SGV - CREATE Bill Dec 14 2020
SGV - CREATE Bill Dec 14 2020
SGV - CREATE Bill Dec 14 2020
14 December 2020
• Atty. Fabian Delos Santos is the Firm’s Head of Tax Services. He is also a Global Compliance
Reporting (GCR), Private Client Services (PCS) and Business Tax Services (BTS) Partner of SGV
& Co.
• He is a CPA Lawyer and has been in the tax practice for more than 30 years.
• He provides tax, corporate and business advisory services to numerous clients and successfully
structured transactions of companies in diverse industries.
• He led the tax practice in the various SGV Branch Offices in Davao, Cebu, General Santos,
Fabian K Delos Santos Cagayan de Oro, etc.
Partner, Head of Tax Services
• Fabian graduated from New Era University with a degree of BS Business Administration major
+63 2 891 0307 loc. 8219
in Accountancy and placed 6th in the 1989 CPA Board Exam. He completed his Bachelor of Laws
from San Beda College Manila.
+63 920 961 8324
+63 917 894 8219 • He completed Leading Professional Service Firms Program in Harvard Business School,
Cambridge Massachusetts.
Page 2 #SGVforABetterPhilippines
Tax Reform Package 2
Transmitted to the HR
If Interest Income
Tax is adjusted in
the future, the
rate shall be
*applicable only when the MCIT is greater than the tax due for the taxable year.
1. The domestic corporation holds directly at least 20% of the outstanding shares of the
foreign corporation and has held the shareholdings for 2 years at the time of dividend
2. Funds are reinvested in the business operations of the domestic corporation in the
3. Reinvested within the next taxable year from the time the dividends were received; and
Page 12 #SGVforABetterPhilippines
Imposition of improperly accumulated earnings tax (IAET)
Additional deduction of ½ of the value of labor training expenses incurred for skills
development of enterprise-based trainees enrolled in public senior high schools,
public higher education institutions or public technical and vocational institutions
covered by an Apprenticeship Agreement under the Labor Code.
Enterprise shall secure proper certification from DepEd, TESDA, or CHED for
enterprise-based training of students from public educational institutions.
Page 15 #SGVforABetterPhilippines
Section 40(C)(2)
►Merger or Consolidation
►Further Control
2 The transferee exchanges its shares of stock for property/ies of the transferor
The transferor/s, collectively, gains or maintains 51% of the total voting power of all classes
4 of stock of the transferee corporation after the transfer of property
House and lot and other residential dwellings - P4,200,000 and below
BEGINNING 1 JANUARY 2024 AND every 3 years thereafter, the amount stated shall be adjusted to its present value
* Socialized Subdivision Project – ranges from Php480,000 to Php580,000 depending on the area
Socialized Condominium Project - ranges from Php600,000 to Php750,000 depending on the location and area
Capital equipment, its spare parts and • DTI Certification that such equipment, spare parts
raw materials, necessary for the or raw materials for importation are:
production of personal protective • Not locally available or insufficient in quantity; or
equipment components for COVID-19 • Not in accordance with the quality or
prevention specification required
*Exemption claimed shall be subject to post audit by BIR and BOC as may be applicable
16 June 2016 6 October 2017 9 January 2019 16 January 2019 15 February 2019
Page 26
Update on Custom Issuances of Audit Notification Letters
Industries Covered
Page 27
Post Clearance Audit Process
90 days - PDP
Page 28
Penalties and interests
The following penalties shall be imposed on any deficiency duties and taxes determined through a PCA.
2 Degrees of Culpability
Page 29
Thank You!
Page 30
About the speaker
• Atty. Cheryl Ong is the Firm’s Philippine Champion for Quantitative Services which is geared
towards helping investors maximize fiscal incentives. She is also a Private Client Services (PCS)
and Business Tax Services (BTS) Partner of SGV & Co.
• She has been assisting multinational clients for over 12 years in relation to different types of
Business Tax Services.
• She specializes in providing business tax advisory services to companies in various industries.
Her competencies also include assistance in handling tax audits, corporate restructuring, and
corporate registrations with government agencies, among others.
Cheryl Edeline C. Ong
Partner, Business Tax Services • Cheryl graduated from the University of San Carlos with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Accountancy, magna cum laude. She completed her Bachelor of Laws, cum laude, from the
Landline University of Cebu. She is a CPA-lawyer.
+63 2 891 0307 loc. 3014
Mobile • She holds a Certification in Executive Development Program from the Wharton School of
+63 998 962 1593
Domestic Export
any enterprise other than
export enterprise
Strategic export
Industries export
Domestic Enterprise –
Strategic Industries
ITH SCIT Export Enterprise
Domestic Enterprise –
2 Strategic Industries or
Enhanced deductions* Industries
Export Enterprise
*at the option of the registered enterprises
Industry Tier
NCR and other metropolitan areas*
A (14) B1 (15) B2 (16)
* Metropolitan areas refer to Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, Metro Davao or those LGUs which are later qualified or grouped as such by NEDA or through
laws or executive issuance.
** Less Developed Areas refer to localities with a low per capita GDP, low level of investments, high rate of unemployment and/or underemployment,
low level of infrastructure development with limited accessibility to developed urban centers as determined by NEDA.
(I) (II)
ITH + SCIT incentives Enhanced
Category SCIT Total
ITH duration (Total
duration in duration in duration
in years
years* years in years)
4 10 14 14
5 10 15 15
6 10 16 16
7 10 17 17
► A qualified expansion or entirely new project or activity registered may qualify to avail of a new set
of incentives and its period of availment, subject to the qualifications in the SIPP and performance
review by the FIRB.
► 5% shall be imposed on the gross income earned, in lieu of all national local taxes effective
1 July 2020.
► Allocation of 5% SCIT
► 3% - share of the national government
► 2% - share of the LGU which has jurisdiction over the place of the registered activity of the
registered business enterprise outside ecozones and freeports.
► If applicable, the shares of the LGUs and the IPAs under their governing special laws (e.g.
Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan; Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Freeport
Authority) shall be observed and shall not result in the diminution of their respective shares.
Depreciation allowance
Additional 10% for buildings
This is only limited to assets that are directly
related to the production of goods and Additional 20% for machineries
services other than administrative and and equipment
support services.
R&D costs
Training expense
Reinvestment allowance to
manufacturing industry Maximum 50% of reinvested
Reinvestment in any of the projects or (within five years from time of reinvestment)
activities listed in the SIPP
For 10 years:
Granted with ITH and 5% GIT after ITH
(regardless of number of years enjoying GIT) 5% GIT
After the expiration of the transitory period, the export enterprises registered
prior to the effectivity of the CREATE shall have the option to reapply and avail
of the tax incentives under Section 294 (B) (i.e., SCIT ) and may still be
extended for a certain period not exceeding 10 years at any one time, subject to
the conditions and qualifications under the SIPP and performance review by the
Thereafter, it may reapply and avail of the 5% SCIT for 10 years and may still be
extended to a certain period not exceeding 10 years, at any one time, subject
to the conditions and qualifications under the SIPP and performance review
by the FIRB.
Incentives CREATE
Customs incentives
Customs Duty Exemption for ► Directly and exclusively used in the registered activity
Capital Equipment, ► Part of the direct cost
Raw Materials, ► Not produced or manufactured domestically in sufficient quantity or
Spare Parts and Accessories of comparable quality and at reasonable prices
► IPA approval prior to the importation is secured
Incentives CREATE
Customs incentives
• With prior approval from the IPA - Payment of duties on the imported items is required.
For sale or transfer to enterprise not availing of duty exemption, the taxes and duties shall be based on the net
book value.
Donation to TESDA among others is exempt from duties and taxes including donor’s tax.
• Without prior approval from the IPA - RBE, vendee, transferee or assignee shall be solidarily liable to pay twice the
amount of the duty exemption that should have been paid during its importation.
Incentives CREATE
VAT incentives
2. Craft the appropriate financial support package for a highly desirable project or specific
industrial activity
Financial support includes utilization of government resources such as land use, water appropriation, power
provision, budgetary support provision under the annual general appropriations act, and the like.
The grant of ITH shall not exceed 8 years and thereafter, 5% SCIT may be granted provided that
the total period of incentive availment shall not exceed 40 years.
1. The project has a comprehensive sustainable development plan with clear inclusive business
approaches high level of sophistication and innovations; and
2. Minimum Investment Capital of Php 50 Billion or its equivalent in US dollars OR a minimum direct local
employment generation of at least 10,000 within 3 years from the issuance of the Certificate of
Entitlement. The threshold shall be subject to a periodic review by FIRB every 3 years.
• If the project fails to substantially meet the projected impact on the economy and agreed performance
target, the FIRB shall recommend to the president the cancellation of the tax incentive or financial
support package or the modified period or manner of availment of incentives, after due hearing and an
adequate opportunity to substantially comply with the agreed performance targets and outputs.
• Failure to promulgate the rules and regulations shall not prevent the
implementation of this Act upon its effectivity.
Our insights and quality services help empower businesses and the economy,
while simultaneously nurturing our people and strengthening our communities.
All this leads to building a better Philippines, and a better working world.
SGV & Co. is a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited.
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the
member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal
entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee,
does not provide services to clients.
This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is
not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice.
Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.