Process Design: Key Questions
Process Design: Key Questions
Process Design: Key Questions
Key questions
In Chapter 1 we described how all operations consist of a
❯ What is process design? collection of processes (though these processes may be called
❯ What should be the objectives of ‘units’ or ‘departments’) that interconnect with each other
process design? to form an internal network. Each process acts as a smaller
version of the whole operation of which they form a part, and
❯ How do volume and variety transformed resources flow between them. We also defined
affect process design?
a process as ‘an arrangement of resources and activities
❯ How are processes designed in that transform inputs into outputs that satisfy (internal or
detail? external) customer needs’. They are the ‘building blocks’ of
all operations, and as such they play a vital role in how well
operations operate. This is why process design is so important.
Unless its individual processes are well designed, an operation
as a whole will not perform as well as it could. And operations
managers are at the forefront of how processes are designed.
In fact all operations managers are designers. When they
purchase or rearrange the position of a piece of equipment,
or when they change the way of working within a process,
it is a design decision because it affects the physical shape
and nature of their processes, as well as its performance. This
chapter examines the design of processes. Figure 6.1 shows
where this topic fits within the overall model of operations
Operations Develop
Design Design
Process Layout
design and flow Deliver
Process People in
technology operations
● Design is the activity which shapes the physical form and purpose of both products and
services and the processes that produce them.
● The design activity is more likely to be successful if the complementary activities of product
or service design and process design are coordinated.
● The overall purpose of process design is to meet the needs of customers through achieving
appropriate levels of quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost.
● The design activity must also take account of environmental issues. These include exam-
ination of the source and suitability of materials, the sources and quantities of energy
consumed, the amount and type of waste material, the life of the product itself, and the
end-of-life state of the product.
● The overall nature of any process is strongly influenced by the volume and variety of what it
has to process.
● The concept of process types summarizes how volume and variety affect overall process
● In manufacturing, these process types are (in order of increasing volume and decreasing
variety) project, jobbing, batch, mass and continuous processes. In service operations,
although there is less consensus on the terminology, the terms often used (again in order of
increasing volume and decreasing variety) are professional services, service shops and mass
● Processes are designed initially by breaking them down into their individual activities.
Often common symbols are used to represent types of activity. The sequence of activities in
a process is then indicated by the sequence of symbols representing activities. This is called
‘process mapping’. Alternative process designs can be compared using process maps and
improved processes considered in terms of their operations performance objectives.
● Process performance in terms of throughput time, work-in-progress and cycle time is
related by a formula known as Little’s law: throughput time equals work-in-progress multi-
plied by cycle time.
● Variability has a significant effect on the performance of processes, particularly the relation-
ship between waiting time and utilization.
The Action Response Applications
Processing Unit (ARAPU)
Action Response is a London-based charity dedicated to
providing fast responses to critical situations through-
out the world. It was founded by Susan N'tini, its Chief
Executive, to provide relatively short-term aid for small
projects until it could obtain funding from larger donors.