ingredients.
Why do you think this bowl made with
slope sides and why it is not made with
another shapes?
Because if mixing bowl is square or rectangle
there is a possible that the ingredients you mix
will drop down.
Exactly! Next we have pastry blender.
Can you describe the structure of it?
Pastry blender is made up of wire or strings.
Kindly read the meaning.
Pastry blender is made of wire held attached to
Where did it used?
It is used for cutting like butter.
Very good answer. Next is Rotary egg
beater. Kindly read.
Rotary egg beater is used in manually beating
eggs and whipping cream.
We also have the wire whisk. Kindly read.
It is used to beat or whip egg, butter, sugar and
Do you think is there any differences
between rotary egg beater and wire whisk?
Yes Ma’am.
How do you say so?
It is because wire whisk used to beat not only
the egg but also the different ingredients like
the cream, sugar and etc. while the rotary egg
beater is used only to beat the egg.
Exactly! Last we have wooden spoon.
Where do we use wooden spoon?
Ma’am when we need to mix the different
Precisely! The last category of different
tools and equipment is miscellaneous
tools. What do you mean by
miscellaneous tools? Kindly read.
Miscellaneous tools are intended for particular
purposes that plays the vital roles in baking.
Like the different category it also comes
in different kinds. It includes the

First, we have mortar and pestle. Kindly

Mortar and pestle are used to powder, pound,
or crushed various baking ingredients.
What particular ingredients that we can
use this tool?
Ma’am like for example is nuts, cookies, and
graham etc.
Bright idea! We used it to make easily
grind, powdered or crushed some
ingredients in baking pastry products. Did
you get it?
Yes Ma’am.
The next kind of miscellaneous tool is
pastry bag. It is used in?
Ma’am it is used for designing baked products
example is the cake to apply the icing on the
top of it to become more presentable.
Describe the structure of it?
It is made of plastic and the tip of it is metal.
Very good. Can you say something about
it shape?
Ma’am it is funnel- shape container.
Exactly! Next we have pastry brush.
Kindly read.
Pastry brush is intended for greasing pans or
surface of pastry products.
Next is rubber scraper. Can you read?
Is use to remove bits of food on the sides of the
From the given meaning differentiate the
Pastry brush is use to apply while the rubber
scraper is use to remove.
Awesome! Who wants to experience to
sift the flour with the use of strainer?
What do you think is the purpose of
Ma’am its purpose is to remove large particles
and dirt.
Wonderful! It uses to remove the dirt of
every ingredient that we need to sift. Did
you get it?
Yes ma’am.
Next is spatula. Can you tell something
about it?
Ma’am spatula is used to spread icing in the
cake and also for removing some cookies that
patch on the surface.
Very good. Now, let us proceed to the
next which is rolling pin. Can you
describe the structure of it?
Ma’am it is made of wood with handle to
flatten the dough.
Yes it could be, in addition it has
cylindrical shape with handle. Did you
Yes Ma’am.
The last tool under miscellaneous is the
food tong. Are you familiar with food
Yes Ma’am.
When did we use food tong?
When we need to hold hot baked products.
Bright idea! Also we can use it before,
during and after baking.
We are done discussing the different tools
and equipment for baking pastry products,
is there any questions regarding the topic?
None Ma’am.
Clarification? Violent reaction?
None Ma’am.
3. Abstraction
If none, close all your notes. Can you give
me a number?
12! Ma’am.
Now, here is your question. What are the
four (4) categories of tools and equipment
for baking pastry products?
Ma’am the four category of baking tools and
equipment are bake wares. Cutting tools,
mixing tools and miscellaneous tools.
Precisely. Give me a number.
20! Ma’am.
Can you enumerate the tools and
equipment in mixing tools?
The mixing tools are bowl, pastry blender,
rotary egg beater, wire whisk and wooden
Very good. Give me a number.
2! Ma’am.
Do you think is there any differences
between rotary egg beater and wire whisk?
Depend your answer.
Yes ma’am, because as he said rotary egg
beater is used to beat the egg manually while
wire whisk it is used to beat not only egg but
also with the other ingredients like sugar and
Excellent! Give me a number.
10! Ma’am.
Next, what are the different kinds of cutting
Ma’am the different cutting tools are doughnut
cutter, grater and pastry wheel.
Exactly! Give me a number.
23! Ma’am.
Can you enumerate the different kinds of
miscellaneous tools
Ma’am those are mortar and pestle, pastry bag,
rolling pin, rubber scraper, spatula, strainer and
food tongs.
Very good. Give me a number.
14! Ma’am.
What is the difference between rubber
scraper and spatula?
Ma’am the difference between rubber scraper
and spatula is that rubber scraper is used to
remove bits of food on the sides of the bowl.
While on the other hand, spatula is used to
spread icing or frosting on the cake and also
for removing molded cookies from pans.
Very well said. Give me a number.
27! Ma’am.
Have you ever experienced to bake any
pastry products?
Yes Ma’am, I did it once with my mother.
How does the baking tool help you to
develop or make your products?
It helped me to make my product evenly and
more presentable using different tools like for
example, the pastry bag we used for designing.
Instead of just spatula for plain fillings, pastry
bag help us add more designs we want.
Very well said. Give me a number.
29! Ma’am.
Here is your question. If you are not going
to enter college and you are familiar in
different tools and equipment in baking.
What possible job can you get?
Ma’am, I can enrol to some institution who
offers free training regarding baking. After
that, I can start a small business.
Very good! Give me a number.
19! Ma’am.
Have you ever experienced to bake some
pastry products?
Yes Ma’am!
Can you tell something about it?
We baked swiss roll, cookies, muffin, pizza,
cupcake and many more.
In baking muffin, how muffin pan can be
Ma’am it is useful for me to achieve the right
sized of the muffin.
Wonderful! Give me a number.
5! Ma’am.
If the rolling pin is not available, what do
you think will be the substitute for it and
Ma’am I think the substitute will be our hands
because through our hands we can knead the
Precisely! Give me a number.
34! Ma’am.
How about if the pastry bag is not
available, what do you think will be the
substitute for it and why?
Ma’am I think we can use some plastic bag, the
small one for us to be able to design our cake
or any pastry products if pastry bag is not
What a very good answer. Give me a
33! Ma’am.
What value did you learn in our topic for
Now, I am aware on how to use the different
tools and equipment in baking and pastry
products through the use of proper tools for me
to be able to make my products more
presentable and good in taste.
Excellent! I am glad that you learned on
our topic for today.

4. Application
With that, let us have an activity. You will
be forming four (4) groups. Let us do the
traditional headcounts. Start counting.
1, 2, 3, 4, 1…..
Group 1 in this area (right, front), group 2
at the back of group 1, the group 3 in this
area (left, front) and last group 4 at the
back of group 3. Now, go to your area and
select 1 representative to pick your group
Here is your task. Assume that: Group 1
 Demo the following in front. Said first the
name of the tools before using.(1.sift flour,
2. beat egg manually, 3. cut shortening or
butter, 4. mix egg, butter, sugar and cream
and last is mix all together the ingredients
using wooden spoon.)
 For group 2, create an advertisement about
 For group 3, dramatize the miscellaneous
tools and apply it as your cleaning
materials doing different household chores.
 For the last group compose a jingle using
different terminologies about mixing tools.

You will be given 3 minutes for the

preparation and 2 minutes for the
presentation. Is that clear?
Yes ma’am.
You will be graded by this rubric.

Each representative of the group needs to

grade the performance of every group. Is
everything clear?
Yes Ma’am.
You may now start.
(After 3 minutes)
Group 1

Good job group 1. Next we have the group

2 present your work.
Group 2

What an energetic performance coming

from group 2. Now let us the performance
of group 3.
Group 3

Wow! Very good group 3. Now last but not

the least the group 4. Present your work.
Group 4

All of you did a job well done class. For

that give yourself a round of applause.
Based on the grade given by each group
plus my grade divided by two the winner is
the group 3. You will receive an additional
point for your performance.

Did you enjoy our activity?

Yes Ma’am!
IV. Evaluation
Read each statement carefully. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before the number.
A. B.
____1. Rolling pin a. It has hallowed removable center
used in baking chiffon cakes.
____2. Strainer b. It6 is a thin, flat metal pan that has
no or only shallow sides used to bakes
variety of baked products.
____3. pastry wheel c. It is a round blade knife used to cut
dough and seal edges of pastry products.
d. It is used to remove bits of food on
____4 .grater sides of the bowl.
e. It is a tool used to shred cheese,
____5. cookie sheet chocolate and other fresh fruit
f. It is made of wires held attached to
____6. Rubber scraper a handle used for cutting in shortening in
the preparation of pies, biscuit or
g. It is used to beat or whipped egg,
____7. Pastry bag butter, sugar and cream
h. It is a funnel shaped container with
____8. Tube center pan a pointed end used for designing baked
i. It is used to flatten or roll dough for
____9. Pastry blender rolls, crust and other baked products.
j. It is used in removing dirt and lumps
____10. Wire whisk from dry ingredients. It may also be used
to combine and sieve ingredients.

1. i 6. d
2. j 7. h
3. c 8. a
4. e 9. f
5. b 10.g
V. Assignment

Together with your group, make a tool that assigned in your group using any recycle
materials to form new materials group 3m mixing tools and last group is miscellaneous tools.

 Group 1 you need to do make different bake wares.

 Group 2 - Cutting tools
 Group 3 - Mixing tools
 Group 4 - Miscellaneous to

College of Sciences, Technology and Communications Inc.

A.Y. 2016-2017

Principles of Teaching 1
Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology
and Livelihood Education

Topic: Tools and Equipment for

Baking Pastry Product
Grade 11
Submitted by:
Submitted to:

February 22, 2017

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