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McGANS's Ooty School of Architecture

SUBJECT NAME: Architectural Design Detailing

Regulation 2017 Anna University
Complete Notes


1.1 Site plan

A site plan is an architectural plan, landscape architecture document, and a detailed

engineering drawing of proposed improvements to a given lot. A site plan usually
shows a building footprint, travel ways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer
lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.

Schematic Site Plan

Site planning is the organization of an area of land to fit a program for its
development which is efficient, expresses the character of the site, and provides
attractive spaces to use.

• To learn and practice a logical method of fitting design programs and sites
• To understand how natural factors (landscape), socio-economic forces
(planning), and technological functions (architecture & engineering)
interact in the design process.
• To understand the importance of graphic and verbal communication skills.

Definition of Plot, Site, Land & Region

A lot or plot is a tract or parcel of land owned or meant to be owned by some

owner(s). A lot is essentially considered a parcel of real property in some
countries or immovable property (meaning practically the same thing) in other

A plot plan is an architecture, engineering, and/or landscape architecture plan

drawing— diagram which shows the buildings, utility runs, and equipment layout,
the position of roads, and other constructions of an existing or proposed project
site at a defined scale. Plot plans are also known more commonly as site plans.
The plot plan is a 'top-down' orientation.

The specific objects and relations shown are dependent on the purpose for
creating the plot plan, but typically contain: retained and proposed buildings,
landscape elements, above ground features and obstructions, major
infrastructure routes, and critical legal considerations such as property
boundaries, setbacks, and rights of way.

Site is the place where something (such as a building) is, was, or will be located

 An area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed.

 The spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures
(as a building, town, or monuments)
 A space of ground occupied or to be occupied by a building
 The place, scene, or point of an occurrence or event
 Such a plan of a site is a "graphic representation of the arrangement of
buildings, parking, drives, landscaping and any other structure that is part
of a development project".
 A site plan is a "set of construction drawings that a builder or contractor
uses to make improvements to a property. Counties can use the site plan to
verify that development codes are being met and as a historical resource.
Site plans are often prepared by a design consultant who must be either a
licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect or land surveyor".


An area, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics

but not always fixed boundaries. A region is an area. A region can be geographic
— like a part of a country.

A region is any space that is distinct from another area. The word region is from the

regionem which means ―direction, boundary, and district.‖

In geography, regions are areas broadly divided by physical characteristics

(physical geography), human-impact characteristics (human geography), and the
interaction of humanity and the environment (environmental geography).
Geographic regions and sub-regions are mostly described by their imprecisely
defined and sometimes transitory boundaries, except in human geography, where
jurisdiction areas such as national borders are clearly defined in law.

The part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water.

 The solid part of the surface of the Earth: an area of ground

 Ground or soil of a specified situation, nature, or quality
 The surface of the earth and all its natural resources
 The term 'land' includes all physical elements in the wealth of a nation
bestowed by nature; such as climate, environment, fields, forests, minerals,
mountains, lakes, streams, seas, and animals. As an asset, it includes


Examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a
map, plan, or description.


Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of

determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the
distances and angles between them.

A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor. These points are usually on
the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish land maps and
boundaries for ownership, locations like building corners or the surface location
of subsurface features, or other purposes required by government or civil law,
such as property sales.
Importance of Site and its contents

A site plan is an architectural plan, landscape architecture document, and a

detailed engineering drawing of proposed improvements to a given lot. A site plan
usually shows a building footprint, travel ways, parking, drainage facilities,
sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden

Such a plan of a site is a "graphic representation of the arrangement of buildings,

parking, drives, landscaping and any other structure that is part of a development

A site plan is a "set of construction drawings that a builder or contractor uses to

make improvements to a property. Counties can use the site plan to verify that
development codes are being met and as a historical resource. Site plans are
often prepared by a design consultant who must be either a licensed engineer,
architect, landscape architect or land surveyor".

Site planning in landscape architecture and architecture refers to the

organizational stage of the landscape design process. It involves the organization
of land use zoning, access, circulation, privacy, security, shelter, land drainage,
and other factors. This is done by arranging the compositional elements of
landform, planting, water, buildings and paving in site plans.

Site planning generally begins by assessing a potential site for development

through site analysis. Information about slope, soils, hydrology, vegetation, parcel
ownership, orientation, etc. are assessed and mapped. By determining areas that
are poor for development (such as floodplain or steep slopes) and better for
development, the planner or architect can assess optimal location and design a
structure that works within this space.

Site Planning
Site planning involves arranging structures on the land and shaping spaces
between them. It is an art linked to architecture, and city planning. The site plan
locates objects and activities in space and time. It may be concerned with a small
cluster of houses, a single building and the surrounding space, or a small
community built in a single operation.
Environmental Factors
Environmental study for architectural design involves collection of data,
reconnaissance survey, creative ability and imagination, and the design of
solutions to solve building problems.

When an architect is given a design assignment, there are many environmental

factors that are to be considered. The site is the major factor that has to be
considered. Site means the area or the land that is meant for the construction of
the proposed project. Site Planning is the art and science of arranging the various
portions of a particular piece of land according to their uses. The site planner
decides on the uses of the site in detail by selecting and analyzing it for the
various characteristics of soil, slope, vegetation, etc.

The landscape involves the design of outside space. This should be thought about
carefully to make an architectural design complete. The climate at the location at
the site is very important as it affects the building that is to be constructed.
Services such as water supply, drainage, sanitation, electricity, fire protection, air-
conditioning system, etc. also have to be considered in order to make an
architectural design complete.

Identification of site and its preparation

Each site has a unique nature of its own. The purpose for which it is to be used
should be clearly understood. Every site when disturbed takes time to experience
the mutual adjustment of its elements. For example, the flow of water creates a
drainage pattern. Many factors are involved in the analysis of the site. These
include the factors above the ground, below the ground and on the ground, as
discussed in the following.

Natural Factors

 Topography- [relief map, slope analysis, grading, aspect map]

 Geology- [soil type, rocks]
 Hydrology- [water table, existing water bodies, drainage pattern, watersheds]
 Vegetation- [ forest types, existing vegetation
 Wildlife – [existing fauna, habitat types]
 Climate factors – [solar orientation, seasons, winds, humidity, precipitation,

The form of land is called its topography. This is the most important factor to be
analysed. Geology and the slow process of natural erosion (soil being worn away
because of wind or water) are responsible for landforms and slopes. A
topographic survey will reveal the badly drained areas and natural drainage
channels. It will be also revealing places that have good views and parts of the
site that are visible or hidden from any selected point outside the site. The
slopes will decide the roads and paths; a steep slope will increase building costs.

Contours and the Rules of Contours: A line drawn on a plan which connects
all points of equal elevation.

• Existing contours are drawn with dashed lines. Proposed contours are drawn with
solid lines.
• Contours never cross.
• Contour lines depict connected points of equal vertical position.
• All contour lines close on themselves (this may be either on or off the plan sheet or
• The steepest slope is along a line perpendicular to the contour lines. Water
will always flow downhill in a line perpendicular to contour lines.
• Contour lines never merge into one another. However, on a vertical face,
such as a retaining wall, they may appear to merge on the plan sheet.
• The greater the detail of the plan, the smaller the contour interval.
Contour interpolation

1. Contour interpolation provides a method for locating whole contours, or the

elevation of any point, between two or more given spot elevations.

2. Locations for whole contours can be calculated mathematically if the following are

a. The value of the two spot elevations.

b. The horizontal distance between the two spot elevations. c. The scale of the
Slope analysis is the tool to indicate each portion of land with percent slope to see
the potential in developing each part for suitable use.

 Contour interval, pattern of landform

 Natural drainage pattern
 Unique features
 Slope analysis and percent slope.
 Site danger signal.
Slope Ratio
a) A slope ratio expresses the relationship of horizontal distance to vertical
b) It is written as a ratio, for example, 4:1. The first number represents
horizontal distance, the second number represents vertical change
c) The vertical grade change is always described as being 1 foot (for
instance, a 4:2 ratio would be converted to a 2:1 ratio).
d) Use the rise/run formula to convert a ratio to a percentage vertical
change = % horizontal distance
Grading is the cutting and filling of a site to prepare for a construction or
landscaping project. At this stage of land grading, the ground is leveled out,
spaces are backfilled, and the site is set up for proper drainage. Contour
grading directs water to a desired point, prevents erosion, provides noise
deflection, provides visual fit of the facility into the landscape, and protects
desirable vegetation. Examples of locations where contour grading is used
are wetland mitigation sites and noise berms.


The science which deals with the physical structure and substance of the earth,
their history, and the processes which act on them.The type of rock below the
surface of soil, the depth, and the characteristic features of rock should be
identified. Such rocks could act as a foundation for many buildings. These are
natural and could form visible landforms. The stability of such geological
formations is also important.

1. Geomorphology: the geology dealing with the origin and nature of landform
with emphasis on erosion process.
2. Physiography: the description of landform.
3. Bedrock: is consolidated rock material lying at various depths below all
points of earth surface.
4. Geologic base: The depth and type of rock below the soil‘s surface are
significant factors for site development, to answer the question of its
specification as a foundation base.

Spot Elevation
Spot elevations are inserted points that designate a design point position and
Design Surface A surface created by the designer to represent the finished
condition following construction.

A line that intersects the target (a surface, a distance, an elevation, or a relative

elevation) of a grading object. It is a line that connects the ends of the projection
lines from the grading object‘s feature line where they hit the target.

Projection Line
A line projected from the grading object‘s feature line at the cut or fill. Slope specified
in the grading criteria, until it hits the target.


The study of water in all its forms (rain, snow and water on the earth’s surface), and
from its origins to all its destinations on the earth is called hydrology

Hydrography provides information about all types of water bodies present in and
around the site: lakes, streams, any marshy land (swamps), or natural wells. It
also reveals the availability or otherwise of a groundwater table and the depth at
which it is available.

 Hydrological circle
1. Surface water :
existing drainage pattern
water body - - pond, lake, wetland
 surface and subsurface water
1. Aquifer
2. Aquifer recharge areas

Hydrology Helps in the following ways:

1. Hydrology is used to find out maximum probable flood at proposed sites e.g.
2. The variation of water production from catchments can be calculated and
described by hydrology.
3. Engineering hydrology enables us to find out the relationship between a
catchment‘s surf-ace water and groundwater resources
4. The expected flood flows over a spillway, at a highway Culvert, or in an
urban storm drainage system can be known by this very subject.
5. It helps us to know the required reservoir capacity to assure adequate
water for irrigation or municipal water supply in droughts condition.
6. It tells us what hydrologic hardware (e.g. rain gauges, stream gauges etc.)
and software (computer models) are needed for real-time flood forecasting

Hydrological cycle

The hydrologic cycle describes the continuous recirculating transport of the

waters of the earth, linking atmosphere, land and oceans.

The water holding elements of the hydrological cycle are:

1. Atmosphere
2. Vegetation
3. Snow packs
4. Land/ surface & Soil
6. Streams, lakes and rivers
7. Aquifers
8. Oceans

Hydrological Processes
1. Precipitation
2. Evaporation
3. Transpiration
4. Infiltration
5. Overland flow
6. Surface Runoff
7. Groundwater outflow


The different types of soil present are analyzed. Soil decides the stability of land,
foundation, suitability, excavation, erosion, drainage, and plant growth (as the top
soil is essential for good. plant growth). The bearing capacity of soil is an
important factor to be considered while locating buildings.

Soil classification
1. General soil type based on soil texture. The triangle indicates the relative
proportions of three particle sizes -- sand, silt and clay.
2. Key words for soil characteristics-- Soil texture, soil porosity, Soil
chemistry, soil moisture
Soil survey data and the important of soil information
1. related to building construction and basement
2. related to water supply and septic system
3. related to functions of land use planning
4. Related to vegetation and wildlife habitat.


A study of vegetation helps in locating large existing trees, which can be retained.
These can be used for providing seating. The ecology of the area should also be
examined to know what plants or shrubs would grow in that area.


This is an important consideration when choosing sites for large scale

developments. The selection of land suitable for activities depends on natural
wildlife present in the area. Wildlife also adds form, color and movement to the
landscape. One might also want to be informed about the wildlife present in the
area to preserve it and not disturb the animal‘s natural habitats due to the
Climatic Factors

Across a piece of land, the elevation difference, character of topography,

vegetation cover, and water bodies influence the climate of that area. On the
other hand, precipitation and temperature are the
major factors affecting vegetation. In cool and temperate climates, vegetation
may be used to block winter winds.

1. region
2. temperature
3. micro-climate
4. Wind velocity
5. Precipitation rate
6. Temperature
7. Humidity

Man-made factors:

a) Existing land use on-site, 0ff-site

b) Potential of change
c) Color symbol of land use
d) Facilities or site amenity
a. Linkage and movement pattern
b. communication
c. circulation system :
d. accessibility
e. potential of change
e) Density : F.A.R, F.S.I
f) Zoning district
g) Setback, fire tender lane and other planning regulation
h) Parking standards

FAR is a term the zoning ordinance will use to quantify and limit the amount of
square footage of building area as a function of the building site .

Zoning setback and height limits-- these minimums and maximums

provide the basis for the maximum building envelope on the site.
Aesthetic factors: visual qualities and relationship.
1. Landscape special character
2. Spatial pattern of the site
3. Visual quality and character
4. Visual disturbance
 Natural features

 Urban features
 Visual value/ characters
1. vista
2. panoramic view
3. visual channel
4. framed view/ filter view
5. point of interest
Cultural Factors
 Existing land use – ownership of adjacent property and off-site nuisance
 Linkages
 Traffic and transit-vehicular and pedestrian circulation on or adjacent to site.
 Density and floor area ratio
 Utilities – sanitation, water, gas, electricity, storm water drainage.
 Existing buildings
 Historic factors – historic buildings and landmarks.

Existing land use

 This implies a survey of the present status of the land-whether it is
residential, commercial, industrial or recreational. The ownership of the
adjacent site will also affect the land being surveyed.

Offsite nuisances: Disturbances from outside and around the site have to be studied.
Visual nuisance elements: Power lines, water tower, certain industrial
complexes, highways, advertisement boards, junkyards (waste dumps), etc.,
are some examples of eye-sore elements that have to be taken into
Possible auditory nuisance: Noise produced by heavy automobiles, trains,
air traffic etc. and the surrounding population has to be studied.
Factory nuisance: Dumps, chemicals, other wastes in and around the site
have to be taken care of.
Safety Hazards: Severe or sudden changes in landform, such as a steep cliff
at the edge of the site have to be noted.
Site analysis

Site analysis is an inventory completed as a preparatory step to site planning, a

form of urban planning which involves research, analysis, and synthesis. It
primarily deals with basic data as it relates to a specific site. The topic itself
branches into the boundaries of architecture, landscape architecture, engineering,
economics, and urban planning. Site Analysis is an element in site planning and
design. Kevin A. Lynch, an urban planner developed an eight cycle step process of
site design, in which the second step is site analysis, the focus of this section.
Site plan building blocks
A site plan is a top view, bird‘s eye view of a property that is drawn to scale. A
site plan can show: Site Plans, Elevations and Floor Plans Plan Instructions (Site
Plans, Elevations and Floor Plans).
 Property lines
 Outline of existing and proposed buildings and structures
 Distance between buildings
 Distance between buildings and property lines (setbacks)
 Parking lots, indicating parking spaces
 Driveways
 Surrounding streets
 Landscaped areas
 Easement
1.2 Building plans

In the field of architecture an architectural plan is a design and planning for

a building, and can contain architectural drawings, specifications of the design,
calculations, time planning of the building process, and other documentation.

Design Process

A design process may include a series of steps followed by designers. Depending on the
product or service, some of these stages may be irrelevant, ignored in real-world
situations in order to save time, reduce cost, or because they may be redundant in the
situation. Typical stages of the design process include:

 Pre-production design
o Design brief - a statement of design goals
o Analysis - analysis of current design goals
o Research - investigating similar design solutions in the field or related topics
o Specification - specifying requirements of a design solution
o Problem solving - conceptualizing and documenting design solutions
o Presentation - presenting design solutions
 Design during production
o Development - continuation and improvement of a designed solution
o Testing - in-situ testing a designed solution
 Post-production design feedback for future designs
o Implementation - introducing the designed solution into the environment
o Evaluation and conclusion - summary of process and results,
including constructive criticism and suggestions for future improvements
 Redesign - any or all stages in the design process repeated (with corrections made)
at any time before, during, or after production.

Floor Plan
One of the major tools in architectural design is the floor plan. The plan shows the
relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a
structure. Dimensions are usually drawn between the walls to specify room sizes and
wall lengths. Floor plans will also include details of fixtures like sinks, water heaters,
furnaces, etc. Floor plans will include notes to specify finishes, construction methods, or
symbols for electrical items.
Similar to a map in a floor plan the orientation of the view is downward from above, but
unlike a conventional map, a plan is understood to be drawn at a particular vertical
position (commonly at about 4 feet above the floor). Objects below this level are seen,
objects at this level are shown 'cut' in plan-section, and objects above this vertical
position within the structure are omitted or shown dashed. Plan view or "planform" is
defined as a vertical orthographic projection of an object on a horizontal plane, like a
Basic Plan
1.3 Staircase details

As we know, a staircase consists basically of a series of steps, which in turn consist of

a tread (the horizontal part, where the foot will rest) and a riser (the vertical
part). Although it can vary in its design, each step must also have one or more
landings, handrails, and a small nosing. The latter protrudes from the tread over the
lower step, allowing to increase its size without adding centimeters to the overall
dimensions of the staircase.
1.4 Kitchen and toilet

Above - Toilet details with all the dimensions and standards. It contains flooring layout,
fixtures layout, and all four side elevations and sections.

Below - Kitchen details with all the dimensions and standards.

It contains flooring layout, fixtures including cabinets and Kitchen counter layout, and
all four side elevations and sections.
1.5 Detail of joinery

Joinery is a part of woodworking that involves joining together pieces of wood or

lumber, to produce more complex items. Some wood joints employ fasteners, bindings,
or adhesives, while others use only wood elements. The characteristics of wooden
joints - strength, flexibility, toughness, appearance, etc. - derive from the properties of
the materials involved and the purpose of the joint. Therefore, different joinery
techniques are used to meet differing requirements. In British English usage it is
distinguished from carpentry which relates to structural timber work.

Materials used for joining

 Joints can be designed to hold without the use of glue or fasteners; a pinned mortise
and tenon is an example of this.
 Glue is highly effective for joining timber when both surfaces of the joint are edge
grain. A properly glued joint may be as strong or stronger than a single piece of
wood. However, glue is notably less effective on end-grain surfaces. Animal glue is
soluble in water, producing joints that can be disassembled using steam to soften
the glue.
 Various mechanical fasteners may be used, the simplest being nails and screws. Glue
and fasteners can be used together.

Traditional Joinery

Many traditional wood joinery techniques use the distinctive material properties
of wood, often without resorting to mechanical fasteners or adhesives. While every
culture in which pieces of wood are joined together to make furniture or structures has
a joinery tradition, wood joinery techniques have been especially well-documented,
and are celebrated, in the Indian, Chinese, European, and Japanese traditions. Because
of the physical existence of Indian and Egyptian examples, we know that furniture from
the first several dynasties show the use of complex joints, like the Dovetail, over 5,000
years ago. This tradition continued to other later Western styles. While Western
techniques focused on concealment of joinery, the Eastern societies, though later, did
not attempt to "hide" their joints. The Japanese and Chinese traditions in particular
required the use of hundreds of types of joints. The reason was that nails and glues
used did not stand up well to the vastly fluctuating temperatures and humid weather
conditions in most of Central and South-East Asia. As well, the highly resinous woods
used in traditional Chinese furniture do not glue well, even if they are cleaned with
solvents and attached using modern glues.

Joinery Schedule
Types of Wood Joints
1.6 Electrical Drawing – Refer Unit 2

1.7 Plumbing – Refer Unit 2

1.8 Mechanical and HVAC details – Refer Unit 2



2.1 Evolving a conceptual design project into schematic design

Tender drawings
Special detailed drawing
Line diagrams and layouts indicating basic proposals, location of main items of plant,
routes of main pipes, air ducts and cable runs in such detail as to illustrate the
incorporation of the engineering services within the project as a whole.
Schematic drawing
The schematic is a line diagram, not necessarily to scale, that describes interconnection
of components in a system. The main features of a schematic drawing show:

 A two dimensional layout with divisions that show distribution of the system
between building levels, or an isometric-style layout that shows distribution of
systems across individual floor levels
 All functional components that make up the system, i.e., plant items, pumps, fans,
valves, strainers, terminals, electrical switchgear, distribution and components
 Symbols and line conventions, in accordance with industry standard guidance
 Labels for pipe, duct, and cable sizes where not shown elsewhere
 Components that have a sensing and control function, and links between them—
building management systems, fire alarms and HV controls
 Major components, so their whereabouts in specifications and other drawings can
be easily determined
Detailed design drawing
A drawing the intended locations of plant items and service routes in such detail as to
indicate the design intent. The main features of detailed design drawings should be as

 Plan layouts to a scale of at least 1:100.

 Plant areas to a scale of at least 1:50 and accompanied by cross-sections.
 The drawing don't indicate precise positions of services, but should be feasible to
install the services within the general routes indicated. It should be possible to
produce co-ordination drawings or installation drawings without major re-routing of
the services.
 Represent pipework by single line layouts.
 Represent ductwork by either double or single line layouts as required to ensure
that the routes indicated are feasible.
 Indicate on the drawing the space available for major service routing in both
horizontal and vertical planes.
Installation drawing
A drawing which based on the detailed drawing, installation drawing or co-ordination
drawing (interface drawing) with the primary purpose of defining that information
needed by the tradesmen on site to install the works or concurrently work among
various engineering assembly. The main features of typical installation drawings are:

 Plan layouts to a scale of at least 1:50, accompanied by cross-sections to a scale of at

least 1:20 for all congested areas
 A spatially coordinated drawing, i.e., show no physical location clashes between the
system components
 Allowance for inclusion of all supports and fixtures necessary to install the works
 Allowance for the service at its widest point for spaces between pipe and duct runs,
for insulation, standard fitting dimensions, and joint widths
 Installation details provided from shop drawings
 Installation working space; space to facilitate commissioning and space to allow on-
going operation and maintenance in accordance with the relevant health and safety
 Plant and equipment including alternatives and options
 Dimensions where services positioning is important enough not to installers
 Plant room layouts to a scale of at least 1:20, accompanied by cross-sections and
elevations to a scale of at least 1:20
Record (as installed, as-built) drawing
A drawing showing the building and services installations as installed at the date of
practical completion. Generally the record drawing is a development of the installation
drawing. The main features of the record drawings should be as follows.

 Provide a record of the locations of all the systems and components installed
including pumps, fans, valves, strainers, terminals, electrical switchgear, distribution
and components.
 Use a scale not less than that of the installation drawings.
 Have marked on the drawings the positions of access points for operating and
maintenance purposes.
 The drawings should not be dimensioned unless the inclusion of a dimension is
considered necessary for location.
Builder's work Drawing
Design stage
These drawings show the provisions required to accommodate the services that
significantly affect the design of the building structure, fabric, and external works. This
includes drawings (and schedules) of work the building trade carries out, or that must
be cost-estimated at the design stage, e.g., plant bases
Installation stage
These drawings show requirements for building works necessary to facilitate installing
the engineering services (other than where it is appropriate to mark out on site).
Information on these drawing includes details of all:

 Bases for plant formed in concrete, brickwork or blockwork, to a scale of not less
than 1:20
 Attendant builders work, holes, chases, etc. for conduits, cables and trunking etc.
and any item where access for a function of the installation is required to a scale of
not less than 1:100
 Purpose made brackets for supporting service or plant/equipment to a scale of not
less than 1:50
 Accesses into ceilings, ducts, etc. at a scale of not less than 1:50
 Special fixings, inserts, brackets, anchors, suspensions, supports etc. at a scale of not
less than 1:20
 Sleeves, puddle flanges, access chambers at a scale not less than 1:20

Details to include

 Size, type, and layout of ducting

 Diffusers, heat registers, return air grilles, dampers
 Turning vanes, ductwork insulation
 HVAC unit
 Thermostats
 Electrical, water, and/or gas connections
 Ventilation
 Exhaust fans
 Symbol legend, general notes and specific key notes
 Heating and/or cooling load summary
 Connection to existing systems
 Demolition of part or all of existing systems
 Smoke detector and firestat re-ducting
 Thermostat programming
 Heat loss and heat gain calculations
 Special condition

2.2 Structural, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and HVAC systems.

1.7 & 2.2.1 Electrical Drawing

An electrical drawing is a type of technical drawing that shows information

about power, lighting, and communication for an engineering or architectural project.
Any electrical working drawing consists of "lines, symbols, dimensions, and notations to
accurately convey an engineering's design to the workers, who install the electrical
system on the job".
A complete set of working drawings for the average electrical system in
large projects usually consists of:

 A plot plan showing the building's location and outside electrical wiring
 Floor plans showing the location of electrical systems on every floor
 Power-riser diagrams showing panel boards.
 Control wiring diagrams
 Schedules and other information in combination with construction drawings.
Electrical drafters prepare wiring and layout diagrams used by workers who erect,
install, and repair electrical equipment and wiring in communication centers, power
plants, electrical distribution systems, and buildings.
1.8 & 2.2.2 Plumbing

A plumbing drawing, a type of technical drawing, shows the system of piping for fresh
water going into the building and waste going out, both solid and liquid. It also
includes fuel gas drawings. Mainly plumbing drawing consist of water supply
system drawings, drainage system drawings, irrigation system drawings, storm
water system drawings. In water supply system drawing there will be hot water piping
and cold water piping and hot water return piping also. In drainage system drawings
there will be waste piping , Soil piping and vent piping. The set of drawing of each
system like water supply , drainage etc is consist of Plans, Riser diagram, Installation
details, Legends, Notes. Every pipes should me marked with pipe sizes. If the drawing is
detailed , fixture units also should be marked along with the pipe. If it is shop drawing,
sections also should be shown where there pipes are crossing. In shop drawings pipe
sizes should be marked with the text and size should be shown with double line. Each
pipes with different purposes will be displayed with different colors for ease of
understanding. Drainage pipes should be shown with slope. For water supply , pump
capacity and number of pumps will be attached as drawing file. For drainage, manhole
schedule which consist of each manhole name, Invert level, Cover level , Depth are also
attached as drawing file.
1.9 And 2.2.3 Mechanical and HVAC details.

Mechanical systems drawing is a type of technical drawing that shows information

about heating, ventilating, air conditioning and transportation around the building
(Elevators or Lifts and Escalator).
It is a powerful tool that helps analyze complex systems. These drawings are often a set
of detailed drawings used for construction projects; it is a requirement for
all HVAC work. They are based on the floor and reflected ceiling plans of the architect.
After the mechanical drawings are complete, they become part of the construction
drawings, which is then used to apply for a building permit. They are also used to
determine the price of the project.

Set of Drawings

Arrangement drawing
Arrangement drawings include information about the self-contained units that make up
the system: table of parts, fabrication and detail drawing, overall dimension,
weight/mass, lifting points, and information needed to construct, test, lift, transport,
and install the equipment. These drawings should show at least three
different orthographic views and clear details of all the components and how they are
Assembly drawing
The assembly drawing typically includes three orthographic views of the system: overall
dimensions, weight and mass, identification of all the components, quantities of
material, supply details, list of reference drawings, and notes. Assembly drawings detail
how certain component parts are assembled.
An assembly drawing shows which order the product is put together, showing all the
parts as if they were stretched out. This will help a welder to understand how the
product will go together so he get an idea of where the weld is needed. The assembly
drawing will contain the following; information overall dimensions, weight and mass,
identification of all the components, quantities of material, supply details, list of
reference drawings, and notes.
Detail drawing
In detail drawings, components used to build the mechanical system are described in
some detail to show that the designer's specifications are met: relevant codes,
standards, geometry, weight, mass, material, heat treatment requirements, surface
texture, size tolerances, and geometric tolerances. [2]
Fabrication drawings
A fabrication is made up of many different parts. A fabrication drawing has a list of
parts that make up the fabrication. In the list, parts are identified (balloons and leader
lines) and complex details are included: welding details, material standards, codes, and
tolerances, and details about heat/stress treatments.

HVAC Design and Drafting is the procedure of putting heating and ventilation systems
into building design plans. There is a great deal of knowledge needed to do this job
properly, so it is crucial a design firm need extremely trained architectural draftsman.
Assignment and Sheets to be completed

2.3 Working on a project of medium to small Scale, involving a newly created,

quick, simple design or an older design from previous academic years.

2.4 Sheets – Residence design that was carried out in semester 2 or Semester 5
2.4.1 Structural – Sheet 1
2.4.2 Plumbing – Sheet 2 & 3
2.4.3 Electrical – Sheet 4
2.4.4 Mechanical , HVAC System – Sheet 5

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is the technology of indoor

and vehicular environmental comfort. Its goal is to provide thermal
comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. HVAC system design is a
subdiscipline of mechanical engineering, based on the principles
of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. "Refrigeration" is
sometimes added to the field's abbreviation, as HVAC&R or HVACR or
"ventilation" is dropped, as in HACR (as in the designation of HACR-
rated circuit breakers).
HVAC is an important part of residential structures such as single family
homes, apartment buildings, hotels and senior living facilities, medium to large
industrial and office buildings such as skyscrapers and hospitals, vehicles such
as cars, trains, airplanes, ships and submarines, and in marine environments,
where safe and healthy building conditions are regulated with respect to
temperature and humidity, using fresh air from outdoors.
Ventilating or ventilation (the "V" in HVAC) is the process of exchanging or
replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality which involves
temperature control, oxygen replenishment, and removal of moisture, odors,
smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, carbon dioxide, and other gases.
Ventilation removes unpleasant smells and excessive moisture, introduces
outside air, keeps interior building air circulating, and prevents stagnation of
the interior air.
Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to the outside as well as
circulation of air within the building. It is one of the most important factors for
maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in buildings. Methods for ventilating
a building may be divided into mechanical/forced and natural types.

Heaters are appliances whose purpose is to generate heat (i.e. warmth) for the
building. This can be done via central heating. Such a system contains
a boiler, furnace, or heat pump to heat water, steam, or air in a central
location such as a furnace room in a home, or a mechanical room in a large
building. The heat can be transferred by convection, conduction,
or radiation. Space heaters are used to heat single rooms and only consist of a
single unit.
Central heating unit
Heaters exist for various types of fuel, including solid fuels, liquids, and gases.
Another type of heat source is electricity, normally heating ribbons composed
of high resistance wire (see Nichrome). This principle is also used for
baseboard heaters and portable heaters. Electrical heaters are often used as
backup or supplemental heat for heat pump systems.
The heat pump gained popularity in the 1950s in Japan and the United
States.] Heat pumps can extract heat from various sources, such as
environmental air, exhaust air from a building, or from the ground. Heat
pumps transfer heat from outside the structure into the air inside. Initially,
heat pump HVAC systems were only used in moderate climates, but with
improvements in low temperature operation and reduced loads due to more
efficient homes, they are increasing in popularity in cooler climates.
In the case of heated water or steam, piping is used to transport the heat to
the rooms. Most modern hot water boiler heating systems have a circulator,
which is a pump, to move hot water through the distribution system (as
opposed to older gravity-fed systems). The heat can be transferred to the
surrounding air using radiators, hot water coils (hydro-air), or other heat
exchangers. The radiators may be mounted on walls or installed within the
floor to produce floor heat.
The use of water as the heat transfer medium is known as hydronics. The
heated water can also supply an auxiliary heat exchanger to supply hot water
for bathing and washing.
Warm air systems distribute heated air through duct work systems of supply
and return air through metal or fiberglass ducts. Many systems use the same
ducts to distribute air cooled by an evaporator coil for air conditioning. The air
supply is normally filtered through air cleaners to remove dust and pollen
The use of furnaces, space heaters, and boilers as a method of indoor heating
could result in incomplete combustion and the emission of carbon
monoxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, and
other combustion byproducts. Incomplete combustion occurs when there is
insufficient oxygen; the inputs are fuels containing various contaminants and
the outputs are harmful byproducts, most dangerously carbon monoxide,
which is a tasteless and odorless gas with serious adverse health effects.
Without proper ventilation, carbon monoxide can be lethal at concentrations
of 1000 ppm (0.1%). However, at several hundred ppm, carbon monoxide
exposure induces headaches, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Carbon monoxide
binds with hemoglobin in the blood, forming carboxyhemoglobin, reducing the
blood's ability to transport oxygen. The primary health concerns associated
with carbon monoxide exposure are its cardiovascular and neurobehavioral
effects. Carbon monoxide can cause atherosclerosis (the hardening of arteries)
and can also trigger heart attacks. Neurologically, carbon monoxide exposure
reduces hand to eye coordination, vigilance, and continuous performance. It
can also affect time discrimination.

Ventilation is the process of changing or replacing air in any space to control
temperature or remove any combination of moisture, odors, smoke, heat,
dust, airborne bacteria, or carbon dioxide, and to replenish oxygen. Ventilation
includes both the exchange of air with the outside as well as circulation of air
within the building. It is one of the most important factors for maintaining
acceptable indoor air quality in buildings. Methods for ventilating a building
may be divided into mechanical/forced and natural types.[
Mechanical or forced ventilation

HVAC ventilation exhaust for a 12-story building

Mechanical, or forced, ventilation is provided by an air handler (AHU) and used
to control indoor air quality. Excess humidity, odors, and contaminants can
often be controlled via dilution or replacement with outside air. However, in
humid climates more energy is required to remove excess moisture from
ventilation air.
Kitchens and bathrooms typically have mechanical exhausts to control odors
and sometimes humidity. Factors in the design of such systems include the
flow rate (which is a function of the fan speed and exhaust vent size) and noise
level. Direct drive fans are available for many applications, and can reduce
maintenance needs.
Ceiling fans and table/floor fans circulate air within a room for the purpose of
reducing the perceived temperature by increasing evaporation of perspiration
on the skin of the occupants. Because hot air rises, ceiling fans may be used to
keep a room warmer in the winter by circulating the warm stratified air from
the ceiling to the floor.
Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation is the ventilation of a building with outside air without

using fans or other mechanical systems. It can be via operable windows,
louvers, or trickle vents when spaces are small and the architecture permits. In
more complex schemes, warm air is allowed to rise and flow out high building
openings to the outside (stack effect), causing cool outside air to be drawn into
low building openings. Natural ventilation schemes can use very little energy,
but care must be taken to ensure comfort. In warm or humid climates,
maintaining thermal comfort solely via natural ventilation might not be
possible. Air conditioning systems are used, either as backups or supplements.
Air-side economizers also use outside air to condition spaces, but do so using
fans, ducts, dampers, and control systems to introduce and distribute cool
outdoor air when appropriate.
An important component of natural ventilation is air change rate or air changes
per hour: the hourly rate of ventilation divided by the volume of the space. For
example, six air changes per hour means an amount of new air, equal to the
volume of the space, is added every ten minutes. For human comfort, a
minimum of four air changes per hour is typical, though warehouses might
have only two. Too high of an air change rate may be uncomfortable, akin to
a wind tunnel which have thousands of changes per hour. The highest air
change rates are for crowded spaces, bars, night clubs, commercial kitchens at
around 30 to 50 air changes per hour.
Room pressure can be either positive or negative with respect to outside the
room. Positive pressure occurs when there is more air being supplied than
exhausted, and is common to reduce the infiltration of outside contaminants.
Airborne diseases
Natural ventilation is a key factor in reducing the spread of airborne illnesses
such as tuberculosis, the common cold, influenza and meningitis. Opening
doors, windows, and using ceiling fans are all ways to maximize natural
ventilation and reduce the risk of airborne contagion. Natural ventilation
requires little maintenance and is inexpensive.
Air conditioning
An air conditioning system, or a standalone air conditioner, provides cooling
and humidity control for all or part of a building. Air conditioned buildings
often have sealed windows, because open windows would work against the
system intended to maintain constant indoor air conditions. Outside, fresh air
is generally drawn into the system by a vent into the indoor heat exchanger
section, creating positive air pressure. The percentage of return air made up of
fresh air can usually be manipulated by adjusting the opening of this vent.
Typical fresh air intake is about 10%
Air conditioning and refrigeration are provided through the removal of heat.
Heat can be removed through radiation, convection, or conduction.
Refrigeration conduction media such as water, air, ice, and chemicals are
referred to as refrigerants. A refrigerant is employed either in a heat pump
system in which a compressor is used to drive thermodynamic refrigeration
cycle, or in a free cooling system which uses pumps to circulate a cool
refrigerant (typically water or a glycol mix).
It is imperative that the air conditioning horsepower is sufficient for the area
being cooled. Underpowered air conditioning system will lead to power
wastage and inefficient usage. Adequate horsepower is required for any air
conditioner installed.
Refrigeration cycle
Main article: Heat pump and refrigeration cycle

A simple stylized diagram of the refrigeration cycle: 1) condensing coil,

2) expansion valve, 3) evaporator coil, 4) compressor
The refrigeration cycle uses four essential elements to cool.

 The system refrigerant starts its cycle in a gaseous state.

The compressor pumps the refrigerant gas up to a high pressure and
 From there it enters a heat exchanger (sometimes called a condensing
coil or condenser) where it loses energy (heat) to the outside, cools, and
condenses into its liquid phase.
 An expansion valve (also called metering device) regulates the refrigerant
liquid to flow at the proper rate.
 The liquid refrigerant is returned to another heat exchanger where it is
allowed to evaporate, hence the heat exchanger is often called
an evaporating coil or evaporator. As the liquid refrigerant evaporates it
absorbs energy (heat) from the inside air, returns to the compressor, and
repeats the cycle. In the process, heat is absorbed from indoors and
transferred outdoors, resulting in cooling of the building.
In variable climates, the system may include a reversing valve that switches
from heating in winter to cooling in summer. By reversing the flow of
refrigerant, the heat pump refrigeration cycle is changed from cooling to
heating or vice versa. This allows a facility to be heated and cooled by a single
piece of equipment by the same means, and with the same hardware.


3.1 Architectural working drawings

Planning approach
There is no universal standard for sheet order, however the following
describes a common approach:

 General Information : The first sheets in a set may include notes, assembly
descriptions, a rendering of the project, or simply the project title.
 Site : Site plans, including a key plan, appear before other plans and on
smaller projects may be on the first sheet. A project could require
a landscape plan, although this can be integrated with the site plan if the
drawing remains clear.
 Specific plans : Floor plans, starting with the lowest floor and ending with
the roof plan usually appear near the beginning of the set. Further, for
example, reflected Ceiling Plans (RCP)s showing ceiling layouts appear after
the floor plans.
 Elevations : Starting with the principal, or front elevation, all the building
elevations appear after the plans. Smaller residential projects may display
the elevations before the plans. Elevation details may appear on the same
sheets as the building elevations.
 Sections: Building sections that describe views cut through the entire
building appear next, followed by wall sections, then detail sections.
 Details: Details may appear on any of the previous sheets, or may be
collected to appear on detail sheets. These details may include construction
details that show how the components of the building fit together. These
details may also include millwork drawings or other interior details.
 Schedules: Many aspects of a building must be listed as schedules on larger
projects. These include schedules for windows, doors, wall or floor finishes,
hardware, landscaping elements, rooms, and areas.
Where additional systems are complex and require many details for
installation, specialized additional plan drawings may be used, such as:

 Structural: While smaller projects may only show structural information on

the plans and sections, larger projects have separate sheets describing the
structure of the building.
 Mechanical: Mechanical drawings show plumbing, heating, ventilation and
air conditioning systems, or fire protection systems.
 Electrical :Electrical plan drawings may include equipment and cable tray
layout, lighting and power, grounding, telephone, local area network,
special communications or signal systems, or a reflected lighting plan.

3.2 Drawings to include

3.2.1 Site plan – Sheet 6

3.2.2 Centre line drawings – Sheet 7
Center Line is a line that passes through the center of a column. Grid of similar
lines for a number of columns form a centre line plan. Centre line plans helps
you understand the exact positioning of a column on site.Column may be of
different dimensions and but may have same center line. Centre line grid for
columns are plotted on a land before beginning excavations. Checking for
center line of a column grid ensures that columns are located at exact locations
as per drawings.
Working drawing

Production information may include:

 Drawings, such as working drawings.
 Specifications.
 Bills of quantities or schedules of work.

Working drawings provide dimensioned, graphical information that can be

used; by a contractor to construct the works, or
by suppliers to fabricate components of the works or to assemble or
install components. They may
include architectural drawings, structural drawings, civil drawings,
mechanical drawings, electrical drawings, and so on.

Traditionally, working drawings consist of two-dimensional orthogonal

projections of the building or component they are describing, such
as plans, sections and elevations. These may be drawn to scale by hand, or
prepared using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.

However, increasingly, building information modelling (BIM) is being used to

create three-dimensional representations of buildings and
their components for construction. This may be described as a virtual
construction model (VCM) and can comprise a number of
different models prepared by different members of the project team.

Working drawings may include title blocks, dimensions, notation and symbols.
It is important that these are consistent with industry standards so that their
precise meaning is clear and can be understood. Specification information can
be included on working drawings or in a separate specification,
but information should not be duplicated as this can become contradictory and
may cause confusion.

The scale at which drawings are prepared should reflect the level of detail of
the information they are required to convey. Different line thicknesses can be
used to provide greater clarity for certain elements.

It is important that the purpose of the drawings and the people that will use
them are considered. Working drawings might be prepared for; statutory
approvals, for contractors to plan the construction works, to
provide instructions on site, for the procurement of components, for the
preparation of shop drawings, for the appointment of subcontractors and so

Drawings must be structured carefully so that they convey

necessary information to carry out particular parts of the works. To give
greater clarity, they may be separated into packages, so that information is
specifically tailored to separate parts of the works, specific components, or
separate suppliers or trades.

It may be necessary to produce some packages earlier than others, for

example, for items with long manufacturing times such as switchgear, chiller
units, lifts, escalators or bespoke cladding systems, or for front-
end construction such as service diversions, demolition, setting
out details, underground drainage, piling and groundworks.

The quality of production information is extremely important. Unless it is

prepared and co-ordinated properly, there will be disputes and delays on site,
and costs will be incurred. Common problems with working drawings include:

 Poor co-ordination of information.

 Errors and omissions.
 Information not getting to the right people.
 Poor presentation.

Responsibility for the preparation of production information will depend on

the selected system of procurement and the chosen form of contract.
On traditional contracts (and management contracts and construction
management contracts), production information may be produced by
a consultant team, working for the client.

Some specialist elements of production information may be produced

by specialist contractors, co-ordinated by the lead designer. On other forms of
contract, such as design and build, responsibility for preparing and co-
ordinating production information may lie with the main contractor.

Working drawings may be updated when the works are complete to show ‘as
constructed’ information, reflecting changes to the works that may have
occurred during the construction process.

Carefully prepared working drawings can be very beautiful and the very best
have been exhibited as works of art.
3.2.3 Building drawings – Sheet 8
3.2.4 Detailed drawings of specific areas like staircases and wall
sections, dimensions explaining the various components – Sheet 9


4.1 Joinery Details including doors, windows and ventilators – Sheet 10

Refer Unit 1, 1.5 For definition

4.2 Layouts of service intensive rooms like kitchens and toilets – Sheet 11 and
12 , Refer Unit 1, 1.4 For definition
4.3 Design and detailing out of floor, wall and ceiling finishes/ construction/
laying – Sheet 12 and 13

The term ‘flooring’ refers to the lower enclosing surface

of spaces within buildings. This may be part of the floor structure, such as the
upper surface of a concrete slab or floor boards, but typically it is a permanent
covering laid over the floor. ‘Flooring’ can also be used to describe the process
of laying flooring material.

There is a wide range of flooring materials available:


Given that each piece is different, the unique aesthetic of timber is one of the
main appeals for its use as flooring. It can also be very durable although it may
scratch and is prone to movement. As timber is hygroscopic (sponge-like), it
can unsuitable for use in rooms that may be exposed to humidity or moisture,
although treatment of the timber can make it resistant to moisture.

There are several options for finishing timber, such as wax, oil or lacquer. The
two main types of timber flooring are:

 Solid: Each board is made from a single piece of wood, typically 18-20mm
thick, usually fitted using tongue-and-groove.
 Engineered: Each board consists of three or four layers of laminated timber,
held together at right angles by glue to create a plank typically of around
14mm thickness.

Laminate flooring is a compressed fibreboard plank covered with an image of

a material such as timber, stone, tiles and so on that is then given a
protective coating. Laminates can be suitable for rooms that wish to benefit
from the aesthetics of a ‘natural’ floor but at a lower cost, with
easier installation, and without the risk of being damaged by
scratching. Good quality laminates are durable and may have a 20-
year warranty. They require minimal maintenance and may be installed with
under-floor heating.


Vinyl flooring can be supplied in rolls or tiles and is generally fixed by gluing. It
can be manufactured in a very wide range of colours and profiles (for example
studded) and as with laminate flooring can simulate the appearance of
other materials.

The advantages of using vinyl flooring include:

 It is durable.
 It is easy to maintain and keep clean.
 It is capable of getting wet without buckling, making it suitable for use
in bathrooms, kitchens, and so on.
 It is easy to install.
 It can be relatively inexpensive.


Rather than being wood, this is grass that has been compressed into
a floor material, and is nailed down or glued together. It has the advantage of
being a renewable resource and water resistant. Due to its insufficient
hardness compared with wood, it is more prone to being dented and


Cork is a water-resistant, renewable material that is suitable for a range

of spaces, including basement and bathroom installations. Cork can be clicked
together in the same way as laminates or can be glued. Cork floors are warm
and flexible although they can be damaged easily by sharp objects.

Tile (porcelain or ceramic)

There are many options in terms of colour, texture, shape and finishes of tiles.
Because of their hardness they are difficult to scratch or dent, and are also
suited to wet environments. However, they are difficult to instal and can break
if there is a lack of support beneath the tiles.

Tile (natural stone)

These are generally more expensive than porcelain or ceramic options, but can
be more aesthetically pleasing. They need to be properly sealed
when installed, a process that will need repeating occasionally to keep
the tiles protected.


Carpet is made of an upper layer of pile attached to a backing. The pile is

usually wool or fibres such as nylon, polyester or polypropylene that are heat-
treated after having been twisted together into tufts or woven. There are
many varieties of texture, style and colour available and generally carpet is
both durable and easy to maintain. Carpet also has insulating properties in
terms of both heat and sound. However, carpets can stain quite easily and can
be damaged by water and damp.

For more information, see Types of carpet.


Rubber flooring is made from natural or synthetic materials, including

recycled rubber tyres. It is categorised as a type of resilient flooring, since it
exhibits characteristics of elasticity or ‘bounce’. This also makes it suitable for
dance floors, restaurants or other high traffic areas where foot fatigue and
slippage can occur.

Rubber flooring is also becoming a popular option for domestic installations.

It’s being used for children’s playrooms, shower and bath rooms, garages,
home gymnasiums and other applications that tend to
require moisture and stain resistance, sound absorption, durability, elasticity
and temperature stability.

For more information, see Rubber flooring.

Poured floors (asphalt and polymeric)

Mastic asphalt and polymeric floors are poured as liquids and spread out
across surfaces to harden and cure. This creates a finish without seams.
While asphalt and polymer flooring options are not especially common, they
do have advantages in both commercial (especially industrial)
and domestic applications where water protection and durability are high

Domestic flooring

It is most common for domestic flooring to be installed on a room-by-room

basis rather than using one material throughout. Different rooms have
different requirements from their floorings.

 Bedroom: The most popular choice is carpet, although wood, laminate, or

vinyl are suitable.
 Kitchen: Vinyl is a popular choice as it isn’t affected by water, is easily
cleaned and has durability. Tiles and laminate flooring are also options.
 Lounge/dining room: The flooring decision is likely to be down
to aesthetic preferences, as all floor types are suitable.
 Landings/stairs: The majority of upstairs areas are carpeted as occupants will
most likely be walking around without shoes and harder flooring can be
 Bathroom/wet areas: Untreated timber is unsuitable for these rooms,
and carpets can become wet and unhygienic. Vinyl and tiles are ideal as they
are unaffected by water and require
minimum maintenance. Good quality vinyl with an R10 rating is slip resistant
and therefore ideal for wet rooms.

Commercial flooring

The most common types of flooring used in commercial buildings are:


Easy to maintain, and unlike tile floors, there is no grouting involved. This
means that it is good in terms of maintaining hygiene levels, making it a
popular choice for hospitals, care homes, and so on. Due to vinyl’s hard
wearing quality, it can withstand large amounts of foot traffic, making it
suitable for a wide range of commercial environments.

Safety flooring

This is a form of flexible, heavy duty, high grade vinyl or rubber flooring with
slip resistant grains included. Essential for many industries to create
a safe working environment. This flooring is easy to maintain and keep clean.
As the most common cause of workplace injuries are slips, trips and falls,
this flooring’s slip resistant quality makes it suitable for
many workplace environments.

Commercial carpets and carpet tiling

These are popular for many businesses due to the aesthetic quality that can be
achieved. Carpet tiles are common in offices because instead of laying down a
large role of carpet, the individual tiles can be laid down and removed as
required, giving flexibility, access to raised floors and saving on wastage.
A dropped ceiling is a secondary ceiling, hung below the main (structural)
ceiling. It may also be referred to as a drop ceiling, T-bar ceiling, false
ceiling, suspended ceiling, grid ceiling, drop in ceiling, drop out ceiling,
or ceiling tiles and is a staple of modern construction and architecture in
both residential and commercial applications.

Design objectives
Effective building design requires balancing multiple objectives: aesthetics,
acoustics, environmental factors, and integration with the building's
infrastructure—not to mention cost of construction as well as long-term
operation costs.
Modern dropped ceilings were initially created to hide the building
infrastructure, including piping, wiring, and/or ductwork, by creating a plenum
space above the dropped ceiling, while allowing access for repairs and
inspections. Drop ceilings may also be used to hide problems, such as
structural damage. Further, drop out ceilings can also conceal the sprinkler
systems while still providing full fire suppression functionality.
For many years, dropped ceilings were made of basic white tiles, but modern
innovations now offer a plethora of options in sizes, colors, materials (including
retro designs and faux leather, wood, or metal), visual effects and shapes,
patterns, and textures as well as support systems and ways to access the
plenum. Custom runs of specialty ceiling tiles can be done at relatively low cost
compared with the past.
Acoustic balance and control was another early objective of dropped ceilings. A
noisy room can overstimulate occupants, while a too quiet interior may seem
dull and uninviting.
The acoustic performance of suspended ceilings has improved dramatically
over the years, with enhanced sound absorption and attenuation. This is
sometimes achieved by adding insulation known as Sound Attenuation Batts
(SABs), more commonly referred to as "sound batts", above the panels to help
deaden sounds and keep adjacent rooms quieter.
Environmental factors
Indoor environmental quality
Indoor environmental quality includes ventilation, VOC emissions, lighting and
thermal system control, thermal comfort, use of daylight for natural
illumination, acoustics, and optimization of outdoor view availability.
Many manufacturers of modern dropped ceilings include sustainability as an
objective. Sustainable features may include:

 Energy efficiency, including daylight efficacy and thermal insulating

qualities. This uses the ceiling plane to reflect daylight as well as electrical
illumination to maximize lumen efficacy, which also improves the comfort
and usability of interior spaces. A level of about 75% is considered good,
although higher levels are possible.
 Reduced resources needed for construction of the tiles
 Recyclable/reused/renewable materials


5.1 Design and preparation of detailed drawings of built in furniture and
components based on the room

The built-in furniture when once constructed and installed cannot be moved.
Such furniture mostly includes wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, bar cabinets,
among others. These are generally designed to fit into the construction,
secured using fixtures such as hinges, nut bolts, or construction adhesive. The
way they fit into the construction makes the decor look seamless and minimal.
This type of furniture is for those who are looking for a set design of their
home, which they don’t plan to change for years to come.

Pros: This furniture type is apt for those planning to achieve minimalist look. It
allows you to cut down on your expense on furniture over the years as this will
stay for long. Moreover, these provide more storage when compared to
movable counterparts.

Cons: This type would not fit well for those who love to experiment with their
decor. Also, built-in furniture could be expensive at the time of construction as
it has to be customised to your needs.

Built-ins are a very special type of furniture. They could be considered the
opposite of free-standing furniture. The main characteristic of built-in furniture
is that is allows you to create that smooth transition between spaces and that
coherent décor that makes your home feel airy.Built-in furniture looks like a
part of the house itself and this allows it to beautifully blend in for an overall
minimalist appearance.

Built-ins come with several other advantages. They blend in into the décor
rather than standing out and this makes them suitable for minimalist
contemporary interiors. And because of that, a large built-in piece of furniture
can look more slender and smaller than a free-standing one with the same

Moreover, built-ins provide lots of storage. They can occupy an entire wall
without making the room feel considerably smaller. They help create a
cohesive look throughout and can be combined and coordinated with the rest
of the décor.
Another great thing about built-ins is that they can be tailored to fit your
specific needs. Finally, lighting can also be easily integrated into the built-in
furniture and this can also be a great advantage.
5.1.1 Kitchen counters – Sub section of Sheet 11

Kitchen Counter top is a horizontal work surface in kitchens or other food

preparation areas, and workrooms in general. It is frequently installed upon
and supported by cabinets. The surface is positioned at an ergonomic height
for the user and the particular task for which it is designed. A countertop may
be constructed of various materials with different attributes of functionality,
durability, and aesthetics. The countertop may have built-in appliances, or
accessory items relative to the intended application.

Common Materials

Natural stone is one of the most commonly used materials in countertops.

Natural stone or dimension stone slabs (e.g. granite) are shaped using cutting
and finishing equipment in the shop of the fabricator. The edges are commonly
put on by hand-held routers, grinders, or CNC equipment. If the stone has a
highly variegated pattern, the stone may be laid out in final position in the
shop for the customer's inspection, or the stone slabs may be selected by
experienced inspectors. Emerging technology allows for virtual stone
placement on a computer. Exact photographs can now be taken which allow
for the integration of a dxf file to lay on top of a stone image. Wooden
countertops can come in a variety of designs ranging from butcher block to
joined planks to single wide stave. Wood is considered to be the most eco-
friendly option when it comes to choosing a kitchen countertop as wood is a
renewable resource. Wood countertops must be thoroughly cleaned and
disinfected after contact with foods such as raw meat.

Tile, including ceramic tile and stone tile, is installed in much the same way as
flat lay laminate except that the gaps between the tiles are grouted after the
tile has been glued down. Concrete may be utilized as a surfacing material in
one of several forms: cast-in-place (in which the fabricator creates forms atop
the previously installed cabinetry, places, and then finishes the material in
situ), custom precast ( in which the fabricator creates site templates,
duplicates the pattern in a production facility offsite, and installs the finished
product atop the cabinetry), and the machining of pre-manufactured gauged
slabs (similar to natural stone fabrication).
In any of these styles, "self-rimming" sinks can be used. They are mounted in
templated holes cut in the countertop (or substrate material) using a jigsaw or
other cutter appropriate to the material at hand and are suspended by their
rim. The rim forms a close fit, reinforced with a sealant, on the top surface of
the countertop, especially when the sink is clamped into the hole from below.

Kitchen cabinets
They are the built-in furniture installed in many kitchens for storage of food,
cooking equipment, and often silverware and dishes for table
service. Appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens are often
integrated into kitchen cabinetry. There are many options for cabinets
available at present.

Cabinet construction
Cabinet carcass
Cabinets may be either face-frame or frameless in construction. Each option
provides features and drawbacks.

 Face-frame cabinets. Traditional cabinets are constructed using face frames

which typically consist of narrow strips of hardwood framing the cabinet
box opening. Cabinet carcasses were traditionally constructed with a
separate face frame until the introduction of modern engineered
wood such as particle board and medium-density fiberboard along with
glues, hinges and fasteners required to join them.

Most kitchen cabinets have peg-holes on either side within the cabinet
allowing for adjustable shelf height.

 Custom. Custom face-frame cabinets offer more efficient use of space

because double width stiles (see above) can be avoided. They also provide
far greater flexibility with regard to materials and design, since kitchen
cabinet heights, widths and depths can be designed and produced
according to the client's specifications. Every aspect of custom cabinetry
can be made to specifications, which makes it both the most desirable and
the most expensive choice in the majority of kitchen installations.

Framed cabinets have a center stile. Hinges are mounted to the outer cabinet.

Frameless cabinets, also known as "European style", lack a center stile, and
typically have concealed hinges mounted to each inside wall.

 Frameless (full-access) cabinets. Frameless (a.k.a. "full-access") cabinets

utilize the carcase side, top, and bottom panels to serve same functions as
do face-frames in traditional cabinets. In general, frameless cabinets
provide better utilization of space than face-frame cabinets.

A kitchen cabinet display in a store in 2009 in New Jersey.

Cabinet doors
Cabinet doors may feature a variety of materials such as wood, metal or glass.
Wood may be solid wood ("breadboard" construction) or engineered wood or
may be mixed (e.g. engineered wood panel in a solid wood frame)

 Panels. Panels used in frame-and-panel kitchen cabinet doors may be

fashioned either of solid wood or covered by paint, veneer, or laminate in
which case they are fashioned of engineered wood. The panels are typically
not fastened with glue or nails but rather "float" within the frame to
accommodate seasonal expansion or contraction of the wood frame.
 Solid-door construction. Doors may be fabricated of solid material, either
engineered wood (particle board or medium-density fiberboard, but not
typically plywood) or solid wood. Engineered wood panels may either be
used as slabs or may be shaped to resemble frame-and-panel construction.
In either case, engineered wood panels are generally painted, veneered, or
laminated. Solid wood panels are typically formed of multiple boards of the
selected wood species, jointed together using glue and may either be
painted or finished. Solid wood construction offers the possibility of
refinishing in case of damage or wear.
 Decorative panels. Cabinet doors panels can be used decoratively on
cabinet sides, where exposed, for a more finished appearance.
 Glass door construction options. Doors may have glass windows
constructed of muntins and mullions holding glass panels (as in exterior
windows). Other designs either mimic the divided-light look of muntins and
mullions with overlays, or may dispense with them altogether. Cabinets
using glass doors sometimes use glass shelves and interior lighting from the
top of a cabinet. A glass shelf allows light to reach throughout a cabinet. For
a special display effect, the interior rear of a cabinet may be covered with a
mirrors to further distribute light.

Drawers and trays

A functional design objective for cabinet interiors involves maximization of
useful space and utility in the context of the kitchen workflow. Drawers and
trays in lower cabinets permit access from above and avoid uncomfortable or
painful crouching.
In face-frame construction, a drawer or tray must clear the face-frame stile and
is 2 inches (51 mm) narrower than the available cabinet interior space. The loss
of 2 inches is particularly noticeable and significant for kitchens including
multiple narrow [15-inch (380 mm) or less] cabinets.
In frameless construction, drawer boxes may be sized nearly to the interior
opening of the cabinet providing better use of the available space.
However, the same is not true for trays. Even in the case of frameless
construction doors and their hinges when open block a portion of the interior
cabinet width. Since trays are mounted behind the door, trays are typically
significantly narrower than drawers. Special hinges are available that can
permit trays of similar width as drawers but they have not come into wide use.
Shelves provide in all cases more storage space than drawers or trays, but are
less accessible.

Wall oven cabinets

Stock wall-oven cabinets may be adapted to built-in ovens, coffee-makers, or
other appliances by removing portions of the cabinet and adding trim panels to
achieve a flush installation.
Frameless cabinets provide for wall oven front panel widths equal to the
cabinet width (see above). In such an installation the oven front panel occupies
a similar profile as a cabinet door. Accordingly, frameless installations for wall-
oven make most efficient use of the available wall space in a kitchen.
This effect is difficult to achieve in typical face-frame cabinet installations, as it
requires modification to the face-frame (essentially eliminating the face-frame
at the oven cut-out).
5.1.2 Cabinets - – Sub section of Sheet 11
5.1.3 Wardrobes, storage, fittings and fixtures, display units, workstation –
Sheet 14

A wardrobe or armoire is a standing closet used for storing clothes.

Sample Questions

The Particular Subject was conducted as a Studio subject for the previous
years. External Jurys were the form of examination and assessment was done
by checking sheets. For the 2017 regulation this will be the very first time a
batch attends this paper. Therefore there are no question paper patterns
available for sampling questions.

Assignments and manual sheet drafting will be used to assess the progress of
the Student. The Sheets to be drafted have already been mentioned unit
wise in sub sections. Manual Submission of sheets would be preferred in
order to increase work efficiency for ADD written exams.

There will be 14 to 20 Sheets that will be drafted on the basis of individual

Student’s previous year project as well as the timetable for the upcoming

1. What is meant by FFL in building section?

a. Finished floor level
b. Floor finish level
c. (a) or (b)
d. None of the above

2. The minimum width of the Toilet door dimension?

a. 3’-0”
b. 2’-7”
c. 2’-6”
d. 2’-9”

3. What is the minimum sunken level from the FFL to Toilet floor level?
a. ½”
b. ¾”
c. 1”
d. 2”

4. What kitchen layout is popular in large and small homes??

a. L-Shape kitchen layout
b. U-Shape kitchen layout
c. Gallery kitchen layout
d. One-way kitchen layout

5. This kitchen shape is one of the most flexible and most popular, providing a compact
triangle. What kitchen layout is this?
a. The island option
b. The U-shaped kitchen
c. The L-shaped kitchen

d. The G-shaped kitchen

6. This kitchen layout is ideal for larger families needing extra storage space plenty of counter
and cabinet space. This is what we call?
a. The G-shaped kitchen
b. The corridor/Gallery kitchen
c. The single wall /pullman kitchen
d. The L-shaped kitchen

7. What do you call an imaginary line drawn from each of the three primary work stations in
the kitchen?
a. Work centers
b. Work triangle
c. Work simplification
d. Work flow

8. The kitchen layout is ideal for apartments and smaller homes it is called _________
a. The corridor/Gallery kitchen.
b. The G-shaped kitchen
c. The single wall/pullman kitchen
d. L-shaped kitchen

9. How many types of kitchen layout are there?

a. 4.
b. 5.
c. 6.
d. 7.

10. What is the Total length of the work triangle in kitchen?

a. 12-22 ft
b. 10-12 ft

c. 15-20 ft
d. None of the above

11. What is the slab height for kitchen counter top from FFL?
a. 2’-6”
b. 2’-8”
c. 2’-10”
d. 3’-0”

12. What is the depth of Top unit cabin in kitchen?

a. 1’-3”
b. 1’-0”
c. 1’-6”
d. None of the above

13. What is meant by HDF board?

a. Hinge Dense fiber
b. High dense fiber
c. Both (a)&(b)
d. None of the above

14. What is meant by MDF board?

a. Mass dense fiber
b. Medium dense fiber
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. Clause no 28

15. In modular kitchen how much height we provide tiles from FFL?
a. From 2’-6” – 4’-6”
b. From 2’-9” – 4’-9”
c. From 2’-10” – 4’-10

d. From 2’-10” – 4’-6”

16. What is the minimum size of the bottle pullout?

a. 4”
b. 6”
c. 10”
d. 12”

17. What is the maximum size of the bottle pullout?

a. 6”
b. 8”
c. 10”
d. 12”

18. What is the standard height for Tap from toilet floor level?
a. 2’-6”
b. 2’-10”
c. 3’-0”
d. None of the above

19. What is the standard height for wash basin from toilet floor level?
a. 2’-6”
b. 2’-10”
c. 3’-0”
d. None of the above

20. What is the standard height for shower from toilet level?
a. 6’-6”
b. 7’-0”
c. 7’-2”
d. None of the above

21. What is the standard height for hanging rod from toilet floor level?
a. 5’-0”
b. 6’-0”
c. 6’-6”
d. None of the above

22. What is the standard size for main door frame?

a. 2.5”x3.5”
b. 3.5”x5.0”
c. 3.5”x4.5”
d. None of the above

23. What is the standard size for window frame?

a. 2.5”x3.5”
b. 2.5”x3.0”
c. 1.5”x4.5”
d. None of the above

24. What is the glass thickness used in windows shutter?

a. 6mm
b. 8mm
c. 10mm
d. 12mm

25. What is the standard height for vision hole in main door?
a. 5’-0”
b. 5’-6”
c. 6’-0”
d. None of the above

26. What is the standard height for door with handle?

a. 3’-2”
b. 3’-0”
c. 3’-6”
d. None of the above

27. What is the standard size for ventilator?

a. 1’-0”x1’-0”
b. 2’-0”x2’-0”
c. 3’-0”x3’-0”
d. 4’-0”x4’-0”

28. From counter top level what is the standard height for chimney?
a. 1’-0” to 2’-0”
b. 2’-0” to 2’-6”
c. 2’-6” to 3’-0”
d. None of the above
Subject : Architectural Design Detailing
Semester : VII Sem B.Arch.
Code : AR8721

1. After discussing with client, Architect translates client’s ideas and requirements, and
prepares ______________.
a) Working drawings
b) Sanction drawings
c) Schematic drawings
d) Detailed drawings

2. To get approval from local authority, Architect must prepare ___________.

a) Detailed drawing
b) Schematic drawing
c) Sanction drawing
d) Working drawing

3. To start the construction on the site, Architect releases ____________.

a) Sanction drawing
b) Plans and Elevation
c) Grid drawing
d) Detailed drawing

4. To show all details, dimensions and materials used in the construction, Architect will
prepare ___________.
a) Approval drawing
b) Working drawing
c) Structural drawing
d) Presentation drawing

5. Sections of a building is prepared to indicate ___________.

a) Length, breadth & width of any space
b) Positions of windows and doors
c) Dimensions of windows and doors
d) Heights of a building

6. Materials used in the building will be generally represented in _____________.

a) Approval drawing
b) Outline specifications
c) Schedule of openings
d) Grid drawing

7. Generally, the gradient for a ramp will be given as ____________.

a) 1:24
b) 1:12
c) 1:6
d) 1:30
8. Riser and Tread are the main components for designing a staircase, where usually, the measurement
of the riser is __________.
a) R = 17 cm
b) R = 30 cm
c) R = 24 cm
d) R = 6 cm

9. In a staircase, typically Tread has the measurement of _____________.

a) T = 17 cm
b) T = 28 cm
c) T = 7 cm
d) T = 12 cm

10. “Waist slab” is a component that is used while designing a ___________.

a) Roof slab
b) Column footing
c) Staircase
d) Beam

11. The word “nosing” applies to ______________.

a) Riser
b) Tread
c) Waist Slab
d) Handrail

12. Which of these is not a type of staircase?

a) Dog legged staircase
b) Bifurcated staircase
c) Fire escape staircase
d) Spiral staircase

13. Which of these is not a component in a staircase?

a) Newel
b) Handrail
c) Balustrade
d) Threshold

14. Generally, plan of a building is drawn at _______________.

a) Plinth level
b) Sill level
c) Lintel level
d) Roof level

15. Type of material and, the number of windows and doors will be mentioned in _____________.
a) Specifications
b) Schedule of openings
c) Detailed drawing
d) Joinery drawing
16. Identify the incorrect term:
Generally, in a multi-storied building, vehicular parking will be given at ________________.
a) Basement level
b) Cellar level
c) Stilt level
d) Mezzanine level

17. In a Teak wood window, glass will be fixed to ______________.

a) Teak wood Frame
b) Teak wood Beading
c) Teak wood Style
d) Teak wood Mullion

18. Windows will be fixed below ________________.

a) Roof slab
b) Sill beam
c) Lintel beam
d) Roof beam

19. In a building, windows are protected from sun and rain by means of ______________.
a) Tie beam
b) Sill beam
c) Lintel beam
d) Sunshades

20. Glazed tiles are fixed to the walls in toilets and in kitchen, which is called as ______________.
a) Plastering
b) Painting
c) Dadoing
d) Skirting

21. Wastewater from kitchen and toilets run through ______________.

a) Grease trap
b) Silt trap
c) Nahani trap
d) Gully trap

22. Water closet is fixed at ______________.

a) Kitchen
b) Toilet
c) Sump room
d) Overhead tank

23. Health faucet is fixed near ______________.

a) Kitchen sink
b) Wash basin
c) Water closet
d) Hospitals
24. Teak wood windows and doors are fixed to the wall by anchoring ______________.
a) Teak wood frames
b) Threshold
c) Holdfast
d) Jambs

25. Electrical layout is to be finalised before casting ________________.

a) Plinth beam
b) Lintel beam
c) Roof slab
d) Column footings

26. Down take pipes are provided to drain __________________.

a) Wastewater from kitchen
b) Rainwater from terrace
c) Wastewater from wash basin
d) Wastewater from water closet

27. For a given site, if the ground line is at +0.5 level, then basement is at -2.5m level, that means
basement floor is _______________.
a) Lower than ground line
b) Same level as ground line
c) Higher than ground line
d) None of the above

28. Vent pipes are provided to ________________.

a) Drain out rainwater
b) Eliminate foul gases
c) Run wastewater from kitchen sinks
d) Drin out wastewater from toilets

29. Generally, floor to floor height in a building should not be less than ______________.
a) 2.5 m
b) 3.1 m
c) 4.1 m
d) 5.1 m

30. Outer wall of basement level is called __________________.

a) Compound wall
b) Load bearing wall
c) Retaining wall
d) Common wall

1. Mention the energy rating system developed by The Energy and Research Institute for
buildings in India.
a) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
b) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
c) Indian Green Building Council
d) Energy Conservation Building Code

2. Calculate the wavelength of the body for the wavelength for temperature 270C.
a) 10 micro metre
b) 100 micro metre
c) 1 milli metre
d) 0.1 micrometre

3. Wavelength of electromagnetic radiation emitted by heat bodies depend on its ---------.

a) Radiation
b) Temperature
c) Distance
d) All the above

4. Which is responsible for solar radiation?

a) Visible light
b) Near Infrared
c) UV
d) All the above

5. The Invisible rays that impact radiation are

a) Infrared rays
b) Ultraviolet Rays
c) All the above
d) None of the above

6. Which of the following is appropriate one?

a) Radio – Low energy, short wavelength, low frequency
b) Radar – Low energy, long wavelength, high frequency
c) Gamma rays – High energy, low wavelength, high frequency
d) All the above

7. The wavelength of visible light in solar radiation band is

a) 250 nm < 380 nm
b) 340 nm < 800 nm
c) 275 nm < 780 nm
d) 380 nm < 780 nm

8. The wavelength of near infrared rays in solar radiation band is

a) 690 nm < 2500 nm
b) 780 nm < 1400 nm
c) 780 nm < 2500 nm
d) 710 nm < 3000 nm

9. The wavelength of UV rays in solar radiation band is

a) 250 nm < 380 nm
b) 140 nm < 300 nm
c) 380 nm < 780 nm
d) 250 nm < 780 nm

10. The Purpose of green building is to __________ of resources such as energy, water and
a) Normalize efficiency
b) Reduce Efficiency
c) Increase efficiency
d) Make no change

11. Glass offers which of the following benefits.

a) Thermal comfort
b) Day-lighting/ interior-exterior blending
c) Noise control
d) All the above

12. Green building design measures _____________

a) Reduce operating costs
b) No impact in operating costs
c) Increase operating costs
d) None of the above

13. What is the standard rating system for construction for a green building in Singapore?
a) LEED, Green Globes
c) Green Star
d) Green Marks

14. HVAC and artificial lighting constitute _________% of electricity.

a) 40% - 50%
b) 20% - 30%
c) 100%
d) 75% - 80%

15. Passive design features in a building help in

a) Increase carbon monoxide emissions
b) Increase carbon dioxide emissions
c) Decrease carbon dioxide emissions
d) Decrease carbon monoxide emissions

16. The tangible benefits of a green building are

a) Energy savings
b) Water savings
c) Projects green corporate initiatives
d) All the above

17. Solar Control glass can be used to reduce

a) Daylight
b) Solar radiation
c) UV rays
d) Temperature

18. The facture that light transmission depends inside a building are
a) Location
b) Orientation
c) Nature of building operation
d) All the above

19. The parameter that determine energy conservation in artificial lighting is artificial
lighting is
a) Light transmission
b) Solar factor
c) U-value
d) All the above

20. The rate of heat transfer which is also called as U-value can be changed by
a) Tinted glazing
b) Double Glazing
c) Laminated glazing
d) All the above

21. Heat transmittance through a surface by conduction, convection and radiation is

determined by ______
a) R-value
b) U-value
c) R-index
d) U-index

22. The percentage of heat gain that solar factor contributes inside a building is _____
a) 80%
b) 40%
c) 100%
d) 60%

23. The contributing factors for the energy performance of a building are
a) Solar factor or SHGC
b) Light transmission
c) U-Value
d) All the above

24. _________ of a glass determines the heat gain inside a building.

a) R-value
b) Visual light Transmittance
c) Solar factor or SHGC
d) None of the above

25. Solar factor or SHGC is the ratio between ____________

a) Total solar heat gain and the incidental solar energy
b) Heat gain inside building to the total incidental solar energy
c) Total heat transfer to reflected solar energy
d) Heat gain inside building to the total reflected solar energy

26. The key strategy while glazing doors and windows is

a) Lower SHGC on south windows
b) Higher SHGC on North windows
c) Lower SHGC on west windows
d) All the above

27. The process of converting used materials to new products to reduce consumption of fresh
raw materials is ___________
a) Reusing
b) Recycling
c) Manufacturing
d) Reduction

28. Which of the following are the benefits of material resource optimization?
a) Lower energy and raw materials savings
b) Increased cost savings for business and consumers
c) Higher material disposal needs and costs
d) All the above

29. The factors for selection of glass for green building are
a) Climate type
b) Orientation
c) Glazing type
d) All the above

30. The factors that affect thermal comfort are

a) Relative Humidity
b) Air Temperature
c) Occupant’s clothing
d) All the above

31. The factor that light transmission depends inside a building is

a) Orientation
b) Shape of building
c) Size of building
d) None of the above

32. Glass used in the building is ______ recyclable

a) 25%
b) 60%
c) 100%
d) 98%

33. Bigger windows in a building result in

a) High Visual Light Transmittance
b) High Solar Factor
c) Low Visual Transmittance
d) Low Solar Radiation

34. High performance glazing is one of the main objectives of optimizing building design to
a) Increase conventional energy demand
b) Increase material usage
c) Reduce conventional energy demand
d) Reduce renewable energy demand

35. The benefits of GRIHA are

a) Incentive
b) Corporate image
c) Energy Consumption
d) All the above

36. ____________ is one of the criteria requirements of GRIHA Rating Systems.

a) Keeping outdoor and indoor noise at acceptable levels
b) Keeping Outdoor and indoor noise at higher levels
c) Keeping Outdoor noise level at zero
d) Keeping Indoor noise level at Zero

37. Key objectives of optimizing building design to reduce conventional energy demand are
a) Optimize window area
b) Solar passive building design measures
c) Efficient artificial lighting
d) All of the above

38. Which advisory council guides the administrative structure of GRIHA?

a) National Advisory Council
b) The Energy and Research Institute
c) Technical Advisory Committee
d) Ministry of Human Research Development

39. List out the criteria requirements of the GRIHA rating systems
a) Optimize building design to reduce conventional energy
b) Use of low energy materials in interior
c) Optimize energy performance of building in specified limits
d) All of the above

40. ___________ will reflect more daylight that dark coloured surfaces
a) Metallic sunshade
b) Reflective glazing
c) Light coloured surfaces
d) Clear glass

41. Which of the following is used between double glazed unit to redirect sunlight?
a) Argon gas
b) Laminated glass
c) Louvers
d) Venetian blinds

42. ___________ will redirect brightness of sunlight into deeper areas of the building
a) Metallic sunshade
b) Reflective glazing
c) Light coloured surfaces
d) Clear glass
43. To maximise daylight, _____________ can be used in the proposed building to allow
natural light into interiors of the building.
a) Skylight
b) Glass façade
c) Louvers
d) All the above

44. List out the design approache to maximize daylight.

a) Use of louvers between glass facades
b) Use of tinted glass facade
c) Use of louvers between double glazed unit
d) None of the above

45. Which of the following types of glass will be ideal for the building?
a) Glass with SHGC 0.57 and U-value 4.8
b) Glass with SHGC 0.60 and U-value 2.5
c) Glass with SHGC 0.45 and U-value 3.7
d) Glass with SHGC 0.25 and U-value 1.8

46. Colour rendering is the measure of ____________ perceived through a material.

a) U-value
b) Transparence
c) Trueness of colour
d) All the above

47. ECBC stands for

a) Election Commission Building Code
b) Electricity Conservation Building Code
c) Energy Conservation Building Code
d) Energy Consumption Building Code

48. Which windows provide adequate daylight?

a) Punched windows
b) Strip windows
c) Recessed windows
d) Metallic windows

49. Solar control glass with SG/SHGC 0.3 means?

a) 7% solar contribution blocked outside and 93% passes inside
b) 70% solar contribution blocked outside and 30% passes inside
c) 30% solar contribution blocked outside and 70% passes inside
d) 93% solar contribution blocked outside and 7% passes inside
50. Heat transmittance through a surface by conduction, convection and radiation is
expressed by its _____
a) H-value
b) U-value
c) S-value
d) R-value

51. Which is responsible for night time glare?

a) External light reflection
b) Light transmission
c) Internal light reflection
d) Light radiation

52. Hot bodies emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of __________ radiation
a) Ultraviolet
b) Infrared
c) Visible light
d) All the above


1. Mention the energy rating system developed by The Energy and Research Institute for
buildings in India.
a) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
b) Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
c) Indian Green Building Council
d) Energy Conservation Building Code

2. Calculate the wavelength of the body for the wavelength for temperature 270C.
a) 10 micro metre
b) 100 micro metre
c) 1 milli metre
d) 0.1 micrometre

3. Wavelength of electromagnetic radiation emitted by heat bodies depend on its ---------.

a) Radiation
b) Temperature
c) Distance
d) All the above

4. Which is responsible for solar radiation?


Year/ Semester : 4/VII

1. A floor plan is a___

a) Horizontal section b) Vertical Section c) Diagonal Section d) Radial Section
2. The hatch for a Brick Masonary Wall is
a) 2 diagonal lines b) 2 straight lines c) 1 straight line d) 1 dotted line
3. Which drawing is used to mark the building design on the site
a) Execution drawing b) Conceptual drawing c) Beam drawing d) Centre line drawing
4. How is a recession in an elevation represented
a) colour change b) texture change c) line weight change d) linetype change
5. Steps after 6-7nos of a staircase are represented in dotted line because they:
a) clear lintel level b) clear sill level c) clear beam bottom level d) clear ceiling level
6. What is the purpose of leaders
a) indication line b) division line c) margin line d) decorative element
7. What is the general minimum line weight of a building wall
a) 0.05mm b)1mm c) 0.25mm d) 5mm
8. What does a revision cloud represent
a) a cut out b) an extrusion c) modification detail d) architectural feature
9. What are the staircase used to change the direction of the stairs without landings
a) binder b) winder c) finder d) minder
10. What is the line extends a line on the object to the dimension line
a) section line b) leader line c) break line d) extension line
11. What a step-shaped recess cut along the edge of the door frame, forming a match to the door
a) rebate b) frog c) tower bolt d) planer
12. What is the line extends a line on the object to the dimension line
a) section line b) leader line c) break line d) extension line
13. What does a schedule of Joinery contain
a) Joinery drawings b) Joinery sketches c) Joinery specifications d) Joinery images
14. How is concrete represented in a section drawing
a) aligned circles b) scattered triangles c) cross hatch d) solid hatch
15. Using what is a glass panel fixed to a door pane
a) beading b) screws c) nails d) wooden plug
16. What is the minimum inner gap needed between 2 metal roads in a window grill
a) .05-1" b) 12-14" c) 3-4"d) 0.2-0.3"
17. What is the functional representation of a design used for its construction
a) conceptual plan b) execution plan c) approval plan d) centre line plan
18. What is the minimum size of a staircase tread
a) 10" b) 6" c) 24" d) 2"
19. What is the ideal size of a staircase riser
a) 9" b) 2" c) 12" d) 6"
20. How many flights does a typical dog-legged staircase have
a) 4 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
21. What is the line used to represent Site extents
a) solid line b) dotted line c) dot-dash line d) none of these
22. Which door frame has a threshold
a) bedroom door b) service door c) bathroom door d) Main/entrance door
23. What does a closed shaped crossed with dotted lines represent
a) water body b) Open to Sky c) false ceiling d) none of these
24. What is the typical window sill level
a) 5" b) 2'6" c) 7'0" d) 5"0"
25. What does a circle accompanied by an arrow in toilets represent
a) nahani trap b) control trap c) fire trap d) oil trap
Subject Code & Title: AR8707 Specification, Estimation & Valuation

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Name the methods used for deriving the quantities for walls.
a. Long Wall – Short Wall Method b. Centreline Method c. Both d. None of
the above
Answer: c. Both

2. The other name for Long Wall – Short Wall Method is __________.
a. In-to-in and Out-to-out Method b. Crossings Method c. Centreline Method
d. None of the above
Answer: a. In-to-in and Out-to-out Method

3. In __________ Method, all walls are measured as separate walls.

a. Long Wall – Short Wall Method b. Centreline Method c. Crossings Method
d. All of the above
Answer: a. Long Wall – Short Wall Method

4. In __________ Method, all walls are measured as a same wall.

a. Long Wall – Short Wall Method b. Centreline Method c. In-to-in and Out-to-out
Method d. None of the above
Answer: b. Centreline Method

5. __________ dimension of a room is used in Long Wall – Short Wall Method, for Long-wall.
a. Internal b. External c. Centre-line d. Any of the above
Answer: b. External

6. __________ dimension of a room is used in Long Wall – Short Wall Method, for Short-wall.
a. Internal b. External c. Centre-line d. Any of the above
Answer: a. Internal

7. __________ dimension of a wall is used in Centre-line Method.

a. Internal b. External c. Centre-line d. Any of the above
Answer: c. Centre-line

8. __________ method is suitable if all walls are of different thickness.

a. Long Wall – Short Wall Method b. Centreline Method c. Crossings Method
d. Any of the above
Answer: a. Long Wall – Short Wall Method
9. __________ method is possible only if the wall thickness of all rooms are generally same.
a. Long Wall – Short Wall Method b. Centreline Method In-to-in and Out-to-out
Method d. Any of the above
Answer: b. Centreline Method

10. Partition walls of same thickness are measured and entered in__________ quantity.
a. Volume b. Area c. Length d. Any of the above
Answer: b. Area

11. Works with same area of cross section are generally measured and entered in __________
a. Volume b. Area c. Length d. Any of the above
Answer: c. Length

12.Boundary walls of same height and thickness are generally measured and entered in __________
a. Volume b. Area c. Length d. Any of the above
Answer: c. Length

13. Drainages of same cross section are generally measured and entered in __________ quantity.
a. Volume b. Area c. Length d. Any of the above
Answer: c. Length

14. Pavements or roads of same cross section are generally measured and entered in __________
a. Volume b. Area c. Length d. Any of the above
Answer: c. Length

15. Plastering of same thickness are generally measured and entered in __________ quantity.
a. Volume b. Area c. Length d. Any of the above
Answer: b. Area

16. In brickwork of same bricks and same mortar mix, for different floors the quantities are measured
and entered __________.
a. separately b. same entity c. either way d. depends on situation
Answer: a. separately

17. In plastering for ceiling and walls, of same thickness and plaster mix, the quantities are measured
and entered __________.
a. separately b. same entity c. either way d. depends on situation
Answer: a. separately

18. In PCC for ground floor and below foundation, of same concrete mix, the quantities are measured
and entered __________.
a. separately b. same entity c. either way d. depends on foundation depth
Answer: a. separately

19. Reinforcement steel for RCC is measured and entered in __________ quantity.
a. Volume b. Area c. Length d. Weight
Answer: d. Weight

20. Accessories for electrical and plumbing works are measured and entered in __________ quantity.
a. Length b. Area c. Numbers d. Weight
Answer: c. Numbers

21. In inner plastering and outer plastering for walls, deductions for doors, windows, etc. are made
a. both sides side c. not deducted d. depends on situation
Answer: side

22. In inner painting and outer painting for walls, deductions for doors, windows, etc. are made
a. both sides side c. not deducted d. depends on situation
Answer: side

23. In woodwork for doors, windows, etc. the quantities are measured and entered __________.
a. Volume b. Area c. Numbers d. Weight
Answer: a. Volume

24. Steelworks for gates, grill works, etc. are measured and entered in __________ quantity.
a. Numbers b. Area c. Length d. Weight
Answer: d. Weight

25. All (numbers) quantities are measured and entered in __________ decimal accuracy.
a. 0 b.1 c. 2 d. 3
Answer: c. 2
AR8701- Landscape Design

1. The history of gardening extends across at least __________years of human civilization.

a. 4000
b. 2500
c. 3500
d. 2000

2. ____________ earliest physical evidence of ornamental horticulture and landscape design.

a. Egyptian tomb paintings
b. Hanging Gardens
c. Antique Roman villas
d. Gardens of Versailles.

3. ___________Landscapes characterizes prehistoric earthworks and patterns.

a. Cosmological
b. Urban
c. Traditional
d. none of the above
4. Ancient Gardens describes early __________.
a. Parks and villas
b. Gardens
c. Green parks
d. Playgrounds.
5. Early information of Indian history of gardens is from _______ civilization.
a. Harappan
b. Mesopotamian
c. Egyptian
d. Greek
6.Harappan pots were generally decorated with the design of ______.
a. Trees
b. Fountains
c. leaves
d. Flowers.
7. Aryans of the vedic period were great lovers of _____________.
a. Trees
b. Flowers
c. Trees & Flowers
d. Mountain.

8. Emperor Ashoka adopted __________ as one of his state policies.

a. Arboriculture
b. Horticulture
c. Botanical Garden
d. Terrace garden
9. Firoz shah Tughlaq had developed _______ gardens around Delhi.
a. 1200
b. 2000
c. 500
d. 1000.
10. Among the mughal emperors ______ had high aesthetic sense.
a. Babur
b. shah jahan
c. jahangir
d. Akbar
11. The Mandore Garden near Jodhpur was built by __________.
a. Raja Abhai singh
b. Jai singh
c. Man singh
d. Rawal Ratan singh
12. Britishers added __________ to indian garden.
a. beautiful annuals & biennials
b. trees & shrubs
c. climbers & creepers
d. scented trees
13. _________ is the art of developing the plant into different forms or shapes like animals, birds,
a. Topiary
b. Trophy
c. hedges
d. lawn
14. Garden component / features are
a. Trees, plants & shrubs
b. lawn, hedges & topiary
c. pond & fountain
d. all of the above
15. _________are perennial herbs often used as a short border for lawn or ground cover or dividing
beds from roads, walks or paths.
a. edges
b. hedges
c. topiary
d. flower beds
16. _________ is formed by taking the advantage of a natural depression.
a. Sunken garden
b. Terrace garden
c. Rock Garden
d. all of the above.
17. A reflecting garden pool is preferably shallow with a depth of _______.
a. 25-30 cm
b. 3-5m
c. 15-90cm
d. 35-60 cm
18. Who is the father of modern landscape design ?
a. Frederick law olmsted
b. Henry Vincent
c. Higuchi
d. Francis DK ching.
19. A Contemporary style landscape design in a residence include
a. Outdoor kitchen
b. swimming pool
c. pavilion
d. all of the above
20. Garden adornments and accessories are ___________.
a. ornamental posts and pillars
b. arches and pergolas
c. trellises,fountains, statues
d. all of the above
21. __________ are usually open on all sides.
a. Arbours
b. Grottos
c. Fountains
d. None of the above.
22. The components of plants are ____________.





23. Hindu temples associated with gardens, also known as __________.

a. Nandavanam

b. sacred grooves

c. divine garden

d. None of the above.

24. _____________ is an example of contemporary public landscape projects.

a. Sony center, Berlin

b. Villa di castello, Tuscany
c. Chatsworth house, Derbyshire
d. None of the above.

25. The art of gardening is believed to be an important part of ________ culture for many centuries.
a. Japanese
b. Chinese
c. Spanish
d. French
26. Garden design of japan is strongly connected to the ___________
of the country.
a. Philosophy & religion
b. social & culture
c. economy
d. None of the above
27. Shinto, Buddhism & ________ were used in creation of the Japanese garden style.
a. Taoism
b. Hinduism
c. Confucianism
d. None of the above
28. In japanese landscape, the line between the garden & its surrounding landscape is __________.
a. not distinct
b. distinct
c. clumsy
d. none of the above
29. Japanese landscape garden style,basic rule of design is ________.
a. asymmetry
b. odd numbers
c. Triangle
d. all of the above
30. ____________that softens the effect.
a. Curves
b. Lines
c. Contrast
d. openness
31. Zen ideology of ________________ widely used.
a. to have nothing is to have everything
b. emptiness
c. form follows function
d. wabi & sabi.
32. The concept of wabi & sabi is
a. Time & space
b. Scale & Proportion
c. balance & emptiness
d. none of the above.
33. ________ is symbolized as Formal Garden.
a. Hill
b. ponds
c. flat land
d. tea room.
34. ________ (pond) is symbolized as Intermediate garden.
a. Gyo
b. shin
c. so
d. Sumi
35. Example Of Formal japanese garden style _____________.
a. Daitokuji temple,Kyoto
b. Ritsurin Koen, Sanbonmatsu
c. Tsukiyama
d. all of the above.
36. Moon bridge purpose is to reflect _____________.
a. artistic feeling
b. wisdom & power
c. symbol of purity
d. none of the above
37. Stone lanterns represent ________ in japanese landscape.
a. earth,water, fire & wind
b. 5natural elements
c. earth & fire
d. none of the above.
38. ________ is symbolized as an informal garden.
a. Flat land
b. Ponds
c. Hills
d. Tea room
39. ________ can denote the spirit of the place, event or object.
a. Wabi
b. sabi
c. Sumi
d. so
40. ____________ defines time or ideal image of place, event or object.
a. Sabi
b. wabi
c. Miegakure
d. None of the above
41. The ________ is a tool to enhance the concept of Miegakure, or hide & reveal.
a. Fence
b. bridge
c. rock
d. fish pond
42. Borrowed scenery is the principle of ___________________.
a. Incorporating background landscape into the composition of a garden.
b. Incorporating the landforms & water source.
c. formality & organization
d. distincting the surroundings
43. The term “Borrowed scenery’’ is __________ in origin.
a. chinese
b. japanese
c. spanish
d. italian.
44. Shakkei is ___________.
a. borrowed landscape
b. hide & reveal
c. balance
d. stone water basins
45. Basic elements in japanese gardens are _________________.
a. Bamboo fence & seasonal plants
b. meandering pathways & stone lantern
c. rocks & sands
d. all of the above
46. ____________ are screens that hide unwanted views or objects in japanese gardens.
a. short fence (sodegaki)
b. seasonal plants
c. water basin
d. none of the above.
47. Gardens of the 10th to 12th centuries contained ____________.
a. Cherry,plum trees, pines and willows
b. cactus & succulents
c. ornamental plants & bulbous plants
d. none of the above.
48. Stepping stones in japanese gardens are found near the ______.
a. veranda
b. entrance of the house
c. tea room
d. all of the above
49. _________ fundamental elements of japanese garden.
a. Rock & sand
b. water
c. plants
d. none of the above
50. Reduced scale, symbolization and borrowed views are the techniques/methods used in
a. Japanese scenery method
b. Italian scenery method
c. Chinese Traditional scenery method
d. none of the above.
51. Example of Dry garden
a. Karesansui Garden
b. Tsukiyama gardens
c. Chaniwa gardens
d. none of the above.
52. Example of Hill/stroll garden
a. Tsukiyama gardens
b. Chaniwa gardens
c. Karesansui Garden
d. none of the above.
53. Example of Tea garden
a. Chaniwa gardens
b. Karesansui Garden
c. Tsukiyama gardens
d. none of the above.
54. Karesansui Garden influence by ________
a. Zen buddhism
b. Taoism
c. Shintoism
d. Confucianism
55. Rocks and moss symbolize ___________________ in Karesansui Garden.
a. Ponds,islands
b. boats, seas
c. Mountains & river
d. all of the above
56. Stones in Karesansui Garden usually are ____________.
a. off-white or grey
b. green
c. black
d. all of the above.
57. Ryoanji temple is also called as _______________.
a. Temple of the peaceful Dragon
b. Zen temple
c. Ancient kyoto temple
d. all of the above
58. Ryoanji temple garden has __ rocks.
a. 15
b. 14
c. 18
d. 13
59. In buddhism the number __ signifies wholeness or completeness.
a. 15
b. 13
c. 18
d. 14
60. Tsukiyama gardens have used _________ concepts.
a. Borrowed scenery & Hide- reveal
b. time & space
c. Balance
d. none of the above.
61. _____________ are used frequently in hill/ stroll garden.
a. Ponds, streams
b. hills & stones
c. trees, flowers, bridges
d. all of the above
62. ____________ influence is prominent in the mughal architecture & landscape design.
a. Persian
b. chinese
c. spanish
d. Italian
63. ____________ influence is prominent in the japanese landscape design.
a. chinese
b. spanish
c. Italian
d. Persian
64. ____________ influence is prominent in the english landscape design.
a. Italian & French
b. chinese
c. spanish
d. Persian
65. Persian concept of garden includes :
a. Paradise garden
b. Hide & reveal
c. Time & space
d. Scale & Proportion
66. Muslim art -
a. Geometric
b. Asymmetric
c. Informal
d. None of the above
67. Hindu art -
a. Organic
b. complex & diverse
c. balance
d. all of the above
68. Garden in Islamic style of architecture symbolizes the _________.
a. Spirituality
b. Peace
c. Culture
d. None of the above.
69. The Mughal gardens in India were expressed as either ________ & ________.
a. Pleasure Garden & Tomb
b. Terrace garden
c. Green park
d. None of the above.
70. Example of pleasure garden
a. Shalimar garden
b. Taj mahal, Agra
c. Humayun’s Tomb
d. None of the above

71. The common feature of Mughal Garden

a. Straight tile-lined channels of water
b. a pavilion or gazebo
c. bubbling fountains
d. all of the above.
72. The Spatial Organisation of Mughul garden follows _________.
a. Walled Garden
b. Grid of rectilinear
c. axial alignment
d. all of the above
73. Babur introduced the concept of ________.
a. Charbagh
b. Chadar
c. Baradari
d. chabutara
74. Mughal Garden in India is widely established in _________ .
a. Delhi & kashmir
b. Rajasthan
c. Maharashtra
d. Karnataka
75. Mughal garden style is also seen in __________.
a. Pakistan
b. Afghanistan
c. Bangladesh
d. all of the above
76. _____________- Small niches behind the falling water.
a. chinni kana
b. Charbagh
c. Baradari
d. chabutara

77. _________- slab with intricate carving on which water is made to run over.
a. chadhar
b. Charbagh
c. chinni kana
d. chabutara
78. Ripples & glitter of swift flowing water considered as design criteria in________.
a. Mughal garden
b. japanese garden
c. spanish garden
d. none of the above.
79. Planting done as __________ in Mughal garden.
a. Clumps
b. Avenues
c. edges & bed
d. all of the above
80. Water in Mughal garden symbolises the ______________.
a. LIfe
b. purity
c. faith
d. God
81. _____________ principle followed prominently in Mughal Garden.
a. Symmetry
b. formal
c. Organised axial
d. all of the above
82. The Taj mahal complex can be conveniently divided into __ sections.
a. 5
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
83. Shalimar Bagh is an example of ______ garden.
a. Pleasure
b. tomb
c. terrace
d. none of the above.

84. Shalimar Bagh garden has __ terraces.

a. 3
b. 5
c. 2
d. 7
85. Shalimar Bagh private garden also called _______.
a. Emperor’s garden
b. zenana
c. sacred garden
d. none of the above.
86. Zenana garden, on the _______ terrace.
a. third
b. second
c. first
d. none of the above.
87. Shalimar Bagh garden is well known for _______.
a. Chini khanas
b. arched niches
c. behind garden waterfalls
d. all of the above
88. Rajastabathibavan is an emulation of _________ garden style.
a. Mughal
b. English
c. japanes
d. chinese
89. Brindavanam is an emulation of _________ garden style.
a. Mughal
b. English
c. japanese
d. chinese

90. English landscape - Landforms consist of __________ elements.

a. Romantic
b. classical
c. Formal
d. none of the above.
91. Softscapes elements are ____________.
a. Formal planters
b. Raised ornamental stone pots
c. Topiary
d. all of the above
92. Sensory garden is a part of _____________ garden style.
a. English
b. French
c. Japanese
d. none of the above.
93. The surprise element is one of the design concepts in ________ garden style.
a. English
b. Japanese
c. chinese
d. spanish
94. The english garden is filled more with ________.
a. Eye-catchers
b. fish pond & bridges
c. rock & stone lanterns
d. all of the above.
95. Rose garden is a part of _______ garden.
a. English
b. French
c. Japanese
d. none of the above.
96. Kitchen garden is a part of _______ garden style.
a. English
b. French
c. Japanese
d. none of the above.

97. Herb garden is a part of _______ garden style.

a. Italian
b. Spanish
c. chinese
d. none of the above.
98. In Italian garden,_______ trees are huge in numbers.
a. Citrus
b. Mango
c. Flowering trees
d. Pipal
99. Gardenesque features include _______.
a. Shrubberies
b. Graveled walks
c. Tree plantation and flowers in planted beds.
d. all of the above
100. Chatsworth is an example of __________.
a. english garden
b. Mughal
c. Italian
d. none of the above
101. Rolling lawn is a characteristic of ___________.
a. English garden
b. persian garden
c. spanish
d. none of the above
102. ____ is an integral element of english garden style.
a. Grottos
b. rolling mounds
c. Topiary
d. all of the above
103. Hideouts for users found in ________.
a. English garden
b. persian garden
c. spanish
d. none of the above
104. Grooves of trees, Gothic ruins, bridges are seen in _______ garden style.
a. English garden
b. Mughal
c. Spanish
d. none of the above
105. Sham ruins, bridges, statues are the main ingredients of ______ landscape.
a. English garden
b. Mughal
c. Spanish
d. none of the above
106. The garden of hampton court palace is an example of _________.
a. English garden
b. Mughal
c. Spanish
d. none of the above
107. sham ruins means ________.
a. pretends to be the remains of an old building
b. hideouts
c. old structure
d. none of the above.
108. Parterre garden means __________.
a. pattern is itself an ornament
b. raised platform
c. sunken flowering beds
d. none of the above
109. The palace of Versailles is an example of _______.
a. French
b. English
c. spanish
d. Italian
110. Villa lante bagnaia is an example of _______ garden.
a. Italian
b. French
c. English
d. spanish
111. _____________ - Form & structure were reflected in Italian Renaissance garden.
a. Pompian houses
b. Dark houses
c. Tea houses
d. none of the above
112. Medici villa at Fiesole is an example of _______ garden style.
a. French
b. English
c. spanish
d. Italian
113. ______ & ______ element is taken from Italian to contemporary landscape style.
a. Pergolas & Labyrinth
b. Ornamented Fountains & Bridges
c. animal faced spouts & caves
d. none of the above.
114. __________ planning strategies of Renaissance gardens.
a. Formal
b. order & symmetry
c. Hierarchy of axes & symmetry along the central axis.
d. all of the above
115. Renaissance garden as an symbol of _________.
a. power,wealth & celebration
b. Purity
c. equality
d. none of the above
116. Italian renaissance garden employed the illusion of _______.
a. material
b. size & shape
c. character
d. all of the above
117. Features of Italian garden
a. Stepped sequence & clipped topiary
b. pool,fountain & cascade
c. statues,great vases & vine covered pergolas.
d. all of the above
118. Box hedged flower gardens are a feature of ______ garden.
a. Italian
b. English
c. Japanese
d. French
119. ___ terraces were included as the Built component of Renaissance garden style.
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
120. Parterre used to ______ spaces.
a. divide
b. connect
c. highlight
d. none of the above
121. In Renaissance gardens, ______ trees are used in Avenues.
a. Cypress, oak, etc
b. Eucalyptus
c. Lemon trees
d. none of the above.
122. Fountain of Giants,Lamps,Dolphins,chain,flood & Pegasus are seen in ______ garden style.
a. Italian
b. French
c. Japanese
d. Mughal.
123. Fountain of __________ is the symbol of the source of artistic creativity.
a. Pegasus
b. Giants
c. Lamps
d. Dolphins
124. Fountain of __________ is symbolic of the fertility that water brings to the land.
a. Giants
b. Lamps
c. Dolphins
d. Pegasus
125. ___________ fountain’s theme derives from the Biblical flood of the old testament.
a. Flood
b. Lamp
c. Giants
d. chain
126. ________ fountain begins with the crayfish’s head.
a. Chain
b. Giants
c. Lamps
d. Dolphins


1. AESS has significantly higher requirements for the form, fit and ..........

A) Finish B) Continuous C) Protection D) Fire Resistance

2. Delivering a successful AESS structure is not difficult, provided that clear communication about
intent is maintained among the architect, engineer and ............

A) Customer B) Frabricator C) Labour D) None of the above

3. AESS connections will often incorporate specialty items such as rods and ........... connectors.

A) Magnetic B) Flexible C) Tensile D) Welded

4. .............. connections are often chosen when using W, C or L shapes.

A) Structural B) Riveted C) Welded D) Bolted

5. Welding is often used on .............. shapes, and less often for W, C or L shapes.

A) Hollow structural B) Plate Structural C) Bar Structural D) All the Above

6. ….......…... is basic elements which is used for distant elements such as roof trusses, simple
canopies or more industrial applications.

A) AESS 4 B) Standard Structural C) AESS 1D) None the Above

7. AESS 2, Feature Elements with a view distance …...... is suggested for high level architectural
eements that are part of buildings with greater architectural aspirations than AESS 1.

A) >3m/10ft B) <6m/20ft C) >6m/20ft D) < 3m/10ft

8. AESS 3, Feature Elements with a view distance <6m/20ft is suggested for uses such as airports,
commercial buildings, pedestrian bridges, hospitals and lobbies.

A) AESS 3 B) AESS 1 C) AESS 4 D) Standard Structural

9.The curving or bending processes used on the pedestrian bridges include-3-point rolling
method,........... and Plate rolling

A) Brake making B) Brake forming C) Brake rolling D) All the Above

10.The curving or bending processes used on the pedestrian bridges include-3-point rolling
method,Brake forming and ….......

A) Plate rolling B) Plate forming C) Bar rolling D) None the Above

11.Three key factors should be addressed to ensure a successful outcome in AESS project are Good
Communication,................... and Reasonable Cost.

A) Projections B) Connections C) Bar rolling D) None the Above

12. A …............ is a structural system commonly used in structures subject to lateral loads such as
wind and seismic pressure.

A) Column B) Flooring system C) Braced frame D) Truss System

13.The members in a braced frame are generally made of structural steel, which can work

effectively both in tension and ….................

A) Flexibility B) Stiffness C) Connection D) Compression

14. The main reasons for using trusses are …........,Lightweight,Reduced deflection ,Opportunity to
support considerable loads.

A) Flexibility B) Short span C) Long span D) None of the Above

15. ................ is a plate for connecting beams and girders to columns.

A) Truss plate B) Gusset plate C) Steel Plate D) None of the Above

16. Pratt trusses are commonly used in long span buildings ranging from ............. in span.

A) 5 to 10 m B) 10 to 20 m C) 20 to 75 m D) 80 to 100 m
17. Warren trusses are commonly used in long span buildings ranging from ............. in span.

A) 5 to 10 m B) 10 to 20 m C) 20 to 50 m D) 50 to 110 m

18. Different floor systems are …........., Precast units, Down stand beam systems and Shallow floors.

A) Complex B) Composite slabs C) Tangled D) Folding

19.Different floor systems are Composite slabs,Precast units, …................ and Shallow floors.

A) Up stand beam systems B) Tangled C) Down stand beam systems D) Folding

20. ........... are commonly used in long span buildings ranging from 50 to 110 m in span.

A) Fink truss B) North light trusses C) Pratt trusses D) Warren trusses


1. Which book deals with the “art of relationship” between the various components of the urban
a. The Concise Townscape
b. The Image of the City
c. Mono town
d. The death and life of America
2. Who developed concentric- zone theory of city?
a. Louis wirth
b. E. Burgess
c. M.N Srinivas
d. M.S.A Rao 16.
3. The concept of serial vision and punctuation were proposed by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
4. Who is the author ofBook -“What Time is this Place”
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
5. Who said the following statement:
“the even progress of travel is illuminated by a series of sudden contrasts and so
an impact is made on the eye, bringing the plan to life”.
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs
d. Rossi
6. Who develop A Theory of Good City Form
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
7. Name the theory developed by D.Harris and Edward in analysing city.
a. Ecological theory
b. Zone theory
c. Sector theory
d. Multiple nuclei
8. Ideas of Imageability, Mental mapping and wayfinding developed by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
9. The channels along which the observer customarily, occasionally or potentially moves
a. District
b. Node
c. Landmark
d. Pathway
10. Life on Streets And Between Buildings were proposed by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
11. Area of homogeneous character recognized by clues.
a. District
b. Node
c. Landmark
d. Pathway
12. Which is the medium to large sections of the city, conceived of as having two
dimensionalextents,which the observer mentally enters “inside of” and which are recognizable
as having some common,identifying character
a. District
b. Node
c. Landmark
d. Pathway
13. “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only
when, they are created by everybody.” Quotes by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
14. Strategic foci/point in the city into which observer can enter.
a. District
b. Node
c. Landmark
d. Pathway
15. The theory “Repetition and Fixation”&“Urban artefacts- Studied and valued” were proposed by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Aldo Rossi
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
16. Which is another type of point reference, but in this case the observer does not enter
withinthem,they are external is called as
a. District
b. Node
c. Landmark
d. Pathway
17. The book – The Death and Life of Great American Cities by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
18. “The streets is the river of life of the city, the place where we come together, the pathway to
the center”.Quotes by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Gordon Cullen
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
19. “Collective memory and genius loci”theories were proposed by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Aldo Rossi
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
20. Who is the author of the book- “The Last Landscape (1968)”?
a. Aldo Rossi
b. Colin Rowe
c. Jane Jacobs
d. William Whyte
21. Teatro del Mondo -Venice Italy is important work of
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Aldo Rossi
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
22. Memory through monuments concept were proposed by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Aldo Rossi
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
23. The book – The Death and Life of Great American Cities by
a. Kevin Andrew Lynch
b. Aldo Rossi
c. Jane Jacobs
d. William Whyte
24. The book – Collage Cityby
a. Colin Rowe
b. Aldo Rossi
c. Jane Jacobs,
d. William Whyte
25. In which book is a critical reappraisal of contemporary theories of urban planning and design
and of the role of the architect-planner in an urban context.
a. Collage City
b. Image of the city
c. The Death and Life of Great American Cities
d. None of these
26. Who rejects the Messiah approach in Urban planning shown by earlier contemporaries and
argues for a benefactorial relationship in modifying the city
a. Aldo Rossi
b. Jane Jacobs
c. Colin Rowe
d. William Whyte.
27. Who is the author of the book- “The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces (1980)”?
a. Aldo Rossi
b. Colin Rowe
c. Jane Jacobs
d. William Whyte
28. Who is the author of the book- “Architecture of Good Intentions”?
a. Aldo Rossi
b. Colin Rowe
c. Jane Jacobs
d. William Whyte
29. Who wrote the book- The Economy of Cities?
a. Aldo Rossi
b. Colin Rowe
c. Jane Jacobs
d. William Whyte
30. Who is the author of the book- “City: Rediscovery of the Center (1988)”?
a. Aldo Rossi
b. William Whyte
c. Colin Rowe
d. Jane Jacobs

31. Name the Italian Magazine – Aldo Rossi worked for

a. La SettimanaEnigmistica
b. Casabella - Continuta
c. Calcio 2000
d. Vogue Italia
32. Name two Artists inspired Aldo Rossi
a. Michalangelo& Raphael
b. Titan & Giotto
c. De Chirico &Sironi
d. Da vinci& Giotto
33. Jane Jacobs was an chief editor of
a. Architectural Forum
b. Times
c. Art & Architecture
d. Inside & Outside
34. Title of Revolutionary Campaign led by Jane Jacobs
a. Stop Spadina Campaign
b. Save Cities
c. Save Slum
d. Come On America
35. Who focused on “Pedestrian &Cyclsist” in improving the Urban Quality
a. Genius Loci
b. Jan Gehl
c. Alvar Alto
d. Le Corbusier
36. Name of the book published by “Jan Gehl”
a. Life Between Buildings
b. Landscape & Ecology
c. Top 10 American Cities
d. All the above
37. William Whyte born in
a. New york
b. Barcelona
c. Poland
d. West Chester
38. Colin Rowe awarded the “Gold Medal” by the
b. Council of British Architects
c. Art & Architecture Association
d. British Group of Architects
39. The book – The Organization Man written by
a. Gorden Cullen
b. William.H.Whyte
c. Kavin Lynch
d. Peter Zumthor
40. Unique feature of “Teatro Del Mondo”
a. Floating Theater
b. Flying Theatre
c. Cine Theatre
d. Weekend Theatre
41. Architect of “Bonnefanten Museum”
a. Tado Ando
b. Tom Wrights
c. Aldo Rossi
d. Charles Correa
42. Genius Loci refers to
a. Protective Spirit of a place
b. Universal Intelligent
c. Save the nature
d. None of the above
43. Name the book written by Jane Jacobs
a. The economy of Cities
b. The Question of Separatism
c. Cities & Wealth of Nations
d. All the above
44. Unslummingfavored by
a. Jane Jacobs
b. Antonio Gaudi
c. F.l.Wright
d. All the above
45. Unslumming refers to
a. Slum Clearance
b. Rehabilitation of Slums
c. Building Houses in Slums
d. All the above
46. Cities have capability of Providing something for everybody, Only because, and only when
they are created by everybody – said by
a. Peter Zumthor
b. Wang shu
c. Cheguverah
d. None of the Above

47. Global Award for Sustainable Architecture received by

a. Renzo Piano
b. Robert Vneturi
c. Jan GEHL
d. None of the Above
48. Neo Rationalism followed by
a. Aldo Rossi
b. Wang shu
c. Cheguverah
d. None of the Above
49. “House of Dead” refers to
a. San CataldoCemetry
b. Death corner
c. Le Death Cemetry
d. Phillipinomodern
50. Concept behind “Scholastic Building”
a. Blending with nearby buildings
b. Borrowed LANDSCAPE
c. Industrialization
d. Expressionism

AR8007 Contemporary building materials

1. A combination of two or more constituent materials are termed as

a.Insulation materials

b.Contemporary materials

c.Composite materials

2. The characteristics from a composite material is to create ______ among the building materials
a.High quality

b.High performance

c.High density

3. Which of the following will not come under composite material?




d.None of the above

4. Which of the following is/are the properties of composite material?

b.High abrasion resistance

c.Both a & b

d.None of the above

5. Which of the following factor affects the property of composite materials?




d.None of the above

6. Composite materials have better insulation towards heat and fire.

a. Yes
b. No
7. The measurement of the ability of a material or system to resist, and ideally prevent, the passage
of fire from one distinct area to another.
a. Fire resistance
b. Heat resistance
8. Which of the following is not in the combination of a composite material?



d.None of the above

9. Coating over a surface helps for



c.Better appearance

d.All the above

10. Coating over a surface helps for better corrosion.

a. Yes
b. No
11. Composite coating protects a surface from

b.UV rays
c.Both a & b

d.None of the above

12. Coating over a surface has multiple layers.

a. Yes
b. No
13. Which of the following is not the method of coating over a surface?



d.All the above

14. Delamination of coating surface is a major limitation on composite coating.

a. Yes
b. No
15. Composite painting protects a surface from

b.UV rays

c.Both a & b

d.None of the above

16. Which of the following painting method will be efficient for uneven composite surface?




d.none of the above

17. Which of the following is not in the stages of coating/panting over a composite material?



c.Both a&b

d.None of the above

18. Coating over a composite surface helps for

a.Insulation of surface

b.Increasing life

c.Adding colour

d.All the above

19. Excess putty or paint used to fill holes can be removed by

a.Putty knife

b.Sand paper

c.Both a&b

d.None of the above

20. In general the time taken for the painted composite surface to dry

a. Less than an hour

b. Two to three hours
c. Twenty four hours
d. None of the above

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