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Manual Handling Worksheet

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Manual Handling

Moving loads using physical force is called manual handling. It causes nearly a
third of all reportable accidents. Manual handling activities should be avoided
where possible and risk assessments done wherever they have to be carried out.
Any manual handling should be made safer by adopting suitable controls.

What is manual handling?

Manual handling is the use of the body to lift, carry, push or pull a load.
List any significant manual handling tasks here:

You should complete the manual handling assessment form on the following pages for each identified task.

What injuries are caused by manual handling?

Manual handling can cause injury in the short term through accidents, or longer term damage
from bad handling techniques.
Short term injuries include bruises, cuts, hernias, sprained and inflamed tendons, sprained
ligaments, ruptured discs, trapped nerves, and crushed fingers and feet and broken bones.
Longer term damage often leads to persistent back injuries.

How do I plan effective manual handling procedures?

You need to consider four factors:
1. the nature of the task itself;
2. the weight and type of load being moved;
3. the ability of the individual person carrying out the task;
4. the environment in which the activity is being carried out.

How can we prevent injuries from occurring?

AVOID – The most effective way of preventing injuries is to remove the hazard— i.e. remove the
need to carry out any manual handling. For example you may be able to use an automated aid
such as a trolley or lift. Any alternative means of moving objects must also be assessed and
controlled to ensure that they do not cause any new significant hazards.
ASSESS – Any manual handling tasks that cannot be avoided must be properly assessed
to ensure that remaining risk factors are all reduced by using adequate controls. You can
photocopy the Activity assessment sheets for each task identified.
REDUCE – Can loads be made smaller, can lifting distances or heights be reduced, should
come tasks be done by two people, what action can you take to lessen manual handing tasks?
Manual Handling Assessment Form
Activity assessment
Describe the Manual Handling activity here:

Does it involve: Yes No
Holding away from the body
Twisting stooping or reaching
Large vertical movement
Long distance
Strenuous effort
Are there rest breaks?

Can you: Yes no

Use a lifting aid
Improve the workplace layout
Reduce the amount of twisting etc
Avoid lifting from the floor
Reduce carrying distance
Avoid repetition
Vary the work
Push rather than pull
Provide rest periods

The size, weight and stability of the load and the frequency of handling are key risk factors.
Description Weight

1. Reduce the size and weight of the loads to make handling easier. Ask your suppliers if they
can provide items in smaller quantities.
2. Make loads easier to grasp by providing straps under the load, or handles. Increase the
stability of the loads which may move suddenly and unpredictably by using baffles in container
of liquids, or additional packing / stiffening around awkwardly shaped items in packing boxes.
3. Wear suitable personal protective equipment such as non-slip gloves, safety footwear or
4. Make sure that any carrying equipment is designed to the maximum working load’s weight.
How do you make sure that staff are aware of the weight of the load carried for this particular

How do you ensure the load is stable?

What measures do you use to make the load easier to carry ?

Smaller loads
Personal protective clothing:

This is the area where the manual handling task is carried out, including the space available, the
floor condition,
lighting, changes in levels and weather conditions.

Before you lift any load:

1. Check the surrounding area. Ensure the flooring is level and free from slip/trip hazards, there
is adequate lighting and the temperature/humidity is suitable.
2. Remove any obstructions and ensure that there is enough space.

Describe the immediate area that the activity takes place in:

List the checks on the immediate environment that staff make prior to undertaking this manual
handling activity:
Safety point Why? What do you do?
The ability to carry out Employees who are How do you make sure that individuals are able to
manual handling unfit are more likely carry out the manual handling activities required
safely varies between to suffer from a back by their role?
individuals. injury when carrying
out manual handling
1. Do not allow staff to tasks. Some staff
carry out manual may have medical
handling tasks unless conditions such as
they have been long standing back
adequate trained. ache, arthritic knees
and hips etc., or be
unfit making them
unable to perform
manual handling
techniques correctly.

2. Ensure employees
know they must
inform you of their How do staff report health or capability issues to
capabilities. For you?
example if they have a
health problem or
are pregnant they will be
at higher risk of

You must train staff The instruction and What training on manual handling tasks do you
on the safe systems training should provide?
you have developed be related to the
for carrying out all specific tasks in
significant manual the employees’ job
handling activities in and should include
your workplace. supervised practice
in the workplace.

All staff including Senior This is because they What training do senior and supervising staff
Managers should attend are responsible for receive?
practical manual the manual handling
handling training even systems and proper
if they do not do ’hands supervision of staff
on’ work themselves. practice.

Where do you keep records of manual handling


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