Daily Drilling Report: Danan Oilfield Development
Daily Drilling Report: Danan Oilfield Development
Daily Drilling Report: Danan Oilfield Development
Gachsaran 1 (Cap Rock) 2412 2426.0 Anhy + Mrl + Lime + Cly + Shale Wellhead BOP Test Record
Asmari 2474 2496.0 L.st.+Anhy+Dol L.st+Arg.L.st+ Cl.st. Component Top FLG (Size/ WP) BTM FLG (Size/ WP) Component Type and Size Test Pressure
Kalhur 2548 2573.0 Arg.L.st + Anhy + Cl.st. + Dol.L.st.+ L.st+ G.Mrl + Salt Xmas Tree Annular 5k - 13-5/8" 2500
Pabdeh 2813 2816.0 Arg. Lst THS 11" 5k 13-5/8" 3k Top Rams 2-7/8" * 5" VBR, 10k - 13-5/8" 4500
Gurpi 3283 3262.0 Lst DSA Pack off Blind Rams 10k - 13-5/8" 4500
Ilam 3329 3305.0 Lst CHS 13-5/8" 3k 21-1/4" 2k Bottom Rams 5"fix, 10k - 13-5/8" 4500
Sarvak 3410 3386.0 Lst CHH 21-1/4" 2k welded Choke Manif. 10k 4500
Well TD 3509 3484.00 Lst Wear Bushing Size: 11" IN/ OUT: IN Accumulator 3K Function test
12. Cementing
21. Suspension/Abandonment
Cont. RIH f/1700 to 2637m, Confirm new 5" L.Lap @ 2637m, C.B.U., POOH to surface, work on Rotary table, perform BOP test in progress till M.N.
Next Operations
RIH w/4 1/8" R.Bit, Clean out 5" LNR & D/O CMT plug, Cont. RIH to 3484m (TD), POOH to surface, Perform scrape trip.
Operations Reference Code
MAPNA Drilling Co.
Main Activity Details
1 Rigging & Moving
2 Drilling
3 Hole Conditioning
4 Coring
5 Mud Conditiong & Circulation
5A Preparing Mud Making Mud
5B Displacing the Hole Displacing the well with new mud
5C Mud Circulation Circulation of mud to clean the hole, allow cuttings to reach to surface, etc.
5D Mud Condition Circulation of mud in order to treat the mud condition working on mud properties
5E Loss Control All Activities Associated With Circulate and Condition due to lost circulation
5F Pit Management Cleaning pits, Transferring mud between pits (if cannot be done while doing other operations)
6 Trips
7 Rig Services
8 Slip & Cut Drilling Line
9 Deviation Survey
10 Wireline Logging
11 Running Casing/ Liner
12 Cementing
13 Nipple up/ down
14 BOP Test
15 Formation Testing
16 Directional Drilling
17 Well Completion
18 Perforation
19 Stimulation
20 Production & Well Testing
21 Suspension/ Abandonment
22 NPT
22A Waiting on Client
22B Waiting on EPD Contractor
22C Waiting on Service Company
22D Waiting on Rig Contractor
22E Stuck
22F Fishing and milling All preparing, assembling of fishing equipment to recover of junks or fish from a wellbore
22G Side-Tracking All operations related to Sidetracking Original Hole to Bypass a Fish (using cement plug or whipstock)
22H Well Control Issue
22I Washout Including trip out and trip in until reaching previous depth
22J String Plug Including trip out and trip in until reaching previous depth
22K Rig Repair
22L Wait On Weather
22M Force Majeure Other Force Majeures out of Client and Operator's Control
22N Other Down Hole Problem NPTs which is not within the above mentioned Categories
23 Others