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Eadly Ardens: Extra: Natural Items 5E

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Deadly Gardens

Extra: Natural ITems 5e

By Russ Brown, Ismael Alvarez

Jordan Vieira (order #8237785)

Deadly GardensExtra: Natural Items 5e
By Russ Brown and Ismael Alavarez

Introduction Creature Type Skill

Welcome to Deadly Gardens Extra: Natural Items Aberrations Intelligence (Investigation)
5E. We are excited to bring this series to the 5th Beasts Intelligence (Nature)
Edition Fantasy ruleset! Deadly Gardens is a series Celestials Intelligence (Religion)
of short PDF documents that each feature a brand
new plant monster to use in your 5th Edition Fantasy Constructs Intelligence (Arcana)
games. In addition to a new monster, each volume Dragons Intelligence (Arcana)
also features supplemental material that involves the Elementals Intelligence (Arcana)
theme of plants or nature.
Fey Intelligence (Nature)
As part of that supplemental material we have
introduced the concept of natural items - objects Fiends Intelligence (Religion)
that can be harvested from the strange plants and Giants Intelligence (History)
creatures that adventurers encounter on their
Humanoids Intelligence (History)
journeys. Natural items will be included in multiple
volumes over the course of the PDF series. Rather Monstrosities Intelligence (Arcana)
than reprinting the rules for natural items in all those Oozes Intelligence (Investigation)
volumes, and asking our customers to pay for the
Plants Intelligence (Nature)
same content multiple times, we are placing the rules
in this extra document. This document is available Undead Intelligence (Religion)
to download for free and will be bundled with all
volumes of the Deadly Gardens series that feature Harvesting Natural Items
natural items. Also just to provide an example of these Harvesting a natural item from a creature requires
rules in action we are including two new natural an Intelligence or skill check. The skill used is based
items; Cockatrice Tongue and Mimic Adhesive. on the creature’s type and is specified on the table
provided. For example, Intelligence (Nature) is used
for plants or Intelligence (Arcana) for monstrosities.
Natural Items The DC to successfully harvest a natural item is 10 +
the challenge rating of the creature.
Natural Items are rare and unusual objects that
have been harvested from plants, beasts or other Using Natural Items
monsters. Typical natural items are portions of a Unless otherwise specified, using a natural item
plant’s or creature’s anatomy that give the creature takes up your action.
its unusual powers or abilities, such as the glowing
glands of a fire beetle.

This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL).

Product Identity: The following items are identified as Product Identity, as defined by the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e) and are not open content: All proper names, dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork and trade

Open Content: Except material designated as Product Identity above, the game mechanics of this product are Open Game
Content, as defined by the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d).

Deadly Gardens, Extra: Natural Items 5E is published by Rusted Iron Games under the Open Game License version 1.0a ©
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Rusted Iron Games, the Rusted Iron Games Logo and the RIG logo are © 2016 Rusted Iron
Some artwork © The Forge Studios, used with permission.

The 5th Edition Fantasy logo was created by Fat Goblin Games and is free to use - which is awesome, thanks guys!

Jordan Vieira (order #8237785)

Deadly Gardens

Alchemical Preservation
Many natural items are perishable and will quickly
decay and become useless after a short period of
time unless they are somehow preserved. Luckily,
industrious alchemists have developed a process
for preserving such items. Alchemically preserving
a natural item costs 10 gp in reagents and requires
a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Alchemically
preserved items will last indefinitely.
saving throws against petrification and paralysis for 1
Natural Item Descriptions
Each specific natural item has an entry with the
following elements. Mimic Adhesive
Source and Harvest The creature from which the item
can be harvested and the skill and DC required. Source Mimic; Harvest Intelligence (Arcana) DC 12
Yield The number of items or doses that can be Yield 1 dose + 1 dose for every 5 that the harvest skill
harvested from each source creature. check exceeds the DC; Price 25 gp; Weight ½ lb.
Price and Weight The price and weight of the item. Since mimic adhesive breaks down shortly after the
Description This is the description of the items unusual creature dies, it must be quickly preserved with a
properties. Intelligence (Arcana) check or some other means such
as a specimen jar. Mimic adhesive can be used as a glue
setting up in 1 round. It has hardness 3 and a single dose
Cockatrice Tongue has 5 hit points. It will remain in place until destroyed
or dissolved with strong alcohol.
Source Cockatrice; Harvest Intelligence (Arcana) DC 11
Yield 1 tongue; Price 40 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
Cockatrice tongue braised in garlic is considered a Rusted Iron Games
delicacy in some cultures. However, the cooking process 17610 Ponderosa Ave
destroys the unique properties of the meat. Eating a Parker, CO 80134
cockatrice tongue raw grants the consumer advantage

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to Sidebar #2: Monster Lore for 5th Edition © 2015, Fat Goblin Games; Author: Troy Daniels
include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying Deadly Gardens Volume 1: Phoenix Lily. © 2015, Rusted Iron Games; Author: Russ Brown.
or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the Deadly Gardens Extra: Natural Items. © 2015, Rusted Iron Games; Author: Russ Brown.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Deadly Gardens Extra: Natural Items 5E. © 2016, Rusted Iron Games; Authors: Russ Brown, Ismael
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to Alvarez.
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Jordan Vieira (order #8237785)

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